

、「 r r …r r ?卜厶

主菜菜单 menu 头盘 Appetizers

份(法国三 A 级鹅肝,经过大厨秘方腌制,精工细做后的一款自制的法式鹅肝酱,口感软 滑、酱香浓郁,再配上最佳伴侣青苹果乳酪,让您充分感受到地中海的美食神韵) French style Foie Gras with Green apple cheese and caviar

(主料:选用法国三 A 级鹅肝、进口美国青苹果、欧洲鲟鱼子)


(精选优质冰岛带子,新鲜菜花及榛子菠菜,味道鲜美) Flavor Spinach and Cauliflower Spread (主料:选用进口冰岛带子;


份(挪威传统烟熏三文鱼、鲜奶油烩蘑菇、意大利香草烩蛋、酸乳酪酱) Salmon with Braised Mushroom and Saut 主料:选用进口挪威烟熏三文鱼;辅料:进口淡奶油、国产优质白菌)

卜艮第香草汁焗蜗牛 128 元 / 份(传统卜艮第蜗牛、 地道法式香草、 松软的自制土豆泥加上主厨调制的酱汁, 味道好极了) Bourgogne Vanilla Baked Snails

(主料:选用进口印尼蜗牛;辅料:进口黄油及新鲜香草) 汤 soup

北欧海鲜浓汤 98

元 / 份

(鳕鱼、三文鱼、阿拉斯加雪蟹、北极虾等诸多海鲜,进行长时间的熬煮提纯,咸鲜口味、 海鲜味浓,放佛置身于北极深海岛国) Nordic Seafood Soup (主料:选用新鲜三文鱼、鳕鱼;辅料:选用北极深海阿拉斯加蟹钳)

地中海奶油松茸汤配野生黑松露 68 元 / 份(各式蘑菇底汤,加入进口松茸,经过特别调制,口味浓郁,再配上法国野生黑松露,使 味蕾得到极致享受) Mediterranean Cream Matsutake with Wild Truffle

( 主料:选用国内四至五种特级菌类、进口松茸、进口法国黑松露)

德式都兰豆啤酒浓汤 68

元 /

(都兰豆、猪肉浓汤、法兰克福肉肠、德国黑啤、天然德国香料,进行长时间的熬煮,口味 浓郁、回味绵长, 配上传统的德国黑面面包, 使您领略到美妙的异域风情) German-style Bean & Beer Soup (主料:进口德国米特劳夫肠;辅料:进口德国黑啤、国产特级香料)

份(各种蔬菜、配上特选牛肉和传统香料,味道浓郁,沾着面包别具特色,曾在欧洲人的餐 桌上被誉为最受

欢迎的佳肴) Traditional Rich Beef Soup with Rye Bread

(主料:选用进口 DS 牛肉;辅料:各种新鲜时蔬) 法式松露鹅肝酱佐青苹果乳酪及鱼子酱 268 元/ 228 元 / 份 Pan-fried Scallops with Arctic 挪威烟熏三文鱼佐奶油蘑菇及香草烩蛋 168

元/ Norwegian Smoked e ed Vanilla cream

古拉式传统牛肉浓汤配黑麦面包 58 元/

法国栗茸南瓜汤佐新鲜罗勒及鹅肝油48 元/份(用精选澳洲南瓜配上野生板栗和鲜奶油精制而成,口感爽滑浓香,佐以清新罗勒和鹅肝萃取脂,口味更加独特奇妙,轻喝一口,仿佛置身于地中海的海边)French Chestnut Pumpkin Soup with Fresh Basil Oil


爱丽克斯巴伐利亚土豆汤伴法兰克福肠38 元/份(传统的德国美食,在现代厨艺的变革下,使味道升华,令您为之而振奋)Bavarian Potato Soup with Frankfurt Sausages



地中海式甜虾色拉68 元/ 份(甜虾、什锦蔬菜、香汁乳酪酱、树莓酱,做工精细、用料考究)Mediterranean Style Sweet Shrimp Salad


奥斯陆酸甜三文鱼配蔬菜色拉卷58 元/份(新鲜挪威三文鱼、柠檬、芒果乳酪、什锦蔬菜)Oslo Sour and Sweet Salmon with Vegetable Salad Rolls


普罗旺斯土豆炙烤八爪鱼色拉58 元/份(土豆、什锦生菜、薄脆青瓜,咸香味美)Provence Potatoes Brolide Octopus Salad

意大利蔬菜啫喱饼佐中式辣味汁58 元/份

(西兰花、芦笋、蜜豆、红菜头、美国鹦嘴豆、红腰豆、红椒及黄椒,配上从天然蔬菜水果中提取的胶原蛋白,清新爽口、美容养颜)Italian Salad with Chinese-style Spicy



尼斯保罗水牛乳芝士色拉配青柠檬及初榨橄榄油48 元/ 份(比利时生菜、罗马生菜、分芦、日式青瓜、新鲜泰式柠檬、地道法国水牛乳酪,口味独特)

Paul Nice Buffalo Milk Cheese Salad with Green lemon and Virgin Olive Oil (主料:国产优质新鲜季节时蔬;辅料:进口柠檬及进口乳酪酱)

法式酸乳酪水果色拉配新鲜树莓酱48 元/份

(新鲜芒果、美国大脐橙、夏威夷椰肉等各类新鲜水果及酱果,新鲜诱人)French Yogurt and

Fruit Salad with Raspberry Sauce


那不勒斯田园色拉配初榨橄榄油及现磨胡椒48 元/ 份

(比利时生菜、罗马生菜、意大利小番茄、飞丝生菜、红珊瑚生菜等新鲜时令的蔬菜,进行相互搭配,配上特色酱汁,口味独特、别具匠心)Naples Garden Salad with Olive Oil and Ground Pepper


主菜Main Course

磨房式煎鹅肝配阿拉斯加雪蟹钳金巴黎汁368 元/ 份(采用传统工艺,选用法国5A 级鹅肝,地道的阿拉斯加雪蟹钳配上新鲜的金巴黎汁,呈

现出米其林三星的精品菜肴,使您领略到地道的法国美食)Foie Gras & Alaskan Snow Crab (主料:选用法国5A 级鹅肝及北极深海雪蟹钳)

普罗旺斯碳烤鳕鱼伴生煎鹅肝配黑醋栗269 元/ 份

(鹅肝、鳕鱼、黑醋栗、土豆泥、蔬菜,咸鲜口味,选料精良,做工精细)Cod a la provence, with Foie Gras and Blackcurrants

(主料:选用法国5A 级鹅肝;辅料:选用进口上等红酒、国产特级野山栗)

顶级乳牛粒配牛肝菌松露汁伴红花泡沫238 元/份

(乳牛的口感嫩滑,牛肝菌的回味绵延,松露的花香四溢,使人口齿留香)Top Grade Beef Liver and Mushroom Truffle Sauce

(主料:选用5A 级澳洲乳牛粒;辅料:进口法国新鲜牛肝菌及国产特级藏红花)

米其林三星时光牛扒配牛肝菌松露汁198 元/ 份(澳洲牛扒、新鲜牛肝菌、野生黑松露及烤土豆,使您充分体会到原生态澳洲牛肉的美味)Char-grilled Australian Fillet Steak with Truffle Sauce


奥斯陆炙烤海虹伴三文鱼海鲜汁198 元/份

(新鲜的奥斯陆深海海虹配地道的挪威三文鱼,经过炭火烤制,保持原有鲜嫩多汁的口感,同时配上秘制海鲜汁,味道鲜美,质感独特)Norwegian Salmon with Seafood Sauce


炭烤T骨牛扒配黑椒少司及炒蘑菇198 元/份(T 骨牛扒口味是牛扒中的一枝独秀,大厨精选上好牛肉,进行炭火烤制,肉质鲜嫩,口味

绵长)T-Bone Steak with Black Pepper and Fried Mushrooms

(主料:选用进口美国安格斯T骨牛肉;辅料:进口各国香料及国内特级白菌)份(新鲜法国3A 级鹅肝、进口青苹果及被誉为世界三大珍馐美食之一的野生黑块菌,经过大厨的特别烹制,口感绝佳,营养丰富)Foies Gras with Caramel Apple Cider and Black Truffles

煎法国鹅肝配焦糖苹果汁黑块菌188 元/ (主料:选用新鲜进口法国3A 级鹅肝;辅料:进口美国青苹果、进口法国野生黑菌)

炭烤西冷牛扒配蘑菇少司及黑醋栗188 元/份(上好的谷物饲养牛肉,进行排酸处理,肉质鲜嫩、肉香浓郁,配上特色黑醋栗,口感清新,放佛置身于

美国西海岸)Grilled Sirloin Steak with mushrooms and blackcurrant (主料:选用进口美国安格斯3A 牛肉;辅料:选用进口香草及国产野生山栗)

普罗旺斯炭烧乳牛粒配迷迭香汁168 元/份

(选用澳洲原生态饲养乳牛,结合传统法国碳烤工艺,鲜嫩多汁,佐迷迭香特制酱汁使人回味无穷)Herb de Provence Grilled Beef with Rosemary Sauce


炭烤肉眼配香草牛肉少司及土豆饼168 元/ 份(肥瘦相宜、炭火烤制,留下浓浓的烟熏味道,使人口齿留香,回味无穷)Grilled Rib-eye Steak with mushrooms and hash browns

(主料:选用美国安格斯3A 级牛肉眼)

炙烤挪威三文鱼配奶油八角汁148 元/份(挪威三文鱼、胡萝卜泥、薯泥、绿芦笋、酸甜奶油八角汁,口感鲜嫩,佐以普罗云酥油面酱口味更显独特)Baked Norway Salmon with cream Star Anise Sauce

(主料:选用A 级进口挪威三文鱼;辅料:进口安佳淡奶油、国产新鲜芦笋、进口香料)

北欧煨焗银鳕鱼普罗云苏风味148 元/份(新鲜银鳕鱼、各种香料腌制,炭烤煨焗、口感鲜嫩,佐以普罗云酥油面酱口味更显独特)Simmered and Baked Cod Fish, Provence Style


红酒烧羊鞍配牛肝菌及黑松露少司138 元/份(选用新西兰谷物饲养羊鞍,用上等红酒与香草长时间浸泡,肉质鲜美,且无任何腥膻)Roast Lamb with Red Wine, porcini mushrooms and truffles


米兰香草炭烤羊鞍配迷迭香羊肉浓汁及意式烩菜128 元/份(新鲜的谷物饲养羊鞍,用上等红酒及香草腌制再用炭火进行烤制,新鲜多汁,配上香浓的羊肉汁,肉香味浓)Milan Vanilla Char-grilled Lamb Chops with Rosemary Rich Gravy and Italian vegetables


煎德式慕尼黑米特劳夫肠118 元/份(选用传统德国配方,新鲜猪肉及香草,进过特殊工艺加工,口感细嫩、肉香味浓)Munich-style Sausages


法式香草鸡胸配哥伦比亚烤薯烩蘑菇及黑胡椒汁 88 份(特选鸡胸肉, 依照法国布雷斯鸡的腌制方式腌制, 口味鲜美, 又现祖母式的佳肴) vanilla chicken breast and Braised mushrooms in black pepper savce with Colombian baked potatoes (主料:国内优质鸡胸肉;辅料:国内新鲜飞丝、特级白菌及进口淡奶油) 香烤巴伐利亚肉肠配土豆泥及德国酸菜 88 元 / 份(巴伐利亚肉肠、芝麻生菜、自制土豆泥、德国传统酸椰菜,配上一杯德国啤酒,仿佛置 身 于巴伐 利亚广 场 ) Baked Bavarian Sausages with Mashed Potatoes and Germany Sauerkraut

炭烤德国蜗牛肠配土豆泥及德国酸菜 78

元 / 份(慕尼黑啤酒节首选待客菜肴) Baked Bavarian Sausages with Mashed Potatoes and German Sauerkraut (主料:进口德国猪肉肠;辅料:进口德国罐装德国酸叶菜及德国黑啤)

德国图林根传统香肠 68 元 / 份(几百年的传承历史使它的美味千古流传,加入了各式香草,味道与众不同) Baked Bavarian Sausages with Mashed Potatoes and German Sauerkraut

意大利初榨橄榄油炒季节蔬菜 68

元 / 份

(各种应季新鲜蔬菜,配以新鲜初榨橄榄油,清新爽口) Spagheffi and Olive Oil with Seasonal Vegetables (主料:国内新鲜季节时蔬、进口美国红腰豆、地扪玉米栗、进口西班牙初榨橄榄油) 主食 main food

传统翅汤海鲜豆面 198 元 / 份(利用传统中式烹调工艺,与现代烹调艺术相结合,融入中西合璧的理念,口味香浓,既 有传统宫廷美食的风韵,又有西方艺术的升华) Traditional Seafood Fin Noodles


时光柔软酷呆面 88

元 / 份

(传统三晋面食文化,结合米其林三星时尚创意烹制手法,将面条升华为艺术品) The special noodle of The Hourglass

香浓咖喱牛肉饭 58

元 / 份(选用上好牛腩肉,印度现磨咖喱,香辣可口、味道独特) Sweet Curried Beef with Rice (主料:进口泰国香米、进口牛腩;辅料:进口咖喱、进口酱汁)

意大利熏肉白菌通心粉 48 元 / 份(熏肉、洋葱、白蘑菇、通心粉、淡奶油) Italian Bacon, White Mushroomand Macaroni (主料:进口意大利通心粉、进口纽西兰安佳淡奶油、进口培根和上等国产白菌)

佛罗伦萨黑胡椒香浓牛肉斜切通心粉 48 元 / 份(意大利香草、 腌制牛肉、 现磨胡椒、 新鲜洋葱及圆椒, 微辣咸鲜) Florence Black Pepper Beef with Macaroni


DS 牛肉、新鲜时蔬) 地中海芝士香草焗粉团佐意大利萨拉米

48 元 /

元/ French

份(马苏里拉芝士、烟肉、新鲜香草、意式粉团结合初榨橄榄油,浓香溢人)Mediterranean Salami and Cheese Meatball


那不勒斯金枪鱼焗饭配车达芝士38 元/份(金枪鱼、泰国香米饭、香草、芝士,香浓味美)Naples Tuna Rice with Cheddar& Cheese



北欧香梨布丁佐鲜巧克力慕斯48 元/份(香甜雪梨、爽滑清凉的布丁,配上现做的鲜巧克力慕斯,味道好极了)Nordic SnowPear Pudding with Chocolate Mousse


草冰淇淋及薄荷啫喱48 元/份(传统的中式甜饼加热至烫,配上达到冰点的香草口味冰激凌,一冷一热,形成味蕾的冲击)Chinese cake with vanilla ice cream and mint jelly a la mode


黑巧克力慕斯佐法式奶油炖蛋48 元/份(黑巧克力、淡奶油、蛋、香草豆、黄油,在现代厨艺的变革下,使味道升华,令您为之而振奋)Dark chocolate mousse with creme brulee


鲜草莓慕斯蛋糕伴咖啡力娇48 元/份(大量的新鲜草莓配上上等奶油乳酪,软滑芳香,淋上咖啡口味力娇酒,可谓甜品中的极品)Fresh strawberry mousse with kahlua




Fried Chicken Wings


Ameirican Beef Burger (comes with salad and fries)

烧烤牛肉三明治30 元/份

Barbecue Beef Sandwich(comes with salad and fries)

德国巴伐利亚风味大热狗30 元/份

Bavaria Hot Dogs(comes with salad and fries)

奶酪三明治25 元/份

Cheese Sandwich (comes with salad and fries)

炸薯条25 元/份

French Fries




西餐菜单中英文对照表大全 菠菜汤Spinach Soup烩牛肉Beef Goulash炒土豆Fried Potato 酸辣汤Hot &Sour Soup咖喱海鲜汤Seafood Curry Soup香煎茄子Pan Fried Eggplant 俄式烩牛肉Stronganoff Beef Goulash维也纳香肠Wienner Sauages 黑椒牛排Beef Steak with Black Pepper Suuce 墨西哥鸡肉饼Mexican Quesadillas 炸鸡腿Deep Fried Chicken wings 酿焰猪排Stuffed Pork Chop 金枪鱼意大利面Spaghetti with Tuna 墨西哥牛肉丸子汤Mexican Beef Ball Soup蔬菜炒饭Fried Rice with Vegetable 螺旋面Fussili Pasta 西兰花Broccoli香草西红柿汤Tomato Basil Soup 西红柿角Tomato wages米兰式西兰花Fried Broccoli奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin Cream Soup 蓝芝士菠菜汤Spinach Soup with Blue Cheese 米兰式猪排Pork Milannaise 煎土豆Roasted Potato 蘑菇鸡排Pan Fried Chicken with Mushroom香酪猪排Pork Cordon bleu香酪鸡排Chicken Corden Bleu 洋葱圈Onion Rings 奶油烩猪柳Pork Ragout 培根牛肉串Bacon and Beef Skewer 印尼炒饭Nasi Goreng 黑椒牛柳粒Sauted Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper 奶油烩鸡Chicken Ragoat 扬州炒饭Fried Rice of Yangzhou Style 红烧牛腩Beef Stew 地中海茄子汤Mediterranean Eggplant Soup 蘑菇猪排Pan Fried Pork Steak with Mushroom with Mushroom 香辣猪肉丝Sauted Pork Slice of Sichuan Style 地中海青椒汤Mediterranean Bell Pepper Soup 奶油西兰花汤Broccoli Cream Soup 土豆泥Mashed Potato 蜜汁胡萝卜Fried Carrot

4 酒店餐饮常用英语40句

PART FOUR 第四部分 FOR FOOD & BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT 餐饮部用 Reserving a table 订座 1.I want to reserve a room for two hundred people to hold a dinner party. 我想预定一间能容纳二百人的宴会厅举行晚宴。 2.I’m sorry we are booked out for this evening. 抱歉,今晚订满了。 3.When do you start to serve dinner in the evening? (When is the restaurant open for breakfast?) 你们什么时候供应晚餐?(几点供应早餐?) 4.When are the restaurant opening hour / operating hour? 餐厅营业时间几点到几点? 5.But I prefer a table by the window. My wife loves the night view of Jinji Lake. 但是我想要一个靠近窗户的桌子。我爱人喜欢看金鸡湖的夜景。 6.I’m sorry. The tables by the window are all occupied. 对不起,靠近窗户的桌子全都有人了。 7.Good morning, Aurora Café / O’S Café , this is ××speaking, how may I help you? 早上好,畅园咖啡厅/欧式咖啡 厅,我是××,能为您效劳吗? 8.We have received many bookings and I cannot guarantee a table by the window. 我们已接到许多预定,因而无法向您保证能有一个靠窗的桌子。 9.Y ou can be sure that we’ll try our best. 请相信我们会尽最大努力的。 10.Thank you for calling, sir. We look forward to your visit. 谢谢您的电话,我们盼望着您的光临。 Receiving a guest 引座 11.Have you got a reservation? 您预订座位了吗? 12.Just a moment. I’ll take a look at out reservation book. Y es, Mr. Dewey, a table for two, 8 o’clock. Would you come this way, please? 请稍候,我查一下我们的预定簿。对了,Dewey先生,二人桌,8点到。请这边走。 13.Oh, yes, Mr. Smith. We’ve been expecting you. Would you please come with me? 史密斯先生我们正等您呢,请跟我走。 14.Good morning, madam / sir, welcome to our restaurant. 早上好,女士/先生,欢迎光临我们餐厅。 15.Sorry, sir, all the tables are taken. Would you mind waiting until one is free? 对不起先生,没有空位了,等一会儿好吗? 16.The buffet is over there. Please help yourself. 自助餐在那边,请自己享用。 17.I haven’t got a reservation. Can I get a seat anyway? 没有预约,有位子吗? 18.How long is the wait? 要等多久才有位子?


西餐菜单中英文对照 西餐(Western Food) 头盘及沙拉类 1 腌熏三文鱼 Smoked Salmon 2 腌三文鱼 Marinated Salmon with Lemon and Capers 3 凯撒沙拉 Caesar Salad 4 鲜蘑鸡肝批 Chicken Liver Terrine with Morels 5 奶酪瓤蟹盖 Baked Stuffed Crab Shell 6 鲜果海鲜沙拉 Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruit 7 厨师沙拉 Chef's Salad 8 金枪鱼沙拉 Tuna Fish Salad 9 尼斯沙拉 Salad Nicoise 汤类

奶油蘑菇汤 Cream of Mushroom Soup 11 奶油胡萝卜汤 Cream of Carrot Soup 12 奶油芦笋汤 Cream of Asparagus Soup 13 番茄浓汤 Traditional Tomato Soup 14 海鲜周打汤 Seafood Chowder 15 法式洋葱汤 French Onion Soup 16 牛肉清汤 Beef Consomme 17 匈牙利浓汤 Hungarian Beef Goulash 18 香浓牛尾汤 Oxtail Soup 19 意大利蔬菜汤 Minestrone Soup 20 蔬菜干豆汤 Hearty Lentil Soup

牛油梨冻汤 Chilled Avocado Soup 22 西班牙番茄冻汤 Gazpacho 禽类 23 红酒鹅肝 Braised Goose Liver in Red Wine 24 奶酪火腿鸡排 Chicken Cordon Bleu 25 烧瓤春鸡卷 Grilled Stuffed Chicken Rolls 26 红酒烩鸡 Braised Chicken with Red Wine 27 烤鸡胸酿奶酪蘑菇馅 Baked Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushrooms and Cheese 28 炸培根鸡肉卷 Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls 29 水波鸡胸配意式香醋汁 Poached Chicken Breast with Balsamico Sauce 30 烤火鸡配红浆果少司 Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce 31 烤瓤火鸡


商务套餐甜品汤类前菜汉堡包三文治环球美食酒水单 A套 蔬菜色拉/Vegetable salad、意大利杂菜汤/Minestrone soup、炭烤牛菲利配蒜味土豆泥/Charcoal grilled beef tenderloin with garlic potato、西点/Dessert、夏日水果杯/Fresh fruit、咖啡或茶/Coffee or tea B套 咖喱花菜腰果色拉/Cauliflower & cashew nuts salad curry flavour、当日奶汤/Daily cream soup、香煎鱼排配甜椒沙司/Pan-fried fish fillet with capsicums sauce、西点/Dessert、水果盆/Fresh fruit、咖啡或茶/Coffee or tea C套 尼可斯金枪鱼沙律/Nicoise salad、匈牙利牛肉汤/Hungarian beef soup、意式猪排配炒饭/Pork piccata with fried rice、西点/Dessert、水果盆/Fresh fruit、咖啡或茶/Coffee or tea D套 厨师长特选沙律/Chef's salad、洋葱汤/Onion soup、台式烤鸡排配日式烧烤汁/Roasted chicken with teriyaki、西点/Dessert、水果盆/Fresh fruit、咖啡或茶/Coffee or tea 比萨 意大利火腿比萨 48元/份 夏威夷风情比萨 48元/份 风味烤肉比萨 42元/份 烤鸡比萨 48元/份 风味牛肉比萨 48元/份 海鲜至尊比萨 68元/份 素食比萨 32元/份 美味水果比萨


实用酒店英语交际用语汇总-餐馆篇 餐馆英语 1. 寻问餐厅 到国外游玩,品尝当地美食是行程重头戏之一,然而,身为异乡人,自然无法知道每家餐厅口碑如何。此时,不妨向饭店中的服务人员询问,说出自己的喜好及需求,请对方做最佳建议。 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅? Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 我想去一家价位合理的餐厅。 I want a restaurant with reasonable prices. 我想去一家不会吵杂的餐厅。 I'd like a quiet restaurant. 我想去一家气氛欢乐、活泼的餐厅。 I'd like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere. 是否可建议这一类的餐厅? Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 此地餐厅多集中在那一区? Where is the main area for restaurants? 这附近是否有中国餐厅? Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这附近是否有价位不贵的餐厅? Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 你知道现在那里还有餐厅是营业的吗? Do you know of any restaurants open now? 我想尝试一下当地食物。 I'd like to have some local food. 最近的义大利餐厅在那里? Where is the nearest Italian restaurant? 2. 餐厅预约 享受异国美食是出国旅游的乐趣之一,若已打听好何处有美味,不妨在出发前先打电话询问是否需订位,以免兴冲冲的出门,却碰上餐厅客满的情况。电话预约时,一定要详细告知餐厅预约时间、人数与名字,并且最好询问清楚是否需着正式服装,以免届时失礼。 我需要预约位子吗? Do I need a reservation? 我想要预约3个人的位子。 I'd like to reserve a table for three. 我们共有6个人。 We are a group of six. 我们大约在8点到达。 We'll come around eight o'clock. 我要如何才能到达餐厅? How can I get there? 我想要预约今晚7点2个人的位子。 I'd like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight. 我很抱歉。今晚的客人相当多。


西餐菜单中英文对照 菠菜汤 Spinach Soup 烩牛肉Beef Goulash 炒土豆 Fried Potato 酸辣汤Hot &Sour Soup 咖喱海鲜汤Seafood Curry Soup 香煎茄子P a n F r i e d E g g p l a n t 俄式烩牛肉S t r o n g a n o f f B e e f G o u l a s h 维也纳香肠Wienner Sauages 黑椒牛排B e e f S t e a k w i t h B l a c k P e p p e r S u u c e 墨西哥鸡肉饼Mexican Quesadillas 炸鸡腿D e e p F r i e d C h i c k e n w i n g s 酿焰猪排Stuffed Pork Chop 金枪鱼意大利面S p a g h e t t i w i t h T u n a 墨西哥牛肉丸子汤Mexican Beef Ball Soup 蔬菜炒饭F r i e d R i c e w i t h V e g e t a b l e 螺旋面Fussili Pasta 西兰花B r o c c o l i 香草西红柿汤Tomato Basil Soup 西红柿角Tomato wages 米兰式西兰花F r i e d B r o c c o l i 奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin Cream Soup 蓝芝士菠菜汤Spinach Soup with Blue Cheese

米兰式猪排Pork Milannaise 煎土豆Roasted Potato 蘑菇鸡排Pan Fried Chicken with Mushroom 香酪猪排P o r k C o r d o n b l e u 香酪鸡排Chicken Corden Bleu 洋葱圈Onion Rings 奶油烩猪柳P o r k R a g o u t 培根牛肉串Bacon and Beef Skewer 印尼炒饭Nasi Goreng 黑椒牛柳粒Sauted Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper 奶油烩鸡Chicken Ragoat 扬州炒饭F r i e d R i c e o f Y a n g z h o u S t y l e 红烧牛腩Beef Stew 地中海茄子汤M e d i t e r r a n e a n E g g p l a n t S o u p 蘑菇猪排P a n F r i e d P o r k S t e a k w i t h M u s h r o o m 香辣猪肉丝S a u t e d P o r k S l i c e o f S ic h u a n S t yl e 地中海青椒汤Mediterranean Bell Pepper Soup 奶油西兰花汤Broccoli Cream Soup 土豆泥Mashed Potato 蜜汁胡萝卜F r i e d C a r r o t 煎乳牛排J a g e r S c h n i t z e l 炸猪排Pork Schnitzel 肉面包Meat Loaf 扒蔬菜G r i l l e d V e g e t a b l e


西餐早餐菜单(总4页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

BREAKFAST MENU 送餐早餐菜单 6 :00 AM - 10:30 AM 早餐服务从早上6:00到10:30 AMERICAN BREAKFAST 美式早餐 Choice of chilled juice Orange juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, grapefruit juice, tomato juice or mango juice 自选果汁:橙汁,苹果汁,菠萝汁,西柚汁,蕃茄汁,芒果汁 Seasonal precut fresh fruit platter 时令水果 Choice of cereals Corn flakes, all bran, rice kriespies, honey nutos, corn frosties, raisin bran, alpen muesli,coco pops, served with your choice: milk, skim milk, hot milk or cold milk 玉米片,全麦维,卜卜米,甜甜圈,甜麦片,葡萄麦维,瑞士营养麦,可可米,配以您喜爱的 牛奶,脱脂牛奶,热牛奶或者是冷牛奶 Two eggs Your choice of: boiled, scrambled, poached, fried or omlette with your choice of ham, bacon or sausage 鸡蛋(两只) 自选做法:煮蛋,炒蛋,水波蛋,煎蛋,或蛋饼,配自选火腿,烟肉或香肠 Or Fresh pancake or waffles with honey or maple syrup, served with bacon or ham 或新鲜薄饼或华夫饼配蜂蜜,糖浆,配以烟肉或火腿 Baker’s basket Freshly baked croissant, danish, toast, whole wheat, breakfast rolls, served with butter or margarine, jam or honey 面包篮:新鲜羊角包,丹麦包,吐司,全麦早餐包配黄油或者是植物黄油,果酱或蜂蜜 Freshly brewed coffee or decaffeinated coffee, tea, hot chocolate or fresh milk 新鲜咖啡或低咖啡因咖啡,茶,热巧克力或鲜牛奶 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 欧陆式早餐 Choice of chilled juice Orange juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, grapefruit juice, tomato juice, mango juice


餐厅常用 English for Restaurant 餐厅用语 1.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 2.Enjoy your breakfast, sir. 请享用您的早餐,先生。 3.Here is the menu. 给您菜谱。 4.What do you prefer, tea or coffee? 您喜欢什么,茶还是咖啡? 5.Have a nice evening! 祝您晚上愉快! 6.Welcome to our Western Restaurant. 欢迎来我们西餐厅。 7.We’re glad to have you here. 我们很高兴您来这儿。 8.I’m always at your service, sir (madam) 随时为您效劳,先生(小姐)9.I’m sorry to trouble you. 对不起,打扰您了。 10.I’m sorry to have taken so much of your time. 对不起,占用您太多时间了。11.Follow me please. 请跟我来。 12.Please go straight ahead. 请一直往前走。 13.Please turn right/ left. 请向右转/ 左转。 14.I’m sorry, I’m afraid we don’t have … 对不起,我们没有。。。(客人点的 东西) 15.Please take your time, there’s no hurry. 请慢慢来,别着急。 16.Thank you for telling us, madam/ sir, I’ll inform my manager about it. Please accept our apology. 谢谢您告诉我们,小姐/ 先生。 我会向经理报告这件事,请接受 我们的道歉。 17.I will be with you in a moment. 我一会儿就来。 18.Thank you for calling. 多谢您的来电。 Words 1.recommend 推荐 2.steak 牛排 3.Would you mind…? 你介意。。。 吗? Reserving a table 1.What time do you open? / When does the restaurant close? 你们什么时候开门营业?/ 你们 餐厅什么时候停止营业? 2.I’d like to confirm your reservation. 我想确认一下您的预订。 3.We look forward to serving you. 我们期待着为您服务。 4.Sorry, the line is busy. Would you like to call back later? 对不起,电话占线。你等会再打 来好吗? 5.Could you please hold the line? 请稍等一下好吗? 6.Good morning. This is Guizhou Hotel. Can I help you? 早上好,这里是贵州饭店。我能 帮您什么吗? 7.Could you repeat it, please? 请您再说一遍好吗? 8.I want to reserve a room for two hundred people to hold a dinner party. 我想预订一间能容纳两百人的宴 会厅举行晚宴。 9.I’m sorry we are booked out for this evening. 抱歉,今晚订满了。 10.When are the restaurant hours? 餐厅营业时间从几点到几点? 11.I prefer a table by the window. My wife loves the night view of Guiyang. 我想要一个靠近窗户的桌子。我 夫人喜欢看贵阳的夜景。 12.I’m sorry. The tables by the window are all occupied. 对不起,靠近窗户的桌子全都有 人了。 13.Is there any private dining room left? 请问现在还有包间吗? 14.We have received many bookings and I cannot guarantee a table by the window. 我们已接到许多预订,因而无法 向您保证能有一个靠窗的桌子。 15.Have you booked a table? 您有预订吗? 16.Have you got a table for two, please? 请问您有两个人的桌子吗? Words 1.Reserve 预订v 2.Reservation 预订n. 3.Book 预订 4.repeat 重复 5.hold 容纳 6.occupy 占满 7.serve 服务 8.guarantee 保证 9.hold the line 别挂(电话) 10.by the window 靠窗 11.try on e’s best 尽力 12.private dining room 包间 Receiving a guest 1.Have you got a reservation? 您预订座位了吗? 2.Just a moment. I’ll take a look at our reservation book. 请稍后,我查一下我们的预订簿。 3.Yes, Mr. Smith, a table for two, 8 o’clock. Would you come this way, please? 对了,史密斯先生,两人桌,8 点到。请这边走。


套餐菜单 1.经济套餐:头盘:鱼子酱;汤:牛尾汤;副菜: 红烩鱼片;主菜:冷烤羔羊腿;配菜:什锦蔬菜; 甜品:布盯煎饼;咖啡:蓝山咖啡¥RMB123 2.情侣套餐:头盘:熏鲑鱼、鸡尾杯;汤:奶油蕃 茄汤,牛肉蔬菜汤;副菜:酿馅鱼,鸡蛋托鲱鱼; 主菜:冷烤牛肉、冷肉拼香肠;配菜:酿青椒、 酸黄瓜;甜品:布盯煎饼、冰淇淋;咖啡:蓝山 咖啡2份;¥RMB234 3.家庭套餐:头盘:鱼子酱、鹅肝酱、熏鲑鱼、鸡尾 杯、奶油鸡酥盒、局蜗牛;,汤:鸡块大米汤、 鸡球蔬菜汤、鸡腿蔬菜汤;副菜:鱼肉冻、熏鲤 鱼、鸡蛋鲱鱼泥子;主菜:冷烤里脊、冷烤猪肉、牛肝泥、冷茶肠;配菜:花椰菜、煮菠菜、炸土 豆条,水果沙拉、生疏沙拉;甜品:布盯煎饼、 冰淇淋、奶酪;咖啡、茶:蓝山、狸猫、cubita、 红茶,绿茶注:每人选择一种;¥RMB345

头盘:鱼子酱¥RMB36 鹅肝酱、¥RMB36 熏鲑鱼、¥RMB38 鸡尾杯、¥RMB33 奶油鸡酥盒、¥RMB35 局蜗牛¥RMB34 草莓沙拉¥RMB37 苹果沙拉¥RMB34 鸡蛋沙拉¥RMB34 鱼片沙拉¥RMB34 虾仁沙拉¥RMB34 大虾沙拉¥RMB65 蟹肉沙拉¥RMB34 素沙拉¥RMB38 蔬菜沙拉¥RMB37 鲜蔬菜沙拉¥RMB34 黄瓜沙拉¥RMB43 鲜黄瓜沙拉¥RMB42 奶油黄瓜沙拉¥RMB45

西红柿黄瓜沙拉¥RMB45 西红柿沙拉¥RMB46甜菜沙拉¥RMB45

主菜: 水晶鸡¥RMB64 鸡肉泥¥RMB64 鸡肝泥¥RMB64鸭肝泥¥RMB64酿馅鸡蛋¥RMB64奶酪酿馅鸡蛋¥RMB64酿馅鸡¥RMB64冷烤油鸡蔬菜¥RMB64冷烤火鸡¥RMB64冷烤山鸡¥RMB65冷烤野鸡¥RMB150冷杂拌肉¥RMB65冷什锦肉¥RMB45冷火腿蔬菜¥RMB65什锦肉冻¥RMB65肝泥¥RMB45


中国菜单英文翻译大全 豆腐脑Soybean curd 奶油 cream 赤砂糖! Brown sugar Red sugar 芥蓝!Cabbage mustard kale

紫背天葵 Begonia fimbristipula Hance! 鱼腥草 Houttuynia cordata H. cordata 黄豆芽 Yellow bean sprouts 番薯叶 Sweet potato leaves 牛皮菜! Swiss chard 葡萄叶

Grape leaves 薰衣草 lavender 慈菇 arrowhead 茶树菇!Agrocybe chaxingu Tea tree mushroom 白灵菇 Lark mushroom 香杏片口蘑! Sweet almond slices of dried mushroom

猴头菇 Hericium erinaceus hericium 鹿角菜,! Carrageenan Pelvetia silquosa 羊栖菜! Sargassum fusiforme 鸡骨草! Chicken bone grass 牛蒡叶! Burdock leaves

cactus fruit 白豆 White beans 干葫芦条! Article dried gourds 玉兰片! Soaked bamboo slices 巴戟天! Morinda officinalis Medicinal indianmulberry root 紫苏子

五加皮! Cortex periplocae 柏子仁 Platycladi seed 芦荟花 Aloe flower 骨碎补 Rhizoma drynariae 夜交藤 Caulis Polygoni Multiflori ! Tuber fleeceflower stem


酒店英语口语学习手册之西餐厅日常用语Dialogue Ⅱ: G: Waiter! 服务员! W: Yes, sir, is there anything else you would like to have? 先生,您还要点什么吗? G: No, thank you. Where can I pay my bill? 不用了,谢谢, 哪里可以付帐? W: You may pay at your table, sir. Here is your bill. Would you like to check it? 在这里就可以,先生,这是您的帐单。 G: Yes. Well, it’s 75 yuan. Does it include the service charge? 75元,包括服务费了吗? W: Yes, it does. Let me break it down for you. The steak is 38 yuan, the green bean is 10yuan and the beer is 20 yuan, which comes to 68 yuan, plus 10% service charge. So the total is 75yuan.是的,我来给您算算看,牛排38元,青豆10元,啤酒20元,一共68元,再加上10%的服务费,总共75元。 G: That’s all right. 好的。 W: Are you staying in our hotel ? 您是我们酒店的住客吗? G: Yes, I’m Jerry Wang in room 789. 是的,我叫Jerry Wang,住789号房。 W: Ok, Mr. Wang, please sign your name here, we’ll put it onto your bills. Is that OK? 好的,王先生,请在这里签名,我们把它挂在房帐上。 G: That’s fine . Thank you. 好的,谢谢。 W: Thank you for coming. Please come again, good-bye. 谢谢光临,希望再次光临,再见。 G: Good-bye . 再见。 Daily English Exchanging Conventional Greetings寒暄 Let me introduce myself: I’m Judy, a waitress in the restaurant. 我介绍一下自己吧,我叫JUDY,是本餐厅的服务员。 Or: May I introduce myself? This is my colleague, Jack Wang. 这是我的同事JACK。 I’ve often heard about you. 我经常听人说起你。 Your name just doesn’t come to me. 我就是想不起你的名字来。


【西餐中英文菜单】 Salad ,soup, steack, Pan-fried Meat, Roast food,Fried Pork Chop, Macaroni with Seafood ,pizza\ Sandwich ,hambager\hotdog cake \pie ,bread , Ice Cream, puding \ Tart\ Milk Shake 头盘及沙拉类 1腌熏三文鱼 Smoked Salmon 2腌三文鱼 Marinated Salmon with Lemon and Capers 3凯撒沙拉 Caesar Salad 4鲜蘑鸡肝批 Chicken Liver Terrine with Morels 5奶酪瓤蟹盖 Baked Stuffed Crab Shell 6鲜果海鲜沙拉 Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruit 7厨师沙拉 Chef's Salad 8金枪鱼沙拉 Tuna Fish Salad 9尼斯沙拉 Salad Nicoise 汤类 10奶油蘑菇汤 Cream of Mushroom Soup 11奶油胡萝卜汤 Cream of Carrot Soup 12奶油芦笋汤 Cream of Asparagus Soup 13番茄浓汤 Traditional Tomato Soup 14海鲜周打汤 Seafood Chowder 15法式洋葱汤 French Onion Soup 16牛肉清汤 Beef Consomme 17匈牙利浓汤 Hungarian Beef Goulash

18香浓牛尾汤 Oxtail Soup 19意大利蔬菜汤 Minestrone Soup 20蔬菜干豆汤 Hearty Lentil Soup 21牛油梨冻汤 Chilled Avocado Soup 22西班牙番茄冻汤 Gazpacho 禽类 23红酒鹅肝 Braised Goose Liver in Red Wine 24奶酪火腿鸡排 Chicken Cordon Bleu 25烧瓤春鸡卷 Grilled Stuffed Chicken Rolls 26红酒烩鸡 Braised Chicken with Red Wine 27烤鸡胸酿奶酪蘑菇馅 Baked Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushrooms and Cheese 28炸培根鸡肉卷 Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls 29水波鸡胸配意式香醋汁 Poached Chicken Breast with Balsamico Sauce 30烤火鸡配红浆果少司 Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce 31烤瓤火鸡 Roast Stuffed Turkey 32烧烤鸡腿 Barbecued Chicken Leg 33烤柠檬鸡腿配炸薯条 Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries 34 扒鸡胸 Char-Grilled Chicken Breast 35咖喱鸡 Chicken Curry 36秘制鸭胸配黑菌炒土豆 Pan-fried Duck Breast with Sautéed Potatoes and Truffles 牛肉类 37红烩牛肉


各种菜谱的英文翻译 to with beef in sour soup 石锅无骨48元bonless meat in stone pot 生煎黄鱼鲞大68元中58元pan fried dried yellow fish 虫草花木耳煮丝瓜38元boiled loofah with agaric and aweto 金玉满堂38元Treasures fill the home 陈麻婆鱼豆腐38元amapo fish tofu 法式煎鹅肝配黑椒汁88元/位french style fried goose liver with black pepper sauce 鹅肝炒时蔬68元/fried goose liver with seasonal vegetables 鲽鱼排骨豆腐煲68元spareribs and Flatfish with tofu pot 皮虾白菜粉32元Cabbage vermicelli with shrimp 鲍鱼烧肉38元/位braised meat with abalone 鲍菇炒爽肉38元fried Boletus of the steppes with meat 双辉百饺银鳕鱼38元codfish with double-kind dessert dumpling 腊味银丝娃娃菜28元preserved meat with yellow bean Sprouts and baby cabbage 参须烧鹿筋88元braised deer tendon with Gensing 木瓜百合炒虾球88元fried shrimp ball with Papaya and lily 酸菜牡蛎鲅鱼丸48元Oyster with Mackerel ball with mustard cabbage 椒丝腐乳浸牛展58元soaked beef shank with pepper and preserved bean curd 滋补羊排88元nourish lamb steak 茶树菇金钱肚丝58元southers popiar mushroom with golden coin tripe slices 炸烹虾段68元fried shrimp sections 金丝吊三果58元gold thread with three nuts 翠衣虾球配烧麦26元位shrimp ball with shaomai and vegetables 焗卤牛排配香草粉88元spiced beef steak with Vanilla powder 津门四喜碗68jinmen four happiness bowl 椒香卤烧羊排88 pepper flavour braised lamb steak 秘制剁椒大鱼头48半只special large fish head with chopped pepper 海王蒸土鸡蛋32 steamed home run chicken egg with seafood king 干锅针笋36 Griddle cooked needle bamboo 石锅黑椒牛仔骨78位fried beef ribs with black pepper in stone pot 油盖茄子68例oily eggplant 鱼香茄骨煲38元fish flavour eggplant with bone pot 碧绿时蔬浸海龙38元soaked Sea Dragon with green seasonal vegetables 咸柠檬炖牛尾18元stewed beef tail with salt lemon 三鸡炖水律蛇28元stewed Rat snake with three chicken 凉瓜鱼唇羹38元/位fish snout with bitter gourd soup 准杞炖乳鸽28元stewed Chinese wolfberry with spring pigeon


酒店英语口语学习手册之西餐厅日常用语[3]_酒店常用英 语口语 酒店英语口语学习手册之西餐厅日常用 语[3]_酒店常用英语口语 酒店英语口语学习手册之西餐厅日常用语[3]_酒店常用英语口语 打搅一下,先生,现在可以点餐了吗, G: Yes, I am. But there re so many things on the menu that look fine. Could you recommend me something special? 是的。但菜单令我眼花缭乱,你能推荐点有特色的吗, W: Yes, sir. We have Pizza . It s our chef s recommendation. It s delicious and worth a try. 好的,先生。我们有披萨饼,它是我们大厨的拿手菜,非常可 口,值得一尝。 G: Ok, I ll take it. Dialogue? W:May I take your order, sir? G: Yes, please. I d like a steak。好的,我要来一份牛排。 W: I m very sorry, It s sold out now .Would you like to try our Roast beef?(May I suggest )It s also very [标 签:tupian]delicious/tasty/good. 对不起,脆皮鸡售完了,要不要试一试我们的烧牛肉,味道很 好的 G: All right. I ll take that.

要记住的句型: 1 is very popular here. It s very tasty. Would you like to try it? 是我们餐厅最受欢迎的菜式之一,味道非常好,您要不要试试, 2 Would you like to try our delicious dessert? It has many variety of tastes. 您要不要试试我们的美味点心,它还有多种口味。 3 (Today) we have 今天,我们有。。。 Today s special is 今天的特色菜有。。。 4.Why not try some? 为什么不尝尝呢, 5 There isn t/aren t any left. 。。。售完了。 6. 记住对话中的黑体句型 7. 在客人询问特色菜或其点的菜式没有时,可适时向客人推荐。注意灵活使用。 常用词汇: fruit knife 水果刀 chopstick 筷子 fork 叉子 china spoon 瓷勺 soup ladle 汤勺 toothpick 牙签 soup spoon 汤匙 napkin 餐巾 coffee spoon 咖啡勺 ashtray 烟灰缸 tea spoon 茶勺 menu-holder 菜单架 plate, dish 碟子 teapot 茶壶 saucer 茶碟 table cloth 桌布 chilly sauce dish 辣椒碟 finger bowl 洗手指碗 beer mug 啤酒杯 platter 大浅盘
