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( )1. ____ a new library _____ in our school last year?

A. Is; built

B. Was; built

C. Does; build

D. Did ; build

( )2. An accide nt ____ on this road last week.

A. has bee n happe ned

B. was happe ned

C. is happe ned

D. happe ned

()3.Cotton (棉花) _________ i n the southeast of China.

A. is grow n

B. are grow n . grows D. grow

( )4.So far, the moon __ by man already.

A. is visited

B. will be visited

C. has bee n visited

D. was visited

( )5.A talk on Chin ese history ___ in the school hall n ext week.

A. is give n

B. has bee n give n

C. will be give n

D. gives

( )6.How many trees _____ this year?

A. are pla nted

B. will pla nt

C. have bee n pla nted

D. pla nted ( )7.A lot of things ____ by people to save the little girl now.

A. are doing

B. are being done

C. has been done

D. will be done

( )8.--Whe n __ this kind of computers _____ ? --Last year.

A. did; use

B. was; used

C. is; used

D. are; used

()9.The Great Wall ______ all over the world.

A. knows

B. knew

C. is known

D. was known

()10.Who _______ this book ______ ?

A. did; writte n

B. was; writte n by

C. did; writte n

D. was; writte n

( )11.A story _____ b y Granny yesterday.

A. was told us

B. was told to us

C. is told us

D. told us

( )12.The mon key was see n ____ off the tree.

A. jump

B. jumps

C. jumped

D. to jump

( )13.The school bag __ behi nd the chair.

A. puts

B. can be put

C. can be putted

D. can put

()14.Older people ______ well.

A. looks after

B. must be looked after

C. must look after

D. looked after

( )15.Our teacher _____ carefully.

A. should be liste ned to

B. should be liste n

C. be liste ned

D. is liste ned ( )16. Rubbish _______ into the river in order to protect the en vir onment.

A. must throw

B. mustn ' t be thrown

C. can ' t be thrown

D. may be thrown ( )17. After the lights ________ , we left the classroom.

A. turned off

B. is turned off

C. were turned

D. were turned off

( )18 Whe n the accide nt _______ , we were going by the hospital.

A. take place

B. were taken place

C. were happened

D. happened

( )19. A knife _______ cut thin gs, like apples, water melons.

A. is used to

B. is used for

C. used to

D. use to

( )20 Mr. Zhang ________ eat ing Shandong food now.

A. was used

B. is used to

C. used to

D. will be used for

( )21. Just now Tom was see n _____ with James.

A. to fight.

B. fight ing

C. fight

D. fought.

( )22. The broke n chairs n eed ______ at on ce.

A. repaired

B. to be repaired

C. being repaired

D. repair

()23 _________ my TV _______ here ?

A. Can, be repaired

B. Is , can repaired

C. Can ‘repaired

D. Can, repair

()24. When ________ the bridge ______ ?

A. did, build

B. was, built

C. did, set

D. was, build

( )25. ______ many polluted things _______ out of the city yet?

A. Are, being moved

B. Have, been moved

C. Have, moved

D. Did, move ( )26. the floor by the stude nts on duty at the mome nt?

A. Are , cleaned

B. Is, swept

C. Is, being swept

D. Does, sweep


I. 1 t's said据说)that the long bridge ____________ ( build)in two mon ths.

2. Where to have the meeting ____________ (discuss) now.

3. Which Ianguage _____ the most widely ______ (speak) in the world ?

4. The lost boy ___________ (not find) so far.

5. Last year a large number of trees ___________ cut) down.

6. The stude nts ____ ofte n _____ (tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.

7. The old man is ill. He ______ (must send) to the hospital.

8. Vegetables, eggs and fruits ________ (sell) in this shop.

9. What ______ knives _______ (make) of ?

They ______________ (make) of metal金属)and wood.

10. Can the magaz ine _______ (take) out of the library?

II. The room ____________ (clea n) by me every day.

12. The stars can ' t _______________ (see) in the daytime.

13. Some flowers _______________ (water) by Li Mi ng already.

14. This kind of shoes _________ (sell) well.
