



Good Morning, class. Today is very special for I’m going to have a lesson in front of so many teachers. Feeling nervous, I skipped breakfast this morning. Have you eaten breakfast yet?

Yes. Good boy. Your mum will be glad to hear that. Though most of you have formed the habit of having top meal of the day, I am definitely sure that some of you may not have breakfast or skip breakfast for this or that reason just like me. Compared with breakfast eaters, the persons who don’t have breakfast regularly are called breakfast skippers.

Yesterday you wrote a short composition based on this topic. Now let’s look at it again.


According to the description, how many parts should this passage be made up of?

Three. The first part is phenomenon description. In the second part we should list some possible reasons leading to this phenomenon. And the last part should contain our personal opinions and suggestions.

(板书:phenomenon; reasons; comments)

Now let’s focus on the first part. I think one sentence is enough to describe the phenomenon.

Now take out your written work.

First I’d like you to share you r writing with your groupmates and choose the best sentence of your group and then show it to

the whole class.


Which sentence do you think is the best?

Their sentences are concise and to the point, which reflect the principles of writing. Concise means write with no unnecessary words.

(板书:Be concise; To the point ) While writing we should keep them in mind.

放弃很简单,但你坚持到底的样子一定很酷! 1

Now I show you some sentence structures and you can refer to them as a reference. (展示教师准备好的句子)


●A recent study shows…

●According to the recent survey …

●Recently, a survey has carried out, showing that…

●…haven’t formed / developed the habit of having breakfast.

2. Now let’s come to the second part: the possible reasons why middle school students do n’t have breakfast.

( 请学生说说他们写的作文中的原因,教师板书:lack of time, be in a hurry, study late and get up late; have no appetite for ( …spoil one’s appetite ); be on a diet ( keep slim; lose weight) Yes, you have thought of more reasons than I had expected. But can we put all the reasons into our short passage? Sure, we should choose some and leave some out. But how to connect them coherently and smoothly is a big problem. (板书:Be coherent and smooth).

If a piece of writing is coherent, its parts are connected in a clear and reasonable way.

Now please discuss in groups and each group chooses the

best written one, which should be concise and coherent.


Now let me show you some expressions as a reference.


●There are several reasons accounti ng for this phenomenon.

● A number of factors account for / lead to / contribute to / result in this phenomenon.

●The reasons for this phenomenon can be listed as follows.

放弃很简单,但你坚持到底的样子一定很酷! 2

●The most common reasons given for skipping breakfast are lack of time, no appetite for food, not being hungry or being on a diet.

3. Now let’s come to the third part: comments. Though this part is open-ended, we also can get a clear clue. First we should show our attitude towards the phenomenon, for or against. And then illustrate your point of view with some details. Finally, offer your suggestions.

(板书:comments: viewpoint; supporting details; suggestions)

What’s more, if we want to get a high score, we should polish our sentences and use more different sentence structures and proper connections, which will help to make our composition take on a new look.

Now please share your writing with your groupmates and choose the best one.


Do you think it’s a good sentence?

How to improve it?

Which expression is better of them two?



●Having no breakfast does great harm to our health.

●Not having breakfast tends to have negative effects on your health.

●Never shall we underestimate the importance of having breakfast.

●Breakfast is of vital importance.

放弃很简单,但你坚持到底的样子一定很酷! 3

Supporting details:

●It helps put energy and vitality into the beginning of the day.

●With proper breakfast, you will feel energetic and will not get tired easily.

●Having no breakfast will usually make you eat more for lunch and dinner and crave for snacks, especially sweets, so that your motive of losing weight by skipping breakfast stays unachievable.

●It is scientifically proven that teenagers who have breakfast will have better concentration, problem-solving skills and eye-hand coordination. Also they will be more energetic, creative and alert.


●Try to grab something to eat if you’re in a rush and make it nutritious.

●Let’s begin our day with a healthy / hearty breakfast for the sake of our health and study.

●Do yourself a favor by getting up early enough to have a healthy breakfast. Your body and your grades will reflect the change.

When examining and polishing the sentences, all of us have

noticed that you have used some proper connections to link the sentences together, making the passage more smooth and logical. That’s great. You have done a good job.

Now please reread your own writing and try to correct the mistakes and polish the sentences and then copy it on the blank sheet. Remember: Good handwriting also counts! (板书:Be neat) Now let’s appreciate the polished version.

放弃很简单,但你坚持到底的样子一定很酷! 4


Part 1: Phenomenon lack of time breakfast skippers

be in a hurry Connections:

Part 2: Reasons study late and get up late smooth Principles of writing

have no appetite for…logical 1. Be concise

be on a diet (keep slim, lose weight) 2. To the point

Part 3: Comments Viewpoint 3. Be coherent& smooth

Supporting details 4. Be neat


放弃很简单,但你坚持到底的样子一定很酷! 5


高中英语课程《文学作品赏析》优质课公 开课教案 一、教学目标 1. 通过本课的研究,学生将能够深入了解文学作品的内涵与艺术特点。 2. 培养学生的文学鉴赏能力,提高其阅读理解和表达能力。 3. 激发学生对文学的兴趣,培养其独立思考和创造力。 二、教学重点 1. 能够准确理解文学作品的主题和情感表达。 2. 能够运用文学元素进行作品分析与评价。 3. 能够运用适当的语言表达对文学作品的理解和感受。 三、教学内容与安排 1. 导入(5分钟) - 引入本课的主题,激发学生对文学作品的兴趣。 2. 正文(40分钟)

- 第一部分:学生阅读一篇短篇小说,并提前准备问题,学生通过小组合作方式讨论并回答问题。 - 第二部分:教师讲解文学作品的主题和情感表达,并指导学生进行深入分析。 - 第三部分:学生展示自己对该文学作品的理解和评价,互相交流和借鉴。 3. 练与巩固(15分钟) - 学生完成一些练题,巩固对文学作品的理解和分析能力。 4. 结束(5分钟) - 引导学生进行总结,并激发学生对文学的进一步探索。 四、教学评价与反馈 1. 教师通过观察学生的讨论和展示过程,评价学生对文学作品的理解和表达能力。 2. 学生根据教师提供的评价和反馈,反思自己的不足并进行改进。 五、教学资源

1. 文学作品赏析教材。 2. 学生讨论和展示的材料准备。 3. 练题和评价反馈表。 六、教学拓展 1. 鼓励学生参加文学作品的写作比赛或创意作品展示活动,培养学生的创造力与表达能力。 2. 组织学生参观文学展览或文学讲座,增加学生对文学的体验和了解。 以上就是本次高中英语课程《文学作品赏析》优质课公开课教案的内容和安排。希望能够对您的教学工作有所帮助!


高一英语必修一写作课课堂实录全英文授课 王俐 let’s begin our class.In this lesson we’ll write a story based on given pictures and master the basic elements and writing methods of story narratives .Besides, develope writing thinking and further deepen the cross-cultural understanding of english through writing practice; in addition, share the story about english-related anecdotes. Reviewing :Last lesson we read four funny posts and learned the expressions related to them.what are they?do you remember? They are t he first floor, not bad,wicked, have/there is a frog in one’s throat .can you retell one of them? Lihua,please. Not bad .you did a good job. The four expressions caused the misunderstanding in English. the first floor:in British English,it refers to the floor of a building above the one at ground level; while in American English it means the floor of a building at ground level. And how about this one”not bad”? yes , it is a positive comment. If you have got the comment from your teacher ,it means pretty good,better than you expected. Wicked:what do you think of julien’s grandfather? he is wicked. He is such a nice guy. Is there a frog in your throat? Why don't you say anything? I’m Unable to speak clearly because my throat is dry and blocked . The posts on page 21 remind us that some of the English we learn in the classroom is rather different from the English in the outside world. A frog in one’s throa t means yu cant speak now,what is the meaning of toad-in-the-hole? Next,let’s diecover more about it. Turn to Page 23. We’ll tell a story about toad-in-the-hole together!!!look at the picture .i think all of you can guess what the animal is ….give you two minues to look through the pictures and and answer the questions. Picture 1. Read it carefully,and find the related information. 1.When did the story happen? Yes,you’re right. Last summer. 2.Who were the people in the picture? A British family and I. 3.Where did the story take place? Are you familiar with the building ? 1 it’s a landmark of london-tower bridge,which was built over river themes.so we know the story took place in london. Picture 2 What did the boy say to the girl? We’ll have toad-in-the-hole for dinner. Picture 3. What was the girl’s feeling after hearing the boy’s words? Watch carefully the look on the gorl’s face. worried, a little terrified,confused,nervous ,we can also use “with butterflies in my stomach”to express your n ervousness. you’d better note it down on your books.


(新)高中英语写作公开课详案-课堂实录(含上课内容及板 书) Writing Good Morning, class. Today is very special for I’m going to have a lesson in front of so many teachers. Feeling nervous, I skipped breakfast this morning. Have you eaten breakfast yet? Yes. Good boy. Your mum will be glad to hear that. Though most of you have formed the habit of having top meal of the day, I am definitely sure that some of you may not have breakfast or skip breakfast for this or that reason just like me. Compared with breakfast eaters, the persons who don’t have breakfast regularly are called breakfast skippers. Yesterday you wrote a short composition based on this topic. Now let’s look at it again. 最近的一项调查表明,浙江大约30%的中学生没有吃早餐的习惯。请你说明此现象发生的原因,并就此发表个人看法,提出相关建议。词数:120左右 According to the description, how many parts should this passage be made up of? Three. The first part is phenomenon description. In the second part we should list some possible reasons leading to this phenomenon. And the last part should contain our personal opinions and suggestions. (板书:phenomenon; reasons; comments) Now let’s focus on the first part. I think one sentence is enough to describe the phenomenon. Now take out your written work. First I’d like you to share you r writing with your groupmates and choose the best sentence of your group and then show it to

2019新人教高中英语必修一Unit4Reading for writing公开课教案

2019新人教高中英语必修一 Unit4 Reading for writing教案 Teaching aims: 1.Enable students to get the main idea of the text and identify the type and language features of the text. 2.Analyse the sample and summarize the key elements in writing a summary. 3.Write a summary of the passage"THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN'T SLEEP". Teaching key points: 1.Help students identify the type and language features of the text. 2.Enable students to write a summary. Teaching difficult points: 1.Get students to analyse the structures and language features of the text. 2.Enlighten students on the key steps of writing a summary. Teaching procedure Step I Lead-in Watch a clip from“Video Time”.Prepare some questions before watching. 1.What is a tsunami?What causes it? 2.What damage can it cause? Suggested answers: 1.Harbor wave.It is caused by the earthquake. 2.It can crash over everything in its way,buildings and even a whole city. Besides,it can cause many deaths too. Step ⅡReading Activity 1 Prediction Look at the picture and title,infer the type of the text and predict what the text might be about. If students can recognize the text is a news report,then ask them further about the key points of a news report. Suggested answers: It is a news report.It might be going to talk about the big damage the tsunami

【公开课教案】Unit 3 Reading for Writing人教版(2019)必修第二册

Unit 3 The Internet “Reading for Writing”教学设计 1.教学分析 1.1教学内容分析 本课教学内容选自人教版普通高中教科书英语教材必修二第三单元The Internet的Reading for Writing板块中的Write a blog post部分,主要任务是应用文写作中的博客写作。主题语境为人与社会,旨在培养学生如何在网络生活中保护自己的技能与。课文是一篇分享如何在网络生活中保护浏览体验与个人隐私的博客文章,正文主要分为开头、主体和结尾三个部分。开头部分交代了这封倡议信的写作目的;主体部分提出了三个具体可行的网络安全方案;结尾部分是呼吁更多的人加入对如何在上网时保护信息安全的讨论。文本的主线是“提出问题——提供建议——发出倡议”。 文章结构清晰,语言简洁,内容明确,适合学生学习和模仿。就文章结构来看,该文包含了一般应用文的必要组成部分,包括具体问题、解决方案以及呼吁,为学生的应用文写作提供了一个可模仿的框架。就语言来看,该文有很多非正式语体应用文的功能句式,如“many years...have taught me a thing or two”“there’s the golden rule of...”“do you have some advice for...”等等,为学生的写作输出提供了语言支撑。就内容来看,文章话题为宣传、倡导上网时保护信息安全和维系良好体验的方法,属于实用的互联网话题,具有一定的普遍性和时效性。学生可以通过独立阅读和小组讨论来提取文章的结构以及功能句型,并在教师的引导下提炼写作技巧。 1.2学情分析 本课学生来自Z省某普通高中高一年级,大部分学生已有七年的英语学习经历。他们对互联网这一话题很感兴趣,对如何获得更好的上网体验以及如何保护


人教版高中英语公开课教案 人教版高中英语公开课教案1 教学准备 教学目标 1.学生们分享他们的旅行经历,并用英语交流和表达自己。 2.通过略读和搜索,学生可以获得文章的主要信息,并练习阅读技巧。 3.分组讨论为旅行准备的物品,让学生用简单的英语练习活动。 教学重难点 教学重点:利用阅读技巧,获取文章大意及细节 教学难点:用英语交流并进行简单实践活动—旅游需要准备的物品 教学过程 I、Warming Up: 1. I’d like to share my travelling experience with you, and would you like to share your travelling experience? 2. The world has many great rivers. Have you been to these rivers?

设计意图:大部分学生都喜欢旅游,老师谈谈自己旅游的经历,询问学生的旅游经历。列举世界上的河流图片,让学生来欣赏认识美好的河流。能有效地调动学生的学习积极性。河流图片的展示,学生猜测河流的名字,唤起学生的学习兴趣以及对大自然的热爱。 II. Pre-reading Have you been to the Mekong River? What countries does the Mekong River flow through? 设计意图:展示湄公河沿岸地图,引起学生兴趣,让学生观察地图,说出湄公河流经的国家,为后续阅读做铺垫。 III. Reading 1. Skimming Skim the passage and find the main idea for each paragraph Para 1: Dream Para 2: A stubborn sister Para 3: Preparation 设计意图:略读:学生快速浏览文本,寻找相关信息,匹配段落主旨。阅读技巧:注意每段的开头和结尾。 2. Scanning 1). Read Para 1 and find the key word for the information: Who and What


高中英语优质公开课教案(8篇) 高中英语优质公开课教案2 高中英语优质公开课教案5 一. 教材分析 本单元的中心话题为Modern Agriculture “现代农业”,其中包括“饮食结构”、“农业生产与环境气候”、“土地利用”等话题。本课是第十九单元其次课时阅读”〔Reading〕部分,这是一篇科普文章,该文从中国农业的“历史与现状”、“传统农业技术应用及进展”、“现代农业生产”、“农业生产与生态的前景展望”等四方面对中国农业生产进行了介绍。本文语言通俗易懂,说明事物层次分明,以激发同学学习的爱好和热忱,让他们对于中国的农业进展有一个全面的了解,并可以对同学进行农业技术的爱好培育。 二、学情分析 高一同学英语基础薄弱,词汇量少,语法学问缺乏,中式英文思维方式严峻,冗杂句子结构无法理解,进行阅读相当困难。 三.Teaching Contents 教学内容 Unit 19 Modern Agriculture (SEFC Book 1B) Reading: Modern Agriculture (全日制一般中学教科书(必修)人教版高一英语(下)第十九单元《现代农业》的阅读部分) 四.Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计 1.Target language 目标语言 Make the students master the following words,phrases and

sentence patterns.(让同学把握以下单词、短语和句型。) (1)Important words(重点单词): Protection,technique,irragation, import, production, garden, wisdom, pratical, system, condition, soil (2)Important phrases(重点词组): Be harmful to, be friendly to, depend on, stand for,a variety of (3)Important sentence patterns(重点句型) a. It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China. b. To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible. 2.Ability goals力量目标 Improve the students’ reading ability through re ading activities.(通 过系列阅读活动提高同学的阅读理解力量。) 3.Learning ability goals 学能目标 Enable the students to know the development of modern agriculture in


The Teaching Planning of Module 3 The Violence of Nature Period 5 Co mposition Comments and Appraisals By Tang Guangrong Dayi Middle School, Sichuan Province 一The general situation Title:Composition Comments and Appraisals Style:作文评讲课 Class:Class 5,Senior 1 Teacher:Tang Guangrong Place:Multi-media Classroom Time:40 ms,15th Mar,2023 二The analysis of the text 1 The analysis of the module 本课的Natural disasters是新课标的话题项目之一,学习本模块有助于培养学生写作有关自然灾害文章的能力。 2 Teaching aims (1)知识目标熟练掌握自然灾害与救援的词汇、短语、结构。 (2)能力目标要求能运用自然灾害与救援方面的单词、短语、结构描述我们常见的自然灾害和救援措施。(3)情感目标通过学习,使学生掌握常见自然灾害与救援方面的表达;培养学生富有爱心、乐于助人的高尚品德。 3 Important Points: (1)How to arrange a structure-complete composition; (2)Time &. location expression; (3)How to use the past tense to report a piece of news. 4 Difficult Points: How to use advanced vocabulary and complex structures,such as,non-finite verb,attributive clauses,inversion etc. 三The analysis of the teaching methods 1 具体教学方法(1)方法引导 (2)示范展示 (3)实战演练 2 教学用具:PPT 四The analysis of the students in Class Five 11班学生英语基础普遍较差,没有形成明确的掌握知识、运用知识的意识,甚至一些学生的英语水平仅仅停留在初中水平,学以致用是个大问题。因此,长期以来我们教学的重点是引导学生掌握扎实的基础知识,逐步形成在学中用、在用中学的习惯。 五Teaching Procedures

2019-2020年高中英语《Unit 1 Lifestyles》公开课教案 北师大版必修1

2019-2020年高中英语《Unit 1 Lifestyles》公开课教案北师大版必修 1 Time Teaching time: 40 minutes Topic Unit 1 Lifestyles Students Class 2 , Senior1, Foshan No.1 Middle School Content Unit 1 Communication workshop-Writing Students will ·read a personal letter and get to know the stages of writing a personal letter. ·learn to use informal expressions such as “Remember me? Right? Anyway, Well.” ·practice writing a personal letter Learner outcomes Students will be able to write a personal letter. Activities ·Brainstorm the things to write about in a personal letter ·Draft a letter ·Edit and evaluate the letter Teaching Procedures Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Teaching purpose Step 1 Warming up Show a photo and a personal letter to lead in. Look at the photo and listen. Lead into the topic. Arouse the students’ interest. Step 2 Pre-writing 1. Ask the students to do jigsaw reading. 2. Ask the students to read the letter and answer the questions. 3. Ask the students to find out what each paragraph is about. 4. Get the students clear about the layout of a personal letter. 5. Ask the students to underline the useful expressions. 6. Ask the students to find the informal words. 1. Read and arrange the letter in good order. (pair work) 2. Read and answer the questions. (pair work) 3. Find out what each paragraph is about and fill in the box. (pair work) 4. Get clear about the layout of a personal letter. 5. Underline and learn the useful expressions. 6. Find and get to know the informal words. Read a personal letter and get to know how to write a personal letter. Make sure that the Ss know the informal style and the layout of a personal letter.


高三英语写作教学公开课教案 Jack Ma。also known as "Crazy Jack Ma"。is a popular figure in China's merce industry。He is often compared to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for his energy and ___。it is not just his ___ that allow him to connect with people from different ___ inspiring story of starting an online trading empire from scratch has made him a role model for ns of people in China. Ma is the founder and chairman of Alibaba Group。one of the largest merce companies in the world。He was born in Hangzhou on September 10.1964.into a common family。Despite struggling with his homework。Ma had a n for learning English。He would wake up at 5 am every day and ___ his English with foreign tourists。He did this for nine years。___. Ma's hard work and n paid off when he founded Alibaba Group in 1999.From humble beginnings。the company has grown into a global leader in merce。with over 1 n ___ instrumental in the company's success.


新外研社(19)高中英语必修二 Unit 3 On the move-Presenting ideas公开课教案Teaching objectives: 1.Try to review and master what they have learnt in this unit. 2.Learn to walk out of the class and engage in some sports activities. 3.Realise the importance of developing a good sports habit. 4.Learn about sports culture and the significance of teamwork spirits. Evaluation objectives: 1.Ask students to talk about a sport that they would like to have for their PE class. 2.Ask students to write an essay based on their discussion to present the sports to the whole class. Teaching key points: 1.Enable students to learn about sports culture and the significance of teamwork spirits. 2.Lead students to express themselves correctly in English. 3.Lead students to recommend a sport. Teaching difficult points: 1.Encourage students to review and master what they have learnt in this unit. 2.Ask students to apply and practice what they have learnt in real situations, so as to have a deeper understanding of the topic of sports and a healthy lifestyle. 3.Lead students to have a deeper understanding of the benefits that sports can bring to us, and establish the correct values of doing sports. Teaching methods: Task-based Teaching Method, Cooperative Inquiry Learning Method, Communicative Approach. Teaching procedures: Step1 :Lead-in Task 1: Work in groups


新外研社(19)高中英语必修二 Unit3 On the move-Developing ideas公开课教案Teaching objectives: 1.Enable students to practise the reading skill of scanning for key information to understand the textual content related to sports. 2.Guide students to admire the four people’s positive attitude towards life and master relevant expressions to reflect on the physical and mental effects of sports. 3.Lead students to understand the structure of a story about writing and then accurately tell one’s own story about sports. 4.Help students to reflect on and adjust the learning methods and process. Evaluation aims: 1.Ask students to master the skill to analyse the structure of a story about sports. 2.Ask students to write a sports story. Teaching key points: 1.Understand the structure of the text and complete relevant exercises. 2.Correctly experience the writers’ feelings about their sports and their positive attitudes towards life,as well as develop a positive way of doing sports and living a healthy life. https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd19178538.html,e accurate expressions to tell one’s own story about sports and express one’s views on sports. Teaching difficult points: 1.Explore and experience the writer’s feelings about their sports. 2.Write a sports story. Teaching methods: Cooperative teaching Method, Task-based Approach, Communicative Approach Teaching procedures: Step 1:Lead-in Look at the chart and answer the questions.

2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit2Reading for writing公开课教案

2019新人教高中英语必修二 Unit2 Reading for writing 公开课教案 Analysis of teaching material: The activity theme is “making effective poster”. The protection of wildlife needs the participation of the whole society. It is imperative to educate the public on wildlife protection and arouse the public’s awareness and enthusiasm for wildlife protection. Teenagers are not only the main body of education, but also the “ambassador” of publicity and promotion. To make posters, students need to understand and study the situation of endangered animals and think about protection measures. In the process of reading and understanding the content of posters and making posters, students should be trained to master and use the style of posters, and their social responsibility and sense of responsibility should be cultivated. The reading text is two posters. The first poster, “give ugly a chance!” calls on people to protect all kinds of wild animals and not treat them differently because of personal likes and dislikes. No matter how beautiful or ugly animals are, they have the meaning and value of existence. The world is beautiful because of the diversity of biology. The article uses the tone of statement to make people unconsciously accept the author’s point of view. The second POSTER “don’t make paper with my home!” adopts anthropomorphic rhetoric and takes koala’s heart cry as the title, criticizing those behaviors of deforestation and destruction of animal homes. The text is a progressive explanation of the title. Exclamatory sentences and rhetorical sentences are used in this paper, which express the author’s attitude and point of view. In addition, the title of these two posters uses exclamation sentences with strong appeal and emotional color, coupled with vivid pictures, making the posters more powerful. Teaching aims: 1. Cultivate students to acquire some features about an English poster by reading the text.

【教案】Unit 2 Reading for Writing 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册

O1U2读写课教案 一、 教学内容分析 本课教学内容选自人教版普通高中英语教材选择性必修第一册第二单元LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE 的Project :Write a letter to yourself from the future 部分,主要任务为应用文写作。属于“人与社会”主题范畴下的“科学与技术”主题群。旨在激发学生的想象力,生成个人对科技和人类关系的认识,以建构正确的科技观,实现学科育人价值。课文是一篇来自未来的写给自己的信的范文,除了称呼和署名,正文主要分为开头、主体和结尾三个部分。开头部分交代了这封信的写作目的;主体部分阐明了自己感兴趣的职业和未来科技变化对该职业的影响,以及在未来该职业的优势和劣势;结尾部分总结全文。该文结构清晰,内容明确,适合学生学习和模仿。就文章结构来看,该文包含了一般信件的必要组成部分,包括写信对象称呼语、写信目的、具体内容、总结以及署名,为学生完成写作任务提供了一个可模仿的框架。就文章语言来看,该文有一些功能句式,如“I want to write this letter to ...”“ All in all...”等等,为学生的写作输出提供了语言支架。就文章内容来看,文章话题为未来职业,属于未来科技话题,要求学生具备活跃的想象力和创造力。学生可以通过阅读文章和教师引导提取文章的结构以及功能句型,并且通过独立思考和小组讨论激发想象力和创造力,培养创新性思维。 二、 学情分析 授课对象是Z 省某普通高中高一年级的学生,他们经过义务教育阶段的英语学习,已基 本具备了一定的应用文写作基础以及基本的语言能力,形成同伴合作的学习习惯。对科技发展和未来科技改变生活的展望是思想活跃、满怀憧憬的高中生熟悉且感兴趣的话题,这为本课的学习提供了有利条件。但绝大多数学生在运用话题词汇表达观点方面还需进一步加强,对于信件的结构和功能句式也不熟悉,且缺乏对科技与人类关系的辩证性思考,他们的逻辑性思维能力和批判性思维能力也有待进一步提升,不能独立完成一封高质量的信件写作。因此,教师应采取读写结合的教学模式,指导学生从文章结构、文章语言和文章内容三个视角解读该教材文本,并带领学生通过解构文本——搭建框架——运用实践——评价修改,高质量完成写作任务。同时,教师应指导学生开展自主学习、合作学习,进而提高学生的概括分析能力、语言表达能力和批判思维能力。 三、 学习目标 1. 语言能力 (1)掌握“未来职业”话题下的词汇,如“virtual reality ”、“three-dimensional ”等等; (2)理解并使用功能句式,如“I want to write this letter to ...”“ All in all...”等等; (3)能够根据信件的必要组成部分,包括写信对象称呼语、写信目的、具体内容、总结以及署名来撰写信件; 2. 思维品质 能通过独立思考和小组讨论激发想象力和创造力,在多元评价过程中培养批判性思维(重难点); 3. 文化意识 对科学技术的发展保持好奇心,对科技改变未来生活充满信心;批判性地评价科技改变未来职业的优缺点,能生成个人对科技和人类关系的认识,建构正确的科技观(重点); 4. 学习能力 能借助评价表监控写作过程,并对写作结果进行自我评价和同伴评价,评价写作成果(重点)。 四、 教学思路 教 学 导入话题,激活知识 文本解构,搭建框架 内容构思,同伴讨论 运用实践,形成初稿 读 思 写 学习起点
