



物流管理专业英语自我介绍篇【1】My name is XXX. I am a fresh graduate of logistics management major in * * * Technical Teachers College. I am optimistic, cheerful, positive, and have strong communication and language skills During the three years of University, I have improved their comprehensive quality in continuous learning and practice, has put himself into a solid professional knowledge, perfect knowledge structure, strong ability to adapt, and cooperative youth. During the period of school in * * * * years through professional training and formal state organs to examine after obtaining the qualification certificate assistant logistics specialist Chinese occupation qualifications issued by the Ministry of labor and social security. After graduation, I hope to find a suitable job. The theoretical knowledge learned in school and their latent creativity Fu in practice, the most important thing is to learn continuously in practice, exercise and grow their own, in order to achieve The value of your life

today. I am confident that the efforts of my sincere hope that your company can give me a dream of creating the stage, I will unremittingly efforts to return the companys business.

As a * * * logistics management professional college graduates, I have a young and energetic, knowledge and aggressive. The young may mean lack of experience, but also means that young enthusiasm and vitality, I am confident of their own abilities and knowledge in the work after graduation and overcome various difficulties in life, constantly the value of life and the pursuit of the goal. The intentions of the recommendation, but on their own factory processing packaging simple, the quality of their own functions and look forward to you through the use of verification, if I am not you with the goods, do not return, because you only need to put the ads are discarded, it does not need any inventory Cost.

物流管理专业英语自我介绍篇【2】good morning !

Im ****and from *** .My specailty is logistics engineering.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview,

I would like to answer whatever you may raise,and i hope i can make a good performance today,eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly.

I am ** years old,born in Guangdong province,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing xx uni.my major is ****.i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 with a easy. and i have acquired basic knowledge of *** and *** both in theory and in practice. so i will work hard,i hope you will like my introduce.

thank you!

物流管理专业英语自我介绍篇【3】Hello, my name is, I want to apply for the companys logistics management positions, my character more cheerful, optimistic, good at getting along with people; with strong sense of teamwork, able to recognize the strengths of others, learn and accept the opinions of others; have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work hard.

I am responsible for the work, can bear hardships and stand hard work; strong ability of English, fluent spoken and written English; have a strong ability to learn about new things, and can have certain innovation in learning basis. In University majored in logistics, and practice in the related service industry and sales company, so happy in this promising industry in the planning and development of their own.

If I have a chance to work in your company, I will try to do

in the process of construction, improve the efficiency of logistics operation, reduce the cost of logistics company; supplier and procurement management, establish and optimize the material procurement process; warehouse management, according to the development of the company and material characteristic of logistics, establish warehousing companies. Turnover warehouse management system, improve the efficiency in the use of company goods; transportation management, establish the cargo transportation system, cargo allocation and scheduling planning of the company; sales and marketing support, support sales and marketing, logistics cost analysis, budget and control, improve Customer satisfaction; optimization of logistics system, constantly improve the logistics system, improve logistics efficiency, reduce the occupation of funds, improve service, reduce logistics costs and enhance logistics company competitiveness; administrative departments, according to the strategy and value orientation of the development of the company, combining with the characteristics of logistics business, to carry out the construction of organization and personnel, in order to achieve the continuous appreciation of human capital.








机械类专业面试英文自我介绍 对于机械工程师来说,工作经验是非常重要的。如果没有工作经验?也可以将以前设计过的作品告诉招聘者。以下是小编为你整理的机械类专业面试英文自我介绍,希望大家喜欢。 机械类专业面试英文自我介绍篇1 1) Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering? 你为什么选择机械工程专业呢? 2) The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines. 最重要的一个因素就是我非常喜欢摆弄机械。 3) I am very interested in the field your company is in. 我对贵公司所从事的这个领域非常感兴趣。 4) How do you see your career development? 你如何看待你的事业发展呢? 5) Why do you think you are qualified for this position? 你为什么认为你适合这份工作呢? 6) Can you tell me about one of your designs? 你能介绍一项你的设计成果吗? CONVERSATIONS 会话会话会话会话?

A=Applicant I=Interviewer? Dialogue 1 I: Come in, please. A: Good afternoon, Mrs Smith. I: Good afternoon. Have a seat, please. You are Mr. Sun? A: Thank you. Yes, I am Sunling. I: I have read your resume. I know you have worked for 3 years. Why did you choose to major in mechanical engineering? A: Many factors led me to major in mechanical engineering. The most important factor is I like tinkering with machines. I: What are you primarily interested in about mechanical engineering? A: I like designing products, and one of my designs received an award. Moreover, I am familiar with CAD. But I can do any mechanic well if I am employed. I: Why did you decide to apply for this position? A: Your company has a very good reputation, and I am very interested in the field your company is in.


英文自我介绍专业范文 篇一 Good morning,my distinguished professors : It's my pleasure to be given a chance for this interview,my name is***,I come from yueyang,a cultural and tourist city, and my undergraduate period will be accompanished from Foreign Language Department of ** Normal University soon in June this year. Generally speaking,I'm an industrious student ,among the many things that I count as the essence in my life and study is a little endowment of certain aspects and a considerable proportion of perseverance. In the course of my language learning, be it my mother tongue,English or Japanese,I have been always fond of and curious about the differing accents and ways of organizing utterances when I was exposed to them,thus gradually forming a habit of mimicing any language or dialect the moment I hear it ,sometimes ,it's like a self –conversation thing. During the last 3 years ,I've sought every possible chance in my spare time to practice my language ability and promote myself in English teaching and communication.


英语专业介绍 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 英语专业介绍 培养目标:本专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和比较广泛的科学文化知识,能在外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的英语高级专门人才。 培养要求:本专业学生主要学习英语语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、外交、社会文化等方面基本理论和基本知识,受到英语听、说、读、写、译等方面的良好的技巧训练,掌握一定的科研方法,具有从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的业务水平及较好的素质和较强能力。 毕业生应获得的知识与能力: 1.解我国有关的方针、政策、法规; 2.掌握语言学、文学及相关人文和

科技方面的基础知识; 3.具有扎实的英语语言基础和较熟练的听、说、读、写、译的能力; 4.了解我国国情和英语国家的社会和文化; 5.具有第二外国语的一定的实际应用能力; 6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有初步科学研究和实际工作能力。 2011年热门大学,专业排行,志愿填报延伸阅读-------------- 一.填志愿,学校为先还是专业为先? 一本院校里有名校、一般重点大学,学校之间的层次和教育资源配置,还是有较大差异的。在一本院校中,选学校可能更重要一些。学校的品牌对学生未来就业会产生一定影响。如果你进了名校,但没能进入自己最喜爱的专业,你还可以通过辅修专业等方式,来完善学科知识结构。而且,如今大学生就业专

业对口的比例越来越小了,进入一所积淀深厚、资源丰富的学校,有助于全面提升自己的素质与能力。 二本院校中,大部分学校都有鲜明的单科特色。建议考生结合自己的特长、兴趣爱好,以专业为导向来选择学校。 二.如何看待专业“冷门”“热门”? 专业的热门与冷门,随着经济和社会形势的变化而变化。有些专业,看起来热门,许多学校都开设,招收了许多学生,导致若干年后人才过剩。有的专业,在招生时显得冷门,但毕业生就业时因为社会需求旺盛,学生成了“抢手货”,而且个人收益也不错。家长可以帮助学生,收集多方信息,对一些行业的发展前景进行预测,带着前瞻性的眼光去填当下的高考志愿。同时,学生也要从自己的特长与兴趣出发来选择专业,有兴趣才能学得更好,日后在就业竞争中脱颖而出。 高校新专业的产生有不同的“源头”。有的是在老专业基础上诞生的,专


自我介绍 你好: 本人姓名周亚庆,今年22 岁,来自北京科技大学,我的专业是通信工程,籍贯安徽池州!我平时有空的时候喜欢上网淘宝,出去散步,约朋友打篮球球,去公园烧烤,生活还是很丰富的。我兴趣比较广泛,喜欢探索未知,虽然我学的是通信但是我在网上淘来的书种类不一,有金融、有财务、企业管理、运营管理、库存管理、零售经营、还有些当下卖的比较火的书,当然这些书买来我并非都真正研究过。是用来开拓自己的视野,增加自己的阅历的。本人具有热爱祖国的优良传统,积极向上的生活态度和广泛的兴趣爱好,对工作责任心强、勤恳踏实,有较强的组织、宣传能力,有一定的艺术细胞和创意,注重团队合作精神和集体观念。 在大学期间,我始终以提高自身的综合素质为目标,以自我的全面发展为努力方向,树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观。为适应社会发展的需求,我认真学习各种专业知识,发挥自己的特长;挖掘自身的潜力,结合每年的暑期社会实践机会,从而逐步提高了自己的学习能力和分析处理问题的能力以及一定的协调组织和管理能力。“学而知不足”是我大学期间学习和工作的动力,除了必修课之外,我还坚持自学了Office、Flash、FrontPage、Photoshop等多种专业软件。学习之余,我还不忘坚持参加各种体育活动与社交活动。在思想行为方面,我作风优良、待人诚恳,能较好处理人际关际,处事冷静稳健,能合理地统筹安排生活中的事务。作为一名2012年通信工程专业的大学应届毕业生,我所拥有的是年轻和知识。年轻也许意味着欠缺经验,但是年轻也意味着热情和活力,我自信能凭自己的能力和学识在毕业以后的工作和生活中克服各种困难,不断实现自我的人生价值和追求的目标。


机械专业面试英语自我介绍 Good morning, my dear professors! It is my great honor to take this interview. Thank you very much for giving me the chance! My name is Yan li,I come from Liao ning Province , I am 23 years old. I am an undergraduate of Shandong University at Qingdao .My major is Mechanical design manufacturing and automation. The beautiful campus sceneries provide me an excellent study environment. After about three years’ hard work, I have learned most of the courses of my specialty and also do well in them. During the past 3 years in the university, as an undergraduate student, I have been working diligently at my specialty. I have built up a solid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improved my quality. I got a lot of scholarships, once I feel I fall behind others, I will find the reason as soon as possible and try my utmost to catch up with them. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. I am confident that my solid education background will lay me a foundation to fulfill my bachelor degree courses!


My name is Meng Yang, 22 years old. I come from Tongxu, a beautiful city of Henan Province. At present, I study in North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, majoring in Measurement & control technology and instruments. I am a careful and steady person with great perseverance who always takes a positive attitude towards life and study. I believe that in such a competitive world, it is necessary for our young generation to keep learning and struggling, instead of waiting and receiving passively. In my spare time, my favorite sport is running.Almost every night, I run around the teaching building twice, which not only improves my physical condition but also enable reduce my study stress and negative feeling. Measurement & control technology and instruments is the unique major of instrument science and technology in China. It is a comprehensive subject which is based on mechanics, computer science and information technology. And it shows greater and greater power in the development of national economy, national defense and everyday life. The direction of employment is intelligent instrument, the measurement technology and instruments and the computer control technology. Although I have studied my major for three years, and grasped plenty of knowledge, I still find that the knowledge I have learned is very limited, especially when I cope with some professional issues. My final goal is to be an expert in my major. Therefore, I decided to take the postgraduate


IT专业英语自我介绍_自我介绍 good morning ! now i will introduce myself briefly i am ** years old,born in ** province . i was graduated from ** university. my major is **.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of XX. i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. in july XX, i begin work for ** as a technical support engineer in guangzhou city. because i’m capable of more responsibilities, so i decided to change my job. because i want to change my working environment, i’d like to find a job which is more challenging. morover ** is a global company, so i feel i can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. that is the reason why i come here to compete for this position. i think i’m a good team player and i’m a person of great honesty to others. also i am able to work under great pressure.


考研英语自我介绍及各专业所对应英语翻译 自我介绍(self-introduce) (1 开场白)Good morning, my dear my dear professors. I feel so glad to meet all of you here.( 2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院)My name is ****, I am *** years old. I major in ***** in the in stitute of **** in china uni versity of petroleum in Qin gdao , My undergraduate period will be accomplished in July this year; and now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to your university. (3 .性格,爱好,实践经验)Generally speaking , I am a hard work ing stude nt. I had an outsta nding performa nee duri ng my college life, and had won the scholarship for two times. When I decided to take part in The first National Petroleum Engin eeri ng Desig n Competiti on orga ni zed by your uni versity, our group overcame several difficulties, we searched for information on the internet or in the library, used special software s such as petrel and Eclipse to create model and make an alysis, we tried our best and had learned a lot in the process, and our hard work paid off , we won the Excellence Award . What ' s more, i am a person with great perseverance. I will try my best to finish a thing no matter how difficult it is. i once used C program ming Ian guage to write a applicati on programs about “ how to query personal information quickly ” in a competition .when i was sophomore(['s ?f?m ?:]), i found public elective course ****very in teresti ng, so i persisted in study ing it throughout the sec ond semester while most of my schoolmates chose to give up. My**** n ame **** ,which mea ns ****t, was give n by my teacher. I n my spare time, I like readi ng books, especially history books, I also like play ing tennis and ping pan g, I also like En glish


机械工程师英语自我介绍 自我介绍在机械工程师面试中是必然要过的一关,自我介绍得好不好也直接影响到面试的效果,下面WTT小雅为你整理了机械工程师英语自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 机械工程师英语自我介绍篇【1】 Good morning. It's a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is xx, and I am a candidate for the position of Mechanical Engineer I graduated from xx university, majored in Category:Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their Automatio Familiar with optimization of large mechanical system and key parts with equal-strength principle mechanical system of V60, V90 and V80,and optimization of slewing bearings, main bearings HAZOP and technique to analyze safety issues in design and operation process Six Sigma and process to develop new project and upgrade quality to meet and exceed customer needs


会计专业英文自我介绍的范文 在经济日益发展的现代社会,各行各业可以说是五花八门,大量新兴的行 业和岗位冲击着人们的眼球,那么你知道会计专业的面试要如何进行英语的自我介绍呢?接下来我带你了解一下会计专业英文自我介绍的范文。 会计专业英文自我介绍的范文篇【1】 My name is xxx, masters graduate. Worked for three years before the marketing and management, two-year teacher; I always believe that "gold, no matter where will sparkle." In the three years of marketing, I market planning and development, marketing, administration, personnel training and so forth have been a profound exercise, accumulated a lot of valuable experience in a lifetime. I always believe that "gold, no matter where will sparkle." I could on its own intelligence and hard work in the field of non-professional to obtain gratifying results, in their own areas of expertise naturally not far behind, "perfect" the goal of my life chasing. Six months and two years of teaching assistant experience in training me confident calm, graceful temperament; as undergraduate research design experiment of the counselors, participation in aquatic Key Laboratory of pilot projects, such as tutoring not only the exercise of my independent research and development capabilities, and further reinforces my knowledge, experimental skills. As always uphold the "Learning" criteria, so I pay attention to social development and security grip pulse, based on reality, and strive to cultivate themselves into the market economic system needs both education and scientific research, market development and management generalists. 会计专业英文自我介绍的范文篇【2】 I am an accountant professional graduates, four years of professional learning makes me a solid grasp of the professional knowledge,


考研英语自我介绍及各专业所对应英语翻译自我介绍(self-introduce) (1开场白)Good morning, my dear my dear professors. I feel so glad to meet all of you here.( 2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院) My name is ****, I am *** years old. I major in***** in the institute of****in china university of petroleum in Qingdao , My undergraduate period will be accomplished in July this year; and now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to your university. (3.性格,爱好,实践经验)Generally speaking , I am a hard working student. I had an outstanding performance during my college life, and had won the scholarship for two times. When I decided to take part in The first National Petroleum Engineering Design Competition organized by your university, our group overcame several difficulties, we searched for information on the internet or in the library, used special software s such as petrel and Eclipse to create model and make analysis, we tried our best and had learned a lot in the process, and our hard work paid off , we won the Excellence Award . What’s more, i am a person with great perseverance. I will try my best to finish a thing no matter how difficult it is. i once used C programming language to write a application programs about “how to query personal information quickly ” in a competition .when i was sophomore(['s?f?m?:]), i found public elective course ****very interesting, so i persisted in studying it throughout the second semester while most of my schoolmates chose to give up. My**** name **** ,which means ****t, was given by my teacher. In my spare time, I like reading books, especially history books, I also like playing tennis and ping pang, I also like English very much, I am fond of watching English films, I do believe learning a foreigner language is a way to communicate with aliens, and maybe a tool to change one’s life. There is still a


机械类英文自我介绍 自我介绍是向别人展示自己的重要途径,是与他人进行沟通、增进了解、建立联系的一种最基本、最常见的方式,下面是小编为大家整理的机械类英文自我介绍,仅供参考。 机械类英文自我介绍篇一:Good morning. Its a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is xx, and I am a candidate for the position of Mechanical EngineerI graduated from xx university, majored in Category:Machine Design hard work, I have learned most of the courses of my specialty and also do well in them.During the past 3 years in the university, as an undergraduate student, I have been working diligently at my specialty. I have built up a solid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improved my quality. I got a lot of scholarships, once I feel I fall behind others, I will find the reason as soon as possible and try my utmost to catch up with them. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. I am confident that my solid education background will lay me a foundation to fulfill my bachelor degree courses! In my spare time, I like to read books, listen to Pop music,


Good morning,my dear judges .it`s my great hornor to stand here to introduce myself to you . My name is xx .I am xx years old ,born in xx Province.With firm determination and diligence,i got a xx GPA and was in the top percentage of my class. My major is xx .i am eager to transfer into the major of xx,not only because i’m interested in it ,but also it conforms with my Life Plan .I want to xxx.what’s more, promising future of this new major also attracts me.in my spare time ,i prefer to do voluntary work and attend other activities.,which cultivate my ability of good communication and cooperation. at last ,once i am admitted, i will try my best to join the new group and spare no effort to study professional knowledge.that’s all. thanks for your attention.1)对本专业的发展前景、就业前景看好。 2)更符合自己的人生规划,实现人生价值。 3)对本专业的基础课有扎实的基础,如数学是最喜爱的科目,英语基础扎实并在快班学习,对计算机编程悟性好等。 4)对专业课有浓厚的兴趣,自己的擅长与专业要求相一致等。如善于制图,擅长空间想象等。


通信工程专业英文的自我介绍 通信工程专业英文的自我介绍 请大家一起来分享这一篇关于通信工程专业的英文自我介绍范文: Good moring,Ladies and Gentlemen! It is great honour for me to take this interview,thank you for giving me this chance! My name is xx, i am an undergraduate of xidian university,major in telecommunication engineering.as the cradle of china’s telecommunication talents,xidian universtiy’s long history,good research atmosphere and the long term cooperation with xx institue, provide me an excellent stduy environment. after abo ut four years’ hard work, i have learnd all the courses of telecommunication engineering and have good command of the

basis of telecommunication technology. I am confident that my solid education background will lay me a sound foundation to fulfill my master degree courses! in addition to my solid education background,i have good communicate skill and strong team spirit.i strongly believe this will be a great help for me to fullfil my master degree courses.futher more,i am healthy and tough.besides study i enjoy playing basketball much!Sports give me a healthy body and tough mind. That’s all, thank you very much!


关于英语专业英语自我介绍合集8篇 英语专业英语自我介绍篇1 Hello,every one!I am a girl.I am eighteen years old.I have many hobbies.I’m very enjoy every nice things.I think they are very wonderful! I am very glad to take part in this compitation. Long ago,I am a shy girl, but in three years in the school,I began to become happy and more comfident.Now,I will act a program. I hope you will like it.Thank you. 英语专业英语自我介绍篇2 各位领导,大家好。我叫朱,来自湖南常德,是一名湖南xxxxx外国语学院的应届毕业生,我的专业是商务英语。我喜欢打羽毛球,喜欢听音乐,是个活泼开朗,热情大方的女孩子。喜欢交朋友,也总会给别人带来欢笑。 我是一个来自农村的普通女孩,从小被农村淳朴的感情渲染。我有一个幸福的家庭,和爸爸妈妈,妹妹一起生活。从小我亲眼目睹了爸爸妈妈为了这个家所付出的辛苦,劳累与奔波,一点一滴都深深的刻在我的心中。 在大学三年,不仅只是能力还是个人修养上,我都受益匪浅。在老师的教导和个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,并系统的掌握了各方面的理论知识,几倍了听说读写译的能力。在大学第一期,我顺利的通过了大学英

语三级的考试,并在第二年就具备了大学英语四级的水平。并且,我能够熟练的进行计算机Word, Excel, Photoshop 的软件操作,在大学第三年掌握了外贸单证制单与跟单的操作。大学期间,我担任学生会女生部部长一职,工作上细心,负责市我任职期间遵守的原则。我带领部门的其她成员,把女生部的工作管理的井井有条,并得到了学校领导和老师的一职肯定。在期末总结大会上,我并作为学生会所有成员代表进行了发言。暑假期间,我曾参加过学校的留校实践,不仅仅是希望问母校做一些力所能及的贡献,更期望能一次来巩固自己的专业知识和应变能力。我热爱参加学校组织的各种活动,比如:文艺汇演,英语角还有班会主持,我都积极参加,并取得了不错的效果。 尽管我只是一名应届毕业生,但我有应届毕业生上刻苦,热情的精神,希望贵公司能给我这次机会,能为贵公司添砖加瓦。 英语专业英语自我介绍篇3 大家好,很高兴借此机会来介绍我自己。我叫…...,英文名叫……,来自美丽的广西桂林,现就读于南宁职业技术学院,主修会计。我在业余生活喜欢读书、写字、听音乐、交朋友。我是一个自信的人,执着而有耐心是我最大的特点。英语是我的最爱,对我很重要,我希望将来能成为一位英语老师,和许许多多的学生分享我的经历。谢谢!


商务英语专业介绍 发布时间:2009-4-16 商务英语专业(应用英语方向) 培养目标:培养具有良好职业道德,掌握一定经贸理论知识、熟悉国际商务操作规程,具有较扎实的英语听、说、读、写、译能力,较好的英语沟通和现代化办公设备应用能力,工作的高等技术应用型英语人才。 主要课程:商务英语,综合英语,商务英语会话,商务函电、英汉翻译、英语视听说,国际贸易实务,商务单证,国际市场营销,英语口语实践,英语听力实践,办公自动化等。 职业资格证书与就业岗位:学生可获取CET-4证书、商务英语等级证、普通话等级证、外贸业务员证、跟单员证、驾驶员证等资格证书。毕业后能在外贸、文化教育、旅游(酒店)等行业从事翻译、外贸实务、教学和涉外文秘等工作。 商务英语专业(国际贸易实务方向) 培养目标:培养掌握国际贸易的基本理论和基本知识,熟悉国际贸易实务操作技能,具有用英语熟练进行国际经济交流活动包括商务谈判、市场行情调研、进出口业务的实际操作和服务贸易等各项工作的能力,能熟练使用现代办公设备,在不同涉外经济单位从事进出口业务工作的高等技术应用型人才。 主干课程:国际贸易概论、国际贸易实务、国际商法、国际金融、国际结算、国际货物运输与保险、国际商务函电、商务谈判、公共关系、市场营销、电子商务、大学英语、外贸函电。 职业资格证书与就业岗位:学生毕业时可获取CET-4证书、普通话等级证、外贸业务员证、报检员证、外销员证、跟单员证等资格证书。 商务英语专业(国际贸易实务方向)教学计划 发布时间:2009-4-16 一、培养目标 培养德、智、体、美全面发展,热爱祖国,具有良好的职业道德,具备扎实的国际经济和国际贸易理论基础,掌握国际经济与国际贸易的基本知识与基本技能,熟练掌握商务英语的听、说、写、译能力,熟悉通行的国际贸易规则和惯例,具有较强的外贸业务实践能力、独立分析解决实际问题能力和开拓创新驾驭市场能力的高技能应用性商务人才。 二、人才培养模式 采取“2.5+0.5”的人才培养模式,以培养具备“一德、二基、三能、四证”合格的国际贸易高级应用型人才为目标,以应用知识技能教育为主线,以实践能力培养为中心,以基本理论知识传授为基础,通过“四模块”(课程认识实习模块、校内实习基地模块、校外实习基地模块、“走出去,请进来”协作模块)实践教学模式,实现“教学、考证、‘零距离’上岗”三者的完美结合。加强综合教育,把学生的一般知识、素质和能力的教育与专业技能的教育有机的结合起来,建立综合教育体系,通过增加第二课堂内容,促使受教育者的知识、能力和素质结构优化、全面协调发展。 三、人才培养规格要求 (一)职业(岗位)能力要求 1.具备良好的思想品德、身心素质和一定的人文素养,具有创新能力和学习能力; 2.具有较扎实的英语听、说、读、写、译能力,并能以英语作为工作语言进行商务活动; 3.能根据国家的有关经济工作的方针、政策、法令、规章正确处理经营活动中政策性问题; 4.具有单独处理外贸业务各环节各部门的决策与分析、沟通与协调能力; 5.具有签订和履行外贸合同、制作外贸单证和审单以及进出口商品报关的能力; 6.具备使用办公自动化软件能力,能处理办公室日常事务。 (二)职业(岗位)知识要求 1.本专业培养目标中所规定的文化基础知识; 2. 系统、实用的英语语言基础知识:语音语调正确,语法概念清楚,语言基础知识扎实,能用英文书写商务函电及其它应用文; 3. 国际贸易理论及进出口贸易实务,较为系统的市场营销、经营管理、市场经济法规、海关法规、报关实务等相关的商务知识;
