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71.Their only son has never thoughtto leave them and strike out(独立) on his own

though he is in his late twenties.

72.Before you take any action, please remember to weigh(权衡) your decision against

(在---之前、反对)its possible consequences(后果)

73.He assured(自信、保险) his friend that under no circumstances(情况、机遇) would

he break(打破、违反) his promise to pay back(退还) the money

74.Most educators advise that kids should not be addicted to(沉溺于) computer games.

75.Business major as he is, he has never considered working as a salesman(推销员).

76.How long does a jacket like this last me? This depends on(取决于、依靠) how often

you wear it

77.The theory he advanced has proved (to be )a challenge to many traditional notions


78.The manager should have been able to attend the meeting in person(亲自), but he

was called away for some urgent(紧急) business abroad.

79.Both research and practical(研究和实践) experience have shown that a balanced

diet(平衡饮食) is necessary is good health

80.Much to my regretful as I felt, I was unable to finish the work on time(准时).

81.With the oil prices ever rising,she tried to talk him into(说服---做) stopping

buying a car

82.Keeping a sense of humor(保持幽默感) helps to reduce stress and promote creative

thinking(创造性思维) in today's(当今) competitive society(竞争激烈的社会).

83.When confronted(面对) with the evidence, he had to confess(承认、悔过) his crime

84.When people say,"I can feel my ears burning(烧灼),"it means they think someone

must be talking about(谈论) them behind(在—之后) their back

85.She has decided to go on(继续) a diet(节食),but finds it hard to resist(抵

制) thetemptation(诱惑) of ice-cream

86.He designed(设计) the first suspension(悬浮、吊)bridge , which made a perfect

combination(联合)of beauty and function(功能)

87.It was very dark, but Mary seemed to know which way(那条路) to take instinctively


88.I don’t think it advisable(明智的、可取的) that parents (should) deprive(剥

夺) children of their freedom to spend their spare time(闲暇时间) as they wish.

89.Older adults(老年人)who have a high level of daily activities(日常活动) have

more energy and a lower death rate(死忙率) compared with relatively inactive (相对不活动的) people

90.Your resume(简历、重新取得) should attract a would-be boss’s attention by

demonstrating(示范、展示) why you would be the best candidate(求职者)

91.We can say a lot of things about those who dedicate(奉献)their whole life to poems

(诗)they are passionate(激情), impulsive(冲动), and unique.

92.Mary couldn’t have received my letter, otherwise, she would have replied to me last


93.Nancy is supposed to(应该是) have finished the chemistry(化学) experiment at

least(至少)two weeks ago.

94.Never once(从来没有一次) have the old couple quarreled with each other(互相

吵架) since they were married 40 years ago.

95.To a great extent(很大程度上) ,the future prosperity of a country depends onthe

quality of education of its people.

96.But for(要不是) mobile phones, our communication would not have been so efficient

and convenient.
