




Nowadays,there is a species dying out on the earth everyday,because of human's over hunting.If we still leave is alone,we will live by overselves on this planet some day.Just like panda,our national treasure, are endangering.

Therefore,we must protect them from distinction at once .first of all,laws must be made to punsh hunting wildlife without mercy.However,people should know the importantof wild animals for them and never long for their furs or meat.Besides,the environment must be paid more attention so that wild species can have a comfortable living condition.

Above all,to protect wildlife is to protect ourselves






Children, you grabbed the small tadpoles right, you must know that tadpole grew up to become small frog, the frog can eat insects, so the frog is our human's good friends. We should protect it, not hurt it. But some hotels are also sold the frog meat? Once, dad and his friends took me to dinner. A waiter said: "you see, this is we store the launch of new specials, stir flogs ball". "Chicken is what ah?" I curiously ask, "chicken is the frog." The waiter said, with a smile. I was very angry, because they hurt our good friends-frog! Another thing, he makes a big inspiration. One day, when I finish school, saw a man at the school gate at little chicks must sell, and I will have mercy on them. Because the little chicks must first came to this world, away from the mother, away from the mother love and mother warm embrace, and this is what they faced starved to death, the risk of freezing to death. At that time I thought: we humans are so happy! When you see here, did you see to protect our human friends-animals!



The animal is the friend of our human beings. We live in the same earth. Animals and human beings can’t be separated from each other. But some animals are getting less and less. So it’s necessary for us to protect animals, especially wild animals. Some people kill wild animal because of money. It’s illegal. Beside, because of the development of society, human needs more space to live in, so we explore the forest. Animals have less space to live in. The number of wild animals decreases year by year. It’s

high time to take actions to protect wild animals.



篇一:道歉信英文模板及翻译 dear_____, i am writing this letter to express my apology that ______________. i feel terribly sorry about this. once again, i am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. i will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. yours sincerely _________ 亲爱的_____,(对方姓名) 我写这封信以表达我的道歉 ______________(道歉原因)。 对此我深感抱歉。 我再次对给您造成的任何不便深感歉意,希望您能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。 谨启 _________(自己姓名)篇二:英语作文道歉信常用句式和套话 道歉信常用句式和套话 道歉信中开头段常用句式和套话 i am writing this letter to express my regret… i am writing to apologize for… i would like to give you my apology for… i must apologize about (not) doing sth… please accept my sincere apology for… i am writing to say sorry for… 道歉信中结尾段常用句式和套话 once again, i am sorry for any inconvenience caused. please allow me to say sorry again. i sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies. i want to let you know how regretful i am feeling now.篇三:英文致歉信_范文 道歉信 letter of apology 我们在工作或生活中,有时难免会犯一些错误,写封致歉信就显得很有必要。道歉信通常包括以下内容:表示歉意;道歉的原由;出现差错的原因;提出弥补措施;请求原谅。写道歉信的语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实,不要显出丝毫的虚情假意。好的道歉信不仅会取得对方的谅解,还会增进彼此的感情。 写作三步走: 表示歉意->说明具体原因、提出补救办法->再次致歉、希望得到理解 tips: 在写作过程中,尽可能提供比较合理的理由。如果违反生活常识将导致扣分。 在解释完原因后,尽量提供一个合适的补救办法,使行文更加完满。 订阅收藏《考研英语写作范文100篇》系列文章 (1)directions: you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. do not write the address. 范文: dear anne,


篇一:道歉信英文模板及翻译dear_____, i am writing this letter to express my apology that ______________. i feel terribly sorry about this. once again, i am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. i will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. yours sincerely _________ 亲爱的_____,(对方姓名) 我写这封信以表达我的道歉 ______________(道歉原因)。 对此我深感抱歉。 我再次对给您造成的任何不便深感歉意,希望您能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。 谨启 _________(自己姓名)篇二:英语作文道歉信常用句式和套话 道歉信常用句式和套话 道歉信中开头段常用句式和套话 i am writing this letter to express my regret… i am w riting to apologize for… i would like to give you my apology for… i must apologize about (not) doing sth… please accept my sincere apology for… i am writing to say sorry for… 道歉信中结尾段常用句式和套话 once again, i am sorry for any inconvenience caused. please allow me to say sorry again. i sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies. i want to let you know how regretful i am feeling now.篇三:英文致歉信_范文 道歉信 letter of apology 我们在工作或生活中,有时难免会犯一些错误,写封致歉信就显得很有必要。道歉信通常包括以 下内容:表示歉意;道歉的原由;出现差错的原因;提出弥补措施;请求原谅。写道歉信的语言 要诚挚,解释的理由要真实,不要显出丝毫的虚情假意。好的道歉信不仅会取得对方的谅解,还 会增进彼此的感情。 写作三步走: 表示歉意->说明具体原因、提出补救办法->再次致歉、希望得到理解 tips: 在写作过程中,尽可能提供比较合理的理由。如果违反生活常识将导致扣分。 在解释完原因后,尽量提供一个合适的补救办法,使行文更加完满。 订阅收藏《考研英语写作范文100篇》系列文章 (1)directions: you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead.


带翻译高一英语作文范文 In everybody’s eyes, I am a good girl, because I make the good marks in the exams and help my parents to do things. Unlike other students, who will go against their parents, I follow my parents’words. I don’t think that to do something goes against the adults is the wise choice, but I do want to do something new. Recently, I want to cut my hair and make the short style. My mother doesnt agree with me, because she thinks a girl should have the long hair. This time, I insist on my idea. Finally, she supports me. Trying something new makes me feel happy and be myself. The short hair makes me look like a cool boy and I like this style. My friends admire me to have the courage to change my image.在大家眼中,我就是一个好女孩,因为我考试成绩好,还帮助父母做事。不像其他学生,会和父母作对,我很听父母的话。我认为做一些违背大人们的事情是不明智的选择,但我想做一些创新。最近,我想把我的头发剪了,留短发。我妈妈不同意我的做法,因为她认为一个女孩就应该留长头发。这一次,我坚持我的想法。最后,她支持了我。尝试新事物让我感到预约,做我自己。短发使我看起来像一个很酷的男孩,但是我喜欢这种风格。我的朋友都羡慕我有勇气去改变自己的形象。 高一英语作文范文(二)


初一英语自我介绍带翻译40词 初一英语自我介绍带翻译40词篇1 My name is Lin and I'm from China. Right now, I'm a student. I study very hard every day. I like going to school because I'm eager to learn. I enjoy learning English. It's my favorite class. I like to make friends and I get along with everyone. This is the introduction I give whenever I meet new people. It tells people a little bit about me and about what I like to do. 我的名字是林,我来自中国。我现在是学生。我每天都很用功念书。我喜欢上学,因为我渴望学习。我喜欢学英文。那是我最喜欢的课程。我喜欢交朋友,而且我和每个人都处得很好。这就是我每次认识新的人时,所作的自我介绍。它可以告诉别人一点关于我的事,还有我喜欢做什么。 初一英语自我介绍带翻译40词篇2 Hello,I'm XX.I'm a girl.I'm 13 years old.I live in China.I can speak Chinese and a little Endlish.I like singing and dance.I can play ping pong.I like English.Because I think I can learn lots of from it.My favourite color is blue.I like to eat noodles best.My email is #.My telephone number is 3456789.We can be good friends. 你好,我是XX.我是个女生。我已经(13)岁了。我住在中国。我会说汉语和一点英语。我喜欢(唱歌和跳舞)。我会(打乒乓球)。我喜欢(英语)。因为我觉得(我可以从当中学到很多)我最喜欢的颜色是(蓝色)我喜欢吃(面条)。我的电子邮箱是XXX,我的电话是(3456789)。我们可以成为好朋友。 初一英语自我介绍带翻译40词篇3 Hello,everybody. 大家好 My name's( ). 我的名字叫( ) I'm in Class( )Grade seven of( )school. 我在( )学校7年级( )班级 I'm tall(short).. 我很高(矮) I like( )very much. 我非常喜欢( ) My hobby is( ) 我的兴趣是( )然后写一下原因. My favourite subject is( ) 我最喜欢的科目是( ) 然后写一下原因. and I think 发表一些自己对自己爱好的感想 My dream is( ). 我的理想是( ) I hope that every of you will love me. 希望大家能喜欢我。 初一英语自我介绍带翻译40词篇4 Hi, everybody, My name is Li Qing, 12 years old. I come from Dongfeng Dong Road Primary School, Yuexiu District. I was the only child, but I am a happy gir. I like sports, especially like playing badminton. And I studied very hard. I often have to A. This is me. I hope we can become friends. 嗨,大家好。我叫李清,今年12岁。我来自越秀区东风东路小学。我是独生子女。但我是一个快乐的女孩。我喜欢运动,特别是喜欢打羽毛球。而且我学习很努力。我经常得A。 这就是我。希望能和大家成为朋友。


道歉信 letter of apology 我们在工作或生活中,有时难免会犯一些错误,写封致歉信就显得很有必要。道歉信通常包括以下内容:表示歉意;道歉的原由;出现差错的原因;提出弥补措施;请求原谅。写道歉信的语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实,不要显出丝毫的虚情假意。好的道歉信不仅会取得对方的谅解,还会增进彼此的感情。 写作三步走: 表示歉意->说明具体原因、提出补救办法->再次致歉、希望得到理解 tips: 在写作过程中,尽可能提供比较合理的理由。如果违反生活常识将导致扣分。 在解释完原因后,尽量提供一个合适的补救办法,使行文更加完满。 订阅收藏《考研英语写作范文100篇》系列文章 (1)directions: you should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. do not write the address. 范文: dear anne, please allow me to say sorry again. regards, li ming 译文: 亲爱的安: 感谢你邀请我于明日晚上与你和你的家人共进午餐。可是,我非常遗憾地告诉你我无法赴约,因为我将忙于准备后天的一门重要考试。错过了这么一个欢乐的聚会我深感遗憾,我希望你们能度过一个愉快的时光。对了,在我考试后我们可以见一面么?如果可以的话请随时给我打电话,我非常期待能和你愉快地聊天。 请允许我再一次致歉。 您真诚的, 李明 闪光词汇及词组: occupy: v. 占用,占 get-together: n. 聚会,联欢会 hesitate: v. 犹豫,踌躇 drop sb. a line: 给某人打一个电话 preferable: adj. 更好的,更可取的 long for sth: 渴望 万能句型: thank you for your invitation to dinner at your home tomorrow evening. unfortunately, it is much to my regret that i cannot... i feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of... is it possible for you and me to have a private meeting afterwards? if so, please dont hesitate to drop me a call about your preferable date. please allow me to say sorry again. (2)directions:


高一英语作文范文带翻译的 写作就是通过语言表达自己的思想。英语作文里面包括的两个要素:语言和思想,缺一不可。下面是给大家整理的高一的英语作文范文,供大家参阅! 二胎The Second Child In the last century, government carried out the policy of Family Plan, which helped to slow the increasing number of population. Now the policy has changed. Every family can have one more child, which is the great news for many families, because Chinese traditional view believes that the more children, the better. According to the research, many young people refuse to have the second child, because they are under great pressure. Raising a kid needs a lot of money, and the money for better education is indispensable. What’s more, the parents need to buy a comfortable house, and all of these are great burden. If they raise the second child, which means that they need to work much harder. For living more comfortable, the young parents choose to raise one kid, so they can have more time and money to enjoy life.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除道歉信英语作文100字 篇一:道歉信英语作文带翻译 篇一:道歉信英文模板及翻译 dear_____, iamwritingthislettertoexpressmyapologythat_________ _____. ifeelterriblysorryaboutthis. onceagain,iamverysorryforanyinconveniencecaused.iwi llbereallyappreciatedifyoucanacceptmyapologiesandun derstandmysituation. yourssincerely _________ 亲爱的_____,(对方姓名) 我写这封信以表达我的道歉______________(道歉原因)。

对此我深感抱歉。 我再次对给您造成的任何不便深感歉意,希望您能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。谨启 _________(自己姓名)篇二:英语作文道歉信常用句式和套话 道歉信常用句式和套话 道歉信中开头段常用句式和套话 iamwritingthislettertoexpressmyregret… iamwritingtoapologizefor… iwouldliketogiveyoumyapologyfor… imustapologizeabout(not)doingsth… pleaseacceptmysincereapologyfor… iamwritingtosaysorryfor… 道歉信中结尾段常用句式和套话 onceagain,iamsorryforanyinconveniencecaused. pleaseallowmetosaysorryagain. isincerelyhopethatyouwillbeabletothinkinmypositiona ndacceptmyapologies.iwanttoletyouknowhowregretfulia mfeelingnow.篇三:英文致歉信_范文道歉信letterofapology 我们在工作或生活中,有时难免会犯一些错误,写封致


提供专业的word版文档,优质的服务,希望对您有帮助/双击去除 英文道歉信及翻译2篇 英文道歉信及翻译1 DearAnne, Thankyouforyourinvitationtodinneratyourhometomorrow evening.unfortunately,itismuchtomyregretthatIcannot joinyouandyourfamily,becauseIwillbefullyoccupiedthe nforanimportantexamcomingthedayaftertomorrow.Ifeelt erriblysorryformissingthechanceofsuchahappy

get-together,andIhopethatallofyouenjoyagoodtime.Isi tpossibleforyouandmetohaveaprivatemeetingafterward? Ifso,pleasedon'thesitatetodropmealineaboutyourprefe rabledate.Idolongforapleasantchatwithyou. pleaseallowmetosaysorryagain. regards, Liming 【译文】 亲爱的安: 感谢你邀请我于明日晚上与你和你的家人共进午餐。可

是,我非常遗憾地告诉你我无法赴约,因为我将忙于准备后天的一门重要考试。错过了这么一个欢乐的聚会我深感遗憾,我希望你们能度过一个愉快的时光。对了,在我考试后我们可以见一面么?如果可以的话请随时给我打电话,我非常期 待能和你愉快地聊天。 请允许我再一次致歉。 您真诚的,李明 英文道歉信及翻译2 Dearjohn, Iameagerlylookingforwardtoyourvisittoourcity.Aftera lltheseyearsofwritingtoeachother,Icannotwaittoseeyo


高一英语作文带翻译5篇 平时要多看一些优秀的作文,才能提高写作水平哦。今天给大家带来高一英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 高一英语作文带翻译:Thanksgiving Day Do you know thanksgiving day? do you know why human thank god? Thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, a different date every year. the president must proclaim that date as the official celebration. Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all give thanks together for the good things that they have. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. on most tables throughout the united states,foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.


英语作文及翻译50词 篇一:英语作文背诵范文(带翻译) 一、Great changes in my hometown More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn’t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life . Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there are many tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean . People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People’s living conditions have improved a lot . Thanks to the government’s efforts . my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful . 一,在我的家乡发生了很大的变化 二十多年来,我的家乡只是个小,又老又穷镇。大多数人都是农民。有几个工厂。人们没有足够的食物吃,把旧衣服穿在身上。他们有一个艰苦的生活。 发生了巨大的变化,在过去的20年。人们已经发现很多的赚钱途径。现在有许多高大的建筑物。他们很漂亮。道路宽阔,又干净。


道歉信英语作文范文3篇 道歉是重要的人类语言现象,是人类文明的重要表征。 道歉信英语作文篇一:Dear Friends, Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience that I caused you by adding the extra visiting without your permission. I had no intention of intruding on your personal life. In China, arranging interesting leisure activities for visitors is a common way to show welcome. However, as your receptionist, I should have realized that you are inclined to regard your private time as an inviolable treasure and hate to be harassed by unplanned matters. Im really sorry that I didnt check with you before making such incomsiderate arrangement .All I can say is that it wont happen again. Sincerely, LiLi 道歉信英语作文篇二:Dear Ashley, Please accept my deepest apologies for my mistake in regard to leaking customer information to people from the other department.


高一英语作文带翻译80字 高一英语作文带翻译1 How time flies, unconsciously the next winter vacation will soon come. In order to improve myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday, I made the winter vacation plan. Firstly i want to continue with my study, i think study is a life process, so no matter what the situation I am in, i will look for chances to continue it. I have bought several new books ,including those books on my major(专业)and some novels ,I will try to finish reading them in the holiday and write notes. https://www.360docs.net/doc/d7482276.html, Secondly, since it is the holiday, I will share it with my family and friends .You know the spring festival will soon come, I believe I would chatting and play games with my friends and family .I think I will enjoy the vacation. 时间过得真快,不知不觉得下一个寒假就要到了,为了提高我自己同时快乐的度过假期,我制定了寒假计划。 首先,我会继续学习,我认为学习是一种终身的过程,所以不管我处在那种情况之下,我都会寻找机会学习。我已经买了一些新书,这些书有的跟我的专业有关,也包括一些小说。我将努力读完他们并写下读书笔记。 其次,既然是放假,我将和我的家人朋友一起度过,你知道春节就要来临了,届时我会和我的家人朋友一起聊天啊,玩游戏啊等等,我相信我定会度过一个快乐的假期。 高一英语作文带翻译2 Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of being famous. Some people dream of going abroad and so on. I have a dream,too。 When I was in school my teacher asked me what I want to be in the future


apologize letter __ business english_ by lqy dear sir or madam, i’m writing this letter to apologize to you. i’m so sorry that we made a mistake about the shipment of vacuum cleaners. those vacuum cleaners we sent to you were meant to be sent to european countries, but as the old worker was retired, the new one wasn’t so experienced. besides, the model number and the price of goods in march and july are so similar that the worker mistaken them. i do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and i will try my best to avoid the same accident happening again.篇二:职场商务必备写作模板:英语致歉信 怎么写? via安格英语 职场商务必备写作模板:英语致歉信怎么写? 在日常工作中难免会犯一些差错,学会正确的补救方法很重要。首先,我们要做的就是 致歉。你会写英语致歉信吗?在致歉信中道歉更重要还是提出解决方案更重要?如何在致歉 信中表达出自己的歉意让对方欣然接受呢?在本篇文章中,安格英语老师将以两则工作中常 见的错误为例,教大家如何写好英语致歉信。 模拟场景一:因发票有误致歉(apologies for an incorrect invoice) dear mr. hunnicutt, we shall send you the correct invoice as soon as possible and make sure that such a mistake will not occur again. please accept my apologies for any inconvenience we have caused. your sincerely, peter gibson accounts manager **new words: invoice n.发票 breakdown n.故障 discount n.折扣 在以上的英语道歉信中首先作者针对出现的问题道歉,并解释了错误产生的原因。随后 另起一段提供解决建议,最后礼貌结尾。安格英语老师提示,在写道歉信时,解决问题的目的应该高于道歉本身。因此,在道歉信中给出解决方案是每一位上班族都要学会的一点。 下面,让我们再来看一则关于国际贸易中因货物质量不符的致歉信: dear mr. black, we acknowledge that there are indeed some discrepancies between the shipping instructions and the actual shipment. therefore, there will be a shortage in your may shipment. we are very sorry for causing you so much trouble in your monthly reports. efforts are now being made to establish procedures that will alleviate this situation. your cooperation and patience in these respects would be greatly appreciated. sincerely yours, oliver lee assistant manager **new words: acknowledge v.承认,告知已收到


最新英语道歉信范文带翻译3篇 英语道歉信范文带翻译篇一: Dear David: I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. When your letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when I took it up. Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep regret. I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when I see you next. 亲爱的大卫:

我怕你会觉得我不可原谅过失没有回答你的来信7日12月早,但是当我告诉你原因,我相信你会相信忽视是可以原谅的。你的信到的时候,我只是在香港。 作为我的家庭不能转告我我不在的时候,它一直在,因此,躺在我的桌子上,直到那一刻,我欣然接受。现在我要赶紧做的第一件事就是给你写信这些几行表达我深深的遗憾。 我喜欢许多愉快的景象在我的旅行。我将很高兴给你一个账户,当我看到你下一个。 英语道歉信范文带翻译篇二: Dear Kate: Excuse me for my long delaying in returning to you your "Robinson Crusoe" which I read through with great interest. I had finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me. Never having seen the book, She was so interested in it that I had to retain it longer.

my,school高中英语作文带翻译-my school英语作文

my,school高中英语作文带翻译:my school英语作文 校园生活是丰富多彩的。是美好的,怎么把它用英语作文写出来呢?下面是小编给大家整理的my school高中英语作文带翻译,供你参考! my school高中英语作文带翻译篇1 I am going to shool from Monday to Friday,and every day in school I am very busy. In the morning,I have four lessons,and in the afternoon I have three lessons. Of course I take two hours to go home for lunch.And we begin classes at 2:30,the school is over at 4:55.After school,sometimes I'll stay in the classroom.

But sometimes I play games with my friends when I go home after school.I think my school life is busy but happy. 我要去学校从星期一到星期五,我每天在学校很忙。 早上,我有四节课,在下午我有三个教训。 当然,我需要两个小时回家吃午饭。我们在两点半开始上课,学校在4:55。放学后,有时我会呆在教室里。 但有时我和我的朋友玩游戏当我放学后回家。我认为我的学校生活很忙,但是很开心。 my school高中英语作文带翻译篇2 My school life can be rich! And friends in the school study together play together eat together cleaning. Every day have a happy fulfilling. I was lucky enough to get along with classmate in a big family.


高一英语作文范文80词带翻译 下面为大家搜集整理的高一英语作文,仅供阅读!China's New Year 中国春节Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have a ll your wishes . People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .春节是中国最重要的节日,是为了庆祝农历新年的晚上,在春节之前,家庭聚在一起吃一顿丰盛的饭。 在许多地方,人们喜欢放鞭炮饺子是最传统的食物.孩子非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们可以有好吃的食物,穿新衣服。 他们也能得到一些钱来自父母。 这钱是给孩子们,以求好运。 人们把新年卷轴在长城上停留了好运。 春节将持续大约15天拜访亲朋好友超前用这句话:“你祝愿。 人们喜欢春节,在这段时间里他们可以好好休息一下了。
