



名称Names 内容Contents

使用者Who uses it?

1. 课本



2. 活动手册

(activity book)听说读写的练习教师、学生共用

3. 教师用书




4. 单词卡

(word card)单词图教师用

5. 音标卡

(phonetic symbol card

phonetic symbol table)1、学生学习用的音标卡





6. 投影片

(film for reflector) 课文及部分练习教师用

7. 录音带(Tape)


8. 教学光盘

(CD-rom) 教学材料及练习教师、学生共用

9. 课文教学光盘

(VCD) 课文表演



共七个单元(module),每模块有三个小单元(unit)。每个模块各部分别是:第一单元(The first unit of the module)

课文(Dialogue / Text)教学的主要材料

歌曲和小诗(Sing Along / Rhyme)选用材料

重点句型操练和知识扩展(Work with English)教学主要材料

兴趣活动(Fun With English) 教学选用材料

第二单元(The second unit of the module)

课文;(对话Dialogue 或课文Text)教学的主要材料

语音小结(Sound Families)教学重要材料

重点句型操练和知识扩展(Work with English)教学主要材料

兴趣活动(Fun With English) 教学选用材料

第三单元(The third unit of the module)

故事材料(Story Time) 训练材料

任务(Project) 训练材料

文化介绍(Did You Know) 文化知识介绍材料

扩充词汇学习的材料(Additional Words) 教学选用材料

自我评价(Self-Assessment) 教学材料


学习策略(Tips) 教学材料


Topic Phonetics Drills Daily Expressions

in Communications

Module 1


Unit 1

Xiaoling’s New A partment

Unit 2

A Lovely


Unit 3

Let’s Go

Further 元音字母在非重读音节的读音1) Now my house is a lot closer to / near to the school.

2) This bed is more comfortable than the old one.

3) He was a beautiful, healthy baby with blonde hair and big eyes.

4) She was nice to look at, but she was sometimes in trouble.

5) When did he become a


6) I was a tennis player when I was young.

7) I was thin before. But I need to go on diet now. 1) Oh no!

2) Sorry.

3) Gosh!

Module 2


Unit 4

Tree Planting


Unit 5

Saving the

Broken Tree

Unit 6

Let’s Go

Further 单词的重读与非重读1) We put the young trees into the holes.

2) We filled the hole with earth.

3) We carried water for the new trees.

4) Mr Chen helped us water the trees.

5) All of us hope the trees will grow well.

6) He was sad when he someone cut the tree.

7) He is / feels sad/angry/

happy / surprised Let’s try to save it.

Module 3



Unit 7

Dr Sun


Unit 8

Robin Hood

Unit 9

Let’s Go

Further 升调与降调1) Why was he so important?

2) Who was the father of modern China?

3) What did he do?

He took from the rich and

gave to the poor.

4) He was against the emperor. 1) When was he


He was born in


2) When did he


He died on May 1st, 1980.

Module 4

Stories and


Unit 10

Waiting for

Another Hare

Unit 11

The Lion and

The Mouse

Unit 12

Let’s Go

Further 升调与降调1) Can I keep the book a little


2) Who borrowed the fable?

3) When did you borrow the


4) Where did he borrow the


5) How did she get to the


6) How long did he keep the

book? 1) You must com

e and renew it.

Yes, you must.

2) Must we borrow

book with an ID card?

No, you needn’t.

3) Can I write on

the book?

No, you mustn’t.

Module 5

Hopes and


Unit 13

The Beijing



Unit 14

Hopes and

Fantasies of

the Children 连读与失去爆破1) I want to be a runner.

2) I hope I can win the games.

3) I wish I could fly in the sky

like the Monkey King. 1) Here I come!

2) Well, …

3) Wow!

4) Me too!

Module 6
















本学期20周,按实际上课时间约18周(含复习时间)64课时安排课时, 平均约两周完成一个“模块”(Model)。



Module 1

Unit 1


1. 英语“一词多义”:

以前教材出现过,如:water (水;浇水); colour (颜色;上颜色) ; about (关于;大约);


clean (清洁;弄清洁) …

show (展示;展览)

change (改变;找头;零钱)

so (如此;因此)

2. near adv. 靠近对比:near to –close to

prep. near


3. fung fu 功夫

do kung fu; do Taiji


4. bold 大胆的;冒失的

Unit 2


1. You were lovely to look at. 你看起来很可爱。


That is not easy to understand.

It is ugly to look at.

2. be in trouble 处于困难中;遇到麻烦

3. gosh 哎呀(表示惊愕或喜悦的叫声);gosh 是god的婉转语。

4. fit adj. 健康的;适当的(fit 还用作动词和名次有其他意思,但本教材没出现其他意思。) P8

5. footballer 注意构词:football + er

player play + er 运动员;选手

6. good-looking 好看的


7. diet (进行减肥或为某种治病为目的)饮食

go on 进行

go on a diet 实行饮食疗法;进行节食


8. Sound Families: 元音字母在非重读音节的读音。


9. Tips: 你可以请求长者的帮助。


11. Ex 1 的答案时frog.

10. pond 池塘

12. duckling 小鸭

丹麦著名的作家安徒生(Andersen)写的一个童话叫The Ugly Duckling (丑小鸭)

Unit 3


1. careless 不小心

2. hundreds of 数以百计的;同样:thousands of 数以千计的

3. per 每;per hour 每小时


4. tower 塔

skyscraper 摩天大楼

castle 城堡

mosque 清真寺

church 教堂

Module 2

Unit 4


1. start for (出发去……) 对比leave for (离开去……)

2. help sb (to) do sth 可省去to。

在很多情况下,动词后的另一个动词用不定式。如本教材的want to do sth ; like to do sth; go to work; try to do; come to play…

3. finish the work

finish doing sth

4. 注意下面的结构:





all of us




5. shoot n. (草、木等)发芽


6. weed 杂草


7. more and more 越来越多

Unit 5


1. crash vi 撞上; 碰撞

crash into /against

2. earth (u)n. 泥土

n. 地球The earth / Earth is round.


3. 重读音节


wel-come / ap-ple / bet-ter / hap-pen

a-gainst / be-gin / me-mor-ial / pa-per


4. 表示情感态度的单词:

教材列举:sad, angry, happy, surprised

此外教材还有:worried, bored, glad, excited, cool, patient, kind, honest, friendly, patient Unit 6


1. bean 豆(蚕豆、大豆等)

2. beanstalk 豆茎

3. so …that 如此……以至……

Some are so small that we cannot see them with our eyes. 一些时那么的小,以至我们用肉眼看不见它们。

4. species (生物)种类

5. 对比breathe呼吸v.

breath 呼吸n.

6. oxygen 氧气


7. woods 树林

8. branch 树枝

9. root 根

10. trunk 树干

Module 3

Unit 7


1. Dr Sun Yatsen 孙逸仙博士

2. 对比:history –historical

3. free adj. 自由的;空闲得Are you free tomorrow?

v. 使……自由He tried to free the people.

n. 自由He did it all for free.


4. finally,at last 都表示“最后、终于”,finally 表示排列的顺序,不带感情色彩;at last 常指经过一翻曲折之后的最后。

5. change n. 找头;零钱

n. & v. 改变


6. soul 灵魂、精神

Unit 8


1. Robin Hood 罗宾汉


2. 1 century = 100 years

3. the poor 穷人;贫穷的人们(poor people)

the rich 有钱人; (rich people)



4. intonation 语调

5. be held (被)举行

The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008.

The Olympic Games was held in Sydney in 2000.

6. finding 发现(可数名词)

7. 年分的读法:

1871 eighteen seventy-one

1921 nineteen twenty-one

1990 nineteen ninety

2004 two thousand four

2008 two thousand ten

8. Thomas Edison 托马斯爱迪生

Marie Curie 玛丽亚居里

Charlie Chaplin 查理卓别林

Unit 9、


1. Mozart 莫扎特

2. composer 作曲家

compose v. 作曲

3. Salzburg 萨尔茨堡

4. Austria 奥地利

5. perform 表演

6. pay (过去式paid)支付


7. Leonardo Da Vinci 伦纳多达芬奇

(教材中的油画: 蒙娜丽莎)

8. Claude Monet 克劳德莫奈


9. Picasso 毕加索


10. William Shakespeare 威廉莎士比亚)

11. Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱莉叶

12. Nelson Mandela 尼尔逊曼德拉


politician 政治家

architect 建筑师

coach 教练

dancer 舞蹈家

Module 4

Unit 10


1. fable 寓言

2. 注意对比:lend 借(给人);borrow 借(入)

3. renew 更新;续借


4. One day a farmer was working in the field.

这句话用了: 过去进行时。过去进行时动词的构成是:was/were +动词ing形式,表示在过去某一时刻正在发生的事情。过去进行时的句子常出现在故事的开头,表示在什么情况下发生、开始的故事。(该时态只要求理解,不要求能运用)

5. hare 野兔

rabbit 家兔

6. from then on 从那时起

from now on 从今天开始

from that time on 从那一刻起

7. wait for 等候……

Don’t wait for me. 不要等我。


8. 注意两个句子的回答:

Must we borrow books with an ID card?

No, you needn’t.

Can I write on the book?

No, you mustn’t.

(mustn’t 不允许;needn’t不必)

9. ID = identification/identity 身份证

Unit 11


1. Tips:

Listen to the main idea. 听主要的意思。(抓住中心的意思。)

2. That’s very good of you. 你真好!


It’s very kind/nice of you!

3. look for 寻找

find 找到

4. get out of…走(弄)出……

Unit 12


1. Once there lived a lion in the forest. (倒装句)从前在深林里住着一只狮子。

2. quarrel 争吵

3. one by one 一个接一个


4. The Little Match Girl 买火柴的小女孩

Little Riding Hood 小红帽

The Farmer and the Snake 农夫和蛇

Mr Dongguo and the Wolf 东郭先生和狼

Cao Chong Weighed the Elephant 曹冲称象

The Hare and the Tortoise 兔子与乌龟(龟兔赛跑)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 白雪公主和七个小矮人

Alibaba and the Forty Thieves 阿里巴巴与四十大盗

5. novel 小说

magazine 杂志

Module 5

Unit 13


1. fantasy 幻想;空想

2. Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛西方国家称为:Everest


3. Here I come! 我来了!


4. out of sight (在) 看不见(的地方)

5. spread my wing 展开我的翅膀

Unit 14


2. I hope I can do s.th. (可实现的事). eg. I hope I can run faster.

I wish I could do s.th. (不太可能实现的事). eg. I wish I could fly.


1. link 连接

Ex.1 练习连读;Ex.2 练练习字母读音在单词中失去爆破。

2. 构词法: 动词+er

Unit 15


1. rocket 火箭

2. planet 行星

(比较:fixed star 恒星)

3. Mercury 水星

Venus 金星

Earth 地球

Mars 火星

Jupiter 木星

Saturn 土星

Uranus 天皇星

Neptune 海王星

Pluto 冥王星

4. helicopter 直升飞机

parachute 降落伞

princess 公主

hot air balloon 热气球

motorboat 摩托艇

prince 王子

Module 6


1. communist 共产主义者


2. pan 平底锅


Module 3 Unit 7

P30 Ex. 3

Pablo Picasso 帕布罗毕加索




E. A G

P 31 Ex. 5

George Frederich Handel 乔治弗雷德里克亨德尔P32 Ex.6

Jiao Yulu 焦裕禄

P36 Ex.5

Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊曼德拉

P37 Ex6

Newton 牛顿

Module 3 Unit 9

Jack London 杰克伦敦

P 41 Ex. 5

Thomas Edison 托马斯爱迪生

Module 5 Unit 14

P60 Ex.5

Yuri Gagarin 尤里加加林

Neil Armstrong 尼尔阿姆斯特朗


[小学]广州版小学英语六年级上教材 广州版小学英语六年级上课本 unit 01 Module 1 Plans Unit 1 - What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday? Vocabulary plan 计划 pearl 珍珠 the Pearl River 珠江 cruise 漫游;游弋 instead 代替 have been to 到过 temple 庙 the Six Banyan Temple 六榕寺 have fun 玩得开心 dim sum 点心 lot 许多 a lot of 许多...... clothes 衣服 yummy 味道好的;好吃的 Dialogue Mr Webb: Well, it's your school holiday soon. What are we going to do? Janet: Shall we go on the Pearl River Cruise? Ben: A cruise? Boring! Let's go to Xiangjiang Zoo instead! I'm going to see white tigers. Janet: Oh no. We have been to the zoos in Guangzhou many times. We're going to the Six Banyan Temple. We're going to take photos, and all of us are going to have fun there. Ben: It's boring too.


三年级上册单词 Unit 1 hello你好 Mr先生 hi嗨 I我 am是 I'm=I am我是 this这 is是 my 我的 brother兄弟 name名字 and和 miss小姐 class班级 your你的 what什么teacher老师 nice好的 meet遇见 you你 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 too也Unit 2 good好的 children孩子们(复数) morning早上 how怎样 are是 you你How are you? 你好。 fine好的 thank谢谢 Are you? 你呢? OK好的afternoon下午 thanks多谢 Mrs夫人 evening傍晚 Unit 4 wash洗 your你的 hand手 brush刷 hair头发 all全部 right对 dad爸爸face脸 clean清洁 ear耳朵 Mrs夫人 mum妈妈 teeth牙齿 but但是 eye眼睛 head头发 and和 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 draw画画 Unit 5 touch摸 toe脚趾 raise举起 arm手臂 right右 leg腿 left左 ouch哎呀 that那 my 我的 body身体 foot脚 Unit 7 where哪里 pencil铅笔 it它 on上面 desk书桌 no不 not 不是 in里面 bed 床 table桌子 here这里 pen钢笔 chair椅子 box盒子 ruler尺子 bag书包the这 Unit 8 pack包扎 open打开 book书 oh啊 please请 lend借给 me我are是thank谢谢 dear亲爱的 yes对 Unit 10 look看 what什么 sun太阳 there在那儿 I我 know知道 do做 English英语 a一个 rainbow彩虹 picture图画 of的colour颜色 red红色 blue


小学英语各年级知识点归纳 (2017年最新广州版) 知识点概要: 三年级 四年级 五年级 六年级 以下为详细内容 ▼ 三年级 上册:单词、词组168个 下册:单词、词组166 语法:不定代词(this、that、these、those)的用法 have/has,there be 的用法 四年级 上册:单词216个、词组80个 语法:1)数字词2)冠词3)介词4)名词所有格

5)be动词6)名词复数形式7)反义词 下册:单词179个词组130个 语法:1)名词单数变复数的规则 2)不可数名词(没有复数形式,也不能在不可数名词前直接用a/an来表示数量)3)量词4)短语或单词后面要用动词ing形式5)现在进行时 6)动词ing形式(即现在分词)构成规律 五年级 上册:单词199个词组200个 语法:1)第三人称单数为主语的一般现在时的运用 2)一般将来时(be going to, will)的运用 3)序数词的使用4)情态动词can, must的连用; 5)介词与时间连用6)时间倒读法的运用. 7)主要话题 A. 年, 季节, 月, 日, 时刻; B. 日常生活活动; C. 能力与可能; D. 植物; E. 动物园动物; F. 去旅游以及去旅游的方法;

G. 方位; H. 问路与应答; I. 规劝与应答 下册:151个词组125个 语法:1)掌握主语为第三人称单数一般现在时的、各种句型 2)学习和掌握should和shouldn’t的用法 3)人称代词和物主代词的用语及正确使用 4)形容词、副词的比较级的用法及构成 5)I prefer…句型及待客用语的问答 6)名词改为形容词的构词方法,如sun— sunny 7)本册书有关于疾病、野生动物、食物等的名词及短语;有关于描述天气特征、人物状态、物体等的形容词还有动词和副词等。(打电话、看病、询问、量度、用餐、天气)及相关的句型。 六年级 上册:单词107个词组118个 下册:单词140个词组130个 语法:1)一般过去时2)形容词的用法:形容词的比较级变化3)much +比较级 4)When 引导的时间状语从句----用when连接前后两个完整的句子 5)There be句型6)宾语从句7)时间状语从句8)年代的读法 9)选择疑问句10)反意疑问句11)连词(and,but,so)的用法



三年级上册 字母和书写规范: 1.能认读、分辨和正确书写26个大小写的英文字母; 2.知道每个字母在英文字母表中的位置顺序; 3.知道Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu是元音字母; 4.知道单词是由字母组成的; 5.掌握句子书写的基本规范(句首字母大写;单词间有一个字母的间隔;英语中的句号是实心圆点;人名首字母大写;单词I无论在句中什么位置都要大写) M1 ●Hello/ Hi. ●Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. ●How are you? Fine. ●Goodbye/ Bye! ●Good night. M2 ●What’s your name? My name is … / I’m … ●This is … M3 ●Touch / Clean / Wash / your hands. ●Don’t touch … ●Let’s play a game. M4 ●What’s this / that? ●He’s / She’s / This/That lady/man is … ●Who’s he /she /the young man? He/ She’s … ●Is he/she / the young man your brother? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. ●He / She / Your father is young. M5 ●Is it a …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. ●It’s Jiamin’s dog. ●The dog is Jiamin’s. ●I have a … M6 ●Do you have a …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. ●May I use your …?


Module 1 People 一、基本目标 Unit1 *Who’s that (man/ lady)? Which one? Who are those two persons? They’re my parents. The one with a yellow hat. (有*号的是以前学习过的句型,以后同。) Unit 2 What is he/ she like? She is lovely but shy. *He/She has (long hair / big eyes/…). *He/ She is (tall / thin/…). 二、重难点分析 1、下面是以前学过含有本模块总结的读音规则的词: c: nice, face, mice, science . ck: back, duck, black, sock, clock, jacket, chicken, blackboard as(s): class, glasses au/aw: draw air: hair, chair 2、本课的“in”在句子里有“穿着、戴着”的意思,,表示衣着方面的特征; ”with”则有“有、带有”的意思,翻译时比较灵活。 例句:The girl in a pink dress in my cousin. 穿着粉红色连衣裙的女孩是我的表 姐妹。 The man with glasses is my new English teacher. 戴着眼镜的男人是我 的英语老师。 3.Which的用法跟what相似,看下面的例句: Which is your pencil? Which clothes do you like best? 4.表示学科的单词我们学过有:Chinese, maths, English, music, art, PE, science。 5.对比下面代词的主格和宾格和所有格: 主格I you he she it we they 宾格me you him her it us them 所有格my your his her its our their 注意主格与宾格用法的不同,宾格一般用与动词后面或介词后面,如: Show me your books, please. This book is for him. 6. 注意art, English, old, eye, ear等词前用an表示一个、只、条、..., 而不用a, 例如:an art teacher, an English teacher, an old man,an eye, an ear


三年级上册 字母和书写规: 1.能认读、分辨和正确书写26个大小写的英文字母; 2.知道每个字母在英文字母表中的位置顺序; 3.知道Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu是元音字母; 4.知道单词是由字母组成的; 5.掌握句子书写的基本规(句首字母大写;单词间有一个字母的间隔;英语中的句号是实心圆点;人名首字母大写;单词I无论在句中什么位置都要大写) M1 ●Hello/ Hi. ●Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. ●How are you? Fine. ●Goodbye/ Bye! ●Good night. M2 ●What’s your name? My name is … / I’m … ●This is … M3

●Touch / Clean / Wash / your hands. ●Don’t touch … ●Let’s play a game. M4 ●What’s this / that? ●He’s / She’s / This/That lady/man is … ●Who’s he /she /the young man? He/ She’s … ●Is he/she / the young man your brother? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. ●He / She / Your father is young. M5 ●Is it a …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. ●It’s Jiamin’s dog. ●The dog is Jiamin’s. ●I have a … M6 ●Do you have a …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. ●May I use your …? ●Put … in/ on / under …


1.小学英语知识点总结 一、字母及音标 知识重点是单元音和双元音的区分,难点是清辅音和浊辅音的区分。 二、词汇 掌握一定量的词汇,对词汇训练题及阅读理解、写作都是非常重要的。小升初对词汇的考察几乎贯穿到了所有题目。 三、词法 词法部分主要在词法运用上来体现,多以选择题、用所给单词的恰当形式填空的形式出现。 (一)名词的数和格 1.名词的数:名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词变复数 不可数名词量的表示:a+表示这些东西的单位+不可数名词,如a cup of tea。

如果为了表示“多个”的概念,我们就将表示这些东西的单位变成复数即可。如3 cups of tea。 姓氏的复数形式前面加表示“······一家”。如,the Whites. 2.名词所有格 表示人或物品所属关系时,我们就需要使用名词所有格。它的构成有以下规则: (二)动词 表示动作和状态的词叫做动词。通常词的学习与时态结合起来学习,它分为:一般现在时“三单”人称V. + s/es; 一般过去时V. + ed; 现在进行时V. + ing 。(三)形容词、副词 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则:通常词尾+er / est。 比较级和最高级不规则变化的形容词和副词:many/much-more-most; good/well-better-best; bad/badly-worse-worst; little-less-least 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法:比较级用于二者的比较,表示“更······”

之意。而最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较。表示“最······”。两者比较时句中有than。形容词最高级前一定要有the,而副词最高级前则不需要。 (四)代词:人称代词和物主代词 1.人称代词的宾格 2.名词性物主代词 3.不定代词 some、any、one、ones:some表示“一些”,可以接可数复数名词。any用在疑问句或否定句中。One代表单数可数名词,ones代表复数可数名词。 (五)数词 数词包括基数词和序数词。它们的用法:时间的表达、年、月、日的表达、数学符号的表达。 (六)冠词 冠词分为定冠词、零冠词和不定冠词。 1.不定冠词:a用在以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词。an用在以元音音素开头的单数可数名词前。 2.定冠词the的用法:特指某一个具体的人或事物;指说话的两个人都心照不宣的同一个人或事物;指上下文中提到的人或物;用在序数词、形容词最高级以及


2.新版小学英语 <1~6年级> 3.新起点小学英语<1~6年级> 4.灵通英语(4本)<3~6年级> 剑桥小学英语 join in(5本):外语教学与研究出版社 牛津英语<1~6年级>两版本1.(全国版) 2.(上海本地版)上海教育出版社 牛津小学英语<1~6年级>:译林出版社 小学新标准英语<1~6年级> 、<3~6年级> :外研社 北师大版小学英语<1~6年级> 、<3~6年级> 冀教版(河北教育)小学英语<1~2、3~6年级> 广东版开心学英语<3~6年级>:广东人民出版社 新世纪小学英语(6本):外研社 新世纪小学英语:上海外语教育出版社 深港版小学<1~6年级> :外研社&广东教育出版社 湖北: 武汉:《剑桥小学英语》新洲,青山,2001武汉市委 钟家村小学:灵通英语<1~2年级> 外校:朗文的Welcome To English 宜昌、荆州(湖北一带)、安徽安庆、广东部分市区、浙江富阳、广州、温岭、嘉兴、杭州、四川广元剑阁、河南省少年先锋学校、宁夏、新疆喀什:PEP 广东:广州用的是广州本地版的英语课本(分1-3年级,3-6年级)。 深圳用的是深港版英语课本。 珠海和中山用的是开心英语

广州:牛津广州版 佛山禅城区:广州版 广州:1、2年纪北师大版,3~6开心英语 上海:牛津英语,有些牛津有些新世纪(上外) 南京:苏教版小学英语牛津 河北、济南:人教版 内蒙古乌海市:(科学普及出版社)新课程版 山西太原(现在有三套):外研社新标准、人教社 PEP、江苏出版社小学牛津英语 重庆:冀教版转人教版 保定:冀教版 福建南平浦城小学英语:北京市仁爱教育研究所编著,经全国中小学教材审定委员会2003年初审通过的仁爱版英语 河南郑州:一年级新起点三年级PEP 浙江临海:一年级新标准英语。三年级牛津、新标准英语、PEP 沈阳:牛津英语 长沙大同小学:外研社小学英语教材 鞍山小学英语教材:铁东用的是《新标准》,铁西是《快乐英语》,立山好象是《新课标》


2016年广州版小学英语三年级下册课文 Unit 1 I like red A: Janet, let’s go to play, OK? B:Oh, good idea. I have a kite. A:A kite? What colour is it? B:It’s red. A:Great! I like red. Let's go. Unit 2 Let’s colour it A: Look at t his picture. B: Oh, it’s a funny face. I have crayons. ['kre??n] Let’s colour it. A: OK. Let’s colour the nose red. B: OK. And let’s colour the hat green. A: That’s good. Unit 3 Where is my car? A: Let’s pl ay a game. Where is my car?

B: Is it in the box? A: No, it isn’t B: Is it under the chair? A: No, it isn’t. B: Is it on the table? A: Yes, it is. Unit 4 Is it in your bag? A: Mum, where is my English book? B: Is it in front of the TV. A: No, it isn’t B: Is it behind your bed? A: No, it isn’t. B: Is it in your schoolbag? A: Oh,yes. Unit 5 Happy birthday! A: How old are you? B: Guess. A:One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine.


广州小学英语六年级下册MODULE 1 CHANGESUNIT 1 Xiaoling's New Apartment [00:09.20]▲VOCABULARY show v.出示;给……看 [00:13.95] change n.& v.改变 dark adj.暗的;黑暗的 [00:18.70] far away from远离……close to靠近…… [00:25.16] pillow n.枕头grandma n.奶奶;外婆 [00:30.01]comfortable adj.舒适的;舒服的 [00:33.15]try v.试kung fu n.功夫;武术 [00:38.40]▲Dialogue1 Look and listen.Then read and actin groups. [00:47.36]Xiaoling is sittingon a chair in herliving room in hernew apartment. [00:53.92]She is showingphotos of her oldhouse to herfriends. [01:00.26]Xiaoling:Welcome tomy new apartment! [01:04.73]Let me show you thechanges between myold bedroom and thenew one. [01:11.97]This was my bedroomin my old house. [01:17.43]Mike:It was smaller thanyour new room. [01:21.97]Y our bedroom hereis much bigger. [01:26.91]Sally:Y our new room ismuch brighter,too. [01:32.06]The window in yourold house wasn'tlarge, [01:37.41]but the windows hereare much larger. [01:42.87]Xiaoling:Yes.And there wasonly one window inmy old bedroom, [01:49.92]so it was darker.Y ongxian:I can see ourschool from here. [01:56.58]Y ou are nearer tothe school now,aren't you? [02:02.23]Xiaoling:Yes,my old housewas far away fromour school. [02:08.78]Now it's lot closerto the school. [02:13.83]Jiamin:Y our bed hereis prettier thanthe one in your oldbedroom,isn't it? [02:19.96]Xiaoling:Yes.The bedand the pillows arepresents from mygrandma and grandpa [02:27.12]for my new bedroom. [02:30.78]Jiamin:Oh,this bed ismore comfortablethan mine! [02:36.73]Mike:Let me try,too!Y ongxian:Here I come! [02:42.17]Jiamin:Now,catchthe pillow,Mike! [02:46.01]Y ongxian:And catch this! [02:49.17]Mike:Watch my kung fu!Xiaoling:Oh,no!My pillows! [02:56.72]Xiaoling:My bedroom was niceand clean before,but now it's messy. [03:04.06]Sally:Oh,Xiaoling.Look atyou,Jiamin,Y ongxian and Mike. [03:10.41]She was happybefore but now sheisn't. [03:15.84]Mike,Y ongxian &Jiamin:Sorry.We… [03:19.99]▲Xiaoling:Welcome tomy new apartment! [03:28.35]Let me show you thechanges between myold bedroom and thenew one. [03:42.30]This was my bedroomin my old house. [03:51.47]Mike:It was smaller thanyour new room. [03:59.62]Y our bedroom hereis much bigger. [04:07.88]Sally:Y our new room ismuch brighter,too. [04:16.84]The window in yourold house wasn'tlarge,


Unit 1 Slow and steady wins the race慢而稳,事必成 Janet: Jiamin, are you OK? 珍妮特:嘉明,你还好吗? Jiamin: I tried to carry all the books. I didn't want to go back to the classroom again. 嘉明:我想搬走所有的书。我不想再返回一次教室了。 Xiaoling: why are you in such a hurry? You are like that silly hare. 小玲:你为什么这么急?我看起来像那只笨野兔。 Jiamin: Hare? What do you mean? 嘉明:野兔?你什么意思? Xiaoling: You know...the old story about the tortoise and the hare. 小玲:你知道的。。。龟兔的景点故事。 Janet: Yes. One day a tortoise and a hare had a race. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was too proud and careless. The slow but careful tortoise won the race. 珍妮特:是的。有一天一只乌龟好一只野兔比赛赛跑。野兔和确信他会赢得比赛,所以他休息了一会儿。他太骄傲粗心了。缓慢但是认真的乌龟最终赢得了比赛。 Jiamin:Ahh. I understand now. If I want to do something well, I should be careful and patient. 嘉明:啊,我现在知道了。如果我想把事情做好,我就要认真耐心。 Janet: That's right. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. 珍妮特:是的。记住。慢而稳,事必成。 Unit 2 Waiting for another hare守株待兔 One day, a farmer was working in the field. Suddenly a hare ran very fast and crashed into a tree. It fell to the ground and died. The farmer was happy. He picked up the hare and took it back home. He cooked it and had a delicious meal. 有一天,一位农夫正在田间劳作。突然一只野兔快速跑了过来,撞在了树上。它掉落在地上死掉了。农夫很开心。他捡起野兔把它带回了家。 “Working in the field every day is hard work. But picking up a hare is so easy.”he said to himself. From then on, the farmer stopped working. All day long, he sat in the field and waited for 1 a hare to appear. All his vegetables died. All his animals ran away. But another hare never came, so the farmer had nothing to eat. “每天在田间劳作太辛苦了。但是捡野兔如此容易。”他自赞自语道。从此以后,这位农夫不在工作。一整天他都坐在田间等待着野兔的出现。他所以的蔬菜都死掉了。所有的动物逃跑了。但是另一只野兔从未出现过,所有这位农夫没有任何东西可以吃。 Don't be like the farmer. Don't wait for another hare. Go for it ! 不要像农夫那样守株待兔。自己去抓它! Unit 3 What animal is it ?它是什么动物? Jiamin: Let's play a game. Can you guess this animal's name? It has two strong back legs and can jump very far. 嘉明:让我们玩个游戏吧!你们能猜出这个动物的名字吗?它有两条粗壮的后肢,并且可以跳的很远。 Janet: Hmm...that's difficult. A frog?


三年级英语第一学期教学设计 (林慧王继霞陈丽君) Module 1 Greetings 第一课时 一、教学内容 Unit 1 Dialogue: Hello 二、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1.能“两会”掌下列内容: ?单词:hello, Mr., hi, I, am, I’m=I am, this, is my, brother, name, name’s= name is, and, miss, class, your, what, what’s=what is, teacher, nice, meet, you, too ?短语:Nice to meet you. ?句型:What’s your name? I am … / My name is … (二)语言技能目标 1.在情景中能理解对话内容。 2.能听懂,会说本课的新单词并能把它们运用在自己的对话中。 3.能看图猜测对话,并能阅读、大声朗读对话,鼓励学生表演甚至自编对话。 (三)学习策略目标 1.本课对话从已有知识入手,以旧带新,在聊天交谈中,合理引出新内容并充分操练所学内容,在真实情景过程中操练。例如师生对话Hello, I’m Miss Li. What’s your name? \ My name is…. \ Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.逐渐转入到学生之间运用上述的句子的对话。然后利用教学课件回到课文的学习中去,让学生在有了很好的一个知识铺垫下能很好地理解课文,从而减低初次学习英语课文对话的难度。 2.组织学生积极参与小组合作学习中去,共同完成学习任务。 (四)文化意识目标 1.了解英语国家的姓名习俗和中国做法的区别。 2.了解英语国家的称谓习俗,例如Miss White, Mr Chen等等。 3.了解英语国家的问候方式。 4.了解英语国家自我介绍和介绍他人的方式以及交际用的礼貌用语。 三、教学重点


2016年广州版小学英语三年级下册课文Unit 1I like red A: Janet, let’sgotoplay, OK? B:Oh,goodidea. Ihaveakite. A:Akite?Whatcolourisit? B:It’s red. A:Great! I like red. Let“s go. Unit2Let’scolourit A: Lookat t hispicture. B: Oh, it’safunnyface. Ihavecrayons.[“kre??n] Let’scolourit. A: OK. Let’scolourthenosered. B: OK. Andlet’scolourthehatgreen. A: That’sgood. Unit 3Whereismycar? A: Let’splayagame.Where is mycar? B: Is it in the box? A: No, it isn’t B: Is it under the chair? A: No, it isn’t.

B: Is it on the table? A: Yes, it is. Unit 4 Isitin your bag? A: Mum, where is my English book? B: Is it in front of the TV. A: No, it isn’t B: Is it behind your bed? A: No, it isn’t. B: Is it in your schoolbag? A: Oh,yes. Unit 5Happybirthday! A: How old are you? B: Guess. A:One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine. You’re nine! B: Yes, I am. A: Happybirthday! B: Thankyou A: Thisisforyou. B: Littlecars! Fourlittlecars!Thankyou. Unit 6 May I have your telephone number?


广州市九年义务教育六年制小学试验教材《英语口语》第一册 《Unit 2 I Have A New Bag》——Story Time教学设计方案 执教:东风东路小学李晓清 (一)教学内容分析 ●本节课是广州市小学一年级英语试验教材《英语口语》第一册《Unit 2 I have a new bag》。 本课是本单元的第五课时,学生在前一个单元中已经认识了Andy, Bobby, Amy, Koto四个人物和句型:What’s your name? My name is …. / I am …. ●《Unit 2 I have a new bag 》(Story Time)主要学习内容是学习怎样表达自己有一些新文具的句 子,及扩展学习一些课外小故事。 ●在本节课中,学生通过角色扮演,运用英语表达自己有的文具,在大量的故事阅读中,结合故 事情节大量扩展单词,并在此基础上,鼓励学生多说、多练,激发学生学习英语的积极性,提高学生的英语听说能力。 (二)教学目标分析 ●能学会、理解句型:I have…Show me something new. 并能根据实际情况和需要,小组模仿故事或改编故事,进行简单的交流和运用。 ●培养学生自主学习技能,掌握合作学习的方法。 ●利用网络拓展课程资源,培养多元智能和语言综合运用能力。 ●通过对4个小故事(①May I borrow your marker?. ②Open it, Tom. ③What’s this?.4. Where is Mum?)扩展听读,培养学生的实际语言运用能力,使每个学生在不同程度都得到发展。 ●培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性。 (三)活动目标 ●根据教学主题的需要和交际的需要,借助多媒体网络资源学习readings ●通过表演活动逐步培养孩子们的相互协作意识。 ●通用PPT方式提供一定主题内容的图片和关键词句,培养学生在key points辅助下进行口 语表达的能力; ●通过师生问答、俩俩对话、角色扮演等多种言语交际活动培养和提高口语交际能力和在日 常生活中迁移运用英语的能力; ●通过自主听故事、对话,使学生在故事和对话的听读中增强语感,提高听力,并在该过程 中逐步培养和提高运用现代信息技术辅助学习的意识和能力。


Module 1 Greetings Unit 1 Hello! Unit 2 How are you? Module 2 Introductions Unit 3 What’s your name? Unit 4 This is my dad Module 3 Body Unit 5 Wash your face Unit 6 Touch your head Module 4 Family Unit 7 A picture of my family Unit 8 Who’s that lady? Module 5 Toys Unit 9 Is it a cat Unit 10 I have a ship Module 6 School things Unit 11 Do you have a pencil Unit 12 Put it on the desk

Module 1 Colours Unit 1 I like red Unit 2Let’s colour it Module 2 Positions Unit 3 Where’s my car? Unit 4 Is it in your schoolbag? Module 3 Personal information Unit 5 Happy birthday! Unit 6 May I have your telephone number? Module 4 Fruits Unit 7 May I have some grapes? Unit 8 Apples are good for us Module 5 Relatives Unit 9 Who is that cute baby? Unit 10 How many people are there in your family? Module 6 School things Unit 11 Do you have a pencil Unit 12 Put it on the desk


广州版小学英语六年级上课本 unit 01 Module 1 Plans Unit 1 - What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday? Vocabulary plan 计划 pearl珍珠 the Pearl River 珠江 cruise漫游;游弋 instead代替 have been to 到过 temple庙 the Six Banyan Temple 六榕寺 have fun 玩得开心 dim sum点心 lot 许多 a lot of 许多...... clothes 衣服 yummy味道好的;好吃的

Mr Webb:Well, it's your school holiday soon. What are we going to do? Janet:Shall we go on the Pearl River Cruise? Ben:A cruise? Boring! Let's go to Xiangjiang Zoo instead! I'm going to see white tigers. Janet:Oh no. We have been to the zoos in Guangzhou many times. We're going to the Six Banyan Temple. We're going to take photos, and all of us are going to have fun there. Ben:It's boring too. Mr Webb:Let's go to Baiyun Hill. We are going to watch birds there. Janet:We can see more birds at the zoo than on Baiyun Hill. Mrs Webb:Shall we go shopping in Xiajiu Road? Then we can have dim sum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant. Janet:Good idea! I want to buy some new clothes. There are a lot of beautiful clothes there. Ben:Great! I like Guangdong dim sum. Yummy, yummy! unit 02 Unit 2 What Shall We Do? go fishing 去钓鱼 love 爱 stupid愚蠢的


1.小学英语知识点总结 掌握一定量的词汇,对词汇训练题及阅读理解、写作都是非常重要的。小升初对 词汇的考察几乎贯穿到了所有题目。 三、词法 词法部分主要在词法运用上来体现, 多以选择题、用所给单词的恰当形式填空的 形式出现 (一)名词的数和格 1?不可数名词量的表示: a+表示这些东西的单位+不可数名词,如a cup of tea 如果为了表示 多个”的概念,我们就将表示这些东西的单位变成复数即可。女口 3 cups of tea. 姓氏的复数形式前面加表示 “ ??一家”如,the Whites. [i :] L i J I e j 1 * 1 [O 叮 [o] d [o ] [u:] [八J [& ] Zg 1 ■■■'*! I GI ] L ai] i oi j 26 [ao] [io] [e 日] [oe] 」 L P J [b ] L t ] L d J [k ] i [ 9 ] [f ] [v ] [s ] II [ N ] [0 ] [5 1 [J ] j [ 3 1 [tj ] 23] [tr ] [dr] [ts] [dz] [mJ [n J L □ J I h J ; [1 J |[ r ] [w J Il j 一、字母及音标 、词汇

2?名词所有格 表示人或物品所属关系时,我们就需要使用名词所有格。它的构成有以下规则: (二)动词 表示动作和状态的词叫做动词。通常词的学习与时态结合起来学习,它分为:一般现在时三单”人称V. + s/es; 一般过去时V. + ed;现在进行时V. + ing。 (三)形容词、副词 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则:通常词尾+er / est 比较级和最高级不规则变化的形容词和副词:many/much-more-most; good/well-better-best; bad/badly-worse-worst; little-less-least 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法:比较级用于二者的比较,表示更??? 之意。而最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较。表示最??? ?两者比较时句中有than。形容词最高级前一定要有the,而副词最高级前则不需要。 (四)代词:人称代词和物主代词
