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三年级上册Unit 2---How Are You ?

Teaching objectives:

1.Teaching aims for knowledge and skills:

(1)Be able to master the following letters and words:

H h , I i , J j , K k , L l , M m , N n

Hat , ice cream , juice , key , lion , milk , night

(2)Be able to use the following sentences correctly

a.How are you ?

b.I am fine , thank you . And you ?

c.We are fine , too . / we are ok.

(3)Be able to imitate the letters , words and sentences from the recordings

(4)Be able to greet each other in such a English

(5)Be able to speak out words or phrases according to pictures or printed words

(6)Be able to do simple role plays in English

2.Teaching aims for affects:

Through those activities , the teacher should get the students be interested in English learning and curious about it . Encourage the students to be active and confidence to greet others.

3.Teaching aims for learning strategies:

(1)Be able to cooperate with others

(2)Be able to make simple plan of English learning

(3)Be able to use the words and sentences as fluquently as possible

(4)Be able to read some simple and interesting materials after class

4.Teaching aims for cultural awareness

After the study , the students are able to know some simple sentences used to greet in English , and are able to know how to response in English.

三年级上册Unit 3---Nice to Meet You

Teaching objectives:

5.Teaching aims for knowledge and skills:

(1) Be able to master the following letters and words:

O o , P p , Q q , R r , S s , T t

Orange , peach , queen , tiger , sun , ruler , question , rabbit

(2) Be able to use the following sentence patterns to greet each other:

Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you , too .

Glad to meet you . Glad to meet you , too .

(3) Be able to imitate the letters , words and sentences from the recordings

(4) Be able to color the letters with right colors with the support of pictures

(5) Be able to act out simple English dialogues in English .

(6) Be able to listen , read and understand simple picture stories in English

6.Teaching aims for affects:

Through those activities , the teacher should get the students be interested in English

learning and curious about it as well as encourage them to be active and confidence to greet others.

7.Teaching aims for learning strategies:

(1)Be able to complete the task by work with others

(2)Be able to relate the words with involed things

(3)Be able to use the words and sentences as fluquently as possible

8.Teaching aims for cultural awareness

After learnt , the students can know some greeting expression in English
