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1-5 ACCAA 6-10 BBCBA 11-15 BCCBC 16-20 BABCA


21-25 ADBCB 26-30 DCDBA 31-35 CADAB 36-40 EFDAC


41-45 BCABD 46-50 BCADB 51-55 BDACA 56-60 CDACD


61. that 62. problems 63. to blame 64. are produced 65. named

66. a 67. it 68 up 69. survival 70. immediately


What is health? Health is a combination of good physical conditions or a positive


mental state. That is, a truly perfect person should be someone who is health in both body


and mind. Physical health is a essential part of a healthy person, while mental health is that

an what

makes someone with physical health perfect.

Physical health is achieved through proper diets and exercise. Have good physical


health improves a person’s body health and reduce the chances of becoming sick.


Comparing with physical health, mental health is more important to shape a person. Only


when we are mental healthy can we form positive values, do the right things as well as to


deal with challenges.In short, physical health can’t be separated ^ mental health.



Our School

Established in 1941 and located in Kaihuai district of Kaili, our school, Kaili No. 1 High School, has a superb reputation in Guizhou province for three important factors.

First of all, our school is fully equipped with teaching facilities such as a grand teaching building, a library, a lab building, a gym and so on. They provide us students with spacious areas for learning knowledge, doing experiments and taking exercise. Besides, we have experienced and dedicated teachers, who spare no effort to help us make progress in study bit by bit. Last but not least, the distinguished students make our school stand out in the college entrance examination every year.

Therefore, we cherish the opportunity to study in our school and believe when graduating, our school can definitely be proud of us.



Text 1

W: Good morning, sir. What can I get for you today?

M: I would like a cup of milk, one egg, and a piece of bread. Thank you!

Text 2

M: Can you make a dentist appointment for me? I had a tooth pulled last month, but now I’m having problems with another tooth. It hurts a lot.

W: Okay. I need to go, too. I haven’t seen the dentist in years, and I really need my teeth cleaned.

Text 3

W: It’s such a nice day today! The sun is shining and the birds are singing. Let’s go to the park.

M: It’s a little too hot for me today. Why don’t we go to a movie instead? It’ll be cool in there.

Text 4

W: Man, I’m tired! Work was so busy. I was running around all night. I tried hard to make my customers happy.

M: Wow! Take off your shoes and rest your feet.

W: Okay. Oh, I brought you some dishes from the restaurant I work.

Text 5

M: What did Mrs. Jones teach in science class today? I came to school late because I had a dentist appointment. Did she give us any notes?

W: Yes, and we took a quiz. You can see my notes if you need them.

Text 6

M: Wow, that was a delicious meal! We must come back to this restaurant. Everyone in my family told me how good it was, but I’d never tried it before. I’m glad I listened to them.

W: I’ve been here a lot with my friends, but this time was the best. Last time, I ate some pasta, and it was okay. But my steak tonight was excellent.

M: My ch icken was amazing. It was so soft and juicy. It’s easy to cook chicken too long until it’s dry. But
