


试卷说明:考试时间120分钟 满分150分

第I 卷

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节(共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满.分7. 5分)

听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒蚀的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。

1. What is the man doing?

A ? Giving a gift.

B. Buying chocolates. C ? Making chocolates ?

2. Where is the woman' s father now?

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒蚀; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. When should Tom be back?

7. How did Tom go to school today? 3. A. At home. B. In a hospital. C. At the office.

What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A ? Couple. B. Neighbors.

4. Why is the baby crying according to the man?

A. He is hungry. B ? He is ill. 5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. An accident.

B. A fl ight. 第二节(共15个小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)

C. Col l eagues. C. He is alone.

C. A pi lot- 从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选 A. At 7:30.

B. At 7:00.

C. At 6:30. A. By bus.

B. By motorcycle.

C. By bike.



13. Where does the woman come from?

A. America. B ? Australia.

14. Which place does the woman suggest the man visit?

A. Bondi Beach. B ? T.he Opera House ?

C. 15. What do we know about the small hotels in Sydney?

A. They are cheap but wel —equipped.

B. Some of them can be found onl ine ?

C ? Older travelers like to stay in them. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。

8. Why was the woman on the news?

A ? She had written a song for the TV station.

B ? She had won a music contest.

C. She had sung a song for charity.

9. What does the woman think of singing?

A. Tt will make her famous one day.

B. It takes too much of her time.

C. It is what she really 1 ikes to do.


10. Who is the woman probably?

A. Alice , s sister.

B. Alice , s teacher.


C. Alice ,s 11. What reason does the woman give for her worry?

A. Artists work too hard.

B. Artists earn a low salary-

C. Artists have few opportunities.

12. What will the speakers do tonight?

A. Go out for .supper.

B. Give Alice some money.

C ? Have a talk with C ? Canada. The Blue Mountains.

16? What is probably the best way for the man to travel around?

A.By train.

B. By car. .

C. By air.


17.What was Hank" s father doing when the speaker saw him?

A.He was running.

B. He was sitting alone.

C. He was painting.

18.How did Hank' s father feel when he saw the speaker?


B. Strange- 「

C. Surprised?

19- Why did the speaker talk with Hank^ s father about paint!ng?

A? They both had a lot of painting experiences.

B.The speaker was interested in painting.

C? Hank' s father was a pairnter?

「20. How often did the speaker go to learn to paint?

A. Every day.

B. Every two days.

C. Every other week.





Family Vacation

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Elvis Presley, s Graceland

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Call 800-238-2000 or visit graceland. com.

21.To experienee more outdoor entertainment activities, you can probably cal 1 _________ for

further information.


B. 888-301-7886 800-238-2000

22.What is special about Summer County?

A. Tt provides excel 1 ent dining choices, activities.

C.It is just minute from your home? music.

23.What can tourists do in Graceland?

A. Recal 1 the memory of Elvis.

C.Meet Elvis Presley?


A gap year is often a time when young people travel or work to earn more money C.800-528-6870 D.

B. Tt has many fami ly-based

D. It is we 11 -known for country

B. Enjoy Elvis,s live show.

D.Visit the lighthouses.

for school-

Now, more Americans are showing an internest in the idea of a gap year. In the Un ited States, it is comm on for young people to complete four years of high school at age 17 or 1& After they finish high school in spring, those who decide to attend college usually do so two-to-three months later? In 2016, Malia Obama, daughter of then-preside nt Barack Obama, received a lot of media attention when she made the same choice-

Like Mali a Obama, Rosalie Stoke also decided to put off the start of her studies by a year?Stoke was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She studies chemical engineering at the Virginia Polytcchnic Institute and State University, also known as Virginia Tech ? After f in ishing high school, Rosalie co nnected with a fam 订yin Barcel on% Spain. They agreed to let her live with them and paid her a small amount to help care for their children for seven months. Rosalie studied Spanish during her free time in Barcelona? She then used money she earned from a part-time job she had in high school as well as money from her parents to travel for two months.

She felt different when she returned to the United States to begin her studies at Virginia Tech. She said she felt at ease and that she knew more about herself as a perso n? Al so, when talk in g with frie nds who went straight to college from high school, she found many had a difficult time in their first year of college. Some told her they questioned the field of study they had chosen. Others said they felt lost at the college or that they were wasting time doing things like partying.

24.What is Rosalie" s attitude towards a gap year?

A. Cautious?B? Disapproving? C. Supportive?D? Doubtful.

25.Why did Maiia Obama become the focus of the modia in 2016?

A? She didt finish high school? B. She also took a gap year after

high school.

C. She was the daughter of president. D? She cared for chi 1dren for her part-time job?

26.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A? The benefit of a gap year. B.The various opinions on a gap year.

C.The influence of a gap year. D? The di sadvantage of a gap year.

27.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Rosalie studied Spanish during her gap year?

B.A gap year will have a harmful effect on young people" s study.

C.More American young people choose to take a gap year before high school.

D? A gap year wil 1 help young people get to better know their future and themselves,


The n at i onal an them(国歌)and the n at i onal flag are the most so 1 cm n symbols of a nation. In China, playing or singing the national anthem and raising the national flag are routines done on a daily basis at Tiananmen Square, and there are always people traveling long distances to watch the ceremony.

This year's National Day also marked the first day for the national anthem law to take effect, in order to ensure appropriate use of the song u March of the Volunteers. ” Inappropriately using the national anthem at private occasions, commercial events or as background music in public places will be taken as illegal. The lawbreakers, ineluding those who deliberately change the lyrics, play or sing the national an them in a distorted(歪曲的)or disrespec tful way, can be deta in ed (拘留)for up to 15 days or face further charge in more serious situations.

The national an them "March of the Volunteers" with lyrics by poet Tian Han and music composed by Nie Er, honors those who fought on the front during World War II against Japanese invaders in northeast China. The song wi 11 be ineluded in textbooks for primary and secondary schools, and people are encouraged to sing the national an them on appropriate occasi ons to express patriotism(爱国主义)?

Some Chinese internet users worry about whether they will break the law if they cannot sing the song well since they are tone-deaf.

"This is a misundersta nding” , Yu Hai, a CPPCC Natio nal Comm it tee member, said “The national anthem legislation urges that the song should be played solemnly on formal occasions to

show respect to the Chinese nation. And on important occasions,

attendees shall pay respect to the song? So whether one can sing the song well or not doesn,t result in breaking the law."

28.Which of the following statements is true?

A? It is illegal to play the national ant hem on a commercial event.

B? The song wi 11 be taught to those who are tone-dcaf?

C.The new national anthem law will take effect soon.

D.The person who can' t sing the song well will be punished?

29.What does the underl ined word "solemnly” in the last paragraph refer to?

A? urgently B? seriously C? continuslly D? regularly 30? According to the new national anthem 1 aw, the lawbreaker will be ___________ .

A? senteneed to half a year?

B.fined a large amount of money-

C.asked to sing the national anthem.

D.under arrest for two weeks or s()?

31.Whats the purpose of the new national anthem law?

A.To encourage more citizens to play the song.

B.To show more re.spect to our nation.

C.To help people memorize the World War TT.

D? To honor the musicians who created the song.


Common knowledge says crossword puzzles and a few weird brain exercises are the No. 1 way to keep your brain young. But truth be told, the best brain sharpener may actually be where you 1ive, science says-

In a small pilot study of 25 people, Kansas University researchers used a mapping software c alled Space Syntax to classify “walkable” neighborhoods, or areas with many nearby places to visit and a complex layout. A Walkable Neighborhood is a place where people live within walking distance to most places they want to visit, whether it is school, a grocery store, a park, church, a bank, ret ail shops, a drug sto re, and so on. Their data showed that older aduIts who 1 ived in more

walkable neighborhoods scored higher on cog nit ion (认知)tests. "This could be a relatively small contribution, but it could be important.

Watts, a researcher in Kansas University says. “We can" t change our age, we can' t change whether we have genetic al leles (遗传等位基因)that put us at risk, but we can change how we live. ”

According to Watts, constantly walking in a more complex neighborhood could improve cognitive function for older adults. Plus, with more places to walk to and vis it, older adults have more opportunities to socialize and exercise outside of the house.

However, for people with Alzheimers 邙可兹海默氏症),a complex neighborhood layout could cause a risk; walkabi1ity might make it worse if the patients can get confused or lost easily ?

Although “walkable” neighborhoods keep older bra ins sharp, experts warn agains t

concluding that living in a walkable neighborhood can prevent Alzheimer , s. A bigger followup study is in the works to determine why, exactly, walkable neighborhoods have so many brain benefits, Watts says.

32. What do we know about u walkable neighborhoods" ?

A. Living in a walkable neighborhood can prevent Alzheimer" s.

B. Walkable neighborhoods make olde.r adults stay inside the house.

C ? People living there can walk to the grocery store conveniently ?

quite difficult for older adults to walk in a complex layout. beneficial to old adults? find their homes easily. longer. good genetic alleles.

help improve older adults' cognitivc leve1.

34. What will probably happen to the people with Alzheimer


A. They will keep their brains more active.


C ? They will get better medical treatment.

with others.

35. What is the best title for the text? D. It i s

33. Wh y is A . It can B . Tt can C .

It can D. It can s if they live in walkable B. They will lose themselves

D ? They will get on well enable older adults to make older adults 1 ive make older adults gain a walkable neighborhood

A. A Way to Sharpen Your Brain.

B. A Solution to Preventing Alzheimer" s.

C. A New Mapping Software.

D. A Complex Neighborhood Layout.



As a studc nt, how to man age your time is part of stud y? Power tips help you to han die real-life situations and develop first-class time-management, skills that will dramatically improve efficiency and results.

Make a detailed study schedule and write it down

You will be more likely to follow through with your study plan if it is clearly written on your calendar. 36 Include your schedule in your cell phone and set regular pop-up reminders that you will have to close before sending your next text message. By doing so, you can develop a routine that you can easily follow.


This is a good way to ensure you spend the proper amount of time studying for each class or subject. Devote more time to studying subjects that are new to you or those in which your grade needs improvement. If an exam in one course has been delayed, adjust your study schedule to prioritize more immediate tests and projects. ______________________________________ 38 Remember to take adva.ntage of the extra time to review material during short study times each day.

Prepare for temptation

Attending college and earning good grades is almost like a full-time job, so your studies will have to take priority over socializing or other activities. You will compromise at some point, but don, t get discouraged. Rat her, learn from your mistakes. 39

Stay organized

Staying organized is vital to avoid wasting valuable time as a student. Since you will be enrol led in several classes at a time, it is important that you organize your class and study materials. 40 Also, when going into a study session, make sure you have anything you need. You don' t want to

interrupt your study session by searching your room for flash cards or notes.

A.However, don' t forget delayed tests altogether.

B.Tf you can stick to it, you wi11 succeed in time.

C.Prioritize your assignments.

D.Make a subject-specific schedule and mark your calendar?

E? By knowing your weaknesses, you' 11 better try to resist temptation.

F.You should make it easy to access them.

G.Addit1 onally, establish a way to reward yourself with fun activities.





On a Saturday after no on, we heard a weak meowing near the dra in di tch (沟)outside our house in Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡).My daughter, Liz, went out to investigate and found a 41 kitten in the drain. Luckily it hadn" t 42 for a few days, so the kit ten had been able to 43 ? Liz brought the kitten to the carport and fed it with_44 by dipping cotton wool in it and 45 it into its mouth. We nicknamed the kitten "Kutti” ,46 , in Tamil, means smal1?

After about five days, the mother cat came 47 her baby. This was not 48 as we got many lost cats in our courtyard? My daughter and grandson are cat lovers, and enjoy caring for them?There are no 49 dogs in our courtyard to 50 the kittens, so t hey are 51 to run around, catch ing frogs and lizards. Finally, the kit ten left with its mother.

Three months later, my eight-month-old grandson, Derek, went 52 and we were worried sick. He loved to crawl up and down the stairs so we 53 the whole house, but he was 54 to be found?

We then 55 the fami1iar continuing meowing of a cat? It was the 56 cat, standi ng near the drain as if to 57 something. We were 58 to find Derek in it, seratched all over his face and silent with fear. He must have 59 into the ditch while bendi ng over the nearby wooden bench. The mother cat had returned the 60

offered to her by my daughter.

41. A. ncwborn B. black c. ugly D. smart

42. A. blown B. rained c. delayed D. watered

43. A. seek B. escape c. survive D. veil


44. A. fish B. bread c. vi negar D. milk

45. A. squeezing B. turning c. dragging D. striking

46. A. but B. and c. which D. if

47. A. caring for B. looking for c. accounting D. going for


4& A. unusual B. C. D.

unnecessary uncomfortable uncertain

49. A. lovely B. loyal c. brave D. fierce

50. A. wake B. frighten c. prevent D. help

51. A. afraid B. curious c. astonished D. free

52. A. mad B. mi ssi ng c. blind D. hungry

53. A. protected B. destroyed c. searched D. swept

.54. A. nowhere B. somewhere c. everywhere D. anywhere

55. A. found B. waited c. hoard D. arrangod

56. A. baby B. awful c. weak D. mother

57. A. indicate B. beg c. explore D. feed

58. A. mea nt B. ordered c. relieved D.


59. A. broken B. fallen C. run D. entered

60. A. apology B. promise C. fortune D. favor



As we all know, there is 61 great difference between the cultures in China and ones in Western countries 62 it comes to gift giving. In China, it is impolite 63 (open) a gift in front of the gift giver, and the gift is only looked at after the guest has left. In America, gift givers always wrap their gifts carefully and decorate them with colorful ribbons and 1 ittle pretty paper flowers? The lucky receiver are expected to open the gift in front of the giver with great ____________________ 64 (curious) , and should always express appreciation with the ___________ 65 ____ (honesty) comment, "This is exactly what T wanted!”

However, 66 (buy) a gift for somebody, even a close family member, is 67 (equal) di.fficult. You" 11 have to know 68 the person likes and shop for days before you can select the perfect gift. But, still the person may not like the gift from you. Well, 69 the case, most people will take their "always want” gift back to the store to exchange i t for something they real ly want. Nowadays, stores provide two copies of receipts for an ything they sell as a gift, one of which 70 (in elude) in the gift package so that the receiver can come back and exchange, it for something else.









Yesterday, when I was running past a crossing, I saw an old lady walking slowly in the front of the green light, looking real nervous. Noticing that it was dangerous, I came up to help him. Suddenly the traffic light turned red, left us in the middle of the road. At this moment T was very

frightening and didn,t know what to do. A kind driver stopped, got out his car and signaled to other drivers to wait. Thankful ly, all the drivers wait until we reached the other sides safely. Giving a hand to those in need make a difference to them? But acts of kindness spread very easily?







Dear Chen Yi,

I am so厂厂y to hear that you always didn' t do well in the exams..


Li Hua
