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Lesson 54 Instinct or cleverness? 是本能还是机智

New words and expression 生词和短语



Insect 昆虫

worm 侧重指蚯蚓、蚕、毛虫等小而无骨的虫。还可以指人或动物体内的寄生虫,以及昆虫的幼虫。pest 指有害的昆虫或有害的小动物。害虫

bug 指小昆虫,尤指吸血的臭虫,也可指细菌。

insect 含义广泛,多指蚂蚁、黄蜂、蝉等等。六只脚,三部分

parasite 寄生虫

wage v.进行(斗争)

If a person, group, or country wages a campaign or a war, they start it and continue it over a period of time. 发动(运动或战争)

=begin and continue a struggle

=carry on 表示开始进行=launch 发起(重大活动、战役)

=undertake to do着手--He undertook to inform people concerned.

wage a war against /on/ upon 就什么方面展开斗争

--Life means perpetual struggle against poverty.

engage in不仅开展,而且全身心地投入

be engaged in / be determined on sth / be dedicated to sth / be devoted to sth

2、工资、报酬daily wage

earnings 多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。

income 与earnings含义很相近,但前者强调总收入。

wage 多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。

pay 是个通用词,可取代salary与wage.

salary 指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。

allowance 指收入中的补贴部分。津贴(eg:取暖费、高温补贴)

Kickback 回扣pension 养老金,退休金bonus 奖金,分红(年终奖,腾讯有部分是24-36个月)commission 佣金(提供服务,雇佣兵,杀手,能叫工资吗?)另:委托、委员会

fund 基金(专款资金)foundation 基金会(地基;房基;基础)(组织,fund才是钱)

contaminate [kənˈtæmɪneɪt] v.弄脏,玷污书面一些,新闻报道

: make dirty or bad or impure by mixing with dirty or poisonous matter

If something is contaminated by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, they make it dirty or harmful. 污染contaminate 指有害或不良脏物传布遍及原本纯净之物,常指一种缓慢的、间接传播的、意想不到的,或为一般手段所无法察觉的变化,如病菌、放射性尘埃或其他有害化学物质所造成的污染。如果用来形容环境污染,pollute 是最好的;contaminate 形容较小的污染,比如说要检验的样品里混进了细菌就叫做contaminated specimen

--Don’t eat the apple .It has been contaminated by flies.

--Don’t read the hot story ( 黄色书刊)just because it will contaminate (毒害)your mind.

pollute v. 污染

pollute 泛指使水面、空气、大气环境变脏,不适于在其中生活或使用,所涉及的不洁物常常是大宗的、广泛的、直接可见的。

--The air has been polluted severely / terribly / badly.

poison vt 污染(较口语化) --Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our city.

provocation n. 惹怒,激怒

provoke v.1、激怒;煽动(对…挑衅)2、引起

=make angry or bad-tempered / cause挑衅,引起,激起

--He was provoked beyond his endurance.

--He was provoked and it was more than he could endure.他是怒不可遏。

arouse v. 激起

--The book arouses / provokes my interest.

bring about / result in / lead to / give rise to

provoke sb’s interest in sth 激起某人兴趣

provoke sb to do / provoke sb into doing / cause sb to do sth致使某人做某时

--You provoked him to say so,why?


spider silk 蜘蛛丝spider web n. 蜘蛛网


Bumblebee [ˈbʌmblbiː]大黄蜂hornet [ˈhɔːnɪt] 大黄蜂




Hornet是黄蜂/Wasp这一大类的,其中那些个头比较大的Wasp被叫做Hornet:亚洲大黄蜂/Asian giant hornet 的体长可以达到4cm——BBB在这种大黄蜂面前就是一顿饭。从这一点来说,中文里将USS Wasp叫做“黄蜂号”,而称F/A-18为“大黄蜂”,是相当准确的。

Moth [mɒθ]飞蛾

Silkworm 蚕pupa [ˈpjuːpə蛹larva [ˈlɑːvə] 幼虫adult 成虫


revulsion [rɪˈvʌlʃn] n.厌恶(极端厌恶)八级对象介词一般用at

=disgust n. 厌恶,嫌恶vt. 使厌恶;使作呕== dislike

Be filled with~, feel~ 充满,感到cause~ 引起反感express~ 表达反感conceal~ 掩饰反感

Horde[hɔːd]群(一大群)八级2、(游牧)部落tribe 部落

uncanny [ʌnˈkæni] a.神秘的,不可思议的(strange and difficult to explain 离奇的程度高八级)

The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas主人翁丹尼与柯克·道格拉斯出奇地相像。mysterious a. 神秘的

--They are leading a mysterious life. --In spite of this ,he survived mysteriously.

eerie a.怪诞的,奇异的

--He looks eerie. --What he said is eerie to me.

eerie ['ɪərɪ] adj. 引起恐惧的,可怕的(strange and frightening causing a feeling of mystery and fear)

the eerie sound of an owl hoots in the forest at night 夜晚猫头鹰在森林里发出令人恐怖的叫声。
