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rice soup jelly ice cream cola juice milk water pizza pasta

2、元音开头有五个:a e i o u

an apple an arm an egg an ear an eye an eraser an elephant an orange an octopus an umbrella


1)单复数不变:sheep---sheep fish---fish(同种类的鱼)

2)e结尾直接+s:bee---bees bicycle---bicycles kite---kites blouse---blouses orange---oranges(橘子)eye---eyes

turtle---turtles plane---planes nose---noses grape---grapes

toe---toes apple---apples table---tables shoe---shoes


3)s/o/sh结尾+es:dress---dresses mango---mangoes

4) 结尾y前面的字母是元音,直接+s:

boy---boys monkey---monkeys

结尾y前面的字母是辅音,去y + ies:strawberry---strawberries 5)结尾f,去f + ves:wolf---wolves


What do you see/hear ?I see/hear a bird.

What can you see/hear ?I can see/hear a frog.


What colour is it ? It’s red.

What colour are they ? They are orange. (橙色的)

Taste the noodles. They are yummy. (嘴巴品尝)

Smell the flower. It’s nice. (鼻子闻)

What do you like ? I like dolls.

What do you like ? I like jelly.

Do you like sweets ? Yes, I do. / Yes, I like sweets.

Do you like biscuits ? No, I don’t. / No, I don’t like biscuits.

Eat some noodles. Drink some milk.

What season is it ? It’s spring. (问季节)

How is the weather ? It’s cloudy. (问天气)

What do you need ? I need a T-shirt.

What do you need ? I need shorts.

What can you/he/she do ? I/He/She can skip.

I like the red dress. (the特指这条红裙子)

I like the sweets. (the特指这些糖果)

Happy Birthday to you!Thank you.

Happy New Year ! Happy New Year !

A gift for you. Thank you.

Here comes the wolf. (wolf是第三人称单数,come+s)

Here come the farmers. (farmers是复数,come不变)


I have a kite. I don’t have a ball.

Do you have a car ? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

She has long legs. He has long arms. It has a big mouth.

She doesn’t have long fingers. He doesn’t have big feet.

It doesn’t have a tail.

Does it have a long tail ? Yes, it does./ No, it doesn’t.

What’s your favorite food ? Pizza.

What’s your favorite fruit ? Apple.

What’s your favorite drink ? Cola.

Where’s the ball ? It’s in the closet.

Where are the shoes ? They’re under the table. (They’re= They are)

His pants are green. (His他的) Her dress is yellow.(Her她的)How many toys are there ? There are twenty toys.

How many dolls are there ? There is one doll.

