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IP 因特网协议Internet Protocol

TCP 传输控制协议Transmission Control Protocol

OSI 开放式系统互联参考模型Open System Interconnection

ISP 互联网服务提供商Internet Service Provider

HTML 超文本标识语言Hypertext Markup Language

SEO 搜索引擎优化Search Engine Optimization

PR 公共关系Public Relation

IT 信息技术Information Technology

CRM 客户关系管理Customer Relationship Management

IMA 因特网商家账号Internet Merchant Account

PSPs 支付服务提供商Payment Service Providers

QoS 服务质量Quality of Service

SCM 供应链管理Supply Chain Management

QC 质量控制Quality Control

PLC 产品生命周期Production Life Cycle

PC 个人计算机Personal Computer


1.Internet is a loose network of computers localed all over the world.

2.The most widely used part of Internet is the World Wide Web. Its

outstanding feature is hypertext.

mon computer networking devices are Router、Bridge、Network、

Switch、Ethernet hub and Repeater.

4.The three major forms of e-commerce and B2B、B2C、C2C.

5.Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods

of services from a seller in real-time without an intermediary service over the internet.

6.If you business runs a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system

them this is the best place to handle customer returns.

7.Besides credit card, there are some other means to make payment, such

as debit card/e-money/COD (cash on delivery)/check/gift card…

8. A supply chain is set of organizations directly linked by are or more of

the upstream and downstream flows.

9.Logistics is the management of the flow of the goods, information and

other resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of customers.

10.Digital Certificates provide a means of proving your identity in electronic

transactions, much like a passport does in face-to-face interactions. 11.Viruses spread across computers and networks by making copies of


12.A Trojan horse is a program that appears to be legitimate but actually

contains another program or hidden code.


*What is an Extranet

1. remote

2. office

3. protected

4. ordering

5. meet

6. technologies

7. offer

8. relationships

9. secure 10. resources

*E-commerce Definition and Types of E-commerce

1. exchanging

2. fact

3. quantity

4. public

5. purchase

6. without

7. bid

8. platform

9. receive 10. involve

*Shopping Cart Software


2. customers

3. shipping

4. rely





9.basket 10.database

*Understanding the Difference between B2B and B2C Marketing

1. shows

2. process

3. emotion

4. takes

5. logic

6. understanding

7. message

8. distribution

9. benefits 10. personally

*Digital Wallets

1. software

2. page

3. form

4. prompted

5. unauthorized

6. accurate

7. fail

8. structure

9. abandon 10. simplified

*What is the Relationship between ERP CRM and SCM

1. assemble

2. spread

3. integrates

4. source

5. difficult

6. stone

7. products

8. gathering

9. fashion 10. present

*What is Basic Inventory Control?

1. track

2. valuable

3. tangible

4. realm

5. complicated

6. essential

7. result

8. minimizes

9. margins 10. ensure

*Secure Electronic Transaction

1. initially

2. verified

3. browser

4. provider

5. account

6. functions

7. expiration

8. encrypted

9. signature 10. signature

*Secure Socket Layer

1. security

2. based

3. Developed

4. standard

5. passing

6. encryption

7. integral

8. supports

9. downloaded 10. handled

*Mobile banking and its business models

1. introduction

2. success

3. attract

4. important

5. classified

6. traditional

7. range

8. conduct

9. cheaper 10. safe-keeping
