




Are you all well this morning?

Well, did you have a good weekend?

Well, did you enjoy the holiday?

Well, what did you do yesterday evening?

Tell me what you did at the weekend?

Oh, you’ve got a new dress on. It’s very nice. Oh, you’ve got a new hairstyle.

二.考勤(Checking attendance)

Now! Let’s see who’s absent.

Is anybody absent?

Does anyone know where Li is?

Can anyone tell me where Liu has gone?

Who knows when he will be back?

You were absent for three lessons last week.

Did you catch a cold?

You’ll catch up! won’t you?

You’ve been absent for days, haven’t you?

What was the matter?

Why were you away?

Are you better?

How are you feeling now?

Do you feel better?

Well, Jane, ask your friends to help you.

Come and see me after the lesson, OK?


Now, let me introduce myself.

My name is..., spelt...

I’ve been teaching in the school for 10 years.

Tell me what you did 1ast night.

Will you tell me a bit about your weekend?

Could you tell us more about the programme?

How did you like yesterday’s party?


Let’s go through the text.

Could you open your textbook and find Ex. 5 on page 45? Will you get together in groups and discuss the idea? Try to think it out for yourself.

Now you’ve answered all the questions in full.

五.提起注意(Directing students’attention)

Quiet, now, please. Let’s work in pairs.

Fine. Look again carefully.

Are you ready to listen?

Are you all listening? OK, then.

Now then something new! Let’s change the topic.

Let’s do it once more.

六.请求(Making polite requests)

Will you fetch some chalk?

七.指导(Giving instructions)

You’d better listen again.

Now listen to the sound [a:].Not [a ], like this - you try. Now listen. There’s something different, What’s different? Listen.

Suppose a friend needs advice on the subject.

What do you think the author will say next?

I’ll give you a cue.

Let me give you some help.

You’d better put them together.

Ask each other questions to find out what is different.

You fill the blanks in these sentences, and then write them neatly.

Look at what I’m doing.

You may do as I do.

Please look at my mouth, like this.


Today we’re going to do three main things.

First, I’m going to introduce a few new words about weather. Then you’re going to write a dialogue and act it out.

After that, we are going to learn a new song.

I have something to tell you before you go.

Well, now, we’re going to practise a short dialogue.

l want to introduce you to a new programme now.


Listen to me and I’ll explain the meaning of the word.

Let me use the picture to show its meaning.

The word ends in ‘tion’so it must be a noun.

We can use this sentence to express.

What does it mean in the context?


OK, everybody. Quiet now please! No more talking.

No talking/ chatting!

Stop making a noise.

No more shouting !

Please will you stop interrupting the others?

Would you mind not whispering?

There’ll be trouble if you go on disturbing the others.

I’ll report you to Miss Zhou if you go on being silly!

No writing while I’m talking.

Don’t move your lips while (you’re) reading.

No, Wang Hai, that’s not t he way to learn English properly.

No, Han Meimei, it’s not good to do pair practice like that. You’re doing it the wrong way.

十一.指令(Issuing a command)

You work in twos with two pictures.


Quiet please.

Watch how I write it.

Watch how to do it.

Not really! Watch me and I’ll show you.


Careful. This is a hard sentence.

Don’t forget to write neatly.

Make sure your spaces between words are clear.

Copy them taking care with spelling.

Watch your punctuation.


Well done.


一.开始课堂教学(Beginning the lesson)

Now, who can remember what we did last lesson?

OK, I want a student to tell us what we learned last lesson. Remember?

Do you remember these pictures?

Let’s go over it again.

Let’s read the sentences once more.

二.宣布教学计划(Announcing the teaching plan)

Do some reading/ writing.

Have some conversation practice

You’ll have learnt how to give people advice.

You’ll have had practice in writing a letter asking for help.

三.组织课堂教学(Getting organized)

Would you find the handouts we were using last week please? Will you take out the worksheets you began yesterday please? Put your other books away, please.

Not that book. The other one. Yes, the red one.

Ready! Now we can start.

Have you lost yours? Well, you may share with Li Lei. Haven’t you got yours? Forgotten? Well, you should use mine, but don’t forget next time.

I have some papers to give out now.

Here are some worksheets to hand round.

Will you please give these sheets out, Han Mei? Thanks. Would you mind cleaning the board, please?

Just clean this half.

Leave that section.

We still need this part.

Just clean that bit.

Don’t clean that side.

Just that section. Thank you very much.

Rub everything off, please!

四.谈论课堂环境(taking about physical conditions)

Don’t you think it’s too hot in here?

I’m afraid it’s too dark in here. Can you work alright? Can you see alright?

Please would you go and ask someone to fix the light?

五.使用教学工具与设备(Using aids and instruments)

Will you fetch the wall charts of Lesson 65?

Can you bring me those sets of flash cards of ‘food and drink’?

Please could you stick the picture up here?

Is that alright? Straight? High enough? Can you all see it?

六.使用电教设备(Using electrical equipment)

I’m afraid it’s not loud enough. You’d better turn it up a bit.

What’s wrong with the recorder?

I can’t get it to work.

Now, wait a minute. Let’s find the right place on the tape. Did you catch that? That seemed to be a bit fast. We’l1 go back and listen again, ready?

Check it is rewound, back to the start.

Set the counter to 000 at the beginning of the tape.

七.进行分组活动(Dividing the class up)

I want all of you to answer the questions. (Choral)

I’d like just one person to continue the sentence. (Individual) I want this part to correct the sentence. (Team)

Now let’s play the dialogue out in pairs. (Pair)

Now I’ll divide you in half.

Whose go is it? Not yours! You be quick!

It’s group 6 first. Now you. Quickly! That’s it.

I want you to work in groups.

In fours. /In groups of four.

八.布置作业(Setting homework)

At home tonight, practise the exercise on page 9.

At home this evening, not now, revise this dialogue.

For homework, l want you to finish this piece of work. Before next lesson you must go over what we’ve just learnt from unit 12.

It must be done by next lesson.

The piece of writing must be completed by next time I see you/this time next week.

九.结束课堂教学(Ending the lesson)

One or two more minutes, just complete the task you’re doing and then we’ll stop. Now time’s up. We’ll stop now. You’ve done enough of that/enough practice at that-

Most of you have done that better than last time.

I want to collect your papers now please.

I’d like to take in your last lot of homework.

Please will you give it/pass it up to the end of the row? Put your work on my desk as you leave.

Could you see all the library books are returned, everyone, please?

Before you all leave, would you check that all the books are put away?

Li Ming, it’s your job today to clean the board.

I have some announcements to make before you go. Could you listen, please?


Is anyone (anybody) absent? (Who’s absent?)

We’ll start (begin) a new lesson today.

Let’s do some revision.

Read (Say) all together.

Stop talking (Be quiet), please.

Please listen to the tape recorder (to the recording). Look at my mouth, please.

Hurry! (Hurry up, please!)

Can you follow me?

Is that clear?

Answer my question(s), please.

Pay attention to your spelling (pronunciation).

Say (Read) after me, please.

Say it again (Repeat, Once more), please.

Please come to the front.

Please go back to your seat(s).

Practise in groups (In groups), please.

In pairs, please.

Who wants to try?

Let’s do it. One by one, please.

Now you (Next), please.

Now you do the same.

Put up (Raise) your hands, please.

Put down your hands, please.

Put it (them) into Chinese (English).

In English, please.

What’s this in Chinese (English)?

Please open your books at page …

Turn to page …

Close (Shut) your books, please.

Who can pronounce it?

Please read out this letter (word, sentence).

How do you read this letter (word, sentence)?

I can’t hear you clearly. Louder, please.

Will you please help me?

Who can help her (him)?

Can you try? (Try, please.)

Don’t be afraid (shy, nervous).

Think it over and try again.

Try (Do) your best.

Let’s have a dictation.

Is this correct (right or wrong)?

Stop here. (Now stop.)

Let’s act (do the dialogue).

Who wants to be A?

Now Tom will be A and I will be B.

This half of the class will be A, and the other half will be B.

You’ve done well today.

I’m sure you’ll do even better next time.

Your English has improved greatly.

We’ll do Exercises 1 and 2.

Copy the word, twice each.

Do it orally before you write it out.

Do your best to write well.

Learn these words by heart.

We’ll have a dictation (spelling test) next time.

For today’s homework, please review the text carefully. You must do your homework carefully and finish it in time. Hand in your workbooks, please.

The bell is ringing. (There goes the bell.)

Time is up. Let’s stop here.

That’s all for today.
