



I.Fill in the blanks

1.Henry Fielding has been regarded as“_____”,for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.

【答案】Father of the English Novel



【答案】Author:Alfred Tennyson;Title:The Eagle


3.John Bunyan,a village tinker,with his strength and sincerity inscribed his name in the English literary history by his famous work_____written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.

【答案】Pilgrim’s Progress


4.In the14th century,the two most important writers are_____and Langland.【答案】Geoffrey Chaucer


5.Pip is a character in_____.

【答案】Great Expectations

【解析】Pip是英国作家Charles Dickens的小说《远大前程》中的主角。

6.The fifteenth century has been traditionally described as the barren age in English literature.But it is the spring tide of English_____.



7._____is the representative among the writers of aestheticism and decadence.The Picture of Dorian Gray is a typical decadent novel written by him.

【答案】Oscar Wilde

【解析】奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)是19世纪末英国唯美派剧作家、诗人、小说家和文学批评家。《道林·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray)是王尔德最出色的作品,最为详细地阐述了他的颓废主义思想。

8.Thomas Hardy’s novel_____tells a story about a poor villager’s love affairs with a married school mistress named Sue.

【答案】Jude the Obscure


9.Cordelia is a character in_____.

【答案】King Lear


10.Emma was written by_____.

【答案】Jane Austen


II.Multiple Choice

1.The following statements about neo-classicism are all true EXCEPT_____.

A.Elegance,correctness,appropriateness and restraint were preferred

B.It results in the rise of novels as a dominant literary genre

C.It is unsympathetic towards the“rude”masters of old literature—towards Chaucer,Spenser,and even Shakespeare

D.It is almost exclusively a“town”poetry,catering to the interests of the society in great cities



2.An example of dramatic monologue is_____.

A.Don Juan

B.When We Two Parted

C.My Last Duchess

D.The Waste Land


【解析】戏剧独白就是把人物的内心世界以人物自言自语的形式展现在读者面前,而独白的听众参与谈话。戏剧独白是以罗伯特·布朗宁(Robert Browning)的《我已故的公爵夫人》为代表的

3.Which one is NOT John Ruskin’s major works in the sphere of art criticism?

A.Modern Painters

B.The Seven Lamps of Architecture

C.Sesame and Lilies

D.The Stones of Venice


【解析】罗斯金的艺术批评的代表作有:《现代画家》(Modern Painters)、《建筑上的七盏灯》(The Seven lamps of Architecture)和《威尼斯的石建筑》(The Stones of Venice)。而Sesame and Lilies(《芝麻与百合》)则是他社会批评的代表作。

4.In1859,Charles Dickens published his historical novel of the French Revolution entitled_____.

A.Hard Times

B.Bleak House

C.A Tale of Two Cities

D.Our Mutual Friend



5.The title of the novel that contains the following selection is_____.

A.Tess of the d’Uberville

B.Jude the Obscure

C.Far from the Madding Crowd

D.The Mayor of Casterbridge

“Beautiful city!So venerable,so lovely,so unravaged by the fierce intellectual life of our century,so serene!His ineffable charm keeps ever calling us to the true goal of all of us,to the ideal,to perfection.”


【解析】题中片段选自英国小说家、诗人Thomas Hardy最著名的作品之一《无名的裘德》,作者以悲怆的笔调叙述了乡村青年裘德一生的悲剧。选文译文为:“美丽的城市啊,那样古色古香,那样高雅纯洁,历经我们这个世纪精神生活的激烈纷争,依然那样安然无恙,那样宠辱不惊!……他那无法解释的神奇力量始终号召我们去追求我们大家共有的真正目标,去实现理想,达到尽善尽美的地步。”

6._____creative work vividly reflected the changes which had taken root in English culture of the second half of the14th century.







7.“Marriage of Heaven and Hell”was written by_____.

A.Robert Burns

B.Christopher Marlow

C.Thomas Percy

D.William Blake



8.“Denmark is a prison.”In which play does the hero summarize his observation of his world into such a bitter sentence?

A.Charles I

