牛津译林版英语八上 第二周周末作业( Unit1)

牛津译林版英语八上 第二周周末作业( Unit1)
牛津译林版英语八上 第二周周末作业( Unit1)

八年级(上)英语第二周周末作业(8A Unit1)


1. May is a _________(忠实的) friend.

2.What do I have to do if I want to be ___________ than before?(thin).

3. My friend Elva is crazy about music, she is very ____________(music).

4. Lily’s drawing is ___________ than Lucy’s. (bad)

5. You can’t b_______ his words, he often tells lies.

6. Lucy is a c_________(乐观的) girl. She can make people around her happy.

7. Amy ‘s drawing is the best in the drawing _________(竞赛).

8. I like reading books, newspapers, m___________ and so on.

9.Many visitors come to Tian’anmen S_____________ every day.

10.---I don’t think Liu Dehua is ___________(英俊). —I really don’t agree with you.

11. There are many ________________(广告) in today’s newspaper.

12. He didn’t sing a song in English any _________ (much).

13. We have the _________(little) snow this year of these years.

14. The ___________(high) of Millie is 135cm.

15. Her mother is _________ (几乎) forty years old.

16. I can tell Millie anything because she can keep _________.(秘密)

17. Mr Zhang has a good sense of h___________.

18. She likes giving her money to the people in need. All her friends think she is g___________.

19. Do you think Rose is the___________ (pretty) of her three sisters?

20. Who came here_____________(early), Mary or Jane?


( ) 1. My brother is two years ________ than I.


B. older

C. oldest

D. the oldest

( ) 2. Eddie is eight years old, but we have seven candles only, we need ______ candle.

A. only one

B. one more

C. some more

D. one much

( ) 3. We’ll try our best to do the work with _________ money and _________ people.

A. few, little

B. a few, a little

C. less, fewer

D. fewer, less.

( ) 4. Helen told me that she had some problems _______ his English learning.

A. on

B. for

C. in

D. with

( ) 5. ---- _________ ? --- He is funny and friendly.

A.What is he like

B. What does he like

C. What is he

D. What is he doing ( ) 6. Don't ____________. We still have enough time.

A. worry

B. be worry

C. worried

D. get worry

( ) 7. Could you say ______ about it, please? I’d like to know _______.

A. nothing else; more

B. anything else, most

C. anything other; more C. something else; more

( ) 8.He is _________ of the three.


B.the taller boy

C. the tallest boy

D.the tall boy

( ) 9. The man is looking___________ at his baby and he looks very _____________.

A. happy, happy

B. happily, happy

C. happily, happily

D. happy, happily ( )10. I shall _______ Sandy because I think she’s the better girl of the two.

A. keep away from

B. talk to

C. vote for

D. think of

( ) 11. Betty is _______careful as I, but I’m _________ than you.

A. as; much careful

B. so; more careful

C. as; much more careful

D. so; very careful

( )12. I believe __________, because he is ___ honest man.

A. the words he says; a

B. what he says; an

C. he says what; the

D. what does he say; an

( )13.He has poor eyesight ________ too much computer work at night.

A. because

B. because of

C. and

D. but

( )14.We all love Miss Yang.She always makes her history class very ______.

A. interest

B. interests

C. interesting

D. interested

( )15.Which is __________ , Lesson Five or Lesson Four?

A. interesting

B. more interesting

C. most interesting

D. the most interesting

( ) 16. He _______ a glass of milk just now. He was very careless.

A.knocked at

B. knocked on

C. knocked over

D. knock off

( )17.Dafeng is getting ________.

A. beautiful and beautiful

B. beautifuler and beautifuler

C .more and more beautiful D. beautifuler

( )18.Tom is ____ of the twin brothers. He is not good at his subjects.

A. lazy

B. lazier

C. the lazier

D. the laziest

( )19.“Two Butterflies” was one of _________ songs of 2005.


B.more popular


D. the most popular

( )20.This boy is ___________ cleverer than that boy.

A. more

B. much

C. very

D. the

( )21.David is taller than _________ in his class.

A.any student

B.the students

C. any students

D. the other students

( )22. _____ children there are in a family, ______their life will be.

A. The less; the better

B. The fewer; the better

C. Fewer; richer

D. More; poorer

( )23.China is larger than __________ in Africa (非洲).

A. any other country

B. other countries

C. the other countries

D. any country ( )24.You can’t make your son ______ at home all day.

A. stay

B. staying

C. to stay

D. stays

( )25. Nicole always ______happy childhood(童年) when she feels sad.

A. thinks over

B. thinks

C. thinks with

D. thinks of

三. 完型填空

Our dog Zip is always bringing things home for us to keep. Many of them were toy bears, lambs and ducks. We never could 1 the owners. One day Dad was 2 the paper, “Listen to this, everyone.” he said. “ To the person who took a Teddy bear from a child’s wagon—please bring back the toy bear. Our two-year-old son is very 3 .”

“Zip has b een 4 again.” Said Ann. “Yes,” said Dad, “ well, the paper gives the 5 . This time I can take back Zip’s 6 .”“Do you think it 7 to do that ?” Mom asked. “If you tell about Zip, who will believe you?”

“ I will 8 until dark. Then I’ll just put the Teddy bear at the front door and walk away. 9 will see me.”

Dad’s idea 10 worked. He put Teddy bear at the gate. He turned to walk away and knocked into a chair! Dad started to 11 . But he didn’t get very far. The gate

lights came on. A man threw open the door. “ 12 is going on here ?” he called out. Dad even try to 13 . He just wanted to get away. Then the man saw 14 . He shouted after Dad,” How 15 can you get!” he said , “ taking toys from babies!”

( ) 1. A. pay B. agree C. find D. choose

( ) 2. A. buying B. reading C. writing D. sending

( ) 3. A. sad B. surprised C. happy D. afraid

( ) 4. A. busy B. lazy C. sorry D. worried

( ) 5. A. picture B. story C. address D. time

( ) 6. A. food B. name C. idea D. present

( ) 7. A. wrong B. clever C. dangerous D. free

( ) 8. A. speak B. wait C. watch D. think

( ) 9. A. Someone B. Everyone C. No one D. Anyone

( ) 10. A. never B. always C. already D. almost

( ) 11. A. speak B. drive C. run D. cry

( ) 12. A. What B. Who C. How D. Which

( ) 13. A. help B. answer C. listen D. knock

( ) 14. A. the bear B. Zip C. nothing D. the baby

( ) 15. A. angry B. kind C. bad D. sorry


A woman was eating in a restaurant. She asked the waiter to do many t_____1_____ for her. Now she was g______2_____ the waiter a lot of trouble. F_____3_____, she asked the waiter to turn on the air conditioner(空调) because she f____4____ too hot. Then she asked him to t____5____ it off because she was too cold. This went on and on for a____6____ half an hour.

But the waiter was very kind and h____7_____. He did everything the woman asked h____8___ to do without getting angry. F____9_____, someone else in the restaurant asked why the w____10___ didn’t just throw the woman out. “ Oh, I don’t care,” the waiter said, smiling. “ We don’t even have an air conditioner.”



3. __________

4. __________




8. __________

9. __________10.__________


A woman called her doctor on the phone. “Come quickly.” She cried. “ My ten-year-old son swallowed(吞) my pen a moment ago.”

“Sorry!” said the doctor, “there are a few men in my office now and you may not see me for three or four hours.”

“Dear!” cried the woman, “what will I do in the meantime(同时)?”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to use a pencil,” answered the doctor.

( ) 1. Why did the woman ring up her doctor? Because____________________.

A. her son was the worst

B. her son’s head was hurt badl y.

C. she hurt herself

D. there was something wrong with her son

( ) 2. How old was the boy? He was _______.

A. ten-year-old

B. ten years old

C. less than ten

D. more than ten

( ) 3. Why didn’t the doctor come to the woman’s house? Because______.

A. a lot of people were in his house

B. a few men wanted to stay in the office

C. some people were waiting for him

D. he did not like the woman

( ) 4. How long did the doctor let the woman wait for him?

A. A moment. B Ten years. C. Less than five hours. D. I think it’s long.

( ) 5. What did the doctor let the woman do?

A. He let her write with a pencil.

B. He told her to use his pen.

C. She said she would use a pen.

D. I think she could write with a pen.


Trees are one of the oldest citizens of our earth.Just like US,trees change a lot when

they grow.At one to three years old,young trees learn how to protect themselves.For example,many trees grow thorns(刺)to tell animals not to go near.Most young trees have large,deep green leaves so that they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy(能量).

When trees are 4 years old,they begin to grow very fast and become strong enough to face challenges in life.

At the age of l5,trees become young adults.They grow more slowly and begin to produce flowers and fruit.

It is not until the trees are 20 t0 25 years old that they become real adults.The trees reach their largest sizes.Adult trees give US many things such as oxygen and natural beauty.If we give them good care,they will go on to live healthily for many years.As time goes on,trees begin to grow older and older and even die.At this time,they still have their important place in nature.In many ways,the life of trees is like our own life experience. Enjoy every minute of the life of the trees and take care of them!

___1 Change a Lot When They Grow

2 Grow Things they can do

At one to three Growing thorns;

Having large, deep green 3

Learn to protect themselves;

Catch enough 4 and change

it into their food and energy

At four Growing very fast;

Becoming 5 enough

__6 challenges in life

7 Becoming young 8 ;

Growing more slowly

Produce flower and fruit

20-25 Becoming real adults;

Reaching their largest 9 . Give people many things like oxygen and natural 10 .



3. __________

4. __________




8. __________

9. __________10.__________



Shanghai is ____________________________________________________in China.


There’s________________________________in the classroom.




Simon others


Your room ______________________________________________________.


第六周周末作业姓名: 一、虚拟语气: 1.If I ________ a boy. I would join the army. 如果我是男孩我会入伍。 2.如果我在高中努力学习,我现在应该在大学了。 If I __________________hard in high school, I _____________ in the college now. 3.如果明天下雨的话,会议将会被取消。 If it__________/_______ _____ ______/_______ ________tomorrow, the meeting_______ _________ put off. 4.If you______________(take) my advice, you ____________________(fail) in the exam. 5.我希望能年轻10岁。 I wish I were ten years younger. 6.我希望我将来是个医生。 I wish I would be a doctor in the future. 7.我希望我在高一的时候努力学习。 I wish I had studied hard in Senior 1. 8.今天不要来,我宁愿你明天来。 Don’t come today. I ________ __________ you __________ tomorrow. 9.我宁愿Tom昨天没有来。 I would rather Tom _____________________(not come) yesterday. 10.她爱这个小宝贝仿佛是她自己的儿子。 She loves the baby_______ __________ it _________ her own son. 11.我仍然记得这个地地震仿佛就发生在昨天。 I still remember the earthquake as if it ____________________(happen) yesterday. 12.该是我们睡觉的时候了。 It’s high time that we_____ ______ _______/ _______ go to bed. 13.His pale face suggested that he _____(be) ill and I suggested that you _____(go)to see a doctor. 14.He insisted that she ______(be)seriously ill and that ________(be) sent to a hospital at once. 二、高考写作重点句型仿写 句型1.【比起做B事件,更喜欢做A 事件】 【would rather do A than do B】【prefer to do A rather than do B】【prefer doing A to doing B】比起做作业,我更喜欢看语法书。(grammar book) __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 句型2. 【It was + 时间段+before…。“过了多久才(怎么样)……”】 再过半年你才能毕业。( half a year; graduate from) __________________________________________________________ 句型3. 【in case of (+n.) “以防;万一”】【in case that(+从句) “以防,万一……”】 (谓语动词用一般现在时态或should+动词原形) 带上雨伞,以防下雨。 __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 句型4. 【not…until…:“直到……才……”】 直到考试失败,他才意识到他已经浪费了太多时间在玩电脑游戏上 __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 句型5. 【强调句:It is/was + 被强调的部分+ who/that + 其余部分】 [例句] 对三个例句中划线部分进行强调: I saw him in the street yesterday afternoon. →____________________________________________________ (强调主语) →_________________________________________________ (强调地点状语) →_________________________________________________ (强调时间状语) →_____________________________________________________ (强调宾语) He didn’t go to bed until his mother came back.

人教八年级上册英语Unit2 周末作业(含答案)

Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 周末作业 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. -How often you (eat)apples, Steve? -At least four (time) a week. 2. My sister (not like) eggs at all. 3. Milk (be) good for our health. So I (drink)it every day. 4. Linda (exercise) every morning and she never (watch) TV on school night. 5. your brother often (do) housework at home? 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.有时候我乘坐公共汽车去上学。 I to school by bus. 2.我妈妈上班从不迟到。 My mother is for work. 3.她几乎从不熟夜 She stays up late. 4.不要总是待在家里看电视。 Don’t stay at home and TV. 5.迈克通常一个月去看望他的祖父母两次。 Mike visits his grandparents a .

三、单项选择。 ( )1. I like Yang Mi very much. She is very popular. A.sometimes B. never C. always D. often ( )2. His brother is too tired. He can walk. A.really B. hard C. hardly D.never ( )3. Mr Li goes to his hometown a year. A.one or two B.once or two C, one or twice D. once or twice ( )4.- do you write your blog? -Once a week. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many ( )5. Tony is very lazy. He is late for school. A.often B.sometimes C. hardly D. never ( )6.Sam is late for school. He is always the first to come to school. A.often B. always C.never D. usually ( )7. Lucy is unhealthy because she has enough sleep every night. A.often B. hardly C.sometimes D. always ( )8.- Did you go to the cinema last night? - Oh, no. I go to the cinema. The tickets, you know, are too expensive.


小学英语作文我的周末 小学英语作文我的周末一:我的周末 (342字) 我的周末应该属于我的,周末是我的休息时间,周末还是我的娱乐时间的,可是,妈妈布置的作业让我的周末变得很荒凉,让我的周末很不快乐。 有一次周末,因为星期六妈妈去外婆家了,要傍晚才回来,我就趁妈妈不在的时间,去玩了,大约过了一二个小时,我累了就去把老师布置的作业写了,过了五十分钟,我就写完老师的作业了,我一看时间,马上就要吃午饭了,可我还没写成妈妈布置给我的作业呢,我想着想着,就看起了电视,看了一个小时,我就去吃午饭了,我吃了二碗饭,就要去睡午觉了,一觉醒来都三点二十九分钟了,我赶快写妈妈布置给我的作业了,刚写完,妈妈刚好回来了,我赶快拿作业给我妈妈看,妈妈看了看,说好的,我这一关总算通过了。 我的周末有时候是快乐的,有时候是悲伤的,我希望各个同学都有自己的周末,而不是由别人管理的。 小学英语作文我的周末二:我的周末 (460字)

没有大人的周末是美丽的,有趣的,一旦有了大人,周末就没有了乐趣和味道了。 今天,爸爸和妈妈没在家,家里我作主了,我高兴得简直要疯了。我先打开冰箱把土豆拿了出来,然后再把刀拿了出来,把一个土豆切成了一个个土豆丝,最后把土豆丝放入锅中炸了起来,我以为土豆炸得越焦越好吃,于是我就大把大把地加菜油,终于折腾了好久,才把土豆丝炸焦了,于是我赶紧拿出碗盛着,我本以为很好吃,可不吃还好,吃了就算我倒霉,我尝了一口,一吃倒让我恶心起来了,土豆丝实在太难吃了!最后我把土豆丝给倒了。然后我又打算去炸青菜,我又以为这一次我可以显示厨艺了,于是我又改行炸青菜了,我把青菜炸成奄奄的了。但一吃,感觉还不错,就是太淡了,于是我便放了大把的盐,放好后,我以为变成了美味佳肴了,于是便尝了起来。吃了以后,我的脸色随之大变,由刚才的兴奋变成了一副苦瓜脸,我再也控制不了自已了,气得瘫坐地上,但是我不是那么容易放弃的。接着,我又连续炸了黄瓜,肉丝,白菜,香蕉,山芋等东西,然而,每次都是失败的,倒置把厨房搞得乌烟瘴气的。 啊!这真是一个乱七八槽的周末呀! 小学英语作文我的周末三:我的周末 (443字) 我盼星星,盼月亮,终于盼来了周末,今天妈妈要带我去海边玩。想


八年级上册英语知识点归纳 第一单元:Friends 1 three passages about friends 关于朋友的3篇文章 2 to use the new words to describe my friends 用生词描述我的朋友 3 to use comparative and superlative adjectives 使用形容词的比较级和最高级 4 to use a vocabulary tree to remember new words 用词汇树来认生词 重点知识回顾 一【重点单词】 thirsty 口渴的honest 诚实的;正直的secret 秘密 care 关心,在意yourself 你自己magazine 杂志good-looking 好看的humorous 幽默的polite 礼貌的 tidy 爱整洁的,整洁的make 成为;适合trust 信任 lie 谎言joke 玩笑true 确实的,的确any time 在任何时候voice 嗓音singer 歌手 almost 几乎,差不多round 圆形的sense 感觉,观念bored 无聊的fit 可容纳,装进knock 碰,撞straight 笔直的sweet 可爱的,惹人喜爱的smile 微笑 choose 选择,挑选worse (bad的比较级)更差,更坏,更糟糕 worst(bad的最高级)最差,最糟,最坏height 高,高度weight 重量competition 竞赛,比赛test 测试,考查swimmer 游泳者plan 打算,计划social 社会的 shy 害羞的smiling 微笑的handsome 英俊的patient 耐心的unhappy 不快乐的;悲伤的excellent杰出,极好的二【重点短语】 1 something to drink 一些喝的东西 2 have some more food 再吃点儿食物 3 one of my best friends 我最好的朋友之一 4 be willing to share things with her friends 愿意和她的朋友分享东西 5 help me with my homework 帮助我做家庭作业

统编版(人教版 )小学二年级上册语文试题-第8周周末作业

二年级上语文第8周周末作业 班级:姓名:评价: 一、看拼音,写词语。 yīshān lóu céng rìzhào nán bùjùshí ()()()()()měi dāng zhōng yáng zhǎn xiàn pīshàng hào kè()()()()()二、选音节填空。 hào hǎo zhòng zhǒng 1.维吾尔族老乡特别热情好.()客,做了许多好.()吃的招待客人。 2.妈妈在菜园里种.()了许多种.()蔬菜。 三、给下列的字加部首组成新字,再组词。 每()云()户()()()() 四、照样子,写一写。 例:穷尽(山穷水尽)山川()烟云() 例:一(座)(陡峭的)山峰一()()石头 一()()队旗 例:绿色----(草绿)(墨绿)白色----()() 黄色----()()蓝色----()() 五、连一连。 树木秀丽高高的细雨 风光鲜艳蓝蓝的街道 颜色香甜蒙蒙的大海 味道茂盛宽宽的楼房

六、默写古诗《望庐山瀑布》。 () 。 。 七、照样子仿写句子。 1、爸爸的鞋像小船。 ........ 2、葡萄一大串一大串地挂在绿叶底下,有红的、白的、紫的、暗红的、淡绿的,五光十色,美丽极了。 果园里的水果都熟了,有苹果、石榴、葡萄, 八、写留言条。 星期六上午,小洋接到王朋的电话,约他一起去书店买书。小洋走之前,给妈妈写了一张留言条,以免她担心。你知道他应该怎么写吗?(注意留言条的格式) 请家长对学生作业完成情况进行评定(用“√”选择): 学生作业完成的写字姿势:(1.端正 2.一般 3.差) 学生作业完成的态度:(1.积极 2.拖拉 3.不愿做) 学生作业完成的质量:(1.非常好 2.良好 3.一般 4.差) 家长签名:


八年级英语下第一周周末作业 Ⅰ. 单项选择。 ( )1. —You’re wrong. You should say sorry to him. —____ A. Yes. I should. B. OK. I will. C. OK. I should. D. No, I won’t. ( )2. —Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday. —I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s ____. A. cheer him on B. cheer on him C. cheer him up D. cheer up him ( )3. Some children were skating on the ice happily. Suddenly one of them ____ the water and the other children felt ____. A. falls into; frightening B. fell into; frightened C. fall into; frightening D. fall into; frightened ( )4. —Tom, Jane wanted you to call her. —I’ll ____ in twenty minutes. Thank you. A. call on her B. call her on C. ring up her D. ring her up ( )5. The people there feel ____ to all of us. A. friends B. friendly C. friendship D. friend ( )6. He often becomes angry these days ____ his noisy children. A. because B. for C. about D. because of ( )7. Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____. A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone ( )8. He entered Peking University____. The people in his village are ____ him. A. in the end; pride in B. at the end; pride of C. in end; proud of D. in the end; proud of ( )9. They didn’t ____ each other and had a fighting. A. build up B. agree with C. stand for D. worry about ( )10. In the end, I made ____ with Lin Feng and we hugged(拥抱) each other. A. a peace B. the peace C. peace D. peaces Ⅱ. 情景交际。


高三英语周末作业(二)(英语) 第Ⅰ卷(共65分) 一.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. Mrs ,Taylor has ___8-year-old daughter who has _____gift for painting –she has won two national prizes. A. a, a B. an ,the C. an ,a D. the, the 2. ----May I try the jacket on? ----______ , but I think it will be too small for you. A. As you like B. By all means C. As a result D. Believe it or not 3. You have to have such a lot of _______ when you’re dealing with kids. A. p reference B. imagination C. patience D. protection 4. Without my glasses, I couldn’t ___ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight. A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make off 5. ---Are you ready for Spain? ---Yes, I want the girls to experience that ______they are young. A. while B. until C. if D. before 6. ---Why didn’t you tell me the truth that day ---I ,but you for Beijing when I went to see you. A. would have ;left B. would ;had been away C. would have; had left D. had; were away 7. There is _______ evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment. A. impressive B. abundant C. steady D. flexible 8. Your room is terribly dirty; you______ get it cleaned in two hours, or Mum will be angry. A. can B. might C. shall D. may. 9. It was the promise _____he would give Lucie all_______ he had, including his life, ______pushed him to save Draney. A. that; that; that B. that; what; which C. which; that; which D. which; that; that 10. Mary rushed home she heard the news, only that her hubby passed away. A. as soon as; finding B. directly; to find C. moment; to find D. when; found 11. ----If we take a plane, we’ll of course have arrived in London by the next weekend. ----Don’t be too sure. We should _____ the weather factor. What shall we do if it is foggy? A. look for B. allow for C. prepare for D. use for 12. ---How long ______in Beijing? ---I’ll be there just the weekend. I’ve to be back for an important meeting _______next Monday. A. have you stayed ; held B. do you stay; to be held C. did you stay; holding D. are you staying; to be held 13. --- How beaut iful the dress looks ____ you! Don’t you want _____, Madam? ---Please show me _______. A. in; one; another B. on; it; another C. in; it; the other D. on; one; the other 14. _____ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide.


初一英语第三周周末作业 一、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. I have ________ free time ________ Kate, so I can read a lot. A. less; than B. more; than C. fewer; than D. much; than ( ) 2. __________ of the meeting, he said something important to us. A. In the end B. In end C. Near end of D. Near the end ( ) 3. People in the USA say “eraser” while people in the UK say “________”. A. film B. autumn C. lift D. rubber ( )4. Shanghai is ________ than any other city in China and it is one of the ________ cities in the world. A. bigger; bigger B. bigger; biggest C. biggest; bigger D. biggest; biggest ( )5. Why come and play basketball with us? A. not you B. don’t C. not to D. not ( )6. My cousin is in in Shanghai No.11 Middle School. A.3th Grade B.3 Grade C. Grade 3 D. Grade 3rd ( )7. If it next Sunday, you still the Great Wall? A.will rain; do; visit B. will rain; will; visit C. rains; do; visit D.rains; will; visit ( )8. He always looks . Now he’s looking at his new drawing. A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C.happily; happily D. happily;happy ( )9.There an exciting softball match on TV this evening. A. will have B.are going to have C.are going to be D. is going to be ( )10.I’m sure you drive a car next month. A. will can B.will be able to C. are able to D. could ( )11.I have money than you, but I have friends than you. A. more; more B.less; more C.fewer; more D.more; less ( )12. Why ______ you ______ to school earlier this morning ? A. did ; came B. didn’t ; come C. didn’t ;came D. did ; not come ( )13. ----Remember to bring your homework here tomorrow. ---- _____________. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes , I will. C. No, I won’t. D. You are right. ( )14. A horse is ____________ animal. It helps people a lot. A. a useful B. an useful C. a useless D. an useless ( ) 15. There are more boys in our class than _________. A. you B. your class C. yours D. in yours ( )16.___________ of the two women is my mother. A. The older B. Older C. The old D. The oldest ( )17.His sister is _____ better at English than I. A. much B. very C. more D. too ( )18.China is larger than ______________ in Asia(亚洲) A. any country B. any other countries C. any other country D. another country ( )19. —Do you remember what she ________ two years ago? —Yes, she was fat then. A. liked B. is like C. likes D. was like ( ) 20. —How ________ the medicine tastes!


七年级第十三次英语周末作业 时间:90分钟满分:120分 出卷人:刘德刚 一、词汇(20分) A. 中英互译(10分): 1. Take a shower ________ 6.弹吉他________ 2. Get up ________ 7. 下象棋________ 3. Go to school ________ 8. 弹钢琴________ 4. Eat breakfast ________ 9. 到家________ 5. Go to bed ________ 10.说一点汉语________ B. 填入合适的词(4分): 1. I want to join the swim club . Can you ___________ ? 2. I can play chess . I ___________ join the chess club . 3. I can sing . I can join the ____________ club . 4. I can speak Spanish . I can join the _______________ club. C.将拼写错误的单词的标号填入题前括号内(6分): ( )1. A. piano B. kid C. trumpt D. dance ( )2. A. rock B. act C. show D. bant ( )3. A. talent B. Sonday C. Japanese D. May ( )4.A. why B. because C. o’clock D. haur ( )5. A. after B. practice C. jaket D. get 二、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. ____________ club ________ he want to join ? A. When, do B. Where, does C. What’s, do D. What, does ( ) 2. Can you _________ chess ? A. join B. take C. play D. do ( ) 3. Are you good __________ dancing ? A. at B. for C. of D. with ( ) 4. --- Can you play the guitar ? --- No, I can’t . A. good B. bad C. nice D. well ( )5.“Can you speak French?” “Yes, but only________.” A. a few B. a lot C. a little D. many ( )6.Maybe he can _________ in our school concert . A. be B. is C. are D. am ( ) 7. There is a book on the desk . _________ book is his . A. A B. An C. The D. \ ( ) 8. On the table _________ any boxes . A. I have B. there is C. there aren’t D. has ( ) 9. ---- Nice to see you , please sit down . ---- ___________ .


江苏省大丰市万盈二中2012-2013学年八年级英语下学期第3周周末作业试题 (无答案)牛津版 班级 _____ 姓名 __________ 学号 _______ 家长签字 __________得分___________ 一.词汇。(25分) 1 The novel is ________ in France. (以…为背景) 2. He has lots of _____________ of English grammar. (知识) 3. Do you know the ____________ names of the computer games? (设计者) 4. Is English _________ used around the world? (广泛) 5. Speaking another language __________ is more difficult than speaking it without any mistakes. (恰当) 6. The cat has caught five __________. (老鼠) 7.Please give my best ______(问候) to your parents. 8.If you answer a question __________(错误), you will lose a point. 9. He is good at writing computer __________. (程序) 10. He has just received two _____________ from abroad. (包裹) 11. If you work hard ,you will ____________(sure) pass the exam. 12. Many people use computers in their ______(day) life. 13. Thousands of ______(tour) come to the Great Wall every year. 14. Every time he ____________(reach) a higher level, he can visit an interesting place. 15. Make sure your printer _____________(connect) to the computer . 16. Each of us ______________(ask) to speak loudly in class by our English teacher. 17.The shop ___________(close) at 8 p.m. every day. 18. It’s too hot inside. Do you mind _________(open) the window? 19. I __________ (not see) you for a long time. Where ________ you _________(be)? 20.____________ you_________(write) an article when he came in? 21. The factory ___________(produce) thousands of tons of steel last year. 22. This castle _______________(build) by Henry. 23. The children without their parents ______________(take) good care of here. 25. We ___________(give) some t ickets after we ____________(pay) the money. https://www.360docs.net/doc/d54087310.html,lie _____________(lie) in bed last night when she ____________(hear) the telephone ring 二、单项选择。(20分) ( )1. On Sunday I often help Mum______________ the housework. A.with B.doing C.for D.done ( )2.She didn’t go to school _____________her broken leg. A.because B.because of C.so D.as ( )3. We should finish_____________all the leaflets before eleven. A.give to B.give in C.give out D.giving out ( )4 The old must _______ politely. A be spoken B be spoken to D speak D speak to ( )5 There ________ nothing serious with the patient. A. seem B. seems C. seems to have D. seems to be ( )6 I think you’d better spend as little time as you can ______ computer games. A. play B. played C. playing D. to play


I. 词汇填空。(20分) i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. Please remove the table from the room or it looks out of place. A. suitable B. unusual C. unsuitable ( ) 2. It’s impolite for you to say so. A. not politely B. rudely C. not polite ( ) 3. 1.I haven’t heard from him for a long time. A.got a letter from B. receive a letter from C. heard of ( ) 4.I didn’t want to walk into the room, because it was in a mess. A. clean B. untidy C. noisy ( ) 5. He hated his job very much. A. unliked B. disliked C. loved ( ) 6.I am worried about my brother. He has been in hospital for a month. A. care B. miss C. love ( ) 7. He is on a diet. And he can’t eat too much meat. A.lose weight B. put on weight C. losing weight ( ) 8. He was ashamed that he had told a lie. A. unlucky B. sorry C. angry ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共12小题,每小题1分) ( ) 9. Don’t _____ the police in trouble. It’s not polite. A.smile B. laugh C. laugh at ( ) 10. He has few friends and he often feels _______ in his class. A. out of date B. out of place C. out of sight ( ) 11. I ______ the exam because I was too _________.


英语周末作业2 一、按要求写单词或汉语。(34分) 感冒看电影看书睡觉 待在假日旅馆待在我们的旅馆听音乐 一把坏椅子上个周末上个星期一 待在家里洗衣服打扫我的房间看电视 clean的过去式wash的过去式stay的过去式watch的过去式am/is 的过去式do/does 的过去式.child 的复数drink的过去式hot的比较级喝茶昨天前天 昨天晚上have的过去式has的过去式sleep的过去式See 的过去式read的过去式谈论get的过去式 二、按要求写句子。(44分) 1、让我们去书店,我想买新的电影杂志(译成英语) 2、我的妈妈想看书但是台灯太小,我想看电视但是电视不能 工作。(译成英语) 3、I saw a film last night.(对划线提问) 4、我感冒了,我整个周末待在家里睡觉(译成英语) 5、The people in Room 301 listened to loud music. I didn’t sleep all night.(译成汉语) 6、迈克的爷爷上个周末干了什么?(译成英语) 7、I read the new film magazine. ( 对划线提问) 8I’m fine. (对划线提问) 9I slept all night.(.变成否定句) 10It talked about a lot of new films. Did you see a film.(译成汉语) 11let’s go by bus. It’s faster than walking.(译成汉语)

12Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair (译成汉语) 13Our room was big but everything was very old .(译成汉语) 14我的爸爸从旅馆厨房里得到一些汉堡包,但是汉堡又冷又难吃。(译成英语) 15I’m sorry. I ‘m happy you feel better now (译成汉语) 16The sun goes down every day, and we grow older every day. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. (译成汉语) 17You liked it.(变成一般疑问句并做肯定回答). 18你周末过得怎么样?不错,多谢。((译成英语) 19你干了什么?我待在家里看电视、(译成英语) 20爷爷你好吗?你周末过得怎么样?(译成英语) 21、我和你的奶奶呆在家里。我们在下午喝茶看电视。(译成英语) 22、我在电视上看了一些孩子们的节目。(译成英语)
