伦敦奥运会观后感 中英双语

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开幕式在位于伦敦东区的斯特拉特福德奥林匹克体育场举行,伦敦申办奥运的会徽是采用具有5种颜色的彩条代表奥运,在“LONDON 2012”的字样上下穿过,伦敦申办2012年奥运会会徽;而会徽上则有国际奥委会会徽。

“Inspire a generation”“激励一代人”是这次伦敦奥运会的口号,这个口号体现了敦申办奥运会时对世界的承诺,伦敦奥运会的相关负责人还向中国取了2008年的经,学习如何成功实施各项污染防控措施,所以这也是一次污染少的,成功的奥运会。




Also deeply remember August 8, 2008 the late, great motherland in the Beijing first held 29 th Olympic Games, our country to show the world for more than five thousand years of tradition and the modern culture of bright reform achievement. I deeply remember and my parents watch scene, now like to also excited. Turn an eye four years has passed, the closing ceremony in Beijing, London buses carrying the British dream back to the motherland, now, people show their London elegance of culture of time has come.

Now is the night, July 27, 2012 late 20 12 points, this is London time, Beijing time is July 28 3 when 12 points, although already is late at night, but a bit stop I a two-year the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games enthusiasm.

The London Olympics composition: the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games about it

The opening ceremony is located in the east end of LONDON in Stratford's Olympic stadium, LONDON's bid for the Olympic Games emblem is using a five kinds of colors of color, the representative of the Olympic Games, in LONDON "

2012 "the inscription traversely through, London's bid for the 2012 Olympic Games emblem; and the emblem is the international Olympic committee (ioc) emblem.

"Inspire a generation" "incentive generation," is the slogan of the Olympic game of the London, the slogan embodies the bidding for the Olympic Games on the world, when the promise, London's Olympic related to the Chinese official also took 2008 years after, learn how to successfully implement various pollution prevention and control measures, so this is a less pollution, the success of the games.

One of Europe's largest clock was knock, with exciting bell through the television throughout all over the world, the Olympic Games opening ceremony begins. Clock engraved with Shakespeare's classic "the storm," the sentence "needn't be afraid, the island has is full of voice". The opening theme quoted the tempest, was designated as "wonderful islands." The stadium will be turned into English country, the actresses will put real cattle and sheep to grass, to show the audience a rural pastoral picture.

Popular music of the evergreen tree, "the beatles," former lead singer Paul McCartney with a "HeyJude" end the performance of the night, when the 60000 spectators will join him chorus, tell people to let the world "better".

4 when many, I am no sleep, my heart were banging about excitement. Wonderful, wonderful. Hope China in the London Olympic athletes in Beijing Olympic Games like that, a good.
