
戈耳工美杜莎(Gorgon Medusa)


Gorgon are three sisters of Greek mythology, they living in the remote of western,they are the daughter of

Phorcydes. Their head and neck are full of scales, the hair are many snakes,with a wild boar tusks and a pair of iron hand and golden wings, any see them will immediately

turned into stone. Medusa (Greek: Μ ? delta υ sigma alpha) is one of three sisters of Gorgon. Her father is the Nept

Poseido while his mother is the sea monster Ceto, her hair are many snakes. Three sisters of Gorgon , only medusa

was physically, her sister Cecilia and Euryale is magic

body. Allegedly medusa once was a beautiful girl, because boasted good-looking than Athena, Athena was enraged, her spell, the medusa hair became countless viper, took

away all of her beautiful, leaving her an ugly monster form, beauty so became the devil.

?In Greek mythology,medusa was finally cut down her head by Perseus.To get medusa head,Perseus managed to get the three artifacts:a pair of shoes that

?who wear it can fly,a leather bag and a helmet that who wear it on the head can be hides.With these three artifacts,then he take his bronze shield and Swords to the place of medusa live.Arrived,medusa sleeping. Perseus dare not to see her,he reflective from bronze shield find medusa's position,all rushed forward to her and cut down her viper head.Then Perseus put the head into leather bag,at this time,medusa's sisters are awaken, they found medusa was killde,hurried to chase. fortunately Perseus wearing the helmet,didn't be found.

At this time,the body from medusa'body arise a pegasus,Perseus immediately jumped up and hurriedly fly to heaven.Perseus avoid medusa two sister's chase.But in the air when he runaway he attacked by wind,the skull from medusa drop of blood fell to Libya, become desert serpent.Gorgon's blood although virulent,but has special forces,once gave Erichthonius the ability of One Breath.Perseus use medusa's head killed sea monster Cetus.Perseus take the head to Athena,and Athena inlay medusa's head in the central of Aegis.

nowday’s Medusa

Gorgon's head portrait is often use in symbolic badges, building decoration and even Athens coin, also used for soldiers, when the enemy watched the shield that inlay the medusa's face then will become a statue. The ancient greeks drawn medusa's head on plate, originally is to scar child who steal to eat, then turned to hasten luckyand avoids disaster. Many artists now take her as "the most outrageous, charm can't resist" ,and printed it on clothes or leather. The most famous is the dress masters Versace's clothing logo. Meanwhile, medusa is also a lot flag designs.


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