




1.It 开头的主语从句



__________________________________________________________________ 2.Whether引导的主语从句



___________________________________________________________________ 3.What引导的主语从句






___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________这篇文章将讨论为什么“幸福”很难定义以及哪些因素会影响幸福的获得。

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________教授在演讲中谈到了留学生可能会遇到哪些问题以及如何解决。



1 one advantage of something is that… .....的好处主要在于….

2 one disadvantage of something is that……的弊端主要在于...

3 one cause of something is that…….的一个原因在于….


One reason of sth. is that….

Another factor to be considered is that…..

The last element is that….


One possible solution is that….

Another measure to be taken is that….

The last action we should take is that….


___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________四同位语从句














定语从句写作练习 1 许多人谈论的一个最严重的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间(center on) 2 任何忽视这一点的政府都将付出巨大的代价(be blind to) 3 对于那些想过上健康而有意义的生活的人们来说,找时间学习一些新知识是很重要的,正如那句老话:活到老学到老(just as an old saying goes) 4 同时仍然有许多人持有传统的观点认为全日制学校对孩子的学习发挥着极其重要的作用(live under the traditional ideas) 5 同时,拥有私家轿车的数量在这几年快速地增加 6 违反交通规则的人应该受到惩罚(violate traffic regulations) 7 夏天很闷热,这就是我不喜欢它的原因(sultry) 8 最后一点,森林是人类可以接近自然的地方,如果人类学会了爱护自然,就会想保存地球上所有的天然资源(get close to) 9 另一方面,那些坚持自己本国风俗习惯的人,觉得这样做让他们更加自在(follow their own customs feel more at home) 10 沉迷于网络的人经常觉得孤独,感到与外面的世界隔绝开来,变得越来越内向和自闭(indulge in isolated withdrawn ) 11 经常沉迷于电视的小孩不懂得区分现实和虚幻(reality fantasy)

12 沉迷于上网的孩子往往比较内向,不善交际,甚至对人冷漠(unsociable indifferent) 13 死刑是个野蛮的做法,应该从现代社会中清除(death penalty cruel and barbaric do away with) 14 那些反对强制退休制度的人持有以下理由(mandatory retirement) 15 取得巨大成功的人,毫无例外,都是善于利用零碎时间的人(with no exception utilize their own odd moments wisely) 16 我喜欢到气候宜人的地方生活(agreeable) 17 博物馆是游客体验当地文化和了解当地历史的好地方 18 有些家长把小孩送到私立学校去学习,那里孩子们能够享有更好的教学质量和更好的教学设施(teaching facilities teaching quality) 19 许多政府禁止克隆的原因是因为它不符合伦理道德(ban human cloning) 20 这就是许多人强烈反对城市禁养宠物的原因(the ban on pets)


2020届中考语法专练之定语从句讲解及配套真题专练 定语从句起了形容词的作用,在句中修饰一个名词或代词。被修饰的词叫做先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词,他的作用一是放在先行词与定语从句中间起了连接作用,二是在从句中担当一个成分,并与先行词保持数的一致。

II. that与which, who, whom的用法区别: III. as与which的区别:

IV. 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别: 定语从句 1. The charities have helped more children with the money _______ people raise. (2019.江苏淮安) A. who B. what C. where D. which 2.Du Fuguo is a hero is known to millions of Chinese people. (2019福建) A. who B. which C. what 3. The movie ____ I have seen twice is The Wandering Earth. (2019甘肃兰州) A. who B. which C. where D. when 4. —Have you seen the film The Wandering Earth(流浪地球) ? (2019甘肃天水) —Yes. It's the best one______________ I have ever seen. A. that B. which C.what D.it 5.I prefer music_____has great lyrics(2019甘肃敦煌).


专项训练名词性从句专项及解析含答案解析 一、初中英语名词性从句 1.______ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. A. Which B. What C. It D. As 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:医疗保健的进步将促进一个更强大、更繁荣的经济,这是我们的信念。that引导的是主语从句,故空格处应该用it作形式主语,代替真正的that引导的主语从句。故答案选C。 【点评】考查it的用法,以及主语从句的应用。 2._____ is known to us all is that China has launched Shenzhou VII spaceship, ____ made the country's first spacewalk successful. A. That; what B. What; which C. It; which D. As; that 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:众所周知,中国已经发射了神州7号宇宙飞船,这是中国首次成功的太空行走。第一空处为主语从句,从句缺少主语,需用what引导;第二空所在句子是个定语从句,先行词为整个主句的内容,从句中缺少主语,需用which引导。故选B。【点评】考查名词性从句和定语从句,本题涉及主语从句和非限制性定语从句的应用。 3.He took a trip to Beijing last week and ________ he saw at the Forbidden City impressed him deeply. A. that B. how C. what D. which 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:上周他到北京旅行了,他在故宫所看到的给他留下了深刻的印象。分析句子结构可知,连词and后为一个名词性从句,因此应该使用what引导,且what在从句中作主语,故选C。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句。 4.________ is the centre of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Ages. A. It's the sun and not the earth B. The sun and not the earth C. Being the sun and not the earth D. That the sun and not the earth 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:太阳而不是地球是我们行星系统的中心,这在中世纪是一个很难理解的概念。分析句子可知,整个句子为主系表结构,was为系动词,它之前的都为主语,且主语由句子来充当,句子结构以及句意完整,所以连词代词为that。故选D。


与大家分享7个雅思写作高分倒装句句型,雅思写作高分需要大家能够用到一些比较复杂的句型,倒装句就是一个。倒装句句型在考生的雅思写作中并不常见,所以大家如果能把倒装句恰当的应用到雅思写作中就会产生一种意想不到的效果。 1. But unpopular as red has been in the past, at the moment it is a favorite hair dye. 结构:全句有2个谓语动词:has been和is.其中,as引导的让步状语从句是一个部分倒装句,按照正常语序应该是Although red has been unpopular in the past.句子可被拆分为, 1). Red has been unpopular in the past. 2). But at the moment it is a favorite hair dye. 翻译:尽管过去红色不怎么流行,现在却是一种备受欢迎的染发颜色。 2. Only when he has lost his way does he realize that he wasn't careful enough to make sure that he really did understand. 结构:全句有4个谓语动词:has,does realize,wasn't和did understand..其中主句的是does realize.本句话是以only开头的强调句,其所强调的是when引导的条件状语从句。第一个that引导的是realize的宾语从句。第一个that引导的是make sure的宾语从句。 翻译:只有当他迷了路,他才明白到当时自己不够谨慎,没有确定自己是否真的懂了。 3. Only by becoming wealthier can countries correct these conditions. 结构:全句只有1个谓语动词:can correct.本句话是以only开头的强调句,其所强调的是方式状语by becoming wealthier.按照正常语序应该是:Countries can correct these conditions only by becoming wealthier.由only引导的倒装句句型是可以在雅思写作中发挥很大作用的,因为only表达的意思的唯一性和句式的复杂性都可以吸引考官。 翻译:一个国家只有通过变得富强才能纠正这些问题。 4. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. 结构:全句有3个谓语动词:were,should have和should hesitate.其中主句的是:should hesitate.本句是一个条件式虚拟倒装句。前半部分是一个if引导的条件状语从句,按照正常语序为:If it were left to me to decide…。whether引导的是decide的宾语从句。 翻译:如果由我来决定是有政府无报纸还是有报纸无政府,我会毫不犹豫选择后者。 5. Out of our emotional experience with objects and events comes a social feeling of a greement that certain things and actions are “good” and others are “bad”.


定语从句(1) 1. We should learn from those ______ are always ready to help others. A. who B. whom C. they D. that 2. Mr. Herpin is one of the foreign experts who ______ in China. A. works B. is working C. are working D. has been working 3 . Tom is the only one of the students who ______ to Shanghai. A. have gone B. have been C. has been D. had gone 4. I, ______ your good friend, will try my best to help you out. A. who is B. who am C. that is D. which am 5. The old man has two sons, ______ are lawyers. A. both of them B. both of who C. both of whom D. both of they 6. He is a man of great knowledge, ______ much can be learned. A. in whom B. about whom C. from whom D. of whom 7 Do you know the man ______ just now? A. to who I nodded B. I nodded to C. whom I nodded D. Whom I nodded to him. 8. The man ______ has gone to Japan. A. whom I told you B. that I told you C. whom I told you about him D. I told you about 9. Please pass me the dictionary ______ cover is black. A. which B. its C. whose D. which of 10. The radio set ______ last week has been out of order. A. I bought B. I bought it C. which I bought it D. what I bought 11. All the apples ______ fell down from the tree were eaten up by the pigs. A. which B. / C. that D. they 12. I can tell you ______ he told me last week. A. all which B. all what C. that all D. all that 13. This is the biggest lab ______ we have ever built in our university. A. which B. what C. that D. where 14. Is oxygen the only gas ______ helps fire burn?


英语名词性从句专项训练及答案及解析 一、初中英语名词性从句 1.______ has caused great confusion is ______ he made it without anyone else's help. A. What; that. B. What; how. C. It; how. D. It; that. 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:让人极大困惑的是他如何在没有别人帮助的情况下做到这一点的。表示“让人困惑的事情”用what引导主语从句,表示“如何做到的”用how表方式,引导表语从句。故选B. 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句和how引导的表语从句。 2.While some behaviors may seem strange to you, remember you consider normal probably seems just as unusual to others. A. it; that B. what; that C. that; what D. which; that 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:虽然有些行为对你来说可能很奇怪,但请记住,你认为正常的行为对别人来说可能也不寻常。第一空为宾语从句,从句结构完整用that起连接作用,第二空为主语从句,从句中consider缺少宾语,应该用what,故选C。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及that引导的宾语从句和what引导的主语从句。 3. is clear to the members of the committee is that the President will not give in to their demands. A. Who B. It C. As D. What 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:委员会成员清楚的是,总统不会向他们的要求让步。that the President will not give in to their demands.这个句子作表语; is clear to the members of the committee这是主语从句,这里缺少主语从句的连接词,并且连接词在句中作主语,it是代词,不是了;连接词,故排除B;as作主语时,是在定语从句中,故排除C;who指人,根据表语指的事情,不是人,故排除A;what在主语从句中可以作主语或宾语,指事,符合句意,故选D。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句。 4.________ is known to us all that the old scientist, for ________ life was hard in the past, still works hard in his eighties. A. As; whose B. It; whose C. As; whom D. It; whom 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我们都知道,那位老科学家,过去生活很艰苦,到了八十多岁还在努力工作。第一空it is known to us all that…是个固定句型,意为“众所周知…”;第二空为介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,先行词the old scientist指人,作介词for的宾语,只能用whom,故选D。


雅思写作名词性从句翻译练习 一主语从句 1.It 开头的主语从句 我们保护野生动物是势在必行的。 人们普遍认为教育在一个国家的发展中发挥着重要的作用。 2.Whether 引导的主语从句 石油价格上升是否可以解决环境问题是一个有争议的话题。 手机给我们带来更多的危害还是好处引起了激烈的争论。 3.What 引导的主语从句 贫穷国家最需要的不是金钱,而是先进的技术和关键领域的人才。 他们所担心的是广告可能会产生的负面影响。 二宾语从句 很多人认为我们已经进入了一个丢弃式社会。(环境)

一些人认为改善公众健康的最好办法就是增加体育设施,其他一些人认为这个方法收效甚微 这篇文章将讨论为什么“幸福”很难定义以及哪些因素会影响幸福的获得。 教授在演讲中谈到了留学生可能会遇到哪些问题以及如何解决 三表语从句 常用句式 1one advantage of something is that…..…的好处主要在于? 2one disadva ntage of someth ing is that ......... 的弊端主要在于 3one cause of something is that ......... :的一个原因在于… 4列举原因的 1.2.3. One reas on of sth. is that … Another factor to be considered is that ….. The last eleme nt is that … 5解决措施的 1.2.3. One possible solutio n is that … Ano ther measure to be take n is that … The last acti on we should take is that … 在城市禁养宠物有很多原因。一个原因是它可能会危害人们的健康,另外一个原因就是会污染环境。


定语从句讲与练 一、定语的概念: 定语是用来修饰名词或代词的。比如: (先试试用横线划出下面短语中的定语,然后在后面的括号里注明是什么在作定语) a beautiful girl ( ) three boys ( ) a shoe factory ( ) Jim ’s father ( ) our teacher ( ) the man in the car ( ) the man standing at the door ( ) the man who is talking with Sam ( ) 二、定语从句的概念及主要特征: 1.定语从句:修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词;定语从句 一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后;引导定语从句的词叫关系词。 请划出下列句子中的定语从句、先行词及关系代词: The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman. 2. 定语从句的主要特征: (1)先行词要在从句中充当一定的成分; (2)what 永远不能引导定语从句; (3)翻译时先译从句,翻译成“…….的” 三、定语从句的基本用法: 定语从句 的引导词 关系代词 关系 副词 where (地点状语) when (时间状语)why (原因状语) (一)关系代词引导的定语从句 1.who 指人,在定语从句中作主语,有时也作宾语。 The boys who are playing football are from Class One. 分析:关系词who 在从句中作主语。 Those who want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 Yesterday I helped an old man who had lost his way. 分析:关系词_________在从句中作________。 That is the teacher who teaches us physics. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 You needn ’t talk to the people who you don ’t like talking to. 分析:关系词______在从句中作________。 2.whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。 Mr Liu is the person ( whom ) you talked about on the bus. 分析:关系词_____ 在从句中作________。 Li Ming is just the boy ( whom ) I want to see. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 The professor ( whom ) you are waiting for has come. 你正在等的教授已经来了。 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 注意:关系代词whom 在口语或非正式文体中常可用who 来代替,也可省略。 The man ( whom / who )you met just now is my old friend. 3. whose 通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语。 I visited a scientist whose name is known all over the country. 分析:关系词____在从句中作________ He has a friend whose father is a doctor. 译成汉语:_________________________________ 分析:关系词_________ 在从句中作________。 I lost the book whose cover was blue. 分析:关系词_________ 在从句中作________。 We live in a house whose windows face the south. 译成汉语:_________________________ 注意:指物时,常用下列结构来代替: The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired.=The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired. Do you like the book whose cover is yellow?=Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow? 自己总结一下:在定语从句中,whose + 名词= ___________________________ 4.which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。 Football is a game which is liked by most boys. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 The factory which makes computers is far away from here. 分析:关系词______在从句中作________。 He likes to read books which are written by foreign writers. 译成汉语:____________________ 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 The house which is by the lake looks nice. 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 This is the pen ( which ) he bought yesterday. 译成汉语:___________________________ 分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 The film ( which ) they went to see last night was not interesting at all. 他们昨晚看的电影一点意思也没有。分析:关系词__________ 在从句中作________。 5.that 引导定语从句时,既可以指人,也可以指物。指人时,相当于who 或whom ;指物时,相当于which.。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。

名词性从句专项练习100题 附答案

名词性从句专项练习100题 1. His success was because of ________ he had been working hard. A. that B. the fact which C. the fact that D. the fact 2. “Is Mary from New York City” “I don't know _______.” A. from what city does she come from B. from what city she come C. what city does she come from D. what city she comes from 3. ________ makes mistakes must correct them. A. What B. That C. Whoever D. Whatever 4. The reason why I didn't go to Shanghai was ________ a new job. A. because I got B. because of getting C. I got D. that I got 5. It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey. A. while B. that C. if D. for 6. Henry killed the dog. I'll ask him why ________. A. did he do that B. he did that C. he did D. he has done so 7. Have you seen Henry lately My boss wants to know ________. A. how he is getting along B. how is he getting along C. what he is getting along D. what is he getting along 8. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 9. He asked me ________ with me. A. what is the trouble B. what wrong was C. what was the matter D. what trouble it is 10. I am sure ________ he said is true. A. that B. about that C. of that D. that what 11. When and why he came here ________ yet. A. is not known B. are not known C. has not known D. have not bee 12. I wonder how much ________. A. does the watch cost B. did the watch cost C. the watch costed D. the watch costs 13. Mary is ________ someone might recognize her. A. afraid of B. afraid about C. afraid that D. afraid for 14.________ is no reason for dismissing her. A. Because she was a few minutes late B. Owing to a few minutes late C. The fact that she was a few minutes late D. Being a few minutes late 15. They came to the conclusion ________ by a computer. A. that not all things can be done B. because of not all things be done C. being not all things can be done D. because not all things can be done 16. Why the explosion occurred was ________ the laboratory attendant had been careless. A. for B. because C. since D. that 17. I don't doubt ________ he'll come.



定语从句翻译练习1. 我绝不能理解他犯这样一个严重错误的原因。 _______________________________________________________________________ ___ 2. 他们来到一座小房子,房子前面坐着一个男孩。 _______________________________________________________________________ ____ 3. 把我们带向体育馆的那条路又宽又长。 _______________________________________________________________________ ______ 4. 造成这次事故的驾驶员是谁? _______________________________________________________________________ _______ 5. 这是你必须注意的那个单词。 _______________________________________________________________________ ___ 6. 他是那个唯一擅长跳舞的学生。 _______________________________________________________________________ ______ 7. 他把我打了,这是我没有预料到的。 _______________________________________________________________________ ______


雅思定语从句练习 1.(Letter) 我们这次还是约在上次一起吃晚饭的餐厅见面吧! ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. (写作) 环境保护是一个如今为人们广为讨论的一个话题。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. (写作) 我们必须承认,那些反对此观点的人们也有一定的道理。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. (写作) 人们往往会和观念与自己相近的人交朋友。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. (写作) 手提电脑如今如此普及的一个重要原因就是它的使用方便。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6.(口语) 我计划于2010年回国,到那时候我将年满30岁。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7.(口语) 《荷马史诗》是一本很精彩的书,我从中学到了很多。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8.(口语) 最激动人心的一次旅行经历是在巴厘岛,在那里我有生以来第一次体验了潜水。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9.(口语) 我父母一共生了三个孩子,我是其中最大的。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10.(口语) David和我住在一个寝室已经两年了,他是一个非常搞笑的家伙。 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


定语从句 一、有关定语从句的概念 (1)定语从句:就是在复合句里充当定语的从句,它通常紧靠在所修饰的名词或代词后面。 (2)先行词:就是被定语从句修饰的名词或代词。 (3)关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。 关系词有关系代词who, whom, whose, which和that等; 关系副词有when, where, why等。 关系词不仅起连接作用,而且还代表先行词并在定语从句中担任某一句子成分,关系代词作主语、宾语、定语、表语等,关系副词作状语。如: This is the book that my father bought me yesterday. 这就是我父亲昨天帮我买的那本书。 说明:句中修饰the book的that my father bought me yesterday就是定语从句;被定语从句所修饰的the book这是先行词;代表the book的关系代词that在定语从句中作bought的直接宾语。 The time when he arrives is not known. 他到达的时间还不知道。 说明:句中when he arrives是定语从句,被定语从句修饰的the time是先行词,关系副词when 作时间状语。 二、关系代词的一般用法 先行词是人,在从句中作主语用who,作宾语用whom或who,作定语用whose;先行词是物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语都用which,作定语用of which或whose均可。在限制性定语从句中which, who, whom都可用that代替。关系代词作宾语时常被省略。 This is the man who helped me yesterday. 这就是昨天帮助我的那个人。(作主语) The teacher (who/whom/that) you want to see is coming. 你要见的老师来了。(作see的宾语,可以省略) I met a boy whose father was an astronaut. 我认识一位男孩,他的父亲是宇航员。(作定语) Here is the coat which/that will be bought for you. 这是一件买给你的衣服。(作主语) This is the factory (which/that) we visited last year.这就是我们去年参观的那家工厂。(作visited 的宾语,可以省略) He has a book whose cover (=the cover of which) is very beautiful. 他有一本封面非常漂亮的书。 三、关系副词的一般用法 关系副词有when, where, why,在定语从句中作状语,分别表示时间、地点和原因。 when的先行词通常是time, day, season, age, occasion等时间名词; where的先行词通常是place, city, town, village, house, case, situation, scenes等地点或情形名词; why的先行词只能是reason。 关系副词when和where有时可用“介词+which”代替,why可用for which代替。 如:There are occasions when (=on which) one must yield. 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。Beijing is the place where (=in which) I was born.北京是我的出生地。 Is this the reason why (=for which) he refused our offer?这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗? 注意:先行词虽然是时间或地点,但若在定语从句中作主语或宾语时,要用关系代词。(1)The factory where his father worked has closed. 他父亲曾工作的那家工厂关闭了。(作状语) 比较:The factory which/that was built in 1978 has closed. 1978年建的那家工厂关闭了。(作主


专项训练名词性从句专题复习含答案解析 一、初中英语名词性从句 1.--- made her ashamed of herself? --- the lowest mark in her class. A. What; Because she got B. Was it what; Getting C. What was it that; That she got D. What was it that; Get 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——是什么让她对她自己感到羞愧?——是她获得了她班上的最低分让她惭愧。A中的what是句子的主语,但是because引导的从句不作主语,是原因状语从句,故排除;B的第一空是错误形式,故排除;C、D两项的第一个选项是一样的,说明第一个题干是一个强调句型,特殊疑问句下的强调句型,有what引导;第二个空是对what的回答,因为what是上一句的主语,That she got the lowest mark in her class是从句,可以作主语;而D项的get是动词原形,不能作主语,故答案为C。 【点评】考查强调句型的使用和对特殊疑问句的回答,注意问什么回答什么,也就是说疑问词what是句子的主语,回答的内容也需要在句子中能作主语。 2.It was he said disappointed me. A. that; what B. what; that C. that; which D. which; that 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:正是他说的话让我很失望。这是一个强调句型,"it is/was that..."是固定搭配,"what he said"是被强调部分, 你可以发现去掉"it was that"后, 句子仍然完整。"what he said"做主语,主语从句中"said"缺宾语用what补足,故选B。 【点评】考查主语从句的强调形式。 3.They lost their way in the forest, and ________ made matters worse was that night began to fall. A. it B. which C. that D. what 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:他们在森林里迷路了,情况更糟糕的是天又黑了。本题中含有一个主语从句what made matters worse,其中的what引导起这个主语从句,同时在主语从句中做主语。故选D。 【点评】考查名词性从句,本题涉及what引导的主语从句的应用。 4.They lost their way in the forest, and ________ made matters worse was that night began to fall. A. that B. it C. what D. which
