新小学小升初英语阅读试题及答案及答案【解析】 (2)

新小学小升初英语阅读试题及答案及答案【解析】 (2)
新小学小升初英语阅读试题及答案及答案【解析】 (2)




Many people like to travel by plane, but I don't like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You can't open the window. You can't choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. The stations are usually in cities. When you can't catch a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train. You can see many interesting things on your way. And the trains are fast too.I also like cars. You can start your trip when you want to, and you don't need to reach a train station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

(1)Why do many people like to travel by plane?

A. Because it is fast.

B. Because you can walk around in the plane.

C. Because it is late.(2)Which is not the good thing about the train?

A. It is safe.

B. The stations are usually in cities.

C. You can't see interesting things on your way.

(3)If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out?

A. A bus.

B. A car.

C. A train.

(4)We don't have to wait if we travel __________

A. by car

B. by plane

C. by train






(1)根据短文内容中Many people like to travel by plane,planes are fast,得知许多人喜欢乘坐飞机是因为飞机是非常快的。故选A。

(2)问题的内容是哪一种对于乘坐火车来说是不好的事情,根据对短文内容中The stations are usually in cities.得知火车站通常都在城市里,这是比较不好的一个方面。故选B。

(3)问题的内容是如果你想要携带大量的东西,你会选择怎样出行?根据短文内容you can carry many things with you in a car你乘坐私家车可以携带大量的东西。故选B。

(4)根据短文内容You can start your trip when you want to, and you don't need to reach a train station or a bus stop.得知开私家车可以随时出发,不必等待。故选A。



A manlives in a big house. He likes his house, but he hates(讨厌)the mice in it. One day, he buys a big cat from the market(市场) to eat the mice. After a few days, the cat kills(杀)many mice. This time, the mice become very worried. They decide todo something to save their lives, so all the mice come together to discuss(讨论)it. They have many plans, but none of them is good and useful.

Atlast, a young mouse stands up and says: “I'll show you what we can do. We canput a bell around the cat's neck. Then if the cat comes we can run away,because we can hear the bell ring.” All the mice agree and say it's a goodidea. Then an old mouse stands up and asks, “The point(重点)is which of us will tie(系)the bell to thecat's neck?” No one says anything because no one dares(敢)to do it.

(1)What does the man worry about?

A. His house is too big.

B. His cat is too big.

C. There are many mice in his house.

(2)Why do all the mice have a meeting one day?

A. They want to live in another house.

B. They don't want, to be killed by the cat.

C. They want to kill the cat in the house.

(3)What do the mice think of the young mouse's idea?

A. It's a bad idea.

B. It's a dangerous (危险的) idea.

C. It's a good idea.

(4)Do the mice dare to tie the bell to the cat's neck?

A. Yes, they do.

B. No, they don't.

C. Sorry, I don't know.

(5)What can we learn from the story?

A. To say is one thing, to do is another thing.

B. The mice are very clever.

C. The cat is clever.







(1)句意:这个男人在担心什么?根据原文He likes his house, but he hates the mice in it.他喜欢他的房子,他讨厌有老鼠在里面。可知,有很多老鼠在他房子里。故答案选:C。

(2)句意:为什么有一天所有的老鼠开会?根据原文They decide to do something to save their lives, so all the mice come together to discuss it.他们决定做点什么挽救他们的生命,所以他们聚在一起讨论。可知,他们不想被猫吃掉。故答案为:B。

(3)句意:老鼠们觉得难请的老鼠注意怎么样?根据原文All the mice agree and say it's a good idea.所有的老鼠都赞同并说是好主意。故答案选:C。

(4)句意:老鼠敢在猫的脖子上系铃铛吗?根据原文No one says anything because no one dares(敢)to do it.可知,没人敢去。故答案选:B。




Dear Peter,

Thank you for your letter. Now I'm going to answer some of your questions. You ask me about the weather in Beijing in winter. It's quite cold and it often snows in winter. After snowing, the ground is white. And I can skate on the ice. It's very interesting to skate. I like winter best.

You ask me when it is the best time to come to China. I think the best time to come to China is in spring or in fall. It's often too hot in summer and it's too cold in winter. I have to finish this letter now. Ask your brother to come to China with you together. Welcome to Beijing soon. Yours,


(1)Which country is Jim in?

A. America.

B. China.

C. Canada.

(2)What season does Jim like best?

A. Spring.

B. Summer.

C. Winter.

(3)What is the best time to come to China?

A. Spring.

B. Summer.

C. Spring or fall.

(4)Is it very hot in summer in Beijing?

A. Yes,it is.

B. No,it isn't.

C. I don't know.

(5)What is the text(文章)?

A. A letter.

B. A story.

C. A piece of news.







(1)细节阅读,根据You ask me about the weather in Beijing in winter.得知在中国,故选B。

(2)细节阅读,根据 I like winter best. 得知最喜欢冬季。故选C。

(3)细节阅读,根据I think the best time to come to China is in spring or in fall.得知来中国最好的季节是春季或者秋季,故选C。

(4)细节阅读,根据It's often too hot in summer 得知夏天很热,做肯定回答,故选A。(5)细节阅读,根据Dear Peter和Yours,Jim得知是一封信,故选A。



Hello, I'm Mike. My family had a good time last Sunday. Let me tell you. I went to the Nature Park to see animals. I took many pictures for them. The animals are cute. My mother was busy. She washed the clothes and cooked dinner at home. My father read some newspaper. In the evening we ate dinner and watched TV together! That was fun! What about you? What did you do last weekend?

(1)Mike saw animals in the zoo last Sunday.

(2)Mike doesn't like animals.

(3)Mike's dad read some magazines.

(4)Mike's mother was busy at home.

(5)Mike and his parents were happy last Sunday.







(1)句意:上周日Mike在动物园看到许多动物。根据短文叙述I went to the Nature Park to see animals.(我去自然公园看动物。)可知不是去动物园。题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(2)句意:Mike不喜欢动物。根据短文内容The animals are cute.(动物们很可爱。)可知喜欢动物。题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(3)句意:Mike的爸爸读杂志。根据短文叙述My father read some newspaper.可知是读报纸。题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(4)句意:Mike的妈妈在家里很忙。根据短文叙述My mother was busy. She washed the clothes and cooked dinner at home.(我妈妈很忙。她在家里洗衣服做饭。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(5)句意:上周日Mike和他的父母和快乐。根据短文叙述 My family had a good time last Sunday.(上周日我们一家玩得高兴。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。



Sarah was busy but very happy lastSunday. She washed her clothes and cooked noodles in the morning. She did herhomework and played the piano in the afternoon. She cleaned her room andlistened to music in the evening. Next Sunday, she is going to the park withher parents.

(1)Sarahcooked noodles last Sunday.

(2)Sarahwatched TV last Sunday.

(3)Sarahdid her homework last Sunday.

(4)Sarahis going to visit her grandparents next Sunday.






(1)句意:上星期天Sarah煮的面条。根据She washed her clothes and cooked noodles in the morning.可知Sarah洗衣服和煮面条了,故答案为:正确。

(2)句意:上星期天Sarah看电视了。文章中没有介绍她看电视,故答案为:错误。(3)句意:上星期天Sarah做作业了。根据She did her homework and played the piano in the afternoon.可知她下午做作业了,故答案为:正确。

(4)句意:下星期天Sarah打算去看望她的祖父母。根据Next Sunday, she is going to the park with her parents.可知下星期天她打算跟父母去公园,故答案为:错误。



Zhang Ming is a student. He often goes to school on foot. This morning he went to school by bus because he got up late. Li Dong is Zhang Peng's classmate and he did not go to school. He went swimming last weekend and had a cold. The doctor asked him to take some medicine and stay in bed. So he has to stay at home for a few days. After school, Zhang Peng and his classmates are going to buy some flowers and visit him.

(1)Zhang Ming goes to school on foot every day.

(2)Li Dong had a cold because he went swimming last weekend.

(3)Zhang Ming didn't go to school because he had a cold.

(4)Li Dong's classmates are going to buy presents for him.

(5)Li Dong is in hospital now.






(1)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 张明每天步行去学校。根据短文叙述He often goes to school on foot. (他经常步行去学校。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为: 正确。

(2)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 李东感冒了,因为他上周末去游泳了。根据短文叙述He went swimming last weekend and had a cold. (他上周末去游泳感冒了。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为: 正确。

(3)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 张明没有去学校因为他感冒了。根据短文叙述This morning he went to school by bus because he got up late.(今天早上他乘公交去上学,因为他起床晚了。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为: 错误。

(4)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 李东的同学们打算给他买礼物。根据短文叙述After school, Zhang Peng and his classmates are going to buy some flowers and visit him.(放学后,张朋和同学们打算买鲜花去看望他。)可知是买鲜花。题目叙述错误。故答案为: 错误。(5)这是阅读判断,题目意思是: 李东现在在医院。根据短文叙述So he has to stay at home for a few days.(因此他必须在家待几天。)可知在家。题目叙述错误。故答案为: 错误。



My school is very big and very beautiful. You can see some beautiful grass and flowers in the garden. In summer, we can fly kites and play sports on the playground. There is a big library in my school. In the library, you can read many interesting books. I like it very much.

I love my school very much. Welcome to my school.

(1)My school is .

A. big and beautiful

B. big and clean

C. clean and beautiful.

(2)You can see in the garden.

A. some beautiful grass

B. some beautiful grass and flowers

C. some beautiful flowers

(3)We can on the playground in summer.

A. fly kites

B. read books

C. take pictures

(4)There is a big in my school.

A. dining hall

B. gym

C. library

(5)—Can you read many interesting books in the library?

A. Yes, you can.

B. No, we can't.

C. Yes, we can.






(1)原文填空,根据My school is very big and very beautiful. 知学校又大又漂亮,故答案为A。

(2)原文填空,根据You can see some beautiful grass and flowers in the garden. 知可以看见花园的草和花,故答案为B。

(3)细节理解,根据 In summer, we can fly kites and play sports on the playground.知可以放风筝做运动,故答案为A。

(4)根据There is a big library in my school. 知学校有一个图书馆,故答案为C。

(5)根据you can read many interesting books. 知可以在图书馆读一些有趣的书,故答案为C。



Once upon a time, there was a farmer. One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck. The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself. That night he thought, I needn't work so hard. All I have to do is wait every day by the stump to pick up the hare that runs into it. So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it. But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump.

(1)Once upon a time, there was _______ working in the field.

A. a doctor

B. a farmer

C. a rabbit

(2)The farmer took _______ home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.

A. the hare

B. the tortoise

C. the bird

(3)But from then on, he _______ saw another hare run into the tree stump.

A. often

B. seldom

C. never

(4)From the story, we know the farmer is a ______ man.

A. clever

B. lovely

C. foolish

(5)From the story, we can tell the farmer that he should _______ .

A. work hard

B. give up farming

C. wait for the hare








(1)根据 Once upon a time, there was a farmer. One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck. 可知从前有一个农民


(2)根据 The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself. 可知农夫把野兔带回家,为自己做了一顿美味的饭,故答案为A.

(3)根据 But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump. 可知但从那时起,他再也没有看到一只野兔跑到树桩上,故答案为C.

(4)根据 So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it. 可知从故事中我们知道农夫是个愚蠢的人,故答案为C.




It's Saturday morning. My friends and I are going to the park. It's near our school. We get there by bike. There are a lot of people in the park. Some girls are skipping. Some boys are flying kites. I am watching boats on the lake. I like them. Rowing a boat is fun. We are going to see a film in the evening. Everyone is having a good time.

(1)I am going to the park with my parents on Saturday morning.

(2)We get to the park by bike.

(3)Some boys are flying kites.

(4)I am watching boats. I like rowing boats.

(5)We are going to see a film tomorrow.








(1)句意:星期六上午我跟我的父母去公园了。根据My friends and I are going to the park.可知我跟朋友们去公园了。故答案为:错误。

(2)句意:我们骑自行车去公园。根据We get there by bike.可知我们骑自行车去公园。故答案为:正确。

(3)句意:一些男孩子正在放风筝。根据Some boys are flying kites.可知一些男孩子正在放风筝。故答案为:正确。

(4)句意:我正在看船。我喜欢划船。根据I am watching boats on the lake. I like them.Rowing a boat is fun.可知我正在看船。我喜欢它们。划船很有趣。故答案为:正确。(5)句意:明天我们将去看电影。根据We are going to see a film in the evening.可知晚上我们将去看电影。故答案为:错误。



Chairman Mao was a very famous and important person in Chinese history. He gave Chinese people new life. We can live in China better and better. He was a kind man and he cared about every one of Chinese people and their lives. Chinese people were very poor and hungry in old China before 1949. Chairman Mao led Chinese people to found(建立) new China. Finally, all of the Chinese people work for a better life together. We love Chairman Mao. Chairman Mao is the father of new China.

(1)Chairman Mao was a great man in Chinese history.

(2)Chinese people were very poor in old China after1949.

(3)Chairman Mao cared about every one of Chinese people.

(4)Chairman Mao led Chinese people to found new China.

(5)Chairman Mao is the father of new China.







【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了中国历史上一位非常著名和重要的人物毛主席。(1)句意:毛主席是中国历史上的伟人。根据Chairman Mao was a very famous and important person in Chinese history. 可知毛主席是中国历史上的伟人,故答案为正确。(2)句意:1949年以后,中国人在旧中国很穷。根据Chinese people were very poor and hungry in old China before 1949. 可知1949年以前,中国人在旧中国非常贫穷和饥饿,故答案为错误。

(3)句意:毛主席关心每一个中国人。根据He was a kind man and he cared about every one of Chinese people and their lives. 可知毛主席关心每一个中国人,故答案为正确。

(4)句意:毛主席带领中国人民建立了新中国。根据 Chairman Mao led Chinese people to found new China. 可知毛主席带领中国人民建立了新中国,故答案为正确。

(5)句意:毛主席是新中国之父。根据 Chairman Mao is the father of new China. 可知毛主席是新中国之父,故答案为正确。





Hi, I'm Jack. Children's Day is coming. I'm getting very excited. Here is a plan(计划)for my Children's Day.

I'm going to get up at eight. Then I am going to brush my teeth at eight ten. I usually have my breakfast at seven thirty. But, on Children's Day, I am going to have breakfast at eight thirty. Mum is going to buy a lot of things for me on Children's Day. Tds and I all like playing with yo-yos. So, we're going to play with yo-yos at ten thirty-five. After lunch, about one in the afternoon, we are going to play a lot of interesting games. We all love games. At seven twenty in the evening, I'm going to watch some cartoons. At last, I am going to write my diary at nine.


(1)Jack usually gets up at eight.

(2)Jack is going to have breakfast at 7:30.

(3)Jack is going shopping at 9:40.

(4)Jack likes playing games with his friends.

(5)Jack is going to watch cartoons at 7:10 in the evening.






【解析】【分析】(1)根据第二段第一句关键词get up at eight得知主人公就是打算在八点起床。故选正确。

(2)根据第二段关键句But,on Children's Day,I'm going to have breakfast at eight thirty得知主人公是在八点半吃早餐。故选错误。

(3)根据第二段内容,均未见到go shopping去购物词组,故选错误。

(4)根据第二段内容Tds and I all like playing with yo yos得知主人公喜欢和小伙伴们一起玩游戏。故选正确。

(5)根据第二段最后一句At seven twenty in the evening, I'm going to watch some cartoons. At last, I am going to write my diary at nine.得知主人公在晚上七点二十看动画片。故选错误。



My name is Tom. I'm nine years old. I have a good friend. His name is Jim. He is nine, too. We are in the same class and same grade. We like the same color. Green is our favourite. We also like the same clothes --- shorts. Why? Because it is convenient( 方便的 )for us to play football. I have green shorts and Mike has white shorts. Jim doesn't like the white shorts. He wants a pair of green shorts.

(1)What is the name of the author's friend ?

A. Tom .

B. Jim .

C. Tom .

(2)How old is Tom?

A. Ten.

B. Eleven .

C. Nine .

(3)What clothes do they have in the same ?

A. Trousers .

B. Shoes .

C. Shorts .

(4)What are their favourite color?

A. Green .

B. Blue .

C. Red .






(1)根据所给的短文,I have a good friend. His name is Jim.我有一个好朋友。他的名字叫吉姆。可知作者的朋友是吉姆,故答案为B.

(2)根据所给的短文,My name is Tom. I'm nine years old.我叫汤姆。我九岁了。可知汤姆九岁了,故答案为C.

(3)根据所给的短文,We also like the same clothes --- shorts.我们也喜欢同样的衣服---短裤。可知汤姆和吉姆喜欢同样短裤,故答案为C.

(4)根据所给的短文,We like the same color. Green is our favourite.我们喜欢同样的颜色。绿色是我们的最爱。可知汤姆和吉姆喜欢绿色,故答案为A.



It is a hot day in summer.A hungry lion is walking along a lake.He is looking for something to eat.A duck is swimming in the water.The lion is very happy to see him,"There is my lunch,"the lion says to himself."Hello,Mr Duck!""Go away,bad lion!"says the duck."I have good news for you.""What is it?"asks the duck."I don't want other animals to hear it.Please come here."says the lion.The poor duck gets out of the water and runs to the lion.The lion eats him up.

(1)The wants to find something to eat.

A. lion

B. duck

C. bird

(2)The lion thinks the duck is his .

A. breakfast

B. lunch

C. dinner

(3)The duck wants to .

A. eat the lion

B. know about the good news

C. run away

(4)The lion the duck at last.

A. doesn't eat

B. swims with

C. eats

(5)The lion is .

A. kind

B. tired

C. clever







(1)根据A hungry lion is walking along a lake.He is looking for something to eat可知,饥饿的狮子正在寻找吃的东西。故选A。

(2)根据The lion is very happy to see him,"There is my lunch,"the lion says to himself可知,狮子想要把鸭子吃掉作为自己的午餐。故选B。

(3)根据"I have good news for you.""What is it?"asks the duck可知,鸭子好奇想要知道这个好消息good news。故选B。

(4)根据The lion eats him up可知,狮子最终将鸭子一口吞掉。故选C。

(5)根据"I don't want other animals to hear it.Please come here."says the lion.The poor duck gets out of the water and runs to the lion.The lion eats him up可知,再经过狮子机智地诱骗下,鸭子最后被吃。表达机智要使用形容词clever。故选C。



This is our classroom. It's very big. It has very big windows and there are two green doors. On the front door you can see a photo of my class. There are forty-five students in our class. There are twenty-six boys. In the classroom there are two blackboards. One is for teachers and one is for students. The walls are white and bright. On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and there are two maps too—a map of China and a map of the world.

(1)Our classroom is big, but the windows are small.

(2)There are 26 girls in our class.

(3)There is no blackboard for students in the classroom.

(4)There isn't a photo on the door.

(5)There are two maps on the wall.








(1)句意:我们的教室很大,但是窗户很小。根据 This is our classroom. It's very big. It has very big windows and there are two green doors. 可知我们的教室很大,窗户也很大,故答案为错误。

(2)句意:我们班有26个女生。根据There are forty-five students in our class. There are twenty-six boys. 可知我们班有19个女生,故答案为错误。

(3)句意:教室内没有学生黑板。根据 In the classroom there are two blackboards. One is for teachers and one is for students. 可知教室里有两块黑板,一个给老师的,一个给学生的,故答案为错误。

(4)句意:门上没有照片。根据 On the front door you can see a photo of my class. 可知在前门你可以看到我班的一张照片,故答案为正确。

(5)句意:墙上有两张地图。根据 On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and there are two maps too—a map of China and a map of the world. 可知墙上有两张地图,故答案为正确。



In England, people don't usually talk very much. People often read books and newspapers when they are on a bus or on a train and sometimes they like looking out of the window. But they don't talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about the weather. So when you meet your friends in England, you can say, "It's a nice day today!" "But it was a little colder yesterday," your friend may answer. "But it will get a bit warmer later!" you can say. Talk about the weather like this, and your English friend will think, "How friendly you are! How polite you are!"

(1)In England, people usually talk very much.

(2)People in England often read books and newspapers when they are on a bus or on a train. (3)When you meet English people, they often talk about shopping.

(4)When you meet your friends in England, you can say, "It's a nice day today!"

(5)Talk about the weather with English friends and they may think you're friendly.








(1)句意:在英国人们通常交谈很多。根据短文叙述In England, people don't usually talk very much. (在英国,人们通常不怎么交谈。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。(2)句意:英国的人们在做公交和火车时经常读报纸和书。根据短文叙述People often read books and newspapers when they are on a bus or on a train and sometimes they like looking out of the window. (当人们做公交或火车时它们经常读书和报纸,有时候他们喜欢看着窗外。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(3)句意:当你遇到英国人时,他们经常谈论购物。根据短文叙述 When you meet English

people, they often talk about the weather. (当你遇到英国人时,他们经常谈论天气。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(4)句意:当你在英国遇到你的朋友们时,你可以说“今天天气不错。”根据短文叙述when you meet your friends in England, you can say, "It's a nice day today!" (当你在英国遇到你的朋友们时,你可以说“今天天气不错。”)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。(5)句意:和英国朋友们谈论天气,他们可能认为你很友好。根据短文叙述Talk about the weather like this, and your English friend will think, "How friendly you are! How polite you are!" (像这样谈论天气,你的英国朋友将认为“你是多么的友好啊!你是多么的礼貌啊!”)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

