学案1:Language Study

Period 2Language Study



2.理解并能够自主运用重要语言点, 如seize, caution, convenient, distinguish, call up, now and then, set about等的用法。











10.n. (评判的)标准;原则



重点短语1.call 给……打电话

2.now then 偶尔;有时

3.set 开始;着手










You should learn to distinguish between right and wrong.你应学会明辨是非。

The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other.这对孪生儿长得很像,没有人能分辨得出他们。

He distinguished himself by bravery.他以勇猛出名。

Ye Shiwen has already distinguished herself as an athlete.作为一名运动员,叶诗文已享有盛名。




Color-blind people often find it difficult to between blue and green.








Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place.马丁一直往前开,直到找到了一个方便的停车处。

May I come and talk with you whenever it’s convenient? 在你方便时,我能来和你谈谈吗?

Is it convenient for you to go out tonight? 今晚你方便出去吗?




As you stay in the center of a city,it is very to go shopping or take a bus.








He was smart enough to seize the opportunity.他足够聪明,没有错失机会。

The little boy reached out his hands to seize the toy.小男孩伸出双手去抓玩具。

Ten thousand years are too long; seize the day, seize the hour!一万年太久,只争朝夕!

The plan to seize the city was a failure.攻占这个城市的计划失败了。




Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage the girl and took her away, into the woods.

A.seizing; disappeared

B.seized; disappeared

C.seizing; disappearing

D.seized; disappearing


1.call up


阅读下列句子,注意call up的意思及用法。

Forgive me so early to call you up please.请原谅我这么早给你打电话。

She called up her friend in order that she would put off the appointment.她给她的朋友打电话以推迟约会。

Can you call up the days when we worked together?你记得我们一起工作的日子吗?

通过观察以上句子,我们发现call up的意思是“”。call up后的宾语如果是代词,则该代词应置于call与up之间;如果是名词,则置于call与up之间或up之后皆可。



This picture the happy memories of our class trip to the Great Wall.

A.calls back

B.calls up

C.holds back

D.brings up

2.set about


阅读下列句子,注意set about的意思及用法。

He set about learning Chinese at ten.他在十岁时开始学中文。

She set about her housework straight after breakfast.她早饭后立即着手打理家务。

通过观察以上句子,我们发现set about (doing) sth的意思是“(1)”。其中about是(2)词,后接(3)词、(4)词或(5)词。


set out, set off和set about的用法区别:

set out意为“开始做某事”,后跟不定式。

He set out to wash his car.他开始洗车。

set off意为“启程;开始”,多指开始踏上征程,常常和on, for等搭配。

If you want to catch that train,we’d better set off for the station immediately.你要是想赶上那趟火车,咱们最好马上动身去火车站。

set about意为“开始做某事”,后跟doing结构。

You must set about your work at once.你必须立即开始工作。

The girl has set about cleaning the room.女孩已开始打扫房间。



The moment she came back from work,she to clean the kitchen thoroughly.

A.set out

B.set about

C.set off

D.set up











7.expectation 8.seize9.recognition 10.criterion11.file12.ripe





4.go through

5.work out

6.apply for

7.decide on

8.get rid of






B句意:色盲患者经常感到很难区分蓝色和绿色。separate“分离;分开”,但不能与between连用。distinguish (...between...)“分辨;辨别”;compare (to / with)“比较;对照”;contrast (with)“形成对比”。










D分析句子结构:a tall man是句子的主语,后面的driving a golden carriage是定语,所以第1空作谓语;第2空作伴随状语。





B句意:这张照片使我们想起我们班那次去长城旅行的快乐时光。call back“回电话”;call up“使……想起;回忆起”;hold back“制止;阻止”;bring up“教育;提出;培养”。





A句意:她一下班回家,就开始彻底清理厨房。set out to do sth“开始做某事”;set about doing sth“着手做某事”;set off“出发;动身;使爆炸”;set up“成立”。

语言学练习题(附答案) Chapter 1 Language说课讲解

Chapter One Language 1. Define the following terms 1) discreteness 2) design features 3) arbitrariness 4) duality 5) displacement 6) cultural transmission 7) the imaginative function of language 8) the personal function of language 9) the heuristic function of language 10) language 2. Multiple Choice Directions: In each question there are four choices. Decide which one would be the best answer to the question or to complete the sentence best. 1) Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary? A. tree B. crash C. typewriter D. bang 2) The function of the sentence “Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade” is ________. A. interrogative B. directive C. informative D. performative 3) In Chinese when someone breaks a bowl or a plate the host or the people present are likely to say sui sui ping an (every year be safe and happy) as a means of controlling the forces which the believers feel might affect their lives. Which function does it perform? A. Interpersonal. B. Emotive. C Performative. D. Recreational. 4) Which of the following properties of language enables language users to overcome the barriers causedby time and place, due to this feature of language, speakers of a language are free to talk about anything in any situation? A. interchangeability. B. Duality. C. Displacement. D. Arbitrariness. 5) Study the following dialogue. What function does it play according to the functions of language? —A nice day, isn’t it? —Right! I really enjoy the sunlight. A. Emotive B. Phatic. C. Peformative. D. Interpersonal. 6) Unlike animal communication systems, human language is . A. stimulus free B. stimulus bound C. under immediate stimulus control D. stimulated by some occurrence of communal interest. 7) Which of the following is the most important function of language? A. interpersonal function B. performative function C. informative function D. recreational function 8) In different languages, different terms are used to express the animal “狗”, this shows the nature of --- of human language. A arbitrariness B cultural transmission C displacement D discreteness 9) Which of the following disciplines are related to applied linguistics? A. statistics B. psycholinguistics C. physics D. philosophy 10) has been widely accepted as the father of modem linguistics.

book5unit1using language学案

Using language 学案 【学习目标】 1. 通过理解课文掌握哥白尼的“日心说”。 2. 能使用多种阅读技巧寻找相关信息,提高阅读理解能力。 3. 培养科学研究的精神。 【自主学习】 一.Words and Phrases: 1._______________n.运动,移动,动作 2._____________ 讲得通,有意义 3.____________ adj/adv.向后的(地) 4.____________vt./vi.使旋转,纺线 5._____________ n.宇宙,世界 6.____________vt. 拒绝 7.______________adj热情的,热心的8.__________adj.小心的;谨慎的9.______________adv.私下地,秘密地10.____________ _______n.圈,环 11.太阳系____________________ 12.数学计算_______________________ 13.天文学家__________________ 二.Read the passage and answer the following questions. 1.Before Copernicus’ theory, what’s the theory of the universe? ________________________________________________________________________ 2.What’s the conclusion that Copernicus’ mathematical calculations led to? ________________________________________________________________________ 3.Why couldn’t he tell anyone about his theory? ________________________________________________________________________ 4.When did he show his ideas privately to his friends? ________________________________________________________________________ 三.Language points 1. reject vt.拒绝(接受);抛弃(某事物);剔除 ①She _____(拒绝)my suggestion. ②He _____ _____(被拒绝)for the army because of his bad eyesight. ③Choose the good apples and _____(剔除)the bad ones. ④The soldiers were put in prison because they _____ to obey orders. A.refused B.rejected C.denied D.objected 2. make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通 ①This sentence doesn’t _____ _____(讲得通). ②汉译英 同他讨论这个问题毫无意义。 _____________________________________________ ③Can you _____ _____ _____(明白)the sentence? ④Dogs have a very good _____ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake. A. sense B. view C. means D. idea 3. be strict with sb对某人要求严格 be strict in 在某方面要求严格 My father , who is strict _________ his work , is quite strict __________ me.

学案1:Language Study

Period 2Language Study 课程学习目标 1.掌握本课时出现的课标词汇在本单元中的用法。 2.理解并能够自主运用重要语言点, 如seize, caution, convenient, distinguish, call up, now and then, set about等的用法。 知识体系梳理 重点单词1.n.专利;证书;专利权 2.vi.&vt.显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别 3.n.产品 4.adj.突然的;意外的 5.adj.便利的;方便的;就近的 6.n.小心;谨慎 7.n.预料;期待;期望 8.vt.抓住;捉住;夺 9.n.认出;认可;承认 10.n. (评判的)标准;原则 11.n.文件;档案;文件夹 12.adj.熟的;成熟的 重点短语1.call 给……打电话 2.now then 偶尔;有时 3.set 开始;着手 4.经过;经历 5.计算出;设计出;筋疲力尽 6.申请 7.决定;选定 8.消灭;摆脱;除去

重点单词探究 1.distinguish 品句会意 阅读下列句子,注意distinguish的意思及用法。 You should learn to distinguish between right and wrong.你应学会明辨是非。 The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other.这对孪生儿长得很像,没有人能分辨得出他们。 He distinguished himself by bravery.他以勇猛出名。 Ye Shiwen has already distinguished herself as an athlete.作为一名运动员,叶诗文已享有盛名。 通过观察以上句子,我们发现distinguish作(1)词,意思是“(2)”。 即学即练 单项填空 Color-blind people often find it difficult to between blue and green. A.separate B.distinguish https://www.360docs.net/doc/d119153704.html,pare D.contrast 2.convenient 品句会意 阅读下列句子,注意convenient的意思和用法。 Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place.马丁一直往前开,直到找到了一个方便的停车处。 May I come and talk with you whenever it’s convenient? 在你方便时,我能来和你谈谈吗? Is it convenient for you to go out tonight? 今晚你方便出去吗? 通过观察以上句子,我们发现convenient作(1)词,意思是“(2)”。 即学即练 单项填空 As you stay in the center of a city,it is very to go shopping or take a bus. https://www.360docs.net/doc/d119153704.html,fortable B.convenient C.suitable D.adequate 3.seize

2020版学案导学英语(人教版)必修1第一部分 必修一 Unit 5

Unit 5Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Ⅰ.单词默写 1.Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents(总统),Congress,memorials,and parks.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ) 2.Who is responsible for the operation of such vehicles is not clear among car makers,consumers and lawyers(律师).(2017·天津卷) 3.Then they identified begging(请求)calls by analyzing the order and number of notes.(2017·江苏卷) 4.As is known to us all,not all the people are willing(愿意) to vote for the people who are eager to be the winners in competitions.(2016·江苏卷) 5.I’d like to thank my friend,who’s been very generous(慷慨的) with his time. 6.How to improve the quality(质量) of products is a difficult problem for him. 7.Einstein’s theories form the basic principles(原理) of modern physics. 8.This business company was founded(建立)in 1724. 9.We reached the stage(阶段) where we’d given up any hope of curing her cat. 10.They succeeded in escaping(逃脱) from the burning building by breaking down the door. 11.The government rewarded(奖赏) him for saving the old man in the well. 12.China won the bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games because they got most votes(投票). 13.He was attacked(攻击) by a dog when he was walking along the street. 14.In my opinion(观点),the key to solving the problem is to have love shinning over them. Ⅱ.词性转换


历城二中高二(56级)上学期英语学案 Unit1 Using languageWrite about what makes a great scientist 制作人:王燕审核人:贾爱芹序号(02)总序号(15) 学习目标: In this period, you will 1.get to know about two great scientists— Qian Xuesen, Stephen Hawking 2. find out the linking words and phrases in the passage and describe their function; 3.learn important phrases and sentence patterns; 4. write about the scientific spirit. 学习过程: step1. Reading I.Read and find out the qualities of the two scientists and the evidence to support your idea. Step 2. language study. I.Underline the linking words and phrases in the passages, and describe their function. 1. 表示时间和空间关系的的衔接词有:born in Hangzhou in 1911、after the Songhu Battle broke out in 1932、over the course of the 1930s and 1940s 、at that time等 2. 表示转折关系的有:however、nevertheless 3. 表示因果关系的有:because 4. 表示总结的有:In genera l, there were two main theories 5. 表示补充说明的有:Besides being brilliant, he was brave, Furthermore, he was quite determined, II. Important words and phrases. 1. 对中国航天科学有巨大影响________________________________________ 2. 热爱祖国、勤勉努力、甘于奉献、成就斐然 ________________________________________ 3. 备受人民尊重的人 ________________________________________ 4. 改学航空专业 ________________________________________ 5. 保卫国家________________________________________ 6. 开展火箭推进方面的研究 ________________________________________ 7. 收到了祖国英雄般的欢迎 ________________________________________ 8. 使他气馁不接受挑战 ________________________________________ 9. 发射第一颗人造卫星 ________________________________________ 10. 追溯到钱学森的研究 ________________________________________ 11. 关于宇宙起源的两个理论 ________________________________________ 12.承认错误 ________________________________________ III. plete the sentences 1. Perhaps no __________ scientist has had a __________ impact on China's aerospace ________ Qian Xuesen. 2. _________ in Hangzhou in 1911, Qian _________ schools in Beijing and then _________ Shanghai Jiao Tong University _______ _______ Railway Mechanical Engineering. 3. He __________ a hero's wele from his homeland and was _______ _______ ________ not only developing China's rocket science but also its space and __________ programme. 4.No institute or university in China offered rocket science ______ _______ ________, and there were no talents or experts in this field in China. 5. N__________, Qian did not let that ________ him ______ _______ on the challenge. 6.When ________"Can we Chinese possibly make missiles?", his reply was a ___________ "why not?" 7.U_______ Qian's __________, China developed the Dongfeng missiles, _________ by the first generation of Long March rockets. 8.However, ________ might have made him such an __________ and ___________ scientist was probably his strong interest _______ other things, such as music and drawing. 9.His deep _________ ______ art often gave him inspiration in his scientific research. 10. Most people are ________ ________images of him ______ his wheelchair, ________ to move and _______(use) a puter to talk. 11. Besides ________ ________, he was brave, though sometimes careless in what he said or did. 12. This odd ___________ of characteristics had made him one of the ________ ________ of the20th and 21st centuries. step 3. Write down stories of a scientist and their scientific spirit. Sample Writing Great Scientific Minds When we consider the great minds of many centuries and ask the question of what makes someone a great scientist, there are many aspects we should evaluate. But which ones are most important? Is it their inventions, cures or solutions to problems? Is it the personal challenges they had to face? Or is it their overall character? Looking at the lives of Qian Xuesen and Stephen Hawking, some mon characteristics surface: they are knowledgeable, gifted, selfsacrificing for the greater good of the country or short, they have to tenaciously(顽强

2021年上外版必修三-Language learning 学习外语的重要性(学案)

Language learning 学习外语的重要性 语篇导读 有些人觉得学外语这件事既有趣又实用。但一项研究发现,目前正在学习外语的英国中学生人数与本世纪初相比下降了45%,导致这一变化的因素有哪些?青少年的外语水平是否会影响他们的国际竞争力?在英国,哪几门外语的热度近年来有明显的提升?本集内容通过讲述因学习外语而获益的几个真人真事,分析外语学习的重要性。 Step 1 Vocabulary词汇表 foreign language 外语 get your tongue round something “舌头转过弯来”,正确发出…音 vocabulary 词汇 grammar 语法 qualification 资格证书,文凭 second language 第二语言 open doors to something 为(新事物)敞开大门,使…成为可能 German 德语 French 法语 Spanish 西班牙语Mandarin 普通话 get to grips with 理解,掌握 lingo 外语 translation 翻译 foreign language subject 外语学科curriculum 全部课程 native English speaker 英语为母语者tongue 语言 translator 译者,翻译家 set the course for 为…指明方向career 职业

Step 2 Reading and understanding As you probably know, learning a foreign language is sometimes challenging. But it can also be fun. We spend hundreds of hours at school trying to get our tongues round different vocabulary and grammar in order to earn a qualification. But learning to speak a second language is more than just passing an exam – it opens doors to new opportunities, helps you to communicate with others and makes travelling overseas more fulfilling. It might come as a surprise that, according to research by the BBC, the number of teenagers learning foreign languages in UK secondary schools has dropped by 45% since the turn of the millennium.German and French have fallen the most. While these languages from two of the UK's closest trading partners have declined at GCSE level, there has been a noticeable surge in some others, such as Spanish and Mandarin. Another survey of secondary schools suggests a third of students have dropped at least one language from their GCSE exam options. There are many reasons for this, including a perception by some students that languages are difficult.Getting to grips with the lingo of another country can certainly be a challenge and some pupils think 'Why bother?' when English is spoken by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Others have questioned the need for a second language when translation technology is advancing. Matthew Fell, chief UK policy director for business group the CBI, has told the BBC that "The decline in language learning in schools must be reversed, or else the UK will be less competitive globally and young people less prepared for the modern world." But even for those who are keen to study another language, the opportunity is being reduced. In Scotland, for example,foreign language subjects are being squeezed out of many secondary school timetables with some head teachers blaming pressure on the curriculum. However, some native English speakers have told the BBC about the benefits of speaking another tongue. Cassandra Scott, from Edinburgh, studied three languages in her final year at school. She is now a freelance translator in Edinburgh, and says "Learning languages at school really set the course for my career." Step 3 测验与练习 Task 1 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. Which languages have seen the biggest decline in British students learning them? 2. True or false?Some students think translation technology can replace the need for learning another language. 3. What is suggested in the article about the effects on global business if we don't learn to speak other languages? 4. Why might it be considered a surprise that the numbers of students learning French and German has declined so much? 5. Which word used in the article means needing a lot of effort to be done successfully?

Unit 1 Language points 课件【新教材】人教版(2019)必修第二册 学案

必修二Unit1Languagepoints 学案 1.former 单词写作 1)从前妇女很难得到认可。 _______________, it was difficult for women to acheive recognition. 2)他追查到了堂弟和叔叔的下落,前者当了一名医生,后者当时正在病中。 He tracked down his cousin and uncle.____________ worked as a doctor and_____________was sick then. 2.Promote 单句语法填空 1)I was promoted ______________ editor soon. 2)Her______________(promote) to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise. 3) The program has been produced______________( promote) the publicity of Chinese culture. 3. 写出give way to的含义 1)The storm gave way to bright sunshine._____________ 2) Throwing herself on the bed,she gave way to helplessness.________________ 3) Would you give way to other passengers, please?_______________ 4)We refused to give way to their demands.______________________ 改写同义句 You shouldn't give way to him on this matter. You shouldn't _______ _______ ________ him on this matter.


Welcome Unit第3课时 Language Study (1分钟) 1.在具体语境中,能够熟练地运用所学重要语言点。 2.能在具体情境中猜测词义、推测词性。 (28分钟) 基础巩固练习 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Nothing can be done without hope and __________ (confident). 2.The boy felt __________ (frighten) and hid behind his mother when meeting strangers. 3.Parents are usually anxious __________ the children when they don’t come back home from school. 4.Hearing his words,I gave him an __________ (annoy) look. 5.Their friends are really upset and have been waiting __________ (anxious) for more news. 6.I find it hard __________ on my studies with some people having small talks around me.7.Parents are required to give their children more free time __________ (explore) the natural world. 8.The company is concentrating __________ increasing its market share overseas. 9.It’s hard to describe how feel on my first day at senior high. It’s a mixture of ________ (anxious) and excitement. 10.You’ll get a false __________ (impress) of the town if you only visit the university. Ⅰ.阅读理解 A What a day! I started at my new school this morning and had the best time. I made lots of new friends and really liked my teachers. I was nervous the night before, but I had no reason to be. Everyone was so friendly and polite. They made me feel at ease. It was like I’d been at the

Unit 1 Cultural relics language points学案

Book2 Unit 1 学案 Warming up Language points 原句1: Does a cultural relics always have to be rare and _________? Is it enough to have ___________ for a long time?文化遗产总是稀少而贵重的吗?保存时间长的东西就能成为文化遗产吗? 1).____________ adj. 贵重的;有价值的 ________ n.价值;v.珍惜 Eg. Gold is valuable because it is a scarce metal.金很珍贵,因为它是一种稀有的金属。 We should value every minute. Your suggestion is very valuable to us. = Your suggestion is of great value to us. 搭配归纳:____________珍惜某物 be (very) valuable = ____________________珍贵的 拓展:be adj. = be of + 抽象n.. 如:be useful = be of use; be important =be of importance … (1) His work has no ________.他的工作没有价值。 (2) I will _______ our _________ friendship.我会珍惜我们珍贵的友谊。 (3)这文化遗产很珍贵。 _________________________________=__________________________________ Valuable; value; value sth.; be of (great) value; value; value, valuable The cultural relic is very valuable/ of great value. 2).________ vt./ vi. 比……活得长;幸免于;幸存;生还 派生: ____________ n. 幸存;生存; ____________n. 幸存者 Eg: Fortunately, he survived the traffic accident.幸运的是,他在交通事故中幸免于难 His grandma survived his grandpa by ten years. 他奶奶比爷爷多活了10年 I can’t survive on 10 dollars a week.我不能靠10美元生活一个星期。 Some strange customs have survived from earlier times. 有些奇怪的风俗是从早年留存下来的。 搭配归纳:_____________________幸免于某事 ____________________比某人多活……年 ________________靠……存活下来 ____________________从……留存下来/流传下来 ⑴John was the only __________ of the traffic accident, in other words, he _____________ the traffic accident. People were shocked to hear his _________. ⑵__________________________________________ 他的妻子比他多活了5年。 ⑶They spend two weeks in the jungle, surviving _______ small animals and fruit. (4) No letters _____________ this early period.早期的信件并没有留存下来 Survive, survival, survivor; survive sth.; survive sb. by…; survive on …; survive from… (1) survivor, survived , survival, (2) He survived his wife by 5 years.; (3) on (4) survive from Reading 一.语法填空(根据课文内容完成短文) Amber Room, the best and 1._________(big) work of amber art ever made, was first built for the palace of Frederick I. In 1916, Frederick William I gave 2._______ to Peter the Great as a gift of friendship and 3.______ return he got a troop of the Czar’s best soldiers. Thus the Amber Room became part of Czar’s winter palace in St. Petersburg and served 4.______ a small reception hall for important visitors. Later, Catherine II told her artists to add more details 5.______ its design. 6.___________ (fortunate), in September, 1941, when Russia and Nazi Germany were 7.______ war, the Amber Room was 8.________(secret) stolen by the Nazis. 100,000
