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1.Business Letters商业信函结构:1)The Heading信头2)The Inside Address封内地址3)The Salutation称呼4)The Body of the letter 信的正文5)The Complimentary Close结束语6)The Signature签名

2.得到顾客的途径:1)商业行会Chamber of Commerce 2)大使馆的商务参赞处Commercial Counsellor’s Office 3)展览会Fair & Exhibitions 4)银行Bank

3.写作原则Writing Principles:1)conciseness简洁2)courtesy礼貌3)clarity清楚4)correctness 正确

4.外资投资企业(三资企业)Foreign-Invested enterprises :中外合资Sino-foreign joint Ventures 中外合作Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises中外融资Wholly foreign-owned enterprises

5.支付方式(modes of payment):1)汇款Transfer/Rwmittance2)托收Collection3)信用证L/C。

汇款又分:信汇Mail Transfer M/T电汇Telegraphic Transfer T/T票汇Banker’s Demand Draft 托收又分:付款交单Documents against Payment D/P 承兑交单Documents against Acceptance 6.贸易术语:FOB(船上交货) →FCA(货交承运人)CFR(成本加运费)→CPT(运费付至)CIF(成本、保险费加运费)→CIP(运费、保险费付至)Freight:FCA卖,CPT 卖,CIP卖Insurance Premium:FOB买,CFR买,CPT卖


1.小型工业small-scale industry 大型工业large industry 重工业heavy industry 轻工业light industry

2.keep sb informed of/that随时告知in the market for 要买

3.in line (out of line)相合(不相合)in line with按照

4.双边贸易bilateral trade 多边贸易multilateral trade

5.供你参考for your examination /study/ information /reference/perusal/consideration

6.冒昧做某事take the liberty of doing sth

7.和某人联系communicate with sb/contact sb

8.在你处in your district/place on your side at your end

9.另封,另邮by separate post/under separate cover/by separate mail 随函under cover

10.订货place one’s order 向….订货place an order with sb

11.提醒某人注意invite one’s attention to或call/draw/direct one’s attention to sth

12.及时的,按时地in good time/in due time/timely 13.货运代理人forwarding agent 船舶代理人ship’s agent 14.提货take delivery 交货make delivery 实际交货actual delivery 象征性交货Symbolic Delivery 15.应某人的要求At one’s request或at the request of sb或as requested 16.实盘firm offer 虚盘non-firm offer 17.对某人让步在某方面to make a concession to sb in sth 18.鉴于,考虑到in view of/considering 19.有账户keep an account 受什么委托for account of 有某人负担for the account of sb 自负盈亏for one’s account

20.关于with regard to , in regard to/of ,as regards ,regarding

21.速遣费dispatch money 滞遣费demurrage money 22.与什么一致conform to 或be up to

23.凭单证付款Cash against Documents (CAD)

24.赊账方式open account terms或O/A terms

25.远期信用证usance L/C或time L/C或term L/C即期信用证sight L/C

26.为自己的利益,自负盈亏on one’ own account =at one’s own risk

27.每隔….时间at intervals of

28.修改amend sth as (表达意愿,意思完整)或amend sth to (条款内容,已确定了的)

29.一式三份in triplicate 一式两份in duplicate 一式四份in quadruplicate 一式五份in quintuplicate

30.某月上旬early in (a month) 某月下旬late in (a month)五月中旬mid-May
