


首先,我们来看一下一个典型的模拟真题:“Do you think it is important for young people to learn to cook? Why or why not?”(你认为年轻人学会烹饪重要吗?为什么?)在回答这个问题时,我们可以采取以下结构进行论述。


在开头段我们需要对这个问题进行总结并给出自己的观点。例如:“In my opinion, I believe it is extremely important for young people to learn to cook. Cooking is not only a basic life skill, but it also has a positive impact on a person's health and well-being. Learning to cook at a young age enables individuals to make healthier food choices and have a better understanding of proper nutrition.”


在这一段中,我们可以讨论学会烹饪对个人生活的重要性。例如:“Cooking is not just a way to satiate hunger, it is a creative and enjoyable activity that brings people together. When young people learn to cook, they become more self-

reliant and gain a sense of accomplishment from preparing

their own meals. Moreover, cooking can be a form of self-expression and a way to showcase cultural heritage through traditional recipes and techniques.”


接下来,我们可以探讨学会烹饪对健康的积极影响。例如:“With the rise of fast food and convenient take-out options, many young people rely heavily on processed and unhealthy meals. Learning to cook gives them the ability to control the ingredients and portion sizes of their meals, leading to a healthier diet overall. Additionally, cooking at home often uses less oil and salt compared to restaurant-prepared food, reducing the risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure.”


最后,我们可以谈一下学会烹饪对经济和环保的积极作用。例如:“Eating out can be expensive, especially for young people who may have limited financial resources. Learning to cook allows them to save money by preparing their own meals at home. Moreover, cooking at home reduces the reliance on

single-use plastic packaging and excessive food waste, which contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle.”


最后,我们需要对整个论述进行总结,并再次强调学会烹饪的重要性。例如:“In conclusion, learning to cook i s crucial for young people as it equips them with a valuable life skill,

promotes healthier eating habits, and contributes to personal, economic, and environmental well-being. I strongly believe

that by encouraging young people to learn to cook, we can

emp ower them to lead healthier and more sustainable lives.”













四级口语真题及答案解析 导语:四级口语考试对于大部分学生来说是一次具有挑战性的考试。掌握一些常见的题目及解答方法能够帮助学生更好地应对考试, 取得好的成绩。本文将提供一些常见四级口语题目,并给出相应的解析。 一、个人介绍 题目:请用一分钟来介绍一下你自己。 解析:这一题目是口语考试中的常见开场题,考查考生的自我介 绍能力。考生可以按照时间顺序,简要介绍自己的基本信息,如姓名、年龄、所在学校等,同时可以加入一些个人兴趣爱好和特长,以便引 起考官的兴趣。 二、社交活动 题目:你参加过什么社交活动?你觉得这些活动对你有什么帮助? 解析:这个题目考察考生对于社交活动的参与情况以及对其帮助 的认识。考生可以先列举一些自己参与过的社交活动,如组织学校的 文化节、参加志愿者活动等,并阐述这些活动对于自己个人成长和社 交能力培养的积极意义。 三、读书 题目:你认为阅读对你有什么影响?请举一些例子。

解析:这个题目考察考生对于阅读对于个人的影响的认识和举例 能力。考生可以分别从语言能力加强、认识世界多元化以及拓宽视野 等多个方面来回答。举例时可以提到读过的一本令自己印象深刻的优 秀文学作品,以及对于人生观、价值观有所影响的读书经历。 四、环保 题目:你认为环保对于社会的重要性是什么? 解析:这个题目考察考生对环境保护的认识与理解。考生可以从 多个层面回答这个问题,如环境污染对人类健康的危害、资源的有限 性以及可持续发展的重要性等方面进行阐述。可以借鉴一些真实的例子,如全球变暖、空气污染等,以加深回答的深度和可信度。 五、网络 题目:你认为网络对你个人的影响是什么? 解析:这个题目考察考生对网络的认识与看法。考生可以从多个 方面回答,如提高学习效率、拓宽知识视野、娱乐享受等。同样可以 通过举例子来说明自己是如何通过网络获取知识、与他人交流和学习的。 六、个人成长 题目:你觉得大学期间对你个人的成长有什么影响? 解析:这个题目考察考生对大学时光的认识与总结能力。考生可 以从多个方面来回答这个问题,如学术能力、人际关系、职业规划等。可以简要列举一些大学期间的成长经历,并结合实际例子来说明自己 是如何在大学期间成长和进步的。


四级口语模拟真题答案解析 作为大学四级考试的一部分,口语考试一直是许多学生恐惧的对象。面对严格的时间限制和考官的逐字逐句的考察,如何在短时间内给出准确且连贯的回答是一项具有挑战性的任务。为了帮助同学们更好地应对这一考试,以下将对四级口语模拟真题进行解析和讨论。 首先,我们来看一下一个典型的模拟真题:“Do you think it is important for young people to learn to cook? Why or why not?”(你认为年轻人学会烹饪重要吗?为什么?)在回答这个问题时,我们可以采取以下结构进行论述。 一、开头段 在开头段我们需要对这个问题进行总结并给出自己的观点。例如:“In my opinion, I believe it is extremely important for young people to learn to cook. Cooking is not only a basic life skill, but it also has a positive impact on a person's health and well-being. Learning to cook at a young age enables individuals to make healthier food choices and have a better understanding of proper nutrition.” 二、论述段一 在这一段中,我们可以讨论学会烹饪对个人生活的重要性。例如:“Cooking is not just a way to satiate hunger, it is a creative and enjoyable activity that brings people together. When young people learn to cook, they become more self- reliant and gain a sense of accomplishment from preparing


大学英语四级口语考试练习题参考答案 Part 1: Introduction and Greeting Interviewer: Hello, welcome to the CSE Oral English Test. Can you please introduce yourself briefly? Candidate: Hello, thank you for having me. My name is Emily, and I am currently a sophomore majoring in International Business. Interviewer: Great! Let's get started with the first question. How did you become interested in learning English? Part 2: Personal Experience Candidate: Well, I have always been passionate about languages and different cultures. In middle school, I had the opportunity to participate in a Chinese-English exchange program. That experience ignited my interest in learning English as I interacted with English-speaking students. Since then, I have been dedicated to improving my English skills. Part 3: Language Learning Methods Interviewer: That's impressive. What methods or strategies do you think are effective for learning English? Candidate: Personally, I believe that having a diverse range of learning approaches is crucial. Firstly, attending English classes and practicing with qualified teachers plays a vital role in grammar and vocabulary acquisition. Additionally, using online resources, such as English language apps, provides a convenient way to enhance listening and speaking skills. Furthermore, immersing oneself in English-speaking environments through


专业英语四级(对话听力)模拟试卷10(题后含答案及解析) 题型有: 2. LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION (20 MIN)Directions: In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet. SECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 听力原文:W: Hi, Professor.M: Hi, Joy.W: Could you please give me some information of exam schedule?M: I will be happy to. The dates for the first term are December 5 to December 15. (1)The dates for the second term are April 1 to April 13.W: How long are exams?M: Exams are normally three-hour long.W: Where do we take exams?M: (2) You must book a room for a three-hour exam. The department will arrange a supervisor.W: I see. And how does the school arrange the exam schedule for each student? M: Early next month, there will be a sign-up sheet posted in the faculty lounge. You can choose a square on this draft schedule. The dean then draws up the filial schedule to avoid students having two exams scheduled at the same time. W: That’s a good idea. So I just have to sign the sheet in the faulty lounge asking when I want my exam. M: Yes, it is not at all certain when the exam will be, but it gives Dean Anderson a place to start. W: Then he can use computer to arrange the schedule, right? M: Not really, he still has to do most of it manually, consulting his computer to see which students registered in each course have ordered exams. Doing an exam schedule is quite complex. Quite often, (3) he consults the schedule from the previous year. 1.What is the exam schedule for the second term? A.From December 5 to December 13. B.From December 1 to December 30. C.From April 1 to April 13. D.From April 1 to April 30. 正确答案:C 涉及知识点:对话 2.The school does NOT have to______for the exams. A.book a room B.arrange a supervisor C.post sigh-up sheet D.draw up exam schedule


大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷250(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. Why does the naked eye seldom see the dance of the songbirds?2. What should the researchers do next? 1. A.The songbirds have transparent legs. B.The songbirds dance very quickly. C.The songbirds often hide behind the leaves. D.The songbirds never dance in the day time. 正确答案:B 解析:由新闻首句可知,科学家们发现一种鸣鸟会跳踢踏舞,但是因为动作太快,人们的肉眼往往看不到。 2. A.To study the daily schedule of the songbird. B.To discover the relationship between the courtship and dance. C.To research how the dance was invented. D.To find more songbirds’ dances. 正确答案:B 解析:新闻中提到,研究人员下一步要做的是搞清楚他们的示爱与这种舞步之间的关系。 听力原文:(3)The World Bank has warned that 100 million more people will be pushed into poverty by 2030 unless action is taken to prevent global warming. It says global warming will ravage crops and fuel the spread of malaria and other diseases. Laura Becca reports from Washington. “The World Bank says that climate change is already having an effect on the poorest people who were struggling to raise crops in extreme weather and low rainfall. They say the world’s poorer receive fewer resources and are woefully unprepared to deal with further climate shocks such as rising seas or severe drought.(4)They’re calling for more to be done to help those in need and they want world leaders to act to reduce carbon emissions. That report had been released just a few weeks before a UN climate summit in Paris.”3. What will make more people become poor by 2030?4. What should world leaders do? 3. A.Global warming. B.Nuclear wars. C.Food crisis. D.Economic depression. 正确答案:A 解析:新闻中提到,世界银行发出警告如果不制止全球变暖现象的话,到


fif口语四级口语模拟题11 摘要: 一、前言 1.引出话题:四级口语考试的重要性 2.模拟题的背景及意义 二、口语模拟题11 的内容概述 1.题目:描述一个你参加过的家庭聚会 2.考试要求:用词准确、语言流畅、内容丰富 三、解答思路与技巧 1.确定主题:家庭聚会 2.思考要点:聚会时间、地点、人物、活动、感受 3.扩展内容:具体描述、细节展示、个人感受 四、参考范文及解析 1.范文:描述一次春节家庭聚会 2.解析:词汇、句型、结构、内容等方面的优点 五、备考建议 1.多练习口语模拟题 2.积累词汇、句型、表达 3.注重语言准确性、流畅性、丰富性 正文: 一、前言

在我国,大学英语四级(CET-4)考试是检验大学生英语水平的重要手段。其中,口语部分对于很多考生来说是个挑战。为了更好地帮助大家备考,本文将针对四级口语模拟题11 进行解析和指导。 二、口语模拟题11 的内容概述 四级口语模拟题11 要求考生描述一个参加过的家庭聚会。这个话题贴近生活,考生应该有所感悟。通过描述家庭聚会的过程,可以展示考生的词汇量、语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力。 三、解答思路与技巧 1.确定主题:家庭聚会。在此基础上,思考聚会的相关要点,如聚会时间、地点、人物、活动、感受等。 2.扩展内容:为了使描述更加生动有趣,考生可以添加一些具体描述和细节展示。例如,描述家庭成员的性格特点、聚会活动中的趣事等。同时,要注重个人感受的表达,使内容更具有真实感。 四、参考范文及解析 以下是一篇描述春节家庭聚会的范文: Last Spring Festival, I had the pleasure of attending a family reunion at my aunt"s home.The whole family gathered to celebrate the Chinese New Year and catch up on each other"s lives. The atmosphere was warm and lively.My aunt had prepared a delicious feast, including traditional Chinese dishes such as dumplings, fish, and niangao.Everyone was dressed in their best attire, and the home was decorated with red lanterns and couplets, adding to the


历年来英语四级口语考试真题及解析汇总 小编为大家汇总了今年来的英语四级口语考试真题及解析,方便各位考生学习一下~祝大家都能考出好成绩哦!接下来就让我们一起来学习一下吧。 失物招领 本场个人陈述的主题为“失物招领”,生活中我们有时会无意中捡到其他人丢失的东西,此时应该想办法找到失主。那么接下来,我们来看一下就“失物招领”这一主题展开的一些常用的表述:Lost and Found In our daily life, we may have experiences of picking up others’ things, for example, finding a book without the owner’s name on it in the classroom, and at that time, we certainly intend to find and contact the owners to return the things. And a Lost and Found Notice will be needed. When we write the notice, we should pay attention to the followings. First, if you are writing a paper version, please avoid polluting the environment. So you cannot attach the papers here and there, instead of which you can find the special bulletin board for it. And I suggest that you can just create the notice on social mediums such as the Moments of Wechat and ask your friends to forward for you. Since the notice will be forwarded by many people, the owner can probably see it and contact with you. Second, we should write clearly the places we found the lost thing and our own contact information, then the owner can affirm if it is his or hers and contact with us directly. Certainly, when there is someone contacting with you ,just be careful and ask some details to prevent giving the lost thing to a wrong person. 公众演讲 本场个人陈述的主题为Public Speaking “公众演讲”,公众演


专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷277(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. DICTATION 2. LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 1. 正确答案:Travel Books There are three kinds of travel books. / The first are those that give a personal, subjective account of travels / which the author has actually made himself. / If these books are informative and have a good index, / they can be very useful to you / when you are planning your travels. / The second can be classified as selective guidebooks / whose purpose is to give a purely objective description of things to be done and seen. / The third are those books which are called “a guide” to some place or other. / They will give an analysis or an interpretation. / 涉及知识点:听力 PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 听力原文:Closeness and Personal Space Good morning, everyone. Today, we’ll talk about closeness and personal space. Every culture has different levels of physical closeness appropriate to different types of relationship, and individuals learn these distances from the society in which they grew up. When someone violates an appropriate distance, people may feel uncomfortable or defensive. Their actions may well be open to misinterpretation. In Western society, four distances have been defined according to the relationship between the people involved. They are intimate distance, personal distance, social distance, and public distance. These four distances are associated with the four main types of relationship—intimate, personal, social and public. Now we’ll talk about the four personal distances one by one. First, we’ll begin with intimate distance. [1]Intimate distance ranges from close contact, such as touching, to 45cm. In British society, it tends to be seen as [21an inappropriate distance for public behaviour and entering the intimate space of another person with


专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷207(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. (6)Understand the difference between title and topic. A topic is general, but a title is more specific. Make sure the title explains the benefit of your subject. 2. (7)Provide an image for those who are not experts in your subject. Explain how your research relates to other fields. 3. (8)Work on transitions (linking words) as you go from image to image. These should make the connections between your ideas clear. Professor LeBeau says transitions serve as bridges to each new image. 4. (9)Look at each image from the audience’s point of view. What questions might they have about each image? Prepare an extra image that would help explain the most difficult question you expect. 5. (10)Rehearse your presentation with a timing device. At most conferences, there is a time limit. It is disrespectful to take more than your share of the time. Cut your presentation to fit the time you are permitted. Using these tips for improving your presentations in English should help make the process easier. Tips for Planning a PresentationI. The cultural style of presentation for English speakersA【T1】______with one main idea【T1】______Close the talk by 【T2】______the idea【T2】______The best time to present main idea【T3】______【T3】______【T4】______activity will lead to an unclear presentation【T4】______II. Tips for【T5】______presentations【T5】______Understand the difference between 【T6】______【T6】______Provide an【T7】______for outsiders【T7】______Work on【T8】______that serve as bridges【T8】______Prepare images from the perspective of【T9】______【T9】______【T10】______your presentation with a timing device 【T10】______ 1.【T1】 正确答案:linear style 解析:本题与英语演讲者的演讲风格相关。录音开头提到语言学家研究不同文化的思维方式,接着说到英语演讲者偏爱“直线式风格”,即只有一个主要观点。由空格后的with one main idea可确定此处填入linear style。知识模块:讲座 2.【T2】 正确答案:restating/repeating 解析:本题考查英语演讲者如何结束演讲。录音提到,演讲者需要用细节和论据来论证主要观点,并且在结尾处需要重申观点。因此填restating,或者用repeating也能表示相同含义。知识模块:讲座 3.【T3】


专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷329(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. DICTATION 2. LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 1. 正确答案:Different Media With the introduction of radio, newspaper publishers wondered how broadcasting would affect them. /Many feared that radio would displace the newspaper industry altogether. /The truth is that radio and print were not substitutes for each other but actually supported each other. /You see the relationship between different media is not always one of displacement but can be one of reinforcement. /However, this is not always the case. /Take television and motion pictures for example. /With the popularization of TV, /the motion picture industry suffered greatly. 涉及知识点:听力 PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 听力原文:Preparing for Tests Good morning, everybody. The topic of today’s lecture is preparing for tests. You need to understand the importance of tests, the best methods of preparation, the common sense required for both a physical and mental approach to them, how to read instructions and questions correctly, and how to answer the way the tests or teacher expect you to answer. This is one of the most valuable psychological benefits that can come from your education. People have different attitudes towards tests.(2)Do you ever consider the tests or examinations as a personal battle which the teacher wages in an attempt to defeat you or do you see it as a contest in which one tries to_outwit_the other? The difference in attitude can be seen in the difference between two questions: “Why did you take off points on this question?”and “What should I have included that I did not?”Another attitude that you should avoid is that of fear.(3)Fear of taking a test results in tension and disturbed thinking. Students who are afraid start in a state of confusion and disorder. Thus they


大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷186(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. When will the man see the doctor?12. Why did the man want to see the doctor? 9. A.He saw the office on his way home from work. B.A friend referred him to Dr. Carter’s office. C.He found Dr. Carter’s number in the phone book. D.He found Dr. Carter’s number on the Internet. 正确答案:A 解析:对话中男士提到:“哦,昨天我开车经过了你们办公室。”因此选A。选项都涉及He怎样得知Dr.Carter的办公室(或电话)的,可以比较准确地预测出问题。听到对话中女士问who referred(介绍,推荐)you to our office时,就该特别关注男士的回答。由drove past只能得出A。知识模块:听力 10. A.He has to pick up his tool kits. B.He has to take a bus home. C.He has to open his store in the morning. D.He has to pick up his kids. 正确答案:D 解析:女士建议他周三4点钟过来,男士犹豫了一下,回答说,4点左右是他通常接孩子们放学的时间。因此答案是D。知识模块:听力 11. A.At 8:15 A.M. on Tuesday. B.At 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday. C.At 8:15 AM. on Thursday. D.At 8:00 AM. on Tuesday. 正确答案:C 解析:女士要男士在周二上午8点与周四上午8:15之间选择,男士说选星期四。因此C正确。知识模块:听力 12. A.He hurt his knee when a tall ladder fell on him. B.He injured his ankle when he fell from a ladder. C.He sprained his hand when he fell off the roof of his house. D.His foot has a paint can on because he likes painting the house. 正确答案:B


大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷240(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. According to the NRF, the average American consumer will spend about $ 805 on gifts. That’s more than $ 630 billion between November and December, an increase of 3.7 percent from last year.1. How will retailers cope with the Thanksgiving shopping season?2. How many Americans will shop by using a tablet or smartphone this year? 1. A.By selling online. B.By reducing costs. C.By closing earlier. D.By lowering prices. 正确答案:D 解析:新闻提到,一些商店为了竞争会很早开门并延长营业时间。为了最大程度吸引顾客,几乎所有商家都承诺以大折扣服务顾客。 2. A.3.7%. B.50%. C.20%. D.11%. 正确答案:C 解析:新闻中提到,今年,全美零售商联合会称,超过一半以上的人们在节假日选择网上购物,五分之一美国人使用平板电脑或智能手机。 听力原文: A big storm hit Great Britain.(3)Two people died. Roads and highways are closed. Homes are without power. And travelers are stranded in Great Britain because of record rainfall. The rain set records and affected the northern part of England and Scotland. The national weather service issued a “red” alert for rain in the area. Most of the region received between 200 to 300 millimeters of rain over the weekend, according to the UK’s National Weather Service. Honister Pass, an area north of Manchester in the Lake District, received 341 millimeters of rain on December 5. Extreme rainy weather is not only affecting the northern hemisphere. The city of Chennai in southern India also received over 300 millimeters of rain in 24 hours last week. (4)The rain emergencies came at the same time world leaders are meeting in France to discuss climate change at the COP21 convention.3. What damage did the storm cause in Britain?4. What was happening when the storm hit Great Britain? 3. A.Two people were injured. B.Airports are closed.
