




Title:The appreciation of lines in 《The

pursuit of happyness》




任课教师:____ 俞苗______

分数:_____________ __

2015年 5 月8 日

The appreciation of lines in 《The pursuit of


Abstract:There’re no nonsenses in a good script. Every dialogue, even every word, has its own use. Sometimes it reveals character, and expresses emotions, other time it may tell the relationship between the characters and the background, etc. This paper appreciated two lines in 《The pursuit of happyness》, revealing the characteristic of Chris Gardener and reflecting the theme of the film, and it explained the importance of lines in a film.

Key words: lines appreciation : Chris Gardener:happiness



1.The importance of lines

Movie lines are an important part of movies. They have the use of describing characters,; reflecting the psychology of the characers; expressing the emotions, etc. Wonderful lines not only help audience understand the characters correctly, but also help to grasp movie themes.

The story of 《The pursuit of happyness》happened in a city, whose performance targets are from all walks of life, and these people have different emotions. They have different attitudes and aims, they do differenr things and say different words. It’s realistic and colorful, and so are the lines. But in the end, They all serveed the theme ——pursuing happiness. I believe there are a lot of impressive lines in this classic movie, which are worth appreciating.

2 .Details

1.On the way to send his son——Christopher, to the kindergarten, Chris saw the wrong spell of “happiness” on the wall. He had the following dialogue with his son.

-Chris: It's written as P-P-Y, but it's supposed to be an “I” in "happiness."

-Christopher: Is it an adjective?

-Chris: No, actually it's a noun. But it's not spelled right.

-Christopher: Is "fuck" spelled right?

-Chris: Yeah, that's spelled right. But that's not part of the motto, so you're not supposed to le arn that. That's an adult word to show anger and other things. But just don't use that one, okay?

-Christopher: Okay.

Firstly, in this part, when his son asked whether “fuck” spelled right. His answer was yes, but he added a lot of extra information, and told him not to say this.From this we can see, Chris is a very responsible father, he attaches importance to educating his son. There are many similar scenes in this movie.On the one hand , these scenes reflects the great relationship between father and son, on the other hand, these dialogues are interesting and educated, which proved he is a intelligent and optimistic person.

Secondly, about the spell of “happiness”, Chris told his son there is no “y” in “happiness”, but an “i”in it. Now we can see it in another way——regard “y” as “why”, and “i” as “I”. There is no why in happiness, but only I am in it . Everyone expects to live a happy life, but the fate is difficult to grasp, when we suffer from somrthing unhappy, what we shuld care is not entangled in asking why, but whether we have the courage、confidence to continue to pursuit the happiness. It is a matter of attitude and self-cultivation. After all, happiness is our own business.

2.Because of an accident, Chris has to attend the interview with dirty clothes. During the process of interview, he has a brilliant conversation with the interviewer.

-Chris: Can I say something?I’m such kind of person. If you ask me a question, and I don’t know the answer, I’m gonna tell you that I don’t know. But I bet you what. I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer.Is that fair enough

-Martin: Chris.What would you say if a man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired

him?What would you say?

-Chris: He must have had on some really nice pants.

In this part, the interviewer has a bad first impression on Chris. But after Chris tried his best to describe his advantages, and wonder whether they are enough to offset his awful clothes. The interviewer didn’t give him the answer he wanted, but then asked another question “What would you say if a man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him?” This time, Chris wasn’t busy keeping questioning, but also answered him in a different way. This side answer made him win this interview. At the same time, this scene showed that after so many difficulties in life, Chris has became a wise and confident man with humor.


By analysing the actor’s lines in the movie, we not only have a new perspective to explore the minds of characters, and to feel the emotions of different people, but we could understand the theme better. Chris——.the leading man has a strong feeling of responsibility, he is optimistic and wise. By creating very featured lines, the screenwriter revealed the characteristics of different people. What’s more, he shaped a man who by constantly struggle, finally acheived the “American dream” , which has an important enlightenment to all of us.


[1] Ruth Benedict.Patterns of Culture. . 1934

[2] Mona Baker.In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. . 2000

[3] Richard H.P.Radical Visions and American Dreams. Journal of Women s Health . 1984




[7].王立国. 《当幸福来敲门》中幸福的真谛. 芒种. 2014


《当幸福来敲门》的英文观后感 Throw the trouble away -----------The feeling after reading book “The Pursuit of Happiness” Recently, I have read a book named The Pursuit of Happiness. May be you have already seen the movie. But as for the spirit which can only described by the words, I have made a choice which is reading the book by myself. It?s a very famous story and many people are moved by this story. When I close my eyes and think about my real world. Is there any trouble that I can?t deal with exist? No, of cause not. Think about Chris Gardner, the hero of this book. How difficult the situation is when he gets no job, no money? Chris hasn?t seen his father until the age of 28. So he swears that he must be a great father for his son ----Christopher. But thinking about his career and the badly-off current. He has to lead his kid hang out every hospital to sell the bone scanners for money. Aidentally, he knows that act as a bill broker merely


社会心理学作业 ——电影赏析 姓名:许宁 学号:200841000231

当幸福来敲门 ——来自社会心理学的分析 电影简述 克里斯·加德纳(威尔.史密斯)作为一个单亲长大的他,在28岁的时候才见到自己的亲 生父亲,于是他想让自己的儿子克里斯托弗一直都活在自己的保护下。他的梦想是成为一名投资专家。可是,面对生活的困苦,妻子还是离开了他。接着,没有房租的他开始带着儿子 过着流浪的生活。一方面他要努力通过没有薪水的6个月实习期; 一方面他要卖医疗仪器借此糊口;一方面他要保护好儿子的幼小心灵。当他咬牙坚持住后,他终于成为了一名正式的经济师,这离他的梦想更近了。在那一刻,站在人群中的他激动的不知道如何来表达内心的感受,他飞速的跑到儿子面前和他相拥,眼中的泪花在这一刻则是幸福的泪水。虽然,这对他来说只是一个起步,不过,这确是他的人生转折。 相关的社会心理学知识 态度的含义: 对人、事、物、理念等等的评价。 态度的来源: 2.1以认知为基础的态度,这类态度是根据先关的事实而形成的,其目的是为了区分某一事 物的优点和缺点,这样可以快速的区分我 们是否需要该事物。 2.2以情感为基础的态度,一种根据人们的感觉和价值观而不是对态度对象本质的信念而形成的态度。 2.3以行为为基础的态度,根据人们对某一对象所表现出来的行为的观察而形成的。 3.态度的改变 3.1通过改变行为来改变态度(说服性的沟通) 3.1.1说服的中心路径 当人们具备专注于信息的动机和能力时,对说服性沟通进行精细化,专心聆听并思考论据内容的情况。 3.1.2说服的外周路径 指人们不仔细思考说服性沟通的论据,而受周边线索的影响。 3.2通过情绪来改变态度 3.2.1引发恐惧的沟通 通过引发人们恐惧感来改变人们态度的说服性信息。


分析《当幸福来敲门》中男主角克里斯.加纳 ——在礼仪方面的规范 礼仪规范 礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,它是人们在长期共同生活和相互交往中逐渐形成,并且以风俗、习惯和传统等方式固定下来。对一个人来说,礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现,对一个社会来说,礼仪是一个国家社会文明程序、道德风尚和生活习惯的反映。重视、开展礼仪教育已成为道德实践的一个重要内容。 礼仪教育的内容涵盖着社会生活的各个方面。从内容上看有仪容、举止、表情、服饰、谈吐、待人接物等;从对象上看有个人礼仪、公共场所礼仪、待客与作客礼仪、餐桌礼仪、馈赠礼仪、文明交往等。在人际交往过程中的行为规范称为礼节,礼仪在言语动作上的表现称为礼貌。加强道德实践应注意礼仪,使人们在“敬人、自律、适度、真诚”的原则上进行人际交往,告别不文明的言行。 礼仪、礼节、礼貌内容丰富多样,但它有自身的规律性,其基本的礼仪原则:一是敬人的原则;二是自律的原则,就是在交往过程中要克己、慎重、积极主动、自觉自愿、礼貌待人、表里如一,自我对照,自我反省,自我要求,自我检点,自我约束,不能妄自尊大,口是心非;三是适度的原则,适度得体,掌握分寸;四是真诚的原则,诚心诚意,以诚待人。 个人礼仪 在仪表上《当幸福来敲门》中的男主角克里斯.加纳,非常注重。 比如在他推销医用扫描仪的时候,无论多忙,他都是一身西装革履, 看起来干净利落。言谈方面,工作中的他特别注意礼貌客气用语,言 谈方面始终注意对对方的尊敬。见面始终以礼貌的问候语开始。在谈 话的时候尽量保持一种愉悦的精神饱满的、微笑的样子(即使家中生 活非常的艰难,因没法交房租被迫在一间公共厕所中与儿子度过一


当幸福来敲门观后感范文8篇 当幸福来敲门观后感范文8篇 看完一部影视作品以后,一定有不少感悟吧,不妨坐下来好好写写观后感吧。快来参考观后感是怎么写的吧,以下是小编整理的当幸福来敲门观后感范文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 当幸福来敲门观后感范文篇1前几天看了一部电影,叫《当幸福来敲门》。这是一部温暖、励志的影片,在这一个多小时里,我与主角克里斯一起感受什么是绝望,什么是短暂的幸福,什么是坚持和努力…… 克里斯是一名普通的扫描仪推销员,但几乎没有人愿意买,只有一些微薄的薪水,使他不但孩子上不了好的幼儿园,还经常交不上房租。克里斯也只能默默忍受这种生活。直到他偶然看到一个招聘证券经纪人的信息,于是,他决定为更好的生活奋力一试。 但要得到这份工作并不容易,一次次的失败,使他的妻子忍无可忍离开了他,房东也因为欠房租将他赶了出去。他一次次面对人生的低谷,但他从未放弃。终于他的面试通过,

但他将面临没有薪水的实习期,和一场决定成败的考试。因为没有交税,银行的钱被冻结。他和儿子只好到地铁站的洗手间睡了一夜。面对这些,克里斯流下了心酸的泪水。此后,为了追寻幸福,他白天努力工作,下午还要早早到收容所排队。他付出了令人无法想象的艰辛,他一直相信幸福总会落到自己的身上。最终,凭借过人的智慧与勤恳的努力,克里斯终于得到了工作,迎来了那幸福的时刻…… 这部电影令我十分感动,其中一些台词也使我深有感触。 "如果你提问,如果我回答不上来,我就会回答你'我不知道',而且我保证,我能找到答案,我会找到答案!"这是克里斯面试时说的一句话,这反映了他的探索精神与诚实。不懂并不可怕,但不能不懂装懂。要诚实地回答,并要找到答案。如果能把每个不懂的问题弄懂,成功就离你更进了一步。" 打多少电话就有多少潜在顾客,有多少潜在顾客就有多少实际顾客,有多少实际顾客就有多少公司的收入",这是证券公司的一句话,讲的是积小成大的道理。打电话是一件小事,但做得多了,就能得到巨大的收入。做任何大事都要从每一件小事做起,做好每一件小事,就能成就大业。 《当幸福来敲门》让我学到了很多:要树立明确的目标;要有认真、执着的精神;要懂得抓住每一次机会,还要有责


初二当幸福来敲门英语观后感多篇 电影《当幸福来敲门》给我们讲了这样的一个故事:身为父亲的男主角在生活上、事业上都力不从心,他做了很多努力但结果却不尽人意,他的妻子在这个时候却离他而去。这里给大家 ___一些关于初二当幸福来敲门英语,供大家参考。 看到《当幸福来敲门》的时候还真的犹豫了好一会,到底要不要看这么一个励志的剧情片。 习惯了威尔史密斯刑警系列的耍帅搞笑,影片开始看到他黑人典型的小卷发,短胡须,心想原来他还可以黑人得这么地道。 影片讲述的是一个极其努力却仍然穷困潦倒的推销员,因为经济窘迫而离开的妻子,天真却无条件相信自己父亲的上幼儿园的 ___。影片最后,主人公通过自己超乎寻常的坚持与努力,终于成功当上了待遇优厚的股票经纪人。 让人印象深刻的地方有很多: 主人公为了得到知名公司 ___的机会,提着为了维持生计整天推销的40磅重的骨质扫描仪在公司楼下晃荡了一个多月。

他为了在众多持有大学本科学历的竞争者中给公司负责人留下深刻的印象,在出租车上帮上司涨红了脸拼好魔方却没钱付车费而仓皇逃进地铁的身影。 因为欠税而被拘留在 ___局第二天衣冠不整跑去公司面试忐忑不安的样子。因为没有付房租他和 ___被赶出旅馆,假装玩“穿越时空回到远古时代”蜷在地铁厕所,听着外面咚咚的敲门声而默默流泪的脸。 因为追找失去的那台骨质扫描仪而横穿马路被车撞倒,丢失了一只鞋子还要回到公司上班去幼儿园接 ___放学的狼狈不堪的样子。 下班赶去x排队与插队者大声争吵拉扯,吓得 ___手足无措的歇斯底里的样子。 终于找回最后一台骨质扫描仪,似乎可以解决断粮的困境,却因为机器故障无法顺利卖掉最后选择卖生活的艰难。虽然很艰难,但总算“守得云开见月明”了。要不然,我整晚揪着的一颗心,岂不是要碎掉。 感触也很多,主人公的勤奋努力,善于制造机会和把握机会,坚韧而乐观的性格。都让我深深的感动。


坚守梦想,善待苦难,等幸福来敲门 ―――《当幸福来敲门》观后感《当幸福来敲门》,听名字,我以为又是一块荒诞的馅饼,不偏不倚地砸在那里。可是看完了之后,我才发现,克里斯的成就里面写满了奋斗,那种精神带给我们的却不仅仅是悸动,那种震撼是一种力量。 这部电影主要讲述了一位濒临破产、老婆离家的落魄推销员,刻苦耐劳的善尽单亲责任,奋发向上成为股市交易员,最后成为知名的金融投资家的励志故事。然而,这部电影带给我们的真实感远远大于艺术感,所以心中那份感动和所给予的震撼与鼓舞也是沉甸甸的。影片的几个镜头让人感喟不已,不禁湿了眼眶。克里斯为了改变生活窘境而每天提着他那举全部家当购置的扫描仪奔波于各大医院去销售,尽情“享受”着医生的拒绝和揶揄,而回家后却还要小心地安抚妻儿,心里不禁一阵阵心疼。终于,妻子再也无法忍受这样贫寒而又毫无起色的生活,愤然离开。他的忧伤与无助又一次刺疼了我,生活在煎熬着他,看着房东愤然将他和儿子的东西丢在房外,而他只能带着疲惫的心,拖着心爱儿子,开始流浪,四处找寻住所。当父子两人在公共卫生间的角落依偎着,有人想近来方便之时,而他用脚抵着反锁了门,不敢出声,痛苦伤心的泪水顺腮而下时。。。。。。 他的自信,出色的人际交往能力,很难相信这样的他不会有更多的机会;拎着重物满大街飞奔,冒着生命危险在车流中穿梭,追讨被偷的仪器;被妻子抛弃,独力抚养儿子;被追讨房租,进而扫地出门;会因为18元的的士费而夺门而逃,大喊“sorry”;会为了进入宗教收容所,而撒谎插队;会为了赶时间去排队,坐公车时而枉顾“女士优先”的绅士礼仪;会在无处住宿时,与儿子玩着幻想的游戏;会为了给儿子一个安定的环境,走投无路时,去卖血缓解困难。凭借着坚韧的毅力,追求幸福的执着,对儿子深深的爱,最后他成功了。 还记得他第二次流泪,是在被接纳进入公司时,他在老板面前已经热泪盈眶,表示感谢,但离去时,他显得很平静;走在人潮中,他激动万分,不知该怎样表达、宣泄自己的激动与喜悦,最后他跑到儿子所在的幼儿园,一把抱住儿子,紧紧的,流下了热泪。不知道,他那段经历是困难,还是幸福。他在追求幸福,其实幸福早就在他身边,他拥有儿子对他的信任,他对儿子深深的爱。这是伟大


The practical significance about The pursuit of happiness Through one-week English videos training, I have learnt a lot. Today I will show the practical significance about the pursuit of happiness. As we know that the film is about a father who wants to be an investment expert, and how can he be an investment expert. The way to be an investment expert is not easy, but at last the hero succeeded in making his dream true. The film tells us that the process to get the happiness is difficult, and let me know we should treasure it. “You have a dream, you got to protect it!” the hero said to his son.From this word, I learn that one person who has a dream must live for his dream. If we can?t insist on the dream, the dream just is a day-dream, and we have no energy to life well. The word tells us that no matter how the difficulty is big, we just need to see the achievement after the difficulty, no difficulty is difficult. Like the word from Li Ning …anything is possible?. We can also see that as a father, must establish a good image for his child, just like the hero. He teaches his son through his action, and he never give up. The hero was born in a single parent family and he does not want his son like him, so he protects son carefully after his wife going away, and never let his son feel fear and lonely. He also encourage his son to keep his dream. In the film, the hero does things actively. He always runs for his work and life. A view that shows he runs for his work that selling a machine, and we can imagine that what?s the result if the hero would not run for his machine. Maybe he will feel disappointed for a long time. Another view that shows his running for the sleep place, what a pity that he was too late, and the end is that he sleep in the toilet with his little son and keep the toilet door close stubbornly. So from the two views we should know that when we do anything, must be active, and if not, the bad result, just like the result in the film, would be coming ruthlessly. The film brings us a good deal of enlightenment. With its practical significance, we will have more spirits to participate in the future work, just like the hero never gave up, and give my families happiness, then to be a better man.

当幸福来敲门 电影赏析

《当幸福来敲门》电影赏析 授课时间: 授课地点:八年级()班 授课教师:老师 课程内容:The Pursuit of happiness 当幸福来敲门 课程目的:通过电影,让同学们学习英语的过程更加轻松、有趣;增进同学们对英语国家文化的了解;课外拓展同学们的词汇量与语法知识。 课程任务:背景知识介绍,电影欣赏,俚语. 词汇讲解。 教学进程: 一、课程介绍 让学生对英语电影赏析这个课程有一个大致的了解(见“课程目的”与“课程任务”) 二、赏析电影 1、介绍主演,引入新词dominant roles 威尔·史密斯饰Chris Gardner事业失败致穷途潦倒到无家可归,因儿子的未来重新振奋 贾登·史密斯饰Christopher在唐人街的一所托儿所上学的五岁孩子,爱看电影对学习无协助 桑迪·牛顿饰Linda 为补贴家计一天打两份工,后来离开克里斯到纽约生活 2、Plot Outline(故事梗概) 克里斯·加德纳(威尔·史密斯),生活在旧金山的黑人男青年,靠做推销员养着老婆还有幼子。克里斯从没觉得日子过得很幸福,当然也没很痛苦,就跟美国千万普通男人一样过着平淡的生活,直到有一天,一系列突如其来的变故才让克里斯知道,原来平淡的日子有多珍贵。 引入新词:appreciate 感激opportunity 机会dense 密集的calm down 平静下来3、Movie Time Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it.

克里斯?加德纳:如果你有梦想,就要守护它。 Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it. 克里斯?加德纳:当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。 Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it! 克里斯?加德纳:有了目标就要全力以赴。 Martin Frohm:What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say? 马丁:如果我雇佣了一个没有穿着衬衫走进来的人,你会怎么说? Chris Gardner:He must have had on some really nice pants. 克里斯?加德纳:他一定穿了一条很棒的裤子。 There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y in "happiness",It's an I 幸福的幸里面是一个“幸”,不是一个“辛”。或者理解成,Y=Why=为什么,I=我。幸福里面没有为什么,只有我。 I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't konw the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't konw.But I bet you what:I konw how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer,. 我是这样的人,如果你问的问题我不知道答案,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。但我向你保证:我知道如何寻找答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。 What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a short on and I hired him? What would you say? He must've had on some really nice pants. 如果有个人连衬衫都没穿就跑来参加面试,你会怎么想?如果最后我还雇佣了这个人,你会怎么想? 那他穿的裤子一定十分考究。 Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me. 别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。 You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.


《当幸福来敲门》:克里斯的幸福密码 1. 一部电影,如果你越看越想看,越看越替主人公着急,那么这部电影就值得你看了。《当幸福来敲门》便是这样。影片越是接近结束,我越是频繁地去看还有多长时间就要演完。因为我为主人公克里斯着急——影片还有十五分钟就要结束,而克里斯正挽起袖子卖血。看上去,他的幸福遥遥无期。他的幸福何时才来敲门?这个悬念是如此强烈。这正是导演的高明之处。或者说,这正是电影的惯用桥段。它就是要硬生生地折磨人,让你随着主人公的命运而揪心,欲罢不能。 当然,克里斯最终成功了,他赢得了属于自己的幸福。作为一部励志电影,它的结果毫无悬念。所以说这个结果并不重要。重要的在于主人公实现理想、成就事业所经历的过程。在这个过程里,我们或许可以一窥克里斯的幸福密码之所在。 2. 俗谓失败是成功之母,那么苦难是否幸福之母? 随着剧情,我们发现,克里斯这家伙简直是“背”字不断,霉运连连:

40岁的克里斯是一个医疗器材推销员,他提着40 磅重的扫描仪,不停地奔跑。每个月至少得卖三台,才够付房租和幼儿园费以及车窗上的罚单,问题是他很久没卖出一台了。要么是等上半天医生却没空见他,要么医生认为这东西没用还太贵。好容易有医生愿意买了,仪器却坏了。当屡屡被医生和气地拒绝,谁能理解西装革履、面带微笑、彬彬有礼的克里斯心里的那份郁闷与困惑?妻子琳达已经连续上了四个月的双份班,愁苦的日子,让她无论是身体还是心理,都疲惫不堪,只好成天抱怨。5岁的儿子克里斯托弗在一家连“幸福”的“幸” 都写成“辛”的幼儿园里,整天没人管,要不人家就给看一些《爱之海》之类的电视剧。勤奋肯干的克里斯,却总不能让妻儿过上好日子。看着大街上神采飞扬、面带微笑的人们,他扪心自问:??他们全都看起来超幸福的样子,为什么我不能也满脸幸福? 申请参加迪安公司经纪人实习培训时,克里斯居然“冒傻气”把仪器托付给一个街头的嬉皮女孩照看,结果女孩拎着仪器跑上了地铁,克里斯狠追而不得,气恼不已——丢了一台仪器就意味着损失了一个月的伙食。所以当又一天看到嬉皮女孩与一个男子拎着仪器出现时,克里斯毫不犹豫追到公交车上夺了回来。而这就更坏,因为手里的一台还没卖出去。这与临离开家时琳达说的“那玩意儿卖了再回来”完全相悖。连儿子也对他说“你不该带这东西回家的”。果然妻子因此十分恼火,根本听不进任何解释,克里斯问她“这么说你不再 相信我了?”琳达皱着眉头道:“随便,我不在乎??”


当幸福来敲门电影观后感影评 当在生活上遇到挫折的时候,看看《当幸福来敲门》吧,让自己的心平静下来,客观的看待问题,这里给大家整理了一些有关当幸福来敲门的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助.. 当幸福来敲门观后感1 列夫·托尔斯泰说过:“幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。”对于一个不幸的家庭来说,幸福是多么遥不可及,可影片《当幸福来敲门》主人公却用他的热血否定了这一切。 他一直处于单亲家庭中,28岁才找到自己的亲身父亲;他被证券公司解雇,多次工作失利,后来转职卖医疗仪器,又被小偷偷走;他四处奔波,却没有一人愿意买他的仪器;他因违例停车,无力还钱,被判入狱;他尽力想守住家庭,可老婆还是毅然离家;当他濒临破产时,还是刻苦耐劳地善尽单亲职责,尽心尽力地抚养着儿子,时刻守护在儿子身边。他明明是如此不幸、悲惨,但他始终相信:只要今天够努力,幸福明天就会来临,为了儿子的未来,他只好咬紧牙关,重新振作,处处向机会敲门,最后他终于追逐到了自己的梦想,成为一个成功的投资专家。 在一个普通人身上,我看到了他的坚定、顽强、负责和那种面对冷眼的不妥协,在这个什么都有的时代,在我这些还未成年、

未懂事独立的孩子眼里,又怎能去体会他的那份艰苦和奋斗的经历。不过在平时学习生活中,我们又何尝不是遇到过重重的困难和挫折,但我们又有没有向那位父亲一样,挑战着自己的极限,承受着别人的冷眼与嘲笑,朝着自己梦想的方向追逐! 这部影片完全改变了我对幸福的看法,所有的一切,都是失去以后才想着珍惜。珍惜现在,就是在享受幸福。幸福就在身边,每个幸福都是来之不易的。我们要倍加珍惜父母为我们营造的幸福生活,正确面对学习和生活中遇到的所有困难。不管遇到什么,我们没有理由抱怨,没有理由逃避。只要有信心,就有无穷的力量。只有不懈努力,幸福终将来敲门! 当幸福来敲门观后感2 看完这部片子,内心久久不能平静,它让我看到了主人公的乐观、坚强、自信和永不言弃,同时也体会到了人世的冷漠、无奈和不易。事业的失败、妻子的抛弃、生活的窘迫并没有压倒克里斯,恰恰相反,苦难的经历让他变得更加自信、自强,在困境中他坚定信念、永不放弃,终于在幸福来临的时候牢牢地抓住了属于自己的幸福。 我们在生活中又何尝不是如此呢?人生就是一段漫长的旅程,在这段旅程上没有人是一帆风顺的,也没有人可以预知在这个旅程中会发生什么?但是有一点我们是可以深信的,那就是:当上帝为你关上了一扇门时,她就会为你开启一扇窗。


A Review of《The Pursuit of Happiness》 I have seen《The Pursuit of Happiness》several days ago , but I can?t forget Chris and his spirits until now . To be honest , this move is really a big shock to me , and the strong power in Chris has been influencing me all the time . Characters and the climate There are mainly three characters : Chris Gardner 、Christopher、Linda ,and the leading character is Chris Gardner ,the father. The whole atmosphere is positive ,though there is a large part describing the bitter struggles of Chris ,his spirit is inspiring , and there is no disappear but hope and stable belief in happiness. Development of events The story of Chris Gardner is divided into six part ,I will introduce them one by one . Part one : Riding the bus It was in San Francisco 1981, Chris spent all his money on buying medical equipments , but later he found that they were unpopular among doctors ,because they were expensive and almost useless . everyday he did his best to promote the equipment to doctors ,but he can?t earn enough for the rent and kindergarten , his life was not easy . Part two: Being stupid In this part ,Chris had to apply for a work as a stock woker ,so he left the medical equipment with a girl ,but the girl took it away ! what a accident ! Part three : Running He rann after the girl who had stolen the equipment ,finally ,he took it back ,another situation is that he had no money for the taxi ,so he escaped ;Third ,he was sent to the prison for owing the taxes ,and the next morning ,he ran to the stock company for a interview with paint stains on his body . Part four : Internship Chris got the job as a internship for six months without salary ,,it was really a hard time for him ,he had to sell the equipment while working as a internship. Afterall , he earned some money from the medical equipments


“美国梦”是一个被众多美国人普遍信 仰的信念。奥巴马的当选为古老的“美国梦”平添了新意,也使“美国梦”再次成为许多人讨论的话题。长久以来,传统的“美国梦”曾经激励不计其数的美国人依靠个人奋斗走 向事业的成功,曾经吸引世界各地移民抱着“美国梦”的理想涌向美国。在“美国梦”向世界展示和传播的过程中,作为美国文化银幕 表达方式的电影起到了加速和催化作用。号 称“梦工厂”的好莱坞曾塑造出了一个又一 个依靠聪明、勤奋与坚韧不拔的意志战胜种 种困难而实现事业成功的“美国梦”典型。“美国梦”确实曾经真实过,但现在却越来越难以实现。影片《当幸福来敲门》就是展现这种现代“美国梦”的典型。 1.“美国梦”的历史根源及其含义 “美国梦”(American Dream)是一个被 众多美国人普遍信仰的信念。它源于英国对 美国的殖民时期,发展于19世纪,是一种相 信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获 得更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须通过自己 的勤奋工作、勇气、创意和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。许 多欧洲移民都是抱着“美国梦”的理想前往 美国的。 机会均等是“美国梦”的灵魂。聪明、勤 奋与坚韧不拔是“美国梦”的必要条件,而幅度巨大的社会阶级纵向流动,尤其是下层阶 级至上层阶级的流动,是“美国梦”表现出来的最为显著的特征。 2.《当幸福来敲门》简介 凭借《当幸福来敲门》,威尔.史密斯获 得了第79届奥斯卡影帝提名,演员在该片中 的演出可见一斑。在这部影片中,已近而立 之年的克里斯.加德纳(威尔.史密斯饰)是一 名只有高中学历的黑人医疗器械推销员。由 于无法缓解的经济危机,妻子琳达(珊迪.纽 顿饰)无法继续忍受这样艰难的生活,离开了 克里斯,留下了他和5岁的儿子克里斯.托弗(杰登.史密斯饰)相依为命。妻子走后,克里 斯父子二人的霉运并没有结束,他们因交不 起房租而被房东扫地出门,在长途地铁上打盹,在地铁站的卫生间内借宿,和众多流浪 者一样去教堂寻求庇护。


当幸福来敲门观后感高中生范文大全 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— 当幸福来敲门观后感1 当上帝将一种叫做F肽的物质植入人类大脑的蓝斑区域之后,人们便有了一种看不见摸不着不可追逐却转瞬即逝的感觉,那种感觉叫做幸福。自我刚刚还在思考幸福是什么,我的幸福在哪里同事给我一部电影,电影的名字恰是《当幸福来敲门》。俗话说,无巧不成书,也就有了这篇文章。 起初我一点都不羡慕主人公的生活,每一天被房东和家人逼迫着努力工作,为赚钱而疲于奔命,无时无刻不在奔跑,奔跑着追赶时间,还时不时的犯傻被骗。可是最终当主人公录取上了股票经纪人时,我承认我动摇了。 有无数的人以往问过这个问题:幸福是什么商人说:茫茫商海,一本万利足矣;农民说:风调雨顺,喜获丰收即可;官员说:蹉跎人生,平步青云是愿;工人说:朝六晚九,收入等于支持则安;乞丐说:风餐露宿,一人一家温饱;上帝说:凭己之智,脚踏实地,学最好的别人,做最好的自我。幸福,一百个人会有一百种解释。每个人都有自我对幸福的独到见解。可是我要告诉你,即便是这样,这些人最终得到的结论都是一样的,那就是:幸福在路上。 如果你是一个学生,最幸福的事情不是考取了什么大学或是拿到了什么学位,而是为了这个目标而日日夜夜的努力拼搏。相信你必须还记

得那些为高考而辛勤奋斗的时光,此刻回想起这些时,有时很高兴,因为你也以往这样很努力很尽心的奋斗过,虽然很辛苦可是很充实;有时也很失落,因为像那样充实的人生,这辈子或许也就这一次吧。蓦然回首,那段日子很清晰,因为那里面充斥着你的人生梦想,为梦想而拼搏的动力,更确切的说是那在奋斗路上的幸福使你对那段时光始终念念不忘。 如果你是一个建筑工人,从你的项目一开工,幸福就在你工作的一砖一瓦当中了。你虽要在炎炎烈日下为大厦添砖加瓦,你会流汗,会受伤,会吃不好饭,会忙可是来,会加班加点,你或许并不觉得自我很幸福。然而当项目完成时,你却很难过,因为你的目标瞬间就没有了,你需要寻找下一个目标并努力有个新的开始。然后你才会发现以前为完成一个项目而辛勤的劳动是多么幸福。 好了,此刻你什么都不是,只是一位身在旅途的游客。你想攀登一座山峰,当你攀上峰顶的时候,你会发现那里其实什么都没有。真正的幸福是你在攀爬的石阶上,看到花儿在点头,鸟儿在歌唱,太阳在微笑,路人在两旁。你发此刻路上你并不是孤单一人,总有人与你并肩前行,去征服这个看起来有点可怕的山神,这种感觉才是幸福。 絮絮叨叨了这么多,你是否真正明白了呢幸福其实就是有一个明确的目标,然后向着目标不断前进,努力奋斗。目标不是幸福,结局也不是幸福,幸福是你奋斗的过程。当看到主人公悄然落泪的那一刻,他明白他在艰辛道路上的打拼都值得,所有的努力都没有白做;当你收到录取通知书的那一刻,你明白充实的生活给你带来的不是苦涩,奋

当幸福来敲门 英文影评

There Is No “Y” In Happiness, There Is “I” —A REVIEW OF”THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS” There is a story about loser. As a matter of fact, I think it is usually more serious problem that someone is called “loser” in English. Because,when you are labeled a "loser" in the name, you will be forgotten and despised by others. And when you are named “total loser”, I am afraid you will break down in your life. However, this story is not about success, just about happiness. What is happiness? If you ask this question on what is the same universe. As we all know, everyone has their own standard about happiness.As long as you reach this standard, you're happy. Just like this film “the pursuit of the happyness”. This film tells the story of a poor father called Christ Gardner. When He met his father, he was 28. So he was determined to be a good father who can take care of his son very well. He wanted to change the situation of the family.He bought 50 b one scanners ,he wanted to sale these by 240 dollars to make a change.But he failed.Most of the doctors think it as a useless an d expensive machine .Christ had to find out other ways to make it.With the help of a magic cube ,he succeeded getting a chanc e to practice in Dean Witter,he want to be a stockbroker,becaus


观看电影《当幸福来敲门》有感心得体 会精选5篇 《当幸福来敲门》观后感1 看了电影《当幸福来敲门》后,感触颇多,剧情就不解释了,直接表达我的感触好了。特别记得他对他儿子说的那句“当别人不行的时候,他们也会告诉你,你也不行,所以永远也不要叫别人告诉你,你可以或者不可以做什么。” 这部电影里的人物虽然不潇洒,但是却有一个很好的情节。电影留给我的不仅是回味,还有深深的思考。生活中的我是什么样?对人生的态度是个什么样子?或许工作的繁忙让我们有点疲惫,但是只要我们努力,合理去分配他们,你就会发现,琐碎的小事中也能折射出生活的亮点。只要你心怀一颗不言弃的心,永不言败,永不言弃,幸福就会对你不离不弃,始终伴随在你的周围。 影片中,史密斯颠沛流离的生活让我们觉得可怜,但不论命运如何捉弄,也不能磨灭他对美好未来的向往。故事的结局让我明白,幸福不管在什么时候突然来临,都不算太晚。其实,每个人的生活中都不缺少幸福,缺少的只是一双善于发现幸福的眼睛。找一些自己喜欢做的事情,或去帮助需要帮助的人,幸福就是这么简单。当然,幸福也不是随便敲开任何一家大门,幸福只会敲勤奋聪明人家的门。当幸福来敲门,立于门后那些努力的人们才有机会打开大门,拥抱幸福。

作为一名大学生,我们首先要学好自己的专业知识,无论有多难,都要投入无限热情,这样才能成就自己、走向成功。哪怕有时不尽人意,但只要我们不放弃,幸福就在下一秒来找你,无论你是学生、还是其他人,只要你肯用心,让每一天都成为自己大学生涯里的里程碑,那么你一定会从平凡走向杰出,永不言弃,永不放弃,不断的调整自己、振作自己,用无限的真诚和热情投入学习,工作,你就会发现,幸福就在你的身边。 人人都有自己的梦想,有的人梦想成真,有的人梦想破灭,这些都不是重点,重点背后是努力奋斗,坚持向前,超越自己的行动而成,我们应学会保护好自己的梦想,为梦想努力,为梦想坚持,幸福真的会来敲开你的心门。加油,为了属于自己的那份幸福,努力,为了实现自己那份幸福。 《当幸福来敲门》观后感2 看到《当幸福来敲门》的时候还真的犹豫了好一会,到底要不要看这么一个励志的剧情片。 习惯了威尔史密斯刑警系列的耍帅搞笑,影片开始看到他黑人典型的小卷发,短胡须,心想原来他还可以黑人得这么地道。 影片讲述的是一个极其努力却仍然穷困潦倒的推销员,因为经济窘迫而离开的妻子,天真却无条件相信自己父亲的上幼儿园的儿子。影片最后,主人公通过自己超乎寻常的坚持与努力,终于成功当上了待遇优厚的股票经纪人。 让人印象深刻的地方有很多:


The Pursuit of Happiness 蔡志鑫 143303243 “You got a dream, you gotta protect it”, a saying in this movie, is really a shock to me. It goes without saying that this movie is a special encouraging movie, in which Christopher Gardner, played by Will Smith, spared no efforts to realize his dream and never gave up. In fact, the encouraging movies are playing an important role in the market of movie in China as well as American. Firstly, I?m willing to say some words about Will Smith, the leading role of this mov ie. Through the movie “I Am Legend”, I start to pay attention to this actor. In the past, in my mind, he usually was the symbol of hero. However, in this movie, he became a pitiful poor man but showed us his love for his son and ambition to future. Here are some abstracts from this movie: Never had Christopher Gardner seen his father until the year when he is 28 years old, As a result, he determined to be a good father incompetently. However, just as an old saying goes, “not every thing goes well in our life”, this single father lived an unfavorable life in which he experienced the unemployment and was abandoned by his wife at the same time. At last, what he owned was his son. To make his son happy, Gardner had no choice but worked hard and took every opportunity to make money. In the process of pursuing the success, he used to sell the medical equipment, stay in the prison for owing money, competed for a job without salary for six months and even lived in the WC. Under this tough circumstance where we, ordinary people, may give up just at the very beginning, he insisted on encouraging himself and get over the setbacks and barriers. Finally, all difficulties had to give in, he succeeded in accessing to a securities company and started his new life as a bottom staff. At last, he eventually became a renowned financial investor. He believed that if one person makes a good effort, happiness will come tomorrow. After watching it, many thoughts struck to me. At the beginning of the movie, Chris saw a wrong word on t he wall, and said the famous sentence: There is no …Y? in happiness, the only thing we can do is striving for our own happiness voluntarily. Indeed, whoever you are, you have to experience some pain or failure in your life, which is not associated with your appearance, nationality or gender. Just take us, some congratulated students of UESTC, there?s no denying the fact that we are faced with much pressure coming from our parents, subjects and future prospect. However, in comparison with Chris, we have dormitories to live, have friends to share sorrow and happiness, have freedom to enjoy, do we really have qualification to complain about our life? I ask myself when the last occasion might have been that any of these critics genuinely had to spoiler: run,
