


确定了段落中心思想, 完成了段落的主题句,设计好段落的扩展句之后,需要考虑的是怎样合理、有效地安排句子,组成条理清晰、结构严谨的段落。展开段落的方法有很多,常用的有:时间顺序法、空间顺序法、列举法、举例法、对比法、定义法、因果法、分类法、综合法等。在今天和明天的课程中我们就来详细地学习。



A friend in need is a friend indeed.

患难见真情。After lunch, while the other girls were sunbathing, Pat and I returned to the water. Soon cramps spread from my stomach to my legs. Immobilized by pain and fear, I yelled for help. My friend thought I was joking: so she ignored me. However, Sister Theresa came to my rescue when she noticed my plight. She pulled me out of the water and administered resuscitation. When regaining consciousness, I realized how close I had come to death. My experience with near death reminds me every day how close we all are to death in our daily lives.

在这个段落里,作者用了after lunch; while...; soon; when...等时间连接语按时间的先后顺序记叙了一件发生在午饭后的事。

There are four separate stages in making bread. The first stage begins by mixing yeast with warm water. This mixture is then added to half the amount of flour. The resultant batter mixture is then left for an hour. At the next stage the rest of the flour is added to the risen batter mixture, along with salt and oil. The main step in the second stage is a thorough kneading of the dough, after which it is left to rise. The third stage involves shaping the dough into loaves; the shaped loaves are then put into bread tins and left to …prove? (rise). In the final stage the bread is cooked in a hot oven. The whole process of bread making finishes when the bread is taken from the oven and left to cool on wire racks.

这个段落采用时间顺序法描述了做面包的的过程。作者用了The first stage begins by..., At the next stage..., The third stage involves... 和In the final stage... 等连贯性词语详细地按照先后顺序介绍了四个步骤。



The room was disgusting. By the far window was a trash can piled high with crumpled papers. In the middle of the room was a gaudy, round size bed littered with rotting fruit peels. The path between the bed and the doorway, where I was standing, was choked off by heaps of dirty clothes and old newspapers.


Great Britain is an island that lies off the northwest coast of Europe. The nearest country is France which is 20 miles away from which Great Britain is separated by the English Channel. The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the North Sea to the east. It comprises the mainland of England, Wales and Scotland. Scotland is in the North, while Wales is in the west. Ireland, which is also an island, lies off the west coast of Great Britain. It consists of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Great Britain together with Northern Ireland constitutes the United Kingdom. Thus, the United Kingdom is composed of four parts. The largest of these is England which is divided into 43 administrative counties. The capital city is London which is situated in southeast England.



列举法是通过列举具体的细节来进一步说明主题句所表达的主导思想,展开段落。列举法如果使用得当,能增强文章的说服力,使文章显得条理清楚。用列举法发展段落时,主题句常包含表示数量的词,如:several, many, some, four 等。列举细节时,可以根据各种内容的相对重要性,按一定的逻辑顺序排列。

Strike the iron while it is hot.——趁热打铁。请看下面的例子:

Social activities benefit us in many ways. To begin with, these activities can widen our knowledge, because we can learn what we can?t from our books. Second, these activities can serve as a bridge between theory and practice, because we can learn how to put our book knowledge into practice.

Lastly, these activities can enrich our experience, in that we can get to know the society well so that we can adapt to it easily when we graduate.

本段的第一句是段落主题句,in many ways在这里为下面的列举作好了铺垫。作者用了to begin with, second和lastly作为连接语,条理清楚地列举了社会活动有益的三个方面。




Many old buildings in cities are still being found useful. In several cities, old buildings that were no longer being used have been converted to a variety of useful structures. For example, one school building was changed into ninety nine rental units for elderly and low income residents. In Baltimore, Maryland, six schools were converted into 132 units with the help of a four million dollar city bond financing arrangement. “School House 77” in Boston utilizes three recycled elementary schools and an abandoned instrument factory. All these examples show how cities are using unneeded schools, police stations, libraries, and boarded up factories that are structurally sound and even architecturally interesting buildings.


It takes two to make a quarrel.——一个巴掌拍不响。It is very difficult to evaluate another person?s performance objectively. For example, Linda recently wrote irresponsible remarks about her instructor because she was failing the course. Her friend Jack wrote a marvelous description of the same instructor because he was receiving an A in the course. Both Linda and Jack were not fairly evaluating the instructor. They were influenced by the grades they were earning and were biased in their judgment.

这个段落的第一句是主题句,说明人们很难做到客观地评价另一个人的作为。接着用Linda 和Jack两个例子来支持这一观点,展开段落。例子使用贴切典型,恰如其分。




Why do so many graduates gravitate into business instead of into teaching? Part of the reason is the ever widening pay gap between these two professions. A secretary, an office clerk or a bank employee can earn monthly income as high as RMB 2,000, and when one is promoted to the position of a business executive or manager, the salary is even higher. But a college graduate with a master?s degree can only get a salary of RMB 1,000 per month for his teaching job. No wonder, college graduates are attracted into more lucrative(赚钱的,有利润的)fields.


A single spark can start a prairie fire.——星星之火,可以燎原。There are striking similarities between two of the most popular U.S. presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Both men had their elections legally challenged. Lincoln and Kennedy are both remembered for their sense of humor, as well as for their interest in civil rights. Lincoln?s secretary was Mrs. Kennedy; Kennedy?s secretary was Mrs. Lincoln. Neither man took the advice of his secretary not to make a public appearance on the day on which he was assassinated. Lincoln and Kennedy were both killed on Friday in the presence of their wives. And finally, the same caisson(弹药车)carried the bodies of both men in their funeral processions.




Astronomers have been able to classify stars according to color. They have discovered that stars with different colors have different sizes, and their surface temperatures are also different. The larger a star is, the higher surface temperature it has. Stars are generally divided into five kinds: blue, white, yellow, orange and red. Blue stars are the largest ones, with a diameter of 16,000,000 kilometers. Their surface temperature is also the hottest, as high as 25,000 degrees centigrade.

White stars come next, whose diameter is 2,700,000 kilometers and whose surface temperature is 11,000 degrees centigrade. Then there are yellow stars, 1,600,000 in diameter and 6,000 degrees centigrade in surface temperature. Orange stars are still smaller. They have a diameter of 1,000,000 kilometers and a surface temperature of 5,000 degrees centigrade. The smallest kind of stars appears red in color. Their diameter is only one twentieth of that of blue stars, that is, 800,000 kilometers, and their surface temperature is only 3,000 degrees centigrade.

One?s sin will find one out.


There are two kinds of sports: “amateur” and “professional”. Amateur athletes do not receive money for competing in sports. Olympic athletes, for example, are amateurs. They do not receive money. Professional athletes, on the other hand, do earn money. Some professional athletes earn a million dollars or more a year. They need this money to support themselves and they can save some for their future.

本段的主题句也在段落开头,指出运动有两种形式:业余的和专业的。然后,作者采用分类法发展段落,分门别类地对业余类(amateur athletes)和专业类(professional athletes)进行解释说明,使段落主题更明确地展示在读者面前,段落层次清楚,中心思想统一明了。Examinations fall into three kinds. One is the machine scored “objective” type. In an object ive test, the students answer questions by deciding on best choice among a number of alternatives given. Another is the “completion” type. This kind of examination requires the students to add a word or phrase to complete a sentence. And the third type is the essay examination, in which the students are asked to write a composition on a given topic. All these kinds of examinations are designed to reveal what a student may have learned in any particular course.

本段采用分类法来展开段落。主题句在段落开头,指出“考试可分三种类型”。然后,作者运用One i s the machine scored “objective type”, Another is the “completion type”,” And the third type is the essay examination” 来清楚地将考试分类阐述,段落脉络一目了然,层次十分分明。





Love is a very general term. It refers to a strong feeling of fondness for another person. It can happen between people of the opposite sex or between members of a family. No matter where it happens, love can always bring happiness to people.

这也是采用定义法发展段落的好例子。段落一开始,作者先指出,爱是一个常见的字眼,意义很泛。紧接着用It refers to ...来对爱(love)进行定义解释,清楚简单,意思明白。

Poetry is a branch of literature which explores ideas, emotions, and experiences in a distinctive form and style. Poetry, sometimes called “verse”, depends greatly on the natural rhythms and sounds of language for its special effects. Poetry, even more than prose (all other writings), depends on precise and suggestive wording. In other words, a poem says much in little space. Poetry differs from prose in obvious ways, also. Most often the first word of every line begins with a capital letter, even in the middle of a sentence. Poems sometimes contain rhyme, and often they have a particular rhythm, like music.


A good name is better than riches.——声誉胜于财富。




Homes that are improperly insulated may cause problems for their habitants. First of all, it will cost more to heat such a house than one that is well insulated. Second, it will waste energy. Third, it will make the house uncomfortable to live in because drafts or cold air is able penetrate the poorly insulated walls. Also, the poorly insulated walls could cause the inhabitants to have more colds, a health problem that results in higher expenses for doctors and medicine.

本段第一句是主题句,指出导致problem for their habitants 的是homes that are improperly


So why do manufacturers keep on designing and producing VCRs that are awkward to use if the problems are so obvious? First, the problems we notice are not obvious to technically minded designers with years of experience and trained to understand how appliances work. Secondly, designers tend to add one or two features at a time to each model, whereas you and I face all of a machine?s features at once. Thirdly, although finding problems in a finished product is eas y, it is too late by then to do anything about the design. Finally, if manufacturers can get away with selling products that are difficult to use, it is not worth the effort of any one of them to make improvements.





Haste trips over its own heels.——忙易出错。Balloons have been used for sports for about 100 years. There are two kinds of sports balloons: gas and hot fire. Hot balloons are preferred by most balloonists in the United States because of their safety. They are also cheaper, and easier to manage than gas balloons. Despite the ease of operation on a balloon, pilots must watch the weather carefully. Sport balloon flights are best early in the morning or late in the afternoon, when the wine is light. Over the years balloonists have tried unsuccessfully to cross the Atlantic Ocean. It wasn?t until 1978 that three American balloonists succeeded. It took them just six days to make their trip from their home in the United States to Paris, France. Their voyage captured the imagination of the whole world.




一. 学术文化篇 1. 沉迷网络游戏 李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up concentrate on be (become)interested in ★范文 Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him. Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon. 2. 怎样学好英语


九年级|这14篇优秀英语作文 1 【题目要求】 为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以“how to be a good learner”为题的征文比赛,请踊跃投稿。 【优秀范文】 How to be a good learner To be a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning. We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. It’s good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have any problems, we’d better ask others for help. As a student, working hard is important, but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy. I think all above is helpful to us to be a good learner. 2 【题目要求】 假如你是李磊,你的美国笔友Tom对中国传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封80 词左右的电子邮件。介绍一两个中国的传统节日、如春节、中秋节等。 【优秀范文】 Dear Tom I am very glad to tell you something about spring festival. It’s a traditional festival in china. It comes in winter. It’s time to get new. We usually clean and decorate our houses carefully before it comes. I always help my mother clean the windows and wash the clothes. We put on Chunlian on the doors and chuanghua on the windows. It’s time to say goodbye to the last year, and say hello to the New Year. Everyone goes home to get together with their families, no matter how far it is. They must have dinner together on that day. They must visit their relatives and friends and say “Happy New Year” to them. When the kids greet their grandparents, they can get money. Yours, Li Lei 3


九年级上英语作文范文 (一) 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,许多国家都把它作为一门重要的外语教学。但要学好它不容易。请根据以下提示,以“My English study”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,可适当发挥。提示: (1)英语是我最喜欢的科目,我对它非常感兴趣; (2)初学英语时感到困难,有时想放弃; (3)英语老师鼓励我,给了我很大的帮助; (4)我现在是全班英语最好的学生。 My English study English is my favorite subject. I’m very interested in it. But things were not like this before. I was in trouble when I began to study English . Sometimes I wanted to give it up. When my English teacher knew this, she talked to me for a long time. She encouraged me , taught me how to remember words and helped me make notes. She told me not to give anything up easily. From then on , I began to change . I worked very hard and make great progress(取得很大进步) day by day. Now with the help of my teacher, I am the best student at English in my class. I have found English is really a bridge to so much knowledge. I’m going to study it even harder.


目录 9-1 My plan for the next two months 9-2 How to deal with stress 9-3 Something meaningful I did during the winter holiday 9-4Obey the traffic rules 9-5 What makes a good class leader 9-6 How to be a lively man 9-7 To be self-confident 9-8 How to be a healthy man 9-9 Sharing brings me happiness 9-10 Reading brings me happiness 9-11 My plan for the next two months 9-12 How to deal with stress 9-13 Something meaningful I did during the winter holiday

九年级英语作文 9-1 My plan for the next two months In a blink of an eye, l have been a Junior Three student for 2 months. The busy life lets me feel tired! And I find it difficult to finish my homework in time these days. I feel worried because the final exam is coming soon. So I need to make a plan to help myself study better. These things are as follows. Firstly, I will write down what I need to do every day on the paper and then try to finish them. Secondly, I will make effortst ng to read at least two books in to do more read-ing to get more knowledge. I’m goi the next two months.Thirdly, I will do more exercises so that I can understand the important points better. I will ask the teacher for help immediately if I can’t any problems. I believe I will try my best to realize my plan. (150) 9-2 How to deal with stress Dear betty, I am sorry to hear that you are worried about the coming exam. But if you always care about the exam, you may have trouble paying attention at school and remembering things at home. So there are several things you can do to let stress out. the easiest way to calm you First, you need take a deep breath to relax mood. lt’s down. Next, you can also talk about what’s bothering you with people you trust. Then, you can get emotional support from them. Most importantly, as the saying goes,“all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, so it is necessary for you to own a balanced life. To sum up, I desire that you will get the victory about the coming exam. (128) Best of luck. Yours Joy 点评:学以致用是学习的最高境界,作者善于积累平时在阅读中遇到的好词好 句,并运用到写作实践中,本文就是一个很好的范例,主体部分紧紧围绕题目展 开,针对朋友所遇到的困难提供建议。开头和结尾简洁且有感染力,也注重了书 信的格式,展现出笔者与朋友之间深厚的友情,达到了作者写作的预期目的。 9-3 Something meaningful I did during the winter holiday Although the holiday was short, I did do something meaningful. My father’s birthday was in the winter holiday. So we decided to go to a DIY store to make a Mousse cake. It was a little difficult for us. After all, this was our first time to what to do at first. Luckily, with the help of a teacher, the do it. We even didn’t know cake was basically finished. Then my father used some fruit we liked to decorate the cake. In addition, I also drew a lovely bear on it. A nice cake appeared in front of us. It was the most delicious cake that I had ever eaten. I can’t forget the smile on my father’s face, I will remember the experience forever. (126)


高考英语作文经典范文十例 假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学,辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点!一封信: 1.本人简介; 2.求助内容; 3.约定时间; 4.你的联系方式(Email: com; Phone:12345678)。注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯: 3.结束语已为你写好。 Dear Sir / Madam, Look forward to your reply. 范文二 某校英文报开辟了一个专栏:Experience。本期话题是如何解决学习中遇到的困难。请你以“My Approach to Difficulties in Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的一些做法。要求:1.词数100左右; 2.文中不能出现本人相关信息。范文三 假定你是中学生李华。在一位名叫TigerMom的学生家长的博客上,你看到如下内容。请你根据博客内容、写作要点和要求,给这位家长回复。 I’m the mother of a fou rteen-year-old. I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top5 students or get punished in one way or another. She has been doing very well in school, but some friends of mine keep

telling me that I put too much pressure on her. Am I wrong? 写作要点: 1.表明自己的看法; 2.陈述自己的理由(可举例说明); 3.提出至少两条建议。要求: 1.短文词数不少于100(不含已写好的部分)。 2.内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。 3.书写须清晰、工整。 Hi,TigerMom, What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea is 范文四 请根据以下提示,结合你校园生活中的一个事例,就与人合作这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。 Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn more about teamwork. Teamwork shows us how otherpeople’s roles fit the purpose of the group, and it teaches us to be patient and how to respond to different people. 注意:①无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;②除诗歌外,文体不限; ③内容必须结合校园生活中的一个事例;④文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; ⑤词数为100左右。



九年级上册作文总结 Unit1 本单元话题为“学会学习”与之相关的话题作文主要为谈论英语学习方法,这是各地中考英语真题中最常考的话题作文之一。写作时可根据具体要求或提示,对相关的学习方法提出建议。 写作此类话题作文的常用表达有: (1)What about listening to…? (2)Try to guess …by… (3)The more…the more… (4)…is the secret to language learning. (5)I think…should… (6)It’s a good idea to… 典例:为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以“how to be a good learner”为题的征文比赛,请踊跃投稿。 How to be a good learner As a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning. We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. It’s good to study in groups and help each other. As a student, working hard is important, but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have any problems, we’d better ask others for help. I hope all these will be helpful to us.

最新博士英语作文范文 经典35篇

最新博士英语作文范文经典35篇 1. Television Program and Their Effect on children Television programs regularly entertain, educate, effect and even frighten the majority of our children. Most children are allowed to watch whatever program is on, with little thought on the effect that particular show will have on a child. Most programs can be classed as beneficial or harmful, according to what effect the program might have on a child. The beneficial television programs are mainly thouse that educate the young. There a re often specials on animal life. A few regular children’s programs develop the child’s interest in school-type learning by stressing numbers and the alphablt, and that encourages him or her to be creative. The beneficial commercials, such as those on anti-smoking, anti-litter, and health, should be included in this category. On the opposite side are the shows, which are generally harmful to children. Many commercials, especially those sponsoring the children’s programs, are deliberately written to create a desire for an unnecessary product such as sugar coated cereals and candy. All adult programs that include violence or sex scenes can at best fill a child’s mind with confusing or misleading ideas, and could possib ly harden the child to violence. Thoughtful parents will definitely not allow their children to view the bad programs. A child’s viewing time should be limited to watching educationlly benefical programs. 2. How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities With the development of modern industruy, more and more people are flowing into big cities. Accordingly, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious. People have offered many solutions to this problem. I think building satellite cities in the suburbs is more practical. The fresh air and beautiful secnery in the suburbs will be appealing to the city citizens, who suffer from air pollution, noises, etc. in the overcrowded city. With more people leaving the city, more space will be available for those remaining. The housing problem in big cities will thus be solved. 3. “The younger generation knows best” Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comments is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than ti is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideas of their elders. Events, which the older generation remembers vividly, are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from the one preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed. The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer. They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this precisely what the young are doing. They are questioning the


篇优秀英语作文九年级|这141 【题目要求】 【优秀范文】How to be a good learner To be a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning. We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. It's good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in As a our free time. If we have any problems, we'd better ask others for help.ts and keep healthy. student, working hard is important, but don't forget to do spor I think all above is helpful to us to be a good learner. 2 【题目要求】假如你是李磊,你的美国笔友Tom对中国传统文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一词左右的电子邮件。介绍一两个中国的传统节日、如春节、中秋节等。80 封【优秀范文】Dear Tom I am very glad to tell you something about spring festival.It's a traditional festival in china. It comes in winter.It's time to get new. We usually clean and decorate our houses carefully before it comes. I always help my mother clean the windows and wash the clothes. We put on Chunlian on the doors and chuanghua on the windows.It's time to say goodbye to the last year, and say hello to the New Year. Everyone goes home to get together with their families, no matter how far it is. They must have dinner together on that day. They must visit their relatives and friends and say “Happy New Year”to them. When the kids greet their grandparents, they can get money. Yours,Li Lei 3 【题目要求】和你一起去看。请你给他写封信,邀请Rob你有两张红旗剧院的戏剧票,想要邀请他并告诉他具体该怎么到达红旗剧院。 【优秀作文】Dear Rob,Are you free next Sunday? There will be a concert in Hongqi Theater. I have two tickets and I hope you can go with me. Now let me tall you how to get there.First , you can walk along Zhaowuda Road after you leave your home. Then turn left onto Third Street. Go straight along Third Street. When you get to turn right. Then go along the street until you see Hongqi Theater Walking Street,on your right. I will meet you at the gate of Hongqi Theater.


初三上英语范文 1.请根据提示写一篇题为The Population Problem的短文。(80词左右) 提示: 1.人口问题是当今世界上最大的问题之一; 2.中国是世界上人口最多的国家; 3.如果人口增长过快,将会带来许多严重问题(请举例说明); 4.我们应继续执行计划生育政策,以控制人口增长。 The Population Problem The population is one of the biggest problems in the world today. China has the largest population with 1.3 billion. It’s about one fifth of the world’s population. The large population causes many difficulties, not only for every family, but also for the whole nation. It has become a serious problem. In many less developed areas, some parents prefer boys to girls. As a result, many girls can’t go to school. I think we should do something to control the population. One answer is known as the one-child policy. It has worked well in controlling China’s population. 2. 请根据下列表格的提示, 写一篇题为Changes in My Hometown的短文。(80词左右) 内容要点: In the past ten years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, there used to be old houses. The river was very dirty. The roads were narrow and the living conditions were hard. People went to work on foot or by bike. But now, there are many tall buildings in my hometown. The river is clean and the water is clear. There are many ring roads and the living conditions are comfortable. People usually go to work by bus or by car. I am glad to see these great changes in my hometown. I think my hometown will be much more beautiful in the future. 3. 人类只有一个地球。根据提示,以Saving the Earth为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。 提示: 1.如何保护环境已成为世界最大难题之一;2.各种污染破坏环境,损害健康; 3.不要乱倒垃圾,乱排废水; 4.我们应该保护环境,使我们的家园更加美丽。 Saving the Earth How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world. There are many kinds of pollutions around us, such as air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and light pollution. We can find that rubbish not only pollutes our environment but also harms people’s health. So we should not throw rubbish everywhere. Some factories pour waste water into the rivers and the lakes. The behavior of these factories will pollute the water, and sometimes it can kill the fish living in them. We have only one earth. We must keep our environment clean and tidy. We must try our best to protect her, and make our home more beautiful. 4. “保护环境,人人有责”,请以How to Be a Greener Person 为题,写一篇有关环保的短文,并适当发表你的看法。(80词左右)


初三英语写作方法: 1.首段引人: 尽自己最大的可能使得第一自然段引人入胜,做到“语不惊人誓不休”。要想做到这一点,就要求学生要大量地阅读课外书籍,包括中文和英文,做到知识面宽泛,观点灵活,写技高超。 2.词组句型: 在英语作文中,词组和句型的运用可帮助呈现写作者的英语水平。这就要求学生要在基础知识方面进行系统的学习。现举例说明:preferdoing>enjoydoing>likedoing由此可以看出,不同类型和不同水平的词组句型可表现出写作者不同的观点及英语水平。 3.复合句: 在英语写作中,对于主从复合句的运用也是必不可少的。小学英语作文中可以没有主从复合句,但从初中开始,必须在写作中运用主从复合句(至少1——2个)。因为,只有主从复合句才能表达更为复杂的观点;只有主从复合句才能是阅卷者看出写作者真实的英语水平高度。 4.转联词: 所谓的转联词是指那些用于承上启下的副词,连词以及大量的介词词组等。英语作文中转联词的必要使用,可以使得句子与句子之间更加流畅,避免了各个句子的分割独立,使得文章顺理成章,一气呵成。中国学生在学习中,掌握了大量的此类单词和词组,但除了

but,because,等,很少主动使用,使得所写文章颇显干巴和唐突。 5.时态: 毋庸置疑,时态是英语基础知识的重要范畴之一,也是区别于汉语的重要特点之一。而英语作文又是对学生综合能力的考核。因而,在作文中,必须加入时态的准确运用,才能使自己的观点和所叙述的情节更加精准。因为中文中没有时态的概念,中国学生极易在英语时态方面出现失误或忽略事态的运用,这将是所写的英语作文大打折扣。 6.汉译英: 在莱曼英语教学理念中,我们更加强调翻译训练的重要性。无论是英译汉,还是汉译英都是英语学习着必备的基本能力,或者说,都是顶尖级能力。所以,在英语作文中,汉译英技巧的运用,毫无疑问地会帮助写作者更加充分地表达自己的观点。而这种翻译的训练又是大部分教学资料和英语课堂所极为缺乏的。莱曼英语总结了一些特效直观的汉译英技巧,将安排在后续的讲座中进行讲解。 7.书写排版: 尽人皆知,书写排版是人的第二张脸。一篇作文的书写和排版直接影响到阅卷人的情绪,不可避免地会影响到作文的最后成绩。 8.课外阅读和长期训练 课外要广泛地涉猎不同种书籍,特别是对一些精品文章的阅读,以增加自己的信息量。同时,还要通过日记,周记,书信,便条,通


考研英语作文经典范文 对于今年考研复习的学生来说。已经到了开始好好复习写作的环节了。 我也在暑假的时候,结束了一个班的写作的授课。 也在今天,结束了另外一个强化段的写作的授课。 我在所有的课堂上,讲解地核心的理念大概可以概括如下: 写作就是不犯错。先得分,再高分。 可能是因为,自己说地还不够透彻,或者是因为自己说地次数并不够多。 依旧有很多很多的学生,会直接间接的问到我各种各样关于写作复习的问题。 其中,绝大多数,都集中在“模版”,“要不要背范文”,“现阶段要不要开始练习真题了?”等吧。 我一一的进行一下简单的解释。

关于模版,是被妖魔化地最严重的。 一方面,学生很喜欢模版,因为,所有人都有一种想要走捷径的想法。 如果只需要背诵一篇模版,上考场之后,直接不需要思考,就写上去,然后,还能够得分,岂不是万事大吉。 但是,这个其实,就是拼一个概率的问题。 万一老师蒙对了,万一你刚好背会了,那么这两种可怕地极低的概率的事件,结合到一起,就会有一个非常理想的结果。 但是,这种概率,其实和一个人一辈子被雷劈中两次的概率是一样的。 其实,所有想要走捷径的人,最终都会发现,这是一条死路。 真正的捷径只有一条,那就是不走弯路。

另外一种学生,就是过度地将模版妖魔化。说某某老师说,只要使用模版就一定不给分,就给绝对的低分。 其实,要么就是这个老师并不懂考研写作,要么,就是这个老师所说的,作为学生的你,只听了自己想要听的那一部分内容。 其实,本质上,我们是所有人都是不听劝的。我们在基因上,生理上,只是喜欢,听那些自己认同的东西。 毕竟,认知的舒适区,才是真正的温柔乡。 我先说一下,什么样的文章会得0分。 1、偏题。 2、用别的语言写。 偏题很容易的。对于,只背诵模版的学生来说。原因也很简单,因为他们只背诵了一篇文章,所以,根本不审题,题目中的要求,什么也不看,直接写自己会的那些内容。自然无法:包含内容要点。 用别的语言写,也是会得0分的。有些学生,觉得自己很聪明,个别单词实在不会写了,就用拼音写。哈哈,以为我们阅卷的时


九年级下学期必考英语作文全汇总 Unit8. It must belong to Caral. 本单元话题为“神秘事物”,围绕这一话题对我们生活中出现的不确定的事情进行推理判断。要求我们恰当使用情态动词客观的对提供的材料进行分析,以推测某件物品可能是某人的或某人正在做什么。写作此类话题作文的常用表达有: (1) sth. must /can’t/might/could be... (2) sb. must/can’t/might/could be doing… 【典型例题】 你在上学的路上捡到了一件T-shirt,它是你校某位同学的。请根据以下提示做出一个合理的推断,并把推断的经过和结果写出来。可适当发挥,词数80词左右。 提示: 1. Mary和Sally的T恤衫都丢了 2. T恤衫上有长头发 3. T恤衫口袋里有一张信用卡和一张刘德华的照片 【优秀范文】 Oh,look! There is a T-shirt here. It’s a school T-shirt. The owner must be a student.

Mary and sally lost their T-shirt. Could it be Mary’s or Sally’s? There is long hair on the T-shirt. But both of them have long hair. There is a photo of Liu Dehua in the pocket. Sally likes Liu Dehua very much, but Mary’s favorite star is Sun Yanzi. So, it belongs to sally. There is credit card too. Then, it must be sally’s school T-shirt because she is the only person who has a credit card in our school. Unit9. I like music that I can dance to. 【典型例题】 假如你叫李明,是一名中学生,经常收听由美国主持人Philip主持的音乐节目,请根据内容要点提示,用英语给主持人写一封信。 要点:1. 你很喜欢这个节目,特别是节目播放的歌词很优美,是很棒的英语歌曲。 2. 在你学习感到疲劳时,会打开收音机听这个节目。 3. 从节目中你学到了很多单词。 4 告诉他你最喜欢的是什么类型的音乐,请他帮助你介绍一些相关的歌手和CD。【优秀范文】 Dear Philip,
