


Long long ago, there was a beautiful little girl. She was ___51___ because she

had no family and no home. She only had her clothes and some bread. But she was very

kind. A man asked her ___52___ she had something to eat. She gave him her ___53___ .A child cried and told her that his ___54___ was very cold. So she gave him her hat.

Then, she met a child with no coat. She gave him her coat. One d ay, in the cold ___55___ forest, she met another child who___56___ her dress. The little girl thought that it

was dark and___57___ could see her, so she gave her dress away. At last, she had almost nothing: no family, nowhere to live, nothing to eat and little to wear. ___58___ ,

stars fell from the sky. These stars became b eautiful pieces of money. With the money, she ___59___ a new dress and a coat.

The little girl was rich for the ___60___ of her life and she still helped the

people in need with her money.

( )51.A.alone ( )52.A.where B.kind




( )53.A.clothes B.home C.bread ( )54.A.neck B.back C.head

( )55.A.noisy ( )56.A.asked for B.dark

B.took off


C.gave away

( )57.A.someone B.nobody C.anybody ( )58.A.Suddenly B.Certainly C.Recently ( )59.A.chose B.borrowed C.bought ( )60.A.end B.beginning C.rest


Dear Jenny,

How’s it going? Are you busy with your study these days?

I’ve been back at school __61___nearly four weeks. I’m very glad to tell you

that great ___62__ have taken place in our school this term. First of all, we’re asked

to “clear our plates” when having our meals and say ___63__ to wasting. Some of us

used to order more than what we could eat. That was a big waste of food. Now we need

to __64__ the food we o rder. We should also stop wasting in some o ther ways. For example, we should turn off the lights when we __65__ the classroom. And our school has opened up some fields for us to learn how to grow vegetables. Each class is given a small

garden and our class has decided to grow some tomatoes in our __66__ time. I think

that’ll be very interesting. Maybe I’ll be able to __67__ you some tomatoes we’ve grown by ourselves next time! What’s more, we have more time for after-school activities, __68__ we have only two classes in the afternoon. I’m one of the traffic safety volunteers in our school. After school, we take turns to go to the streets near our school and ask people to __69__ the traffic rules.

I think we are having a different school life now!

Please write back soon and tell __70__ more about your school.


Wang Wei ( )61. A. in B. for C. on

( )62. A. changes B. things C. interests

( )63. A. yes B. hello C. no

( )64. A. clean B. pay C. finish

( )65. A. leave B. reach C. open

( )66. A. busy B. free C. happy

( )67. A. plant B. buy C. post

( )68. A. because B. when C. before

( )69. A. follow B. make C. break

( )70. A. him B. her C. me


Without plants, people could not live. We eat plants. We __1__ the oxygen(氧气) that plants produce. And we need plants because they make our cities and our life

beautiful and colorful. That's why even in big modern __2__, we have parks full of

trees, green grass and flowers. Also you are sure to __3__ some green house plants

and flowers in the __4__ in every city.

But do you talk to your plants? Do you give them __5__ and attention? The book

The Secret Life of Plant by Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird says that you should

__6__ and give them love. The book tells a very interesting test. __7__ seeds(种子) were planted in different places. While the plants were growing, one plant was given

love and hopeful ideas. The other plant was given neither of them, only __8__ ideas.

After six months, the loved plant was __9__. Under the earth, it had more and longer

roots, __10__ it had a thicker stem(树干) and more leaves. But the other one was smaller and had fewer leaves.

( )1. A. eat B. breathe C. produce

( )2. A. cities B. villages C. laboratories

( )3. A. look for B. find C. have

( )4. A. fields B. space C. rooms

( )5. A. love B. places C. lives

( )6. A. laugh at them B. water them much C. talk to them

( )7. A. Two B. Some C. Many

( )8. A. hopeful B. pleasant C. unpleasant

( )9. A. smaller B. bigger C. shorter

( )10. A. under B. above C. on


One year ago, I worked at a traditional Chinese medicine store. Business was not

bad. Every day we mixed medicinal herbs for __1__, so the store was always __2__ of

a strong herbal smell.

After I had worked there for a time, a boy of 13 or 14 started coming and __3__

on the stairs outside the store for a while every day. It seemed __4__ to me.

" Do you like the herbal smell?" I asked him one day.

"I grew up __5__ this kind of smell," he said. He told me that his mother took

herbal medicine for __6__, so he could mix herbs for his mother when h e was very young. He mixed the herbs with deep __7__, hoping his mother would get better as soon as


"Is your mother well now?" I asked.

He shook his head. " My mother __8__ three years ago." Looking up into the sky,

he went on:"When I first passed by here and smelled the herbs, I thought of my mother. It is comforting to __9__ those days when she was alive. So I come here every day to

sit for a moment. When I sit around this smell, I feel as if my mother is still alive

__10__ waiting for her medicine in her room."

1.A. masters B. partners C. patients

2.A. filled B. full C. crowed

3.A. standing B. sitting C. walking

4.A. strange B. funny C. accidental

5.A. under B. with C. at

6.A. days B. months C. years

7.A. love B. happiness C. hate

8.A. was well B. came back C. passed away

9.A. mention B. memorize C. recall

10.A. and B. but C. while


Matthew brought his new cell phone to class last week. He kept on saying, “My cell phone has the newest 51 .” Then he showed everyone. The pictures and sound were really 52 . The rest of us had to crowd around him. Then yesterday, he forgot his cell phone. He 53 it right on his desk. 54 noticed it was there except

me. I decided to teach him a lesson. I took his phone 55 off the desk. My 56 was to give it back to him the next day.

This morning he rushed into class. He was very 57 and almost mad. He even started fighting with another classmate. The teacher sent 58 to the headmaster's office. They both got in a lot of trouble. 59 I had his phone in my bag the whole time. Now I don't know what to 60 ! If I tell him that I took the cell phone,

he'll think I stole it. If I don't tell him, then I really did steal it. How did I

get into such a trouble?

51. A. ads B. songs C. games

52. A. good B. bad C.


53. A. left B. forgot C. got

54. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Nobody

55. A. luckily B. quietly C. softly

56. A. plan B. suggestion C. dream

57. A. happy B. quiet C. angry

58. A. us B. him C. them

59. A. But B. Or C. So

60. A. give B. do C. see


My son Karl became sad after his father died. I tried my best to talk to him. But

the 61 I tried, the sadder he was. He was often late for class and even 62

school. His report said he would never graduate. I couldn’t do 63 more for my son. I felt so 64 . I even asked God for help.

One day, I got a phone call. “Hello, I’m the headmaster. I want to talk to you about Karl’s absences.” 55 he could say another word, I began to cry. “I’m so sad and disappointed, but I love my son. I just don’t know what to do. I did all to

get Karl to go back t o school, but nothing has 66 .” For a moment there was 67 on the other end of the line. Then the headmaster seriously said: “Thank you for your time.” and hung up.

To my s urprise, Karl’s next report card showed h is 68 in his grades. Finally, he even became o ne of the top students. In his fourth year, I attended a parent-teacher meeting with Karl. I noticed that his teachers were surprised at his change. On our

way home, he said, “Mum, remember that 69 from the headmaster last year?” I nodded. “That was me. I wanted to play a joke. Your words really hit me. I knew how

70 I was hurting you. So I decided to change.”

61. A. more B. farther C. closer

62. A. interested in B. absent from C. ready for

63. A. nothing B. anything C. something

64. A. helpless B. helpful C. careless

65. A. While B. Before C. After

66. A. gone B. worked C. found

67. A. silence B. laughter C. anger

68. A. improvement B. encouragement C. study

69. A. meeting B. speech C. call

70. A. often B. little C. much


After supper Mrs. Bell felt hot and came out of the hotel. She got to 51 a

week ago. She liked the city and went traveling there for 52 first time. Now

she was walking along a quiet street when she saw a man working in a garden. She

53 to watch him carefully. The old man worked 54 and she was sure he was

an able gardener. She liked to see him.

“I have a garden, too.” The woman said to herself. “ I 55 such a gardener. Why don’t you bring one to America?”

So she went into the garden and said she would pay him much if he 56 to go

to America with her.

“ I’ll pay for your fare(费用), too.” said the woman. “ You’ll be able to get 57 soon in my country, I think.”

“ Thanks a lot,” said the old man, “but it’s 58 that I already have another position(职位). I can’t give it up. I’ll have to work for you 59 they

elect(选举) me next time.”

“Oh?” the woman said in surprise. “ 60 are you, then?”

“The president of France.”

( ) 51. A. Toronto B. Paris C. Moscow

( ) 52. A. a B. / C. the

( ) 53. A. ended B. went on C. stopped

( ) 54. A. slowly B. hard C. badly

( ) 55. A. need B. hope C. hate

( ) 56. A. disliked B. agreed C. believed

( ) 57. A. lonely B. happy C. rich

( ) 58. A. glad B. unlucky C. lucky

( ) 59. A. until B. unless C. if

( ) 60. A. Whose B. How C. What


Peter wanted to know why he didn’t have many f riends. The reason was he was always taking, never 61 .

One day Peter told Bill, “I’d like to give a party on Saturday. I’d like you

to come and bring Martha, 62 ”“Thanks, Peter. We’d be 63 to come.” Bill answered. Peter then asked Bill to bring his violin. He said Bill and Martha sang well together. He said he was sure everyone 64 want Bill and Martha to sing for

them. That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next he asked another friend, Betty,

to bring a cake. “You make t he 65 cake in the world. I like to eat your cake better

than have one from the bakery.” Peter invited a few other friends to come t o his party. He didn’t forget 66 something from each one of them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! 67 agreed.

The party was a big 68 . However, as the guests were leaving, they said

“Thank you” to Bill and Martha 69 the music, Betty for the cake, the Jacksons for the use of the house and to others for their hard work. To Peter they just said,

“Thanks for the 70 .”

( ) 61. A. give B. giving C. making

( ) 62. A. too B. either C. yet

( ) 63. A. unhappy B. sorry C. glad

( ) 64. A. would B. will C. is

( ) 65. A. good B. best C. better

( ) 66. A. asking B. asked C. to ask

( ) 67. A. They B. He C. Them

( ) 68. A. successful B. success C. succeed

( ) 69. A. as B. in C. for

( ) 70. A. invitation B. invite C. ask


Jerry was a very special kind of restaurant manager. When he changed restaurants, several waiters changed, too. They wanted to 56 with Jerry. It was because of

his attitude. He was always happy and had something 57 to say. If an employee

was having a bad day, Jerry was there 58 the employee how to look on the positive side of things.

Jerry’s style really made me curious, 59 one day I asked him: “I don't

understand it! 60 can you always be a positive person all of the time?”

Jerry answered, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, ‘Jerry, you have

two 61 today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a

bad mood.’ Each time something 62 happens, I can choose to be a victim or I

can choose to 63 the experience. I choose t learn from each experience. Every

time someone c omes t o me 64 , I can choose to accept their complaint or I can point

out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life. Every 65 is

a choice.”

( )56. A. work B. compete C. help

( )57. A. frustrating B. positive C. dangerous

( )58. A. asking B. watching C. telling

( )59. A. if B. but C. so

( )60. A. What B. How C. Why

( )61. A. decisions B. jobs C. choices

( )62. A. bad B. unluckily C. dangerous

( )63. A. learn from B. suffer from C. hear from

( )64. A. explaining B. promising C. complaining

( )65. A. thing B. situation C. side


On m y w ay home I knocked into a stranger as he passed by. “Oh, I’m t erribly sorry,” 

I said. “ That’s all right. Please excuse me too; I wasn’t even 56 you.

I wish I didn’t hurt you.”

We were very 57 . We said goodbye and went on our way.

But at home we often 58 our loved ones in a different way.

Later that day, while I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood behind me

very quietly. When I turned, I nearly 59 her down. “Move out of the way.” 

I shouted. She walked away, tears in her eyes.

While I lay awake in bed, I realized how 60 I’d spoken. So I decided

to get up to say sorry to my daughter. On the way to her bedroom, to my surprise, I

found some 61 by the door of the kitchen. At that time my tears began to fall.

I quietly went and got down on my knees by her 62 . She woke up and put her arms around my neck when I kissed her. Then I asked,” Did you pick these flowers for me?

She smiled, “I found them out by the tree. I picked them 63 they’re pretty like you. I knew you’d like them. I stood quietly in order to give you a surprise.” “ Oh, dear, I’m really sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn’t have shouted at you.”

“ That’s okay. Mom. I 64 you anyway.”

I suddenly realized what a clever way it is to explain the word 65 like this:

(F)ather (A)nd (M)other, (I)(L)ove(Y)ou!

56. A. noticing B. helping C. calling

57. A. sad B. angry C. polite

58. A. help B. treat C. criticize

59. A. put B. took C. knocked

60. A. sadly B. rudely C. softly

61. A. books B. clothes C. flowers

62. A. bed B. desk C. chair

63. A. if B because C. though

64. A. love B. need C. miss

65. A. father B. mother C. family


Mrs. Smith loves her son very much. Every day she spends all her free time 51

with him. One night, she had much work to do, 52 she couldn’t play with her son after she came back home. So she found 53 in a magazine in the office cut it into

pieces to keep her son busy. When she 54 , Robert ran to her and wanted to play.

Mrs. Smith said she had 55 time to play at that time. She told him to put the pieces of paper back together to a map of the world, and then they could both play.

About half an hour later, Robert came t o his mother and said, “ OK. It’s finished. Can we play now?” Mrs. Smith was surprised, saying, “That’s 56 . Let’s go and see.” And sure enough, there was the picture of the world; all put together, every

57 in its place.

Mrs. Smith said,” That’s surprising! 58 did you do that?” Robert said, “ 59 , On t he back of the page was a picture of a 60 . When I put the woman together, the whole world fell into place.”

51. A. working B,. playing C. walking

52. A. and B. but C. or

53. A. a map of the world B. a map of China C. a piece of cake

54. A. got to office B. got home C. left the office

55. A. much B. enough C. no

56. A. impossible B. right C.possible

57. A. map B. page C. piece

58. A. what B. where C.how

59. A. simple B. difficult C. boring

60. A. man B. girl C. Woman


I don’t do well in my study. Most of my classmates are much better than me. So

I 61 about it so much. You know, it is difficult to keep on working hard. 62 I spend much time studying for the tests, I can’t get good grades. Luckily, my father 63 gives me s ome h elp. He tells me that studying is 64 to climbing a mountain and as 65 as you believe yourself and try your best, you will reach the 66 of the mountain one day. He also tells me that some famous people 67 Edison and Newton

had the same problems when they were young. But now 68 knows that they did a lot

for all the people in the world. After hearing that, I think I shouldn’t give up. And if I keep on studying hard, I can do much 69 than before. My father is very

70 to hear that and he says he will always be there to help me.

61. A. exercise B. write C. worry

62. A. Although B. If C. Because

63. A. often B. never C. hardly

64. A. same B. different C. similar

65. A.short B. long C. far

66. A. top B. stop C. foot

67. A. as B. if C. like

68.A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody

69. A. good B. better C. best

70. A. interesting B. funny C. happy

