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选修七Unit2 句子翻译


1.尽管失败,他却不渴望(得到)别人的同情。(despite, desire作名词,sympathy)

2.这个孩子将来一定会成为著名的作家,由于他对文学的渴望。(bound, due, desire)

3.与前妻离婚后,他的心情总是糟透了。(divorce用分词作状语,awful, mood)

4.只要你遵守交通规则,我可以陪你去医院。(as long as, obey, accompany)

5.Alice转过身来,发现那个惊恐的男人正在给警察打电话。(turn, alarm, ring)

6.虽然她比我小五岁,但她总是充满着信心,渴求进步。(though, junior, full, desire)

7.实际上,我很同情他,因为他每天不得不处理成堆的文件。(sympathy, deal, pile)

8.别管(惹)她。她正因为没找到兼职工作而闷闷不乐呢。(leave...alone, upset, part-time)

9.他把不重要的事情暂时放在一边,以确保他能提前完成任务。(set, make sure, advance)

10.她看上去是如此的优雅(淑女),以至于很多同事非常羡慕她。(so倒装句,elegant, envy)


选修七Unit2 句子翻译


1.尽管失败,他却不渴望(得到)别人的同情。(despite, desire作名词,sympathy)

2.这个孩子将来一定会成为著名的作家,由于他对文学的渴望。(bound, due, desire)

3.与前妻离婚后,他的心情总是糟透了。(divorce用分词作状语,awful, mood)

4.只要你遵守交通规则,我可以陪你去医院。(as long as, obey, accompany)

5.Alice转过身来,发现那个惊恐的男人正在给警察打电话。(turn, alarm, ring)

6.虽然她比我小五岁,但她总是充满着信心,渴求进步。(though, junior, full, desire)

7.实际上,我很同情他,因为他每天不得不处理成堆的文件。(sympathy, deal, pile)

8.别管(惹)她。她正因为没找到兼职工作而闷闷不乐呢。(leave...alone, upset, part-time)

9.他把不重要的事情暂时放在一边,以确保他能提前完成任务。(set, make sure, advance)

10.她看上去是如此的优雅(淑女),以至于很多同事非常羡慕她。(so倒装句,elegant, envy)

选修7 Unit2 句子翻译答案

1.Despite his failure, he had no desire for others’sympathy.

2.The child is bound to become a famous writer due to his desire for literature.

3.Having divorced his former wife, he always had an awful mood.

4.As long as you obey the traffic rules, I can accompany you to the hospital.

5.Alice turned around and found the alarmed man ringing up the police.

6.Though she is 5 years junior to me, she is always full of confidence and has a strong desire for

progess // desires progress.

7.In reality, I feel sympathy for him, because he has to deal with piles of documents every day.

8.Leave her alone. She is upset for not having found a part-time job.//for he hasn’t found...

9.He set aside the unimportant things temporarily to make sure that he could finish the task in


10.So elegant a lady is she that many companions envy her very much.
