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Unit 6 I’m watching TV知识点总结

1. 现在进行时:表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。

标志词:now, Look!Listen! It’s…o’clock . at the moment, right now…




What are you doing ? I’m …. What’s he /she doing ? He /she is….

Is he /she doing …? Yes, he /she isn’t . No , he /she isn’t .

2. 一般现在时:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作。

标志词:always,usually,often,sometimes,never,every,in the moring,on weekends…




还有一点要注意ie要用y来替。lie lying (躺)

双写再加—ing. 如:put—putting(放)/ stop—stopping(停止)/dig—digging(挖)/cut —cutting (切,割)/run-running/ swim-swimming/get-getting/ begin-beginning

把ie 变为y, 再加—ing。如:die ---dying (死) lie–lying(说谎)

4. 短语

read a newspaper = read newspapers 看报纸talk on the phone 在电话中交谈

listen to a CD = listen to CDs听CD use the computer 使用电脑

make soup 做汤wash the dishes 洗餐具=do the dishes read a story 读故事

wash the dishes = do the dishes洗衣服be at home 在家eat out 出去吃饭

oin sb(宾格)for sth.与某人一起做某would love to do =would like to do 乐意做…clean the house 打扫房子make dinner做晚饭eat dinner吃晚饭drink tea喝茶

go to the movies=go to see a film去看电影in the living room 在客厅

in the pool 在游泳池in the supermarket 在超市in the library 在图书馆

in the shop=in the store 在商店on the playground 在操场go shopping 去购物

in the United States=in the US 在美国the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

watch the boat race on TV 在电视上看龙舟比赛write a letter写一封信

a picture of my family 一张我家的照片thanks for sth. 为……而感谢

host family 房东家read …. to sb.读…给某人听see you tomorrow 明天见

want to do sth.想做某事talk to: 和…讲话(强调一方在讲另一方在听)

talk with: 和…讲话(强调两者都在说,talk about: 谈论…(强调谈论什么事情)read a book “看书”也可说“read books”wait for sb./ sth. 等候某人或某物。

5. what about d oing sth. 提出建议,做点什么怎么样?What about watching TV?

6. 电话中介绍自己:This is …(speaking)或It is …(speaking).

问对方是谁:Who is that ? 或Is that …(speaking) ?

7. Not much = Nothing much没忙什么be free 空闲的

9. live with sb. 和某人住在一起live in +地名住在某地

10. family 当家人讲是复数,如:Zhu Hui’s family are at home.

当家庭(整体)讲是单数,如:Jim’s family has one shower.

11. be like 像…一样sound like 听上去像l ook like 看上去像

12. any other + 可数名词单数any other night / picture / singer…

13. miss sb. 想念某人wish to do sth. 希望做某事

14. a photo of sb’s family 一张某人家庭的照片

15. study +学科表学习什么如study English 学英语study for sth. 表为什么而学习如study for the English test 为了英语考试而学习

learn to do sth. 学习做某事learn to speak English.


e形容词:useful有用的——现在分词:using 11.miss第三人称单数:misses

2.wash第三人称单数:washes ——现在分词:washing

3.drink现在分词:drinking ——shop现在分词:shopping




8.young反义词:ol d

9.child复数:children 10.wish 第三人称单数:wishes 17.用法集萃

1.四个“看”watch , see , look , read

Watch : 指长时间的观看某一活动。如:看电视,看比赛等。watch TV…

See : 强调看的结果,意为“看见,看到”。see a bird

Look:强调看的动作,不注重结果。look at the blackboard

Read : 常用于看书,看报纸,看杂志。read a book / newspaper

2.tea n. 茶,茶叶,常为不可数名词。常用短语:

make tea 泡茶,制茶:drink tea 喝茶: a cup of tea 一杯茶。

3. any other…任何别的…,任何其他的…有other的短语:

(1) any other + 单数名词eg. Any other boy can play this game.

(2) one…the other…(指两者中的) 一个….另一个….

Eg. I have two sisters. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor.

(3) some …others…一些…..另一些….

There are many people on the playground. Some are playing soccer , others are running.

4. hope 和wish 希望

hope: (1)hope to d o sth. 希望做某事eg. I hope to visit Beijing.

(2) hope+从句I hope I (will) visit Beijing.

wish: (1) wish to d o sth. 希望做某事eg. I wish to visit Beijing.

(2) wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事I wish Tom to go with me.

(3) wish +从句I wish I (would) visit Beijing.

(4) 可以用来表示祝愿I wish you a happy New Year.

