

My View on University Ranking

In recent years, all kinds of University Ranking Lists can be found on some educational websites, or newspapers. The ranking standards also vary. These li sts have great influence on students. They are even becoming the only scale to evaluate the colleges and universities.

People hold different views toward this phenomenon. Some believe that these lists help the students a lot, especially for those who will choose their univ ersity. While some other protest vigorously. In their points, the list is reall y ridiculous and harmful. In my view, the university ranking may have its own r eference values, but its disadvantages overweigh its values.

For those university-students-to-be, they are supposed to choose the school according to his or her own situation, but not the so-called Ranking List. Wha t’s more, how about the university students? How do they feel about themselves when they see the ranking? The list may become some intangible shackles for th em if their own school ranks poorly.

In a nutshell, there is no easy method to rank these universities, but the Ranking, only helps students ignore the essentials, namely, their ninety-nine p ercent perspiration.





1.Different people have different views on——

2. Some people perfer,——

3. Others tend to, ——

4.As to me, I agree with / to ——







Part Ⅰ作文题目:




Now society competition is very big, college is not exceptional also, the p resent universities ranking is quite popular, appear very I "ranking" drawbacks. For this kind of practice, the person of shem view each not camera, some under standing ranking is very necessary, can promote the school competition, some un derstanding ranking, cause a lot of school lane virtual do false education qual ity, causing the glide! And I think the school rankings of this mechanism is sh ould be reserved, but need to regulate the arrangement, the education developme nt of the rankings system into motivation, not resistance.


For those university students-to-be, choosing their ideal school is never a n easy job, but luckily, different authorities come up with the university rank ing to help! Top students shall choose the top schools high on the list and vic e versa.

Complicated issue becomes easy numerical comparison, yet the real problem s tays there, can the numerical ranking tell you the status quo of these universi ties? Are these “authorities” producing the ranking authoritative enough to m ake the judgments? Let’s take a serious look at the issue before we jump to th e conclusion whether university ranking is good or bad.

We have to admit that because of historical reasons, most of the 1950s-1960 s parents were denied higher education and this cruel fact makes them even more

eager to give their children high education even though they have no idea of w hat university education is all about. The ranking helps them to make decisions based on their simple idea of better ranking means better jobs in future, and therefore better income! It is pathetic that they interpret knowledge and wisdo m in such a way yet it is even more pathetic that there are so-claimed well-edu cated people making up all the ranking and get the ranking published to mislead them!

Part Ⅱ

Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1.A not be sustained in the long term

解读:关键字1994对应第一段第三行,题干中unsustainable即选项A中sustained 的反义表达方式。选择A。

2.B Intergenerational conflicts will intensify.

解读:从书名定位到原文第二段,heading for the rock, the cleaner, 都暗示了两代人之间的问题,最后的warfare则一目了然地指出了该矛盾。

3.D politicians are afraid of losing votes in the next election


4.A allow people to work longer

解读:从题干中the most effective method找到第五段第三句原话,直接选择A选项。

5.D younger workers are readily available

解读:题目中employer为关键字,找到第六段,该段看似没有直接提到为什么雇主不愿意雇佣old workers,但从其不断分析新涌现出来的劳动力替代者,可以总结的出D选项,即年轻劳动力的供给已足以满足企业需求。

6.B large numbers of immigrants from overseas

解读:这道题间接考察了学生变换思维的能力,Japan在文中一时难以找到,但其所代表的发达国家群体developed countries却出现在了第七段,而该段恰恰揭示了发达国家靠移民劳动力寻求养老机制危机一时的缓解的举措。

7.B They find it hard to balance career and family.


8.be innovative and take risks than younger ones

解读:题目中old societies关键字对应到倒数第六段第三行,题目中的less incli ned正好与原文中的more strongly disinclined形成对照,所以答案只需摘录之后的原文即可,即take risks than younger ones.

9.mostly have families

解读:题目中关键字intergenerational warfare对应到原文倒数第五段。第二句直接对第一句做出了解释,摘录即可。

https://www.360docs.net/doc/e14444367.html,itary service

解读:要理解题目中less willing to 的含义,即不情愿,这样定位到倒数第三段第一句的reluctant, commit sth. to sth. ,空格内需要填写名词,参照原文,即milita ry service.


Part II

1 D

2 A

3 A

4 D

5 D

6 B

7 A


Part Ⅲ

Listening Comprehension

Section A

11. What can we infer from the conversation?

【答案】A The man is the manager of the apartment building

【解读】从对话中看出女士在找apartment building,不是男士。因此选A。

12. What is the woman eager to know?

【答案】B How the pictures will turn out.

【解读】女士想知道的是if the shots I took are as good as I thought. 照片是不是和她想的异样好。这里shots指照片。turn out指照片拍出来的效果。因此选B。

13. What does the man mean?

【答案】C The suitcase can be fixed in time.

【解读】男士说到find a handle后面提到but that shouldn’t take too long说明不是没有handle可以匹配。因此排除A,B。

14. What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

【答案】B He needs a vehicle to be used in harsh weather.

【解读】男士说到truck需要operate for long periods of time in very cold te mperatures,因此选择选项B。very cold temperatures对应harsh weather.

15. What do we learn about the woman?

【答案】A She has made up her mind to resign.

【解读】从文中女士强硬的口气I could no longer live with…可以看出她下定决心。因此选择A。

16. What does the women want to do?

【答案】D Replace the shirt with one of some other material.

【解读】女士首先提到exchange the shirt,后面又解释了原因allergic to wool,从男士的回答也可以看出换成别的材质。因此选择D。

17. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

【答案】D At a “Lost and Found”

【解读】男士首先问Did anyone happen to turn in a new handbag?,女士又问了他handbag的详细信息,可见是在失物招领处,选D。

18. What does the man plan to do with his old house?

【答案】C Convert in into a hotel

【解读】but后面是真正意图: turning it into a guest house。guest house 意为宾馆,因此选C。

19. What is the key to write a good classical detective story according to the man?

【答案】D Careful plotting and clueing.

【解读】对话中提到it must be so carefully plotted and so carefully clued,对应D选项。

20. What does the man mainly need when working on a book?

【答案】D To be entirely alone.

【解读】对话中can’t even bare anybody else, be completely alone都说明该作家需要独立的写作空间,因此选择D。

21. What does the man say about writers?

【答案】C They look at the world in a detached manner.

【解读】关键词detachment 分离。作家提到作者的经历和写作。虽然说道some expe riences overwhelm everyone, 但是后面的but暗示了答案,stand aside、detachment 都对应了C选项。

22. What does the woman say about British railways?

【答案】B Like it or not, you have to use them.

【解读】在对话一开始,女士就提到了There’s only one railway system, if you don't like a particular railway, you can’t go and use another. 因为只有一条铁路,即使不喜欢,也只能乘坐,换句话说不论喜欢与否都得用它。因此选择B。

23. What do some people who write to the man complain about?

【答案】D The monopoly of British Railways.


24. What does the man say threatens the existence of railways?

【答案】B Competition from other modes of transport.

【解读】对话中modes of transport are all around对应选项B。

25. What does the man say about railways in other countries?

【答案】D They lose a lot of money.


Section B

Passage One


本文是一篇地理科学类文章,有点难度,关键是对一些专有名词的把握。文章开始先指出全球变暖带来最主要的威胁是极地冰盖的融化,并给出了相应的事实和数据加以证明。接着更多例子表明南极洲的冰盖在过去的130万年间至少坍塌过一次。相关高等学府的学者和科学家也相继用实验证明南极洲西部曾是一片汪洋。最后引用Herman Englehear t的话,再次提醒我们,西南极洲大冰原很可能再次融化消失。



West Antarctic ice sheet西南极洲大冰原 ice shelf 冰架 anchored 固定的

fossil 化石 microscopic marine plants 海洋微生物 geological 地质的


26. What is one of the most frightening threats of global warming according to the passage?

【解读】C) Many coastal cities will be covered with water.

细节题。本题不难,从听力开头即可听到“raising sea level so much that coast al cities from New York to Los Angles to Shanghai will be flooded” 所以选C选项。

27. What do scientists disagree on?

【解读】B) How unstable the West Antarctic ice sheet is.

细节题。本题不难。注意关键句“but Antarctic experts disagree strongly on j ust how unstable it is” 即可得出答案。

28. What is the latest information revealed about the West Antarctic ice sh eet?

【解读】A)It collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years.

细节题。注意提取关键信息“new evidence reveals that all or most of the Ant arctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years” 所以选A选项。

29. What the scientists’ latest findings suggest?

【解读】A) The West Antarctic region was once a open ocean.

细节题。听力最后的例子说明了这一点“which suggest that the region was once open ocean not solid ice”,而其他选项都不是最新的发现。

Passage Two

30 B)Whether a deleted photo is immediately removed from the web.

【解读】听力一开始作者就建议我们尝试删除自己上传的照片“Take a photo and up load it to Facebook, then after a day or so, note what the URL link to the pict ure is and then delete it.”,由此可知应该选B。

31 B) The way they store data.

【解读】“Why do "deleted" photos stick around so long? The problem relates to the way data is stored on large websites”,从这句话可知图片之所以不能立即删除跟它们存储的方式有关。

32 C) When the URL is reused.

【解读】“In the case of Facebook, the company says data may hang around un til the URL in question is reused”,从这句话可知只有URL被再次用到才会被删除。

Passage Three

33. A

解读:第一段原文可以找到对应句子,即some iced coffees contain as many calo ries as a hot dinner.

34. B

解读:第一段原文中有对应语句,即Better skip dinner or hit the gym afterwar ds.

35. C

解读:在此句中,“The WCRF has estimated that 19,000 cancers a year in Brit ain could be prevented…”,关键词prevented可以得知答案为C选项。

Section C

36. diverse

37. tragic

38. commit

39. outcome

40. scale

41. colleagues

42. accurate

43. averages

45. Students with high hope set themselves higher goals and know how to wor k to attain them,

46. went beyond the simple notion that hope is merely the sense that everyt hing will turn out all right.

47. Having hope means believing you have both the will and the way to accom plish your goals, whatever they may be.

Part Ⅳ

Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)

Section A


答案:feminine and weak

解读:文中提到…because they believe that such feelings are feminine and im ply weakness. 要填在to be后面就应该转化成形容词形式。


答案:lose composure

解读:文中提到may lead to a loss of composure。要用在主语后面就要把loss变成动词lose。


答案:stress-related disorders

解读:文中提到can contribute to stress-related disorder。


答案:their relationship with partners

解读:文中提到…report lower relationship satisfaction as do their female p artners.故这里要重新组合转换表达形式。



解读:文中提到…into physically aggression or violence,而此处在become后就要用aggression的形容词形式。

Section B

Passage One

52) A solve virtually existing all problems

细节题。抓住时间点“In the early 2oth century” 我们从第一句“offer soluti ons to almost every problem” 便可知道答案。选择A选项。

53) D They realized that science and technology alone were no guarantee for

a better world.

推论题。我们首先比较容易排除A和C项。B项具有迷惑性,关键是看“the stabil

ity of a society depended heavily on humanistic study”这个选项仔细看就会发现说得太绝对了,社会的问题主要是靠人文主义的研究?显然不是很恰当。我们从下面那句也可以推断出选D比较恰当。“Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confi dence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world.”

54) C America is lagging behind in the STEMS disciplines.

细节题。主要在第二段里找答案。从段落后两句“There is considerable and justi fied concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the d eveloped world in these essential disciplines.” 我们可以推断出是选C选项。 A

和D选项比较容易排除。不选B选项,因为文章中“India, China, Japan, and other r egions seem to be seizing technological leadership.” seem to 表明这几个国家只

是有种趋势,但还没有have overtaken。

55) A Insufficient funding.

细节题。我们在第三段里可以找到答案。从“…are seriously underfunded…” “Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members…” 这些信息中,


56) C Humanistic thinking helps cultivate and define our culture and values.


的,且都不是重点。只有C选项符合。且我们从最后这一句“But try to imagine our w orld as well without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and val ues.” 及作者的语气可以更加确定是C选项。

Passage Two

57. D. It will be some time before a new Einstein emerges.


58. B. His independent and abstract thinking


59. D. They often go into fields yielding greater financial benefits.

解读:正确答案选择D。这段文章是在问今天的物理学家们的情况, A说他们缺乏分析能力,B说他们擅长处理实际问题,C说他们重视发表文章,都是从根据文章细节中捏造出来的错误选项。D是对于文章内容的一个总结概括,数量众多的物理学家进入了更有经济利益的领域。

60. D. Nobody will read papers on apparently ridiculous theories.

解读:正确答案选择D。结合Greene讲的话,他说What an idea!还说是需要把头往墙上撞的人才会相信能找到个解决方案呢!说明内容实在是比较荒诞。

61. B. was little known in academic circles

解读:正确答案选择B,说的是爱因斯坦在学术圈里面默默无闻,跟原文里面的“by a virtual unknown”相对应。有迷惑性的选择项是D,因为文中提到了爱因斯坦的文章没有配上脚注和注释footnote and citations.但是D选择项是说,爱因斯坦不懂得论文的格式,这个属于过度推理了。


52 A

53 A

54 D

55 A

56 D

57 B

58 B

59 C

60 D

61 C

Part Ⅴ


62 B set out set out plans表示制定计划

63 D abandoning abandon 放弃,once unshakeable orthodoxy表示曾经不可动摇的做法,也就是现在要放弃了。

64 A with struggle with表示同…斗争,介词搭配,这里表示设法应对广告收入和报纸销售量下降的局面。

65 B intends intend to表示打算…,从后面的at the beginning of 2018,可知还没有这么做,只是计划或者打算这么做。

66 A exceeded 超过,是说当用户每月阅读文章超过一定量时就要收费。

67 A on 和side搭配,on the side of …表示拥护…。站在…一边。

68 D charge 本词在文章中多次出现,charge sb表示向某人收费。

69 C such as 表示举例,从后面举London's Evening Standard作为例子,可知应该选such as.

70 B free 前面提到abandon readership revenue,即放弃读者收益,由此可知应该是make print editions free.

71 C acknowledged 表示承认,这里表示Arthur Sulzberger承认这么做是一种赌博。

72 C bet 打赌,赌注,从前面的gamble可知应该选bet。

73 C circulation 发行量,从后面的数量可知应该选circulation。

74 A behind NYT排名第三,即排在the Wall Street Journal and USA Today后面。

75 B While while在这里表示对比,从上下文可知NYT与美国其他报纸不同。

76 D claim 声称,宣称,这里是说NYT声称自己是全国范围的报纸。

77 C maintains 维持,运营,即NYT还在世界其他地方运营着26个办公室。

78 A like 从下文可知NYT和印刷行业的其他公司一样,也受到金融危机的影响,所以选like,表示同…一样。

79 D serious 严重的,考察形容词与名词的搭配,从下文的数据可知遭受严重经济损失。

80 C suffered 遭受,suffer a loss遭受损失,常见搭配。

81 D loan 贷款,前文提到公司损失了很多钱,所以需要从别处借钱来补充资金。


62-66 BCBAC

67-71 CBBBD

72-76 CAACD

77-81 CDADC

Part Ⅵ



一、红楼梦 《红楼梦》由曹雪芹和高鹗所著。小说以贾氏家族为故事核心,描述了贾家从一个富裕、有权有势的家族沦落为破落家庭的过程。小说成功塑造了100多个经典人物,他们分属于清朝的不同阶层。《红楼梦》对中国的封建社会有深刻的描绘,如果要了解中国人复杂的价值观,最好先能读懂《红楼梦》。毛主席评价道:“《红楼梦》不仅是爱情故事,也是历史故事,因为它描述了封建时代的兴败。”【翻译词汇】《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions;由…所著be attributed to; 家族clan;富裕affluent;权势prestige;沦落为descend to;塑造portray; 阶层rank;封建社会feudal society;复杂complexity 【精彩译文】A Dream of Red Mansions is attributed to Cao Xueqin and Gao-E. The author chose Jia Clan as the focus, depicting how an affluent and influential family with prestige lost its favor and descended to crash. In the novel, about 100 classic characters are successfully portrayed. These characters concern people of all ranks in the Qing Dynasty. A Dream of Red Mansions is a remarkable story about Chinese feudal society. To understand Chinese values in all its complexity, one can do no better than to read A Dream of Red Mansions. “It is not only a love story, but also a history story, because it describes the success and failure of the feudal period,”said Chairman Mao. 二、京剧 京剧被奉为中国的国粹,来源于18世纪晚期的安徽和湖北的当地剧种。京剧是中国所有剧种中最有影响力和代表性的,在中国乃至世界享有声誉。京剧完美融合了多种艺术形式。京剧集传统音乐、舞蹈、诗歌、杂耍、武术于一身,以华丽的戏服、逼真的脸谱和程式化的演出套路而闻名。京剧脸谱上每一种图形和亮丽的颜色都有象征意义:红色表示忠诚,蓝色表示残暴,黑色表示正直。【翻译词汇】 京剧Peking Opera;国粹national opera;有代表性representative 完美融合harmonious combination;杂耍acrobatics 武术martial arts;华丽的戏服exquisite costume 脸谱make-up or painted face;象征的symbolic;忠诚loyalty 残暴cruelty;正直honesty 【精彩译文】Known as China’s national opera, Peking Opera originated in the late 18th century from the basis of some local operas in Anhui and Hubei Provinces. Peking Opera is the most influential and representative of all operas in China. It has won great popularity not only in China but also throughout the world. Peking Opera is a harmonious combination of many art forms. It is a synthesis of traditional music, dancing, poetry, acrobatics and martial arts. It is famous for its exquisite costumes, beautiful make-up or painted face, and established performing conventions and rules. Each of


英语六级考试预测试卷(7) SECTION A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Example: You will hear: W: I certainly hope the library will be open this Saturday. M: The sign says library hours! Week days 8 am. to 9pm. On Saturdays 9 to 5, closed Sunday. Q: When will the library be open on Saturday?


2018 年6 月大学英语六级——作文预测【1】作文题目:环境与经济题目要求: 1)随着经济的高速发展,环境污染已经成为不可忽视的一个问题。 2)如何做到环境与经济平衡发展? 参考范文: Nowadays we have enjoyed an increasingly prosperous life in the wake of enormous social and economic development. But at the same time, we forget that the consequence brought about by rapid economic development. For instance,green house effect,dust storm,haze. As society develops, people are attaching much importance to deal with the relationship between economic development and environmental. Economic development is seemingly more important ,the country develops much faster and better that it creates enormous job opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenues. However, the environment is becoming worse and worse .In order to protect the environment which we depends on, something must be done. First and the foremost, we are expected to use public transportations instead of private cars that emit a large amount of exhautsgas. what ' s more, we can plant more trees to absorb carbon dioxide and build an environment-friendly society. Last but not least, it is surely necessary to complete relevant laws and regulations. We should remember that our future depends upon what we do right now. 【2】作文题目:网络谣言 Direction :For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the harm caused by misleading information online. You are required to write at least150 words but no more than 200 words 参考范文: (描述图画)This is a simple but thought-provoking drawing. As we can see in it, a meeting seems to be going on, with several staff members sitting around a table and a laptop in front of each of them. A leader-like man stands there, compal ining: “We have lots of information technology. We just don ' t have much useful information. ” (点明寓意)Simple as the picture is, the message it conveys is profound. Evidently it is meant to reveal the fact that there is too much junk information online. (举例论证)Taking a look around, we can also find examples too many to enumerate. The best illustration that I can recall here and now is the fact that whenever you search for the cure for a disease or a scenic spot to visit, you are flooded by advertisements, many of which are even cheating. 分(析影响)Actually, the problem has become so widespread that it has severely affectedpeople 'lif s e and hindered the development of 第 1 页共10 页


2014年6月英语六级翻译新题型模拟题 (1)原文: 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口约占世界总人口的22%。在过去相当长的时期里,由于诸多原因,贫困一直困扰着中国。20世纪80年代中期,中国农村绝大多数地区凭借自身的发展优势,经济得到快速增长,但少数地区由于经济、社会、历史、自然等方面的制约,发展相对滞后。中国政府在致力于经济和社会全面发展的进程中,在全国范围内实施了以解决贫困人口温饱问题为主要目标的有计划、有组织的大规模扶贫开发,极大地缓解了贫困现象。 参考答案 China is the largest developing country in the world and its population accounts for about 22 percent of the world’s total. For a long period of its history, China has been plagued by poverty for various reasons. In the mid-1980s, the economy of an overwhelming majority of the rural areas in China grew dramatically by virtue of their own advantages, but a small number of areas still lagged behind because of the constraints of their economic, social, historical, and natural conditions. The Chinese government, while working on all-round economic and social development, has nationwide implemented a large-scale program for development-oriented poverty relief in a planned and organized way. With the main objective of helping poverty-stricken people solve


之 2011年12月大学英语六级全真预测试题及答案解析

2011年12月英语六级全真预测试题及答案解析 一、阅读理解 第1题: Occasional self-medication has always been part of normal living. The making and selling of drugs have a long history and are closely linked, like medical practice itself, with the belief in magic. Only during the last hundred years or so has the development of scientific techniques made it possible for some of the causes of symptoms to be understood, so that more accurate diagnosis has become possible. The doctor is now able to follow up the correct diagnosis of many illnesses with specific treatment of their causes. In many other illnesses, of which the causes remain unknown, it is still limited, like the unqualified prescriber, to the treatment of symptoms. The doctor is trained to decide when to treat symptoms only and when to attack the cause: this is the essential difference between medical prescribing and self-medication. The advance of technology has brought about much progress in some fields of medicine, including the development of scientific drug therapy. In many countries public health organization is improving and people's nutritional standards have risen. Parallel with such beneficial trends have two adverse effects. One is the use of high-pressure advertising by the pharmaceutical industry, which has tended to influence both patients and doctors and has led to the overuse of drugs generally. The other is the emergence of the sedentary society with its faulty ways of life: lack of exercise, over-eating, unsuitable eating, insufficient sleep, excessive smoking and drinking. People with disorders arising from faulty habits such as these, as well as from unhappy human relationships, often resort to self-medication and so add the taking of pharmaceuticals to the list. Advertisers go to great lengths to catch this market. Clever advertising, aimed at chronic sufferers who will try anything because doctors have not been able to cure them, can induce such faith in a preparation, particularly if steeply priced, that it will produce—by suggestion—a very real effect in some people. Advertisements are also aimed at people suffering from mild complaints such as simple colds and coughs, which clear up by themselves within a short time. These are the main reasons why laxatives, indigestion remedies, painkillers, tonics, vitamin and iron tablets and many other preparations are found in quantity in many households. It is doubtful whether taking these things ever improves a person's health; it may even make it worse. Worse because the preparation may contain unsuitable ingredients; worse because the taker may become dependent on them; worse because they might be taken in excess; worse because they may cause poisoning, and worse of all because symptoms of some serious underlying cause may be masked and therefore medical help may not be sought. 1. The first paragraph is intended to ________. [A] suggest that self-medication has a long history [B] define what diagnosis means exactly [C] praise doctors for their expertise [D] tell the symptoms from the causes


2020年英语六级作文范文及题目预测(1)【题目预测】 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then give your comments. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 In the picture above, two men shake hands with both saying “it’s my fault”. We can infer that their cooperation will be continued and connections be closer after they acknowledge their mistakes actively. The inference is grounded in the following two points. Firstly, acknowledging our mistakes actively represents a kind of attitude which indicates that we have realized the mistakes and we will be responsible for it. Such an attitude can, to some extent, mitigate the consequences our mistakes have incurred. Secondly, when we say “sorry, it’s my fault” to our partners or to the person involved with our mistakes, they will forget the harm or loss our mistakes bring them and will continue cooperation and connection with us because they regard that we can shoulder the responsibility. Otherwise, we will leave a bad impression on them. All in all, it is not embarrassed to acknowledge our mistakes. Instead, acknowledging our mistakes actively reflects our responsible attitude and can leave a good impressions on others.


公益广告(public service advertisement)指为社会公众的利益和社会风尚服务的广告。它不以盈利为目的,属于非商业性广告,是社会公益事业(cause of the public good)的重要组成部分。公益广告的主题一般取材于老百姓的日常生活,如健康、安全和环保等。目的是提高公众的道德意识,改变公众对社会问题的态度。中国最早的公益广告出现在1986年。随后,公益广告的社会影响力逐渐增强。去年,中央电视台举办了首次电视公益广告大赛,呼吁社会各界关注并参与公益事业。 参考翻译: Public service advertisement refers to the advertisement that serves the interests of the public and social fashion. As a significant part of the cause of the public good, it is noncommercial and does not aim at making profit. The themes of public service advertisements generally come from the daily life of ordinary people, such as health, safety and environment objectives are raising public awareness of ethics and changing public attitudes towards social issues. The earliest public service advertisement in China appeared in 1986. From then on, its social influence heightened gradually. Last year, CCTV hosted China' s first public service advertising competition, appealing to people in all walks of life to concern about and participate in the cause of the public good. 越来越多来自北京、上海、广州、沈阳和其他一些大城市的大学生选择毕业后就结婚。这与20世纪80年代和90年代的情况形成了鲜明的对比,那时候很多城市的年轻人都推迟结婚,直到他们的年龄“足够大”—在30多岁甚至40多岁的时候。许多人花时间寻找有着良好的经济背景或好看的相貌的配偶,而不是寻找爱情。然而,这些选择毕业后就结婚的学生的父母必须照顾这些小夫妻的日常起居,因为这些年轻人仍然在探索如何作为一家人来生活。 参考译文: University students in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Shenyang and some other big cities are increasingly choosing to get married right after is in sharp contrast to the situation in the 1980s and 1990s when many urban youngsters put off marriage until they were “old enough”一in their 30s or even spent their time looking for spouses with good economic backgrounds or attractive faces,instead of looking for ,parents of these students choosing to get married right after graduating have to take care of the couples' daily affairs,as the young people are still figuring out how to live as a family.


2020年12月英语六级模拟预测题及答案阅读一 The Present Is the Most Important Shams and delusions are esteemed for soundest truths, while reality is fabulous. If men would steadily observe realities only, and not allow themselves to be deluded, life, to compare it with such things as we know, would be like a fairy tale and the Ara bian Nights’ Entertainments. If we respected only what is inevitable and has a right to be , music and poetry would resound along the streets. When we are unhurried and wise, we perceive that only great and worthy things have any permanent and absolute existence, --that petty fears and petty pleasure are but the shadow of reality. This is always exhilarating and sublime. By closing the eyes and slumbering, by consenting to be deceived by shows, men establish and confirm their daily life of routine and habit everywhere, which still is built on purely illusory foundation. Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience, that is, by failure. I have read in a Hindoo book, that “there was a king’s son, who, being expelled in infancy from his native city, was brought up by a forester, and, growing up to maturity in that state, imagined himself to belong to the barbarous race with which be lived. One of his father’s ministers having discovered him, revealed to him what he was, and the misconception of his character was removed, and he knew himself to be a prince. So soul, from the circumstances in which it is placed, mistakes its own character, until the


英语六级考试写作终极预测 话题1:老年人孤独生活 Part I Writing ( 30 minutes ) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the lonely life of aged people. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Given is a simple but thought-provoking cartoon: an aged grandma sits in front of mirror, looking at “herself”in the mirror and saying to herself, “I feel rather lonely when my son goes to work and my grandson studies in school.” 首句功能为:引出图画;之后为图画内容描述,主要是四要素:人/物、动作、文字和环境,写出四要素中的两三点即可。 Obviously, this cartoon can be naturally associated with the significance of children’s accompany for aged parents: if elderly people intend to enjoy happiness,it is advisable for their children to spend more time in parents. In contemporary society, it has become a trend for young people to be busy with their work and study. Meanwhile, an increasing number of youngsters find it difficult to have spare time to accompany lonely parents. However, it is adult children’s accompany that enables aged parents to build


学习-----好资料 2006年12月英语六级真题(B卷) Part l Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A 1. A) The foggy weather has affected Mary's mood. B) They are puzzled about Mary's tow spirits. C) Mary is dissatisfied with her promotion. D) Mary cares too much about her looks. 2. A) Go to an art exhibition. B) Dine out with an old friend. C) Attend the opening night of a play. D) See his paintings on display. 3. A) Her mother was quite outstanding in academic work. B) She was not particularly interested in going to school. C) Her parents laid great emphasis on academic excellence. D) She helped upgrade the educational level of immigrants. 4. A) The machines there were ill maintained. B) Tickets for its members were cheaper. C) It was filled with people all the time. D) It had a reputation for good service. 5. A) Both Sarah and Tom have been awarded doctoral degrees. B) Tom has arranged to meet his bride Sarah in Hawaii. C) Tom was more excited than Sarah at the wedding. D) A double blessing has descended upon Tom. 6. A) There were too many questions in the examination. B) The examination was well beyond the course content. C) The examination questions were somewhat too difficult. D) The course prepared him adequately for the examination. 7. A) It's less time-consuming. B) His wife is tired of cooking. C) It's part of his job. D) He is sick of home-cooked meals. 8. A) He has just started to teach piano lessons. B) He seldom takes things seriously.


2020年英语六级翻译新题型预测:四大文明古国之一 中国位于亚洲东部,它是世界上人口最多的国家。中国是四大文 明古国之一,地大物博,拥有茂密的深林、雄伟壮丽的瀑布(waterfalls)、秀丽的湖泊、如利剑直插云霄的山峰以及富有中华文 化光辉的古迹(antiquity),令世界各国人民神往。但是,更重要的是,中国具有五千多年的历史,遗留下无数的历史文物(historical relics).包括珍贵珠宝、古迹名胜、宫殿(palaces)及数不尽的雄伟建筑,令人惊叹不已。这种种原因都促使中国成为很多人梦寐以求的旅 游胜地。 参考译文 China lies in the east of Asia. It is a country which is the most densely populated in the world. China is one of the four countries in the world with an ancient civilization. It has a vast territory with such abundant natural resources as dense forests, magnificent waterfalls, majestic and beautiful rivers and lakes, and mountains whose peaks reach high into the skies like swords. Besides, it contains historic remains of glorious Chinese antiquity. All these make China a singularly attractive place to tourists around the world. But, most importantly, China is possessed of a history of over five thousand years with innumerable historical relics left over from the long past, such as priceless pearl sand jewels, historic sites and scenic spots, palaces and ,edifices of architectural richness, all of which have won people's admiration. You are sure to find great enjoyment of all these attractions in China, a much-admired dream land. 1.第一句实际包含两层含义,故能够分为两句来翻译。


大学英语六级考试听力预测模拟卷 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations- At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Conversation One Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) Economics. C) Business Writing. B)Business and Marketing. D) Marketing Skills. 2.A) Business Writing and Social English. C) Projects and Academic Writing. B)Writing and Social English. D) Writing, Study Skills and Social English. 3.A) Every morning and afternoon. C) Five mornings and four afternoons. B)Every afternoon except Wednesday. D) Every day of the week. 4.A) Social English. C) Business English. B)Study Skills. D) Academic Writing. Conversation Two Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) She attended one of its meetings. C)She saw its members protesting. B) Her roommate was one of its members. D) She read about it in the newspaper. 6. A) B) Secure more student parking spaces. Preserve an open space on campus. c) D ) Get more funding for their group. Schedule a meeting with college administrators. 7.A) Go to class. C) Attend a meeting. B)Go on a picnic. D) Attend the rally. 8.A) Help the man plan a student rally. C) Make a donation to support the group. B)Use the student parking lot. D) Sign a petition. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D ) . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard. 9.A) To explain a new requirement for graduation. B)To interest students in a community service project. C)To discuss the problems of elementary school students. D)To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program. 10.A) He gives advice to tutors participating in the program. B)He teaches part-time in an elementary school. C)He observes elementary school students in the classroom. D)He helps students prepare their resumes.
