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2014年6月11 日







In recent years, with the development of the computer control technology, automation technology in the application of the plane driving after the uav flying in the blue sky, unmanned aerial vehicles in the field of military, civilian areas, as well as industrial applications, has received the widespread attention, it also makes people study of unmanned aerial vehicles produced the strong interest.

However simple unmanned aerial vehicles do not have any practical application value, when the installation has to detect airborne stabilized platform of the monitoring device can realize the aerial of unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs) and geodesy, civil aviation, military reconnaissance and other purposes.How to make the uav can be more more intelligently to perform specific tasks, such as emergency rescue, precision-guided, directional blasting, traffic control, anti-terror work, etc., which requires the infinite aircraft can be smart to specific target tracking, target information real-time transmission, to the next operation directed by the commander.

PTZ is application of a uav reconnaissance one of the indispensable equipment in the monitoring and control system, it with the camera can achieve the goal of expanding surveillance, to improve the use value of the camera.In this paper, the analysis of the PTZ, on the basis of structure and control requirements, PTZ rotation and adjust to make use of the matlab simulation experiment, an insight into the control of the PTZ research.

Key words: unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs);PTZ.Control method;The PID controller.Decoupling system


1 绪论 (1)

2 云台介绍 (3)

2.1云台与荷载 (3)

2.2云台电机 (4)

2.3云台控制方法与算法 (4)

2.4云台的控制性能指标 (5)

2.4.1 云台的转动速度 (5)

2.4.2 云台的转动角度 (5)

2.4.3 云台的载重量 (6)

2.4.4 云台使用环境指标 (6)

3 云台控制系统设计 (7)

3.1云台稳定坐标系 (7)

3.2云台内部结构 (7)

3.3驱动电机 (9)

3.3.1 步进电机 (9)

3.3.2 步进电机工作原理 (10)

3.3.3 驱动电机性能指标 (11)

3.4云台控制方案选择 (12)

4 云台控制系统仿真及整定 (15)

4.1前期准备 (15)

4.2仿真工具 (18)

4.3仿真方案 (19)

4.3.1 串级控制 (19)

4.3.2 解耦控制 (20)

4.4解耦系统 (20)

4.4.1 相对增益 (20)

4.4.2 相对增益的确定方法 (22)

4.4.3 解耦控制方法 (22)

4.4.4 解耦设计方案 (23)

4.5整定分析结果 (26)

5 结论 (32)

5.1未来发展 (32)

5.2结束语 (32)

致谢 (34)

参考文献 (35)
