



节约用水 Saving Water

One day, when I was washing my hands, my mother came to me and told me that I should not wash my hands with so much water. Until then did I realize that I had the habit of wasting water.In some cities, people even can’t not take a shower every day. From then on, I start to save water.


我的叔叔 My Uncle

I have an uncle, he is so kind to me and I like him so much. My uncle looks very young, he is busy with his work. But when he goes back on business, he will bring me the gift. Sometimes

I will play basketball with him or we watch the game together, we share our opinion. My uncle is like my brother.


我的小小世界 My Little World

I have my little world, it is my bedroom. I decorate my bedroom with pink wall, on the wall, I paste so many lovely pictures. There are all kinds of pet’s picture, because my mother doesn’t allow me to raise a pet. My parents buy me a game machine, so I can relax myself. I love to stay at my bedroom when I am not happy. 我有我的小小世界,那就是我的房间。我用粉色的墙装饰了我的房间,在墙上,我贴了很多可爱的图片。那里有各种各样的宠物图,因为我的妈妈不允许我养宠物。我的父母给我买了一台游戏机,这样我就能放松自己了。当我不开心的时候,我喜欢在房间呆着。

我亲爱的爷爷 My Beloved Grandpa

Before I was five years old, I lived with my grandparents most of the time. My grandpa liked to tell me the stories before I slept and I liked it so much. I also liked to follow my grandpa in the morning, when he walked to the shop and had the chat with his friends. I miss my grandpa all the time, when I have the time, I will visit him. 在我五岁以前,我大部分时间都是和爷爷奶奶住在一起。我的爷爷喜欢在我睡前给我讲故事,我很喜欢听。我也喜欢在早上跟着爷爷去商店,听他和他的朋友们聊天。我一直想念着爷爷,在我有时间了,就会去看他。



一、看现象,讲道理 1.世博期间,上万的志愿者参加志愿工作,请你谈谈此现象的看法。 During the period of holding the World Expo in Shanghai, tens of thousands of citizens are participating in volunteer work, hoping to devote themselves to the grand occasion. As far as I am concerned, everyone ought to enter for it. Here are the reasons I want to mention. It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid volunteer work are enormous, because volunteer work is actually a two-way street. First of all, volunteer work should always benefit people who need help. Those who need help will feel happier due to our immediate help. On the other hand, as far as the young people ourselves are concerned, we have more opportunities to develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others. Through this kind of work, we become confident and mature. In addition, we can make many friends and increase our chances of getting the jobs of our dreams. Furthermore, volunteer work plays an active role in building up a harmonious society. In a word, compared with the merits of volunteer work offered by the young adults, the demerits of that are just a few though they cannot be overlooked. The youth volunteers do make a difference by the voluntary work! Why not join them and do something for our country? 2.你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing competition),班长希望大家积极参与。对此谈谈你的想法。 你的文章必须包括以下内容: 你是否会参加比赛 你做出该决定的具体理由 Version 1: A group dancing competition will be held in our school and the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in it. While most of my classmates are still hesitating whether to participate, I have said yes to our monitor with great pleasure. Generally speaking, there are two reasons for my decision. First, it is a good opportunity for me to relax myself, which will enable me to study more efficiently. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so goes the saying, which clearly shows us the importance of relaxation. Besides, I think I am a good dancer after learning dance for more than five years. Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class. For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition.


四年级知识专题训练 按实际回答问题部分: What 1. What do you want to be when you grow up? _____________________________________ 2. What do you usually do on Sunday? _____________________________________ 3. What do you usually do after school? _____________________________________ 4. What is forty and sixty? _____________________________________ 5. What does your mother do? _____________________________________ 6. What’s your father’s job? _____________________________________ 7. What day is it today? _____________________________________ 8. What’s your name? _____________________________________ 9. What are you wearing today? _____________________________________ 10. What do you usually have for breakfast? _____________________________________ 11. What do you usually have for dinner? _____________________________________ 12. What colour is your school bag? _____________________________________ 13. What housework can you do?


四年级下册英语作文5篇 篇1 An old woman has a cat。 The cat is now very old。 She cannot run fast, and she cannot bite。 One day the old cat sees a mouse。 she jumps and catches the mouse。 But she cannot bite it。 So the mouse gets out of her mouth and runs away。Then the old woman is very angry because the cat cannot kill the mouse。 She begins to beat the cat。 The cat says to her, "Don't beat me。 Be friendly to me。When I was young, I did good work for you。" 篇2 A dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth。 Near the water he looks down and sees himself in the water。 He thinks it is another dog。 That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth。 He says to himself, "I want to get his meat。 Then I can have two pieces。" He opens his mouth to bark and his meat goes down into the water。 篇3 This is our school。 There are many classrooms in it。There are eight hundred students and sixty—nine teachers in our school。 There are many trees and flowers in it。 All the teachers and students like our school very much。 We come to school at seven。 We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon。 Our classroom is big and clean。 We have lessons here。 We do our homework at home。 All the students study hard。 篇4 It's fine today。 Tom and his family are at a park。 The man in white is his father。 He is standing by the lake and looking at the boats。 The woman in blue is his mother。 She is sitting on the grass。 Beside his mother is Alice, his sister。 She is eating cake。 The park is big, and there are many trees and flowers in it。They are having a good time。


作文类型及例文 一、看现象,讲道理 1.世博期间,上万的志愿者参加志愿工作,请你谈谈此现象的看法。 During the period of holding the World Expo in Shanghai, tens of thousands of citizens are participating in volunteer work, hoping to devote themselves to the grand occasion. As far as I am concerned, everyone ought to enter for it. Here are the reasons I want to mention. It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid volunteer work are enormous, because volunteer work is actually a two-way street. First of all, volunteer work should always benefit people who need help. Those who need help will feel happier due to our immediate help. On the other hand, as far as the young people ourselves are concerned, we have more opportunities to develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others. Through this kind of work, we become confident and mature. In addition, we can make many friends and increase our chances of getting the jobs of our dreams. Furthermore, volunteer work plays an active role in building up a harmonious society. In a word, compared with the merits of volunteer work offered by the young adults, the demerits of that are just a few though they cannot be overlooked. The youth volunteers do make a difference by the voluntary work! Why not join them and do something for our country? 2.你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing competition),班长希望大家积极参与。对此谈谈你的想法。(09年高考题) 你的文章必须包括以下内容: 你是否会参加比赛 你做出该决定的具体理由 V ersion 1: A group dancing competition will be held in our school and the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in it. While most of my classmates are still hesitating whether to participate, I have said yes to our monitor with great pleasure. Generally speaking, there are two reasons for my decision. First, it is a good opportunity for me to relax myself, which will enable me to study more efficiently. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so goes the saying, which clearly shows us the importance of relaxation. Besides, I think I am a good dancer after learning dance for more than five years. Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class. For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition. 二、标题作文 1.以“诚实是美德”(Honesty Is a Virtue)为题写一篇短文。短文的内容需包括: 1. 列举社会上的某些不诚实行为


四年级英语作文 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

作文要求: 1)仔细审题,注意第一人称还是第三人称 2)前后内容连贯,有开头,结尾 3)至少6句话 一、仿照例文写作文 请仿照例文,向大家介绍一下你的周末通常是如何度过的 On Sunday I usually go to Changping library with my friend, Lily. There are many books there. I like English. I often read English stories. Lily likes Chinese. She usually reads Chinese books. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________ 二、仿照例文写作文 请仿照例文,向大家介绍一下你的一件新东西 I have a new bike. It’s very nice. It is blue and white. I go to school by bike every day. I like my bike. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


初三英语写作基础训练 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《初三英语写作基础训练》的内容,具体内容:初三英语写作我们应该进行哪些基础训练?下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!各位老师下午好!今天能和大家坐在一起,共同探讨关于英语写作训练这一话题感到非常荣幸。下面谈谈自己... 初三英语写作我们应该进行哪些基础训练?下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅! 各位老师下午好!今天能和大家坐在一起,共同探讨关于英语写作训练这一话题感到非常荣幸。下面谈谈自己在对学生进行写作训练时的一点粗浅的认识与做法。 考试说明中对写的技能是这样规定的。着重考查学生以书面形式 1学生应能够运用语言知识,表达真实意义或信息传递的能力。○较为恰当地对所熟悉的周围的人或事物进行简单地描述,就所熟悉的话题 2能根据文字、图画、图表等信息提示,按要求发表自己的观点等。○写出意思连贯、语言符合逻辑的书面表达。在写的过程中,能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。 书面表达的形式多种多样,中考英语试题共分为三类:应用文、看图作文和提示作文。应用文要求能够掌握常见的写作技巧;看图作文要求能够根据图画和词语提示,明确考查意图,弄清图画内容,把握情节线索,完整表达思想;提示作文要求能够根据所给的提示写出意思连贯,符合逻辑的短文。要注意语言准确,行文连贯,表达清楚,字迹工整。

1具有教育意义②贴近学生生活中考书面表达试题有三个特点:○ ③热点问题。 按内容分为以下几类:小作文包括招聘启事、寻物启事、赠言、慰问卡、通知、家规、校规、兴趣、爱好、感谢信、描述物品、假期计划、介绍朋友、老师等。大作文包括:介绍初中生活、询问学生的英语学习情况、描述献爱心活动(到养老院、儿童福利院献爱心;为灾区、贫困地区儿童献爱心)、描述业余生活、做一名文明市民、健康问题、环境问题、帮同学排忧解难、如何缓解压力等。这些作文都给出提示,如背景材料、汉语提示、英文词组、句子、开头、结尾、图片这种保证了作文的规范性,学生也有话可写。实际上就是按照时 间、答问或逻辑顺序把汉译英的句子组合到一起,最后加上自己的感受。目前学生在写作上存在的问题有以下五个方面: 1)人称时态混乱。人称混乱问题主要是没有理解题意,如这周我们训练的一个作文题:假如你是某国际会议的接待人员,请根据所给明片提供的信息,进行介绍。开头已给出This is Chang,此篇作文应用第三人称,结果有一部分学生写成了第一人称,变成了自我介绍。时态混乱,表现为一会过去时,一会现在时,说明学生最基本的时态的知识没有掌握。 2)没有用英语思维。有些孩子基础不太好,没有养成用英语思维的习惯,如要求学生写一个通知,其中有这样一句话:"请学生们按时到",有些学生答成了Please students will get there on time. 有些学生答成了Please get on time. 九年四班写成了Grade 9, class 4. 今天下午2点在大厅举办了一个报告,写成了There is going to a talk this afternoon


中考英语作文常见类型解析及范文- 旅游与介绍地方中考高频率话题,出题形式灵活。 典型例句: 1. Last Sunday(Saturday,…),it was sunny(rainy, windy, foggy,) 2. I got up very early (late)。After breakfast I went to …with my friends by bike, bus ,… 3. We enjoyed ourselves。 4. We forgot the time. We didn"t come back until 5 o"clock。 5. We all felt very tired, but we were happy。 6. I thought I would never forget this trip。 7. Last summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays。 8. We visited a lot of places of interest。 9. We had a good time there。 10. We bought a lot of things. The clothes here are good and cheap。 例文:中考学习小组中考必备! 1、(四川自贡)北京将迎来的奥运会,请以主人的身份向外国朋友介绍一下北京和北京几个著名的景 点。根据以下提示写一篇短文。 1.北京是一个历史悠久的城市; 2.北京有许多名胜古迹; 3.紫禁城是最受来宾欢迎的景点之一; 4.故宫非常漂亮和著名; 5.长城也是非常美丽可去一看的地方 6.天安门广场是一个好去处,可去漫步。 注:⑴字数80左右。⑵请不要逐字翻译,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯、意思完整、符合逻辑。 ⑶参考词汇:紫禁城The Forbidden City 故宫The Summer Palace 天安门广场Tian’anmen Square 参考作文: Beijing is a city with a long history. There are many places of interest in it. Now let me tell you some of them. The Forbidden City is one of the most popular ones for visitors. It is very big and you can learn much about the history of China from it. The Summer Palace is beautiful and famous, too. The Great Wall is also a wonderful place to go. And Tian" anmen Square is a good place for people to take a walk. I hope you will enjoy your staying in Beijing.

初三英语 英语书面表达英语作文汇编的专项培优练习题(及解析

初三英语英语书面表达英语作文汇编的专项培优练习题(及解析 一、中考英语书面表达汇编 1.(·江阴初级中学中考模拟)你是一位九年级的学生李明,你用英语写一封邮件给你的笔友Amy,感谢她对你关心,并告诉她目前你在全力以赴为中考而学习,并与她交流一下目前的学习和生活情况。要点如下: (1). 虽然你大部分功课你都学得比较好,但是你对自己不满意。你认为自己学习上还要多花工夫。 (2). 你的父母对你严格要求,但是也很关心你。(举例说明,适当发挥2—3句)……(3). 老师很乐意帮助你们。他们希望你们实现自己的理想。他们说(适当发挥2—3句)…… 注意: (1). 要求语句通顺,意思连贯。 (2). 第2要点和第3要点要用2—3句话作适当发挥。 (3). 词数90个左右,邮件开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Hello! Dear Amy, thank you for caring. Now I am working hard for the senior high school entrance examination. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ How about you? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours Li Ming 【答案】例文Hello! Dear Amy, thank you for caring. Now I am working hard for the senior high school entrance examination. I have got good results in most of my subjects, but I am not happy with myself. I think I must spend more time on my studies. My parents are really strict with me. However, they care for me as well. Once upon a time, I failed in my physics exam and felt stressed and sad. They had a close communication with me and helped me solve my problems and cheer up again. My teachers are also ready to help us. They hope that we can realize our dreams. They tell us to try our best and not to give up. Life is always full of ups and downs. It's important not to be afraid of any kind of difficulty. How about you? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours Li Ming 【解析】


图表类英语作文范文 图表类型的英语写作如果不擅于观察漫画的话,作文写出来可能会偏题。下面是小编给大家带来图表类英语作文,供大家参阅! 图表类英语作文范文篇1第一段:说明图表 开篇句:As the bar chart shows, ____ during the years of ____to____. 扩展句:1、As early as _____. 2、Then _____ years later, ____. 3、And arriving in the year ____, ____. 第二段:解释图表变化原因 主题句:Several factors contribute to _____. 扩展句:1、______. (原因1) 2、And ______.(原因2) 3、Furthermore, ______ (原因3) 4、All these result in ____. 第三段:提出解决办法 结尾句:However, ____ is faced with some problems. 扩展句:1、With _____, ____, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging. 2、So my principle is to pay due attention to ___, but not

justto____. 示范 第一段:说明图表 开篇句:As the bar chart shows, the number of people below the poverty line decreased dramatically during the years of 1978 to1997. 扩展句:1、As early as 1978, about 250 million people were under the poverty line. 2、Then seven years later, the number became three fifths thatof1978. 3、And arriving in the year 1997, the number was reduced to50millions. 第二段:解释图表变化原因 主题句:Several factors contribute to the sharp decrease of the below-poverty population. 扩展句:1、The reform and opening following 1978 enabled the peasants to become much better off. (原因1) 2、And with the development of Chinese economy, that policy also improved city dwellers lives greatly. (原因2) 3、Furthermore, the high-tech introduced made it possible for the countrys economy as a whole to take off. (原因3) 4、All these result in the great fall of the


写作专项练习 1. 请仿照所给图片和句子,画一画你喜欢的食物并用英语进行介绍一下吧 写作指导: 1.首先用铅笔绘制出你喜欢的食物。 2.可以写一写你喜欢食物的颜色,形状和味道。 3.可以写一写它的特征。 (参考词汇:yellow, red, purple, green, blue, hard soft, round, big, small, sweet, sour, spicy) 2 看图写话, 根据图片内容写出四句以上与图片相关有意义的话。 写作指导: 1.观察太阳的方向,来判定时间。 (参考词汇:morning,noon,evening, rise, high, go down)2.观察影子的长短变化。 (参考词汇:shadow,long,short)

3 请以My lessons for________为题用英语介绍一下你最喜欢你们学校一周里的哪一天的课程安排?你最喜欢什么课程,为什么? 写作指导: 1开头你可以介绍你最喜欢哪一天。 (参考词汇:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday) 2.写一写你在那一天上午和下午都有什么课程。 (参考词汇:English, Chinese, Art, Music, PE, Maths, science) 3.说一说你最喜欢什么科目,为什么。 (参考句型:My favourite subject is __________. I like____________very much. It’s ________) My lessons for_______ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


作文要求: 1)仔细审题,注意第一人称还是第三人称 2)前后内容连贯,有开头,结尾 3)至少6句话 一、仿照例文写作文 请仿照例文,向大家介绍一下你的周末通常是如何度过的 On Sunday I usually go to Changping library with my friend, Lily. There are many books there. I like English. I often read English stories. Lily likes Chinese. She usually reads Chinese books. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________二、仿照例文写作文 请仿照例文,向大家介绍一下你的一件新东西 I have a new bike. It’s very nice. It is blue and white. I go to school by bike every day. I like my bike. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


初三英语作文单句练习 1、昨天我早上7点起床,吃了不少早饭。然后我步行上班,花了大约半个小时的时间。8点45分我开始工作,没吃午饭,当我到家的时侯我感觉特别累。傍晚我做了一顿饭。11点的时侯上床睡觉。我睡得很好。 2、昨天我和Paul打网球,他轻而易举地就赢得了比赛。 3、我们上周看的那部电影一点意思都没有,我一点儿都不喜欢。 4、我急急忙忙到机场去接我台湾来的叔叔,所以没时间给你打电话。 5、搬运那些大包儿简直是艰苦的劳动,它们太沉了。 6、汤姆很可能8点到。 7、我想 Ann会喜欢我们给她买的礼物。 8、--- Ann住院了。 -是吗?我要去医院看看她。 9、我太累了,不能走路回家,我要搭车。 10、你今天晚上打算看电视吗? 11、他将不能通过考试,他不够努力。 12、汤姆做饭的时侯把手烫伤了。 13、昨天我在公园见到你了,你坐在草地上看书呢。

14、昨天我正在街上走,忽然看见了Dave,于是我就停下来,我们聊了一会儿。 15、警察已经逮捕了两名与抢劫有的人。 句子翻译21你应当努力学习。 2她昨天回家很晚。 3那天早上我们谈了很多。 4会议将持续两个小时。 5在过去的年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。 6这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生。 7昨晚我写了一封信。 8每天八时开始上课。 9这个盒子重五公斤。 10五年前我住在北京。 句子翻译练习 1、Yesterday I got up at7 o’clock and had a big breakfast、 Then I walked to work, which took me abouthalf an hour、 I started work at8: 45、I didn’t have lunch、 I finished work at5 o’clo ck、 And I was very tired when I got home、 I cooked a meal in the evening、 I went to bed at about11 o’clock and I slept well、2、 Paul and I played tennis yesterday and he won the game easily、3、 The film we saw


2009年高考英语作文类型分析及范文参考 1. 郊游日记 请根据以下内容提示,写一篇英文日记(题头已写好)。 [写作要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。 [评分标准] 句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和连贯性。 May 1st , Monday Cloudy and drizzle 2. 对比太阳能汽车和普通汽车 假设你是学校太阳能汽车研究小组的成员,请用英文写一篇短文,对比介绍太阳能汽车和普通汽车。主要信息点如下表: [写作要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。 [评分标准] 句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和连贯性。 (注:因以下各篇的写作要求与评分标准相同,为节省编幅,省略了)

3. 中学生所喜爱的节日调查 最近我国的教育专家对我国中学生所喜爱的节日进行了一项调查,北京、成都等地的1000多名中学生接受了调查。结果表明,80%以上的学生对春节等我国的传统节日知晓,50%的学生最喜爱春节,其它情况如下图所示。 请根据以上内容,为学校广播站写一篇英文发言稿。 4. 介绍京剧 假设你是你校京剧爱好者协会的成员,在一次同英国中学生代表团的联欢活动中,你协会将出一个京剧节目。演出前,由你向外国朋友介绍京剧的由来,按以下提示介绍:1.京剧在中国很受欢迎,历史悠久,有200多年的历史。 2.在清朝,当时的皇帝对地方剧有兴趣。18世纪末,为庆祝皇帝80岁生日,各地方剧团来京演出,4个来自安徽的剧团在庆典后留在北京。慢慢形成了一种新剧种,被称为京剧。 3.宣布演出开始。 参考词汇:地方剧:local opera 清朝:Qing Dynasty 剧团:troupe 5. 青藏铁路介绍 假设你是青藏铁路上的一名导游,向外国客人介绍青藏铁路。请根据以下信息,用5句话向外国客人简单介绍一下青藏铁路:


阅读篇(一) 在柳江镇的北门,有一条街,人们都叫它“老街”。在这里我度过了幸福的童年。 我清楚地记得,这里原来是个喧闹,拥挤的居民区.一条长长的、狭窄的、七高八低的小巷,居住着六七十户人家。整天有嘈杂的声音,没有安静的时候。可是,住在这里的人们都很团结,一方有难,人与人之间亲亲热热。这里的人们和睦相处(chǔ chù),尤其是晚上,串串门,拉拉家常,情同一家。我小时候就是生长在这样的环境里,在我的心灵中留下了美好的记忆。我爱这老街,更爱这里淳朴善良的人们。 现在,你到老街去,再也找不到长长的小巷,找不到拥挤的小屋了,一座座高楼拔(bábō)地而起,幽静代替了喧闹。在10幢大楼的中心,有一座大花坛,花坛里开着美丽的鲜花,长着嫩绿的小草.变了!变了!一切都变了!早晨,人们骑着自行车,迎着第一缕晨光,奔向各自的工作岗位,去开始新的一天的劳作。环境变了,就连老街小商店的营业员的态度也变了。他们总是笑容满面地接待顾客.只要顾客有什么要求,他们都尽量满足,而且送货上门。 老街!你变了,变得那么可爱!高楼大厦(shàxià)显示着你的富有,花草树木增添了你的美丽,勤劳的人们使你感到自豪。 1.请给加点字选择正确的读音打“√”。(3分) 2.写出下面词语的反义词。(3分) 模糊——()喧闹——()贫穷——() 3.认真读短文,填空。(2分) “老街”原来是个、的居民区,现在的“老街”, 拔地而起,代替了喧闹。 4.认真读文章,完成问题。(4分) (1)“我”过去爱“老街”是因为 “我”现在赞美“老街”是因为。(2)你变了,变得那么可爱!“你”指的是,可爱表现在 5.从短文中摘抄一句你喜欢的句子,并说说喜欢的原因。(1+2﹦3分) 句子: 原因: 叙事篇(一) 教你一招:叙事要交代清楚“六要素” 记事时要把事情发生的时间、地点、参与事件的人物、事情发生的原因、经过、
