



[大题名称]: 在每小题所给出的四个文学术语中选出正确的选项,使句子成立。



1. _______ It occurs when the beginning consonants of two or more words are the same.

A. assonance

B. alliteration

C. sonnet

D. blank verse







2. _______ two rhymed iambic pentameter lines.

A.heroic couplet

B. character

C. protagonist

D. dramatic monologue







3. _______ fixed arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line.

A. rhyme

B. rhythm

C. meter

D. alliteration







4. _______ indication of events to come.

A. theme

B. allusion

C. denouement

D. foreshadowing







5. _______ an indirect reference to any person, place or thing—fictitious, historical or actual.

A. alliteration

B. allusion

C. assonance

D. character







6. _______ artistic arrangement of the events of a story.

A. plot

B. character

C. climax








7. _______ the division of an act.


B. foreshadowing

C. scene

D. narrator







8. _______ the use of concrete images to express what the poet feels or thinks of or experiences.

A. plot

B. imagery

C. exposition

D. complication







9. _______ words, often put in parentheses, to tell the movement, etc. of an actor’s role.


B. act

C. character stage directions

D. imagery







10. _______ a character that has one or only a few character traits and that remains basically the same through the story.

A. round character

B. flat character

C. character

D. protagonist







11. _______ Two words have this when their ending vowels and consonants are the same or similar.

A. myth

B. meter

C. rhythm

D. rhyme







12. _______ the pleasurable anxiety we feel that heightens our attention to the story in wondering how it will all turn out.


B. climax

C. plot

D. scene







13. _______ certain metric pattern and the number of this pattern in a line.

A. plot

B. rhyme

C. rhythm

D. meter







14. _______ the main idea the writer means to convey to the reader through a literary work.

A. setting

B. climax

C. theme

D. quatrain







15. _______ unrhymed iambic pentameter.

A. rhyme

B. blank verse

C. rhyme

D. meter







16. _______ a poem written as a speech made by a character (other than the author/ poet).

A. suspense

B. free verse

C. dramatic monologue

D. theme







17. _______ the major division of a play.

A. villanelle

B. act

C. scene

D. plot







18. _______ words appearing within acts or scenes, standing alone in the manuscript, dealing with the physical action or a combination of physical action and lighting or sound effects.

A. dramatic monologue

B. opening stage directions

C. general stage directions

D. character stage directions







19. _______ the time and place of a story.

A. setting

B. climax

C. quatrain

D. scene







20. _______ a character that has many different character traits.

A. setting

B. character

C. flat character

D. round character












1. Young Goodman Brown and his wife went to the forest together.

[答案]: 错误






2. The old traveler Young Goodman Brown met in the forest was his grandfather. [答案]: 错误






3. Young Goodman Brown saw many of the townspeople in the forest.

[答案]: 正确






4. What had happened in the forest was actually a dream of Young Goodman Brown’s.

[答案]: 错误






5. The narrator wanted to kill the old man be cause one of the old man’s eyes made him uneasy.

[答案]: 正确






6.The narrator was jealous of the old man’s property.

[答案]: 错误






7. The narrator hid the old man’s body under the floor.

[答案]: 正确






8. The police discovered the murder because the narrator was too nervous.

[答案]: 错误






9. The names of the two killers were Al and Max.

[答案]: 正确






10.When Ole Andreson came into the restaurant, the killers were waiting for him. [答案]: 错误






11. Ole Andreson lived in Hirsch’s Rooming House.

[答案]: 正确






12. Nick met Mrs. Hirsch at the place where Andreson lived.

[答案]: 错误






13. Walter Mitty was driving a hydroplane at the beginning of the story.

[答案]: 错误






14. Mitty used to be a first-rate doctor.

[答案]: 错误






15. Mitty’s wife asked him to buy puppy biscuits.

[答案]: 正确











1. Why is Willy Loman’s tragedy doomed?

[答案]:Willy Loman’s tragedy is doomed for the following four reasons.

1) he clings too closely to illusion. Willy’s brother Ben’s quick success has caused him to believe that he himself can become successful in the same way. Therefore, he frequently falls into the illusion of meeting and talking with his brother who has become a symbol of his illusion.

2) the conditions for the realization of the American Dream are no longer available to people. When the European immigrants first arrived on the new continent, they were more or less equal, so that everybody had a chance to become successful. However, as time went by, social distinction also occurred. A rigid social strata had formed, so that there was little chance for the lower class people to climb up the social ladder. To make the matter worse, there were more and more people, and together with the increase of population was the increasing competition, which Willy complains of in the play. Moreover, the American Dream itself has also deteriorated. When the American people first put forward the concept of American Dream, it was mainly a spiritual pursuit. However, with the passing of the time, it had become largely a material dream. To put it simply, if a person can make money, he is successful; if he cannot, then he is a loser. A poor man like Willy has little chance to become successful. His tragedy is doomed.

3) he has wrong philosophy of life: he does not believe in solid work, but instead believes that if a person is well liked by people, he will succeed. Willy is influenced by the wrong philosophy of life which put emphasis on appearance and attractiveness in character rather than solid work. It’s this wrong life philosophy that has caused him to fall behind his good friend Charley. Even worse, Willy has passed on this wrong life philosophy to his sons so that his sons cannot succeed either.

4) he does not judge himself, his family and the society properly. As many places in the play point out or indicate, the Lomans are peopl e of nature. It’s more suitable for them to live and work in nature. However, Willy insists that he and his sons

belong to the city, and this error in judgment has ca used his and his sons’ tragedy. Willy has judged the society wrongly, too. The society has changed, but he insists on doing business in the old way. That’s why he fails.






2. What functions do stage directions perform in Death of a Salesman?

[答案]: 1) Create the setting and set the scene. The opening stage directions of Act I tells the reader what the stage is like. According to them, the reader gets to know that in the middle of the stage is the Salesman’s house, surrounded on all sides by tall buildings. The house consists of a kitchen, a living room behind the kitchen, Willy and Linda's bedroom to the right of the kitchen and the boys' bedroom on top of the living room. Apart from the scene, the opening stage directions also imply the setting of the story. The story takes in New York city, probably in the time of Depression, when many people went out of job. Also the growth of such big cities like New York was built upon the cost of many traditional values that had been cherished by the American people like Willy Loman. Willy Loman often recalls his good old days in New England when and where he did his selling business dependent on friendship. However, now the time has changed. So has the way people do business. And Willy Loman cannot adjust himself to this change, so he cannot find his place at this time in this place. The description of the position of the Loma ns’ house at the very beginning of the play well illustrates the situation Willy Loman is in. Their house is surrounded on all sides by angular-shaped towering buildings, looking very fragile. It is like its owner, Willy Loman, being suffocated by the overwhelming force of the city.

2) Tell the movements of characters. This is the basic function of stage directions, telling the actors and actress whenand how to move on the stage.

3) Create characters. The stage directions also reveal the feelings and personality of the characters. For example, in the opening stage directions, the reader gets to know that Willy has gone past 60 years old, and he is tired man. Then in the character stage directions in Scene 1, from such words "casual irritation" and "a little numb", we can infer that this man has met with some problems. We also learn that he is fond of recalling the past when he easily "loses himself in reminiscences". From the opening stage directions, we are told that Linda loves her husband very much, actually "she more than loves him, she admires him". Then the character stage directions tell us that she is a very devoted wife, patient with her husband and taking good care of her husband. Unlike her husband, she is a woman who holds onto reality. When Willy falls into past memories, she tries to "bring him out of it." From the general stage directions between Scene 1 and Scene 2, we can learn about the two sons. Biff is "well-built", possessing personal attrativeness, but he is lost. We can infer that in the past he used to be "self-assured". Happy is "powerfully made", and cares about his sexual appeal. When he talks to his brother, he combs his hair and tries on

his new hat, paying great attention to his appearance. But like his brother, he is also lost.

4) Reveal the relationship among the characters. The stage directions reveal the relationships between Willy and Linda, between Willy and Biff and between Biff and Happy. Linda is a devoted wife, taking Willy's shoes off for him and always trying to be helpful. Willy, however, is rather careless with his wife. Also he feels guilty towards his wife, implying that there may be some problem in their relationship. Willy and Biff both have mixed feels toward each other. Willy is rather disappointed with Biff, but at the same time loves him and thinks highly of him. Biff seems to hate his father, but the "pain" that "crosses" his face indicates his complex feelings. From the character stage directions in Scene 2, we can infer that the two brothers love each other. When they talk, they show great "affection" for each other.

5) Create the structure. The play is divided into two acts, but not further into scenes, but the general stage directions can divide the acts further into scenes. This arrangement is good in two ways. With the help of the general stage directions, the structure of the play is made clear, for the convenience of our study. At the same time, when the acts are not formally divided into scenes, the reality scenes and illusion scenes become merged into each other, creating the effect that Willy lives in a mixture of reality and illusion, unable to tell one from the other.





