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制作人 KAREN 16号
Wealth Honor luck Prosperity
芳 纪 白碧பைடு நூலகம்子
The four most famous varieties of peony 牡丹四大名品

Wei Zi 魏紫
Zhao Fen 赵粉
Zhao Fen is the best of the pink peonies. It was grown in a garden by a person who named Zhao Fen in the Qing Dynasty. The pink peony is commom,but the pink color of Zhao Fen is so delicate that it is just like the child ‘s face, so in Luoyang ZhaoFen is also called" child's face”(童子面). 赵粉是最好的粉红牡丹,源于清朝的赵家花园。粉色牡丹很是普 遍,但是赵粉牡丹的粉色如此微妙,像近了小孩子的脸颊。因此 在洛阳“赵粉牡丹”也被称为“童子面”
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peonies, reputed for the king of peonies(花王), dating back to about 1000 years ago. According to historical record ,it was first grown by a man named Yao who lived at the foot of the Mengshan Hill in the SongDynasty,hence the name,YaoHuang. It measures 17 cm high and 20 cm in diameter(直径) when it is in full-bloom(盛花期). 姚黄是最好的黄色牡丹,被誉为花王, 可追溯到大约1000年前。 据历史记载,在宋朝时,起初是由一 位居住在氓山脚下的名叫姚黄的人所 培植,因此得名姚黄。 在盛花期花径可达17CM×20CM
Yao Huang姚 黄

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Wei-Zi is shaped like an imperial crown (皇冠 ), with as many as 250 petals (花瓣) measuring 14 cm high and 18 cm in diameter, Thus Wei-Zi was honored as “the queen of Peonies”. As the finest of purple strain(种),Wei-zi flowers in purplish-white at the beginning, and goes pale-purple in fullbloom and purplish-white when nearly withering. 魏紫,皇冠型,多达250个花瓣,花径 14CM×18CM ,被誉为“花后” 作为最优良的紫色品种,魏紫在初始阶段 是紫白色,在盛花期为淡紫色,在接近枯 萎时为紫白色。
• Dou Lu豆绿
Grand Banquet 盛宴
Miss Tourism International (世界旅 游小姐)
DouLu is the only one of the four famous peonies which didn’t name after the family name of the people who grew it. It is said the flower fairy(花仙子) changed her green hairpin (绿簪子) into DouLu by magic. DouLu is the finest of green flowers and a rare species of the late-blooming peonies with its flower shaping like a rose. It produce a small number of flowers and differs greatly between the on-year and off-year, thus ,it is lucky for one to see bumper (盛大的) flowers of DouLv. 豆绿是四大牡丹名品里唯一不以培植人姓名所命名的。据说是 花仙子通过魔法将自己的绿簪子变为了“豆绿” 豆绿牡丹是最好的绿色鲜花,因其花期较晚和花形极像玫瑰而 较为稀有。因产量较低并且大小年差异较大,所以能看到大量 的豆绿牡丹是非常幸运的。