


OnCe there IiVed a rich man 31 Wanted to do SOmething for the PeOPIe Of his town? 32 first he Wanted to find OUt Whether they deserved his help.

In the Centre Of the main road into the town, he PlaCed 33 Very Iarge stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. SOOn an Old man Came along With

his cow.

"Who PUt this stone in the Centre Of the road?” Said the OId man,but he did not try to remove the StOne? In stead, With SOme difficulty he PaSSed around the StOneand COntinUed On his way. 35 man Came along and did the Same thing; the n ano ther Cameano then All Of them COmPIai ned about the StOne but not tried to remove 36 ? Late in the after noon a young man Came along. He SaW the stone, 37 (Say) to himself: U The night 38 (be) Very dark. SOme neighbors WiIl COme along Iater in the dark and WilI fall against the StOne?"

Then he began to move the stone. He PUShed and PUlIed With all his 39 (StrOng) to move it? HOW great WaS his SUrPriSe at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag Of money.

31. WhO 32. BUt 33. a 34. hid 35. AnOther 36. it 37. Saying 3& Wiu be 39. Strength 40. Under

The In ter net is an amazi ng informatio n resource. Students, teachers, and researchers USe it as _31_ inVeStigatiVe tool. JOUrnalists USe it to find information for stories. DOCtOrS USe it to Iearn more about Unfamiliar diseases and the 32_ (Iate) medical development? Ordinary PeOPIe USe it for ShOPPinp bankin宙bill-paying,and COmrnUnicating With family and friends? PeOPIe all OVer the WOrId USe it to COnnect With individuals from _33 COUntries and cultures. However, _34 ______ there are many POSitiVe

developments __35_ (associate) With the Internet,there are also Certain fears and COnCerns?_36_COnCern relates to a IaCk Of COntrol

OVer=3T= appears On the In ter net. With televisio n and radio there are editors to CheCk the accuracy Or appropriateness Of the COntent Of PrOgrams, and With television there are 38 (restrict) On What kinds Of PrOgramS Can __39_ (broadcast) and at What times Of the day. With the Internet, ParentS Cannot CheCk a PUbliShed guide to determine What is SUitabIe —40 their Children to see.

31. an 32. IateSt 33.other/CIifferent 34. WhiIe 35?associated

36. One 37. What 3& restrictions 39. be broadcast(ed) 40.for

NOthing? 32 a car, no SUggeStiOn Of headlights, but there I sat, 33_ (Wait) the Iight to Change,the OnIy human being for at IeaSt a mile in any direction.

I Started WOndering 34 I refused to run the light. I WaS not afraid

Of 35 (CatCh) by the police, because there WaS ObViOUSIy no COP anywhere around and 36 Certai nly WOUId have bee n no dan ger in going 37 it. MUCh Iater that night, the 38 questiOn Of Why l,d StOPPed for that Iight

Came 39 to me. I think I StOPPed because it's Part Of a COntraCt (合同)we all have With each other? lt,s not only the law, but it's an agreement We have and We trust each Other to honor 40 : We don't go through red lights. Like most Of us, I'm more ready to be StOPPed from doing SOmething bad by the SOCial agreement that disapproves Of it than by any IaW against it.

31. as / When 32. NOt 33.waiting 34. Why 35. being CaUght

36. there 37. through 3&Same 39?back 40. it

Nowadays, millions 31 IOneIySingles are now going Online instead. 32 WOrId Wide Web is quickly becoming the WOrId,s most POPUIar matchmaker(媒人)?SingIeS are flocki ng(涌向)to the In ter net 33 (mai n) because their busy UfeStyIeS IeaVe them IittIe time to IOOk for a Significant other. USing dating SiteS(约会网址)is quick and convenient. ManySingles Say the regular dating SCene 34 (just Iead) them from One bad experience to 35 and are ready to try SOmething else. Dating SiteS also make 36 easy to avoid

SOmeOne 37 you are not interested in? In the real world, 38 , ignoring SOmeOne you don't Iike Can be difficult.

DeSPite all the advantages,Online dating also PreSents its OWn Set Of PrObIems. PeOPIe are n't always those WhO they declare to be in their

OnUne 39 (describe). Safety is another COnCern? YOU are just 40 (Iike) to find a CriminaI OnIine as you are Mr. Or MiSS Right.


31. Of 32. The 33. mainly 34. has just Ied 35. another 36. it

37. WhO / WhOm 38. however 39. descriptiOn 40. IikeIy

POlar bears are SUffenng in a 31 (Warm) WOrId than ever before.

POIar bears IiVe in environments too COId for most animals. 32 much Of the year, they IiVe and hunt On the frozen ArCtiC Sea ice. NatUre has PrePared 33 for the COId conditions. BUt nothing has PrePared the bears for the dan ger

that 34 (threat) the OnIy home they know.

The POIar bears, WOrId is melting? StUdieS ShOW that the POIar ice has reduced by 9.8% every 10 years 35 1978. NOW about 20,000 to 25,000 POlar bears UVe in the Arctic. POIar bears depend On the Sea ice for their 36 (survive). "The Sea ice is more than just this PIatfOrm that the bears WaIk over,n SayS Andrew DerOCher, 37 SCientist WhO StUdieS NOrth AmenCan POIar bear POPUIatiOns?“ 38 it, they Carft exist.n

SOme melting and refreezing Of the POlar ice is naturaL -39 in a Warmer

world, these CyCIeS SPeed up,and bears have IeSS time to hunt. Normally, they have three mon ths in the SPn ng Whe n they gain more weight. The extra fat is USed later, 40 the bears are not actively hunting.

31. Warmer 32、For/During 33、them 34、threatens 35、SinCe 36、SUrViVaI

37、a 38. WithOUt 39. BUt 40、When


f ?


31 is POSSibIe that We SimPIy do not Stay in One PIaCe for a true

friendship to develop. However, there Can be no disagreement On the need for each Of US 32 (think) CarefUuy about the kind Of friendships We want.

TO most Of us, friendships are COnSiderecI 33 (importance), but need to have CIear in OUr OWn minds 34 kinds Of friendships We Want .Are they to be CIOSe Or 35 (keep) at arm,s Iength? DO We Want to Share OUrSeIVeS Or do We Want to Walk On the surface? FOr SOme people, many friendships On the SUrfaCe are quite enoUgh—and that,s all right .But at SOme POint We need to make SUre that OUr expectations are the Same as

OUr 36 (friend)expectatiOns. If OneWantS more from the friendship than the other, 37- if this is not talked about, One is UkeIy at IaSt to fell that he,s holding the ShOrt end Of the stick. The Shanng Of PerSOnal experience 38 (inCIUde) OUr tears as WelI as OUr dark dreams 39^ (be) the SUreSt Way to deepen friendships? BUt it must be Undertaken SIOWIy and Carried On Only if there SignS Of interest and action 40 return.

31. It 32. to think 33. important 34.the 35? kept 36.friends, 37. and 38?including 39.is 40. in

Many teachers believe that the respOnSibHitieS for Iearning Iie With the StUdent? 31_ a IOng reading assignment is given, inStrUCtOrS expect StUdents to be familiar With 32 (infOrrn) in the reading even if they do not discuss it in CIaSS Or take an exami nation. The ideal StUde nt is COn Sidered to be One WhO is motivated to Iearn for the Sake Of Iearning, not the Oneinterested Only in getting high grades. SOmetimeS homework is returned 33 brief Wntten COmments but WithOUt a grade. EVen if a grade is not gi ver‰ the StUdent is

34(respOnSibiIity) for Iearning the material assigned? When research

35( assign),the PrOfeSSOr expects the StUdent to take it actively and to COmPlete it With minimum guidance? It is the StUdent's respOnSibiUty to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. PrOfeSSOrS do not have the time

to explain 36_ a University Iibrary works; they expect StUdents,37 __ (SPeCIaI) graduate StUdents, to be able to exhaust the reference Origins in the library. PrOfeSSOrS WilI help StUdents WhO need it, but Prefer that their StUdents ShOUld not be too dependent on them. In the United States, PrOfeSSOrS have many

Other duties 3J teachi ng, SUCh as administrative Or research work. Therefore, the time 39_ a PrOfeSSOr Can SPend With a StUdent OUtSide Of CIaSS 40_( limit). If a StUdent has PrObIemS With ClaSSrOOm work, the StUdent ShOUld either approach a PrOfeSSOr during OffiCe hours Or make an appoi ntment?

31 ? If / When 32. information 33. With 34. respOnSible 35. is assigned 36. how 37.PartiCUlarIy/especially 38. besides 39. which/ that 40. is Iimited

ThiS is a true StOry WhiCh happened in the States. A man Came OUt Of his home to admire his new truck. TO his 31 (puzzle), his three-year-old SOn WaS 32 (happy) hammering dents(凹痕)into the Shiny Paint Of the truck.The man ran to his SOrb knoCked him away, hammered the IittIe boys hands into pulp(果浆汁)as

33 (PUnish). When the father CaImed down, he rushed his SOn to the hospital.

34 the doctor tried desperately to SaVe the CrUShed bon es, he fin ally had to CUt the fin gers from both theboy,s han ds. Whe n the boy 35 (Wake) UP from the OPeratiOn and SaW his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, u Daddy, Γm SOrry about your truck.” Then he asked, “ 36 When are my fin gers going to grow back?"

The father Went home and COmmitted suicide.

Think about this StOry 37 next time SOmeOne StePS On your feet Or you WiSh to take revenge? Think first 38 you IOSe your PatienCe With SOmeOne you love. TrUCkS Can 39 (repair). BrOken bones and hurt feelings Often CarYt? TOO Often We fail to recognize the difference between the PerSOn and the PerfOrmance? We forget that forgiveness is 40 (great) than revenge?

PeOPIe make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. BUt the actiOnS We take While in a rage WilI impress US forever.

31. PUZZIement 32. happily 33. PUnishment 34. AIthOUgh / ThOUgh 35. WOke 36?

but 37. the 3& before 39. be repaired 40?


AS I think back I realize how hard it is to VieW the WOrId 31 ___ the eyes Of my ChndhOOd?32 ChikPS mind is StiU filled v/ith the idea that anything and everything

is POSSible? They haven,t begun building the mental WaIlS yet. WatCh a ChHd

__33__(Iearn) to Walk and it,s amazing. NO matter hov∕ many times they fall down, they hop back UP 34— they instinctively know that eventually they,ll be able to WaIk ? They don,t have to VZOrry v/hat 35 think? They have no need to PUt UP a front(讲


Table manners Vary from CUItUre to culture. What is acceptable in One COUntry 31^ be COnSidered extremely rude in another ? Here We Will tell you about the traditiOnal table manners 32 the modern table manners in KOrea ? 33 (tradition ),it WaS the WOmarfs job to COOk food and _34 ( Set) the table ?

The WOman WOUId Sit 35 her husband to make SUre that he had everything he needed for a PIeaSant meal . OnIy 36 the husband finished , WOUId the WOman and her ChiIdren eat ? Nowadays, table manners have Changed a IOt ? 37 Of the family members eat together at the Same time . It is COmrnOn to See everyOne help With the meal, 38_ (inCIUde ) the husband? One tradition , however, has not

Changed . It is that the OIdeSt PerSOn StartS the meaL 39 ( Stay ) Until the OIdeSt PerSOn is finished is COnSidered to be 40_ basic tradition Of KOrean table manners ?

语法:31. may 32. and 33. traditionally 34. Set 35. by?beside 36. after 37. Au 3& including 39. Staying 40. a


One day, about ten years ago, While WOrking at the CaSh register in the

gift ShOP at my University MUSeUm Of NatUraI History, I SaW 31 elderly COUPIe COme in With a IittIe girl in a WheeIChair. AS I IOOked 32 ( ClOSe ) at this girl, I founf that She WaS fixed On her chair. I then realized She had no arms Or IegS , just a head, a neck andupper body, 33 ( dress ) in a UttIe White skirt. AS the COUPIe WheeIed her UP to me, I turned my head toward the girL When I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back 34 the girl, WhO WaS giving me the most optimistic, IargeSt SmiIe I had ever Seene All Of a SUdder‰ her hanCIiCaP WaS gone and all I SaW WaS this beautiful girl, 35 SmUe just melted me 36 almost instantly gave me a COmPIetely new sense Of 37 Iife is all about. She took me from a poor, Unhappy COlIege StUdent and 38 ( bring ) me

into her world; a WOrId Of smiles, IOVe and 39 ( Warm ). Γm a SUCCeSSfUl business man now and Whenever I think about the troubles Of the world, I think about that IittIe girl and the remarkable IeSSOn about Ufe that She taught 40 ?
