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Therefore it had happened that on the 20th of December I had proposed to Agnes and she agreed to marry me, and my mother had no suspicion that my happiness was so near.


And indeed she looked remarkably young for a woman of forty-five, with twenty-five years of widowhood and a short but stormy married life behind her.


My mother was so clever in social matters, and especially in the planning of delicious surprise, that I believed her capable even of miracles.


I had never realized that my mother was desirable, and that a man might desire her, and that her lonely existence in

that house was not all that she had the right to demand from life. And I was ashamed of my characteristic filial selfish egoism.



They built a great, hollow, wooden horse outside the city, and the Trojans believed this was some holy treasure valued by Greeks.


Seven cities had been built here on top of each other, and at the bottom of all these, there was a Stone Age village.


In fact, Schlie mann missed the actual Troy of Homer’s poem. He dug too deeply and went down through the city for which

he was hunting — the walls he found were the walls of an older city.


The treasure at Troy had indeed been collected and hidden in a hurry. This new fortune had been buried with a great king and his family for

their lasting honor.


When Schliemann lifted the finest mask he saw the actual face of the ancient king ─his eyes, his mouth, his perfect teeth.

Even the skin of the face was still there. Staring at the perfection of this face was probably Schliemann’s greatest moment.



The U.S. is known for jazz, a completely original type of music that has gained world-wide popularity.


The band played happy music, improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes (that were) presented at the funeral.


The music centered on religious ceremonies in which dancing, singing, clapping and stamping to the beat of a drum were important forms of music and rhythmic expressions.


It (jazz) combined themes from Negro work songs, spirituals and blues, set to a fast beat, with the musicians improvising as they went along,

like the funeral marching bands.


To be good, a musician had not only to remember his part but also to be able to invent new variations on the spur of the moment.



Year after year, more people visit this massive exhibit honoring the men and women who have pioneered flight and the exploration of space

than visit any other monument or museum in the entire country.
