高中英语续写素材-环境描写03 Night and Moon-读后续写素材之环境描写

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专题03 The Description of Night and Moon






•3-1 The moon appeared momentarily, her disk was blood-red and half-overcast:she seemed to throw me a bewildered, dreary glance ,and buried herself again instantly in the deep drift of cloud.


momentarily短促地; 片刻地; 立即; 马上

blood-red血红色的; 鲜红色的

bewildered困惑不解的; 不知所措的; 晕头转向的; 使迷惑; 使糊涂; bewilder的过去分词和过去式

dreary令人沮丧的; 沉闷的; 枯燥无味的

disk 圆盘,这里指月轮

overcast a.阴天的;多云的;阴暗的,v.包裹、遮蔽half-overcast:半遮着的,这里形容月亮一半在云层中,一半露在外面的样子

•3-2 Then the moon appeared in all its elegant whiteness, lightening up the cloudless sky ;finally, moving more slowly, it cast on the surface of the river a large parch of light which glittered like an infinity of stars.


elegant优美的; 文雅的; 漂亮雅致的; 陈设讲究的; 精美的; 简练的; 简洁的; 简明的

lightening减轻,减少; 变明亮,变成淡色; 感到不那么悲伤; 缓和; lighten的现在分词

cloudless sky无云的天空

cast on扔;投掷

glittered闪亮; 闪耀; 光彩夺目; 闪现; glitter的过去分词和过去式

infinity无限; 无穷; 无限远的点; 无穷远; 无穷大



我们并未直接写3-1中主人公内心的沉闷、烦躁、无所适从,而是说(The moon)throw me a bewildered, dreary glance(月亮向我投来一个迷茫、沉闷的目光),表面上写月亮迷茫、疲惫,实际上是在说主人公内心沉闷迷茫或是困乏疲惫,and buried herself again instantly in the deep drift of cloud.(然后立刻又把自己埋在了深深的云朵里)其实也反映了主人公内心世界的孤闭。

相反,注意3-2中用词:elegant whiteness(优雅的白色),cloudless sky(无云的天空),the surface of the river(湖面),an infinity of stars(无数星点),glittered(闪闪发光),这些词都十分宁谧、祥和、优美,可见主人公也是十分享受这月夜的景色,其内心必定是欢乐、安宁的。

•3-3 The once reddish and purple sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the town. A canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst the ocean of blackness.


reddish a.微红色的

a vast expanse of 一大片

engulfed包围; 吞没; 淹没; 严重影响; engulf的过去分词和过去式

canopy罩篷,遮篷,罩盖; 顶篷; 天篷; 天篷似的树荫; 座舱盖

luminous夜光的; 发光的; 发亮的; 鲜亮的; 鲜艳的

a canopy of luminous star指的是漫天的星河

jet-black a.乌黑

materialized实现; 发生; 成为现实; 突然显现; 神奇地出现; materialize的过去分词和过去式

•3-4 .The lingering sunlight was obliterated by the rapidly falling night,resembling a pitch-black curtain draped over the sky.

lingering缠绵的; 缓慢消失的; 迟迟不去的;linger v.流连; 逗留; 徘徊,持续看

obliterate v.擦除; 覆盖; 清除

resemble v.像,看起来像

pitch-black a.漆黑

drape v.将(衣服、织物等)悬挂,披; 遮盖; 盖住; 装饰;n.(厚长的) 帘子,帷帘,帷幕;

•3-5.The moon under siege by stars seemed to lighten the night bringing forth stars that shone and hung in the blackness. The never ending blackness consumed everything.

under siege受围攻; 遭受严厉批评;承受巨大压力

lighten减轻,减少; 变明亮,变成淡色; 感到不那么悲伤; 缓和

bring forth生产,产出

shone发光; 反光; 照耀; 把…照向; 使…光投向; 擦亮; 擦光; shine的过去分词和过去式

hung任何政党都不占多数席位的; 不能取得一致意见的; 悬挂; 吊; 垂下; 垂落; 低垂,下垂; hang的过去分词和过去式

consumed沉迷…的; 充满…的; 消耗,耗费; 吃; 喝; 饮; 使充满; consume的,这里是吞噬的意思

•3-6. The night brought an unrelenting darkness that wrapped their eyes and mouths, burying them beneath

a starless sky. The air had thickened; the temperature dropped and nowhere was there a comforting sound.
