

问题 1 2 分保存

to a higher degree of maturity in 1952 when

Ralph Ellison’s appeared in print, which tells an archetypal

his identity.

问题2 2 分保存

In writing Absalom, Absalom!, Williams Faulkner was inspired by many things. But one of his inspirations was the story of King David and his son Absalom in the ______.

A. American history

B. Greek mythology

C. the Bible

D. Roman mythology

问题 3 2 分保存

T. S. Eliot was a __________.

A. critic, poet and novelist

B. poet, novelist and politician

C. novelist, essayist and poet

D. playwright, critic and poet

问题4 2 分保存

The term “the lost generation” stems from a remark made

___ to Ernest Hemingway, “Y ou are all a lost generation.”

问题 5 2 分保存

Which of the following American writers has NOT been a Nobel Prize winner?

A. F. Scott Fitzgerald

B. John Steinbeck

C. William Faulkner

D. Ernest Hemingway

问题 6 2 分保存

Which of the following statements concerning Ernest Hemingway is NOT true? A. Hemingway identified the rapid change in women’s status after WWI and the general blurring of sex roles that accompanied the new sexual freedom

B. His work is preoccupied with the cultural and psychological meanings of femininity

C. As Hemingway aged, his interest in exclusively masculine forms of self-assertion and self-definition became more pronounced

D. War, hunting, human dignity and triumph have been recurring motifs in Hemingway’s works.

问题7 2 分保存

Which of the following statements concerning the role of the sea in Hemingway’s novella The Old Man and the Sea is NOT correct?

A. His strength, resolve and pride are measured in terms of how far out into the gulf he sails.

B. The sea symbolizes the benevolent side of nature.

C. Through the protagonist's interactions with the sea, his character emerges.

D. The sea provides glimpses of the depth of the protagonist’s knowledge.

问题8 2 分保存

Which of the following was not written by Robert Frost?

A. The Road Not Taken

B. Mending Wall

C. A Pact

D. Fire and Ice

问题9 2 分保存

is a feminist African American writer. She is best known for

in 1982, a novel which has won both the American

问题10 2 分保存

In 1927 T. S. Eliot became a citizen and converted from the Unitarian Church to the Church of England.

问题11 2 分保存

Of the following American writers, who has NOT been an expatriate in Paris?

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. F. S. Fitzgerald

C. Sherwood Anderson

D. Emily Dickinson

问题12 2 分保存

Which of the following poets is a Nobel Prize winner?

A. T. S. Eliot

B. Wallace Stevens

C. Ezra Pound

D. Robert Frost

问题13 2 分保存

Strong affinity to the Chinese and oriental literature can be found in the works of ______.

A. Henry James

B. Ezra Pound

C. Mark Twain

D. Arthur Miller

问题14 2 分保存

Who has made the statement that all modern American literature comes from a single book called The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn?

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. William Faulkner

C. F. Scott Fitzgerald

D. T.S. Eliot

问题15 2 分保存

_________ championed the imagist movement from 1912 to 1914, setting down the imagist principles. Then Amy Lowell led the movement into the period of “Amygism,” as Pound called it, from 1914 to 1917.

A. Ezra Pound

B. T. S. Eliot

C. H.


D. Carl Sandburg

问题16 2 分保存

Toni Morrison is best known for her fifth is based on the


问题17 2 分保存

Among the following writers, who is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age?

A. William Faulkner

B. Eugene O’Neill

C. Henry James

D. F. Scott Fitzgerald

问题18 2 分保存

The imagist poets followed three principles; they are ________, direct treatment and economy of expression.

A. blank verse

B. musical rhythm

C. the sequence of metronome

D. everyday speech

问题19 2 分保存

“There was music from my neighbor’s house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars…” This qu otation is taken from ______.

A. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

B. Daisy Miller by Henry James

C. Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

D. Moby Dick by Herman Melville

问题20 2 分保存

Pioneer of modern American poetry, _________ did not only produce great poetry himself but also helped his contemporary poets including T. S. Eliot, H. D., and Robert Frost with their literary careers.

A. William Carlos Williams

B. Ezra Pound

C. Edgar Allan Poe

D. Robert Lowell

问题21 2 分保存

The author of Desire under the Elms (1924) is______

A. Lorraine Hansberry

B. Theodore Dreiser

C. Eugene O’Neill

D. Tennessee William

问题22 2 分保存

问题23 2 分

Toni Morrison’s first novel ______ came out in 1970. It deals with a young black girl who wishes to have a pair of big and beautiful eyes but is raped by her own father and is finally driven to insanity.

A. Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination

B. Paradise

C. Tar Baby

D. The Bluest Eye

问题24 2 分保存

In which of the works of Hemingway does the character Santiago occur?

A. The Sun Also Rises

B. The Old Man and the Sea

C. For whom the Bell Tolls

D. In Our Time

问题25 2 分保存

Which of the following statements concerning Eugene O’Neill is N OT correct?

A. He found inspiration and confirmation for his approach in writing centering on family relationship in classical Greek drama.

B. He was influenced by the ideas of Freud

C. He is interested in the world of the mind, of intense inner emo tions, memories and fears

D. The unity of his work lies in its controlling intellectual idea.

问题26 2 分保存

Who was the first American author that won the Nobel Prize in 1930?

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. John Steinbeck

C. Sinclair Lewis

D. Toni Morrison

问题27 2 分保存

The fictional place that bears marked similarities to the town where _______had been raised was called by himself his “little postage stamp of native soil”.

A. John Barth

B. Mark Twain

C. William Faulkner

D. William Styron

问题28 2 分保存

Which of the following poets is NOT member of the Black Mountain poets?

A. Robert Duncan

B. Robert Creeley

C. Theodore Roethke

D. Charles Olson

问题29 2 分保存

O’Neill’s inventiveness seemingly knew no li mits. He was constantly experimenting when new styles and forms for his plays, especially during the twenties when _____was in full swing.

A. romanticism

B. realism

C. symbolism

D. expressionism

问题30 2 分保存

______was the foremost American southern writer of the 20th century with nineteen novels, four collections of about seventy short stories, and two volumes of poetry under his name.

A. Katherine Ann Porter

B. Flannery O’Connor

C. William Faulkner

D. Eudora Welty

问题31 2 分保存

Which of the following is Hemingway’s Spanish Civil War novel?

A. The Old Man and the Sea

B. The Sun Also Rises

C. For Whom the Bell Tolls

D. A Farewell to Arms


_America’s first dramatist of world renown. His long and

问题33 2 分保存

Imagism is a poetic movement of England and The United States, which flourished from________ to 1917.

问题34 2 分保存

Eugene O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape explores the problem of ____in the early twentieth century.

A. the loss of human identity

B. human disillusionment

C. the corruption of human desire

D. human responsibility

问题35 2 分保存

“He got me, aw right. I’m trou. Even him didn’t tink I belonged.” In these sentences taken from The Hairy Ape, the words “he” and “him” both refer to _____

A. A person unnamed

B. The ape in the zoo

C. Y ank

D. God

问题36 2 分保存

The founder of the American drama is _____

A. Eugene O’Neill

B. Clifford Odets

C. Arthur Miller

D. Tennessee William

问题37 2 分保存

The author of Flowering Judas is ______.

A. Willa Cather

B. Susan Glaspell

C. Katherine Anne Porter

D. Edith Wharton

问题38 2 分保存

Which of the following statements is NOT true in describing American naturalists?

A. they were deeply influenced by Darwinism.

B. they chose their subjects from lower ranks of society.

C. they used more serious and sympathetic tone in writing than realists.

D. they were identified with French novelist and theorist Emile Zola.

问题39 2 分保存

Of all Faulkner’s novels, The Sound and the Fury, _______and Go Down, Moses are masterpieces by any literary standards.

A. Absalom, Absalom!

B. The Old Man and the Sea

C. The Great Gatsby

D. The Wrath of the Grapes

问题40 2 分保存

William Faulkner, a preeminent figure in 20th-century American literature, is known for his novels about the conflict between the old, pre-Civil War South and ______.

A. the country as a whole

B. the new South

C. the industrial North

D. the post-Civil War North

问题41 2 分保存

F. Scott Fitzgerald is NOT the author of _____.

A. In Our Time

B. This Side of Paradise

C. Tender is the Night

D. The Beautiful and Damned

问题42 2 分保存

Generally considered the leader of the imagist movement,

stressing clarity, precision, and economy of language, and foregoing traditional rhyme and meter.

问题43 2 分保存

Of all the plays that O’Neill wrote, most of with

问题44 2 分保存

and most influential poem is _

the story line, through a poem or a speech.

问题46 2 分保存

Which of the following statements concerning O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night is NOT true?

A. The author focuses on the person, rather than the family in the play as the fundamental human unit.

B. The play is designed as a series of encounters-each character is placed with one, two or three of the others, until every combination is worked through.

C. The Tyrone is followed through one day. Thus it is a literal day in the lives of the Tyrones.

D. It is also the Tyrones’ journey through life toward death that readers witness.

问题47 2 分保存

The Hamlet, The Town and __by William Faulkner compose 保存

Ⅰand graphically illustrate the spiritual poverty of the West of that time.

问题49 2 分保存

The Sound and the Fury has four sections with different narrators. The daughter of the Compson family named Caddy who loving among the Compson children, appears in all the narratives.

问题50 2 分保存

Faulkner once said that The Sound and the Fury is the tragedy of two women. He was referring to _____

a. Dilsey and her daughter

b. Caddy and Dilsey

c. Caroline Compson and her daughter

d. Caddy and her daughter


《现当代文学》练习题答案1 一、填空题: 1、中国文学史上第一本白话诗集是(《尝试集》), 作者是(胡适)。 2、中国文学史上的第一首白话文诗歌是(《蝴蝶》),原题叫(《朋友》)。 3、发表了中国现代最早的话剧的剧本是(《终身大事》) 4、郭沫若,原名(郭开贞),号(尚武),别号(鼎堂),曾用笔名(沫若)、(麦克昂)等,四川(乐山)人。 5、郭沫若的诗集主要有:《女神》、《星空》、《新华颂》、《瓶》、《恢复》等。 6、闻一多所倡导的三美理论(主张)分别是:音乐美;绘画美;建筑美。 7、中国第一位女性建筑学家是(林徽因) 8、朦胧诗特点是(追求意象的象征性和意蕴的不确定性)。 9、新诗三杰是(北岛)、(顾城)、(舒婷)。 10、后朦胧诗的特点有(崇尚非崇高、非优美的美学原则,采用冷抒情、反讽的表现手法,表现出反文化的意识)。 11、北大诗歌三剑客是指(海子)、(骆一禾)、(西川)。 12、艾青原名(蒋海澄),现当代诗人。浙江(金华)人。 二简答题: 1、请同学们找出这两首诗歌所蕴含的核心意象,并说明其象征

意义。 答:第一首诗歌诗人借蝴蝶这个意向象征文化先行者孤单、可怜不无自况之意。第二首诗里的鸽子象征新文化运动同道们自豪和得意。 2、诗歌常用的赏析方法有哪几种? 答:知人论世、言外求意、比较鉴别、品尝韵味。 3、试分析“天狗”这个形象。 答:积极、进取、是一个向黑暗社会发起挑战的坚强斗士的硕大想象。 4、简述《天狗》这首诗歌的艺术特色。 答:想象新奇,气势磅礴,旋律激越,声调高亢,语言峻峭等特点。 5、简述徐志摩的诗歌创作思想 (1)对爱、美与自由的追求。 (2)同情下层人民,表达对社会的不满。 (3)感叹人世沧桑,咏叹光阴易逝、企求超脱尘世。 (4)情绪低沉,政治倾向偏激,内容不太健康。 6、简述徐志摩诗歌的艺术特色。 (1)意象优美 (2)韵律和谐 (3)形式多样。 7、简述诗歌《别丢掉》的艺术特色。


仅作参考,最主要还是要自己消化,整理 Chapter 1 Colonial Period 1. Puritanism: American puritans accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God. 2. Influence (1) A group of good qualities – hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety (serious and thoughtful) influenced American literature. (2) It led to the everlasting myth. All literature is based on a myth – garden of Eden. (3) Symbolism: the American puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chi efly instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American. (4) With regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple and direct; the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible. II. Overview of the literature 1. types of writing diaries, histories, journals, letters, travel books, autobiographies/biographies, sermons 2. writers of colonial period (1) Anne Bradstreet (2) Edward Taylor III. Benjamin Franklin 1. life 2. works (1) Poor Richard’s Almanac (2) Autobiography 3. contribution (1) He helped found the Pennsylvania Hospital and the American Philosophical Society. (2) He was called “the new Prometheus who had stolen fire (electricity in this case) from heaven”. (3) Everything seems to meet in this one man –“Jack of all trades”. Herman Melville thus described him “master of each and mastered by none”. Chapter 2 American Romanticism Section 1 Early Romantic Period I. American Romanticism 1. Background (1) Political background and economic development (2) Romantic movement in European countries Derivative – foreign influence 2. features (1) American romanticism was in essence the expression of “a real new experience and contained “an alien quality” for the simple reason that “the spirit of the place” was radically new and alien. (2) There is American Puritanism as a cultural heritage to consider. American romantic authors tended more to moralize. Many American romantic writings intended to edify more than they entertained. (3) The “newness” of Americans as a nation is in connection with Am erican Romanticism. (4) As a logical result of the foreign and native factors at work, American romanticism was both imitative and independent. II. Washington Irving: Father of American Literature 1. several names attached to Irving (1) first American writer (2) the messenger sent from the new world to the old world (3) father of American literature 2. life 3. works (1) A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty (2) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (He won a measure of international recognition with the publication of this.) (3) The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (4) A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada (5) The Alhambra 4. Literary career: two parts (1) 1809~1832


现当代文学 单项选择题(在备选答案中选出一个正确答案) 1.《我的马克思主义观》的作者是()。 A.李大钊B.钱玄同C.刘半农D.鲁迅 2.撰写《评新文化运动》攻击新文化运动的是()。 A.林纾B.梅光迪C.吴宓D.章士钊 3.影射小说《荆生》和《妖梦》的作者是()。 A.林纾B.梅光迪C.吴宓D.胡先骕 4.鲁迅继《狂人日记》后发表的第二篇白话小说是()。 A.《药》B.《孔乙己》C.《呐喊》D.《彷徨》 5.中篇小说《海滨故人》是谁在本时期的代表作()? A.冰心B.王统照C.庐隐D.许地山 6.中国现代文学史上第一部长篇小说是()。 A.《狂人日记》B.《冲积期化石》C.《沉沦》D.《漂流三部曲》7.《相隔一层纸》是()的诗歌处女作。 A.胡适B.沈尹默C.冯至D.刘半农 8.冰心的第一部小诗集是()。 A.《春水》B.《湖畔》C.《繁星》D.《女神》 9.被鲁迅誉为“中国最杰出的抒情诗人”的作家是()。 A.胡适B.汪静之C.冯至D.郭沫若 10.“五四”运动前后,以什么杂志为中心,形成了一个撰写杂感随笔的作者群()? A.《新青年》B.《每周评论》C.《语丝》D.《时事新报·学灯》11.《荷塘月色》的作者是()。 A.冰心B.朱自清C.鲁迅D.叶圣陶 12.谁在《还乡记》、《还乡后记》和《日记九种》中诉说了个人的遭遇和不幸()? A.郁达夫B.闻一多D.徐志摩C.郭沫若 13.《新青年》在1919年发表了谁借鉴易卜生的《玩偶之家》创作的独幕话剧《终身大事》。()? A.洪深B.郭沫若C.胡适D.丁西林 14.提倡“爱美剧”的新文学社团是()。 A.文学研究会B.创造社C.民众戏剧社D.戏剧协社 15.在《阿Q正传》第五章“生计问题”中,鲁迅描写了一场阿Q与谁的“龙虎斗”()? A.假洋鬼子B.小DC.赵秀才D.王胡 16.《伤逝》中涓生和子君费尽周折寻到的处所是在()。 A.吉祥胡同B.吉兆胡同C.吉利胡同D.兆吉胡同


Captain John Smith (first American writer). Anne Bradstreet;The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America (colonists living) Edward Taylor(the best puritan poet) John Cotton ”the Patriarch of New England” teacher spiritual leader Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography Poor Richard’s Almanack Thomas Jefferson: Political Career Thoughts The Declaration of Independence we hold truth to be self-evidence Philip Freneau“Father of American Poetry” The Wild Honey Suckle American Romanticism optimism and hope Nationalism Washington Irving“Father of American Literature short story”The first “Pure Writer” A History of New York The Sketch Book marked the beginning of American Romanticism! “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”Rip Van Winkle James Fenimore Cooper Father of American sea and frontier novels Leather stocking Tales The Last of the Mohicans The Pioneers The Prairie The Pathfinder The Deerslayer Edgar Allan Poe father of detective story and horror fiction Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque “MS. Found in a Bottle” “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” “The Fall of the House of Usher”“The Masque of the Red Death”“The


Washington Irving Bracebridge Hall 布雷斯布里奇田庄 (1822) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tales of a Traveller 旅客谈 (1824) Christopher Columbus (1828) c. writing characteristics (1) humorous: the function of his writing is to amuse, to entertain instead of teaching or instruction (2) vivid and true character portrayal (3) finished (refined) and musical language, thus regarded as “the Amn. Goldsmith ” d. analysis on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(选自the sketch book 见闻札记 ) 1. the story:setting,character, plot 2. theme:conflicts and praise conflict betw. Ichabod and Brom conflict betw. the village and the outside world James Fenimore Cooper The Spy (1821): a historical novel The Pilot (1824): a sea novel Leatherstocking Tales 皮裹腿故事集(1823-1841): frontier novels The Last Mohicans (1826) (Colonial War betw. Britain and France) e. writing features: strong points: we can see a variety of incidents and tensions, complicated plot and structure and a beautiful description of nature. Weak points: characterization is weak. There is unsatisfactory description of characters (esp. female). He is not free from syntactical awkwardness, heavy-handed attempt at humor. “Where Irving excels Cooper is weak.” Dialect is not authentic. Edgar Allan Poe The Fall of the House Usher Feature: i. brevity (15 pages) ii. Single effect iii. originality in theme To Helen It was inspired by the beauty of the mother of a schoolmate of Poe in Richmond, Virginia. The poem is famous for a number of things: 1. its rhyme scheme: ababb 2. its varied line lengths 3. its metaphor of a travel on the sea 4. its oft-quoted lines: "To the glory that was Greece,/And the grandeur that was Rome." theme: praise the ideal love and beauty and ancient Greek and Roman civilizations The Raven 乌鸦 theme: the lament over the death of a beautiful woman tone: melancholy Transcendentalism (essayists, poets, novelists) Their journal is “The Dial ” . Definition: Transcendentalism is idealism. (Emerson) b. features (1) stress on Oversoul, that is spirit. (2) stress the importance of individual. (3) fresh conception of nature. c. significance (1) inspired a whole generation of writers such as Whitman, Melville and Dickinson. (2) dresses man ’s subjective initiative as opposed to materialism. (3) liberated people from Calvin ’s original sin d. limitation (1) shallow: cut off from real life or reality; initiated by the rich, they were limited in a certain circle. So, in some degree, they have been cut off from social life and can ’t understand the sufferings of the common people. (2) inward contradiction: gain knowledge by intuition, shows its idealistic aspect. R.W. Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Nature (1836): the Bible of New England transcendentalism The American Scholar (1837): "America's Declaration of Intellectual The Divinity School Address 神学院致辞 (1838) Essays (1841/1847) Representative Men (1850) English Traits (1856)

美国文学史习题 (1)

I. Multiple choice. Please choose the best answer among the four items. (10 x 1’= 10’) 1. In American literature, the 18th century was the age of Enlightenment. ____ was the dominant. 2. The short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is taken from Irving’s work named ____. 3. Which of the following is not the characteristic of American Romanticism? 4. The short story “Rip Van Winkle” reveals the __ attitude of its author.

5.Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by ___. 6.Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in ___ and Thoreau. 7.Which is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”? 8.____ is considered Mark Twain’s greatest achievement.


History And Anthology of American Literature (6) 附:作者及作品 一、殖民主义时期The Literature of Colonial America 1.船长约翰·史密斯Captain John Smith 《自殖民地第一次在弗吉尼亚垦荒以来发生的各种事件的真实介绍》 “A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony” 《弗吉尼亚地图,附:一个乡村的描述》 “A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country” 《弗吉尼亚通史》“General History of Virginia” 2.威廉·布拉德福德William Bradford 《普利茅斯开发历史》“The History of Plymouth Plantation”3.约翰·温思罗普John Winthrop 《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England” 4.罗杰·威廉姆斯Roger Williams 《开启美国语言的钥匙》”A Key into the Language of America” 或叫《美洲新英格兰部分土著居民语言指南》 Or “A Help to the Language of the Natives in That Part of America Called New England ” 5.安妮·布莱德斯特Anne Bradstreet 《在美洲诞生的第十个谬斯》 ”The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America” 二、理性和革命时期文学The Literature of Reason and Revolution 1。本杰明·富兰克林Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) ※《自传》“ The Autobiography ” 《穷人理查德的年鉴》“Poor Richard’s Almanac” 2。托马斯·佩因Thomas Paine (1737-1809) ※《美国危机》“The American Crisis” 《收税官的案子》“The Case of the Officers of the Excise”《常识》“Common Sense” 《人权》“Rights of Man” 《理性的时代》“The Age of Reason” 《土地公平》“Agrarian Justice” 3。托马斯·杰弗逊Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) ※《独立宣言》“The Declaration of I ndependence” 4。菲利浦·弗瑞诺Philip Freneau (1752-1832) ※《野忍冬花》“The Wild Honey Suckle” ※《印第安人的坟地》“The Indian Burying Ground” ※《致凯提·迪德》“To a Caty-Did” 《想象的力量》“The Power of Fancy” 《夜屋》“The House of Night” 《英国囚船》“The British Prison Ship” 《战争后期弗瑞诺主要诗歌集》 “The Poems of Philip Freneau Written Chiefly During the Late War” 《札记》“Miscellaneous Works” 三、浪漫主义文学The Literature of Romanticism 1。华盛顿·欧文Washington Irving (1783-1859) ※《作者自叙》“The Author’s Account of Himself” ※《睡谷传奇》“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” 《见闻札记》“Sketch Book” 《乔纳森·欧尔德斯泰尔》“Jonathan Oldstyle” 《纽约外史》“A History of New York” 《布雷斯布里奇庄园》“Bracebridge Hall” 《旅行者故事》“Tales of Traveller” 《查理二世》或《快乐君主》“Charles the Second” Or “The Merry Monarch” 《克里斯托弗·哥伦布生平及航海历史》 “A History of the Life and V oyages of Christopher Columbus” 《格拉纳达征服编年史》”A Chronicle of the Conquest of Grandada” 《哥伦布同伴航海及发现》 ”V oyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus” 《阿尔罕布拉》“Alhambra” 《西班牙征服传说》“Legends of the Conquest of Spain” 《草原游记》“A Tour on the Prairies” 《阿斯托里亚》“Astoria” 《博纳维尔船长历险记》“The Adventures of Captain Bonneville” 《奥立弗·戈尔德史密斯》”Life of Oliver Goldsmith” 《乔治·华盛顿传》“Life of George Washington” 2.詹姆斯·芬尼莫·库珀James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) ※《最后的莫希干人》“The Last of the Mohicans” 《间谍》“The Spy” 《领航者》“The Pilot” 《美国海军》“U.S. Navy” 《皮袜子故事集》“Leather Stocking Tales” 包括《杀鹿者》、《探路人》”The Deerslayer”, ”The Pathfinder” 《最后的莫希干人》“The Last of the Mohicans” 《拓荒者》、《大草原》“The Pioneers”, “The Praire” 3。威廉·卡伦·布莱恩特William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878) ※《死之思考》“Thanatopsis” ※《致水鸟》“To a Waterfowl” 4。埃德加·阿伦·坡Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) ※《给海伦》“To Helen” ※《乌鸦》“The Raven” ※《安娜贝尔·李》“Annabel Lee” ※《鄂榭府崩溃记》“The Fall of the House of Usher” 《金瓶子城的方德先生》“Ms. Found in a Bottle” 《述异集》“Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque” 5。拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) ※《论自然》“Nature” ※《论自助》“Self-Reliance” 《美国学者》“The American Scholar” 《神学院致辞》“The Divinity School Address” 《随笔集》“Essays” 《代表》“Representative Men” 《英国人》“English Traits” 《诗集》“Poems” 6。亨利·戴维·梭罗Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) ※《沃尔登我生活的地方我为何生活》 1


1.C aptain John Smith became the first American writer. 2.T he puritans looked upon themselves as a chosen people. collection of proverbs written by Benjamin Franklin. 4.T homas Paine’s famous pamphlet Common Sense boldly advocated a “Declaration for Independence”.

5.T homas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. has been called the “Father of American Poetry”. 7.I n Washington Irving’s appeared the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature.

8.C ooper’s enduring fame rests on his frontier stories, especially the five novels that comprise the is perhaps the peak of William Cullen Bryant’s wok. “father of American detective stories and American gothic stories”.


美国文学史复习(colonialism) 第一部分殖民主义时期的文学 一、时期综述 1、清教徒采用的文学体裁:a、narratives 日记b、journals 游记 2、清教徒在美国的写作内容: 1)their voyage to the new land 2) Adapting themselves to unfamiliar climates and crops 3) About dealing with Indians 4) Guide to the new land, endless bounty, invitation to bold spirit 3、清教徒的思想: 1)puritan want to make up pure their religious beliefs and practices 净化信仰和行为方式 2) Wish to restore simplicity to church and the authority of the Bible to the theology. 重建教堂,提供简单服务,建立神圣地位 3)look upon themselves as chosen people, and it follow logically that anyone who challenged their way of life is opposing God's will and is not to be accepted. 认为自己是上帝选民,对他们的生活有异议就是反对上帝 4)puritan opposition to pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated. 反对对快乐和艺术的追求到了十分荒唐的地步5)religious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a wrathful God.强调上帝严厉的一面,忽视上帝仁慈的一面。 4、典型的清教徒:John Cotton & Roger William 他们的不同:John Cotton was much more concerned with authority than with democracy; William begins the history of religious toleration in America. 5、William的宗教观点:Toleration did not stem from a lack of religious convictions. Instead, it sprang from the idea that simply to be virtuous in conduct and devout in belief did not give anyone the right to force belief on others. He also felt that no political order or church system could identify itself directly with God. 行为上的德,信仰上的诚,并没有给任何人强迫别人该如何行事的权利。没有任何政治秩序和教会体制能够直接体现神本身的意旨。 6、英国最早移民到美国的诗人:Anne Bradstreet 7、在殖民时期最好的清教徒诗人:the best of Puritan poets is Edward Tayor. 学习指南: 1、Could you give a description of American Puritans? 关于美国清教徒的描绘 Like their brothers back in England, were idealists, believing that the church should be restored to the "purity" of the first-century church as established by Jesus Christ himself. To them religion was a matter of primary importance. They made it their chief business to see that man lived and thought and acted in a way which tended to the glory of God. They accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God, all that John Calvin, the great French theologian who lived in Geneva had preached. It was this kind of religious belief that they brought with them into the wildness. There they meaant to prove that were God's chosen people enjoying his blessings on this earth as in Heaven. 2、Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest American writing. 3、The work of two writers, Anne Bradstreet & Edward Taylor, rose to the level of real poetry.


现当代文学 单项选择题 ( 在备选答案中选出一个正 确答案 ) 1. 《我的马克思主义观》的作者就是 ( ) 。 A. 李大钊 B. 钱玄同 C . 刘半农 D . 鲁迅 2 .撰写《评新文化运动》攻击新文化运动的就是 ( A .林纾 B .梅光迪 C .吴宓 D .章士钊 3 .影射小说《荆生》与《妖梦》的作者就是( A . 林纾 B . 梅光迪 C . 吴宓 D . 胡先骕 A.《狂人日记》 B .《冲积期化石》 C .《沉沦》 7 .《相隔一层纸》就是( )的诗歌处女作。 A . 胡适 B . 沈尹默 C . 冯至 D . 刘半农 8 .冰心的第一部小诗集就是( A . 文学研究会 B . 创造社 C . 民众戏剧社 D . 戏剧协社 15. 在《阿Q 正传》第五章“生计问题”中,鲁迅描写了一场阿Q 与谁的“龙虎 斗” ( )? A .假洋鬼子 B .小D C .赵秀才 D .王胡 16. 《伤逝》中涓生与子君费尽周折寻到的处所就是在 ( A . 吉祥胡同 B . 吉兆胡同 C . 吉利胡同 D . 兆吉胡同 17. 在《伤逝》中 , 涓生与子君就是怎样处理她们的叭儿狗“阿随”的 ( )? A . 《春水》 B . 《湖畔》 C . 《繁星》 D . 《女神》 9 .被鲁迅誉为“中国最杰出的抒情诗人”的作家就是 ( A . 胡适 B . 汪静之 10. “五四”运动前后 ( ) ? A .《新青年》 B . )。 C .冯至 D .郭沫若 , 以什么杂志为中心 , 形成了一个撰写杂感随笔的作者群 每周评论》 C .《语丝》 D .《时事新报?学灯》 )。 D . 叶圣陶 11. 《荷塘月色》的作者就是 ( A . 冰心 B . 朱自清 C . 鲁迅 12. 谁在《还乡记》 、《还乡后记》与《日记九种》中诉说了个人的遭遇与不幸 ( )? A . 郁达夫 B . 闻一多 D . 徐志摩 C . 郭沫若 13. 《新青年》 在1919年发表了谁借鉴易卜生的 《玩偶之家》 创作的独幕话剧 《终 身大事》。 ( )? A . 洪深 B . 郭沫若 C . 胡适 D . 丁西林 14. 提倡“爱美剧”的新文学社团就是 ( )。 )。 )。 4 .鲁迅继《狂人日记》后发表的第二篇白话小说就是 ( A . 《药》 B . 《孔乙己》 C . 《呐喊》 D . 《彷 徨》 5 .中篇小说《海滨故人》就是谁在本时期的代表作 ( A . 冰心 B . 王统照 C . 庐隐 D . 许地山 )。 )? )。 D .《漂流三部曲》 )。 )。


I. Complete each of the following statements with proper words or phrases and put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (20%, 1 point for each) 1. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in . 2. became the first American writer. 3. Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the values that dominated much of the early American writing. 4. In American literature, the 18th century was an age of and Revolution. 5. Franklin’s best writing is found in his masterpiece . 6. On January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet appeared. 7. The signing of symbolized the birth of an independent American nation. 8. The most outstanding poet in America of the 18th century was . 9. Washington Irving’s became the first work by an American writer to win international fame. 10. is the summit of American Romanticism. 11. With the publication of Emerson’s in 1836,American R omanticism reached its summit. 12. Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthorne’s novel . 13.Henry James’ major fictional theme is . 14. brought the Romantic period to an end. So the age of Realism came into existence. 15. The Poetic style invented by Whitman is now called . 16. “Because I could not stop for Death---” is written by . 17. The term The Gilded Age is given by to describe the post-civil war years. 18. Theodore Dreiser’s first novel is . 19. The leader of the literary movement Imagism is . 20. is the spokesman for Lost Generation. 答案: 1. 1607 2. John Smith 3. Puritan 4. Reason 5. The Autobiography 6. Common Sense 7. The Declaration of Independence 8. Philip Freneau 9. Sketch Book 10. Transcendentalism 11. Nature 12. The Scarlet Letter 13. international theme 14. The civil war 15. free verse 16. Emily Dickinson 17. Mark Twain 18. Sister Carrie 19. Ezra Pound 20. Ernest Hemingway II. Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers or completions. Choose the one that is the best in each case and put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (30%, 1 point for each) 1. The first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity was . A. Bret Harte B. Mark Twain C. Henry James D. William Dean Howells 2. Which of the following is the masterpiece of Mark Twain? A. The Gilded Age B. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
