


F inancing Difficulties and Structural


Characteristics of SMEs in China

作者Yanzhong Wang发表日期2004


China & World Economy论文页码Vol. 12 No. 2, 2004期刊名称


China’s reform and opening-up policy has created a good environment for the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially the burgeoning SMEs in the private sector. In the meantime, SMEs have been playing an important role in China’s economic reform and development and, to some extent, have become a growth engine in the

Chinese economy. However, SMEs are still facing many financial difficulties due to various reasons, such as lagging in the banking system, an inadequate financial structure, lack of a guarantee system, etc. This paper will analyze the structural roots of SMEs financing difficulties and put forward possible measures to mitigate such financing obstacles

Since China’s reform and opening up, the market-oriented reform of the country’seconomic system has gradually engendered labor and capital markets, which have promoted an organic combination of rich labor resources and increasingly expandedcapital resources. The development of SMEs, especially the sharp rise in non-stateownedand non-public-owned enterprises, have provided a vast space and permanent vehicle for this type of combination. Although the overall size of the state-owned economy is still increasing in terms of number of enterprises and developmentalpotential, non-state-owned SMEs have become a main part of the Chinese economy and played an increasingly important role in the national economy and social development.

With the rapid growth of the Chinese economy, many kinds of SMEs have been established and gradually developed. In 1980, the number of industrial enterprises at the level of collective township and village enterprises and above (excluding village and family enterprises), was about 377,300. Among them were 1,400 large enterprises, 3,400 medium enterprises and 372, 500 small enterprises, about 0.37, 0.90 and 98.73 percent of all firms respectively ( National Bureau of Statistics, 1981, p. 204). In the same year, China had 1.81 million commercial enterprises (including private businesses), more than 99 percent of which were SMEs. The number of individually owned enterprises was 686,000. The Chinese economy experienced rapid growth in the 1980s, and there was a tremendous boost in the number of SMEs. In 1990, the total number of industrial enterprises reached 7,957,800. The proportions of large, medium and small enterprises were 0.95, 2.27 and 96.78 percent respectively.1 The significant increase in the number of SMEs reflects the objective reality of its fast development at the time. Apart from an increase in industrial enterprises, the number of construction, commercial, food-and-beverage and service enterprises all increased by over 300 percent over 1980 (NBS, 1991, p. 16-17). In the 1990s, the Chinese economy maintained a trend of steady and rapid growth and the overall scale of the economy continued to expand. According to the new standards on the scale of industrial enterprises carried out in 1998, there were 7,864 large enterprises, 14, 371 medium enterprises and 139,798 small enterprises – about 4.85, 8.87 and 86.28 percent of all firms respectively (NBS, 2000, p. 412-413). Compared to figures from 1980 and 1990, while there was an increase

in the proportion of large and medium-sized enterprises, the proportion of small enterprises decreased by 10 percent. There were several reasons for this: (1) Large and medium-sized enterprises increased their scale after the structural adjustment, merge and acquisition; (2) With the improvement of the enterprise differentiation standard, a great number of SMEs could not be brought into the statistical category due to their small scale. The number of SMEs decreased (the statistics for the number of firms in 1999 was 38.9

percent of the 1990 figure) and, naturally, the proportion of large and medium-sized enterprises increased; (3) Since the mid-1990s, China has switched from a shortage economy to a buyer’s market. The expansion of the opening-up policy and the Asian economic crisis exposed Chinese enterprises to more ardent international competition. Due to the system reforms, the number of state-owned SMEs was cut down largely. Many non-state-owned SMEs also left the market for many reasons, including the pressures of environmental protection, capital difficulties, increased tax burden and fierce market competition. On the whole, it is already difficult to maintain the previous growth momentum in the number of SMEs as seen in the 1980s and 1990s. Since the late 1970s, the reform and opening-up policy and objective terms of the phase of economic take-off have provided a good external environment for the development of SMEs. Therefore, the increasing number and variety of emerging SMEs not only impelled the development of local and national economies, but also became an important indicator for a boost in the Chinese economy. Today, SMEs are getting stronger and continue to contribute to the development of

Chinese society and economy. They exert the same function as SMEs in other countries, which is mainly expressed by promoting employment, technological innovation, training of entrepreneurs, developing international economic relationships, accelerating market competition, maintaining economic vitality, and so on. Comparatively speaking, the special nature of Chinese SMEs manifests their specific influence on the transition of China’s economic system and social structure. For example, the development of non-public-owned SMEs not only changes the enterprise ownership structure, but also lays an important foundation in the process of developing China’s market economy. At present, the number

of non-public-owned Chinese enterprises far exceeds the number of state-owned firms. Excluding over 20 million individually-owned enterprises, the proportion of formally registered non-state-owned legal entities grew from 26.1 to 59.5 percent between 1996 and 2001 (Table

2). The proportion of non-state-owned enterprises also far surpassed state-owned ones. According to the statistics on industrial value-added output, in the first three months of 2003, the state-owned and collective economy fell to 30 percent, while the non-publicowned economy jumped to 70 percent.

Since China’s reform and opening up, SMEs have gradually enjoyed a healthy external environment for development. By reforming the system of a planned economy, the nation relaxed its limitations on the development of SMEs so that urban collective enterprises, township and village enterprises, individual businesses, private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises and joint ventures could rapidly develop. Regarding the various forms of SME ownership, different development policies were adopted. For state-owned SMEs, from its efforts to “decentralize authority to release benefits” (fangquan rangli) in 1978 to “grasp the large and let go of the small” (zhuada fangxiao) adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Comm ittee in 1995, the government’s policy has focused on reforming the old system which did not adapt to the demand of a market economy. In the mid-1990s, China adopted the policy of “deregulation to render agile” (fangkai gaohuo) and privatization policy for small-sized state-owned enterprises. Many state-owned and collective SMEs reinforced their competitive activities through reform and “privatization”, which transformed the system of property rights and management. As for non-state-owned SMEs, China mainly adopted policies of relaxing policy restrictions, granting political acceptance and financial support, and gradually established a market environment of fair competition andSince the mid-1990s, developing SMEs has been an important strategy in China.

The Asian financial crisis of 1997 made the Chinese government and academic circles completely rethink the shortcomings of the simplistic strategy that relied on large enterprises. The government and its institutions came to

recognize the need to stress the development of SMEs. Later, a unified administrative framework for all types of SMEs began to take shape. Because of the successive governmental institution reform in 1998, some government departments of various industries were incorporated into

the State Economic and Trade Commission.2 At the same time, a SME department was established in the State Economic and Trade Commission, the highest-level comprehensive management department in charge of reform and development policy of SMEs. Since the trend for the township industry to transform into an urban one is growing, the management of the village and township industry will be gradually consolidated with urban management. Government departments at different levels gradually adopted some accommodating policies to begin building a specialized support service system. From 1999, the Ministry of Finance and other departments started to actively establish a SMEs loan guarantee system. By 2001, they published some laws and regulations, such as the Provisional Regulation of SME Credit Guarantee System and Management Methods of Credit Guarantees for SMEs.3 By the end of 2000, 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China had opened pilot sites for

the SME credit-guarantee system, established more than 200 credit-guarantee institutions, raised a guarantee fund of 10 billion yuan, and put forth an important effort to improve the credit environment for SME development. The Ministry of Science and Technology provides 10 billion yuan per year to build venture capital funds for hitech enterprises. Shanghai established the Shanghai SMEs Service Center, which released 13.9 million yuan in credit to 11 SMEs from June to September 1998 (Yao Jun, 1999). The Shanghai Branch of the China Industrial and Commercial Bank set up SME credit departments and took 10 measures to support SMEs. By April 1999, it had shelledout about 300 million yuan in credit to SMEs.4

Throughout the reform process and especially in recent years, China has begun placing an emphasis on the issue of supporting SME development. But there are still many problems in the relevant policies. First of all, China lacks a long-term, systematic, unified and relatively independent SME development strategy and policy system. Second, the SME management system and relevant policies are inconsistent, and basic management is weak. Furthermore, since the design of the social service system is severely behind the times, the burden of taxation and quotas is heavy. Finally, without sufficient financial support for SMEs, difficulties in obtaining loans and raising funds will block SME development.








随着中国经济的快速发展,很多种类的中小企业已经成立了并逐步发展。1980年,城乡的工业企业的数量(不包括乡村和家庭企业),约是37.73万家。其中有大型企业1400家,中小型企业3400家,372500家小型企业,其所占比例分别为为0.37%,0.90%和98.73%,(国家局统计,1981年,第204页)。同年,中国有181万家商业企业(包括民营企业),超过99%是中小型企业。个体私营企业数为686,000。中国经济经历了20世纪80年代的快速增长,这极大地推动了中小企业的数量。1990年,工业企业总数量达到795.78万家。大,中,小型企业的所占比例分别为0.95%,2.27%和96.78%,中小型企业数量大幅增加,客观反映了那个时代的快速发展。除了工业企业的增加,建筑,商业,食品和饮料,服务业企业都比上世纪80年代增加了3倍(国家统计局,1991年,第16-17页)。在上世纪90年代,中国经济保持了平稳快速增长趋势,经济的总体规模继续扩大。根据1998年新发布的工业企业的规模标准,我国共有7,864家大型企业,14371家中小型企业和139798 家小型企业,所占比例分别约为4.85%,8.87%和86.28%(国家统计局,2000年,第412-413页)。与1980年相比,1990年大型和中小型企业的比例增加,而小企业数量则是减少了10%。主








财务风险管理 尽管近年来金融风险大大增加,但风险和风险管理不是当代的主要问题。全球市场越来越多的问题是,风险可能来自几千英里以外的与这些事件无关的国外市场。意味着需要的信息可以在瞬间得到,而其后的市场反应,很快就发生了。经济气候和市场可能会快速影响外汇汇率变化、利率及大宗商品价格,交易对手会迅速成为一个问题。因此,重要的一点是要确保金融风险是可以被识别并且管理得当的。准备是风险管理工作的一个关键组成部分。 什么是风险? 风险给机会提供了基础。风险和暴露的条款让它们在含义上有了细微的差别。风险是指有损失的可能性,而暴露是可能的损失,尽管他们通常可以互换。风险起因是由于暴露。金融市场的暴露影响大多数机构,包括直接或间接的影响。当一个组织的金融市场暴露,有损失的可能性,但也是一个获利或利润的机会。金融市场的暴露可以提供战略性或竞争性的利益。 风险损失的可能性事件来自如市场价格的变化。事件发生的可能性很小,但这可能导致损失率很高,特别麻烦,因为他们往往比预想的要严重得多。换句话说,可能就是变异的风险回报。由于它并不总是可能的,或者能满意地把风险消除,在决定如何管理它中了解它是很重要的一步。识别暴露和风险形式的基础需要相应的财务风险管理策略。 财务风险是如何产生的呢? 无数金融性质的交易包括销售和采购,投资和贷款,以及其他各种业务活动,产生了财务风险。它可以出现在合法的交易中,新项目中,兼并和收购中,债务融资中,能源部分的成本中,或通过管理的活动,利益相关者,竞争者,外国政府,或天气出现。当金融的价格变化很大,它可以增加成本,降低财政收入,或影响其他有不利影响的盈利能力的组织。金融波动可能使人们难以规划和预算商品和服务的价格,并分配资金。 有三种金融风险的主要来源: 1、金融风险起因于组织所暴露出来的市场价格的变化,如利率、汇率、和大宗商品价格。 2、引起金融风险的行为有与其他组织的交易如供应商、客户,和对方在金融衍生产品中的交易。 3、由于内部行动或失败的组织,特别是人、过程和系统所造成的金融风险。 什么是财务风险管理? 财务风险管理是用来处理金融市场中不确定的事情的。它涉及到一个组织所面临的评估和组织的发展战略、内部管理的优先事项和当政策一致时的财务风险。企业积极应对金融风险可以使企业成为一个具有竞争优势的组织。它还确保管理,业务人员,利益相关者,董事会董事在对风险的关键问题达成协议。金融风险管理组织就必须作出那些不被接受的有关风险的决定。那些被动不采取行动的战略是在默认情况下接受所有的风险,组织使用各种策略和产品来管理金融风险。重要的是要了解这些产品和战略方面,通过工作来减少该组织内的风险承受能力和目标范围内的风险。 风险管理的策略往往涉及衍生工具。在金融机构和有组织的交易所,衍生物广泛地进行


本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 原文: Financing of SMEs Abstract The main sources of financing for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are equity, trade credit paid on time, long and short term bank credits, delayed payment on trade credit and other debt. The marginal costs of each financing instrument are driven by asymmetric information and transactions costs associated with nonpayment. According to the Pecking Order Theory, firms will choose the cheapest source in terms of cost. In the case of the static trade-off theory, firms choose finance so that the marginal costs across financing sources are all equal, thus an additional Euro of financing is obtained from all the sources whereas under the Pecking Order Theory the source is determined by how far down the Pecking Order the firm is presently located. In this paper, we argue that both of these theories miss the point that the marginal costs are dependent of the use of the funds, and the asset side of the balance sheet primarily determines the financing source for an additional Euro. An empirical analysis on a unique dataset of Portuguese SME’s confirms that the composition of the asset side of the balance sheet has an impact of the type of financing used and the Pecking Order Theory and the traditional Static Trade-off theory are https://www.360docs.net/doc/cc3007406.html, For SME’s the main sources of financing are equity (internally generated cash), trade credit, bank credit and other debt. The choice of financing is driven by the costs of the sources which is primarily determined by costs of solving the asymmetric information problem and the expected costs associated with non-payment of debt. Asymmetric information costs arise from collecting and analysing information to support the decision of extending credit, and the non-payment costs are from


附录A:外文文献(译文) 跨国公司财务 有重大国外经营业务的公司经常被称作跨国公司或多国企业。跨国公司必须考虑许多并不会对纯粹的国内企业产生直接影响的财务因素,其中包括外币汇率、各国不同的利率、国外经营所用的复杂会计方法、外国税率和外国政府的干涉等。 公司财务的基本原理仍然适用于跨国企业。与国内企业一样,它们进行的投资项目也必须为股东提供比成本更多的收益,也必须进行财务安排,用尽可能低的成本进行融资。净现值法则同时适用于国内经营和国外经营,但是,国外经营应用净现值法则时通常更加复杂。也许跨国财务中最复杂的是外汇问题。当跨国公司进行资本预算决策或融资决策时,外汇市场能为其提供信息和机会。外汇、利率和通货膨胀三者的相互关系构成了汇率基本理论。即:购买力平价理论、利率平价理论和预测理论。 跨国公司融资决策通常要在以下三种基本方法中加以选择,我们将讨论每种方法的优缺点。 (1) 把现金由国内输出用于国外经营业务; (2) 向投资所在国借贷; (3) 向第三国借贷。 1专业术语 学习财务的学生通常会听到一个单词总在耳边嗡嗡作响:全球化( g l o b a l i z a t i o n )。学习资金市场的全球化必须首先掌握一些新的术语,以下便是在跨国财务中,还有本章中最常用到的一些术语: (1) 美国存托证(American Depository Receipt,ADR)。它是在美国发行的一种代表外国股权的证券,它使得外国股票可在美国上市交易。外国公司运用以美元发行的ADR,来扩大潜在美国投资者群体。ADR以两种形式代表大约690家外国公司:一是在某个交易所挂牌交易的ADR,称为公司保荐形式;另一种是非保荐形式,这些ADR通常由投资银行持有并为其做市。这两种形式的ADR均可由个人投资和买卖,但报纸每天只报告保荐形式

P2P 金融下的中小企业融资互联网金融外文文献翻译最新译文

文献出处: Waitz M. The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2016, 8(6): 81-91. 原文 The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance Waitz M Abstract Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. Article introduces the concept of the Internet financial, mainly summarized the P2P financial in the development of financial innovation and integration of science and technology, a combination of academic research on P2P financial now of the five directions of various views and opinions. Points out the current P2P financial problems in the development of risk control, and analyses the trend of the Internet financial. Keywords: P2P financial; Financial innovation; Risk control 1 Introduction Look from the history of enterprise development, a large enterprise originate from small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) is the most dynamic part of the national economy, often walk in the forefront of technology development, in the high-tech industry, clean energy, green economy, etc, have good performance, play an important role in the economic transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. These small and medium-sized enterprise financing environment and narrow channels, more than 60% are unable to get a bank loan. At present, science and technology enterprises and the characteristics of light assets, financing difficulties, become a huge bottleneck of sustainable development. 2 The concept of the Internet financial In the past two years, the Internet financial show explosive growth, since 2014, the Internet financial sector performance strength. Current economic field exists the phenomenon of two special contradiction, one is the small and medium-sized


中小企业融资的英文文献 Automatically translated text: The definition of lease financing Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer. It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial industry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and


CHANGZHOU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 文献综述 题目:上市公司股权融资偏好动因文献综述 二级学院(直属学部):延陵学院 专业:财务管理班级:10财Y2 学生XX:陆天祥学号:10122112 指导教师XX:冷薇薇职称:副教授 2014年月

文献综述 目前我国上市公司逐渐成为经济发展不可或缺的一个重要组成部分。研究分析上市公司资本结构与股权融资偏好的问题不仅有利于企业自身价值的提升,而且有利于整个国民经济的可持续发展。优序融资理论认为,企业选择融资方式时,应首先考虑内源融资,其次是负债融资,最后考虑股权融资。然而,我国上市公司融资时,融资方式首选股权融资,较少选择债权融资,与M y e r s 的“啄食”顺序相悖,表现出强烈的股权融资偏好。本文从国内和国外两个方面,对上市公司股权融资偏好动因进行文献综述,目的在于分析我国股权融资偏好的动因以及提出相应的优化建议,以期对我国上市公司融资行为有所帮助。 一、国外相关文献综述 多年来国外不少学者对影响资本结构的因素和决定融资偏好的条件进行了研究,其中有代表性的有Miller(1997)、Timan和Wessels(1998)、Rajan和Zingalas (1995)等人的研究。。 1、Miller(1997)在《负债与税收》一文中,引入了个人所得税,研究公司税,个人所得税以及债务增加三者之间的关系,米勒模型的结论主要为:一是公司的资本结构与相应的政策有关。如果有应税所得,债务增加将减少公司支付的税收,二是个人所得税会在一定程度上抵消债务的税收收益,从而公司会拒绝无限制地增加债务。 2、Marsh(1982)以1959-1974年间以现金方式发行股票和债券的企业为样本,分析了公司融资工具的选择。其研究结论是长期负债目标水平受到经营风险、公司规模、资产构成的影响。 3、Timan和Wessels(1998)收集了1974-1982年间的以469家企业为样本的


外文文献翻译 Commercial Bank Risk Management : An Analysis of the Process

外文文献: Commercial Bank Risk Management: An Analysis of the Process Abstract Throughout the past year, on-site visits to financial service firms were conducted to review and evaluate their financial risk management systems. The commercial banking analysis covered a number of North American super-regionals and quasi±money-center institutions as well as several firms outside the U.S. The information obtained covered both the philosophy and practice of financial risk management. This article outlines the results of this investigation. It reports the state of risk management techniques in the industry. It reports the standard of practice and evaluates how and why it is conducted in the particular way chosen. In addition, critiques are offered where appropriate. We discuss the problems which the industry finds most difficult to address, shortcomings of the current methodology used to analyze risk, and the elements that are missing in the current procedures of risk management. 1. Introduction The past decade has seen dramatic losses in the banking industry. Firms that had been performing well suddenly announced large losses due to credit exposures that turned sour, interest rate positions taken, or derivative exposures that may or may not have been assumed to hedge balance sheet risk. In response to this, commercial banks have almost universally embarked upon an upgrading of their risk management and control systems. Coincidental to this activity, and in part because of our recognition of the industry's vulnerability to financial risk, the Wharton Financial Institutions Center, with the support of the Sloan Foundation, has been involved in an analysis of financial risk management processes in the financial sector. Through the past academic year, on-site visits were conducted to review and evaluate the risk management systems and the process of risk evaluation that is in place. In the banking sector, system evaluation was conducted covering many of North America's


淮阴工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院: 专业: 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Facts for You (用外文写) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 中小型企业融资决策 企业的产生、生存及发展均离不开投资与融资活动。随着我国加入WTO 组织,市场经济体制的逐步完善,金融市场的快速发展,投资与融资效率也越来越成为企业发展的关键。对于中小型企业而言,应要根据自身发展需求,认真考虑如何选择自己需要和适合自己发展阶段的融资方式以及各种融资方式的利用时机、条件、成本和风险,确定合适的融资规模以及制定最佳融资期限等问题。要解决这些问题,需要中小型企业制定适当的融资策略,以作出最优化的融资决策。 一、企业融资决策概述 (一)企业融资决策概述 企业融资决策,是企业根据其价值创造目标需要,利用一定时机与渠道,采取经济有效的融资工具,为公司筹集所需资金的一种市场行为。它不仅改变了公司的资产负债结构,而且影响了企业内部管理、经营业绩、可持续发展及价值增长。典型的融资决策包括出售何种债务和股权(融资方式)、如何确定所要出售债务和股权的价值(融资成本)、何时出售些债务和股权(融资时机)等等。而其中最主要的包括融资规模的决策和融资方式的决策。融资规模应为企业完成资金使用目的的最低需要量。而企业的融资方式则多种多样,常见的以下几种: 1.财政融资。财政融资方式从融出的角度来讲,可分为:预算内拨款、财政贷款、通过授权机构的国有资产投资、政策性银行贷款、预算外专项建设基金、财政补贴。 2.银行融资。从资金融出角度即银行的资金运用来说,主要是各种代款,例如:信用贷款、抵押贷款、担保贷款、贴现贷款、融资租凭、证券投资。 3.商业融资。其方式也是多种多样,主要包括商品交易过程中各企业间发生的赊购商品、预收货款等形式。


财务报表分析外文文献及翻译 LNTU---Acc 附录A 财务报表分析的杠杆左右以及如何体现盈利性和值比率 摘要 关键词:财政杠杆;运营债务杠杆;股本回报率;值比率 传统观点认为,杠杆效应是从金融活动中产生的:公司通过借贷来增加运营的资金。 杠杆作用的衡量标准是负债总额与股东权益。然而,一些负债——如银行贷款和发行的债券,是由于资金筹措,其他一些负债——如贸易应付账款,预收收入和退休金负债,是由于在运营过程中与供应商的贸易,与顾客和雇佣者在结算过程中产生的负债。融资负债通常交易运作良好的资本市场其中的发行者是随行就市的商人。与此相反,在运营中公司能够实现高增值。因为业务涉及的是与资本市场相比,不太完善的贸易的输入和输出的市场。 因此,考虑到股票估值,运营负债和融资负债的区别的产生有一些先验的原因。我们研究在资产负债表上,运营负债中的一美元是否与融资中的一美元等值这个问题。因为运营负债和融资负债是股票价值的组成部分,这个问题就相当于问是否股价与账面价值比率是否取决于账面净值的组成。价格与账面比率是由预期回报率的账面价值决定的。所以,如果部分的账面价值要求不同的溢价,他们必须显示出不同的账面价值的预期回报率。因此, 标准的财务报表分析的能够区分股东从运营中和借贷的融资业务中产生的利润。因此,资产回报有别于股本回报率,这种差异是由于杠杆作用。然而,在标准的分析中,经营负债不区别于融资负债。因此,为了制定用于实证分析的规范,

我们的研究结果是用于愿意分析预期公司的收益和账面收益率。这些预测和估值依赖于负债的组成。 这篇文章结构如下。第一部分概述并指出了了能够判别两种杠杆作用类型,连接杠杆作用和盈利的财务报表分析第二节将杠杆作用,股票价值和价格与账面比率联系在一起。 第三节中进行实证分析,第四节进行了概述与结论。 1 杠杆作用的财务报表分析 以下财务报表分析将融资债务和运营债务对股东权益的影响区别开。这个分析从实证的详细分析中得出了精确的杠杆效应等式 普通股产权资本收益率=综合所得?普通股本 (1) 杠杆影响到这个盈利等式的分子和分母。适当的财务报表分析解析了杠杆作用的影响。以下分析是通过确定经营和融资活动中的资产负债表和损益表的组成开始分析。计算每一项活动所获得的利润,然后引入两种类型的杠杆作用来解释运营和融资的盈利以及股东的总体盈利。 1.1 区分运营和融资过程中的盈利 普通股权=经营资产,金融负债,经营负债,金融负债 (2) 侧重于普通股(以便优先股被视为融资债务),资产负债表方程可重申如下:经营性资产的区别(如贸易应收款,库存和物业,厂房及设备)和金融资产(存款及可出售证券吸收多余现金)在其他方面。然而,债务方面,融资负债也区别于经营负债。不应该把所 有负债都当作融资负债来处理,相反,只有从运营中得到的现金,就像银行贷款,短期商业票据和债券属于这种类型。其他负债,如应付账款,累计费用,预收收入,重组债务和养老金负债,产生于业务。这种区别并不像当前与长远负债那么简单;养老金负债,例如,通常是长期,短期的借款是一种当前的负债。


金融银行信用风险管理外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Managing Credit Risks with Knowledge Management for Financial Banks Pan Jin Department of Economics Economics and Management School of Wuhan University Wuhan,Hubei Province,430072,China Abstract-Nowadays,financial banks are operating in a knowledge society and there are more and more credit risks breaking out in banks.So,this paper first discusses the implications of knowledge and knowledge management, and then analyzes credit risks of financial banks

with knowledge management. Finally, the paper studies ways for banks to manage credit risks with knowledge management. With the application of knowledge management in financial banks, customers will acquire better service and banks will acquire more rewards. Index Terms–knowledge management; credit risk; risk management; incentive mechanism; financial banks I.INTRODUCTION Nowadays,banks are operating in a“knowledge society”.So, what is knowledge? Davenport(1996)[1]thinks knowledge is professional intellect, such as know-what, know-how, know-why, and self-motivated creativity, or experience, concepts, values, beliefs and ways of working that can be shared and communicated. The awareness of the importance of knowledge results in the critical issue of “knowledge management”. So, what is knowledge management? According to Malhothra(2001)[2], knowledge management(KM)caters to the critical issues of organizational adaptation, survival and competence in face of increasingly discontinuous environmental change. Essentially it embodies organizational processes that seek synergistic combination of data and information processing capacity of information technologies and the creative and innovative capacity of human beings. Through the processes of creating,sustaining, applying, sharing and renewing knowledge, we can enhance organizational performance and create value. Many dissertations have studied knowledge managementapplications in some special fields. Aybübe Aurum(2004)[3] analyzes knowledge management in software engineering and D.J.Harvey&R.Holdsworth(2005)[4]study knowledge management in the aerospace industry. Li Yang(2007)[5] studies knowledge management in information-based education and Jayasundara&Chaminda Chiran(2008)[6] review the prevailing literature on knowledge management in banking industries. Liang ping and Wu Kebao(2010)[7]study the incentive mechanism of knowledge management in Banking. There are also many papers about risks analysis and risks management. Before the 1980s, the dominant mathematical theory of risks analysis was to describe a pair of random vectors.But,the simplification assumptions and methods used by classical competing risks


Sme financing problems related to the analysis First small and medium-sized enterprises financing status Reform and opening up china for 30 years of small and medium-sized enterprises obtained arapid development of enterprises 99 of the small and medium-sized enterprises of our countrymore than 60 GDP contribution tax over 50 provides 70 of import and export trade and80 of urban jobs. Small and medium-sized enterprises in our country is also an important powerof independent innovation 66 of invention patent 82 of new product development of smalland medium-sized enterprises from small and medium-sized enterprises has become the economicprosperity expanding employment adjusting structure promote innovation and new industriesof important strength. From 80 years since the outbreak of the international financial crisis the implementation ofthe positive fiscal policy and loser monetary policy but no small and medium-sized enterprisesfrom the proactive fiscal policy and moderate looser monetary policy benefit directly for instanceof the new 2008 225 million small loan only more than previous year but rose 1.4 only theloans increased 14.9 09 year three months of national


中小企业融资 扬·尔迪[丹麦],切萨里奥·马特乌斯[英国],《中小企业融资》, 伦敦商业观察.2007(9):43-45. 工商管理 摘要 中小企业融资的主要来源有:股权融资、按时兑现的贸易信贷融资、中长期银行信贷融资、延迟兑现的贸易信贷融资以及其他债务融资,每种融资方式的边际成本取决于与其滞纳金相关的信息不对称成本和交易成本。根据啄食理论,企业在融资时,会优先选择成本最低的融资方式;而根据静态权衡理论,企业在进行融资时,各种资金来源的边际成本都是相同的;再者,根据优序融资理论,企业进行融资时要结合企业自身具体情况,是考虑多重因素下的优序融资。在本文中,我们认为,以上这些理论都忽略了一点,那就是边际成本的确定主要依赖于融资资金的使用,以及资产负债表中资产方作为融资来源的重要影响作用。一个来自葡萄牙中小企业的数据分析证实,企业资产负债表资产方对于融资方式的选择有着重要的影响,而这是静态权衡理论和优序融资理论所不能接受的。 中小企业的融资主要来源于股权(内部融资),商业信用,银行信贷和其他债务。融资方式的选择取决于资金成本,而资金成本又是由信息不对称成本和基于无债务负担情况下的预期成本决定的。信息不对称成本主要是为了支持管理决策而收集和分析信息所产生的费用,无债预期成本主要产生于企业为收回债务而收集和出售抵押品时的费用。由于中小企业的管理层和股东往往是同一个人,股权和内部产生的资金没有信息不对称成本,因此股权融资是成本最低的融资渠道。 2 中小企业资产融资理论 在前面的论述中,我们曾建议,葡萄牙的中小企业多采用内部资金、廉价贸易信贷、中长期银行信贷、高价贸易信贷和其他贷款进行融资。接下来,我们将对以上各种类型的融资动机进行讨论。 2.1 廉价贸易信贷 首先,我们将讨论的是贸易信贷。贸易信贷很有意思,因为它们代表的非金融企业与金融中介机构在提供金融服务方面的竞争。这一领域内的早期研究关注于贸易信贷同的信贷渠道的作用(或所谓的“梅尔策”影响)之间的关系,以及同货币政策的效率之间的关系。其基本思想是,企业尤其是大型知名企业,同的面临财务困境小企业,直接


文献信息: 文献标题:Credit Risk Management Strategies and Their Impact on Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya(信贷风险管理策略及其对肯尼亚商业银行绩效的影响) 国外作者:Samuel Warui Mutua,Muoni Gekara 文献出处:《Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research》,2017, 3(4):1896-1904 字数统计:英文2891单词,15678字符;中文4915汉字 外文文献: Credit Risk Management Strategies and Their Impact on Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya Abstract Credit risk management strategies are amongst the most critical factors to consider for any financial institution involved in any lending activity. Financial institutions have often find themselves making decisions between lending to potential borrowers thus effectively growing their balance sheets and effectively increasing their returns and being cautious in lending to caution themselves against any potential losses. Specifically, the research sought to examine credit risk management strategies and their impact on performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The research was guided by the liquidity theory of credit, portfolio theory, credit risk theory and the tax theory of credit. The research was based on a descriptive design which involves describing the current state of affairs by use of data collected through questionnaires and interviews. The research was focused on selected Tier III commercial banks in Kenya namely Consolidated Bank, African Banking Corporation and Credit Bank with reference to the loans department. The sampled population consists of 62 staff members from loans department of Consolidated Bank, African Banking Corporation and Credit
