职场英语 PPT

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Cause our mission is the future (future~)?
We are the future girls - A whoa-oh-oh! And we move round and round in circles
And the future never ends
Round and round again
And we move round and round in circles The future girls - Oh-oh-oh!
Round and round again
We are the future girls - A whoa-oh-oh!
Cause our mission is the future
Teaching Contents 3
4 5
Lead-in Unit goals Ask and Answer Watch and Discuss Music Time
5m` 3m` 15m` 15m` 5m`
• I. How to express Intension II. Expressions about Intension III. Preparation for A Plan
What are you doing this weekend?
We are going to my parents’ home.
Task 2: Match game
Venice 威尼斯
Thailand 泰国
Greece 希腊
Hawaii 夏威夷
• go to school • go to work • go to bed • go home
B Practice with a partner using the other places below.
A: What are you doing this weekend? B: I’m no sure yet, but I’m thinking about going to …… .
Task 1: Let’s have a competition! • Please write down your vacation
activities on the paper as many as possible(1minute).
A:What are you doing for vacation?
All of this means nothing
We are the future girls - A whoa-oh-oh!
In this crazy universe
And the future never ends
Cause we’re the future girls
We are the future girls - A whoa-oh-oh!
And the future never ends!
And the future never ends
Round and round in circles
We are the future girls - A whoa-oh-oh! Round and round again
The future girls - Oh-oh-oh!
Task 4: Fill in the Form.
Saturday morning We’re going to the Great Wall in the morning.
Sunday morning
Task 5: Talk about your plan for weekends according to the form in task 4.
intentions What are you doing _______?
We are going bike riding.
What are you doing for vacation?
We are going fishing.
We are playing volleyball.
What are you doing for vacation?
去上学 去上班 去睡觉 回家
go to Shanghai 去上海 go to the beach 去海滩 go to the cinema 去看电影 go to a movie 去看电影
• go swimming • go fishing • go sightseeing • go hiking • go camping • go shopping • go skating • go bike riding
Listen to the conversations. Where are the people C planning to go? Write the number of the
conversation next to the correct picture.
D Listen again. Note down any comments you hear about each place.
Task 6: Talk Some More
Chuck: Hey, I ____________ you’re going to the Garden Café this weekend. Emma: Actually, I ____________ going to, but I changed my plans. Chuck: Really? Why? Emma: We ____________ get a reservation. They’re fully ____________ this weekend. Chuck: Oh, no. so what are you ____________, then? Emma: we’re just ____________ out for pizza instead. Chuck: Oh, well, maybe next time. Emma: Yeah.
1._______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________
Task 3:
A: Long time no see! How are you? B: Fine. Thanks. The National Day is coming. __W_h_a_t_a_r_e_y_o_u__d_o_in_g__? A: I’m going to Hawaii with my classmates. B: Oh, cool! When are you going there? A: Well, __T_o_m_o_r_r_o_w_m__o_r_n_in_g_______. B: Really? What are you doing there? A: __S_w_im__m__in_g_a_n_d__h_a_v_in_g_a__s_u_n_b_a_th_. B: That sounds exciting. _H_o_w__l_o_n_g_a_r_e_y_o_u_s_ta_y_i_n_g______? A: Just for four days. B: Well, send me a postcard from Hawaii. A: Sure. See you then. B: _S_e_e_y_o_u_______________.
Look at the conversation and listen. Then practice it with a A partner.
Richard: What are you doing this weekend? Emma: I’m no sure yet, but I’m thinking about going to the Garden Café. Richard: That sounds nice. I’ve never been there. Emma: Neither have I, but I’ve heard the food is excellent there. Richard: So have I. Who are you going with? Emma: Some old friends of mine from school. Richard: Sounds like fun.
We are playing soccer.
What is he doing for vacation?
He is going camping. He is going skateboarding.
What is he/she doing for vacation?
He is going hiking.
Cause we the future girls
We are the future girls!
And we move round and round in circles
She is cooking.
Music Time
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 1
Teaching Contents 4
Task 1 Game Ask and Answer Match Game Phrases Study Music Time
5m` 15m` 5m` 15m` 5m`
B:I am going ___ing.
intentions What are you doing _______?
We are going to the beach.
What are you doing this weekend?
We are going to Taipei.
We are going to Hong Kong.
Task 7: Enjoy a Song: Future Girls
We are the future girls!
Round and round again
Diamonds and castles
Cause our mission is the future
Heroes, kings and battles
And the future never ends!
A world full of shiny stones and pearls We are the future girls - A whoa-oh-oh!
Times are now changing
The future girls - Oh-oh-oh!
Faster and better
The future girls - Oh-oh-oh!
Nothing lasts forever
We are the future girls - A whoa-oh-oh!
In this crazy universe
And the future never ends!
Space crew recruiters
Cause our mission is the future
Data and computers
And the future never ends
All part of modern life on earth
We are the future girls - A whoa-oh-oh!
去游泳 去钓鱼 去观光旅游 去徒步旅行 去 野营 去购物 去溜冰 骑自行车旅行
Music Time
Teaching Contents 4
Listen and Talk 1 Practice Listen and Talk 2 Speaking Activity Music Time
10m 5m` 15m` 20m` 5m`