

新派英语3级——Unit 1 My activities (1)

班级:教师:日期:年月日Words and



































新派英语3级——Unit 4 Animal homes (1)


Words and phrases 单词短语forest森林river 河流plain草原desert沙漠snow and ice冰天雪地jungle热带丛林ocean大洋place地方chimpanzee大猩猩parrot鹦鹉polar bear北极熊penguin企鹅camel骆驼deer鹿

Useful Language 日常用语1.Where do you live?你住在哪里?

2.Where do the animals live?动物们住在哪里?

3.Different animals live in different places. 不同的动物住在不同的地方。

4.I live in Kunming. Where do you live?我住在昆明,你住在哪里?

5.Some animals live in the zoo. 一些动物住在动物园。

6.Some of the animals are in danger. 一些动物濒临危险。

7.How to protect the wild animals?怎么去保护野生动物。

8.Why the animals are in danger? 为什么这些动物有危险?

Sentences 句子1、Animals live in many different places.动物们住在不同的地方。

2、Chimpanzees and parrots live in the hot jungle.大猩猩和鹦鹉住在丛林里。

3、Kangaroos and ostriches live on the plains.袋鼠和鸵鸟住在草原上。

4、Polar bears and penguins live in the snow and ice.北极熊和企鹅住在北极。

5、Camels live in the hot desert.骆驼生活在沙漠里。

6、Crocodiles and fish live in lakes and rivers.鳄鱼和鱼生活在湖泊和河流里。

7、Whales and fish live on the ocean.鲸鱼和鱼生活在海洋里。

8、Deer live in the cool forest.鹿生活在凉爽的森林里。

9. Tigers and lions live in the forest. 老虎和狮子生活在森林里。10.Pandas live in the bamboo forest.熊猫生活在竹林里。

11. Ants live in the hole.蚂蚁住在洞里。

12. Birds live in the nest. 小鸟住在窝里。


问题1.Where do parrots live?鹦鹉住在哪里?

2.What can the animals do? What can’t they do?动物们能做什么?不能做什么?

3.Do whales live in the forest?鲸鱼住在森林里吗?

4.Which anmal live in the forest?什么动物住在森林里?

5.Which animal live in the river?什么动物居住在河里?

6.Which animal live in the desert?什么动物居住在沙漠里?

7.Which animal live in the snow and ice?什么动物居住在北极?

8.Which animal live in the ocean?什么动物居住在海洋里?

9.Why the animals are in dander?为什么动物会濒临灭绝?

10.What are in dangered animals? 什么是濒危动物?

11.How to protect the wild animal?怎么样去保护野生动物?

12.How to keep a pet dog? 怎么样一只宠物狗?

Extension 扩展知识新起点二年级上册:hill小山bridge桥bench长凳subway地铁taxi出租车

bus stop公告汽车站台

扩展词汇: antelope 羚羊reindeer驯鹿baboon 狒狒rhinoceros犀牛hippopotamus 河马lynx猞猁panther 豹

Conversation A: Look at the monkey.

对话B: What is it doing?

A: It’s eating bananas. It’s hungry.

B: That baby kangaroo is so cute. It’s sleeping.

A: What about the mother kangaroo? What is she doing?

B: She is jumping.

A: Do you see any elephants? I love elephants.

B: Yes. Look there! That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.(选自PEP五年级下册)

Story 故事

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. With the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.

In order to protect our resources of ecology,people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken; pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons;killing off certain rare species is prohibited,national parks should be set up as wild life,reserves.

Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved

Oral Compostion 口头作文1.How to protect the wild and indangered animals?

2. Can we eat the meat of the wild animals?



Bo co do fo go ho jo ko lo mo no po ro so to vo yo zo

Chant 数来宝Here comes tiger, I’m in danger.

Here comes hunter, I’m safe.

Here comes wild animal. Be careful. Run away.

Who’ ih the cage? Gorilla’s in the cage.

Who’ ih the cage? Kangaroo’s in the cage.

Who’ ih the cage? _____ is in the cage. ( Tiger / Nina, etc. ) Help help! I want to get out of the cage.

A bone for a peacock? No no no.

A bone for a dog? Yes yes yes.

Ya mi ya mi ya mi!

Grammar 语法1.一般现在时。2.单词复数。

Teacher’s suggestion 教师建议

今天我们将要学习的谚语是:Kill two birds with one stone. (一石二鸟,一箭双雕) 学习是一个漫长的过程,小朋友们,我们一起努力!


1、Where do the polar bears/camels/penguins/deer live?

2、What animals live in the desert/snow and ice/jungle/river?

3、What can you see in the park?

4、What can you see in the street?

5Where do parrots live?

6What can the animals do? What can’t they do? 7Do whales live in the forest?

8Do you know any animal fun facts?

9Which anmal live in the forest?

10Which animal live in the river?

11Which animal live in the desert?

12Which animal live in the snow and ice?

13Which animal live in the snow and ice?

14Which animal live in the ocean?

15Why the animals are in dander?

16What are in dangered animals?

17How to protect the wild animal?

18 How to keep a pet dog?

19.Tell me a story.

新派英语3级——Unit 4 Animal homes (2)


Words and phrases 单词短语can 能,会can’t不能,不会fly 飞swim游泳jump跳climb爬(上下)crawl爬(地下)koala考拉

Useful Language 日常用语1.What can the animals do?动物会做什么?2.What can’t they do? 他们不能做什么?3.Where do they live? 他们住在那里?

Sentences 句子1.The kangaroos can jump, but they can’t swim.袋鼠会跳,但是不会游泳。

2.The chimpanzees can climb the tree, but they can’t swim.猩猩会爬树,但不会游泳。

3.The crocodiles can swim, but they can’t fly. 鳄鱼会游泳但不会飞。

4.The snakes can crawl, but they can’t run.蛇能爬但不会跑。

5.The crocodiles don’t live in the snow and ice, they live in the rivers. 鳄鱼生活在河里,没


6.The parrots don’t live in the forest, they live in the jungle.鹦鹉生活在丛林里不生活在森


7.The lions don’t live in the ocean, they live on the plains.狮子主宰平原上不住在海洋里。

8. The monkeys don’t live in the desert, they live in the forest.猴子生活在森林里不住在沙漠里。


问题1What can the kangaroos do? What can’t they do?袋鼠能做什么?不能做什么?

2What can the chimpanzees do? What can’t he do?大猩猩能做什么?不能做什么?

3What can crocodiles do? What can’t he do? 鳄鱼能做什么?不能做什么?

4What can the snakes do? What can’t he do?蛇能做什么?不能做什么?5Where does the parrot live?鹦鹉住在那里?

6Where does the chimpanzees live?大猩猩生活在那里?

7Where does the snke live?蛇生活在那里?

8Where does the lions live?狮子生活在那里?

Extension 扩展知识新起点二年级上册:big大的thin瘦的tall高的short矮的ugly丑的pretty美丽的

扩展词汇:puma美洲豹leopard 豹yak牦牛weasel鼬,黄鼠狼otter 水獭hyena鬣狗beaver 河狸marmot 土拨鼠


对话A:Do you feel the winter is warmer than before when we are children?

B: Yes. I think so; the weather is more and more warm, global warming is becoming one of the world’s most serious issues.

A: You are right. People come to realize the seriousness of the green house effect; low carbon has become a hot topic now.

B: we can do something about the low carbon in our daily life; we can resort to public transportations like buses and subway instead of taxis or private cars. As a student, there are many ways we can become involved in low carbon endeavors, such as we can conserve water, recycle our textbook, and turn off lights on leaving our classrooms.

A: That is an easy but effective way to reduce the release of the wastes. We also can use electricity saving lumps; go shopping with a reusable bag instead of a plastic bag.

B: All sounds good, there is only one mother earth for human beings and literally speaking, preserving the earth means preserving humanity itself.

Story 故事

Danny is a little pig. He is unhappy.because he wants to leave home to see the world.Today is a sunny day. Danny goes away when his parents are sleeping. on his way he meets an elephant, a peacocok and a rabbit. At last , he gets to a lake .

He looks at his reflection in the water and says, “I wish I have an elephant’s nose, a peacock’s tail and a rabbit’s ears.” After a while, Danny’s wish comes true. and he runs back excitedly. But his parents can‘t recognize Danny, “Go away, you’re not our son.”

Danny goes to the lake again. He is very sad, “I just want to be a pig.”He says sadly .Danny waits and waits. He becomes a pig again.Danny runs back quickly. His parents hug and say, “This is Danny.”




1. Animal’s homes.



Bo co do fo go ho jo ko lo mo no po ro so to vo yo zo

Chant 数来宝Koalas are sleeping. Kangaroos are jumping. Two bears are fighting. The small bear is biting. A monkey is climbing. A bird is flying. The zoo is never boring.(选自PEP五年级下册)

Grammar 语法1.现在进行时。



Teacher’s suggestion 教师建议

今天我们将要学习的谚语是:Birds of a feather flock together. (物以类聚,人以群分) 小朋友们,加油哦!


1、What can the polar bears/camels/penguins/deer do?

2、What can’t the polar bears/camels/penguins/deer do?

3、Do the crocodiles live in the desert?

4、Do the parrots live in the snow and ice?

5、Do the lions live in the ocean?

6、What can you see in the park?

7、What can you see in the street?

8 、Where does the parrot live?

9.Where does the chimpanzees live?

10 、Where does the snke live?

11、Where does the lions live?

12、Tell me a story.

新派英语3级——Unit 4 Animal homes (3)


Words and phrases 单词短语owl猫头鹰feather羽毛crawl爬行mad生气pouch(袋鼠的)口袋hump驼峰dinosaur 恐龙zebra斑马

Useful Language 日常用语1. She’s always as busy as a bee.她总是很忙碌.

2. I am a worm today. 我今天不舒服。

3. He drinks like a fish.他很喜欢喝酒。

4. He is as blind as an owl 他真是个瞎子。

Sentences 句子1.The parrot gives the bird a red feather. 鹦鹉给了这只鸟一根红色羽毛。

2.The owl gives the bird a brown feather.猫头鹰给了这只鸟一根棕色羽毛。

3.The bird flies out of the forest.这只鸟飞出了森林。

4.The monkey doesn’t know.猴子不知道。

5.、He is always looking for his feather.他一直在寻找他的羽毛。


问题1.Where does the bird live?鸟生活在哪里?

2.Why is the bird crying?为什么这只鸟要哭?

3.What is the bird looking for?这只鸟在寻找什么?

4.How many birds give feathers to the bird?有几只鸟给了这只鸟羽毛?

5.Which animal does the bird ask for help?这只鸟都向谁寻求了帮助?

6.Does the bird find his feather or not? 这只鸟找到了自己的羽毛了吗?

Extension 扩展知识新起点二年级上册:Canada加拿大China中国America美国Britain英国

扩展单词:gopher 囊地鼠mole 鼹鼠gibbon长臂猿anteater 食蚁兽platypus 鸭嘴兽walrus海象


对话Te Teacher:What are you doing?

John: I am watching my classmates.

Teacher: Where are they?

John: They are in the woods.

Teacher: Are they catching butterflies?

John: No, they aren’t. They are picking up leaves.(五年级下六单元)

Story 故事

The Twelve zodiacs

Long, long time ago, people always forgot in which year they were born and could

not figure out exactly how old they were. The Jade Emperor came up with an idea.

It’s too difficult to remember a year. It would be easier to remember an animal. Why don’t we choose twelve animals to represent the years? The Jade Emperor asked the Earth God to tell every animal how to be chosen as one of the animals for the twelve signs of the zodiac.

All animals are welcome to compete. The first twelve animals across the finish line will be chosen as the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. After the announcement, all the animals got very excited and everyone was talking about the race.

At that time, the cat and the rat were very good friends. They met to discuss the race.“Let’s join the ox, We can point the way and he can carry us across the river.

We can’t swim. How are we gonna cross the river?“The cat and the rat went to see the ox.

The ox said okay at once. The cat and the rat climbed onto the back of the ox.

And then they started swimming across the river. The cat became sleepy because he got up so

early that morning.

He fell asleep as s oon as he got on top of the ox’s back.How eager the rat wanted to win first place. When the ox was a few second away from the opposite bank of the river, the rat

pushed the cat into the water and went into one of the ox’s ears.

The ox climbed up the sho re and ran to the finish line. The rat jumped out of the ox’s ear and

rushed to the finish line to win first place.

The ox was very angry. Ever since then, the ox always looked at the rat with his

enormous eyes.

Then came the tiger.

The tiger was roar ing,” I am the first, right?”” No, you are the third,” said the Jade Emperor.

A whirlwind came in the sky as the dragon arrived.

But the rabbit sprinted ahead and took the forth place.

The rabbit could not swim but jumped across the river on the backs of the other animals.

“I had gone to the South China Sea to host a rainmaking ceremony and rushed back in a hurry but was too late.”

The sky was filled with flying dust.

The horse was dashing at full speed, but as he was about to cross the finish line, the snake suddenly shot through to come in sixth. Poor horse.

Originally, the snake had legs, but he raced so hard, he ran his legs off. Originally, the horse was very bold and brave, but after being scared by the snake, he became very shy.

Working together, the goat, the monkey and the rooster rowed on a log. As a result, they earned themselves eighth, ninth, and tenth places respectively. Then came the dog. He

was a playful fellow. As he crossed the river, he had such a good time in the water that he

forgot the time. Only one opening was left. All the people wanted to see who was in the


The pig arrived and said. “I’m starving, Is there any food to eat here?”

The race was over. The Jade Emperor at once announced the places of the twelve animals in the zodiac. At that time, the cat arrived dripping wet. You came in thirteenth. The

cat was mad. “ You bad rat!” He said. “ I won’t spare you!”

The cat slapped the rat across the face and knocked out all of his teeth except the two in

front.Today when th e rat sees the cat’s shadow, he runs like crazy.

Even in daytime he hides in a hole, not daring to show his face.




1. If there is no water, where can the fish live?



Bo co do fo go ho jo ko lo mo no po ro so to vo yo zo

Chant 数来宝Koalas are sleeping. Kangaroos are jumping. Two bears are fighting. The small bear is biting. A monkey is climbing. A bird is flying. The zoo is never boring.(选自PEP五年级下册)

Grammar 语法1 .现在进行时。

2 .情态动词can的疑问、肯定和否定句式复习。

3. 带助动词do 的一般疑问句和否定句。

Teacher’s suggestion 教师建议

今天我们将要学习的谚语是:A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy.(懒羊嫌毛重) 小朋友们,加油哦!


1、 What can the polar bears/camels/penguins/deer do ?

2、 What can ’t the polar bears/camels/penguins/deer do ?

3、 Do the crocodiles live in the desert?

4、 Do the parrots live in the snow and ice?

5、 Do the lions live in the ocean?

6、 What ’s in the forest?

7、 Why is the bird crying?

8、 How do the birds help this bird? 9、 Why is the owl mad? 10、 How many animals does the owl ask? Who are they? 11、 Does the owl find his feather? 12、 Tell me a story.


剑桥少儿英语三级介绍 剑三主要学习的是单词和一些英语中常用的时态和语态知识,剑三结束之后学生应当掌握1864个单词,主要单词类别有:学科类,天气类,感官动词类,房屋类,运动项目类,材料类,特殊疑问词类,职业名称类,节日类,城市及国家地名类,以及月份,季节的英语表示方法等。剑三一共160课时,上下册共32个单元。平均4个课时一个单元,教师可按自己进度在四课时基础上自行调配课时。遇到对学生而言想对较难理解和掌握的语法单元,可按照学生的接受程度分配5-6个课时。剑三全册一共六次考试,分别是上册Unit1-Unit4,Uint5-Uint8,Uint9-Uint12,上册结束,下册Unit1-Unit8,全测结束。 剑三的主要语法点有: 1.条件从句(3A) 2.现在完成时(5A) 3.定语从句(7A) 4.宾语从句(7A) 5.被动语态(8A) 6.现在完成时的疑问句(10A) 7.一般将来时(2B) 8.反义疑问句(9B) 9.过去进行时(10B) 剑三主要句型有: we…… you ever…… 3.感官动词+like的陈述句及疑问句。 's…… should…… could…… good at doing…… 8.特殊疑问句 剑三主要教学目标是在学生学习过前三个级别,掌握一定的单词量和语法之后,对学生加强阅读理解及扩大知识,及文化视野扩展的阶段。在剑三学习的过程中,培养学生英语的写作能力和口语表达能力。让学生能够用简单的英语写一些小文章或日记,尽量让学生在写英语作文的时候注意时态及小的语法点的正确。

剑桥三级上册1--16单元重点 Unit one 基本句型:What classes do you have Can you go to each class without passing any class twice How far is your route in steps On which class is nearest to the Music class What is a best friend What’s your favorite subject Music is my favorite subject I like Math. 重点朗读词汇: Subject, art, music, math, Chinese, English, science, history, geography, without, pass, twice, route, step, best, friend, secret, lot, different, stuck, sad, problem, rich, poor Unit two 基本句型:When is your birthday On which day is your birthday Who will be there We’ll have a good time. 重点朗读词汇: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, present, buy, choose, aunt, uncle, right, person, wish, blow, candles, buy a birthday cake, blow out candles, sing a song, give presents, make a wish Unit three 基本句型:What was the weather like yesterday It was windy It was sunny all the time. Did you go anywhere No, I stayed at home Yes, I went to Zhongshan Park. 重点朗读词汇: Weather, band, raindrop, fall, down, loudly, quietly, fog, bring, song, light, scarf, windy, sunny, stay, week, yesterday, cloud, snow, sun, storm, rain Unit four 基本句型:How far is it from Xidan to Wangfujing Street You should turn left/right You should go straight on Excuse me. Can you tell me how far it is from Xidan street to Ditan Park It’s about 8 kilometers


剑桥少儿英语三级真题考试题 一、下列每组单词中,有一个与所给单词不同类,将其序号填入题前括号内(20 分) ()1. panda A. tiger B. ruler C. zebra ()2. Monday A. day B. Tuesday C. Friday ()3. hand A. leg B. foot C. grape ()4. one A. three B. door C. seven ()5. doctor A. man B. teacher C. nurse ()6. white A. red B. brown C. skirt ()7. banana A. peach B. plane C. pear ()8. ant A. bee B. butterfly C. dog ()9. headache A. feel B. cough C. cold ()10. piano A. guitar B. pants C. violin 二、选择正确的词填空(20 分) ()1. --_____ floor do you live? --I live on the second floor. A. What B. Where C. Which ()2. Sally is _____ . She can't get the book on the table. A. hungry B. tall C. short ()3. --_____ do you go to see movies? --Once a week. A. How often B. Where C. When ()4. --______ is the coat? --Thirty-five Yuan, please. A. How B. How much C. How old ()5. I can't hear you. Please read it _____ . A. carefully B. loudly C. quickly ()6. What's wrong with you? A. I have a headache. B. I don't like beans. C. Is there any thing wrong with you? ()7. What's the weather like today? A. It's Sunday today. B. It's sunny. C. It's late outside. ()8. Where is Tom going? A. He's watching TV. B. He can do it. C. He's going to school. ()9. 当别人对你说“Let's go skating!”,你不想去可以说: A. Sorry, I can't. B. OK, let's go. C. That's a good idea. ()10. 当别人对你说“What's your job?”你可以说: A. I'm Kate. B. I'm a doctor. C. I'm Li Ming's mother. 三、选择恰当的答案(15 分) ()1. Your new dress is very nice. How much is it? ()2. Where is the washroom? ()3. Are there any apples on the desk? ()4. Do you often go to school by bus? ()5. When does the supermarket open? A. Near the tall tree B. Thank you. It's 35 Yuan. C. Yes, there are some apples. D. It opens at 8:00 in the morning E. No, I don't. I go to school by bike. 四、组句(15 分)


立定三级跳远的训练方法 https://www.360docs.net/doc/d23596010.html, 2008年09月24日15:38 中国体育报 立定三级跳远是双脚站在起跳板上起跳,身体任何部位不得触线。第一跳原地双脚起跳、单脚着地;第二跳用落地脚起跳向前跨出一步,以摆动腿落地;第三跳用落地的摆动腿起跳双脚落在板上(或沙坑)。通过实践,笔者摸索出了以下几种训练方法: 一、组合训练法 1、30米跨步跳接跳跃:原地起跳(从右腿)跨步,到沙坑前倒换左腿;接着完成一次跳跃双脚落入沙坑,数量控制在2-3组以上练习。 2、30米跨步跳,每腿跨两次,跳一次,至沙坑前完成一次跳跃双脚落入沙坑,数量控制在2-3组以上练习。 3、30米连续单足跳至沙坑前完成一次跳跃,双脚落入沙坑,数量控制在2-3组以上练习。 二、“立体图形”训练法 1、双脚原地起跳跨步登上3-4级台阶练习,反复进行原地启动第一跳练习,在练习过程中,反复强调提重心、跨直线、随惯性的要求。 2、原地台阶弓箭步交换跳练习。 3、在原地启动第一跳练习基础上,结合第二跳登上7-8层台阶的练习。 4、两步助跑双脚起跳跨上十二层台阶的三级跳远练习。 5、原地双脚起跳跨上十二层台阶的三级跳远练习。在练习过程中,要特别注意三跳节奏和运动路线(直线)的要求。 三、“平面图形”训练法 1、双脚原地起跳,单腿跨栏练习。 2、上一步双脚起跳,双腿跨栏练习。 3、原地启动第一跳练习基础上,结合第二跳跨栏练习。 4、原地启动,三级完整过栏练习。 四、“比例线”练习法 1、按三跳远度,前两线间距为2-2.5米,最后一跳间距约为3米左右进行练习。 2、在三跳比例线的正中画一垂直于三跳比例线的直线,使三跳落点在一条直线上的练


朗文测试题答案 Module A A1.The Straight Story ReviewQuiz: abbc//caa//acb//il/un/in/im//what's/as/also/by//cb//caacb//cbcab//a/but/an//ca//b//acbc// A2.A Hot Lead ReviewQuiz: ba//cbb//ab//don’t take/try/don’t blame//bcba//is/I’m/here’s/hmmm//ca//baac//e/t/mu/ma//ab//bcb//bba//babc// A.3:Jackie,theActress ReviewQuiz: aba//ac//ac//gttsao/gtsa/gtr//c/st/sc/f//bcb//aca// has been/ have been taking/ interesting/ has taken/ exciting/ have acted/ surprised//cac//aba//aba//cacc A.4:A Confrontation ReviewQuiz: babc//bcb//bcc//go/a piece/a smart/butter//acb//aba//bbb//acb//aacc//abb//we've/you've/could have//caca ModuleAtest Nick tells/Nick mentions/Nick talks//ba//cb//bca//cb//bac//ba//Amy tells/T/Amy asks//a/s//down/l/s/p//a/s//bac//cba//cca//a little/a re/going//to/can’t/much/is//have been working/have decided//ab//acb//must/c/e//ab//cb//T/S//ANEWD/PCN//might have/was//ca//bab//ab//cad// Module B B.1:Talia's Brilliant Plan


复习立定三级跳远 一、指导思想: 本单元教学设计树立“健康第一”的指导思想,以学生发展为中心的教育理念,结合初二年级学生生理、心理特点,将运动实践的情境教学贯穿始终,让学生在有趣的情境中,积极主动地学习,使学生乐学、愿学、想学,充分调动学生的学习积极性。创设自主、合作、探究学习的空间,培养学生创新精神和实践能力,发展学生个性和特长,重视学生的全面发展,为学生形成终身体育意识和良好的运动习惯打下基础。 二、教学内容分析: 本课教学内容是立定三级跳远。我将立定三级跳远分四个课时来完成,即立定跳远初步动作概念的建立、第一跳和第二跳连贯性的结合、最后一跳技术动作的掌握、三跳连贯性的把握。本次课是在学生初步掌握动作概念的基础上,以复习课的形式解决立定三级跳远中的双脚起跳的第一步和第一跳和第二跳连贯性的结合建立。 三、学生情况分析: 本次课的授课班级为八年级(7)(8)班男生,共44人。两班学生的特点是活泼好动,模仿和接受能力较强。虽然在体育运动技能上有差异,但学生总体身体素质都比较好,对跳跃的兴趣很高,且跳远能力很强,组织纪律性和集体荣誉感很强,有比较强的思维能力、创造能力,善于学习。 四、课时目标: 1、运动参与目标:通过教学,让学生乐于参加学练,展示自我,使学生参与到练习中去。 2、心理健康目标:通过“流水作业”“挑战6.6米、7.1米”等形式培养学生的学习兴趣,让学生能够积极主动的参与到活动中去。 3、身体健康目标:通过比赛发展学生的下肢力量以及上下肢的协调用力,发展学生跳跃能力。 4、运动技能目标:通过练习让85%的学生掌握了立定三级跳远的动作要领,基本能够用正确的方法进行运动。


水平五立定三级跳远教学设计 一、指导思想: 本课以健康第一为指导思想,以发展学生的主动性、自主性、创造性为设计目标,强调教学中学生的个性发展和能力的培养,使每个学生在认识上、情感上和态度上积极发展。通过学生的主动创造和学习,构建民主、和谐的师生关系,创设宽松愉悦的课堂氛围,使学生主动获取知识,成为学习的主体。使学生从运动中找到参与运动和获得成功的乐趣。 二、教材分析: 立定三级跳远动作相对来说比较复杂,技术难度较大,而且在学习中会感到枯燥无味。先通过完整练习,再分解技术动作,创造多种练习方法,既培养了学生的创造力,又培养了学生主动学习的意识。同时通过游戏比赛、分组练习等方式相互学习、交流,使学生懂得欣赏别人的作品,同时通过相互学习达到知识共享,共同提高的目的,也发展促进学生乐学、想学的心理。 三、学情分析: 本课的教学对象是高一年级学生,平均年龄在17岁左右,学生正处于身体生长发育的关键时期,可培养、提高学生的协调性、爆发力等身体素质。学生已经在上学期已学过蹲踞式跳远,已基本具备基础的跑结合跳的能力。本堂课也是“立定三级跳远”单元教学的第一次课程,本堂课选用的教学内容约85%以上的学生可以掌握,并加以应用。 四、教学目标: 1、运动参与目标:使学生乐于参与跳跃动作的学习,并在活动中增强信心。 2、认知与技能目标:了解立定三级跳远的动作特点,初步学会立定三级跳远, 3、身体健康目标:提高机体的力量和协调柔韧素质。 4、心理健康目标:使学生积极参与,充分展示自我,并在运动中体验获得成功的喜悦。 五、教学重点:双脚起跳有力,第一跳与第二跳的衔接 六、教学难点:动作的协调性和节奏感 七、教学过程 1、开始部分: 全班学生呈两路纵队绕场地慢跑并做相关跳跃练习,做徒手操。热身活动是以学生在行进间来完成的。学生积极、活跃地参与,使学生消除了紧张情绪,以轻松愉快的心理状态进入课堂,并使学生充分的活动开来。(踝关节、膝关节、髋关节、腰、背肩各关节) 2、学习提高部分: a结合示范讲解立定三级跳远技术,使学生建立正确的技术概念,了解立定三级跳远技术的要求、方法和要领; b通过各种跳跃组合练习,使学生体会立定三级跳远的分解的动作结构。示范--讲解--模仿练习; c反复的完整练习法为主:通过练习,使学生相互欣赏、相互学习提高。教师在教学过程中以引导、提示、参与等教学方法,激发着学生的运动和学习兴趣; d身体素质练习。 3、整理恢复部分: 自我拉伸方式进行放松,使学生由高度的兴奋状态过渡到相对稳定的状态,身心都得到调整放松。 八、教学效果预计: 预计85%以上的学生能初步掌握课所学的动作技术。


三级跳远教案 一.指导思想 根据高中学生思想较成熟,对运动技术的掌握能力增强,对自身运动项目具有一定的选择性这一特点及体现“健康第一”、发挥“双主”优势这一指导思想,较为灵活地安排该节课,旨在创造轻松活泼的课堂气氛,愉悦身心,曾强体质,提高技术。 二.教材分析 该节课是三级跳远单元的第一节课。教学目标是要求学生初步掌握三级跳远的技术动作,体会出三级跳远的三步节奏。三级跳远的技术对于高中生来说已不再是高难度的运动技术,关键是学生愿不愿学和教师如何去引导其学的问题。解决了上述问题,该目标就不难实现。另外三级跳远对下肢的爆发力及人体的协调性和心理素质的要求较高,所以采取各种方式的跳跃练习来增强体质、发展力量、提高跳跃能力、增强协调性、锻炼意志品质、愉悦身心是这节课的又一重要目标。 三.教学过程设计 1.通过“五官移位”这一趣味性的游戏,将学生注意力集中到课堂,然后听着音乐根据个体差异选择做四肢、腰腹及牵拉韧带的徒手操,这样会充分发挥学生的主体作用,克服以往徒手操的整齐划一的教学模式,避免了单调、呆板的缺陷,以调动学生的运动兴趣。通过竞赛的形式有针对性地进行跨步跳和单足跳练习,在为主要内容作好准备的同时又调动了学生参与运动的兴趣和积极性,同时还培养了学生争强好胜,奋勇拚搏的体育精神。 2.因该节课为三级跳远的第一节课,所以就将场地设在宽阔的跑道上进行。由示范讲解、出示教学挂图开始,使学生对三级跳远有个完事的初步认识。原地跳跃练习和4-6步行进间跳跃练习,促使学生掌握三级跳远的基本技术,再通过跳过实心球练习来掌握“三步”的节奏,最后进行完整的动作练习。另外,期间要多注意学生的反馈信息,适时加以引导。 3.设置各种跳跃练习的场地,要求学生自由分组和选择运动项目,发挥个人跳跃特长,提高特长项目的技术水平和终身体育能力,提高下肢爆发力,增强协调性。通过自主组织些跳跃游戏(斗鸡、跳绳等)来增强体质的锻炼和培养学生群体意识及团结协作的集体主义精神,达到愉悦身心,增进健康的目的。


三级跳远教学设计 一、指导思想 本课以新课标为依据,以健康第一、快乐体育为指导思想,以全面发展学生为中心,注重学生的身心健康,为学生的终身体育打下思想和身体基础。积极创设有利于学生主动参与,乐于探究,勇于实践,互助学习的良好气氛,努力激发学生的兴趣、热情,让学生在快乐、合作、竞争中克服困难,勇往直前。注重发展学生的速度,弹跳力,提高了学生的灵敏、协调等身体素质,培养学生团结协作,勇敢顽强的优良品质,充分挖掘了枯燥田径教材中的快乐锻炼价值。 二、学情分析 本校学生有的来自农村,有的来自城市,身体素质参差不齐,技术基础不一致,但很好学,感兴趣,会思考,有利于本课学习。 三、教材分析 三级跳远是技术性强,要求下肢力量大,身体协调性好,速度较快的,最终考核远度的田径项目。本教材是从新课程教材挖掘出来的一个新教材,通过连续跳跃的学习,能发展学生腿部力量、关节灵活性、身体协调性,培养学生勇敢顽强、勇往直前的意志品质。 四、教学策略 本课是初学,让学生对三级跳远有一个全面的粗略的认识,通过单腿跳和跨跳的结合学习,学生会较易掌握简单粗略的技术,通过设置五组不同远度递进的障碍组,让每个学生都能吃饱,也都有更高的

可以达到的目标。既能让身体素质好的学生充分展示自我,表现自我,又让身体素质较差的学生能获得进步和成功的快乐,所以本课应该会是一堂气氛热烈、效果明显的新授课。 三级跳远教案 教学 内容 三级跳远(1)授课教师候俊卿 教学内容1.使学生了解三级跳远的相关知识,激发学生学练兴趣,建立正确的动作表现。 2.发展学生连续跳跃能力,增强学生速度、力量、弹跳力,协调性能力。 3.培养学生团结协作的团队精神,提高互帮、探究学习能力,促进创新能力的提高。 重点动作结构的学习难点培养学生克服困难的能力 教学过程教学内容教师活动学生活动 组织形式 与要求 时间 课程常规课题导入 1师生问好 2.考勤 3.宣布课的内 容 4.安排见习生 1体委集合整 队,报告人数 2.见习生出列, 看课并协助老 师上课 ×××××××××× ×××××××××× ○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○ △ 要求:快、静、齐、 精神抖擞 2分钟 准备活动1.队列练 习行进间 转体 1.老师口令指 挥 2.检查,鼓励 调动学习气氛 集体听口令练 习 ×××××××××× ×××××××××× ○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○ △ 精神饱满,正确整齐 2分钟 4×8×


caa//caa//bac//ac//Do/like/What/Mustard//lettuce/got/It'll//bacb//ccaa//aba c//cac//look/great/my/click/Isn't//babba//are/any/at/out/have//baac//bccba/ /cbac//can/Across from/was/look/you can/in// cbab//cabbc//bab//acbb//I'll/have/I'm/that//I've/it's/looking//is/have/do/ene rgetic/a lot of/much//enjoy/is/loves/He's/responsible/have//any/ What/soup/sandwiches/Some/How//Happy Birthday/What did you say/Oh,no/ I'm sorry/at/See you soon//yes/yes/no/no/no/yes//yes/yes/no/yes/no/no// your email/my homework/to go/too/enough/home// Let's/plans/a/the/eating/Why don't// doing/think/What do you mean/know/might/don't understand// am going to/may/'ll/Go down/walk past/next to//abaaab/aabbba//aaabbb// What/that/can't I/What kind/will he/who//I've been/haven't seen/have been/saw/don't want/didn't want//waiter/orders/meals/small business owner/talented//responsible/browsing/downloaded/fare/reserve//fever/pre scription/pharmacy/Take a right/blocks//coffee shop/invited/celebrate/proposed/have a date//furnished/view/ocean/beaches/resume/references/documents//bagga ge claim area/tour/landmarks//baa//baa//bca//bbba//bba//ac//ab//ba//acb// acc//customer service/fancy/suitcases/ideal/designs//cbaca//positive/ resume/candidate/techeiques//cabc//cbac//bbcca//island/parade/snow/pop ular/scenery/neighborhood//


凤凰台小学体育与健康课教案 学习阶段:(水平三)课型:(新授课)课时:第 2课时

快乐三级跳任务单 任务单一 小组内成员,每人一个呼啦圈,各种方式自行练习1、双脚跳 2、单脚跳 3、双脚起跳、单脚落地 4、单脚起跳、双脚落地 任务单二 要领:第一步双脚起跳,向前性好,第二步跨步跳要大,第三步跳跃要高第一跳:双脚起跳,单脚落地 第二跳:换脚跨步跳 第三条:单脚起跳,双脚落地 标志帽呼啦圈呼啦圈呼啦圈 (起跳点)单脚单脚(另一脚)双脚落地 任务单三 小组成员自行摆放呼啦圈,形成火力网,设置合理,要求创新。 第一人练习完后,第二人才能起跳。不可冲撞或者拥堵。

教学设计说明 一、指导思想 本课依据“新课程标准”理念,坚持“健康第一”的指导思想。力求做到“少教多练,精讲巧练”,实现学生主体能动,转变教师角色,营造积极愉快的学习环境。在课堂教学过程中,培养学生良好的学习习惯,练习与游戏的分组采用随机分组形式,增加学生之间的交流机会,培养学生的交往能力和合作能力。关注学生的互相帮助、互相学习、互相评价意识的培养,在互帮互助互评中发挥学习效能,有效达成教学目标。分组时采用人少多分组的的分组形式,保证了学生练习的密度与强度,以更好的发展学生体能,落实“健康第一”的指导思想。 二、教材分析 跳跃是人体基本活动能力之一,是发展身体协调性的有效方法,是提高学生灵敏、协调能力和发展力量的重要手段,也是帮助学生建立和谐的人际关系和培养良好的合作精神以及竞争意识的有效途径。本节课围绕着的课题确定了学习目标,突破以往跳跃教材的教学模式,充分利用呼啦圈贯穿全课,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在宽松、快乐的气氛中体验运动的乐趣,提高学生参与活动的兴趣。 三、学情分析 本课面向的学生为水平三五年级的学生,他们想像力丰富,活泼喜动,喜欢挑战,根据他们的这特点,我在前几课多种跳跃方式方法的基础上,在本课设计“快乐三级跳”的教学内容,将单、双脚的跳跃动作组合起来,增加了挑战性、趣味性,同时也对身体灵敏性、协调性提出更高的发展要求。在本课中,在评价环节,多采用生生互助生生互评的形式,让学生在这样的学习氛围中知道如何学,知道如何评。 重点:起跳有力动作协调 难点:节奏连贯、衔接到位 四、学习目标 1.能够进行立定三级跳的动作。体会蹬地有力、落地屈膝缓冲及跨步跳的衔接。并且让学生知道互帮互助的学习和互评方法,在学练与体育游戏中,发展学生的身体协调性、灵敏性和跳跃能力 2.采用循序渐进、立标示范的教学方法,让学生养成良好的规则意识 3.通过课堂活动鼓励学生大胆尝试,培养学习生的合作和规则意识 五、教学设计流程和思路 根据本课的教学目标设计了四个教学阶段: 1.热身活动:在这个阶段的教学目标是:知道本课学习内容,激发学生的学习兴趣,实现


高中三级跳远教案 如何让学生初步掌握三级跳远的技术动作,体会出三级跳远的三步节奏?小编已经为体育老师们准备好了《高中三级跳远教案_体育教案》,欢迎阅读参考。 高中三级跳远教案一:一、准备活动 1、慢跑3分钟,注意弹性助跑、摆臂。 2、一般准备活动:坐位并腿体前屈,动力性前屈;分腿体前屈;测压腿;收腿压髋关节;双手压膝盖;屈单腿压;弓步跪,后屈小腿。注意身体形态。 3、专门准备活动:行进间高踢腿下压;小步子节奏跑;侧向行进间击退跳三步换向;三步助跑腾空步练习;后蹬跑。50米*3次 二、基本部分 沙坑练习,每个练习5次左右。 1、三步助跑练习腾空步(第三跳); 2、原地三级跳远练习(节奏); 3、单脚7级跳; 4、5步助跑第一第三跳上助跳板练习三级跳; 5、5步助跑第一第三跳上助跳板,第三跳立小垫子限制腾空高度练习三级跳; 6、7步助跑平地练习三级跳远; 7、30米弹性跑,前后摆臂、高抬腿、高重心、注意节

奏。 三、放松练习 1、后踢腿跑; 2、倒退跑; 3、放松跑3分钟; 4、列木静力拉伸; 5、坐位拉伸; 6、教师小结。 高中三级跳远教案二:《体育与健康》实践课教案学习 内容 1、立定三级跳远 2、力量练习 学习 阶段 水平五 重点 难点 重点:滚动支撑、上下协调并在跳跃时收腹举腿 难点:动作节奏 学 习 目

1、熟悉立定三级跳远的动作结构及方法。 2、学生做出完整动作的同时能做到滚动支撑、上下协调并在跳跃时收 腹举腿。 3、小组学习中学生能做到相互指导、帮助。 4、学生下肢、腰腹、上肢力量及下肢的柔韧性得以发展。 5、学生能体验到成功的激情和进步的喜悦。 课 序 内容安排 学生活动 教师活动 次数 时间 负荷 导 入 热


Unit1 My school subjects Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习本单位,学生能基本掌握学校中常见课程科目的英语名称 通过数据调查,学生能了解其它学生对课程的喜好程度 学生用简单的英语句子练习表达 Important words: Subject,Art,Music, Maths, Chinese, English, Science, History, Geography, without, pass, twice, route, step, best, friend, secret, lot, different, stuck, sad, problem, rich, poor Important sentences: What classes do you have? Can you go to each class without passing any class twice? How far is your route in steps? On which side is the Music room? Which class is nearest to the Music class? What is a best friend? What’s your favourite subject? Music is my favourite subject? I like Maths Materials for teaching 制作一张大的课程表,用英语标注课程名称 若干张英语字母 自制一个大张的课程表 青蛙玩具或图片 几位朋友的照片或图片 各种科目的课本 Part1 上课时,教师拿出学生现在用的课本对他们说:“Look, this is Chinese. This is English. This is Art. This is Music.”教师边拿出课本边带着大家一起说这些表示不同科目的词。学习之后,教师可以将词贴在黑板上,并让小组的同学相互提醒大家读这些单词。在此基础上,教师可以让学生进行单词比赛,如每个小组选出一个人,到别的小组进行“考试”。让学生说出某单词的读音及拼写,比如:“What’s the English for ‘Yinyueke’? How do you spell the word ‘music’?”最后,小组记总分。复习单词后,教师可以用本单元的问题这样问学生:“What classes do you have? Can you name them? What classes does this school have? Can you go to each class without passing an class twice?”教师用手指指一下路线,然后说:“Now you can trace the route and find out your own route. Remember, your can’t pass the class twice.”学生完成之后,教师提醒大家说:“Now please work in pairs and check your answers. Are they OK?”接着,教师让大家相互问问题:“Which class is nearest to the Music class?”教师给出示范:“The Art class is nearest to the Music class.”教师举例之后,让学生两人一组进行问答,共同完成该项目。最后教师可以在学生练习的基础上再进行检查。 Part2 第二部分是问卷调查。学生通过问问题了解出学生最喜欢的科目是什么。每个学生至少要问六位同学,并把他们的名字写上。问问题时,教师要鼓励学生把所有的项目都问到,有利于学生学习和巩固新单词。为了使大家相互了解所问的结果,教师可以问大家:“Which class is your favourite class? Please tell us.”学生可以汇报自己询问的结果,比如:“Five pupils


立定三级跳远 一、指导思想: 本单元教学设计树立“健康第一”的指导思想,以学生发展为中心的教育理念,结合初二年级学生生理、心理特点,将运动实践的情境教学贯穿始终,让学 生在有趣的情境中,积极主动地学习,使学生乐学、愿学、想学,充分调动学生 的学习积极性。创设自主、合作、探究学习的空间,培养学生创新精神和实践能力,发展学生个性和特长,重视学生的全面发展,为学生形成终身体育意识和良好的运动习惯打下基础。 二、教学内容分析: 本课教学内容是立定三级跳远。我将立定三级跳远分四个课时来完成,即立定跳远初步动作概念的建立、第一跳和第二跳连贯性的结合、最后一跳技术动作的掌握、三跳连贯性的把握。本次课是在学生初步掌握动作概念的基础上,以复习课的形式解决立定三级跳远中的双脚起跳的第一步和第一跳和第二跳连贯性 的结合建立。 三、学生情况分析: 本次课的授课班级为高三(6)班学生,56人。两班学生的特点是活泼好动,模仿和接受能力较强。虽然在体育运动技能上有差异,但学生总体身体素质都比 较好,对跳跃的兴趣很高,且跳远能力很强,组织纪律性和集体荣誉感很强,有 比较强的思维能力、创造能力,善于学习。 四、课时目标: 1、运动参与目标:通过教学,让学生乐于参加学练,展示自我,使学生参与到 练习中去。 2、心理健康目标:通过“流水作业”“挑战 6.6米、7.1米”等形式培养学生 的学习兴趣,让学生能够积极主动的参与到活动中去。 3、身体健康目标:通过比赛发展学生的下肢力量以及上下肢的协调用力,发展 学生跳跃能力。 4、运动技能目标:通过练习让85%的学生掌握了立定三级跳远的动作要领,基 本能够用正确的方法进行运动。


学校2013-2014学年上期 公开课教学设计方案 学科体育课题立定三级跳课型新授 执教者执教年级执教时间教学方法讲解、体会、练习 教学目标 1.通过本节课的学习,让学生初步掌握立定三级跳远的基本技术,发展学生的下肢力量、协调性及灵敏性等身体素质。 2、在本节课的学习与练习过程中,培养学生的探究学习、合作学习的能力,提高学生顽强的意志和积极的体育竞争精神。 教学 重点 单脚着地时脚部的滚动支撑教学 难点 第一二跳之间的动作衔接。教学 准备 场地录音机 板书 设计 无

教学反思 立定三级跳远教学,其动作结构是第一跳单足跳,第二跳跨步跳,第三跳跳跃。对于二年级学生来说,这三跳除第二跳跨步跳练习较少外,其它两跳都练习过。我本来以为只要掌握了跨步跳,学生就能很快地掌握其技术动作,结果却让我大失所望:大部分学生只是能把这三跳连续做出来,其远度就差强人意了,个别同学甚至连做都做不起来。纠其原因,有两点,一是学生的腿部力量不足以支撑这连续的三跳,二是三跳的衔接不好,也就是节奏感较差。为了让学生能快速掌握动作,提高成绩,我重新制定了三级跳远教学计划,第一阶段让学生掌握三跳基本动作,增强腿部力量;第二阶段让学生完整练习,提高三跳的节奏感;第三阶段是完善技术、成绩提高阶段。在第一阶段教学中以跨步跳为重点,我让学生根据实际情况练习立定三级、跨步跳,要求腾空要高,衔接紧密,并辅以立定跳远、单足连续跳等辅助练习,主要为了加强学生的腿部力量,为下一阶段打下基础;第二阶段重点是培养学生三跳的节奏感,我让学生通过反复练习、观摩纠错、拍节奏等方法来提高三跳的衔接;第三阶段是成绩提高阶段,我让学生合理分配三跳的距离,第一跳不要太远,第二跳稍远,第三跳最远,并在练习场地上做好三跳的记号,并在细节上下功夫,要求学生摆臂带动身体;落地前积极摆腿前伸,以提高成绩。练习时采用比赛的形式,激发学生的竞争意识和拼搏精神,努力提高自己的跳跃成绩。效果显而易见,绝大部分同学成绩都能达到良好以上,差一点的同学也能把三跳完整连贯起来,我觉得很有成就感。 教学过程


体育课教学设计 一、指导思想 坚持健康第一,以学生为主体,把学生自主思考、主动学习练习作为本节课的指导思想,教学过程中注重学生体育学习力的培养和实践能力的提高,发展学生个性,培养学生相互鼓励,相互帮助和团结协作的团队意识 二、教材分析 本课内容:1、三级跳远(1)2、素质练习 三级跳远是跳跃项目中一项较为复杂的技术。跳跃是人体的基本运动方式之一,是来适应生活环境的一种生存能力,它是通过腿部的蹬伸和全身有关部分的协调工作,克服自身体重,使身体腾起一定高度或远度的动作方式。本节课以助跑起跳和单跨衔接作为主要教学内容,基本部分安排学习单脚跳和跨步跳,通过摆放标志物来增强学生的蹬伸能力和节奏感;通过助跑起跳接单脚跳练习来学习如何量好步点以及踏板准确;通过单足跳和跨步跳的结合来掌握单跨衔接;在练习中发展学生腿部、腰腹力量和协调性等素质,培养学生遇到困难、难度能够拼搏和勇敢的意志品质 三、学生情况 本课教学对象高二年级男生,这个班由青田班和青海班组成,学生比较老实,身体素质一般,该班学生平时喜欢篮球和足球,但学习态度认真具备一定的自制力,本节课为三级跳远的第一次课,本堂课是田径类型课,对于他们来说接触三级跳远还是首次,新型的教学内容和方法加上他们有较高的求知欲和一定的探究学习能力,主动性较强,所以这些都为本堂课的顺利进行奠定了基础 四、教学目标 1、通过学习,让学生建立三级跳远概念了解其结构组成 2、通过练习,学会单脚跳和跨步跳动作,使学生能掌握助跑起跳环节中踏跳准确以及单跨衔接的技术动作,发展学生腿部、腰腹力量和协调性等素质 3、培养学生勇敢顽强、遇到难度能够坚持、相互鼓励等意志品质 五、教学重、难点 重点:单跨衔接和助跑起跳相结合 难点:踏跳准确和蹬摆协调 六、场地与器材 田径场,标志物


Unit 1 My school subjects Grammar: 1. be (am, is, are) going to +V原形,将要做某事,用于一般将来时。 eg: I am going to sing a song. Peter is going to ________ (play) football. We are going to have a party. (就划线部分提问) What are you going to do? 2.can 为情态动词,后加动词原形 eg: She can swim. 3. 问距离 How far is it from…to…?(从…到…有多远) eg: How far is it from your home to your school? 4. 形容词的最高级前要加定冠词the eg: the nearest/the highest 5. 短语 1). take a turn 轮流 2). pull sth. out of sth.从…里把…拉出来 eg: Pull the toy out of the bag) 3). make a sentence 造句 4). share sth. with sb.和某人分享某物 5). a lot of (lots of) 许多 6). be different from 与…不同 eg: This book is different from that book. 7). be related to …和…相关,与…有联系 8). as…as…像…一样 eg: as many as you can 你尽可能多的… 9). a piece of 一片、talk about 谈论、 6.句型 1). no matter if 无论,不管 eg: No matter if you are rich or poor… 无论你是富是穷… 2). You can have lots of friends ,but a best friend is someone who is really different from the others. (定语从句P6) 3). They can help you when you are sad. (时间状语从句)


剑桥少儿英语三级上册期末测试题 海口博霖英语培训学校 HAIKOU BOLIN ENGLISH TRAINING SCHOOL 剑桥少儿英语三级上册期末测试 2 剑桥少儿英语三级上册期末测试 Class: Name: Score:

(听力部分) 一、选出你所听到的单词 1.() A. jingle B. jungle C. drink 2.() A. cool B. wood C. wool 3.() A. cave B. cake C. cafe 4.() A .metal B. medal C. middle 5.() A. gold B. goat C. golf 6.() A. club B. crowd C. climb 7.() A. police B. please C. policeman 8.() A.glass B. class C. grass 9.() A. basketball B. football C. water polo 10.() A. soup B. soon C. shout 二、听句子填空 A A.glass B.made of C.carefully D.bookcase E.special A:Look ________ at these things. B:What's _______about them? A:They are __________material B:I see!How about that one? A:Which one? B:The one next to the ______ A:It's made of glass. B:Right!Look!My glass is made of______too.
