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1.-It' s useless to regret what has been done. Don't make those mistakes again

-I won't. That's a(n) .(2018年河南)

A. order

B. decision

C. promise

D. agreement

2. I live near a . It gets very noisy on match days. (2018年江西)

A. hospital

B. store

C. bank

D. playground

3.-What is the of your excellent spoken English?

-Practice makes perfect! (2018年安徽)

A. result

B. influence

C. duty

D. secret

4. Her smile made me feel warm and lively. It was like a hidden .(2018年天津)

A. competition

B. interview

C. treasure

D. tradition

5. Could you please put some in my cup? I'd like sweet coffee. (2018年青岛)

A. sugar

B. salt

C. ice

D. pepper

6. Wu Wei, a young artist, has received high from the art community for this sculptures. (2018年宿迁)

A. pride

B. praise

C. promise

D. progress

7. The Queqiao Satellite(卫星)will form a bridge between controllers on earth and the far side of the moon. (2018年扬州)

A. contribution

B. communication

C. celebration

D. competition

8. The is so strong today that my hair keeps blowing in the air.

A. rain

B. snow

C. sun

D. wind

9.-Do you have this T shirt in a small ?

-I'm afraid not. It only comes in medium.(2018年南京)

A. size

B. colour

C. material

D. taste

10.-Let' s see what food you've got for dinner.

-Look, we have mutton, fish, eggs, tomatoes and . (2018年东营)

A. milk

B. bread

C. coffee

D. juice

11. In every ,there has to be some give-and-take. (2018年武威)

A. friendship

B. instrument

C. attention

D. blackboard

12. National Treasure quickly rose to the top television rating ranks after it was presented

on CCTV. It means a growing in traditional culture among China's youth.(2018年连云港)

A. interest

B. direction

C. habit

D. dream

13.-What was the of the football match last night?

-AC Milan won the game. (2018年温州)

A. value

B. result

C. choice

D. decision

14. My grandpa knows the history and medical of many plants.(2017年扬州)

A. wealth

B. price

C. value

D. cost

15. To the teacher' s joy, the student made great this term.(2017年黄石)

A. result

B. preparation

C. suggestion

D. progress

16. Dr. Ma has helped a lot of patients see again in the of his life.(2017年南通)

A. form

B. way

C. direction

D. course

17. Nowadays some made in China are both good and cheap, such as Xiaomi mobile phones, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers.(2017年东营)

A. tools

B. products

C. materials

D. instruments

18.-Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?

-Either day is OK. It makes no to me.(2017年苏州)

A. choice

B. change

C. difference

D. decision

19. Daniel has tried to lose by eating less recently, but two kilos has been put on instead.(2017年广东)

A. weight

B. weights

C. height

D. heights

20.-It' s hot today. Have some ,please.

-No, thanks. I' m not thirsty at a11.(2017年怀化)

A. water

B. potatoes

C. bread

21. Fruit is good for health, so I o8en have breakfast with one .(2017年青岛)

A. candy

B. cake

C. banana

D. hamburger

22.-Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week.

-Well, you' d better take a with you, or you may easily got lost. (2017年重庆A卷)

A. photo

B. stamp

C. map

D. postcard

23. Zhang Lin is a popular in this school and most students are her fans. (2017年重庆B卷)

A. farmer

B. doctor

C. worker

D. teacher

24. The New Silk Road will offer a good for nations to communicate.(2017年安徽)

A. chance

B. habit

C. question

D. price

25.-Do you have any for tonight yet?

-Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach?(2017年江西)

A. problems

B. news

C. plans

D. rules


1. C。order“命令,顺序”;decision“决定”;promise“承诺,许诺,诺言”;agreement “协议,同意”。根据句意可知,空格处缺少的是表示“承诺”的单词,故应选择C项。

2. D。hospital“医院”;store“商店”;bank“银行”;playground“运动场”。句中有on match days,意思是“在比赛日”,按常识推断,比赛是在“运动场上”进行,故应选择D项。

3. D。result“结果”;influence“影响”;duty“职责”;secret“秘诀”。答语“Practice makes perfect!”是谚语,意思是“熟能生巧”或“勤能补拙”,意为“多练习就能做好某事”。按
