
















































































朦胧,还记得---- 当我蹒跚学步时,亲爱的妈妈,是您,扶着我,陪着我,一步一个脚印地教我,让我懂得了道路的坎坷与艰辛。而今,留给您的却是粗糙的双手,还有那依然忙碌而疲惫的身躯。

















一、建议信?Letter?of?Advice? 建议信是对收信人就某一问题提出看法、建议或忠告。建议信不同于投诉信,所以写信人一定要注意礼貌当先。建议信一般包括以下内容:首先说明写信的目的,其次,在肯定优点的基础上提出自己的建议或看法(否则别人以为你在投诉,而不是在提建议),最后表达希望 采纳建议。 写作“三步走”:? 自我介绍、说明目的—>委婉地提出建议及改进措施,或提出忠告—>礼貌地总结或期盼回 复? 二、书面表达之建议信 假设你是小明的好朋友李华,小明参加了一个英语演讲比赛,他对比赛非常担心,向你求助,请你根据以下内容给他写一封建议信。 [写作内容] 1. 说明回信 的意图;2. 向小明提出建 议;3. 预祝小 明比赛成功。 参考词汇: 充分准备: 1.get well prepared 充分准备 2. a brief and concise language 简洁精练的语言 3. leave/make a deep impression on 给某人留下深刻的印象 Dear Xiaoming ,

... [参考范文] Dear Xiaoming, I’m very glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to prepare the English speech contest. Here are a few suggestions. First of all, it’s important to get well prepared before the speech contest by practicing before a mirror. Besides, you had better use a brief and concise language in your speech so that you can leave a deep impression on the judges. When you are giving the speech, remember to keep smile and even if you forget your words, don’t be panic and just continue your speech, because no one will notice it. Wish you success in the speech! Yours, Li Hua 四、课后练习 为了帮助中学生健康成长,某中学英文报开辟了“HEART-TO-HEART”专栏。假设你是该栏目的编辑Jamie, 收到一封署名为Worried的求助信。信中该同学向你诉说了自己的困扰:近日容易发脾气,使正常的学习 和生活受到了影响。请用英文给该同学写一封回信。 内容要点如下: 1.表示理解并给予安慰; 2.提出建议并说明理由。 注意: 1.词数120左右; 2.信中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 3.信的开头与结尾已为你拟好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:temper n. 脾气,情绪 Hi Worried.: I’m sorry to know that you’re having such a bad time at the moment. Yours, Jamie 参考范文: Hi Worried, I'm sorry to know that you're having such a bad time at the moment. The truth is that everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, so you don't have to worry much. The important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything you’ll regret. Here are three useful tips: First, talk to someone you trust about how you feel. This is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself. Second, go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger. And third, keep optimistic about your future. Such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits. I hope you'll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal.

英语必修一Unit1 Writing 建议信写作

必修一英语第一单元导学案 Unit 1 Friendship Topic Writing: a letter concerning suggestions 【写作前奏曲】 1. Read Xiao Dong’s letter on page 7 and answer: Qs: What is Xiao Dong’s problem? He’s not good at ______________ ________p eople. He finds it ________ to make friends with his classmates. 2. Read the instructions at the top of page 7 and find out what you are required to do ? 3. Your advice for Xiao Dong : _____________________. ①To ask people their likes and dislikes ②To join in discussions ③To share his feelings with others ④To show interest in others’ ideas 【建议信的写作要领】 (1)陈述建议的语言必须中肯:慎用must 等命令词汇,这样才能使对方高兴地接受你的劝告或建议。例如:You must stop your meaningless work at once. 可适当运用虚拟句“If I were you,…”表述自己的建议。常见的此类表达有:maybe; perhaps; probably; in my opinion; You could/might/had better…; It seems better that …; Why not …; (2)陈述建议必须有说服性:要想提出好建议,必须具有充分的理由,展示出自己独特的见解。常见的表达有:If you think it twice, you will find…; As is well known,…; It is necessary/ important/certain that…; in spite of; on the contrary; in other words 等。 【建议信时态】多用现在时态即可能用到一般现在时,现在进行时或现在完成时等 【叙述所用关联词】 Illustration (阐述) I think, I believe, I suggest, in my opinion… Addition (递进) secondly, and then, besides, in addition… Contrast (转折) bu t, however, on the other hand… Summary(总结) in short, in a word, therefore, so… 建议信一般采取“三段式结构”,通常以firstly, secondly, thirdly 或to begin with, then, later 等依次陈述建议。 【建议信结构】 首段:针对对方对自己的信任简单表示感谢,亦可表明自己的诚意。 中段:围绕对方的困惑、烦恼等问题,结构清晰、用语科学委婉地建议方法。注意充分考虑到对方实际问题,表达时应选择得体用语。切忌用语生硬强制,泛泛而谈。 尾段:简单予以希望。希望自己的建议能对对方有所帮助。 【建议信常用句式结构】 A .建议信开头常用句式 (回应原信,表明写作意图) 1).I know you have trouble in…after reading your letter 2).I am writing to you for the purpose of ----- 3). I am writing to share some advice with you. 4). You have asked me for my advice with regard to…and I’ll try to make some conductive suggestion 5). I have just received your letter of… I am writing to express my views on… 6). I am writing to express my views concerning ………. B. 表达建议(主体,阐述具体建议) 1) .I think it would be more beneficial if you could …2). I would like to suggest/recommend that… 3). You may consider doing… 4). In my opinion, it would be wise to take the following action. 5). I wonder if you have considered the following. 6.) When it come to such a situation , I would like to suggest that you can… C. 结尾(归纳总结,突出主题) 1). I believe you will take my advice into account/consideration. 高 一 英 语 编辑: 审核: 学案编号: 班


篇一:2015英语作文常用句型及建议信的模板 1. 重点句型 1). it’s adj for sb to do 做…对某人来说 2). …so …that …如此…以至于… … too … to do 太…而不能… such …that …如此…以至于… 3). not…until…直到…才…例: i didn’t go to bed until my mother came back. 4).the reason why + 句子 is that + 句子…的原因是… 例:the reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie. 5). that is why + 句子那是…的原因 6). that is because + 句子那是因为… 7). it is said that + 句子据说…例:it is reported that + 句子据报道… 8). there is no doubt that + 句子毫无疑问… 9). it goes without saying that + 句子不言而喻,毫无疑问 10). there is no need to do 没必要做… 11). there is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义 12).as is known to all, +句子众所周知 as we all know, +句子据我们所知 it is generally/ publicly known / considered that…, 众所周知 13) find it + adj to do…觉得/发现做…是…的。 例︰i find it necessary to take down notes while listening. 14) not only…but also 不但…而且..... 例︰in just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor’s


高考英语作文之应用文“建议信” 1.简介 建议信写作注意事项: 写作目的是针对某事向对方提出合理化的建议和忠告,使对方接受自己的想法、主张和建议,从而解决问题。(常用一般现在时和一般将来时) 写作风格: 简明扼要、目标明确、条理清晰、逻辑性强、有说服力,语言文雅,礼貌当先 写作内容: 写信的原因+建议的内容+这样建议的理由 2.写作方法 首段1)自我介绍/问好(不要啰嗦)一两个句子,概括性 2)复述背景,表明目的 主体1)提出具体建议 2)篇幅允许的话,可适当先肯定对方优点,再提出建议 3)适当说明原因或这样做的好处 结尾1)总结建议,注意礼貌 2)希望采纳/希望建议有用 3.范文练习 假如你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友Steven向你咨询怎样学好中文,请根据下列要点给他写封建议信: 1)参加中文学习班 2)看中文书刊,电视 3)学唱中文歌曲 4)交中国朋友

开头: 自我介绍/问好 认识→问好(可问可不问) 最近好吗? How are you doing? How are you these days? How do you do? How is it going? How is everything going? 好久不见 Long time no see. 收到你的来信真好! How nice to hear from you! 不认识→自我介绍 我是李华,育才学校学生会主席。 I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School. 我来自高二一班的李华, I’m Li Hua from class one,senior two. 复述背景,表明目的 1.收到来信,得知你在中文学习上有困难,我写信来给你一些建议。 I have received your letter saying you have difficulty (in) learning Chinese so I’m writing to offer you some suggestions. 2.得知你在学习中文上有困难,我写信来给你一些建议。 Learning that you have trouble in learning Chinese,I’m writing to provide you with some advice. 3.你询问我一些在中文学习上的事情,我会尽量给你一些建议。 You have asked me for some advice on Chinese learning(how to learn Chinese well/how to


文华高中高一英语必修1 Unit 1 Friendship 导学案(教师版) Module 5 Writing Learning aims (学习目标) 在本节课结束后,学生能够 1. 针对如何交朋友的问题提出自己的观点和建议。 2. 根据教材以及教师提供的辅助信息,在一定的时间内独立完成一封建议信,并且条理清 晰,观点明确,具有一定的逻辑性,能正确运用关于建议的表达句型。 3.会运用词汇、短语:grateful, join in, dislike, tip, swap Important points(学习重点) 重点词汇和短语grateful, join in, dislike, tip, swap 重点句型I would be grateful if .... Why not /Why don’t you…? It would be a good idea if…You should / can… If you do this, …. By doing this, …. Difficult points(学习难点)How to improve the skills of writing. Learning guide(方法导引)Inspiration,Questioning ,Discussion and writing. Learning procedures:(学习过程) 自主学习 Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible. 1. Read and recite new words and phrases from grateful to swap three times. 2. .Read Xiao Dong’s letter on page 7 and answer: What is Xiao Dong’s problem?

建议信英语作文 (精选范文)

英语写作练习:a letter for advice dear miss wang, i’m a student from guizhou experimental high school. i have a problem. i argued with my best friend lisa for some very tiny things and said some bad words to her a few days ago. then, we never talk to each other any more.now, i feel quite lonely sometimes and don’t want to lose my best friend. i know she must be hurt by my words, and i am not sure that she still want to be my friend or not? i do want to change this situation, but i don’t know how. i would be grateful if you could give me some advice. yours, jim what is jim’s problem? if you were miss wang, what would you say? dear jim, (写作模板) im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to (引出主题). here are a few suggestions. first, it is important to . then, it also helps to . besides, it should be a good idea to . you can also . (此三句不同的句式 提出建议) as to , i suggest (有时根据需要具体到某一反面). in addition, (其他建议). im sure (预测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心和决心). im looking forward to (表达愿望). sincerely yours, miss wang


波峰中学高二英语课前导学案 姓名_____班级______编制时间编号15审核 课题:选修六Unit3 A healthy life Period 5 Writing——劝说性建议信 【学习目标】劝说性建议信 一、课前预习单 二、 三、 四、【预习指导】 回复建议信是针对对方提出的问题或困惑,有针对性地提出自己的建议的一种书信文体。 一、基本结构 首先,要分析问题,表明自己的观点; 其次,针对问题提出建议,并说明原因; 最后,提出期望,希望收信者积极行动,改进现状,并礼貌地结束全文。 二、注意事项 提出个人的建议时,应注意以下两点: 1.信件要素齐全 建议信的回信和建议信一样,通常由六部分构成:信头(发信人的地址和发信日期)、信内地址(收信人姓名、职位、地址等)、称呼、正文、结束语和签名。有时信头和信内地址可省略。 2.态度谦恭理智 不管对方提出的问题有无实际价值,态度是否中肯,都要认真对待,理智分析,并对对方提出的问题给出合理的解释以及实际有效的解决方法。 3.简明扼要,以理服人 针对问题提出解决方法时,一定要语气柔和,态度明确,逻辑分明,重点突出,让对方感到“纳而有因,拒而有理”。

二、课中探究单 [亮点句式] 1.首段:引出问题 ①I am sorry you have had so much trouble in... ②You have asked for my advice on...and I will try to make some suggestions. ③I feel greatly honored to be trusted... 2.主体:提出提议 ①In my opinion,you would be wise to take the following action. ②First of all,...; Meanwhile,...; In addition... ③It's important for you to... 3.结尾:提出期望 ①Don't lose heart,whatever happens. ②I will be very glad if you find my suggestions useful. ③Please let me know if I can help further. ④Cheer up!Your troubles will soon be over. ⑤Where there is a will,there is a way. 【课堂训练】 [写作任务] 假设你是李华。你的英国笔友John写信告诉你近日他由于沉迷于电脑游戏,健康受到很大影响。他十分焦虑。请你根据以下要点提示,给他写一封回信,建议他养成良好的生活习惯。 要点: 1.限制玩游戏的时间,把精力逐渐转移到其他事情上; 2.规定起床和睡觉的时间,形成良好的作息习惯; 3.每天锻炼半小时,增强体质。 注意:1.词数100左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear John,


英语写作练习:A letter for advice Dear Miss Wang, I’m a student from Gui Zhou Experimental High School、 I have a problem、 I argued with my best friend Lisa for some very tiny things and said some bad words to her a few days ago、 Then, we never talk to each other any more、Now, I feel quite lonely sometimes and don’t want to lose my best friend、 I know she must be hurt by my words, and I am not sure that she still want to be my friend or not? I do want to change this situation, but I don’t know how、 I would be grateful if you could give me some advice、 Yours, Jim What is Jim’s problem? If you were Miss Wang, what would you say? Dear Jim, (写作模板) I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to (引出主题)、 Here are a few suggestions、 First, it is important to 、Then, it also helps to 、Besides, it should be a good idea to 、You can also 、 (此三句不同的句式提出建议) As to , I suggest (有时根据需要具体到某一反面)、 In addition, (其她建议)、 I'm sure (预测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心与决心)、 I'm looking forward to (表达愿望)、 Sincerely yours, Miss Wang

高中英语作文 建议信

写作 假如你是李华,你刚收到了你的朋友王梅的电子邮件,她在邮件里向你询问在高中如何学好英语。请你根据下列的内容给她写封回信。 1.上课认真听讲,做好笔记,课后及时复习; 2.词汇是基础,每天早上花半个小时的时间背诵单词,朗读课文; 3.课外多与同学用英语交流,提高听力和口语能力; 4.每天坚持写日记。 注意:1.词数120—150词左右,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总数; 2.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。 Dear Wang Mei, I’m very glad to have received your e-mail. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua

Dear Wang Mei, I’m very glad to have received your I’m writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school. First of all,you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that you can go over your lessons as soon as you can/regularly after is known to all=As we all know (众所周知),vocabulary is of great importance / should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts ’s more,try to communicate with your classmates in English out of this way you can improve your listening and spoken English but not least,you should develop the habit of keeping a diary,which helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learnt. I hope these suggestions will be of use to :where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成 /The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”. 一个决心要成功的人是从来不会说“不可能的”。 Best wishes! Yours,


英语作文建议信的格式范文 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 英语作文建议信范文篇一Dear , ① I am very ______ to know that . ① 写信的原因② I'm looking forward to . ② 表示欢迎 ③ I'm afraid that ③ 表述建议理由④ I'd like to suggest that first......then _ . ④ 提出建议 ⑤ I believe this kind of arrangement will________________ ⑤ 有说服力 ⑥ Moreover,if _____________ , ⑥ 补充建议 ⑦ It is necessary for you to . ⑦ 提出建议⑧ With_______________you wi ll . ⑧ 建议理由 ⑨ Wish_____________________________ ⑨祝愿 英语作文建议信范文篇二Dear Wang Mei, I’m very glad to have received your e-mail.Now I’m writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school. First of all,you should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class so that 众所周知),vocabulary is of great importance / essential.You should spend half an hour in the morning reciting words and reading texts aloud.What’s more,try to your classmates in English out of class.In this way you can improve your listening and spoken English https://www.360docs.net/doc/d316146989.html,st but not least,you should keeping a diary,which helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions that you have learnt. I hope these suggestions will be of use to you.Remember:where there is a will,there is a way./The man who has made up his mind to win will


黄骅新世纪中学高一年级英语导学案1 How to write a letter for advice 2 3 【自学】 4 一. 写作攻略:1.建议信是向收信人对某事提出自己的建议和5 忠告。2.建议信有可能是写给个人,就其遇到的某个问题提出自6 己的看法和观点;也可能是写给某个组织和机构,就其改进服务7 提出建议和忠告。3.建议信要写出写信的原因,建议的内容,提 1

出建议的理由,提出的理由要入情入理,语气一定要礼貌当先。8 9 因此,建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。 10 二. 写作模式:1.首段:表明写作意图。陈述事由,注意语气。 11 2.主体段落:提出建议并阐述理由。 3.结尾段:礼貌地表达希望12 收信人接受建议的愿望。 13 三. 写作步骤:1.审题(①体裁:书信格式;②时态:一般现 14 在时或一般将来时;③结构:开头,正文和结尾;④要求:字数15 和内容)2.列提纲3.连词成句4.连句成篇5.润色修正(使用较16 高级词汇和尝试进行多样化表达方式及巧用倒装句)6定稿 17 【佳句背诵】 18 1.很高兴你来信问我如何保持健康。 19 I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on 20 how to keep fit. 21 2.这里是关于未来城市运输的几条建议。 22 Here are a few suggestions for the future of transport 23 in cities. 24 3.重要的是你应该知道你不必精通此道。 2


英语建议信 建议信 建议信写作模板 Dear__, You have asked me for my advice about___(问题),and I will try to make some suggestions here. In my opinion,you would be wise to take the following measures___(建议的内容). I hope you will find these suggestions useful,and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you for further details. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 假定你是李明,你的澳大利亚朋友Steven向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你根据下列要点给他写封 建议信。 要点: 1.参加中文学习班 2.看中文书刊、电视 3.学唱中文歌曲 4.交中国朋友

Dear Steven, I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. Here are a few suggestions.First,it is important to take a Chinese course,as you'll be able to learn from the teacher and practise with your fellow students.Then,it also helps to watch TV and read books,newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible.Besides,it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs,because by doing so you'll learn and remember Chinese words more easily.You can also make more Chinese friends.They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. Try and write to me in Chinese next time. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, Li Ming 建议信


高考英语作文之应用文“建议信 1. 简介 建议信写作注意事项: 写作目的是针对某事向对方提出合理化的建议和忠告,使对方接受自己的想法、主张和建议,从而解决问题。(常用一般现在时和一般将来时) 写作风格: 简明扼要、目标明确、条理清晰、逻辑性强、有说服力,语言文雅,礼貌当先 写作内容: 写信的原因+建议的内容+这样建议的理由 2. 写作方法 首段 1 )自我介绍/ 问好(不要啰嗦)一两个句子,概括性 2)复述背景,表明目的 主体 1 )提出具体建议 2)篇幅允许的话,可适当先肯定对方优点,再提出建议 3)适当说明原因或这样做的好处 结尾 1 )总结建议,注意礼貌 2 )希望采纳/ 希望建议有用 3. 范文练习 假如你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友Steven 向你咨询怎样学好中文,请根据下列要点给他写封建议信:1)参加中文学习班 2)看中文书刊,电视 3)学唱中文歌曲 4)交中国朋友

开头: 自我介绍/ 问好 认识→问好(可问可不问) 最近好吗? How are you doing? How are you these days? How do you do? How is it going? How is everything going? 好久不见 Long time no see. 收到你的来信真好! How nice to hear from you! 不认识→自我介绍 我是李华,育才学校学生会主席。 I ' m Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School. 我来自高二一班的李华, I' m Li Hua from class one,senior two. 复述背景,表明目的 1.收到来信,得知你在中文学习上有困难,我写信来给你一些建议。 I have received your letter saying you have difficulty (in) learning Chinese so I ' m w offer you some suggestions. 2.得知你在学习中文上有困难,我写信来给你一些建议。 Learning that you have trouble in learning Chinese,I 'wrmiti ng to provide you with some advice. 3.你询问我一些在中文学习上的事情,我会尽量给你一些建议。 You have asked me for some advice on Chinese learning(how to learn Chinese well/how to have a good command of Chinese) and I will try to give you some suggestions.


建议信(1)-----阐释原因;提出建议类 请你代表你班同学给校长写一封信,反映一下你校食堂的几点问题,以引起学校重视,并针对问题提出两条合理建议。问题包括: 1. 菜价昂贵,菜市单一; 2. 排队时间长,浪费午休时间; 3. 味道不佳,浪费现象严重。 注意:1. 词数不少于120; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇: 食堂canteen Dear Principal, Recently, many students are discussing the problems of the canteen. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ I sincerely hope you can adopt my suggestions. Thank you! Yours, Li Hua 作文范文: Dear Principal, Recently, many students are discussing the problems of the canteen. The problems are as follows. Some students think the prices of the dishes are too high and that the choices are too limited. Another concern is that the time spent in waiting is so long that we have less time to have a rest. Meanwhile, some students think that the taste of the food is awful, which leads to a lot of waste. As far as I’m concerned, measures are supposed to be taken to improve the conditions of the canteen. First of al l, it’s suggested that the prices be more reasonable and the choices of dishes be more various. In addition, it’s better to open more service windows to reduce waiting time. I sincerely hope you can adopt my suggestions. Thank you! 需注意的词汇、表达: 1.delicious waiting taste(n.味道) tasty (adj.可口的) cook (n.厨师) cooker (n.炊具) price 价格 2.lower /bring down the price 降低价格 3.at a lower/reasonable price 以较低的价格 4.varieties of dishes 种类多样的菜品 5.For one thing,……. For another,…… 6.make sb (not)do sth 7.wait /stand in line / in a queue for a long time 8.The kinds of food are few. 表达食堂出现的问题: 9.The prices of dishes are so high that many of us can’t afford them. 10.There are so few dishes to choose from, which is far from satisfactory. / which can’t satisfy our needs. 11.It takes us so much time to stand in line, which decreases our time of rest at noon. 12.The food in the canteen doesn’t taste good./ nice. The taste of food in the canteen isn’t good. 13.The food in the canteen tastes so bad that a lot of food is left and wasted 14.It’s a waste of time to stand in line for a long time. 15.The food in the canteen tastes so bad, which leads to a severe phenomenon of wasting food. 16.In the long run, it’s bad for our health and study. 17.It goes without saying that it will influence our sleep in the afternoon. 表达提出的建议: 18.Improving the taste of the food is also a good solution to the problems. 19.I think it’s necessary to provide more kinds of food. 20.It’s high time that we took measures to solve the problems. So it’s high time for us to take measures 21.To solve the problems, I think the canteen should set up a new figure(形象) and improve the present condition to satisfy the students’ needs. 22.We hope the canteen can provide us with dishes of a high quality at a reasonable price. 23.The canteen should open more windows so that we needn’t wait so long. 24.As far as I’m concerned, the canteen should attach importance to the quality. What’s more, different kinds of food should be provided. 25.Measures are supposed to be taken to improve the conditions of the canteen. 建议模板: Dear …., I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to…….(引出话题). Here are a few suggestions. First of all, it is important to do sth. Then, it also helps to do sth. Besides, it should be a good idea to do sth. 建议句型积累:
