





I saw your ad on the *** and I would like to …

I saw your poster on the *** and I am quite in terested in it.


可用句型:My n ame is***, a stude nt from ***. I thi nk I am suitable for(列举


Firstly,…. Secondly, ?….Finally.

First of all, ….Besides, ….Last bul i b后但最重要的一点是),…



I hope to hear from you soon.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

I appreciate your reply.

I would appreci ate it if you could call me at ?…


Dear Sir or Madam,(称呼)

I saw you ad on the newspaper (信息来源)and I ' m glad to learn that you wan few part-time English reporters. I ' m quite interested in(表明自己初衷)

My name is Li Hua. I ' neiat stom Xinhua university.(自我介绍)I think I ' m fit for

the job. First of all, I ' ve read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. I ' of English and do well in both speaking and writing. Besides, I ' m easy to get along with and enjoy working together with others. Last but not the least, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So I ' m sur表示can do the job. 己适合这份工作并列举原因,一般为三点原因)

I ' rlooking forward to an early reply if possible. And I ' appreciate it very

much if you could call me at .(期待对方回复)

Yours sin cerely,

Li Hua (结尾)





该格式在英文写作中十分常见,望重视。m fon


最新 最新英文自荐信范文带翻译-精品

最新英文自荐信范文带翻译 一份自荐信体现了你与别人交往的能力,没有一位聘用者会愿意招聘一个不善于交流的人。一份自荐信体现了你与别人交往的能力,没有一位聘用者会愿意招聘一个不善于交流的人。 最新英文自荐信范文 Dear school leadership: hello! Learning that your school in an orderly, well-managed in the community enjoy a high reputation. i am filled with a boundless enthusiasm for education of youth, eager to be able to work in such an environment, their own talent. allow me to own to tell us about you. xx i xx session of pre-university students in school during the hard hard work, not only in the outstanding achievements of the professionals, but also other psychology, english and other areas to expand their knowledge. four years, in the repair of more than 30 courses in the door, almost more than two-thirds of gifted, learning the psychology of all professional courses, the psychology has reached the professional level. in addition, i also trained hard under the basic skills classes, have stronger language skills,organization and management of scientific research capacity and ability to use modern teaching methods for teaching and learning. normal practice in changchun, the fully reflects the higher overall quality of their own, the practice of recognized units. I am solid self-confidence in their own professional knowledge,rich in psychological knowledge, organization and management of high capacity and teaching ability, competence and good will certainly be able to complete your work to me, please your school gave me a chance. Sincerely, salute 翻译: 尊敬的学校领导:


英语求职信的四大目标 一、求职信要有内涵。这是最重要的一项,意思即是要令求职信有内涵,要投其所好。投其所好即是说你 要为每份工作都写下求职信,千万不要千篇一律,用一篇全世界通用的求职信来应征只会反映出你对这份工作毫无诚意。 二、求职信要美观。写求职信时注重外在美并非要你找些红红绿绿有花纹的信纸来书信,外在美的意思是要令对方收到信时有舒服整齐的感觉。而文章最好是能够长短得宜。要注意的地方: 1.求职信的长度不要过长,最好以一页为限,不要超过一页。 2.信纸选用质素好的纯白A4纸便可,这可以给人一种整齐舒服的感觉。 3.千万不要使用影印本。如果连你的签名都是影印的话,就可以反映你的诚意是如何不足了。 因此,求职信内的签名,最好要亲笔签名,以示专重和诚意,一封壮重的求职信才可以为你带来面试的机会。 4.行距方面要适中。不然只会令雇主会看得很辛苦,对于看不顺眼的求职信,最终只会落得被投篮的下场。 三、精而简要。顾名思义,写求职信的内容应尽量精简,不宜累赘,用字亦要精确恰当,不要标新立异。此外, 不要以为用一些异常深涩难明的词语可以突显你的才华,应该要以简洁易明为原则。格式要尽量

跟足,除非你是创意非凡兼且写得一手好文章,否则破格的求职信绝对不适合您。应该用字要精简,一针见血。切忌离题万丈,又或者长篇大论滔滔不绝也不到正题。避免使用深涩难明的字词。套用一般公文的格式来写作 。 四、反覆校正。不论你的求职信写得如何突出,如果没有小心校对过,引致最终错漏百出亦是徒然。需要注意的事项: 1.所以你要再三阅读你的求职信,确保没有错漏,才好将信寄出。 2.对于一些不太明白的用词要特别小心,避免用错词语使你原有的意思被误解,贻笑大方。 3.小心错别字。公司名称和负责人的职衔及姓名要多加留意有否出错,以免被扣印象分。反覆校正,确定信件无误才把求职信寄出。 4.检查一下附加的资料是否齐全,如履历表、相片及学历证明等等。可以的话不妨将求职信给朋友看看,看看有没有错漏之处。 英语求职信范文1 Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name is Li Min. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer.


英文自荐信模板_自荐信_模板 英文自荐信模板(一) April 13,2000 P.O. Box 36 Tsinghua University Beijing,China 100084 Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server. During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. With many thanks, Wang Lin 英文自荐信模板(二) P.O. Box 36 BIIT University Beijing,China 100000 Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies. I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company’s Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include: Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


如何写英文自荐信(精选多篇) 第一篇:应届生如何写英文自荐信 对于自己英语水平有自信的同学还可以试着书,相信一定能够给你的自荐信增加不少闪光点。 一份好的英文简历,切忌拖沓冗长,词不达意。 a:首先是个人资料部分(personaldata) 包括求职者的姓名、性别、出生年月等,与中文简历大体一致。 b:第二部分为教育背景(education) 必须注意在英文简历中,求职者受教育的时间排列顺序与中文简历中的时间排列顺序正好相反,即是从求职者的最高教育层次写起,至于低至何时,则无具体规定,可根据个人实际情况安排。另外,大多数外企对英语(或其他语种)及计算机水平都有一定的要求,个人的语言水平和计算机能力应该在此单列说明。 c:第三部分为工作经验(ation on atch the criteria listed in the job posting. remember, you are interpreting your resume, not repeating it. 2)个性化,但切勿过于私人化。 get personal but never be too personal. 自荐信是雇主对你增进了解的有效工具,包括你的职场个性、业务强项和工作激情。然而,在信中暴露过多个人信息却是大忌。这也许让你看起来不够职业,还可能影响雇主对你的能力

做出客观判断。 cover letter is an effective netployer to learn more about you, including your business-related personality, strength and passion for the job. houch personal information in cover letter is a taboo. it ake you look unprofessional, and may distract the employer from making an objective judgment on you. 3) 自荐信应简明易读。 make it easy to read. 人力资源经理没太多时间读一封冗长的自荐信,因此请以醒目形式简明扼要地列出关键信息。在逐条阐述与职位相匹配的个人优势和技能时,采用子弹式图标分段是不错的选择。要避免使用长篇大段文字、复杂花哨的字体、表情符号、不适宜的邮件地址、过期的联系方式。让你的自荐信易读易懂。 a hiring manager uch time to read a lengthy cover letter, so make your key points in striking and orderly atch the position one by one. avoid using large blocks of text, ornate or gaudy fonts, emoticons, inappropriate e-mail addresses and expired contact ake your cove letter easy to read and understand. 4) 自荐信也要个性化定制。 customize your cover letter.


《英文自荐信》 英文自荐信(一): Dear Sir/Madam: Are you searching for a telemunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership? I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telemunications panies。 In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in tele software development and cutting-edge technologies。 I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm。 Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company's Information Industry Division。 Briefly, some of my acplishments include: Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects。 The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and acplishments in greater detail。 I would wele an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview。 Sincerely, Gu Bin 英文自荐信(二): Dear sir or Madam, I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of teaching post in your school 。Currently , I am a senior 3 student in Lanzhou City University ,my major is English。 According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4。0 and LINUX System。 I feel that I am petent to meet the requirements。 I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M。S。 degree 。 My studies have included courses in puter control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server


XX英文版求职信范文 求职信的最后,要署上写信人的名字和写信日期,为表示礼貌,在名字之前加上相应的“弟子”、“受业”;给用人单位领导写信,可写“求职者”或“您未来的部下”。 XX英文版求职信范文篇一 Dear Sir I am looking for employment as from the summer of 1989. I am enrolled in the graduate division of the Department of Education at the University of Michigan. My major is Education. I feel qualified to work as a teacher at the primary or secondary level. My teaching experience is quite extensive and varied, but I have concentrated most of all on instruction of physical sciences in middle schools. I would be very happy to work within school if this is possible. Since your agency has a fine reputation for helping students locate work, I hope you will be able to provide me with something both remunerative and related to my interests. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience. Respectfully yours


英文自荐信范文:学生会主席 Recommended by myself, I want to say four sentences. The first sentence: the soldiers did not want to be general not a good soldier. This is where my internal candidates to participate in the one of the reasons why. Students of the知遇之恩I have, I am very grateful to the students give me a value and realize their ability to show their platforms, so I seriously hard work, especially in my work over the past year is obvious to all. Work experience in the past, I have not only accumulated a lot of work experience, but also the accumulation of a number of the students construct the idea of a whole, and hopefully, through their own hands to achieve them.人往高处走, if I only want to post in their own duplication of work, rather than seeking to improve themselves, then I think he is incompetent. Not to mention a whole has been a student, if I just neglect their own work and the work of other students care about, then I was not dedicated. Students on the whole I have my own idea, and I hope that these ideas can be achieved, so this candidate is a deputy chairman for the Student Union, Student Union is the highest level cadres XuHui Campus. The second sentence: Only when the good soldiers, to be eligible when the generals. Although I was the Deputy Minister, but I did not work, the Minister of the shelf, but often in conjunction with the Director-General of the work of doing the same. Work in practice, I have shown "the ability of soldiers," so that officers often will not be convincing. If I was a Director-General, I believe they will definitely be a good officer. I am a work-study in XX in the Marketing Management Center Director did, and won the "outstanding work-study Management Center Director" title, which is to me as a


求职信: 二、求职信 ?1、求职信是求职者写给招聘单位的信函。求职信是自我表白,其目的和作用要是让人事主管看,因人事主管有太多的求职信函要看,因此要简明扼要。语言注意点求职信不同于简历。在介绍自己情况时,不可面面俱到,否则篇幅过长,反而不易得到重视。应重点突出与所应聘职位相关的自己的特点及特长。语言要有礼貌,要能体现出诚恳的态度和对工作的渴求。 ?求职信一般包括以下几个方面的内容:首先要阐述清楚招聘信息的来源,以及所申请的职位;其次简述个人信息;然后进一步强调自己的能力,表达抱负,并请求给予面试机会;最后提出自己的希望,希望得到面试的机会,并且告诉对方你的联系方式。 ?求职信的语言属于正式用语,在写作过程中一定要注意用词简洁准确,语气礼貌自信,态度不卑不亢,所给信息具有一定的可信度。尤其是在强调自身经历和优点的时候,更应把握尺度。 2、求职信的内容一般包括以下部分: (1)写信的缘由; (2)个人情况简介,例如;年龄、性别、文化程度、工作经历、工作技能、个人专长等; (3)推荐人或证明人姓名以供录用方查询; (4)约定面试时间。通常随求职信附上个人简历和两三封推荐信。 3、推荐模板 1、 ?Date, ?Dear …, ?I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in…of… ?I am sure that I meet the qualifications you specified in your ads. I am a …., and I have … I have also… ?My references are available and I can send as soon as possible. ?Thank you for your consideration of my application. I am looking for your prompt reply. ? ? ?Yours sincerely, ?Name… 2、 ?Date, ?Dear …, ?I am writing this letter to show my great interest in the position of… ?…. ?I hope to meet with you to discuss the possibility of working in your company. I can be reached at…


英文版求职信范文 英文版求职信范文 英文版求职信范文1 Dear Ms. Volitip: Do you have need for an employee who can provide management with timely information on which crucial decisions (e.g., marketing of company products, the opening of new branches, diversification of company operations, examination of the effects of new tax laws, preparation of economic forecasts, etc.) are made? I hold an M.S. degree in Economics and Operations Research and am seeking a position with a growing organization that can fully challenge my research capabilities in pursuit of the firm’s objectives. The enclosed resume reflects solid achievement in both the classroom and during my brief professional career. Whether in the classroom or at the workplace, I have been consistently able to meet near-term objectives while developing the tools to successfully tackle future requirements. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. References will be furnished upon request. Sincerely,英文版求职信范文2 Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing to you to apply for the post of Manager in the market department/ I’ve read your advertisement for the position of marketing Manager in the newspaper. I’m interested in the post and hope to have the chance to join you in the future. I’m a graduate from Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics. Undoubtedly, a manager in marketing department needs all kinds of qualifications such as netanizing ability, creative ideas and team spirit. It happens that I major in marketing and thus have comprehensive knowledge needed in exploring market. In the second place, I’m a quite cooperative person and welcome


学校英文自荐信模板 自荐信也是自我推销采用的一种形式,学校英文自荐信模板有哪些?以下是小编为您整理的相关资料,欢迎阅读! 学校英文自荐信模板【一】Dear Sir/Madam: I am a student, graduated from XX middle school, XX, XX autonomous region, in 20XX. I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study. First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is more reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me. As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention


英语求职信范文Model English cover letter

英语求职信范文 前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。写出一份出色的个人简历不光是对找工作很有用处,更是让陌生人对本人第一步了解和拉进关系的线。本文档根据个人简历内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 no.23 shuangqing street haidian dist., beijing 100084 august 15, XX copy supervisor ogilvy & mather no.315 chaoyang avenue chaoyang dist., beijing 100027 dear mr. cao: i am very interested in the production artist position advertised in the beijing youth daily on wednesday, july 30, XX. with more than 3 years of

experience in a variety of graphics production positions, i feel that i would be an excellent candidate. my resume is enclosed summarizing where my skills and abilities have been developed. i would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience. jerry chen ryan tolbech 4532 cahilloval san angelo, tx 76902 (915) 942-9313 december 2, 19-- bt&k XX 18th street suite 300 san angelo, tx 76902 attention: senior creative director i am sending you my resume in response to your ad in the may issue of advertising age for a production artist. i believe i have the skills that your company is seeking, and would like to be considered for the position. i have


英文求职信的特点 英语个人求职信的特点也是指信函正文的特点。英语求职信不同于其它体裁的英语作文,它并不要求华丽的词藻,也不讲究修辞。但当我们仔细分析写求职信时候,概括起来,英语求职信有如下几个特点: (1) Clearness(明了):求职信要突出求职的主题,开场白要直截了当,不要绕圈子,应直接道明写信意图,在介绍个人情况时,应多说你能为公司做些什么。另外,层次要分明,使读信人一目了然。 (2) Conciseness(简洁):言简意赅,文字力求简短。把必要的事项说清楚,不提与求职无关的事。尽量使用短句,少用复合句、避免陈词滥调。 (3) Correctness(准确):达意准确。平时要注意语言修养的提高,随时收集并掌握丰富的常用习惯短语,这样才能在写求职信时运用自如,做到语言的准确。求职信中应避免使用过多的形容词和副词。 (4) Politeness(礼貌):话语要礼貌、既要尊重对方,又要切忌迎合,恭维或表现得过分热情,态度要不卑不亢。获得招聘消息后应及时写求职信、拖延时间也是不礼貌的。为了使英语求职信明了、简洁、准确和礼貌,应该注意如下几点: A、陈述自己的工作能力要实事求是,不要夸夸其谈,过分渲染自己。如果高淡阔论夸大自己的优点,就会给读信人留下一种虚浮不踏实的感觉。应如实介绍自己的情况,让对方去判断你的能力。 B、说明离职原因时切勿批评目前的工作单位或负责人。如果你对目前的工作单位或负责人说三道四大发牢骚,就会让读信人认为你是个爱说长道短搬弄是非之人。试想,有谁会愿意把一个爱发牢骚而搬弄是非的人招聘到自己的单位来呢?

C、自卑自贬亦不可取。如果自己都看不起自己,别人还能看得起你吗?殊不知,招聘单位对你的估计是根据你对自己的估计做出的,因此,故作谦卑也只能是恰得其反。 D、语气须肯定而自信,要有创意,应避免迂腐、生僻的词。 现在让我们来比较一下下面的三个句子在语气上有何不同: 1st、 I am not only competent to install a filing system that will fulfill the needs of your corporation, but also well qualified to operate it efficiently.(我自信不仅可以设置一套能满足贵公司需求的档案分类系统,而且可以有效地进行操作。) 在此名中使用了not only…but also,competent 和well qualified 等词语,表现得太自信,有夜郎自大之嫌,故不可取。 2nd、I think that I should probably make a good accountant for your factory.(我想我可能成为贵厂的一名好会计员)。此名中的情态动词should和副词probably 所表达的语气都欠肯定,而make(成为)一词也缺乏自信,整句话显得语气太弱,有自卑感,因此亦不可取。 3rd、I am confident that my experience and references will show you that I can fulfill the particular requirements of your secretarial position (我相信我的经验和证明人可以向您表明,我能够符合贵单位秘书一职的特定需要。) 此句中的confident 一词语气肯定,给人一种自信感,而will show 和I can 也无自大之嫌,因而此句用得恰到好处,有特殊风格。 认识之后,我们知道怎么写英文求职信之后,应该要避免求职信的毛病。别让HR把自己的求职信打入“地域求职信”。


我的英文自荐信范文 self-remendation dear sir or madam, this is jane from china west normal university. when i was questioned on my name, i argued that it is not the south of the yangtze river; instead, it is about language, style and travel. for three years, i worked as the chief editor for the magazine of my faculty, and both teachers and students determined that i could be a reporter or a writer for free column. however, when i went to the earthquake-attacked areas, the professional staff told me my potential to be an excellent psychologist. finally, i tested my capacity in gelin pulante hotel, and a majority of my fellow workers uated my performance as operation with high proficiency, but when i was demanded to open the hotel english training course, i was advised to set my goal on hotel training after my graduation. yeah, perhaps, i am talented to be so many jobs, but i am the one who is responsible for my life and determine what i want, who i want to be and how to make it. all alone, i consider about their kind words and narrowly i find that all my qualifications are in perfect preparations for a brand-new but challenging area like your pany. maybe i’
