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人教版八年级英语下册Unit 7 重要短语句


人教版八年级英语下册Unit 7重要短语句型汇总


1.as big as 与一样大;

2.ne f the ldest untries

最古老的国家之一; 3.feel free t d sth. 随意地做某事;

4.as far as I knw据我所知;

5.an-ade bets人造物体;

6.part f... ......的组成部分;

7.the highest untain最

高的山脉; 8.in the wrld在世界上; 9.any ther untain其他任何一座山; 10.f all the salt lakes在所有的咸水

湖中; 11.run alng跨越;12.freezing weather冰冻的天气; 13.take in air呼吸空气; 14.the first peple t d sth.第一个做某事的人; 15.in the fae f diffiulties

面临危险; 16.give up ding sth.放弃做某事; 17.ahieve

ne’ s drea 实现某人的梦想; 18.the fres f nature自然界的力量; 19.reah the tp到达顶峰; 20.even thugh虽然; 尽管; 21.at birth 在出生的时候; 22.be awake 醒着;

24.walk int sb.撞到某人;25.fall ver摔倒;26. take

are f照顾 ;照料;27.every tw years每两年;28.ut dwn

the frests砍伐林木;30.fewer and fewer pandas大熊

猫越越少; 31.be in danger处于危险之中;32.the iprtane

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f savin

g these anials拯救这些动物的重要性;33.as yu an see 正如你所见;34.untain libing登山; 35.up t直到;36.wak int撞到;37.die fr 死于 ......;38.thik luds 厚厚云层;40.hallange neself挑战自我;41.risk ne’s life 冒生命危险; 42.a heavy str一场狂风暴雨; 43. run alng the suthwestern part 绵延西南部; 44.plant trees 栽树;

45.take are f照顾; 46.in the future将; 48.be awake 醒着; 49. wild anials野生动物; 50. bab frest竹林;

51. adult panda成年熊猫; 52. fall ver跌倒; 53. panda keeper 熊猫养育员;54.prepare fr为 ......做准备;

55.endangered anial濒危动物; 56.researh base研究基地; 57.ut dwn the frests砍伐森林; 58.anther 200 r s

另外的 200 左右; 59.five ties re than比......多五倍;

60.stand n tw legs两腿直立; 61.spend an hur eating

花一个小时进食; 62.live up t 15 years活到 15 岁;63.run ver with exiteent激动地跑过去; 64. ath wales捕鲸;

65. water pllutin水污染; 66. reah the tp f a untain

到达山顶; 67. up ut f the water跳出水面; 68. sea life

海洋生物; 69.rules n wale prtetin 鲸保护规定; 70.stp putting rubbish int the sea停止向海里倾倒垃圾


1.It is als very hard t take in air as yu get near

the tp.当你接近山顶时,连呼吸都会困难。

2.ne f the ain reasns is beause peple want t hallenge theselves in the fae f diffiulties.


3.The spirit f these libers shws us that we shuld

never give up trying t ahieve ur dreas.这些登山者的精神向我们证明:我们永远都不应该放弃实现自己的梦想。

4. Hw high is Qlanga?珠穆朗玛峰有多高?

5. Althugh apan is lder than anada, it is uh saller.


6.Adult pandas spend re than 12 hurs a day eating

abut 10 kils f bab.

成年大熊猫一天要花 1 2 个多小时的时间吃。

7.hina has alst as big as the US, and it is the

biggest untry in the Asia.


8.Feel free t ask e anything n tday’ s Great all tur.


9.If we’ re nly talking abut the parts fr the ing

Dynasty, it’ s abut 8,850kileters lng.

如果我们仅仅只谈论明朝的那部分,它大约8,850 公里长。

10.As far as I knw, there are n an-ade bets as big

as this.


11.The spirit f these libers shws us that we shuld

never gives up trying t ahiveve ur dreas.



12.It als shws that huans an seties be stnger than

the fres f nature.



13.Qlanga is 8,844.43eters high. It ’ s ne f the ppular plaes fr serius untain libers.



14.This elephant weighs any ties re than this panda.


15.They find that st f the babies are already awake and hungry.


16.The babies ften die fr illness and d nt live very lng.





1.原级 : as ... as... 像 .. . 一样 e.g. Ti is as tall

as T.

2.比较级 ( 用于两者之间的比较): 形容词比较级+

than ... e.g. This bx is bigger than that ne.

3. 最高级 ( 用于三者或三者以上的比较):the +形容词的最高级+ f / in ...

T is the heaviest in ur lass. He is the st ppular

in ur shl.


1. 比较级考点

① 比较级修饰问题。 a little, a bit, even, still,

uh, a lt, far等可修饰比较级。

e.g. T is a little taller than i. This bk is uh re

interesting than that ne.

② 同级比较

e.g.The weather in Beiing is lder than that in Xi ’

an. ur shl is bigger than yurs.

③ the + 比较级 e.g. Luy is the fatter f the tw girls.

④ “ a/an +比较级”表示“又一,再一”

e.g. Lily has a dll, but she wants a bigger ne.

⑤隐性比较(没有than 的情况)

e.g. h runs faster, Luy r Lily? He wrked hard last

ter, but he wrks even harder this ter.

⑥越越 ...... A.比较级+ and +比较级; B. the +比较级 +句子;the +比较级+句子

e.g. It’ s getting lder and lder.

The re yu exerise, the better yu are.


说明:形容词的最高级前必须加the ;副词的最高级前省略 the 。

①范围问题 e.g. T is the tallest student in the lass. Spring is the best seasn f the year.

②“ ......之一” 问题 e.g.Beiing is ne f the biggest ities in the wrld.

③“ the +序数词+最高级” e.g. I think he is the

send tallest by in his lass.


e.g. T is the tallest student in the lass.= T is

taller than any ther student in the lass.= T is taller than the ther students。
