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This isnot mybook、My is in my school bag、

Working out regularly is good for you health、 ____________

Yesterday, my father and (me) took the old smart TV set to a local shop、

That iswhyparents encourage __________ (they) kids to earn pocket money、

First of all,let meintroduce ________(I)

y+ 名词复数/most +名词复数

Wei Hua made many friend in Britain last year、__________

Theearthquake destroyed many house and killedthousands of people、

Women livelongerthan men in most country、

Ofcourse, this is trueinmost (country)、

Many people thinkthatSydney is one of themost attract ive ________(city) inthe world、

Theirparents help themsell the fruit fromtheirown ______ (tree) to neighbors、

Inoticed that my _______ (classmate)were staring atme、

△It is+v—ed(过去分词)+that…

Itbelieved that our environment will be betterinthefuture、___________

It(find)that wordssuch as‘would’ and ‘could’ can be usedto help usto bemorepolite、

△It is/was + 被强调部分+that…

It was the daybefore yesterdaywhen he broke thewindow、

I thoughtit was Hannah __________ had deliberatelylet out my secret、

△It is nouse/good + doingsth、做…就是无用得/没有好处得

It is no use arguewith aperson whonever changeshis mind、△it 做形式宾语

Most of us found difficultto finish the task in suchashort tim e、______

Many parents thought useless forgirlsto goto school inthe past、

Ithink itimportant(do)so、

△It is + adj(形容词)+ (for sb、)+to do sth、(对某人来说)做某事就是


The littlegirlwhose is singingis my sister、

She is my best friend, who I always sharewith hermy good things、

I visited a place where is surroundedby mountains、

Tech—Help donates smartTV sets to people need them、

People __________livein Sydney seem__________(have)aneasy lifestyle、

The manisstanding on theplayground is my math teacher、

△and(而且,表并列) /but(但就是,表转折)/or(或者)



It’s important to havea balancedand health diet、

The old man is ill,but hedoesn't feellike eating anything、、______

Itexamines howwe canmake our language more polite and we canmake sure we donotupset people from anotherculture、We do notmakeother people embarrassed or (annoy)、It'snottoo cold during thewinter and nottoo hot__________ thesummer、

△but/however 都表转折,意为“然而但就是”,however前后都要与其她词隔开

Later ,, he changed his mind、

It’s raininghard、, I think weshould go out、

It’s raining hard,Ithink we should goout、


1.France is anEuropean country、

2.She is a honest and clevergirl、

3.It is such a fine weather that we want to stay here for ano

ther twodays、

4.What a terrible weather we have been having!

5.Boysusually enjoyplayingthe football、

6.People from West like to usethese words、

7.Isaidloudly that it was one ofthe__________ (easy)tests

we hadever had、

8.Our family bought_______ newsmart TV setlastweek、

