

Unit 21body language第二课时reading说课稿我要说的是高中英语新教材高一(下)第21单元第二课时reading,我将从教材分析、教学目标、教学重点与难点、教学策略与教学方法、教学过程、教学反思等六个方面对进行说明。




培养语感,培养学生在阅读过程中获取和处理信息的能力。因此通过教材所设计的Pre-reading, Reading及Post-reading三项内容,循序渐进地训练学生运用略读与查读等阅读技能。




在这节课里要理解、内化、运用以下生词及词组—fold、anger、vary、thumb、crazy、mod、part、hug、bow、palm、shrug、incredible、pat、get through、tear down、chart。通过阅读获取关于body language 的相关信息,且进行skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization,

guessing meaning等阅读技能训练。另外,还要充分利用网络资源,强化学生自主学习的意识,培养学生组织语言、运用语言的能力。2.过程与方法目标:

本节课的教学以建构主义学习理论为指导,以学生为中心,以问题为出发点,进行任务驱动,层层深入。利用“任务驱动”方法,使学生自主探究、解决一系列层层深入的问题,培养学生独立自主的思维意识。当面对难度较大的学习任务时鼓励学生采取小组合作的方式,这是因为“协作学习”更方便英语的交流和体验,有利于培养学生与他人合作的能力,同时信息差异也更能激燃起学生的“创新火花”。在教学中,教师作为问题的精心设计者和疑难问题的点拨者,培养学生组织语言的能力。设置富有情趣的情境,激发他们的阅读欲望,积极主动地进行自主探究。循序渐进的设计问题, 培养学生质疑意识,分析问题、解决问题、综合问题的能力和创造性思维能力。层层深入地引导学生进行自主和协作学习。培养学生筛选局部和整体信息的能力、独立阅读能力,通过自主学习和协作学习,获取信息和处理信息的能力。3.情感态度价值观:

在有趣的话题激励下,诱导学生积极参与,充分调动他们学习的兴趣。在共同完成设计的role play等任务的过程中,加强小组合作意识。而且通过本课教学,可以使学生了解不同国家的身势语,及在各国相同身势语所表示的不同交际含义。增强对中外“身势语”差异的敏感性,拓宽学生的文化视野,培养世界意识;通过文化地域对比,加深对祖国相关知识的理解,鼓励学生以满腔的热忱在语言情景中激发爱国主







英语课堂设计采用“P—T—P” 自主学习立体模式。这种学习模式分Pre-task,Task-cycle,Post-task三个步骤。Pre-task:是引入话题的过程。在这个过程里,学生的认知处于主动状态,有完成任务的强烈愿望。而教师是学习的组织者、促进者;这是一个善导、激趣的过程。Task-cycle:是任务的完成过程。在这个过程里,学生运用体验、参与、




在说完“Class begins”, 学生起立之后,不说”Sit down, please.”而是给学生一个“请坐”的手势。然后,问学生一个问题:“你是怎样知道我的意思的?”。学生自然回答“手势”。借此机会给学生留下第一个任务:在我们的日常生活中,我们可以通过那些方式进行交流?

★ Task1 : In our everyday life, by which ways can we communicate with each other?



★task2 : Discuss the following three questions:

● Can you guess what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at his or her body language?

● Do people from different parts of the world use different body language? What about people who live in different parts of China?

● How do you communicate the following with body language?

Thank you! No. Yes. I don’t https://www.360docs.net/doc/df2941226.html,e here!

经过这三个问题的讨论会使学生置身于“身势语”之中,增添了实效性与可操作性。接着提问:“你们想更多了解身势语吗?” 以引入正文。

● Do you want to know more about body language?


★task3: Find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Main idea:

Paragraph 1: We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. Paragraph 2: Body language varies from culture to culture.

Paragraph 3: The same body language has different meanings in some different countries.

Paragraph 4: Some gestures are universal.

Paragraph 5: Smile is the best example of universally understood body language.



★task 4: Read the passage again and finish answering the following questions:

● Find out the different meanings of eye contact, OK, thumps up, ”crazy” gesture.

● How to greet each o ther?

● How to express “I am tired.” “I am full.” “I am hungry.”

● What can smile help us?


● Which of the following words is similar to “vary”?

A. change

B. be the same as

C. be similar to

● What’s the Chinese meaning for the word “disrespectful” in Paragraph ?

A 尊敬的

B 尊敬

C 无礼的



★task5: Role play

每4人一组,编一个短剧,要求表演的学生适当加上身势语和表情。表演完后进行评价:评价包括自评和互评,评价内容包括:语言、眼神、面部表情以及身体姿势。满分20 各项均4分。这个任务可以让学生在真实的情境中体验“身势语”,让阅读与交际相辅相成,而且有利于培养学生与他人合作的能力。在表演中可能会有学生作出与其语言不一致的身势语或表情。如果没有的话,就放一段这样的录象,然后问学生一个问题:有时我们说一样,但我们的身势语说的却是另一样。为什么会发生这样的事?你能举出一些例子吗?

Sometimes we say one thing but body language says something different. Why does this happen? Can you think of any examples?



★task6: Find more information about “body language”. ( Group work ) (Students are asked to find more information related to “body language” by Internet, English books and newspaper. Then show them to the class the next lesson in form of dialogue, speech, short play, etc. )





高考英语作文素材:精选文20篇 议论文观点辩论 (1) 2005年10月12日,举世瞩目的神舟六号载人飞船成功发射;10月18日,飞船顺利返航,举国上下为之欢呼雀跃,世界各国媒体给予了极大的关注。请就此事写一篇英语短文,表达自己的高兴和骄傲之情。 1. 字数100左右。 2. 可适当增加细节,使容连贯。 3. 生词提示: 载人的adj. manned 发射v. / n. launch 神舟六号Shenzhou VI 航空n. aviation (2) 某英文报社正在举办有关“英雄”问题的讨论话题,请你根据以下提示用英文写一篇100词左右的文章以便寄到该报社参加讨论。 1. 英雄(见义勇为的人)具有什么样的品质? 2. 为什么现在英雄越来越少? 如果让你选择,你愿意做英雄还是普通人? (3) 假如你叫华,你和笔友Jane互寄了全家的合影。Jane看了合影后来信问为什么你没有兄弟姐妹。请用英语写封100字左右的回信说明情况。容 注意: 2.字数100左右; 3.开头已给出,不计人总字数; 4.参考词汇;计划生育family program独生子女the only child (4) 请以“Reading Newspapers Is A Good Habit” 为题写一篇80—100单词的短文。提示如下: 1.报纸是重要传媒。看报能获得国外最新消息…… 2.报纸能丰富我们的生活,上面有…… 3.对我们学英语的人来说,看类似《中国日报》这样的英文报纸,……

(5) 目前,越来越多的中学生利用周末上各种各样的培训班或请家教。对于这一现象,存在两种不同观点。请你根据下表提示,以Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?为题,写一篇短文,反映表中容,并简要阐述 (2)词数:120 词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数); (3)参考词汇:巩固strengthen vt. (6) “神六”返回以后,人们就“普通人去太空旅游”的话题展开了热烈讨论。请你根据下列提示以“The advantages and disadvantages of Space 2、不要逐字逐句翻译。 3、词数110 左右。 (7) 周笔畅宣布退出“超女”演唱会的巡演,重返校园。对此你和同学们展开了激烈的讨论。一部分同学不赞成“超女”重返学校。认为这是对她的一次锻炼,可以获得更多的演出机会,而且可以更早地实现当歌星的梦想。但也有一部分同学赞同“超女”的做法。认为学校的学习比演出更重要,这样可以使声乐基础更加牢固,而且,频繁的演出也是一件很劳累的事情。如果你是她,你会选择退出还是留下?说明你的理由。 注意: 1. 词数:100左右; 2. 参考词汇:过多的excessive; 3. 容要点可用不同方式表达; 4. 对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。 (8)


2013年上海市普通高等学校 招收应届中等职业学校毕业生统一文化考试 英语试卷 (满分100分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名,准考 证号,并用铅笔正确涂写准考证号。 2.第I卷(第1-65题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。考生 应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案不能写在试卷上,写在试卷上一律不给分。 I.听力理解(共25分,每小题1分。从下列各题的四个选项中选择一个最恰当的答案。) Part A短对话理解(共10分) 1.A.To the park B.To the bus stop C.To the bank D.To the supermarket 2.A.A doctor B.A coat C.Some medicine D.Some water 3.A.At6:00 B.At6:30 C.At7:00 D.At7:30 4.A.At a bar B.At the school C.At a party D.At Jane’s home 5.A.Matt B.Simon C.Scott D.Tom 6.A.Walk to the theatre B.Drive a car C.Have an evening class D.See a movie 7.A.Go dancing B.Work hard C.Have a rest D.Change money 8.A.He had a bad dream B.He got lost in the dark C.He ran after a dog D.He suddenly couldn’t move 9.A.Policeman and driver B.Doctor and patient C.Receptionist and guest D.Waiter and customer 10.A.He took a wrong way B.The traffic was heavy C.He went to a gas station D.His car broke down Part B长对话理解(共7分) 11.A.An English test B.A career test C.An art test D.A medical test 12.A.Her parents’judgment B.Exam scores C.Interests and personality D.Time and money 13.A.A law school B.A medical school C.A language school D.A business school (B)


2013年江西省三校生高职英语高考试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择题(共30小题;第小题1分,满分30分) 1. —,Michael? —I’m fine. Thanks. A. Where are you from B. What are you C. What would you like D. How are you 2. —What are you going to be when you grow up? —I want to be teacher. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 3. Lily is a kind girl. Often helps us learn English. A. He B. His C. She D. Her 4. —is your new bike? —Just $ 150. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often 5. —What time do you usually get up, Rick? —I usually get up five o’clock. A. in B. at C. on D. for 6. Look! Kate and Jane talking under the tree over there. A. was B. were C. is D. are 7. —Is her hobby taking photos or collecting stamps? —. It’s reading. A. Neither B. Both C. None D. All 8. Don’t take your car-you can come in . A. me B. mine C. myself D. my 9. I would like to go to the to see a film this Saturday. A. bookstore B. supermarket C. cinema D. airport 10. Mary is now. So she is going to buy a larger house. A. shy B. poor C. busy D. rich 11.—Could you let me know you came yesterday? —By train. A. why B. where C. how D. what 12.—Tom, you come to my party this weekend? —Sorry. I have to do my homework. A. can B. may C. need D. must 13. As we all know, two heads are than one. A. good B. well C. better D. best 14.—Don’t you something burning in the house, Sam? —No. I have a terrible cold. A. taste B. see C. hear D. smell 15. Tom lives far from the school and he to school by bus every day. A. goes B. went C. is going D. has gone 16. They didn’t go for a walk it was raining. A. though B. because C. until D. unless 17. Oh, , if you see Jackie, tell her I’ll call her this evening. A. by the way B. in the way C. on the way D. to the way 18. I am reading the book won the Bokker Prize. A. who B. what C. that D. whose 19.—Jimmy is leaving for a holiday. —Really? Where he ? A. has ; gone B. will ; go C. did ; go D. does ; go 20.—, do you know where the nearest park is? —It’s on the Center Street. A. Excuse me B. Thank you C. Not at all D. That’s right 21. How could you let her away like that? A. run B. to run C. running D. runs 22.—Would you like something to drink, or coffee? —Coffee, please. A. fruit B. tea C. bread D. meat 23.—Could you tell me ? —It’s about ten minutes’ ride. A. when do you go to school B. when you go to school C. how far is your school from here D. how far you school is from here 24.—Would you mind the window for me? —Not at all. A. close B. closes C. to close D. closing 25.—I have been to New York. —. A. So do I B. So I do C. So have I D. So I have 26.—There is something wrong with my eyes. —You should have your eyes . A. tested B. test C. to test D. testing 27. Dad always his shoes and leaves them by the front door when he comes back. A. takes down B. takes off C. takes away D. takes up 28. It is very beautiful picture. It by Judia. A. will paint B. will be painted C. painted D. was apinted 29.—It’s a long sorty, but there are not any new words in it. —Good! It will be herd for children. A. So B. Or C. But D. And 30.—Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.


高考英语作文高级句型及模板 议论文开头 1.随着社会的发展,人们开始注意到...的重要性 Along with the advance of the society , people are attaching much importance to …… 2.最近, …现象引起了人们的广泛关注 Recently, the phenomenon that … has aroused wide public concern 3.全世界都知道... It is universally acknowledged that … 4. 我认为(在我看来,就我看来,我的观点是, 我想….) I am convinced that…. As far as I am concerned, ….. From my point of view, ….. From where I stand, …… 文章结尾 1) From what has been discussed above(Taking into account all these factors), we may safely arrive at/draw/come to/reach the conclusion that ... 2) It is high time that we put considerable/great/special emphasis on ... 3) It is, therefore, obvious/evident that the task of...require immediate attention. 提出建议 1:It is high time that we should….(该是我们的时候了) 2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视) 3:Obviously, if we want to do something … it is essential that……(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……) 4:Only in this way can we ……(只有这样,我们才能……) 5:We should spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的) 说明文常用句型 1简要说明图表内容的句型: 从图表可以看出 The table/chart shows that …… As can be seen from the chart…… From the table/chart/forms we can see… The table tells us that…… 2表示变化/比较的句型: There was a great / slight increase/rise in …… There has been a su dden /slow/rapid fall/ drop in…… It is 20% lower /higher than…… The number/rate has nearly doubled, as against that of last year. The number is … times as much as that of……


三校生高考班模拟试卷 科目:英语 姓名班级成绩 I. 语音(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 从A、B、C、D中找出其画线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 ( ) 1.go A. do B. some C. home D. gone ( ) 2. breakfast A. bread B. break C. idea D. tea ( ) 3. occur A. mixture B. cure C. Saturday D. disturb ( ) 4. usually A. pleasure B. sun C. sure D. pleased ( ) 5.weather A. month B. than C. birthday D. north Ⅱ. 词汇与语法(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) ( ) 6. It’s well-known to us that English is ________ useful language. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 7. How is the weather? It’s __________ beautiful day. A. so B. so a C. such a D. such ( ) 8.There are ____________ in the fridge. A. two milks B. some milks C. two bottles of milk D. two bottles of milks ( ) 9. Did you hear the ___________ report? A. policemen B. policemen’s C. policemens’ D. policemens ( ) 10. I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but __________ of them came.


2012年江西省三校生高职英语高考试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择题(共30小题;第小题1分,满分30分) 1. —Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. —. A. You are welcome B. Don't. say so C. You're right D. Don't do that 2. —is your brother? —He is a teacher. A. Which B. What C. How D. Who 3. —Have you seen Tony Story? —Yes. is a good film for kids. A. He B. She C. It D. There 4. Look! A student playing basketball on the playground. A. is B. are C. was D. were 5. —is your new bicycle? —150 dollars. A. How long B. How many C. How old D. How much 6. —Would you like another cup of coffee? —No. . A. Thank you B. All right C. Never mind D. With pleasure 7. —How do you usually go to work? —By . bus, but yesterday I walked. A. a B. the C. 不填 D. an 8. We have a sports meeting . September every year. A. at B. in C. on D. of 9. Yesterday Lily invited Bob and to her birthday party. We had a good time. A. I B. mine C. myself D. me 10. —Do you have a pet? —Yes, I have a I" like it very much. A. car B. magazine C. dog D. computer 11.—How long can I the book? —A week. A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. buy 12. I can’t tell you what Jane will do this afternoon. I know of her daytime habits. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing 13. It is a street. Please be careful when crossing it. A. long B. busy C. modern D. heavy 14.—Smith, somebody wants you on the phone. —no one knows I am here. A. But B. So C. For D. And 15. you help me? I can’t carry the heavy box upstairs. A. Need B. May C. Must D. Can 16. Do you want me what the story is about? A. telling B. to tell C. told D. tell 17. You should talking. We must keep quiet in the library. A. continue B. enjoy C. stop D. learn 18.—Can you tell me you got to the park? —On foot. A. where B. how C. when D. why 19. That sounds rather simple, but it’s very difficult. A. in fact B. in time C. in turn D. in need 20. Willy owned number of books than anyone else I have ever met. A. a large B. a larger C. the largest D. the larger 21. I am writing a letter to Rose, father works in a bank. A. whose B. who C. that D. which 22.—I to the post office. —While you are there, can you get me some stamps? A. went B. have gone C. am going D. go 23. I suggested her out to dinner for a change. A. taken B. take C. to take D. taking 24. We have to hurry up we can catch the last train. A. as if B. so that C. while D. unless 25.—Has Kate finished her report? —I don’t know. She it last night. A. will write B. has written C. is writing D. was writing 26. Don’t too late, or you will fell sleepy in class tomorrow. A. stand up B. look up C. stay up D. get up 27. You have had your hair ; it looks great. A. cuts B. cutting C. to cut D. cut 28. It’ ’s beginning to snow. A. besides B. except D. therefore 29.—The room is dirty. —I know. It for weeks. A. hasn’t been cleaned B. hasn’t cleaned C. wasn’t cleaned D. didn’t clean 30.—Talk to you later. —All right. . A. I’d like to B. See you C. Not at all D. No way


2015—2016学年上学期三校生英语模拟试题二 一.语音(本大题共5分,每小题1分) ()1. well A . return B. current C. end D. student ()2. same A. comrade B. make C. have D. sad ()3.Sunday A. today B. stay C. pay D. Friday ()4.down A. town B. grow C. know D. bowl ()5.teacher A. meat B. bread C. heavy D. head 二.词汇与语法(本大题共25分,每小题1分,) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 ( ) 1.There are many ________ in our school . And they are working very hard. A. man teacher B. man teachers C. men teacher D. men teachers ( ) 2.Class Five ________ watching the football match now. A. are B. is C. will D. do ()3. ______ Zhangs are going to Dali next week.. A. / B. a C. the D. an ()4. The weather in Beijing is colder than _____ in Kunming. A. this B. that C. one D. those ()5. It is _________ that I’d like to go swimming. A. so lovely day B. such lovely a day C. so lovely a day D. a so lovely day ()6. _______ he is , __________ he feels. A The busier ; the happiest B. The busier; the happier C. The busiest; the happier D. The busiest; the happiest ( ) 7._________ the afternoon of June 10,2010 Tom visited the Great Wall. A. At B. On C. For D. By ( ) 8. We can see ________ stars at night if it isn’t cloudy. A. thousands B. thousand C. thousands of D. thousand of ( ) 9. You may _______ go to watch TV_______ go to play basketball. A. either; or B. too; to C. so; that D. as; as ( ) 10. My voice is so weak that I’m afraid I can’t make myself _____________. A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. heard ( ) 11.Chinese ___________ by a large number people in the world. A. is speaking B. is saying C. is spoken D. is said ( ) 12.The food _________ strange. Do you think it’s OK to eat it? A. was tasted B. tasted C. is tasting D. tastes ( ) 13.Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages _______ them well. A. you can learn B. can you learn C. you learned D. did you learn ( ) 14.Do you mind my _______ the window . A. open B. to open C. opening D. openning


高考英语作文(1)议论文模板 1.正反观点式议论文模板 导入: 第 1 段:Recently we ’ve had a discussion about whether we sho(u ld导...入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧) 正文: 第 2 段:Most of the students are in favour of it(.正方观点) Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally..列.(出2~3 个赞成的理由) 第 3 段:However, the others are strongly against it.(反方观点) Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What ’s列m出ore... In addition...( 2~3 个反对的理由) 结论: 第 4 段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support i t(.个人观点)オ 2.“A或者B”类议论文模板: 导入: 第 1 段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages. 正文: 第 2 段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is that...赞(同A 的原因) 第 3 段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent..列. (出1~2 个B 的优势) 结论: 第 4 段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that .得..(出结论) オ 3.观点论述类议论文模板: 导入: 第 1 段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision.(亮明自己的观点是赞成还 是反对) The reasons for this may be listed as follows.(过渡句,承上启下) 正文: 第 2 段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...列(出2~3 个赞成或反对的理由) 结论: 第 3 段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第 1 段,构成"总—分—总"结构) 4."How to" 类议论文模板: 导入: 第 1 段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文: 第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出 2~3 个解决此类问题的办法)


2009上海普通高等学校 招收应届中等职业学校毕业生统一文化考试 英语试卷 (部分试题) Ⅱ.词汇和语法知识: 21.My one-year-old son, Alex, is already showing an interest_______ music. A. to B. in C. on D. at 22. We have to put off the party till next Monday since______ people can come today. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little 23. Of all the problems, how to provide enough tents for the villagers is ________ one. A. big B. biggest C. the bigger D. the biggest 24. Try to get as much information of the company as possible, ______ you won’t succeed in the interview. A. and B. or C. so D. for 25. If you really hope to make greater progress, you ______ spend more time on your study. A. should B. ought C. need D. dare 26. The young man will run into trouble unless he ______ up the bad habit from now on. A. has given B. gives C. is giving D. gave 27. The children from Sichuan Province ______ English for about three years before they came to Shanghai. A. learn B. were learning C. have learned D. had learned 28. The tourists want to know when the famous Shaolin Temple______. A. build B. built C. was built D. was building 29. Our classmates have decided ______ a meeting to discuss what we can do for the coming sports meet. A. hold B. held C. to hold D. to holding 30. Li Ming keeps _____ his skills and now he is one of the top workers in the factory. A. developing B. develop C. to develop D. developed 31. The experts were in the meeting-room, _______ the ways to get out of the difficult financial situations. A. to discuss B. discussing C. discuss D. discussed 32. The public are anxious to know ______ the local government will deal with the pollution. A. which B. what C. why D. how 33. The employees didn’t agree to the plan ________ they thought it would do no good to them. A. if B. that C. because D. while 34. Anyone_____ wishes to do his bit for the Expo can enter for the volunteer(志愿者)group. A. which B. whose C. whom D. who 35. The retired teacher contributed most of her money to the victims of the earthquake _______ she was not rich. A. because B. although C. if D. until 36. Nowadays many students have a lot of _______ about too much homework and too little time to play. A. complains B. agreement C. information D. appointments 37. Sally’s job is to ______ customers’ opinions of new products and find ways to improve them. A. support B. guide C. collect D. produce 38. The poor girl rose to fame very quickly. Now it was hard for her to return to her past______ life. A. ordinary B. modern C. noble D. comfortable 39. Mr. White told his secretary to get a smaller desk because the large one________ too much room in the office. A. made up for B. got rid of C. took up D. brought about 40. ---Sorry for not having finished the paper in time. ---_________. You can go on with it today. A. Of course not B. It’s a good idea C. Don’t mention it D. It doesn’t matter


14.—Smith, somebody wants you on the phone. 年江西省三校生高职英语高考试卷2012—no one knows I am here. A. But B. So C. For D. And 15. you help me? I can't carry the heavy box upstairs. A. Need 分) B. May C. Must D. Can 小题;第小题Ⅰ.单项选择题(共301分,满分3016. Do you want me what the story is about? 1. —Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. A. telling B. to tell C. told D. tell 17. You should —. talking. We must keep quiet in the library. A. continue A. You are welcome B. Don't. say so B. enjoy C. stop D. learn 18.—Can you tell me C. You're right D. Don't do that you got to the park? —is your brother? On foot. — 2. A. where B. how C. when D. why He is a teacher. —19. That sounds rather simple, but B. What A. Which C. How D. Who it's very difficult. A. in fact B. in time 3. —Have you seen Tony Story? C. in turn D. in need 20. Willy owned is a good film for kids. number of books than anyone else I have ever met. —Yes. A. He B. She C. It D. There A. a large B. a larger C. the largest D. the larger 21. I am writing a letter to Rose, father works in a bank. 4. Look! A student playing basketball on the playground. A. whose B. who C. that D. which B. are A. is C. was D. were 22.—I is your new bicycle? —5. to the post office. —While you are there, can you get me some stamps? 150 dollars. — A. went C. How old A. How long B. How many D. How much B. have gone C. am going D. go 23. I suggested Would you like another cup of coffee? 6. —her out to dinner for a change. —A. taken B. take . No. C. to take D. taking 24. We have to hurry up C. Never mind A. Thank you B. All right D. With pleasure we can catch the last train. 7. —A. as if B. so that How do you usually go to work? C. while D. unless 25. —By —. bus, but yesterday I walked. Has Kate finished her report? —I don't know. She D. an B. the A. a C. 不填it last night. 8. We have a sports meeting A. will write . September every year. B. has written C. is writing D. was writing 26. Don B. in A. at 't C. on D. of
