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Unit 1

English to Chinese

1 I live in a world of skinned knees, double-knotted shoelaces, riddles that I’ve heard a dozen times, stale birthday cakes, hurt feelings, wandering stories and one lost shoe (―and if you don’t find it my mother’ll kill me‖).


2 I don’t have the singular power over language of a lawyer, the physical force of a construction worker, the command over fellow workers of a surgeon, the wheeling and dealing transactions of a businessman.


3 A few years ago, when I was interviewing for an elementary-school teaching position, every principal told me with confidence that, as a male, I had an advantage over female applicants because of the lack of male teachers.


4 Becoming a dean of students or a principal has never been one of my goals, but they seemed to expect me, as a male, to want to climb higher on the career stepladder.


5 Possibly, men would have more to say to me, and I to them, if my job had more of the trappings and benefits of more traditional male jobs.


Chinese to English

1 尽管我在那家公司有机会升职,我仍然选择了离开,去从事我热爱的工作。(although + could have done; promotion)

Although I could have got promotion in that company, I chose to leave and pursue the job I love.

2. 你最先要遵从的不是你的老板,而是这个行业的规则。(comply with)

It is not your boss but the rules of the industry (that) you should first comply with.

3. 一份好的简历是找到工作的第一步,因此今天我们提出讨论的是如何写份好简历。(what-clause; bring up)

A good résumé is the first step to getting a job. So what we bring up for discussion today is how to write a good résumé.

4. 人们工作往往是为了谋生,而不是出于爱好。(more often than not; for the sake of)

People work, more often than not, for the sake of making a living rather than out of passion.

5. 据面试官反馈,大部分接受面试的毕业生都说不出他们能为公司做些什么。(feedback; contribute to)

According to the interviewer’s feedback, most graduates couldn’t say what they can contribute to the company.

Unit 2

1 The fact, however, that in the past I did most of my work without the aid of a library I look upon as an advantage rather than a disadvantage.


2 In those days the books which young people were prohibited from reading were decorated with stars – one, two or three – according to the degree of immorality attributed to them.


3 The most difficult thing in life is to learn to do only what is strictly advantageous to one’s welfare, strictly vital.


4 If you are honest with yourself you will discover that your stature has increased from the mere effort of resisting your impulses.


5 Not only that, but when he likes an author he reads every last book the man has written, as well as his letters and all the books that have been written about him.


Translate the sentences into English.

1 读书不仅仅影响到个人,还影响到整个民族。(not only + inversion; as a whole)

Not only does reading influence a single person, but it also influences a nation as a whole. 2. 和老者在一起就像是读一本厚厚的书,令人爱不释手。(part with)

Being in the company of the old is like reading a thick book, which you don’t want to part with.

3. 如今虽然读书的人越来越少了,但仍有人嗜书如命。(look upon / on as)

Though nowadays fewer and fewer people read books, there are still some people who look upon / on books as their lives.

4. 他有买书的习惯,但买了之后,大都束之高阁。(lie idle on the shelf)

He had the habit of buying books, but most of the books would lie idle on the shelf after he had bought them.

5. 在路边的一个小书店里,我碰巧看到了这本我渴望已久的书。(stumble upon; long to do sth)

I stumbled upon the book I longed to have for quite a long time in a small roadside bookstore.

Unit 3

1 No history of fashion in the years 1960 to 2010 can overlook or underestimate two constant factors: jeans and the rise and fall of hemlines for women’s skirts and dresses.


2 There is consensus among fashion editors that there is a precise relation, with only a few
