



A: Glad to meet you. I am the manager of the HR department. And you are Chen Chen from Hefei university, aren’t you?


B: Yes, I come to apply for the post of customs declawer.


A: It's a long way here from your campus, isn’t It?


B: That’s all right. The traffic condition to day is good and the bus was fast, so it didn’t take much time.


A: We will have a short interview in the following period of time. Don’t be nervous. Let’s just chat casually. I think it will be better in this form.


B: OK.


A: Do you have a declaration certificate?


B: Yes, I have. In 2010,I passed national qualification exam for customs declarers.


A: OK. You know people who just pass the exam can apply to the Customs for the qualification for declarers.


B: Yes. I have prepared many years for this.


A: Do you know the duty of them?


B: They shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning the customs declaration, carry out their activities.


A: Good. Do you have any questions?


B: No.


A: OK. We will stop here. We'll inform you the result of the interview in a week. If you are to pass this round interview, you may have an interview with my boss. Just wait for our information.


B: Thank you. Goodbye.



A: Glad to see you. I’m the audit manager of the office. We will do an interview in the following half an hour. First, would you like to introduce yourself?


B: Glad to see you. My name is Xu Qiang and I majored in international politics in Shandong Finance University. I have

come to apply for the post of auditor. Because of my major, I have many classmates who failed to enter this round interview. I believe that I entered this round because of my strengths and I will also make good use of this chance.


A: Now, would you talk about your understanding of auditing?


B: My understanding of audit is: entering an enterprise as a third party and doing some common auditing according to some tables. At the same time, notice whether there is any risk existing in the company and whether the process control is reasonable. I think that is all the content.


A: Do you like this job as to the working content?


B: I guess I like it very much. Auditing is the work I have wanted to undertake for long. Because as an auditor, I will meet different companies in different industries and it can broaden my horizons and make me understand more a-bout more industries. What’s more, I like going around and visiting different places. So I think I will like this job.


A: You have to know that auditing uses mature theories to solve problems, so it will sometimes be boring. Besides, we are in a service industry and now and then we bear high pressure. Ifs not simply going around as you imagined. It’s not travelling. Faced with such a situation, will you still say that you like it?


B: We have to admit that it is a big change for everyone to graduate from the university. In fact, no matter what kind of job you get, as long as you hope you will have a career of your own instead of just earning a subsistence wage, as long as you have such a goal in your mind, you must be prepared for the boredom of the work and the pressure the work will bring to you. When it comes to liking something or not, I think people like different things. I am a man who will be delighted to deal with data and tables, so I don’t think I will feel it boring.


A: If you manage to get this job, I think it is several months before you formally come to our company to work. What do you plan to do in this period?


B: On the one hand, I have said, I’ll start earlier because my major doesn't match. So I have a lot of knowledge and information to command and this will occupy a large part of my time. And in the rest of my time, I will party with my classmates and relax myself. Studying in university is an important phase in my life, and as it has ended, what follows is work. There are a lot of things for me to learn, so I must keep myself healthy physically and mentally.


A: I totally agree with you that you should relax before you come to work. Now I have no question for you any more, and do you have any question to ask me?


B: I would be glad to know that if I am lucky enough to join your company in August, what the plan that follow is there any training?


A: Generally speaking, all the new employees will have a three-month training. You will be informed with the detailed introduction of our company. The detailed working pattern and the detailed content of working tables will be the content of the training. After three months, everyone will be in different states and maybe some colleagues will participate in some projects.



B: Another question is that if I can get the offer, what will you suggest me doing in the next few months?


A: I think your plan is quite comprehensive. As to me, I think you should prepare for your future work and on the other hand, as I said, you need a good rest. And you should also party with your classmates for ifs hard to get such a chance later and you should set up a solid relationship with them.


B: Thank you. I have no question any more.


A: OK. Let’s stop here. Goodbye.


B: Goodbye.



A: Good morning, Ms. Sally, I am Wen Qiong.


B: Oh, come in, Ms. Wen. Take this seat. I’ve been expecting you. Do you know what made me decide to meet you?


A: No, I don’t. What was it, please?


B: Your CPA certificate did. We think an accountant with a CPA certificate usually performs better than those without. Are you confident that you can do better than our present accountants without a CPA certificate?


A: I think am quite competent for the job. I received seven years of formal education in accounting, that is, four years of undergraduate and three years of graduate, I obtained two degrees in accounting. Both from the famous university, the Centre University of Finance and Economics. Further, I have got two years full-time experience. The honors and awards I listed in the resume are persuasive evidences of my qualifications and achievements. In fact I’ve been successful in this field, but I hope I can do better than ever before.

A:我想能胜任这份工作。我受过7年的会计正规教育,也就是,4年的本科和3年的研究生。我获得了著名学府——中央财经大学的两个学位。另外,我还有2 年的全日制工作经验和4年的打工经验。我在简历中所列的荣誉和奖励是我能力和成就的最好证明。实际上,我在会计领域是很成功的了,但我还希望取得更大的成就。

B: You know our accounting operations are mostly computerized. Do you think you can cope with them?


A: One of the courses I earned at college is Computerized Accounting. From this course I learned the knowledge and skills to apply computer to accounting. Also I learned some computer courses, so I am very skillful at computer operations and using programs such as Office, AutoCAD, SPSS and so on. I am also

good at writing programs in C language.


B: By the way, do you know anything a-bout our salary system?


A: Nothing but that you pay higher than most foreign capital companies in this city.


B: As a general practice, the starting salary for an accountant with a CPA certificate ranges from $3,000 to $ 3,500 a month. Depending upon your performance, raises may be offered after a trial use of two months. You can also enjoy fringe benefits such as monthly bonus, 20 days' paid vacation a year, life and health insurance. An average accountant earns about $5,000 a month.

B: 一般说来,对于有注册会计师证书的会计,起薪每月在3000?3500美元之间。经过两个月的试用后,依据表现,还有加薪。另外还有些福利,如:每月奖金、每年20天带薪假期、人身保险和健康保险。一般的会计大概每月可领5000美元左右。

A: That sounds OK to me.



面试的英语口语对话 英语求职面试对话篇一 1 A: Tell me a little bit about yourself.请介绍一下你自己。B: My name is David and I live in Shanghai, I was born in 19 80、 My major was electrical engineering.我叫 David, 住在上海,出身于 1980 年。我的专业是电子工程。 A: What kind of personality do you think you have?你认为你有怎样的性格? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don't like to leave things half-done.I'm very organized and extremely capable.嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。我非常有组织能力,也很能干。 A: What would you say are your weaknesses and strengths?你的弱点和优点是什么? B: Well, I'm afraid I'm a poor speaker, however I'm fully aware of this, so I've been studying how to speak in public. I suppose my strengths are I'm persistent and a fast-learner.嗯,我不太擅长说话,我已经意识到这点,因此正在学习如何在公众场所说话。我想我的优点是很执着,而且学东西很快。 A: Do you have any licenses or certificates?你有执照或资格证书吗? B: I have a driver's license, and I am a CPA (Certified Public Accountant)。我有驾驶执照,我是注册会计师。 A: How do you relate to others?你和别人相处如何? B: I'm very co-operative and have good teamwork spirit.我能与人合作,富有团队精神。 英语求职面试对话篇二 面试官亨利先生在询问求职者玛丽的优缺点


英文面试情景对话 英文面试情景对话 英文面试情景对话【一】 Why are you interested in working for ourcompany? 为什么有兴趣在我们公司工作? Because your company has a good salesrecord. 因为你们公司有良好的销售记录。 Because your operations are global, so Ifeel I can gain the most from working in this kind of environment. 因为你们公司的运作是全球化的,我觉得可以在这样一个环境中工作会有最大的收获。 Because I think my major is suitable forthis position. 因为我认为我的专业适合这个职位。 Because I can learn new things in yourcompany, at the same time I can offer my services to you. 因为我可以在贵公司学到新的东西, 同时能为你们提供服务。 Because I'm very interested in yourcompany's training program. 因为我对你们公司的培训计划很感兴趣。 Why did you leave your former company? 为什么离开以前的公司? Because I'm working in a small companywhere a further promotion is impossible. 因为我在一家小公司工作,升职的希望很小。


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关于面试的英语对话带翻译精选 开展英语情景对话教学,离不开教师对情景的精心创设,才能帮助学生理解对话内容,达到学以致用的目的。小编精心收集了关于面试的英语对话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 关于面试的英语对话带翻译篇1 你试过翻译吗 A: Your English is excellent. How long have you been studying English? A:你的英语非常出色。你学习英语多长时间了? B: More than twenty years. I started to learn English when I was in the primary, and I specialized in English at Tianjin University. B:20多年了。我从小学开始学习英语,并在天津大学英语专业进行了专门的学习。 A: Have you learned something about editing in English? A:你学过英语编辑吗? B: Certainly. I took the English editing course in university, and I learned a lot from this course. B:当然。我在大学里专门学习过英文编辑课程,我从中学到了很多东西。 A: Do you have any experience as an editor? A:你有没有当编辑的经验? B: No, but I enjoy writing and I have published a number of essays in Beijing Evening Newspaper and d little scientific fiction in Science Field. B:没有,但是我酷爱写作,并在《北京晚报》上发表了一些文章,我还在《科学园地》上发表过几篇科幻小说。 A: Have you ever tried translating? A:你试过翻译吗?


面试过程中的英语对话 在英语课堂中在英语课堂中,为学生创设真实的语言情景,让学生在情境中感知、理解并运用语言,对于激发学习兴趣趣,培养学生的跨文化交际意识和语言运用能力尤为重要。店铺整理了面试过程中的英语对话,欢迎阅读! 面试过程中的英语对话篇一 A: If we want you to be the tour guides in Zhangjiajie, how will you introduce it to the tourists? A:如果我们让你们两位做张家界的导游,你们怎样把它介绍给游客? B: I will introduce the scenery spots briefly, especially Huangqizhai, Xianrenqiao, and Baohufeng. The Huangqizhai is famous for its altitude and the unique folk customs, the Xianrenqiao will make you perceive the wonder of nature, and the Baohufeng is, in my opinion, the most beautiful natural scene. B:我会简洁介绍一下风景点,尤其是黄奇寨、仙人桥和宝湖峰。黄奇寨以它的海拔高度以及独特的民俗风情闻名于世,仙人桥可以让你领略到大自然的鬼斧神工,而宝湖峰在我看来是最美丽的自然风光。 C: First of all, I will introduce the main scenery spots in Zhangjiajie. Then I will call the tourists’ attention by giving a profile of the local history and culture. It is, I think, very important for a better understanding of them on the significance of this tour, for the folk customs and the natural scenery are closely related to each other. If the tourists have known nothing about the local historic state but the isolated scenery only, the scenery in their eyes is just a vague i-dea with no differences with others. C:首先,我将介绍张家界的主要风景点。然后,我会给游客们简述当地的历史和文化,让他们体会。因为民俗风情与自然风光是紧密地联系在一起的,所以我认为,这在让他们体会到这趟旅行的意义方面十


简单的面试英语对话精选 学生只有在真实的言语情境或模拟对话中才能更好地组织思维,理解具体情境、对话中所传递的信息和语言材料,触景生情,激发表达思想的能力。店铺整理了简单的面试英语对话,欢迎阅读! 简单的面试英语对话篇一 A: All right, Mr. Su. Tell me more about your previous experience. A:好吧,苏先生。多告诉我一些之前的工作经验。 B: Yes, madam. I worked with two trading companies and one computer company after I left the army. In all of the three jobs I worked as a salesman. B:是的,女士。退伍后我在两家贸易公司和一家电脑公司工作。在这3份工作中,我都是担任业务员。 A: I see. Then tell me why you chose to be a salesman. A:我明白了。那么告诉我你为何选择要当业务员。 B: I’m an outgoing person and like to talk to people. Ifs the main reason I enjoy being a salesmen Besides, there is nothing that can be compared to the pleasure of success when a deal is settled through my efforts. B:我是个性格外向的人而且喜欢和人交流,这就是我喜欢当业务员的主要原因。此外,没有任何事情比得上经由自己的努力洽谈而完成交易时那种成功的喜悦了。 A: Exactly. What goals do you have in five years time? A:正是如此。5年后你想你自己会是怎样? B: I hope that I could be a sales manager like you or become a top salesperson who has outstanding business achievements. B:我希望我能成为像您一样的业务经理,或者是拥有杰出业绩的顶尖业务员。 Good. It seems that you have great work ambitions. Do you


求职面试英语情景对话带翻译 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《求职面试英语情景对话带翻译》的内容,具体内容:英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,作为语言输出的源头,作为语言练习的最佳途径,作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家学... 英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,作为语言输出的源头,作为语言练习的最佳途径,作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家学习! 求职面试英语情景对话1 A: Tell me a little bit about yourself. 请介绍一下你自己。 B: My name is David and I live in Shanghai, I was born in 1980. My major was electrical engineering. 我叫David, 住在上海,出身于1980年。我的专业是电子工程。 A: What kind of personality do you think you have? 你认为你有怎样的性格? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I dont like to leave things half-done.Im very organized and extremely capable. 嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。我非常有组织能力,也

很能干。 A: What would you say are your weaknesses and strengths? 你的弱点和优点是什么? B: Well, Im afraid Im a poor speaker, however Im fully aware of this, so Ive been studying how to speak in public. I suppose my strengths are Im persistent and a fast-learner. 嗯,我不太擅长说话,我已经意识到这点,因此正在学习如何在公众场所说话。我想我的优点是很执着,而且学东西很快。 A: Do you have any licenses or certificates? 你有执照或资格证书吗? B: I have a drivers license, and I am a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). 我有驾驶执照,我是注册会计师。 A: How do you relate to others? 你和别人相处如何? B: Im very co-operative and have good teamwork spirit. 我能与人合作,富有团队精神。 求职面试英语情景对话2 A: I see by your resume that you have been working? 从你的简历可以看出你一直在工作。 B: Yes, I have worked for two years with an American Company.


关于面试求职的英语对话 面试需要的,是一种双赢的局面;在这过程中,求职者应该更多关注的,是用人单位的买点,而非自己的卖点。店铺整理了关于面试求职的英语对话,欢迎阅读! 关于面试求职的英语对话一 A: What kind of cars have you driven? A:你开过哪种类型的车? B: Audi. B:奥迪车。 A: If we decide to hire you, we’d want you every day from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. with one hour’s lunch break. Could you manage it? A:如果我们决定雇用你,我们要你每天从上午9点工作到下午5点,中午休息一小时,你能办到吗? B: Yes, madam. I’d like to have a full-time job. B:能,夫人。我喜欢全日工作。 A: As to salary, we’d pay you 4,000yuan a month. Is it reasonable? You can have Sunday off. If you are wanted on Sundays or at nights, we’d pay you extra. A:至于薪水,一个月付你4000元。这样合理吧?星期日休假。如果星期日或晚上加班,我们付你加班费。 B: That'II be fine. I’m sure I could do my job satisfactorily. B:好极了,我一定会忠于职守的。 A: Good. I think you could. We will give you a three-month trial. A:好,我相信你可以办到。那么,我们将试用三个月。 B: Thank you, madam. When am I supposed to start working? B:谢谢您,夫人。我什么时候开始上班? A: Starting from Monday. Bring your resume, drivers license


关于面试的英语情景对话带翻译 在英语面试的时候我们总是考虑:如何回答面试官的问题,如何才能作出得体的回答。下面是小编整理的一些关于英语面试的情景对话,希望对大家有帮助。 关于面试的英语情景对话篇一ADid you have any working experience during college? 大学时你有什么工作经验吗? BYes, I did some part-time jobs such as English tutor, salesman, and model. 有,我做过一些兼职工作,比如当英语家教老师、营销员和模特。 AWhat did you learn from your part-time jobs? 你从兼职工作中收获了什么? BI learned to be patient, professional and gained a lol of experience of direct sales. 我学会了做事要耐心、专业,也积累了很多直销经验。 关于面试的英语情景对话篇二AHave you found another job yet, Sally? 萨利,你找到另一份工作没有? BNo, I havent, but Ive seen several interesting advertisements in the paper.

不,还没有,但是我在报纸上看到几个令人感兴趣的广告。 AWhat kind of job are you looking for? 你在找什么工作? BEither something in the hotel business or something to do with travel. 或者是酒店行业或者是和旅游相关的工作。 AYou havent had any experience in either of those fields. 你在这些领域里都没有任何经验。 BI know. But Id like to try. Look, here are some advertisements that Ive cut out. 我知道。但是我想试试。看,这是我剪下来的一些广告。 关于面试的英语情景对话篇三AIve just looked over your resume and I must admit I am quite impressed. 我已经看过你的简历了,我得承认我对你的简历印象不错。 BThank you. Ive worked pretty hard to be able to list those accomplishments. 谢谢。由于我自己努力才能换来这些成果。 AYouve got plenty of training and experience. I wonder if you could tell me something about your goals. Where do you see yourself ten years from now? 你接受的培训和工作经验都很丰富。能否告诉我你的目标?十年以后你准备在到什么目标?


求职面试英语小对话 有意向从事英语方面的工作时,面试英语掌握的怎么样呢?下面是店铺给大家整理的求职面试英语小对话,供大家参阅! 求职面试英语小对话篇1 A: May I come in? I: Yes, please. A: How are you doing, Madam? My name is Wujing. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested. I: Fine, thank you for coming. Mr. Wu, Please take a seat. I am Anne Smith, the assistant manager. A: Nice to see you, Mrs. Smith. I: Nice to meet you, too. A: 我可以进来吗? I: 请进。 A:你好,夫人。我叫吴京,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 I: 好的,谢谢你过来。吴先生请坐,我叫安妮·史密斯,是经理助理。 A:非常高兴见到你,史密斯女士。 I: 我也很高兴见到你。 求职面试英语小对话篇2 A: OK, Mr. Wu. You may come in. I抦 Anne Smith and on my right, my colleague, Anna Duncan, and on my left, Angela Lamb. Do please sit down. I: Thank you. Good afternoon Mrs. Smith, Miss Duncan, Miss Lamb. A: Your English is fluent. I: Thank you. A: How do you think of the weather today? I: I don抰 like the weather like this. Cold and rainy. Hope it


求职面试的英语对话精选 随着我国与国际社会的联系日益加强,英语交流在日常生活及重要的场合中显得越来越重要。小编精心收集了求职面试的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 求职面试的英语对话篇1 A: Glad to meet you. I am the manager of the HR department. And you are Chen Chen from Hefei university, aren’t you? A:你好,我是这家公司的人力资源部经理。你是合肥大学的陈沉,是吗? B: Yes, I come to apply for the post of customs declawer. B:是的,我是来贵公司应聘报关员这个职位的。 A: It's a long way here from your campus, isn’t It? A:从你们学校来这里路程还挺远的吧? B: That’s all right. The traffic condition to day is good and the bus was fast, so it didn’t take much time. B:还可以吧,今天路上比较顺,车开得也比较快,所以时间不算太长。 A: We will have a short interview in the following period of time. Don’t be nervous. Let’s just chat casually. I think it will be better in this form. A:那在我们接下来的时间会进行一个简短的面谈,你不要太紧张,只是随意地聊天吧。我想这样的一种形式比较好。 B: OK. B:好的。 A: Do you have a declaration certificate? A:你有海关报关员证书吗? B: Yes, I have. In 2010,I passed national qualification exam for customs declarers. B:我有。2010年,我通过了全国报关员资格考试。


关于面试的英语对话精选 情景对话因具有较强的生活实用性,又能考查学生的实际口语交际能力和语言运用水平,近几年各地高考试题屡有涉及。店铺整理了关于面试的英语对话,欢迎阅读! 关于面试的英语对话篇一 A: Good morning. Is that Family zine? A:早上好!请问是《家庭》杂志社吗? B: Yes. Who is calling, please? B:是的。请问您是哪位? A: This is Amy speaking. I want to apply for the position of Editor in your magazine. Has it been filled yet? A:我是艾米。我想应聘你们杂志社的编辑一职。请问有人了吗? B: Not yet. But do you have any experience? B:还没有。你有什么经验吗? A: Yes. In college I was the editor of my school’s newspaper. After graduation. I worked as an editorial assistant of Xingxing Weekly Magazine and 丨got training overall operation of the magazine and other related tasks. A:是的,我有。在上大学时,我是我校的校报编辑。毕业后,我在《星星周报》杂志社担任编辑助理,曾受到过办杂志以及其他相关工作的全面培训。 B: That sounds good. Do you have other special skills? B:听上去还不错。你有什么特长吗? A: I think I have the ability to organize, coordinate and supervise different kinds of work. A:我想我有组织、协调和监督各项工作的能力。 B: OK. You can come to bring your resume and fill in an application form. B:好吧,你可以带着你的简历来填一份申请表。


【关于面试的英语对话带翻译】英语应聘对话带翻译 2人的 关于面试的英语对话带翻译 关于面试的英语对话带翻译关于面试的英语对话带翻译篇一A: Come in, Miss Jin. I’m Mr Wang, Director of Personnel. What can I do for you A:金小姐,请进。我是人事部主任王先生。 我能帮你什么忙吗B: How do you do, Mr. Wang l’m coming for a job interview at ten o’clock this morning. B:你好,王先生。我为今天上午10点的工作面试而来。 A: Oh, I see. Please sit down. A:噢,我明白。请坐。 B: Thank you. 谢谢。 A: So you would like to become a stewardess, wouldn“t y ou A:你愿意当一名空中小姐,对吗B: Yes, I’d like to very much. B:是的,我很喜欢。 A: Well, how old are you A:好的,你多大了B: I was born on August 10,1985. So I’m 23 years of age. I’m just leaving college this summer. B:我出生于1985年8月10日,23岁了。 今年暑假毕业。 A: OK But what made you decide on this type of occupation A:好的。什么原因使你决定从事这一职业B: Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imaginedflying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream can come true. B:噢,说真的,我喜欢蓝天。我还是个小孩子的时候,就曾想将来某一天能飞上蓝天。现在,我觉得这一天终于来了,我的梦想要变成现实了。


英语口语面试对话(通用5篇) 英语面试对话3分钟篇一 The Overseas Investment company is looking for a secretary for the office manager. The called the Chinese Business School and asked them to recommend one of their recent graduates. The school sent Miss Wang’s personal history to them and arranged for a n interview. Now Miss Wang is being interview by Mr. Davis, the office manager. 海外投资公司正在替公司经理找一个秘书,他们打电话给中国商业学校,请他们推荐一个近期毕业的学生。学校把王小姐的履历书寄给他们,并安排了一次面谈。现在是王小姐接受公司经理戴维斯先生的面谈。 S: Mr. Davis, W: Miss Wang S:维斯先生, W:王小姐 S: What kind of a job are you interested in? 你对哪种工作感兴趣? W:I want a job in which I can use English. I would also like to be have some responsibility in my work. 我想要一个能用英文的工作,也希望我的工作负有一些责任。 S:I can appreciate that. I would expect my secretary to be able to work independently and take over some of my ordinary responsibilities such as answering routine correspondence, taking phone calls for me, and sometimes assisting me with personal business affairs. 我欣赏这个想法。我希望我的秘书能够独立工作,并接办我一些平常的事务,例如回日常书信、替我接电话、有时帮我处理私人业务等。 W: Yes, I see. In my previous job, I did typing and filing every day.


英语面试情景对话模拟〔精选5篇〕 英语面试情景对话模拟〔精选5篇〕 英语面试情景对话模拟篇1 A:I have e here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment. Nice to meet you. 我是应约来面试的,非常快乐见到你. B: Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat. 我也是,请坐. B: Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat. 我也是,请坐. A:Thank you! 谢谢 B: I: What is your name, please? 请问,你叫什么名字? A: My name is Zhanghang. 我叫张航 B:what is your strongest trait(s)? 你个性上最大的特点是什么?

A:Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don't like to leave things half-done.I'm very organized and extremely capable. 嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半.我非常有组织才能,也很能干. B: Tell me about the courses of your major in university. 你大学主修课程有哪些? A: I major in Business administration.I have taken more than 50 courses in university, including Management, Human resources management, Marking,and so on. 大学期间我修了50多门课程,包括管理学、人力资管理、市场营销学等. B: What subject did you major in? 你辅修过什么专业吗? A: I minor in Accountancy.I have learned Accounting principle,Financial management,Economics, audit,tax law and so on. 会计学会计根底财务管理经济学审计税法 B:Why did you choose this corporation?


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英语求职面试对话最新3篇 为了能让大家顺当通过外企面试英语,更加深刻地了解外企英语面试的细微环节,增加自己的信念,下面是小编辛苦为挚友们带来的3篇英语求职面试对话最新,希望可以启发、帮助到大挚友、小挚友们。 篇一:英语求职面试对话篇一 主考官: What kind of work experience do you have? 你有什么样的工作经验? 应聘者: After graduation.I have been working at the Personnel Department of DDD company. 我毕业后就在DDD公司的人事部工作。 主考官: As a telecommunication apparatus company DDD Company is very different from our trade company. DDD公司是一家电讯器材公司,与我们公司的贸易公司有很大区分。 应聘者: But I deal with people there,the same as what I should do here.

但是在那里我是分管人事工作的,这一点与我将在这里工作一样。 主考官: You are right.Why are you interested in working in personnel department? 你是对的,你为什么喜爱在人事工作? 应聘者: I am good with people and have excellent communication skills. 我很受人欢迎并且有很精彩的交际实力。 主考官: Do you consider it a rewarding job? 你认为这是一项很有意义的工作吗? 应聘者: Very much so. 我认为它特别有意义。 篇二:英语求职面试对话篇二 I:I see from your application you39;ve had quite a lot of experience as a secretary already. 从求职书中我了解到你已经有过一些当秘书的"阅历。 A:I wanted to get more interesting work——that39;s why I39;m applying for this post.


英语求职面试对话(10篇) 英语求职面试对话篇2 英语求职面试对话篇4 英语求职面试对话篇7 A: OK, Mr.Shu. You may come in.This is xxx and on my right, my colleague, xxx, and on my left, xxx. please sit down. 好了,舒先生,你可以进来了。我是xxx,我右面是我的`同事xxx,左边是xxx。请坐吧。 I: Thank you. Good afternoon Mrs. Xxx, Miss xxx, Miss xxx. 感谢你。下午好,xxx女士、xxx小姐、xxx小姐。 A: Your English is fluent. 你的英语很流利。 I: Thank you. 感谢夸奖。 A: How do you think of the weather today? 你觉得今日的天气如何? I: I dont like the weather like this. Cold and rainy. Hope it become sunny as soon as possible. 我不喜爱这样的天气,又冷还下着雨,真盼望早点出太阳。 I: Mr.Shu,would you mind if I ask you some questions, which may sound impolite? 舒先生,我可以问你几个听起来可能不是很有礼貌的问题吗?

A: Ah,never mind, please. 啊,没关系,请问吧。 I: Can you tell me how old you are? 你能告知我你多大了吗? A: I am 25 years old. 我25岁了。 I: Our advertisement says English competence is a key requirement of this position. Then how do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English? 我们的聘请广告要求这个职位的应聘者应当具有相当好的英语水平,那么,你认为你的书面英语和口语力量如何呢? A: I have learned English for 10 years, and I have passed College English Test Band 4 and 6.My spoken English is fairly good enough to express myself fluently. 我已经学英语10年了,而且我通过了高校英语四级和六级。我能用英语口语把自己的想法流畅地表达出来。 I: What other foreign language do you speak? 你还能说其他别的外语吗? A: I did self-study of Japanese in college, and I can carry on some simple conversations in Japanese. 我在高校时自学过日语,我能用日语进行一些简洁的对话。 英语求职面试对话篇8
