外研社高中英语必修1-5 课文 中英文对照

外研社高中英语必修1-5 课文 中英文对照
外研社高中英语必修1-5 课文 中英文对照


我上高中的第一天\ Module 1 My First Day at Senior High My name is Li Kang.I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. It is the capital city of Hebei Province.我叫李康。居住在石家庄,一座离北京不远的城市。这座城市是河北省省会。Today is my first day at Senior High school and I’m wr iting down my thoughts about it.今天是我上高中的第一天,我将我对这一天的看法写下来。My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing.我的新学校很好,并且我能够明白其原因。老师非常热情、友好,课堂令人感到惊奇。Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen.每个教室都有一台计算机,并配有特别的显示屏,其大小几乎同电影院的银幕一样。The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them.老师写在电脑上,单词就出现在后面的屏幕上。The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites.They’re brilliant! 屏幕还可展示图片、课文、和网站上的信息。简直太精彩了!The English class is really interesting. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.英语课真的很有趣。老师是很热情的女老师,称为沈老师。We’re using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like the teachers at my Junior High school.我们使用一种新教材,沈老师的教学方法与我的初中老师的教学方法不同。She thinks that reading comprehension is important, but we speak a lot in class, too.她认为阅读理解很重要,但我们课堂上说得也很多。And we have fun.I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class! 我们很快乐。我认为我不会厌烦沈老师的课。Today we introduced ourselves to each other. We did this in groups.今天,我们彼此介绍了自己。我们是分组介绍的。Some students were embarrassed at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice.有些学生起初很为难,但每个人都很友好,真是太好了。Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves.沈老师给我们一些指导,我们开展了独自学习。Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting. We do this in a fun way, with spelling games and other activities.沈老师想帮助我们改进拼写和书法。我们做得很有趣,有拼写游戏和其他活动。I like her attitude very much, and the behaviour of the other students shows that they like her, too.我非常喜欢她的态度,其他学生的表现表明了他们也很喜欢她。There are sixty-five students in my class — more than my previous class in Junior High. Forty-nine of them are girls.我班有65 位学生——比我先前初中时班里的学生多。49 名女生。In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.换句话说,女生人数是男生人数的3 倍。They say that girls are usually more hard-working than boys, but in this class, everyone is hard-working.人们说女生通常比男生更努力,但是,在这个班里,人人都很努力。For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live.I’m looking forward to doing it! 我们今天晚上的作业是,我们必须写一篇描写我们所居住街道的短文。我正期待着做作业。背诵并默写下面的范文我的课外活动My After-school Activities 当学生们的现代时期,我们有彩色的学校生活。As the students of modern times, we have colorful school life.我们每天都学习很多知识不同主题的教室里上课。Everyday, we learn plenty of knowledge on different subjects in class.和我们的学校组织许多课外活动,以帮助我们把我们所学到的知识运用到实践中去。And our school organizes many extracurricular activities in order to help us put what we have learned into practice.课后,我们参加各种活动,比如踢足球、篮球、羽毛球等。After class, we take part in various activities, like playing football, basketball, badminton, etc.他们对我们的身体很好。They are good for our health.此外,我们还能参加这个讲座举办的文学艺术、音乐团体,协会,你可以在那里享受集团最著名的作品,学会演奏乐器或画画。Besides, we are able to

join in the lectures organized by literature association, music group, art group, where you can enjoy famous works, learn to play instruments or draw pictures.同样地,有机会为我们使用计算机实验室,跟一些外国老师关于任何东西我们有兴趣去英语角。Also, there are chances for us to use computers in the laboratory and talk with some foreign teachers about anything we are interested in at the English corner.现在,大部分人都可以自由地操作计算机,更好地掌握英语口语。Now, most of us may operate computers freely and have a good command of spoken English.除了这里提到的课外活动,仍有许多其他如运动会,辩论、社会调查等。In addition to the after-class activities mentioned here, there are still many others such as sports meeting, debate, social investigation, etc.所有这些活动使我们的学校生活更有吸引力和有趣。All those activities make our school life attractive and interesting.我们将利用经验,在未来的。We will take advantages of the experience in the future.

Moudle 2

My New Teachers

They say that first impressions are very important. My first impression of Mrs. Li was that she was nervous and shy.人们常说第一印象很重要。李老师给我留下的第一印象是既紧张又胆怯。I think perhaps she was, as it was her first lesson with us. But now, after two weeks, the class really likes working with her.我想,可能她就是这样,因为这是她给我们上的第一节课。但是,过了两周了,全班学生真的喜欢上她的课。She's kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! 她非常和蔼,又有耐心,英语语法解释得如此清楚,连我都能够明白!She avoids making you feel stupid! I've always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English, 她避免让人感到愚笨!讲英语时,我总是憎恶出错或者是憎恶发音不正确,but Mrs.Li just smiles, so that you don't feel completely stupid! 但是,李老师只是笑一笑,因此,你不会感到完全愚笨!I think maybe she goes a bit too slowly for the faster students, but for me it's wonderful! I feel I'm going to make progress with her.我想可能对于好学生来说她的课进行得有点慢,但对我来说,真是太棒了!我觉得我跟着她学习肯定将取得进步。I'd guess that Mrs.Chen is almost sixty.She's very strict—we don't dare to say a word unless she asks us to. She's also very serious and doesn't smile much.我猜想陈老师几乎快60 岁了。她很严格――――除非她让我们讲话,我们一句话也不敢说。她还很严肃,很少微笑。When she asks you to do something, you do it immediately! 当她要求你做某事时,你就马上去做!There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but they're always on time for Mrs. Chen's lessons! 陈老师的课,我们班几位不断迟到的学生,总是准时上陈老师的课。Some of our class don't ike her, but most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well organised and clear. And a few students even admit liking her! 我们班有的同学不喜欢她,但大多数同学都很欣赏她,因为她的课讲得很清楚、教学组织得又好。一些学生甚至承认喜欢她!During scientific experiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving.在做科学实验时,她对发生的现象解释得很准确,因此,我在实验方面在取得进步。Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think that I’ll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.物理绝对不是我最喜欢的科目,但我想由陈老师教我,我会考出好成绩。Mr.Wu’s only been teaching us for two weeks and he’s already very popular.I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature ---吴老师仅仅教过我们两个礼拜,他已经很受欢迎了。我想这是因为他的确喜欢教中国文学he loves it, in fact! He’s got so much energy, this is one class you do not fall asleep in! He’s about 28, I think, and is rather good-looking.实际上,他喜爱中国文学!他精力是那样充

沛,上他的课,你不会想睡觉(不会感到困倦)!我想他大约28 岁,长得很帅。He talks loudly and fast, and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited.He’s really amusing and tells jokes when he thinks we’re getting bored.他讲话语速快、声音洪亮,当讲到兴奋的时候,不时挥手。他上课真很有趣,当他认为我们疲倦的时候,就给我们讲笑话。Even things like compositions and summaries are fun with Mr. Wu. I respect him a lot.即使是象作文和总结这样的事情,吴老师也搞得很有趣。我很尊敬他。

Module 3

My First Ride on a Train 我的首次火车之旅

My name is Alice Thompson.I come from Sydney, Australia and I’m 18 years old.我是爱丽丝·汤普森。我来自澳大利亚的悉尼,今年18岁。Recently I had my first ride on a long-distance train. And what a ride! A friend and I traveled on the famous Ghan train.近来我进行了首次远程火车之旅。真是太棒了! 我和一位朋友乘坐的是有名的阿富汗火车。We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, right in the middle of Australia, more than four thousand kilometers away.我们在悉尼上车, 在澳大利亚中部的艾丽普林斯下车,行程四千多公里。We spent two days and nights on the train.整个旅程花费了我们两天两夜。The train was wonderful and the food was great.We ate great meals cooked by experts! 坐火车很舒服而且车上的食物也很可口。我们吃的美味饭菜是烹饪大师们做的。For the first few hundred kilometres of the journey, the scenery was very colourful.在旅程开始的几百公里, 风景优美。There were fields and the soil was dark red.有成片的田野,那里的土壤是深红色。After that, it was desert. The sun shone, there was no wind and there were no clouds in the sky.接着是沙漠。艳阳高照,没有风而且晴空万里。Suddenly, it looked like a place from another time. We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.可是接着,时空像是突然发生了转变。映入眼帘的是建造于一百多年前一些废弃的农庄。The train was comfortable and the people were nice.火车很舒服而且车上的人也都很友好。During the day, I sat and looked out of the window, and sometimes talked to other passengers.白天,我坐着看窗外,有时和别的旅客说说话。I read books and listened to my Chinese cassettes (I'm studying Chinese at school).我看书, 听着汉语录音带(我在学校学汉语)。One night,at about midnight, I watched the night sky for about an hour. The stars shone like diamonds.一天晚上, 大约是在半夜,差不多有整整一个小时我都在注视着夜晚的天空。星星像钻石一样眨着眼。Why is the train called the Ghan? A long time ago, Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country.为什么火车叫阿富汗号?很久以前,澳大利亚人到国家中部地区有很长一段路程。They tried riding horses, but the horses didn't like the hot weather and sand.他们试着骑马,但那些马不喜欢炎热的天气和沙漠。A hundred and fifty years ago, they brought some camels from Afghanistan.Ghan is short for Afghanistan.一百五十年前, 他们从阿富汗带入了一些骆驼。Ghan是阿富汗的缩写。Camels were much better than horses for travelling a long distance.作长途旅行,骆驼比马匹强多了。For many years, trained camels carried food and other supplies, and returned with wool and other products.多年来, 经过训练的骆驼驮运食物及其他用品, 返回时还带着羊毛和其他产品。The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.直到二十世纪二十年代,阿富汗人和他们的骆驼还在做着这样的工作。Then the government built a new railway line, so they didn't need the camels any more.那时政府建了一条新的铁路线,所以阿富汗人不再需要骆驼了In 1925,they passed a law which allowed people to shoot the animals if they were a problem.在1925年, 他们通过了法律,如果它们引发问题,允许人们射杀骆驼。In 1935, the police in a town shot 153 camels in one day.在1935年,一个城镇的警察仅一天就射杀153头骆驼。

Moudle 4

a social survey –my neighbourhood 一.

A lively city It's great to see you again, John.约翰,很高兴又见到你了。It's great to see you! It's been six years since we last saw each other, you know.见到你真是太好了!要知道,我们6 年没见面了。And this is the first time I've visitedyour hometown. Yes, I'm so glad you could come.而且这是第一次来到你的家乡。是的,你能来,我真是很高兴你知道,我去过中国很多地方,也游览过一些美丽的城市,但这是我到过的最吸引人的地方之一。You know, I've seen quite a lot of China and I've visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places I've been to.It's so lively, and everyone seems so friendly.Yes, it's one of the most interesting cities on the coast,everyone says so.它生机勃勃,人们看上去都那么友好。是的,大家都说这是最富有的沿海城市之一。I feel very fortunate living here. And I love living by the seaside. You live in the northwest of Xiamen, is that right?Yes, that's right.生活在这里我感到很荣幸。我喜欢在海边生活。你住的地方是在厦门的西北面,对吗?是的。What's the climate like?Pretty hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in the winter.这里气候怎么样?夏天相当热,相当潮湿,可是冬天可能很冷。Sounds OK to me. There are a lot of tourists around. Don't they bother you? 对我不成问题。这里到处都有游客。他们对你们有干扰吗?Yes, they can be a nuisance in the summer because there are so many of them.是的,游客太多了,夏天有时候会有点讨厌。Oh, look at that huge apartment block!Yes, they've just completed it.哎哟,看看那栋高大的公寓楼!是啊,刚刚完工的。The rent for an apartment there is very high. I believe you! This area's so modern! 租一套那儿的公寓要不少钱呢。这我相信!这是一个很现代化的地方啊!Yes, this is the business district.They've put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently. And there are some great shopping malls.对,这是商业区。最近他们建造了许多摩天大厦,也有一些大商场。See, we're just passing one now. My wife's just bought a beautiful dress from one of the shops there.瞧,我们正好经过一个商厦呢。我太太刚从那边的一家买了件衣服,好漂亮。Maybe I could buy a few presents there. I'll take you there tomorrow. Now we're leaving the business district and approaching the harbour.也许我可以去那买些礼物。明天我带你去那吧。现在我们要离开商业区去港口。We're entering the western district, the most interesting part of the city. It's got some really pretty parks ...我们即将进入西区,也就是这个城市最有趣的地区。那有一些非常漂亮的公园...... It seems lovely.Is that Gulangyu Island, just across the water? Yes, it is. It's a gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture.看上去很不错。水那边是鼓浪屿海岛吗?是的。那是个很迷人的海岛,岛上有一些非常有意思的建筑。So they tell me. Do you think we could stop and walk around for a while? Yes, I was just going to do that. We can park over there.他们也是这么跟我说的。你觉得我们可以停下来逗留一会儿吗?可以啊,我正想那么做呢。我们可以在那边停车。A friend's told me about a nice little fish restaurant near here. Shall we go there for lunch? That sounds great. I'm starving! 有朋友跟我说起过这附近有一家很不错的渔家小饭馆,我们去那吃午餐怎么样?听起来不错。我快饿死了!

Moudle 5

a lesson in a La

b Passage A 很难想象没有金属的世界。

It is hard to think of a world without metals.不同的金属有不同的用处,比如说,钢材用于制造汽车,铁用于制造电子设备。Different metals have different uses, for example, steel is used in cars, and iron is used in electrical equipment.当我们使用金属的时候,知道它们和不同物质的反应是很重要的,例如水和氧气。When we use metals, it is important to know how they react with different substances, for example, water and oxygen.金属和这些物质的反应是有顺序的。

Moudle 6 the internet and telecommunications

因特网是世界上的信息最大储存源,它可以通过电脑来访问。The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world, and it's accessible through a computer.它含有数以百万计的数据。It consists of millions of pages of data. 1969 年,美国的一个防御组织DARPA 发明了一种通过电话把多台电脑进行连接的方式。In 1969, DARPA, a U.S. defence organisation, developed a way for all their computers to "talk" to each other through the telephone.他们创建了一个叫做DARPANET 的电脑网络。They created a network of computers called DARPANET.在15 年间,只有美国军方可以利用这种交流系统。For fifteen years, only the U.S. army could use this system of communication.1984 年,美国的国家科学基金会发明了NSFNET 网。Then in 1984, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) started the NSFNET network.它使得大学也可以利用这种系统。It then became possible for universities to use the system as well. NSFNET 就以内部网络或―因特网‖而闻名。NSFNET became known as the Inter-Network, or "Internet".万维网是一个网络系统,它允许电脑用户通过因特网来访问众多网站上的信息。The World Wide Web (the web) is a computer network that allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet.目前,大约百分之八十的网络用语都是英语,但这一比率正在下降。At the moment, about 80 percent of web traffic is in English, but this percentage is going down.到2020 年时,较多的用语可能会是汉语。By 2020, much web traffic could be in Chinese.全球信息网是于1991 年由一个英国的科学家蒂姆.贝尔纳斯-李创建的。The World Wide Web was invented in 1991 by an English scientist, Tim Berners-Lee.读大学时,贝尔纳斯-李用一台废旧电视机制成了他的第一台电脑! Berners-Lee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television! 1989 年,当他在瑞士工作时,他提出了创建万维网的想法。He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland.蒂姆.贝尔纳斯-李使得每一个人而不仅仅是大学或军队来使用因特网。Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army.他设计了第一个―网页浏览器‖,它使得计算机用户可以访问其他电脑的文件。He designed the first "web browser", which allowed computer users to access documents from other computers.从那时起,网站日益增多,因特网也日益普及。在五年内,因特网用户就从60 万户增加到4000 万户。From that moment on, the web and the Internet grew. Within five years, the number of Internet users rose from 600 000 to 40 million.因特网已经使得千万人成为百万富翁,但是,蒂姆.贝尔纳斯-李却不是其中的一个。The Internet has created thousands of millionaires, but Berners-Lee is not one of them.世界上的任何人都可以用他的万维网进入因特网。Everyone in the world can access the Internet using his World Wide Web system.如今他还是一名位于波士顿的麻省理工大学里的讲师。He now works as a lecturer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston.


Module 1 Zhou Kai

(1)Our Body and Healthy Habits Our Body and Healthy Habits When Zhou Kai’s mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.当周凯的母亲看见他没穿夹克就朝着前门走时,她担心地盯着他。―Zhou Kai, where are you going?‖ she asked.―To the park.I’m gong to play football,‖ said Zhou Kai.问道―周凯,你去准备去哪里?‖周凯说,―去公园。我要去踢足球。―But it’s raining! You’ll catch a bad cold,‖ said his mother.

―No, I won’t.I’ll be fine,‖ said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door.母亲接着说,―但是快下雨了!你会感冒的。―不会的,我不会有事的。‖周凯一边开门一边回答说。―Zhou Kai, you’ll get ill. You know you will. You can at least go and get your jacket.‖ ―OK, OK‖ Zhou Kai went and did as he was told.―周凯,那样你会生病的。我了解你会的。至少你要去的话,得穿上你的夹克。―好,好。‖周凯去做了母亲要他做的。Zhou Kai (2) My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet.我母亲一直以来都重视饮食健康,新鲜的水果和蔬菜是我们膳食很重要的一部分。We live near the sea and we have fish about four times a week.We don’t eat much fat or sugar.我住在靠海的地方,所以一周差不多吃四次鱼。我们吃的含脂肪或含糖的东西不多。A lot of my school friends eat sweets every day but I’m lucky because I don’t have a sweet tooth ----我在学校的朋友中许多都是每天吃糖果,但是我很幸运,因为我不会喜欢吃甜食——我情愿多吃一份好的水果。I’d rather eat a nice piece of fruit.And I’m not too heavy, so I never have to diet, or anything like that.我不是很重,所以我从不减肥,或者做其它类似的事情。I’m quite healthy. I very rarely get colds, although, unusually for me, I had a bad cold and a bit of a fever last week.我相当健康。我很少感冒,尽管通常我是如此,上周我患了严重的感冒并且有点发烧。But that’s because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.I don’t often get things like flu either.那是因为我太愚蠢了,在雨中踢足球。我通常也不会得流感。Last winter almost all my class mates got flu ----but I didn’t.I think I don’t get these things because I take a lot of exercise and am very fit.去年冬天,我同学几乎都得了流感--但是我没有。我认为这都是因为我经常锻炼,我很健康。Two years ago I broke my arm playing football.The injury was quite painful and I couldn’t move my arm for month ----I hated that.两年前我在踢足球的时候折断了我的手臂。伤口非常疼痛,以致我一个月都不能移动我的手臂--我很厌恶那样。So as you can see from what I’ve said, I’m a normal kind of person.But there’s one thing I really love ----I’m crazy about football.因此从我所说的话你能看出来,我是一个正常的人。但是有一件事我真的非常喜爱--我对足球很着迷。,I’m captain of the class team at school and I’m also a member of the Senior High team.我是我们班足球队的队长,我也是高中队的队员。Because of this, I make sure that I have a good diet, and as I’ve said, this isn’t a problem because my mother feeds us so well.正因为这样,我必须保证我有健康的饮食,正如我所说,这不是问题因为我母亲把我们照顾得很好。

Module 2

Article 1 No Drugs No Drugs

My name is Adam Rouse.I'm 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict. I first started using drugs when I was 15.我的名字叫亚当.罗斯。我今年十九岁了,我过去曾是一个吸毒上瘾者。我第一次使用毒品是十五岁的时候。I bought cannabis from a man in the street. I continued to buy cannabis from the same man for about six months.我在街上的一个男人那里买了大麻。大概六个月的时间我都持续从同一个男人那里买大麻。One day, he offered me some crack cocaine.一天,他卖给我了一些快克可卡因。Article 2 Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug. Some drug users inject cocaine, others smoke it.可卡因是一种极其容易让人上瘾的毒品。有些吸毒者注射可卡因,有些人吸食可卡因。Both ways are dangerous. Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users.两种方式都是很危险的。注射毒品的人如果和其他人共用注射针的话,就更危险了。Read parts 1-6 and decide which article they belong to.读1——6 部分,判定它们分别属于哪一篇文章。Crack cocaine is the most addictive form of https://www.360docs.net/doc/d510438143.html,ers become addicted to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it.快克可卡因是可卡因中最容易上瘾的一种。吸毒者抽快克可卡因的话,更容易对

它上瘾。Smoking allows cocaine to reach the brain very quickly.因为,抽烟会把可卡因很快地运输到大脑。When I went back to the man again, I wanted more crack cocaine. But he asked me for a lot of money.当我再次回到那个男人那里时,我想多要些快克可卡因。但是他开了很高的价。I didn't have enough money so he didn't give me any drugs. I was in terrible pain.我钱不够,所以他就没有卖给我。我当时非常的痛苦。next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder. I took them to the drug dealer.第二天,我闯进一间房子,偷了一台电视机和一个录音机。我把它们拿到贩毒者那里。He told me to take them to a shop in a nearby street. The man in the shop gave me some money.他让我把东西拿到附近的商店。商店的人给我一些钱。I took the money to the drug dealer and he gave me some more crack cocaine.我拿着钱到了贩毒者那里,他给了我一些快克可卡因。Using cocaine increases the user's heart rate and blood pressure. As a result, cocaine users sometimes have heart attacks.吸食可卡因加快了吸食者的心率、增高了血压。结果,可卡因吸食者有时就会心脏病发作。Smoking crack cocaine also causes anti-social behaviour.抽快克可卡因会导致反社会行为。By this time, I was addicted to crack cocaine. If I didn't have any drugs, I was in terrible pain.到这时候,我对快克可卡因已经上瘾了。如果我不吸毒的话,就会感到非常的痛苦。And I had to steal something every day to pay for the drugs. One day, the police took me to the police station.所以我每天不得不偷东西来支付买毒品的钱。一天,警察把我抓到了警察局。The next day, a doctor came to see me. He told me that I could die if I didn't stop taking crack cocaine, so I took his advice and stopped immediately.第二天,一位医生来看望我。他告诉我说如果我不停止吸食快克可卡因的话我就会死,所以我听取了他的意见,于是立即停止了。Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs.现在我在一个戒毒中心工作,帮助他人停止吸食毒品。Read the articles again and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).再读一遍这篇文章,判断下面的句子的正误。Cocaine can be smoked and also injected.可卡因可被吸食也可被注射。People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles.注射毒品的人如果和其他人共用注射针的话,就更危险了。Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly.可卡因会使你的心脏跳得更慢。Smoking crack cocaine can change people's behavior.吸食快克可卡因能改变人们的行为。By this time, I was addicted to crack cocaine.If I didn’t have any drugs, I was in terrible pain. And I had to steal something every day to pay for the drugs. One day, the police took me to the police station. The next day, a doctor came to see me. HE told me that I could die if I didn’t stop taking crack cocaine, so I took his advice and stopped immediately. Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs.

Module3 Music Music

Read the passage quickly and choose the best title.快速阅读这篇文章,选出最恰当的题目。Three Great Austrian Composers 三位伟大的奥地利作曲家Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century 三位十八世纪伟大的作曲家Three Great Child Composers 三位伟大的儿童作曲家Haydn 海顿Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809) was an Austrian composer and is known as "the father of the symphony".约瑟夫.海顿(1732-1809)是奥地利作曲家,著称为―交响乐之父‖ 。Other composers had written symphonies before Haydn, but he changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra.之前也有作曲家写过交响乐,但是他为一个大型管弦乐队把一首交响乐变成了一首长的管弦乐。He was born in a village in Austria, the son of a peasant. He had a beautiful singing voice.他出生于奥地利的一个乡村,是个农民的儿子。他有一副好嗓子。After studying music in Vienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria, where he became director of music.在维也纳学成音乐后,海顿去奥地利东部王子的宫廷工作,在那里他做的是音乐指挥仪。Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to

London, where he was very successful.在那里工作了三十年后,他搬到了伦敦,在那里他取得了很大成功。Mozart 莫扎特Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 -1791) was a composer, possibly the greatest musical genius of all time.沃尔夫冈?阿马多伊斯?莫扎特(1756-1791)是一位作曲家,几乎是那个时代最伟大的音乐天才。He only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of music.他只活了35 年,谱了600 多首曲子。Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria.His father Leopold was a musician and orchestra conductor.Wolfgang had musical talent from a very early age.莫扎特出生于奥地利的萨尔茨保。他的父亲利奥波德是一位音乐家和管弦乐指挥。沃尔夫冈从小就有音乐天赋。He learned to play the harpsichord when he was four, he started composing music when he was five, 四岁的时候学习弹大键琴,五岁的时候开始谱曲,and when he was six, he played the harpsichord in a concert for the Empress of Austria.六岁的时候,他就在音乐厅里为奥地利女皇弹奏大键琴。Beethoven 贝多芬By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras.十四岁的时候,莫扎特已经为大键琴,钢琴,小提琴以及管弦乐队谱写了很多曲子。While he was still a teenager, Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe giving concerts.还是青少年的时候,莫扎特就已经是一位大明星,到欧洲各地旅游,举行音乐会。Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him. "He is the greatest composer the world has known," he said.海顿1781 年的时候遇见了莫扎特,对他印象非常深刻。他说,―他是有史以来最伟大的作曲家‖ The two were friends until Mozart's death in 1791.。直到1791 年莫扎特去世,他们两个都是朋友。Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) was born in Bonn, Germany.路德维格.凡.贝多芬(1770-1827)出生于德国的波恩。He showed musical talent when he was very young, and learned to play the violin and piano from his father, who was a singer.在他年幼的时候就显示出了音乐才能。他向他作为歌手的父亲学习拉小提琴和弹钢琴。Mozart met Beethoven and was impressed by him. "He will give something wonderful to the world," he said.莫扎特遇见了贝多芬并对他印象深刻。他说,―他将给这个世界一些不一样的东西。:Beethoven met Haydn in 1791, but was not impressed by the older man.莫扎特在1791 年遇见了海顿,但并没有对这个老人印象深刻。After they had known each other for many years, Beethoven said, "He is a good composer, but he has taught me nothing." 他们认识了很多年后,贝多芬这样说,―他是一位出色的作曲家,但是他没有教会我什么。‖ However, it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.然而,是海顿鼓励贝多芬搬到了维也纳去的。Beethoven became very popular in the Austrian capital and stayed there for the rest of his life.贝多芬开始在奥地利首都出名,在那里度过了余生。As he grew older, he began to go deaf. He became completely deaf during the last years of his life, but he continued composing.随着年龄的增长,他开始变得耳聋。在他余生的最后几年,他变得全聋了,但是他都坚持作曲。Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory.成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。

MODULE 4 Fine Arts-Western Chinese and Pop Arts A.

This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.这是一幅西班牙艺术家巴勃罗?毕加索的画,他被认为是二十世纪最伟大的西方艺术家。Picasso and another painter, George Braque, started Cubism, one of the most important of all modern art movements.毕加索和另外一名画家乔治.布朗克创立了所有现代艺术运动最重要之一的立体派。Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time.立体主义艺术家用反映同一时间的人或物的不同面来画人和物。 B This painting by contemporary American artist Roy Lichtenstein (1923 - 1997) is a world famous example of pop art.这幅由当代美国艺术家罗伊.李奇登斯坦((1923-1997)所作的画是世界闻名的流行艺术的典范。Pop art (from the word "popular")

was an important modern art movement that aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life.流行音乐(来源于"popular"这个单词)是旨在展现平常的二十世纪城市生活的重要的现代艺术运动。For example, it shows things such as soup cans and advertisements.例如,它展现了像汤罐和广告这样的东西。C Qi Baishi (1863-1957), one of the China's greatest painters, followed the traditional Chinese style of painting.齐白石(1863-1957),中国最伟大的画家之一,遵循着传统的中国画风格。Chinese painting is known for its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours.中国画因用黑色墨汁和自然颜色的毛笔画出名。Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully, and his paintings are special because of this.齐白石非常仔细地观察了自然世界,他的画也因此而独特。D Xu Beihong (1895-1953) was one of China's best-known twentieth-century artists.徐悲鸿(1895-1953)是二十世纪闻名于世的中国艺术家之一Like Qi Baishi, Xu painted in the traditional Chinese style. Both painters have a beautiful brush line.像齐白石一样,徐悲鸿也用传统的中国风格作画。两位作家都有很完美的笔锋。Xu Beihong believed that artists should show reality, but not just imitate it.Instead, a picture should try to show the "life" of its subject.徐悲鸿认为艺术家应该反映现实,而不只是模仿它的样子。相反,一幅画应当试图展现物体的生命力。He is most famous for his lively paintings of horses.他最为人称道的是他画的栩栩如生的马的油画。. E Wu Hang 吴航I'm studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, although I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time.我正在求学艺术,尽管一直看着图画会让我疲倦,我还是非常喜欢艺术。I'm crazy about the paintings of Qi Baishi, and this delightful picture of the little shrimps is such a lovely example of his work.我对齐白石的画非常的着迷。这幅令人愉快的小虾图正是他作品中可爱的典型。But I can't stand that picture of a golden-haired girl. I think it's stupid.但是我无法赞同这幅金发女孩图。我觉得太糟了。.F Sarah Hardwick 莎拉.哈代维克My parents are fond of going to art galleries and often take me with them, so I've developed an interest in art.我的父母通常喜欢带着我一起去艺术画廊,因此我对艺术产生了兴趣。I must say, I love that picture of the six horses. They look so alive. It's by a Chinese artist, isn't it? I can tell by the style.我得说我喜欢有六匹马的那幅图。他们看起来像活的一样这是中国艺术家所作,对吗?我可以从这画的风格看出来。I think the painting of the young girl is probably by Picasso.I really like him.I think he's an extraordinary artist.我觉得这幅年轻女孩的画很可能是毕加索的作品。我非常喜欢他。我认为他是非凡的艺术家。

MODULE 5 Newspapers and Magazines

Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth! 2 While he was travelling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the 在太空旅行期间,杨跟在不断绕地球运转的太空站里的International Space Station, which is orbiting the earth, American astronaut 两位宇航员对了话,他们是美国宇航员爱德华.卢Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Y uri Malenchenko. Lu, whose parents were 和俄罗斯宇航员尤里?马林年科。卢的父母在中国出生,born in China, spoke to Yang in Chinese during his flight.―Welcome to space,‖ 他用中文和飞行中的杨利伟进行了交谈。―欢迎来到太空。‖ he said.Malenchenko said, ―I'm glad there is somebody else in space with us.他说。马林年科说:―真高兴有人来太空跟我们做伴。It's great work by thousands and thousands of people from China.‖ 它是成千上万的中国人共同的杰作。‖ 3 Many countries around the world sent messages of congratulations. Sean 世界上很多的国家纷纷向中国发送贺电。Keefe from the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in the 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的肖恩?奥吉夫US said that Yang's space flight was ―an important historical achievement and NASA 在美国说杨的空间飞行是―一次重大的历史性的胜利,wishes China continuing success with its space flight programme‖. United Nations 美国航天局祝愿中国在太空飞行计划

中取得进一步的成功‖。Secretary?General Kofi Annan called the fight―a step forward for the whole world‖.联合国秘书长科菲?安南称这次飞行是―人类世界前进的一大步‖。1.China's first taikonaut Lieutenant Colonel Yang Liwei landed safely this morning in the Shenzhou V capsule in Inner Mongolia, 300 kilometres northwest of Beijing.中国首位太空旅人杨利伟上校乘坐神州5 号太空舱于今早安全着陆在北京西北部300 公里处的内蒙古省内。Yang was in space for twenty-one and a half hours and made 14 orbits of the earth.杨在太空停留了21 个小时零30 分钟,绕地球转了14 周。"It is a great moment in the history of China—and also the greatest day of my life," said Yang.―它是中国历史上的一个伟大时刻——当然也是我一生中最重要的一天。‖杨利伟说。When he was orbiting in the capsule, he took photographs of planet earth. "Our planet is so beautiful," he said.当他在太空舱里绕地球飞行时,他拍了很多地球的照片。他说:―我们的星球真漂亮。The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight was a "complete success".北京航空控制中心称此次飞行是―完全成功的‖。When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations.杨一着陆,温家宝总理就打电话给控制中心表示祝贺。When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday, China became the third nation to send a man into space.昨天上午九点,杨从中国西北部的酒泉起飞,向世界宣告中国成为了第三个把人送入太空的国家。Yang is the 438th person to travel in space, including astronauts from 32 countries.包括来自32 个国家的宇航员在内,杨是第438 位在太空旅行的宇航员。In total, these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space.这些宇航员总共在宇宙的时间已经超过了26000 天。2. While he was travelling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, which is orbiting the earth, American astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko.在太空旅行期间,杨跟在不断绕地球运转的太空站里的两位宇航员对了话,他们是美国宇航员爱德华.卢和俄罗斯宇航员尤里.马林年科。Lu, whose parents were born in China, spoke to Yang in Chinese during his flight. "Welcome to space," he said. Malenchenko said, 卢的父母在中国出生,他用中文和飞行中的杨利伟进行了交谈。―欢迎来到太空。‖ "I am glad there is somebody else in space with us.It's great work by thousands and thousands of people from China." 他说。马林年科说:―真高兴有人来太空跟我们做伴。‖ 它是成千上万的中国人共同的杰作。3. Many countries around the world sent messages of congratulations.世界上很多的国家纷纷向中国发送贺电。Sean O'Keefe from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in the US said that Yang's space flight was "an important historical achievement and NASA wishes China continuing success with its space flight programme".美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的肖恩.奥吉夫在美国说杨的空间飞行是―一次重大的历史性的胜利,美国航天局祝愿中国在太空飞行计划中取得进一步的成功‖。United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan called the flight "a step forward for the whole world".联合国秘书长科菲.安南称这次飞行是―人类世界前进的一大步‖。

MODULE 6 Films and TV Programmes

电影评论:卧虎藏龙Review: film Review: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Martial arts films are often enjoyable but they are seldom great art.武打片通常是令人愉快的,能算得上真正艺术性的武打片却很少。Now, to everyone's surprise, Ang Lee, director of a number of excellent films, has made a martial arts film called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.The result is a masterpiece.令大家惊讶的是,曾经拍了许多优秀影片的导演李安,现在拍了一部名为《卧虎藏龙》的功夫片。结果它成为电影界的一部杰作。The film belongs to a type of Chinese story called wuxia.These stories tell of nineteenth-century martial arts masters with unusual abilities.这部影片属于一种被称之为武侠的中国故事。这些故事讲述的是19 世纪那些有

着非凡才能的功夫大师。Wuxia films are popular in China, and they are now popular in the west too.武侠电影在中国非常流行,现在在西方也很受欢迎。The story takes place in the early 1800s in China. A man and a woman, Li Mubai (played by Chow Yun-Fat) and Yu Xiulian (played by Michelle Yeoh), both masters of the martial arts, are in love with each other.故事发生在中国19 世纪早期。一男一女两位功夫大师,李慕白(周润发饰)和俞秀莲(杨紫琼饰)相爱了。But Xiulian had a fiancéwho has died. Because this fiancéwas a good friend of Mubai, Mubai feels that he cannot marry Xiulian.但秀莲有一个死去的未婚夫。因为秀莲的未婚夫曾经是慕白的好朋友,所以慕白认为他不能娶她。When someone steals Xiulian's sword, Mubai and Xiulian try to get it back.有人把秀莲的剑偷走之后,慕白和秀莲就试图把它取回来。The action takes place on Peking rooftops, and in places as far away as the deserts of western China.故事发生在北京的房顶上和遥远的中国西部的沙漠地区。As in the old wuxia stories, characters leap through the air every now and then, with beautiful, graceful movements, while audiences shout in surprise.正如在古代武侠故事中一样,影片中的人物们不时在空中跳跃并做出许多优美的动作,令观众们都惊奇地叫出了声。Unusually, it is the female characters that interest us most. Brave, good and strong, Xiulian is the character we care about most.不同以往的是这次最使我们感兴趣的是女主角。勇敢善良而又坚强的秀莲这个角色,是最令我们关注的。Beautiful Zhang Ziyi plays the part of Yu Jiaolong, a young woman who is not as good as she seems.美丽的章子怡扮演玉娇龙,玉娇龙是一个并不像外表看起来那样善良的年轻女子。The fight scenes between Jiaolong and Xiulian are some of the most exciting moments in modern cinema.娇龙和秀莲之间的武打是现代电影中最激动人心的场面之一。But one cannot forget the wonderful Chow Yun-Fat, who is as good with a sword as he is with a gun.但是谁也不会不注意到周润发,他真了不起,他使剑和使枪一样厉害。His romantic scenes with Y u Xiulian are very moving, as their eyes show all the love that they must not express in words.他和俞秀莲之间的浪漫戏很感人,他们的眼神传递了所有的爱意,这种爱是不可以通过语言表达的。this rarely reach the cinema. Go and see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It will make your heart leap with excitement at its beauty.中国很少有这样的电影。去看《卧虎藏龙》吧,这部电影会使你因其美丽而兴奋得心跳不止。Films like Martial arts films are often enjoyable but they are seldom great art.Now, to 武打片通常是令人愉快的,能算得上真正艺术性的武打片却很少。everyone's surprise, Ang Lee, director of a number of excellent films, has made 令大家惊讶的是,曾经拍了许多优秀影片的导演李安,现在 a martial arts film called Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon. The result is a masterpiece.拍了一部名为《卧虎藏龙》的功夫片。结果它成为电影界的一部杰作。The film belongs to a type of Chinese story called Wuxia. These stories tell 这部影片属于一种被称之为武侠的中国故事。这些故事of nineteenth?century martial arts masters with unusual abilities. wuxia films are 讲述的是19 世纪那些有着非凡才能的功夫大师。武侠电影popular in China, and they are now popular in the west too.在中国非常流行,现在在西方也很受欢迎。The story takes place in the early 1800s in China. A man and awoman, Li 故事发生在中国19 世纪早期。一男一女Mubai (played by Chow Yun?Fat) and Yu Xiulian (played by Michelle Yeoh), 两位功夫大师,李慕白( 周润发饰) 和both masters of the martial arts, are in love with each other. But Xiulian had a 俞秀莲(杨紫琼饰)相爱了。但秀莲有一个fiancéwho has died.Because this fiancéwasa good friend of Mubai, Mubai 死去的未婚夫。因为秀莲的未婚夫曾经是慕白的好朋友,feels that he cannot marry Xiulian. When someone steals Xiulian?s sword,Mubai 所以慕白认为他不能娶她。有人把秀莲的剑偷走之后,慕白and Xiulian try to get it back. The action takes place on Peking rooftops, and in 和秀莲就试图把它取回来。故事发生在北京的房顶上和遥远的places as far away as

the deserts of western China. As in the old wuxia stories, 中国西部的沙漠地区。正如在古代武侠故事中一样,characters leap through the air every now and then, with beautiful, graceful movements, 影片中的人物们不时在空中跳跃并做出许多优美的动作,while audiences shout in surprise. Unusually, it is the female characters that 令观众们都惊奇地叫出了声。不同以往的是这次最使我们感兴趣的是interest us most.Brave, good and strong, Xiulian is the character we care about most.女主角。勇敢善良而又坚强的秀莲这个角色,是最令我们关注的。Beautiful Zhang Ziyi playsthe part of Yu Jiaolong, a young woman who is 美丽的章子怡扮演玉娇龙,玉娇龙是一个并不像not as good as she seems. The fight scenes between Jiaolong and Xiulian are 外表看起来那样善良的年轻女子。娇龙和秀莲之间的武打是现代电影中最some of the most exciting moments in modern cinema. But one cannot forget the 激动人心的场面之一。但是谁也不会不注wonderful Chow Yun?Fat, who is as good with a sword as he is with a gun. His 意到周润发,他真了不起,他使剑和使枪一样厉害。他romantic scenes with Yu Xiulian are very moving, as their eyes show all the love 和俞秀莲之间的浪漫戏很感人,他们的眼神传递了所有的爱意,that they must not express in words. Films like this rarely reach the cinema. Go 这种爱是不可以通过语言表达的。中国很少有这样的电影。and see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It will make your heart leap with 看去《卧虎藏龙》吧,这部电影会使你因其美丽而兴奋得excitement at its beauty.心跳不止。( 90 1 thrill 1)n 意为―激动,震颤感,令人震颤的经验‖。如:a thrill of joy/fear/pleasure/horror 一阵欢乐/害怕/ 愉快/恐怖He gets his thrills from rock?climbing.他从攀岩运动中得到兴奋、刺激的感觉。2)v 意为―使震颤,使激动,使产生震颤感‖。如:We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news.我们听到你的好消息非常兴奋。Her voice thrilled with joy.她高兴得声音发颤。thriller n 意为―充满刺激的电影‖;a thriller writer 写惊险故事的小说家。2 character n 1)表示―特征,性质,特征(的总和)‖。如:the general character 共性be different in character 有不同的性质2)表示―(人的)性格,品质,骨气‖等。如:build up one's character 培养品性get a good/bad character 得到好/坏名声She has a strong character.她性格坚强。3)为―人物,角色‖的意思。如:I found all thecharacters in his play very interesting.我觉得他那出戏中的所有人物都很有趣。4) 表示―(汉)字,字体,书写符号‖等。如:I wish this book were written in bigger characters; these are too difficult to read.我希望这本书的字大一点就好了,读起来很吃力。3 leap (leapt, leapt; leaped, leaped) 1)v 意为―跳,跳跃;跳过,使……跳过‖。leap over a fence 跳过篱笆leap to a conclusion 一下子得出结论leap at a chance 抓住机会Look before you leap.三思而后行。He leapt thewall and ran away.他跳过墙跑了。2)n 意为―突然跳起;跃过的距离;激增,跃进‖。a leap in the number of birth 出生率的激增4 interest 1) vt 表示―使发生兴趣, 引起……的注意‖。如:American football doesn't interest me at all.美式足球一点也提不起我的兴趣。The interesting book interests the boy.那本有趣的书引起了男孩的兴趣。2) n 为―兴趣, 关心, 重要性, 影响, 利息,利益, 利害‖等意思。如:I find/ take/ have no interest in such things.我对这些不感兴趣。Eating seems to be his only interest in life.吃似乎是他生活中惟一的爱好。The interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of thecollective.个人利益必须服从集体利益。5 occasionally adv 表示―偶然,偶而,有时‖。相当于sometimes/ from time to time/ now and then。We go for walks in thefields occasionally.我们偶尔去田野里散步。6 setting n 表示―置放,沉落,环境;(书或电影的)背景,安置位置‖等意思。短语be set in 表示―以……为背景‖。The end of the film is set in the setting of the sun.电影结束时是以落日为背景的。如:The TV play was set in the special social setting.那部电视剧是以一个特殊的社会环境为背景的。Film Review: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 1. Now, to everyone's surprise, Ang Lee, director of a number of excellent films, has made a martial arts film called

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.令大家惊讶的是,曾经拍了许多优秀影片的导演李安,现在也拍了一部名为《卧虎藏龙》的功夫片。1)to one's surprise 意为―出乎意料的,令某人吃惊的是……‖,相当于to the surprise of sb。surprise 意为―吃惊地,in 在惊慌中‖(in 意为―处在……状态‖)。如:She looked up in surprise when I shouted.当我叫喊时,她吃惊地抬起头来。my surprise, To he succeeded at last.令我吃惊的是,他最后成功了。类似结构有:to one's delight/joy/sorrow/disappointment/discouragement 意为―令人高兴/难过/失望/泄气的是‖。如:Much to their delight/to their great delight, the newly designed machine works very well.使他们极为高兴的是,新设计的机器运转良好。2)a number of 意为―许多的,大量的‖,修饰可数名词,作主语时谓语用复数形式。the number of 意为―……的数量‖,后接可数名词, 作主语时谓语用单数形式。如:A large number ofpeople came from all parts of the country to see the exhibition.许多人从全国各地来参观这个展览。The number of the students in our class is forty?five.我们班有45 个学生。2. The story takes place in the early 1800s in China.故事发生在中国19 世纪早期。1) take place 意为―发生‖,与happen, come about 意思相同,都相当于不及物动词。The 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing. 2008 年奥运会将在北京举行。What has happened over there? 那儿发生了什么事?2)inthe early 1800s 意为―在19 世纪早期‖,也可写为in the early 1800?s。in one's +整十的复数形式意为―在某人几十岁的时候‖。如:He went abroad in his thirties.他三十几岁时出国了。3....both masters of the martial arts, are in love with each other.两位武功大师相爱了。be in love with sb 意为―爱着某人,相爱,喜欢‖,表示状态;fall in love with sb 意为―爱上某人‖,表示动作。如:They have been in love with each other for four years.他们相爱四年了。If you are really in love with art, you Don't mind hard work.如果你真的喜欢艺术,你就不会介意艰苦的工作。Jenny fell in love with Tom as soon as she saw him.珍妮一看见汤姆就喜欢上他了。

4. As in the old wuxia stories, characters leap through the air every now and then, with beautiful, graceful movements, while audiences shout in surprise.如在古代武侠故事中一样,影片中的人物不时在空中跳跃并做出许多优美的动作,令观众们都惊奇地叫出了声。every now and then 意为―有时,偶尔‖,用于一般现在/过去时态。如:Every now and then I go out to the beach.我有时到海滩去。He wrote to me every now and then.他偶尔给我写信。

5. Unusually, it is the female characters that interest us most.不同以往的是,这次最使我们感兴趣的是女主角。句中it is ... that/ who ...是强调句型,可用来强调主语、宾语、状语等成分。其中,who 只能用于强调人。It was in the street that I met him yesterday.昨天我是在大街上遇见他的。It was him that/who I met inthe street yesterday.昨天我在大街上遇见的是他。

6. Brave, good and strong Xiulian is the character we care about most.勇敢善良而又坚强的秀莲这个角色,是最令我们关注的。care about 意为―喜欢,关心‖,― 对…… 介意/ 在乎‖ 。如:I really care about my English teacher.我的确喜欢我的英语老师。The government cares much about the problem of old people.政府非常关心老人问题。He failed in the exam but I Don't think he cares very much.他虽然考试不及格,但我认为他并不在乎。

7. Beautiful Zhang Ziyi plays the part of Yu Jiaolong.美丽的章子怡扮演玉娇龙。play a part = play a role 意为―扮演……的角色‖;―在……中起作用‖。如:He played a very important part in the film.他在电影中扮演非常重要的角色。China is playing an increasingly important part in safeguarding the world peace.中国在捍卫世界和平中起着越来越重要的作用。play the part 意为―扮演……的角色‖(指具体角色)。如:He played the leading part of Othello in thetragedy.他在悲剧中扮演主角奥赛罗。

8.Ang Lee had never directed a martial art film before.李安以前从来没有导演过武打片。never 是频度副词,通常位于动词前面。这样的词还有seldom, always, often, frequently, sometimes, usually, rarely, occasionally 等。如:I

often heard him sing.我经常听他唱歌。They occasionally saw him walk along the river bank.他们偶尔看见他在河边散步。其中never, seldom, rarely 等为否定副词,位于句首时,句子用倒装结构。Never have we workers been daunted by difficulties.我们工人从来没有被困难所吓倒。Seldom have we seen such big melons.我们极少见过这么大的瓜。1. Ask a young person inthe street who the greatest American film director is , and you may get the answer Steven Spielberg.在街上问一位年轻人谁是美国最伟大的电影导演,得到的答复可能是史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格。该句中―祈使句+and/or+简单句‖相当于一个条件复合句+简单句。如:Work hard and you'll make great progress. = If you work hard, you'll make great progress.努力学习,你就会取得很大的进步。Be more careful, or you'll make the same mistake. = If you Don't be more careful, you will makethe same mistake.多加小心,否则你就会犯同样的错误。2. He has certainly made more successful films than any other director in the West.他拍摄的电影在西方导演中当然是最成功的。make films 意为―拍电影‖;any other ...意为―任何其他的……‖。如:China is larger than any other country in Asia.中国比亚洲其他任何一个国家都大。3.... completing his first 15?minute home movie at the age of 13.……在13 岁时就制作了第一部播放时长15 分钟的家庭电影。at the age of = when he was ... years old 意为―在……岁时‖。如:He started school at the age of 6.他6 岁入学。At the age of 32, he went to France. 32 岁时,他去了法国。4. This was shown at a local cinema and made $100.这部电影是在当地影院播放的,赚了100 美元。make ... (money)是及物动词,意为―赚(钱),挣得,赢得……‖。如:He made a lot of money from this film.这部电影为他赚了很多钱。How much do you make from working part?time? 你打零工赚了多少钱?5.AHollywood film studio liked it and employed Spielberg to make a full?length film.一家好莱坞电影制片厂欣赏这部电影,就聘请斯皮尔伯格制作一部大型电影。Full-length adj 意为―(小说、戏剧等)标准长度的,大型的,全长的‖。如:a full-length novel 足本的小说 a full-length skirt 长裙(长及踝的) 6. Thisfilm,Sugarland Express, made in 1974, had some success.摄于1974 年的电影《横冲直撞大逃亡》取得了一定的成功。success 此处为名词―成功‖,have some success in= be successful in ...意为―在……获得成功‖。如:Do you have any success in persuading your father? 你说服你父亲了吗?He is successful in the final exam.他期末考试获得了成功。


外研版高中必修3 MODULE 1 Europe欧洲

Read the passage and match the photos with these descriptions.阅读文章并将图片与下列描述搭配起来。a landmark in Paris巴黎的标志性建筑an art gallery in Florence佛罗伦萨的美术馆a church in Barcelona巴塞罗那的教堂a building in Athens雅典的一座建筑The Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔The Parthenon帕台农神庙The Uffizi Palace乌菲齐美术馆The Sagrada Familia圣家大教堂Great European Cities欧洲大城市PARIS巴黎Paris is the capital and largest city of France,situated on the River Seine. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is visited by more than eight million tourists every year.巴黎是法国的首都,也是法国最大的城市,坐落在塞纳河畔。巴黎是世界上最漂亮的城市之一,每年有超过八百万的游客来这里旅游。The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris. One of the world's largest art galleries,the Louvre,is also located in Paris.最受游客欢迎的旅游景点是埃菲尔铁塔,它是巴黎著名的象征。世界上最大的美术馆之一——卢浮宫,也在巴黎。The city is also famous for its restaurants, cafes and theatres. About two-thirds of France's artists and writers live in Paris.这个城市也以餐馆、咖啡馆和剧院而闻名。法国大约三分之二的艺术家和作家都生活在巴黎。BARCELONA巴塞罗那Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain and is situated

on the northeast coast, about five hundred kilometers east of the Spanish capital,Madrid.巴塞罗那是西班牙的第二大城市,它位于西班牙东北海岸,大概在离西班牙首都马德里东边五百千米的地方。One of Barcelona's most famous landmarks is the Church of the Sagrada Familia, which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi.巴塞罗那最著名的标志性建筑之一就是由建筑师安东尼奥?高迪建造的圣家大教堂。Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926. The church hasn't been finished yet! 高迪从1882年起从事这项工程直至1926年逝世,这座家庙还没有竣工。FLORENCE佛罗伦萨Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.佛罗伦萨是意大利的一座城市,这座城市因文艺复兴而变得著名。文艺复兴是一次大型的文艺运动,开始于13世纪,持续了三百年。During the Renaissance, some of the greatest painters of all time lived and worked in Florence.在文艺复兴时期,历史上一些最伟大的画家在佛罗伦萨生活和工作。Many of Florence's most beautiful paintings and sculptures were produced by great artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.佛罗伦萨很多非常漂亮的油画和雕塑都是由伟大的艺术家如莱昂纳多?达?芬奇和米开朗琪罗创作的。Florence is visited each year by about a million tourists who come to see the art galleries,churches and museums.The Uffizi Palace is the most famous art gallery in the city.每年大约有一百万的游客来佛罗伦萨参观美术馆、教堂和博物馆,乌菲齐美术馆是这座城市最著名的美术馆。ATHENS雅典Athens,the capital of Greece,is known as the birthplace of western civilisation.雅典是希腊的首都,作为西方文明的发祥地而闻名于世。Two thousand four hundred years ago,it was the world's most powerful city. 2400年前,雅典是世界上最强大的城市,Buildings such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill were built during this period.Greece's best writers lived in ancient Athens. Their work has influenced other writers ever since.像位于雅典卫城山的帕台农神庙这样的建筑等就是在那个时期建造的。希腊最优秀的作家就住在古雅典,他们的作品影响了后世的作家。

Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries发展中国家与发达国家

Read the passage.Answer these questions.阅读文章并回答下列问题。What did world leaders agree to do in 2000? 2000年各国领导人达成了什么协议?What does the Human Development Index measure? 衡量人类发展的尺度是什么?What are the first two Development Goals? 最初的两个发展目标是什么?What progress have we made towards these goals? 我们朝着这些目标取得了哪些进步?What do developed countries need to do? 发达国家需要做些什么?The Human Development Report人类发展报告In the year 2000,147 world leaders agree to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or earlier. From this agreement came the Human Development Report. 2000年,147个国家领导人达成协议,一起努力到2015年甚至更早缓解贫困,这个协议达成后接下来便产生了《人类发展报告》。One of the most important sections of this report is the Human Development Index.This examines the achievements of 175 countries.这个报告最重要的一部分就是―人类发展指标‖,这对175个国家的成果作了分析检测。The Index measures a country's achievements in three ways:life expectancy (how long people usually live),education and income.The index has some surprises.Norway is at the top of the list,while the US is at number 7.这项指标从三个方面衡量一个国家的成就:寿命(人们通常能活多久)、教育和收入。这项指标显示了一些令人感到意外的情况。挪威高居榜首,而美国则排在第七。The other top five countries are:Iceland (2), Sweden (3), Australia (4), the Netherlands (5).中间五个国家按名次分别是冰岛、瑞典、澳大利亚和荷兰,The UK is in the thirteenth

position,while China is in the middle of the list.The bottom ten countries are all African countries,with Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the bottom of the list.英国位居第十三,而中国排

在名单的中间。处于末端的十个国家均是非洲国家,西非的塞拉利昂排在最后。The report describes eight Development Goals.The most important goals are to: 这个报告描述了八个发展目标,最重要的目标是:reduce poverty and hunger;缓解贫穷和饥饿;make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11;确保11岁以上的孩子都能接受教育;fight AIDS and other diseases;战胜艾滋病和其他疾病improve the environment of poor people, e.g. make sure they have safe drinking water; 改善穷人的生活环境,如确保他们都喝上安全健康的饮用水;encourage developed countries to give more help to other countries.鼓励发达国家给予其他国家更多的帮助。The 2003 Human Development Report gives examples of successful development. For example, in nine years(1953-1962),China increased life expectancy by 13 years. 2003年的《人类发展报告》报告了几个发展成功的实例,譬如,在九年(1953-1962)的时间里,中国的人均寿命就增加了13岁;In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the challenges are still great.在过去的十年中,中国有1.5亿人摆脱了贫穷,然而,仍然还存在着很大的挑战。Every day 799 million people in developing countries are hungry. Over half of these are in South Asia or Africa.在发展中国家每天仍有7.99亿人处于饥饿中,这些人中有一半是南亚或者非洲的;Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school, about 115 million children are not being educated.虽然发展中国家超过80%的孩子能上小学,但是仍然有1.15亿的孩子没有接受教育;More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink safe water.在发展中国家还有超过一百万

的人喝不到安全健康的饮用水,However, in other regions of the world, e.g. Eastern Europe,water is now mostly safe to drink.但是在世界的其他地区,如东欧,水已经基本上可以安全饮用了。The report shows that we are making some progress but that we need to make greater efforts.报告显示我们正在进步,但是我们必须作出更大的努力。Although developed countries give some financial help, they need to give much more.虽然发达国家提供了一些经济救援,但是提供救援的数量应该大大增加。Interestingly, the countries that give the most money are the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.有趣的是,给予最多经济资助的国家分别是荷兰、挪威和瑞典。These are among the five richest countries in the world, so it is right that they should do so.这几个国家都是世界上最富裕的五个国家中的,所以它们应该这么做的。

MODULE 3 The Violence of Nature自然的暴行

Read about the Gulf Stream and check the meaning of the words.阅读关于墨西哥湾流的文章,查找下列单词的意思。current 水流flow流动latitude 纬度The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current which starts in the Gulf of Mexico and flows northeast across the Atlantic. It also travels past the east coast of the United States towards eastern Canada. It is one of the strongest currents anywhere in the world.Because of the Gulf Stream, The United Kingdom and other places in Europe are much warmer than parts of Canada on the same latitude.墨西哥湾流是发源于墨西哥湾,穿过大西洋向东北流动的温暖洋流。它还沿着美国东海岸向加拿大东部流动。它是世界上最强大的一股水流。因为有墨西哥湾流,英国和欧洲其他地方比处于同纬度的加拿大很多地区更暖和。What is a current?水流是什么? A kind of electricity.一种电 A movement of water.水的一种运动A kind of wind.一种风What kind of things flow?什么东西会流动?Water.水Time.时间Money.钱Read the passages on page 23 and answer these questions.阅读第23页的文章,回答下列问题。How strong are tornado winds?龙卷风有多强烈?What can happen to furniture when a house is destroyed by a tornado?当一座房子被龙卷风摧毁了,家具会发生什么?How many tornadoes are there in the US every year? 美国每年会有多少次龙卷风?How many people died in the worst tornado of all time? 最严重的一次龙卷风中死了多少人?What happens at sea during a hurricane? 刮飓风的时候,海上会发生什

么?When was the worst hurricane of all time? 最严重的一次飓风发生在什么时候?Was the actor Charles Coghlan killed in it? 演员查尔斯?科格伦在飓风中被夺取生命了吗?What happened to him after the hurricane? 飓风之后,他发生了什么?What Is a Tornado?龙卷风是什么?A tornado is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground.龙卷风是指一个从空中的雷暴延伸到地面而生成的旋转气柱。The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour.最强的龙卷风风速超过400千米每小时Almost all of them occur in the US, in the area from Texas in the southeast to South Dakota in the north.,几乎所有的龙卷风都发生在美国,从东南部的得克萨斯州到北部的达科他。Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next street--or even in the next town.龙卷风可以卷起汽车、火车甚至是房子并把它们卷到旁边的街道——甚至能卷到邻近的城镇。They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken.它们可以将猫背上的皮毛和鸡身上的羽毛拔下来,They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.它们可以摧毁房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.美国平均每年会发生800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡,1500人受伤。The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925, affecting three US states: Missouri,Illinois and Indiana.最严重的一次龙卷风发生在1925年,影响了美国的三个州:密苏里州、伊利诺伊州和印第安纳州。By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.等到风停时,已有700多人死亡,2700多人受伤。What Is a Hurricane?飓风是什么?Hurricanes are strong tropical storms, and they usually occur in the southern Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.飓风是强烈的热带风暴,它们通常发生在大西洋南部、加勒比海和墨西哥湾。There are violent winds of 120 kilometres per hour or more, which cause huge waves, heavy rain and floods.猛烈的飓风以120千米每小时甚至更快的速度移动,引起巨大的波浪,大雨和洪水。There are on average six Atlantic hurricanes each year and they usually affect the east coast of the US from Texas to Maine.平均每年会发生6次大西洋飓风,通常会影响美国东部海岸从得克萨斯州到缅因州。The worst hurricane disaster of all time occurred on the 8th September 1900 in Galveston, Texas.最严重的飓风灾害是1900年9月8日发生在得克萨斯州的加尔维斯顿,Winds of 200 kilometers per hour and five-metre high waves hit the city.飓风以200千米每小时的速度卷起5米高的波浪向城市袭来,The disaster killed 6,000 people in a population of 37,000 and destroyed 3,600 buildings.那次灾害夺去了37000人口中的6000条人命,摧毁了3600栋建筑物。An Extraordinary Event 非比寻常的事件This is a story about the 1900 Galveston hurricane.这是一个关于1900年的加尔维斯顿飓风的故事。Charles Coghlan was a nineteenth-century Irish actor who went to live in Canada.查尔斯?科格伦是19世纪一位居住在加拿大的爱尔兰演员,He then moved to New York, where he became famous. By the late 1890s, he had moved to Galveston, where he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane struck.那时,他搬到纽约并在那里出了名,19世纪90年代后期,他搬到了加尔维斯顿,并于1899年,也就是飓风来袭的前一年去世。The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlan's coffin ended up in the sea.埋葬科格伦的公墓被飓风摧毁了,科格伦的棺材最后被卷入了大海。Eight years later, the coffin was found by fishermen in the sea near his home on Prince Edward Island in the east of Canada.八年之后,科格伦的棺材在加拿大东部的爱德华王子岛省被一位渔夫在离他家不远的海里发现了。The Gulf Stream had carried it 3,000 kilometres up the eastern US coast to Prince Edward Island.墨西哥湾流载着它漂了3000千米沿着美国东海岸漂到了爱德华王子岛省。Coghlan travelled back to Canada--after he had been buried in Texas! 被葬在得克萨斯州后,科格伦又漂回了加拿大。

MODULE 4 Sandstorms in Asia亚洲沙尘暴

READING AND VOCABULARY阅读与词汇Look at the photo. Answer these questions.看图回答问题。What is happening?正在发生什么?What is the cyclist wearing and why?那个骑自行车的人戴着什么?他为什么要那样做?What do you think happens to traffic in this situation? Why?你认为在这种情况下交通会发生什么?为什么?What do you think experts advise people to do in this situation?你认为在这种情况下专家会建议人们怎么做?Sandstorms in Asia亚洲沙尘暴Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.几个世纪以来,沙尘暴已经成为很多亚洲国家的严重灾害。Scientists have tried many ways to solve this problem and in China, a mass campaign has been started to help solve it.科学家已经想了很多办法来解决这个问题,在中国,已经开展了一场帮助解决沙尘暴问题的大型战争。Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand. They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.沙尘暴是带有沙石和尘土的强大而干燥的风。沙尘暴通常很浓密以至于人们都看不见太阳,有时候,风的强度大到可以掀动沙丘。The four main places in the world where there are sandstorms are Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia.Ren Jianbo, from Inner Mongolia described a terrible sandstorm he experienced as a child in the desert.世界上四个主要的有沙尘暴的地方是:亚洲中部、北美、非洲中部和澳大利亚。来自内蒙古的任建波描述了他小时候在沙漠中经历过的一次严重的沙尘暴,―To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience,‖ h e said.―There was nothing to be done.―被困在沙尘暴中是一种很可怕的经历,‖他说,―什么也干不了, It was the most frightening and the most dangerous situation I've ever been in. You just had to hope you'd survive. I thought I was going to disappear under the sand.‖ 那是我遭遇过的最可怕、最危险的境况,你只能希望自己能够幸存,我原以为我会消失在沙石底下。‖ Northwest China is part of the sandstorm centre in Central Asia. Sandstorms begin in desert areas.中国西北是亚洲中央沙尘暴中心的一部分。沙尘暴开始于沙漠地带,Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of ―desertification‖.近年来因为―沙漠化‖,中国发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.这是发生在由于气候变化以及人们砍伐树木、开垦草地等使得陆地变成沙漠时的过程。Sandstorms sometimes affect Beijing. Citizens wake up to an orange sky and strong winds that cover the city in a thick, brown-yellow dust.有时候沙尘暴会影响北京,市民醒来时,发现昏黄的天空,狂风夹着黄沙在城里肆虐。The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.暴风有时持续一整天,因为浓密的尘土降低了能见度,所以车辆等开得很慢。The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it arrives in Beijing, but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.中国中央气象台在沙尘暴到达北京前的几个星期就能预见到,但是风暴的威力有时是惊人的。When a sandstorm arrives in the city, weather experts advise people not to go out. Huang Xiaomei, who lives in Beijing says, 当沙尘暴到达一个城市时,专家会建议人们不要出门。居住在北京的黄小梅说;―To be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening. The winds are very strong. It's difficult to breathe and the dust makes me ill. So if you want to go out, you'd better wear a mask.‖ ―在沙尘暴中骑车是很可怕的,风力非常强,很难呼吸,而且尘土会让我得病,所以如果你想出门,最好带上面罩。‖ The desert is only 250 kilometres away to the west of Beijing. To prevent it coming nearer, the government is planting trees.沙漠位于北京西边距离北京仅仅250千米,为了防止沙漠进一步向北京延伸,政府正在植树。Already the government has planted more than 30 billion trees and plans to continue planting for the next five years.目前政府



Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China中国古代的伟大人物及其发明

Read Philosophers of Ancient China and match the words with the definitions.阅读―中国古代的哲学家‖,将下列单词写在与之对应的定义后面。order(n) bring up found(v) principle belief 秩序抚养成人建立准则信仰an idea that influences the way you behave影响你行为方式的思想to start an organisation or philosophy创办一个组织或者哲学the feeling that something is true and exists事物真实存在的感觉when people obey laws and rules and do not cause trouble 人们遵守法律准则,不惹麻烦to look after children until they are adults照看小孩直到他们成年Find the words and phrases in the passage that match these definitions.从文中找出与下列定义相对应的单词或短语。€< €gave a lot of importance to给出……的大量重要性€$ €job职位€8 €doing what he suggested按他的建议做€X €tell your employer that you are going to leave your job告诉你的雇主你要离开你的工作岗位€9 €someone who gives advice提出建议的人€: €having a lot of influence有很大影响€ T €Rea d the passage again. Choose the correct answers.再读一遍文章,选择正确的答案。€ h €Check your answers to Introduction activity 2 according to the passage.根据文章,核对你引言中活动2的答案。€2 €Learning to learn学会学习€ €Write a list of seven words which are related to the same topic.Show it to your friend quickly.See how many he/she can memorise.Discuss with him/her how words are better memorised.写出与同一个主题有关的七个单词,快速给你的朋友看,看看他/她能记住几个,与他/她一起讨论怎样更好地记单词。hilosophers of Ancient China中国古代的哲学家Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other. But it was also a time when there were many great philosophers.Confucius(551BC-479BC) is the philosopher whose influence has been the greatest.古代中国各诸侯国之间经常发生战争。但那也是一个产生了许多哲学家的时期。孔子(公元前551--公元前479)是影响最大的哲学家。He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society. Chinese society was influenced by these ideas for more than 2,000 years.他强调了仁爱、责任和社会秩序的重要性。中国社会受孔子学说的影响已长达两千多年。Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius. Mencius was born in 372 BC.孟子是一位思想家,他的理论和孔子的理论很相似。孟子生于公元前372年,His father died when he was young, and he was brought up by his mother, He became a student of Confucius's ideas, and was then given an important position in the government of a state.自小就丧父,他母亲把他抚养成人。他成为儒家弟子,并在一个国家政府谋得很重要的职位。However, when he saw that the ruler was not following his advice, he resigned. For many years he travelled from state to state, teaching the principles of Confucius. He then became an adviser to another ruler.但是当他发现统治者并不听从他的建议时,他辞职了。好几年的时间,他周游列国,宣扬儒家学说。然后他又成为了另一个统治者的顾问。He spent his last years preparing a book of his teachings called The Book of Mencius.他晚年一直在准备记载他自己学说的书《孟子》。Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.孟子认为人区别于动物的本质就是人是性善的。He taught that if the government was kind, then people would be good.He believed that people were more important than rulers, and hated the state when it treated people badly.他主张―仁政‖、―王道‖,提倡―民为重,君为轻‖,反对暴政。Mozi was another teacher who was very influential. Born in 476 BC, he came from a family which was very poor.墨子是又一位极具影响力的先哲。墨子于公元前476年出生于一个贫苦家庭。He became famous for his unusual clothes and behaviour. Mozi founded the philosophy called Mohism.他因为不同寻常的服装和行为举止而出名。墨子

创立了墨家学派,In some ways, his beliefs were similar to those of Confucius. For example, he considered that government was most important. As a result, he spent many years trying to find a state where people would follow his teachings.他的理论在某些方面和孔子的理论相似。例如,他认为统治非常重要,因此他花了好多年努力寻找一个人们愿意听从他的理论的国家。Mozi believed that all men were equal. His idea of love was different from the Confucian idea of kindness.墨子认为人人都是平等的,他主张的―兼爱‖与孔子的―仁爱‖不同。Mozi taught that we should love all human beings and look after those who are weaker than ourselves. He hated the idea of war. Mozi died in 390 BC.墨子认为我们必须爱护所有的人,照顾比我们弱小的人。墨子反对统治者发动的侵略战争。墨子逝世于公元前390年。

MODULE 6 Old and New古今鉴

Now answer the questions before reading the passage.阅读文章之前,现在先回答下列问题。Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of ―walls of stone …‖ Did Mao Zedong act ually see the walls of stone? 毛泽东写过一首词,在词中,他想象了―更立西江石壁……‖,毛泽东真的看到石壁了吗?The power of the Yangtze River has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam. Does this mean that the power can be used or not?三峡大坝利用了长江水的动力。这意味着这个水力可以利用还是不可以利用?Sun Yat-sen first suggested the idea in 1919. Did Sun Yat-sen think of the idea himself or hear it from someone else?在1919年,孙中山首次提出这个想法。这个想法是孙中山自己想出来的还是在别人那里听说的?About 800 historical relics have been submerged. Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been submerged?大约有800个历史遗迹被水淹没。既然被水淹没了,那么现在还有可能看到这些历史遗物吗?The Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝―Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain‖―更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨‖ Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of ―Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges‖.毛泽东写过一首词,在词中,他想象了―更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖‖的壮丽景观。Now his dream has come true. The power of the Yangtze River, which is the world's third longest river, has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam.如今,他的理想变成了现实,世界第三长河——长江的水力已经被三峡大坝很好地利用了。The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest construction project in China since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China.三峡大坝是中国自万里长城和京杭大运河以来最大的建筑工程,它是作为防洪大坝和中国巨型水利枢纽而建的。The dam is nearly 200 metres high and 1.5 kilometres wide. It is the largest hydro-electric power station and dam in the world and has cost more than any other construction project in history.大坝高约200米,宽约1.5千米,是世界上最大的水力发电站和水坝,耗资超过历史上其他所有的建筑工程。Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested the ides of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919. Three quarters of China's energy is produced by burning coal.孙中山是1911年的革命领袖,他在1919年最先提出横跨长江建立大坝的想法。中国四分之三的能源是通过燃煤获得的。In 1993, China used 1.2 billion tons of coal for heating and generating electricity. Unfortunately, burning coal causes serious air pollution and increases global warming.1993年,中国燃掉了12亿吨煤用于供热和发电。遗憾的是,燃煤造成严重的空气污染并使得全球变暖。The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.大坝将要生产相当于燃烧4000万吨煤所产生的电量,但却不会造成那么严重的空气污染。The reservoir has flooded 2 cities, 11 counties, 140 towns and more than 4,000 villages.水库淹没了2个城市、11个县市、140个城镇和4000多个村庄,More than a million people who lived in the region have moved from their homes.超过一百万住

高中英语必修1 课文翻译(人教新课标)

第一单元友谊 Reading 安妮最好的朋友 你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?安妮·弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把日记当成了她最好的朋友。 安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了两年之后才被发现。在这段时间里,她唯一的忠实朋友就是她的日记了。她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把我这个朋友称作基蒂”。安妮自从1942年7月起就躲藏在那儿了,现在,来看看她的心情吧。 亲爱的基蒂: 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。自从我来到这里,这一切都变了。 ……比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗户。还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了。这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚…… ……令人伤心的是……我只能透过脏兮兮的窗帘观看大自然,窗帘悬挂在沾满灰尘的窗前,但观看这些已经不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须亲身体验的。

Using Language Reading, listening and writing 亲爱的王小姐: 我同班上的同学有件麻烦事。我跟我们班里的一位男同学一直相处很好,我们常常一起做家庭作业,而且很乐意相互帮助。我们成了非常好的朋友。可是,其他同学却开始在背后议论起来,他们说我和这位男同学在谈恋爱,这使我很生气。我不想中断这段友谊,但是我又讨厌人家背后说闲话。我该怎么办呢?Reading and writing 尊敬的编辑: 我是苏州高中的一名学生。我有一个难题,我不太善于同人们交际。虽然我的确试着去跟班上的同学交谈,但是我还是发现很难跟他们成为好朋友。因此,有时候我感到十分孤独。我确实想改变这种现状,但是我却不知道该怎么办。如果您能给我提些建议,我会非常感激的。 第二单元世界上的英语 Reading 通向现代英语之路 16世纪末期大约有5百万到7百万人说英语,几乎所有这些人都生活在英国。后来,在17世纪英国人开始航海征服了世界其它地区。于是,许多别的国家开始说英语了。如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。 以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以互相交流。请看以下例子: 英国人贝蒂:“请到我的公寓(flat)里来看看,好吗?” 美国人艾米:“好的。我很乐意到你的公寓(apartment)去。” 那么,英语在一段时间里为什么会起变化呢?事实上,当不同文化互相交流渗透时,所有的语言都会有所发展,有所变化。首先,在公元450年到1150年间,人们所说的英语跟今天所说的英语就很不一样。当时的英语更多地是以德语


牛津高中英语课文翻译 牛津高中英语模块1课文翻译 Unit 1 School life in the UK 英国校园生活 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3:30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual, as school in China begin before 8 a.m. 在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。我很满意英国的上学时间,因为那里是大约9点开始上学,下午3:30放学,这意味着我可以比平常晚起床一个小时,因为在中国8点之前就开始上课了。 On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall. I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana. We soon became best friends. During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. This sounded like my school in China. 在第一天,所有新生在学校礼堂集合,我坐在一个叫做戴安娜的女孩旁边,我们很快就成为了好朋友。在集合期间,校长告诉我们关于学校的规章制度,他还告诉我们,在学校要想赢得别人的尊重,最好的方法就是努力学习,取得高分,这一点听起来跟中国的学校差不多。 I had many teachers in the past year. Mr Heywood, my class teacher, was very helpful. My favourite teacher was Miss Burke – I loved the lessons that she gave in English Literature. In our class there were 28 students. This is about the average size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. 在过去的一年里,我有很多的老师,黑伍德先生,也就是我的班主任,对我很有帮助;我最喜欢的老师是伯尔克小姐,我喜欢她教的英国文学课。在我们班有28个同学,这差不多是英国学校的平均班额。我们在不同的教室上不同的课,上某些课的时候,班上的同学也不一样,所以对我来说记住所有人的面孔和名字是一件难事。 I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. However, it was a bit challenging for me at first, because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky, as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French. 我发现这里布置的家庭作业不像我以前在原来学校时那么繁重,可是一开始我还是觉得有点挑战性,因为所有的作业都是英文的。让我感到幸运的是,所有老师都给了我极大的鼓励,也喜欢所学的科目:英语、历史、英国文学,计算机,数学、科学、体育、艺术、烹饪和法语。 My English improved a lot, as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library. I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really fun as I learnt how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of term we held a class party and we all had to cook something. I was glad that all my classmates were fond of the cake that I made. 我的英语提高了很多,因为我每天都使用英语而且我每天花一小时在图书馆看英语书,我经常在中午休息的时候去计算机俱乐部,这样我就可以免费给国内你的家人和朋友发邮件了。我还在每周二的晚上有一节法语课,烹饪课也很有趣,因为我可以学到如何购买、准备和烹饪食物,在学期末,我们有举行班级聚会,我们都需要做一些食物,让我很高兴的是我同学都很喜欢我做的蛋糕。


第1讲 简单句的五种基本结构 英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语五种基本句型结构如下: 主语 谓语 用符号表示为: ① S V (主+谓) ② S V O (主+谓+宾) ③ S V o O (主+谓+间宾+直宾) ④ S V O C (主+谓+宾+宾补) ⑤ S V P (主+系+表) 主语(subject ) 谓语(predicate ) 宾语(object ) 定语(attribute ) 状语(adverbial) 补语(complement ) 表语(predicative ) 考点1. 基本句型 一:S V (主+谓) 这类句子的谓语动词都是不及物动词,都不带宾语,但可以带状语,常见的不及物动词有: act, come, go, work, last, fall, cry, disappear, appear, smile, rise, ring, live, look, listen, laugh, hurry, talk, sleep, graduate, die, care, agree, jump, fail, wait, succeed, stay, sit, lie, shine, happen, take place, rain, snow, ect. 如: It is raining now. (S V) We've worked for 5 hours. (S V) The meeting lasted half an hour. (S V) Time flies. (S V) 练习1. 分析下列句子成分,并在后面括号内标明属于五种基本句型中的哪一种 1. Dark clouds hung overhead. ( ) 2. Gradually a smile appeared on her face. ( ) 3. He is smiling all over his face. ( ) 4. I did well in English. ( ) 5. He talked loudly in the classroom yesterday. ( ) 考点2. 基本句型 二: S V P (主+系+表) vi. vt . link.v. 宾语 宾语(间)宾语(直) 宾语 宾语补足语 表语 ① ⑤ ② ④ ③


Unit 1 友谊 P2 Reading 安妮最好的朋友 你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?安妮·弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把日记当成了她最好的朋友。 安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了两年之后才被发现。在这段时间里,她唯一的忠实朋友就是她的日记了。她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把我这个朋友称作基蒂”。安妮自从1942年7月起就躲藏在那儿了,现在,来看看她的心情吧。 亲爱的基蒂: 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。自从我来到这里,这一切都变了。 ……比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗户。还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了。这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚…… ……令人伤心的是……我只能透过脏兮兮的窗帘观看大自然,窗帘悬挂在沾满灰尘的窗前,但观看这些已经不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须亲身体验的。 P6 Using Language Reading, listening and writing 亲爱的王小姐: 我同班上的同学有件麻烦事。我跟我们班里的一位男同学一直相处很好,我们常常一起做家庭作业,而且很乐意相互帮助。我们成了非常好的朋友。可是,其他同学却开始在背后议论起来,他们说我和这位男同学在谈恋爱,这使我很生气。我不想中断这段友谊,但是我又讨厌人家背后说闲话。我该怎么办呢?P7 Reading and writing 尊敬的编辑: 我是苏州高中的一名学生。我有一个难题,我不太善于同人们交际。虽然我的确试着去跟班上的同学交谈,但是我还是发现很难跟他们成为好朋友。因此,有时候我感到十分孤独。我确实想改变这种现状,但是我却不知道该怎么办。如果您能给我提些建议,我会非常感激的。


Unit 1 Lifestyles Warm-up Tapescript 1 Football player: Being famous isn’t easy, you know. I travel a lot – I have matches in different countries. But my job is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people cheering, know what I mean? 2 Student: My dad says these are the best days of my life –but I’m not so sure! You know, I’ve got lots of work to do and there’s not much time really. I also play football for the school team and we have to do training three nights a week. 3 Shepherd: I love th e animals and I love nature. It’s peaceful, and there’s no one to tell me what to do. But it’s not so good when the weather’s bad! 4 Business manager: I’m very busy, and I don’t have time to see my husband and children. Mmmm and my life is very stressful, I suppose. I mean, I have to deal with lots of money. But I find it really exciting. 1 A Perfect Day? A Couch Potato Forty-three-year-old Brian Blakey from Birmingham is sitting on his sofa and telling me about his perfect day. When I wake up I don't get up immediately. I turn on the television and watch the children's programmes and old movies until about half-past ten. Then I get up, go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room. For lunch, I have biscuits and a glass of milk, and I watch the news. In the afternoon, I often watch another old film – they're showing some good ones at the moment. In the evenings, I often watch TV series or sport and the news again. I like the main news at six o'clock. At nine thirty, if there is a good play on BBC 2, I switch over and watch it. Then at night, I watch more films and I usually switch off the TV at about two o'clock. I never watch TV all night. I watch TV for sixteen or seventeen hours a day. I also do some exercise every day. I take Tina, the dog, for a walk every afternoon. I don't go far, of course. I walk to the wall outside my house. I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle. Of course, I couldn't live this lifestyle without a good wife. She's not here now because she's working, but she always makes my meals. We haven't got much money, you know, but we're happy. Sit down and watch TV. Here's the remote control. You've got the world at your feet. And in your hand. Great! A Workaholic Thirty-six-year-old Bob Black is sitting at his desk and working his way through his paperwork. I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm clock goes off. As soon as I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed. It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash, get changed, have breakfast, leave home and get on a bus. I am always the first person to get to the office. The mornings are always very busy and the afternoons are even busier! Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day. Every minute


牛津高中英语模块1-5课文及译文(精校版) M1U1 SCHOOL life in the UK Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall. I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane. We soon became best friends.During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote oneself to study and achieve high grades. This sounded like my school in China. I had many teachers in the past year. Mr.Heywood , my class teacher, was very helpful. My favorite teacher was Miss Burke—I loved the lessons that she gave in English Literature. In our class there were 28 students. This is about the average size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French. My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of term we held a class party and we all had to cook something. I was glad that all my classmates were fond of the cake that I made. Students at that school have to study Maths, English and Scienc e, but can stop studying some subjects if they don’t like them, for example, History and French. They can choose other subjects like Art and Computer Science or Languages such as Spanish and German. In the Art class that I took, I made a small sculpture. T hough it didn’t look very beautiful when it was finished, I still liked it very much. I missed Chinese food a lot at lunch. British food is very different. British people like eating dessert at the end of their main meal. After lunch, we usually played on the school field. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just relaxed under a tree or sat on the grass. I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again. 在英国的学校生活 在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。我很喜欢英国中学的 作息时间,因为学校每天上午大约9点上课,下午大约3点半放学。这意味着我每天可以比以往 晚一个小时起床,因为在中国学校每天上午8点之前就开始上课了。 开学第一天,所有的新生都去学校礼堂参加晨会。我当时坐在一个名叫黛安娜的女孩身边: 我们很快就成了最要好的朋友。在晨会上,校长向我们宣布了校规。他还告诉我们,赢得尊重 的最佳途径就是专心学习并取得好成绩。这听起来倒是像我在国内就读的学校。 过去的一年里我有过许多老师。海伍德先生,我的班主任,对我的帮助很大。我最喜欢的 老师是伯克小姐——我喜爱她教的英国文学课程。我们班上一一共有28个学生。英国中学的班级 差不多就是这么大。我们上不同的课得去不同的教室。上某些课的时候,班上的同学也不一样, 所以对我来说记住所有的人的面孔和名字可是一件难事。 我发现这里布置的家庭作业不像我以前在原来学校时那么繁重,可一开始我还是觉得有些


外研社版高中英语必修三 Module 1 听力原文 Carlos: Hello, my name is Carlos and I'm from Spain. Helen: Hi, Carlos. I'm Helen. Amy: And my name is Amy. Pleased to meet you. Carlos: Are you English? Helen: No! Neither of us is English. Amy: Helen's from Scotland and I'm from Wales. Carlos: Really? So, Helen, where do you live in Scotland? Helen: In Edinburgh. Carlos: Edinburgh. Nice, that's the capital of Scotland, isn't it? Helen: Yes, it is. Carlos: And Amy, you're from Wales. Amy: That's right. Carlos: That's west of England, isn't it? Amy: Yes, it is. It's a separate country and it's to the west of England. Carlos: And where in Wales do you live? Amy: Well, my family lives in Cardiff. Carlos: Cardiff? I've never heard of Cardiff. Is it a big city? Amy: Yes, it is! It's the capital! Carlos: Oh, I'm so sorry! Amy: That's all right. Carlos: There are so many capital cities in the United Kingdom. Helen: Yes, Scotland and Wales are separate countries. And each of them has a capital city. Carlos: So what are you doing here in London? Helen: We're students. Carlos: What are you studying? Helen: Languages. Carlos: Which ones? Helen: Well, there are about 60 students in the class, and all of them are studying at least two languages. I'm studying French and Chinese. Amy: And I'm studying German and Russian. Carlos: So neither of you is studying Spanish. Amy: No, sorry. In fact, none of the students in our class is studying Spanish. Carlos: Oh. That's sad. Helen: Where in Spain do you live? Carlos: In Valencia. Amy: Valencia? Whereabouts is that? Carlos: It's on the east coast. It's about 200 kilometres south of Barcelona. Amy: I see. Is it a big city? Carlos: Yes. Quite big. Amy: What's it like?


必修1 第一单元 ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. 安妮最好的朋友 你想不想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友?或者你会不会担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?安妮?弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,所以她把的日记视为自己最好的朋友。 Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so she had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hidden away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, ―I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.‖ Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. 在第二次世界大战期间,安妮住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则就会被德国的纳粹分子抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了25个月之后才被发现。在那段时期,她的日记成了她唯一忠实的朋友。她说:―我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。我要把我的日记当作自己的朋友,我把我的这个朋友叫做基蒂。‖现在,来看看安妮自1942年7月起躲进藏身处后的那种心情吧。 Thursday 15, June, 1944 Dear kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here. For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time some months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.


必修1第一单元Reading 阅读 ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now r ead how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15, June, 1944 Dear kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here.…For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time some months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… …Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours, Anne Using Language 语言运用 Reading and listening 读与听 1 Read the letter that Lisa wrote to Miss Wang of Radio for Teenagers and predict what Miss Wang will say. After listening, check and discuss her advice. Dear Miss Wang, I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. I’m getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. We have become really good friends. But other students have started gossiping. They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This has made me angry. I don’t want to end the friendship, but I hate other s gossiping. What should I do? Yours, Lisa Reading and writing 读与写 Miss Wang has received a letter from Xiaodong. He is also asking for some advice. Read the letter on the right carefully and help Miss Wang answer it.
