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Input vs output




考试报名:送一套OG 3 Delta-Blue 4 Delta-Red 6 TPO 13










北京新东方全部托福资料(词汇,听力,阅读,写作,口语还有对应软件免费版)都给你总结好了,附带全部链接,分享的同学一定是100分以上。有了它,就不用花钱去书店了。就不用花钱买软件了!!! 词汇类 李笑来TOEFL核心词21天excel版 下载链接:(https://www.360docs.net/doc/e514567740.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0712/20071211_bf54b359 d01f5087df89XWGMBWh8L1rd.rar) 文件大小:84.95KB 李笑来TOEFL核心词21天MP3 下载链接:(https://www.360docs.net/doc/e514567740.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0709/20070911_0554b919 aaf1d0107749XwfVpzof7oVr.rar) 文件大小:23.92MB 熟词偏义词汇列表 下载链接:(https://www.360docs.net/doc/e514567740.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0710/20071016_de4fa883 10782460e1e4tiFlsNuX7uLi.zip) 文件大小:12.42 KB 老俞托福词汇串讲(网络课堂) 帖子链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/e514567740.html,/bbs/thread-2571-1-1.html 俞敏洪Tofel单词串讲(非网络课堂) 下载链接:(https://www.360docs.net/doc/e514567740.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0709/20070911_ef4045d5 846bcbbe1a77lCURXvPKRmAe.rar) 文件大小:48.79 MB


10月25日托福口语真题及答案解析(新东方版) Task 1 A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish? I would say mountain climbing can be a very adventurous experience to everyone, including experienced and inexperienced climbers. I’ve got two reasons. First of all, it’s an opportunity to get ourselves out of our repetitive life. Take my cousin as an example, from Monday to Friday, he’s an ordinary bank teller doing everyday work just like every other guy in this city, but every weekend, he gets together with a bunch of friends and they go hiking in the mountains in the suburb of Beijing. It’s a chance to get away from the city, and add a little spice to his ordinary life. Plus, it’s a way to challenge ourselves and it brings out the best in us. I’m not a big fan of climbing mountains, but I did rock-climbing once and it was fascinating, at first I was really nervous and I thought there was no way I could make it to the top, but then I started climbing and I did it one step at a time but I eventually made it. So I guess it’s similar when we climb a mountain, the sense of achievement we get from the experience is irreplaceable. Task 2 Some people believe technology has brought people closer and others believe that technology actually isolate people, which one do you agree with? Explain why. I think modern technology has brought people closer than ever for the following reasons. Firstly, it completely changed the way people communicate. Take my family as an example, 20 years ago my aunt went to Japan to further her education and even


2020托福口语备考能不能用模板 托福口语备考能不能用模板?取决于你的期望分值,今天给大家带来了托福口语备考能不能用模板,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语备考能不能用模板?取决于你的期望分值 一.托福口语备考要不要用模板 1. 用不用托福口语模板,看你对分数的要求。模版的分数大概在18-20左右。如果你的分数要求是在23+,需要在模板之外加入更多不一样的内容。 2. 自己的模板。可以参考各种大牛总结的模板,但是一定要自己改一下。但是模板不要占用到总内容的30%以上。 3. 练习。这个练习不是我们喊口号,一定要把你自己的模板读书背会,并且用一个一个真题来套模板,每次回答都对模板做一些小的变动,看看好不好用。一边用一边磨合修改。 二.托福口语考试时间和练习方法 1. iBT对时间卡得有点死。一方面1.2题的准备时间只有15秒,是没有办法现场造句子的,所以反映到内容的准备上,就必须自己会用一些基本的表达,比如表达你的偏好,原因,引出原

因细节和例子等句子。一定要张口就来。再有就是内容上面,可以利用机经和官方真题Official的题目进行练习和准备。能够涉猎的范围越广,考场上大脑一片空白的题目就越少,还有很多题目是换汤不换药的。 2. 回答的时间有限,把倒计时当朋友。倒计时越看越紧张的话,是因为你对时间没有概念。到底45秒钟,1分钟,你能说多少?要对内容进行时间安排,比如我答第一道题,直接回答问题,用8秒左右,第9秒到30秒左右要说完第一个分观点,如果我的计时条现在只剩15秒了,我应该迅速结束第一个观点进入第二个观点。 3. 一定开口练习,可以写稿子,但是稿子的最后一步是张口说熟练的。有些发音组合长时间不用的话,肌肉会僵硬掉的说。所以一定逼迫自己开口。 4. 关于口音,如果你的追求是24以下,只要说了A不让别人误听成其他的什么的,口音就不是短期目标。OG上对口音的要求是doesnt cause listeners effort.所以如果是短期,需要的只是调整,不是从音标开始。 关于托福口语备考是否要使用模板就为大家介绍到这里,其实托福口语想要拿高分必须要摆脱模板的束缚,建议大家把握好答题时间,做好备考工作。


内容简介 新托福口语考试有难度吗? 是的,很有挑战性! 能迅速提高新托福口语考试分数吗? 是的,本书给你致胜妙法! 书中每个章节对于考生备考新托福口语都是必不可少的: “新托福的变化”——全面剖析ETS新托福口语考查能力和口语评分标准,帮助考生全面、综合认识新托福考试。 “中国考生应对新托福口语遇到的问题”——考生可以跟随书中所附MP3对元音、辅音以及中国考生最为头疼的连读进行逐一练习。同时,本章对考生在口语表达中常犯的语法错误及表达时的逻辑错误进行了详细的解析。 “如何在新托福口语中做笔记”——做笔记在口语考试中具有十分重要的作用,笔记做的好坏在某种程度上直接决定了是否能够得到高分,通过本章考生可以学会如何正确且快速做好笔记。为了凸显本书实战性,本章从阅读和听力角度对做笔记的方法进行了系统的讲解。 “模板式回答策略”——六大实用TST口语模板、“40大黄金句型”、“极速造句法”、新托福考试口语真题实战演练,以及模拟试题使考生真正突破口语瓶颈,高效备考。

“英语口语之平时训练”——笔者颇有心得的“模仿”及“口头复述”方法帮助考生提高日常口语训练的效率,为口语考试打下坚实的基础。 作者简介 翟少成:北京新东方学校国外考试部TOEFL,、GRE、GMAT主讲教师。长期的口语教学经验帮助众多TOEFL 考生在考试中获得了口语高分。曾获“新东方优秀教师”及“新东方优秀培训师”称号。 目录 Chapter 1 新托福的变化 UNIT 1 新托福综述 UNIT 2 新托福的五大特点 UNIT 3 新托福口语的特点 UNIT 4 综合任务的特点及意义 UNIT 5 题型介绍及评分标准 UNIT 6 新托福口语对中国考生的影响 Chapter 2 中国考生应对新托福口语遇到的问题 UNIT 1 发音篇 UNIT 2 语法篇 UNIT 3 表达篇 Chapter 3 如何在新托福口语中做笔记 UNIT 1 信号词 UNIT 2 如何在独立任务中做笔记 UNIT 3 如何在综合任务中做笔记 Chapter 4 “模板式”回答策略 UNIT 1 英语中常用的句型 UNIT 2 自由问答


英语作文常用谚语、俗语 1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。 2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。 3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。 16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不


新东方版:2020年8月22日托福口语真题及答案解 析 新东方版:2020年8月22日托福口语真题及答案解析 s1: what should we do to help the elder in our community? Sample I like to help the old to do the following stuff. First, give them a hand with house chores. Some of them have trouble moving around, if I assist them with housework, they would be really grateful. Take my neighbor as an example, she has been lying on bed for years, I always help her cook and sweep the floor. Second, reading to the elder is a good way to help them get rid of loneliness. Some of the old people live far away from their sons and daughters, and they feel isolated. If I read stories to them, they will feel released and happy, and they rebuild their confidence in life. s2: which do you prefer? watch a movie silently or chatting with others? Sample I prefer to watch a movie silently for the following reasons. First, I'm a movie buff. Sometimes I go to the movie theatre by myself. That way, I can enjoy the movie and relate the story to my life. If I were accompanied by someone else, I would be disturbed while watching the movie. Last time, I went to the cinema with my classmates, they actually annoyed me. They kept talking during the movie, having popcorns and even taking photos during the movie. I was ashamed of staying


新东方名师托福综合写作介绍及深度解析 为了帮助大家高效备考托福,熟悉托福综合写作,新东方在线托福网为大家带来新东方名师托福综合写作介绍及深度解析一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线托福网! 在和很多TOEFLers聊天的时候,发现他们往往会忽略托福综合写作的备考准备;在分析很多考生写作成绩的时候,发现很多同学在综合写作上只得了fair。这篇文章,我们就来一起聊聊综合写作。 1托福综合写作考试内容 综合写作是托福考试写作部分的第一个任务,考生首先将在屏幕的左侧读到一篇230-300词左右的文章,阅读时间为3分钟,阅读时间结束后,阅读文章消失在屏幕上,紧接着的是一篇与阅读材料相关的约2分钟左右的讲座,讲座中的教授就阅读中的同一话题从不同角度提出自己的观点并给出详细的细节信息。在现行的考试中,听力中的观点一般是对阅读中的观点进行反驳。听力结束后,阅读文章将会再次出现在屏幕的左侧,考试将有20分钟的时间在屏幕右侧的答题区域内进行答题。官方指南中指出,一篇有效的作文大约在150-225词左右,如果写作字数超出225词并不会扣分。

2托福综合写作考试解析 为什么会在TOEFL iBT考试中出现综合写作?综合写作的本质其实是课堂论文写作,考查学生的信息获取能力和信息整合能力。托福官方指南(the Official Guide)明确指出,TOEFL考试整体都是对北美教学场景的再现,阅读文章主要来自大学课本,并尽可能少地做改动;听力对话主要围绕教学及教学服务,讲座主要是课堂场景再现;口语考查学生在学术环境下的表达能力及信息整合能力。综合写作也不例外,可以这样认为,三分钟的阅读可以当做课前预习课文,两分钟左右的讲座就是课堂上教授的分析,接下来的写作相当于北美常见的课堂论文写作过程。所以在写作中增加综合写作这一项,也是帮助非英语国家的考试适应北美的教学环境。 3托福综合写作评分方式 从2014年起,综合写作的评分发生较大的变化:e-rater加入到综合写作的评分中。在ETS托福官网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/e514567740.html,/toefl/ibt/)上明确指出:The TOEFL test uses automated scoring to complement human scoring for the two tasks in the Writing section. Combining human judgment for content and meaning, and automated scoring for linguistic features, ensures consistent, quality scores. 也就是说,和独立写作一样,综合写作同时由human rater和e-rater进行评分,两者给出来的都是0-5分的原始分,最终由设定的计算机系统换算成0-30分的scale score。人工阅卷更看重内容和结构,e-rater更注重语言。考虑到e-rater在语言标准上考查的4个大项37个点,各位考生在未来的综合写作中一定要规范自己的语言表达。

新东方托福老师亲历 117高分经验分享

新东方托福老师亲历117高分经验分享 为了帮助大家学习托福高分经验,更好地进行托福备考和方法学习,新东方在线托福网为大家带来新东方托福老师亲历117高分经验分享一文,希望对大家托福成绩提高有所帮助。 作为一个托福听力和口语老师,居然没有考到120分,实在是愧对大家 啊!(下面板砖啪啪啪砸上来)这样说实在是太拉仇恨了,实际上大家都知道临场发挥有很多难以控制的情况发生,有学生跟我说他在正式考试的时候电脑down 机2次,简直了!所以因为这些原因有几分的上下,还是应该原谅自己哒~(感觉我是在安慰自己。。。) 咳咳,首先跟大家分享一下这次考试内容和2年前进行对比发生了哪些改变。 托福阅读:自从被ACT阅读虐过之后,发现托福阅读真是easy啊!(此处又拉仇恨)说真的,托福阅读这么多的词汇题都是给大家省时间送分的,词汇难度都比较初级。我可以说如果阅读词汇题还会错,那说明单词肯定没背好,回去继续虐~阅读题中比较有难度的应该算最后一题,找文章主旨,6选3,答案上没有标ABCDEF,我看下来按顺序应该是竖着看的,要是忘记文章主旨了,就回到文本再看一下每一段段首段尾的句子,在笔记上简单记一下关键词,然后回到答

案页,先把错误的内容去掉,再把细节信息去掉,剩下的选项符合总结的关键意思即可。这次阅读每篇就用了一半的时间,3篇省下了半小时,所以我口语比别人提前了半个小时开始的(这并不是一件好事)。 托福听力:这个一定要吐槽一下,讲座比我预想的有难度,上来第一篇信息量就很大,有的点考的很细。不过大家不要方,总体还是符合我们之前的认识的,抓住文章中心,你还是可以蒙对不少的。主题还是考了艺术*1和生物*2(这两个主题逃不掉的),还有一篇是考古学。生物其中一篇讲tetrapod(四足动物)的,居然是英式发音,上来一脸懵*啊!而且如此热爱学科词汇的我也根本不知道tetrapod是个什么鬼,直到听教授解释是four-legged animal才豁然开朗, 然后就开始证明是不是真的从水里爬到陆地上来生活了,内容跟写作听力蛮像的,不断提出疑虑并给出新证据,具体内容可以上新东方真题回忆里去看 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e514567740.html,/20160317/806098.html。有几个TPO里常见的考点,板块运动(plate-tectonics), 有机物腐败decompose释放CO2,还有考古里面,凡是挖到这个地方不产的物品,就说明这个地方和其他地区有贸易往来。这些点反复出现,在老师眼中真是非常obvious啊。加试部分,要澄清一个以前的迷思(myth),我听学生听其他老师说,考过听力加试后面每次加试的内容 都是一样的,然而,我两次都是听力加试没错,但是内容是不一样滴。我之前是经典加试(so easy),这次就是新题(呵呵哒,我依稀记得加试是混在了中间考的,应该每个人考的顺序都不一样)。 托福口语:虽然考的很渣,但是这次口语题目还是很常规的,独立口语脑洞都不大,后面综合口语部分的题目都是TPO里很常见的类型,熟悉答题思路的

新东方托福口语课件7 Fighting Chinglish

Fighting Chinglish Chinglish? ?Where where. ?You have seed, give me wait, I give you some color to see see. Brothers, together up! ?Heart flower angry open ?American Chinese not enough It is much more complicated than that. Useless Nouns ?Redundant nouns – Example: – Living standards for the people in my home town have risen greatly – My teacher was lovely in nature – Through the realization of industrialization Exercises ?When I come back from America, I will make contribution to improve the building of the nation’s economy.?Democracy is a subject that has been argued for thousands of years. ?It is a palace which represents the magnificent history of the past. Exercises ?He lead the famous movement of the lettuce boycott. ?The key to the solution is to rotate the tomato plants. ?My awkward experience is a terrible one. Useless Category Nouns ?Reading is very important in the process of learning. ?Reforms in the field of education ?In the practice of market economy


新东方版:8月22日托福口语真题及答案解析 新东方版:2015年8月22日托福口语真题及答案解析 s1: what should we do to help the elder in our community? Sample I like to help the old to do the following stuff. First, give them a hand with house chores. Some of them have trouble moving around, if I assist them with housework, they would be really grateful. Take my neighbor as an example, she has been lying on bed for years, I always help her cook and sweep the floor. Second, reading to the elder is a good way to help them get rid of loneliness. Some of the old people live far away from their sons and daughters, and they feel isolated. If I read stories to them, they will feel released and happy, and they rebuild their confidence in life. s2: which do you prefer? watch a movie silently or chatting with others? Sample I prefer to watch a movie silently for the following reasons. First, I’m a movie buff. Sometimes I go to the movie theatre by myself. That way, I can enjoy the movie and relate the story to my life. If I were accompanied by someone else, I would be disturbed while watching the movie. Last time, I went to the cinema with my classmates, they actually annoyed me. They kept talking during the movie, having popcorns and even taking photos during the movie. I was ashamed of staying with them because I heard other people were judging us. I won’t watch movies with them again, and I think it’s definitely impolite to talk while others are enjoying themselves. s3: The school should list the menu in the canteen. firstly, the student could know the ingredients of the dish and make a healthier choice. secondly, the students could eat those food at home and practice cooking skill. The woman agrees with that


5月31日的题目重复的很怪异 看来ETS的确没有新题了,不过在用老题方面也算推陈出新,也玩出了花样,即以前是直接完整照搬照抄某一天的全部试题,而现在却进行section的随意组合,其中的规律只有ETS才知道,因此现在看来,什么机经预测都是不可靠的。只有提高实力了。或者既然2008年到现在所有的题目都来自于06和07的老题,同心们可以把所有的ibt试题看几遍,这或许也有帮助。但是,实力提高刻不容缓啊!。 口语第一题详解 我对于新托福的第一题做了详细的讲解,每一题包括分析题目,TST表格,参考答案和词汇锦囊。对于这些题目,建议大家对于词汇锦囊要认真对待 -------“魔幻造句法”Good Luck! 2Describe a book that you think most useful and explain why . Include reasons and examples in your response. 1) 分析题目:在此题中,题目问道:“说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。”此题需要考生事先准备好一本自己比较钟情的书。此处笔者选择一个较难发挥的书籍---ETS的新托福官方指南。 2) TST表格 T---Topic: Official Guide S---Supporting ideas useful phrses about student life n Make yourself a schedule

n Concentrate on US campus life n Make-up test n Ask for an extension T---- Transition first, Also, because 3) 参考答案 I think the Official Guide for the TOEFL ibt is the most useful book. First , because I can learn a lot of useful phrases from this book. For example, I know “make yourself a schedule” which means you try to make yourself a plan about how you manage your daily time And also “concentrate on” which means you try to focus on something . Second, I get to know something about US campus life. Because TOEFL ibt is based on students? lives in US campus, so you can know how they study , behave and think. I am sure this is helpful for me because I plan to go there and study. In a word, this is the most useful book in my opinion . 4) 词汇锦囊: üUseful phrases 有用的词组 üMake a schedule 做计划 üManage sth 管理… üConcentrate on 集中精力于…. üLearn something about 学习关于…的东西或知识 üPlan to 计划做… üIn a word 总而言之 üIn my opinion 在我看来 2“Describe the most important invention during the past 100 years and explain why. Include details and examples in your response”


最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e514567740.html,/ 新东方王笑:2013年10月27日托福口语真题回忆 Task 1 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of paying video games. Task 2 When learning to use a new product, some people prefer to read the instruction manual. Others prefer to figure out how to use the product on their own. Which do you prefer and why? Give details and examples to support your response. Task 3 学校把以前给学生的宿舍给了教职员工住,听力里学生不同意,因为宿舍的地点对于学生很便利,方便去餐厅和student center ,而且教职员工通常都有车,他们可以住在nicer houses 。 Task 4 名词是priming ,指植物被昆虫攻击越多,反应就越灵敏。距离说了毛毛虫总会吃一种植物,第一次吃叶子损坏,过两周再吃一次,这一次植物的叶子损坏变少了。 Task 5 学生住在校外,离学校太远,两个解决方案,第一个可以买车,考虑报纸上的旧车广告,缺点是太贵,看电影听音乐会的钱就没有了,还可以坐公交,但车次太少,坐早班车会早几个小时到校,他讨厌早起。 Task 6 成功人士做计划的方式分现实和具体两种,具体例如买车的时候买多少钱的,买什么类型的,现实例如每天读100页书会影响学习其他知识,最后耽搁了效果不好,如果一周100页他就能够坚持。


傅建业(TOEFL) 学士学位,为人朴实,主讲托福阅读,用最朴实最简单的语言传授最有趣最有效的知识,强调知识的实用性、概括性和针对性,力求让学员做到基础能力和考试方法并进,善于在风趣幽默中融入深刻的文化内涵,使学员既能在笑声中学习知识,又能感受到丰富的文化底蕴. 王子睿(TOEFL) 北京印刷学院包装工程系学士学位。主讲托福写作。他擅长文字创意,文学功底扎实,厚重;擅长即兴主持,主持过上百场大小型会议,晚会等等。授课风格清爽,激情,有序,幽默;性格亲近随和。 王京竹(TOEFL) 北京新东方学校国外考试部北美考试项目教师,深入研究TOEFL考试、能准确把握ETS的出题规律、熟知托福学员的口语症结、全面讲授托福口语的解题技巧和备考策略,教学效果显著,使学员的语言交流能力和应考实力得到不同程度的提高。 陈振华托福听力 毕业于苏州大学。主讲托福听力。陈老师深谙英语学习规律,对听力训练方法有深入且独到的理解,并能将这些方法运用到托福听力的实战教学当中。上课有节奏感,擅长从细微之处讲述攻克托福听力的方法,给学生由内而外的启发。 史禺托福写作 毕业于对外经济贸易大学国际经济法系,主讲TOEFL写作,他讲课幽默风趣,为人博学,善于将自己积累的知识与文学功底运用于教学当中。并著有《GRE&TOEFL核心词汇教程》一书。 刘文勇(TOEFL) 中国人民大学博士在读,主讲GRE阅读 TOEFL阅读 SAT阅读。他讲课激情,幽默,强调在英语能力提高的同时,引导学生找到属于自己的解题技巧与思考方式,并将这些方法升华且融 化在实际做题当中,已帮助上万学生实现了解题思路"从无到有,从有到无"的质的飞跃。 宁滨(托福) 教育背景:北外研究生毕业,多次应邀担任联合国各专门机构大型国际会议的同声传译工作和国家高级领导人会见的现场翻译工作,足迹遍及五大洲十多个国家。 教授课程:国外部托福 教学成绩:北京新东方学校国外部优秀教师、留学咨询专家,曾多次被评为北京新东方学校优秀教师。 教学特色:讲课生动幽默,深受广大学员喜爱。 樊甦 教育背景:外语语言文学专业;北京航空航天大学英美文学硕士,CCTV-CUP 英语演讲比赛优胜奖;曾任郑州大学教师 教授课程:北美项目托福听力 教学特色:授课风格幽默,激情,她讲授的托福听力逻辑清晰,综合全面,很受学生欢迎。性格外向,勇敢,有一颗像孩子一样的心;喜欢体育运动,热爱读书,电影。 古典 教育背景:湖南大学土木系,前工程师、平面设计和策划;中科院心理研究生。 教授课程:托福、雅思、GRE和考研词汇


2020年11月15日托福口语真题(新东方版) Task 1 Which one of the following do you think the university should reward? Volunteer service, athletic achievement or academic performance? Task 2 Which courses do you think schools should offer to students? Language courses or computer courses? Task 3 The university is planning to have a contest among dorms. They’re going to monitor the power use of dorms and the dorm that uses the least amount of electricity wins. The woman agrees with the plan. In the first reason, she thinks this can remind all students of saving power and living an eco-friendly life, like turning off the lights when leaving the room. As for the second reason, the woman points out that even if not everyone will take this contest seriously, most of people will still enjoy it, and with the award, they can go for a delicious meal. So this whole plan will work and encourage people to save energy. Task 4 In the lecture, the professor talks about the concept of restrain bias which means sometimes people overestimate their ability to resist temptation. He offers us an example of his daughter. She’s kind of a shopaholic and spends pretty much every penny of hers on buying clothes. Once she wanted to go


托福作文得分点: 1、清晰的文章脉络 三部分:1、开头(introduction)2 、主体(main body)3、结尾(conclusion) 主题脉络:论点要有论据,论据要有例子,例子要有细节。 2、自然的段落衔接 重要连词:1、首先:first and for-most, to begi n/start with, in the first place, for one thing. 2、其次:furthermore, moreover, i n additi on, what ' more. 3、最后:in the end, at last, ultimately. 3、注意语言、词汇的选用 6 大恶心词:big, importa nt, but, and, think, make. Big : might, enormous, tremendous, massive. Important : vital, essential, critical, significant. But: though, although, despite, whereas, conversely, nevertheless, in spite of, in contrast, on the contrary, regardless of. And: as well as, together with, along with. Think : As I see it, From my point of view, Where it comes to me, As far as I am concerned. Make:使得. 4、字数 综合写作:200-300. 独立写作:350-550. 5、避免语法错误 6、符合托福的行文规范:杜绝口语化的表达(禁止缩写)


生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。 --泰戈尔 2th & pm4th Feb这两次听力课的内容我放一起了 首先老师刚上场就说了一句:得听力者得天下,这足以说明听力在IBT考试中的重要性.因为总共四部分,就有三个部分涉及到听力,可见提高听力水平还是非常重要的.接着他把IBT的听力和老托福的听力做了一个比较.得出的重要结论就是新T的听力材料在内容上丰富了,描述性的语言变多,从某种程度上讲,难度反而降低,以前的短对话,只要有一个词听不懂,那么题目就很难做得对,而现在的题目更加的人性化,语速也比以前的慢了许多.所以说想提高听力成绩并不是想象中那么难. 2th 一,语音识别能力 1,关于语速问题.大家平时做听力的时候跟读和模仿.一要读熟材料,二,可以边听边看边读,三可以只听不看的读 2,个别单词熟形不熟悉音,同样可采取跟读和模仿. 3,美英之间的差异. 4,语音现象.有连度和失爆 二,语气语调 1,语气重读,单个单词重读时一般表示责备,抱怨或正话反说. 2,调子的升和降,当调子越升是大家越要揣摩对白者的心理 3,小词 三,词汇 1,口语词汇 2,不会用专业词汇当考点 3,一词多义 4,习语 am 4th 一,听力课程进度 1,pretest 2,skill训练+讲义听写9篇(补充讲义强化) 3,MINI练习8篇+听写16篇 4,视觉向导练习+听写30篇 5,OG训练+听写16篇 6,模拟练习7套 二,主要把听力题型分为:Gist, Detail, Function, Stance, Organization, Relationship. 三,听写是提高听力的唯一途径.在听写过程中要听一句写一句,这也是在锻炼语音识别能力和语言存储能力的过程,一般情况下听不懂的话就听3—5遍,一般3遍.先听写,后跟读,语音语调耳朵熟. 四,做笔记的几大特征: 1,只有自己能看的懂 2,越少完整单词越好 3,英文和中文相结合


新托福阅读讲义 杜昶旭

一. 准备知识 1.iBT托福阅读理解的形式特点 (1) 文章数量:3-5篇(和听力相对应:3篇阅读,9个听力段子或5篇阅读,6个听力段子) (2) 文章长度:650-750词/篇 (3) 题目数量:12-14个/篇(每篇有一个多选,形式为6选3,7选5或9选7) (4) 测试时间:20分钟/篇 (5) 测试分数:0-30分(由原始分42分换算到标准分30分) 2.iBT托福阅读的考察重点 (1) 主题:辨析文章的主要观点,并与局部小观点区分;辨析段落主题.(注:所有文章都有标题) (2) 细节:概括性信息的把握并判别具体信息的真伪---- TRUE? FALSE? NOT GIVEN? General statement ideas Some details (3) 词汇:辨析词汇和短语的含义,并通过上下文推断某些词汇和短语的含义:认知(一词多义);词汇推断 (4) 推断:根据上下文推断出隐藏的信息 (5) 态度:根据文章描述判断作者意图和态度:WHY目的;HOW手段. (6) 结构:判断句子和句子之间的逻辑关系,并确定段落的结构 托福阅读是以句子为核心的

3.阅读的本质: (1) 获取有效信息 (2) 消除阅读障碍 4.文章结构特点 (1) 文章主体分为结构主体和细节主体. 结构主体(支撑): 主题段(文章的前几段)和主题句(每段的前几句). 细节主体(填充) (2) 文章具体结构如下: Intro: background(细节) & topic(结构) Body: sub-topic(结构), analysis(细节) & evidence(细节) Conclusion: topic(结构) 5.快速笔记方法 (1) 快速笔记的意义: 辅助思维框架形成 索引功能 (2) 快速笔记的内容 结构主体的核心词 时间和数字:同步记录时间及相应的事件;一律记录为数字 人名\地名\专有名词:使用首字母标记 举例主体 新概念和核心概念
